HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-12-29, Page 1• 11 Vol. 88. No, 23 11114111•411111111111114.. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1904 New Advertisements, Thanks—J, G. Jones. Looal—G, A. Deadraon, Farm for sale—John B, Hyde, Farm for eale—Rlobard Pratt. Card of thanks—R. Efendereon, after the holidays—McKinnon & Go. Happy New Year —11., 0. Devise & Go. Sooietiee annual roaatinge—W. 13. Kerr. ihstrut tb3s, %V se 1 to ee. Mao. went to Goderiah. Every day '11 be pay day by and bye. J. E. and Mrs. Beattie spent Xmas in Sarnia. John Barrows is home from the West on a visit, Invitations are out for tbe annual A. 0. U. W. Bali, Frank McKim Game home in time for the Obriatatas gooee. Mr. and Mrs. Datigb bad Christmas dinner with 'the od folke" in Blytb, Misses Lizzie Barrows and Minnie Bennett have returned home from boll. aay vieits. Rev. and Mrs, Baker are spending a few days at the latter's tomer borne in Wyoming. Prof. Bargees, of Huron Collage, Lon- don, took the Berea:as in St. George's church last Sabbath. A few from town took in the oonoert in Bethel on Monday. They report a good oonoert but a smell atteudanos. 4 Don't forget the C000ert in the Metho. dist ohnroh next Monday evening. A uniteod program is beiug prepared. Pourei B. L let rest, Division 0. P. R. engineer, Ilaeu a brought his family to Bras -eta. Mr, noathirreet spent Christmas in chat town. edam The Epworth League of Christian dodeavor has been revived in the Metho. cos diet of:unit bare. Pdeetinge will be held V on Thursday evenings oommeneing with the New Year. Snob it soolety is of immense benefit to tbe yonng peop'e and we hope it will prosper in its objects. Card of Thanks. To the Electors of Brueeele I with to express my hearty thanks for the Christmas box presented to me in the Beeveehip for 1905 by acclamation. My perpose and denim is to faithfully dist charge my duty and work to promote the intereete of Brusgele. Yours Thankfully, R. HENDERSON. Thanks The undersigned wishes to return his best thanks to the public for their generous patron. age during the holiday season, For Watches, Clocks, Jewel- ry, &c., the people of this locality will find a fine assortment of de- pendable goods and at fair prices. J. G. JONES A specialty made of repairing and all work guaranteed. W.H.KER1,Prap. Time. and Mre, Clark and family, of Morris, epent thanday at Jae, Elieboa'et Mre, A. R. Sawa, of Goderieb, spent Chriattnits at the roeldenee of her father, Jno. Rea, of this village, W. G. Neal reoeived an invitation to Will. Pollard'e wedding which was elated for the 29th inst. at Eineouton, the bride being Mme Ida Burkholder. Both con. treating parties were well known here and their many friends wish them bappi• noes and eroaperity. M. Morrison, W, and Mre, Morrieon, B. EL and Pdre. Fergaeon and family attended a festive gathering of friends at the home of M. B. Moon, in ,fiallett, on Monday. The boat and hooteee had made lavish preparations and a large circle of relatives orived in doe time to partake of the Christmas dinner. Among thoee present, beside', those al. ready mentiorted, were Mrs. Moon et. ; B isha and Mre, AleVittie and family ; Wm. and Mrs, Moon and tinnily , Geo, and Hrs. Moon and Mise Taffa ; Thos. and Mrs, Cole and family ; Mre. S. Mo. Vatic er. and Albert PloVatie ; Robt. and etre. Oaldwell. 'After doing full juetice to the inner man, the guests spent the afternoon in music: and games. Aa night drew on a raid was made on the elnsive bivalve, after which the company again resorted to amuse/mate for a time and then took their 'lateral homeward seam voting Mr. and Dire. Moon a pair of royal entertainers. VV reexte ter. W. McBride, of London, visit here over Sunday. Skiff Robinson, of Wingbam, ape Sunday at his home. Austin Morrieon, of Markdale, ia t guest of hie parente. Mise Carrie Laurie is the gneet relativee in Wiughom, Chas. Sanderson made a businese tr to Toronto this week. Norman Cook, of Henna, is a guard the home of Geo. Harris, Geo. Paulin is spending a few holida with a brother in Simooe. Richard Griffith returned from Hunt villa for the Xmas holiday. 5fra. W. Carrie 'Tent Xmas wi relativea near Mount Forest, Jae. Ballengee, of Trowbridge, calla on old friends here on Friday. Oliver Smith, of Chesley, apent Xm with hie mother, Mrs. H. Smith, Mise Elsie Allan, of Hayaville, epending the vacation at her hom here. B. 13, Townsend and son, Bert, Blyth, spent a few days with friends i town. Alvin Hemphill and Be MoOracken, o Brussels, vieited in Walkerton las week. Mrs, W. Greer, of Wiarton, is th gnat of her pacente, Jae. and Mrs Paulin, Mise Edith Gibeoo, of Hamilton, i visiting with bar many friends in th village. Thos. and Mrs. Hemphill jr. are th gueete of the latter'', brother, J. Brawn o Tavietook. Mae Laurel MoLaughlin, of Brown Oity Mirth., viaited Miee Millie Barri last week. A. W. Robinson, of Sault Ste. Marie is epending a few weeks holidays nude the parental roof, Byron and Mre Simmons, of London, are vieiting the former's parente, Mae, and elra. Simmons, B. F. Carr is in Toronto and expeote to return with hie wife and family the hater pert of thie week. Mr. aed Kra. Irwin, of Belmore, have moved into their residence lately pur• obeaed from here. Goodfellow. Harris Hamilton, of Platen, and Somerville Hamilton. of Toeonto, spent Xmas with their perents near here. Miee Nellie Bleak ie apending two weeks at her home haying returned from London wbere she attends High &boot, The animal Xmas Entertainment of tbe Methodist Sunday School paeeed off very well on Monday night. The ball was well filled. The many friende of John Brawn congratulate hint on hie marriage to Miss Gay, of Toronto, whioh took plaoe in Toronto, on Monday, efeAt tbe nomination held on Monday laat, the following gentlemen were nominated for Reeve : —W. E. Haze. wood, R B. Harris and J. Davideon, For 00uneillorti : —A. fdunroe, J. Rorie, T. RenaPhill, W MaKercher 13. Sleek, D. Reis, W. M. Robinson, A. Paulin and J. Douglas. For Trustees A. Gibson, R. J. Bann, and N. White. ed nt be of ip at Ye 6 - tit as of a ; 111111111111•1111•111111111.1211M1111 IA Happy New Year —AND A— Prosperous 1905 IS WHAT WE WISH YOU ALL. W.0 thank you for the patronage you have given us during 1904 and we respectfully solicit a continuance of your favors, assuring you at all times of our very best services R C. Davies 8o Co. ETHEL. It is said if Robert Miller Is re elected ea Co. Councillor next Morality that he will stand a good chance for the Wardenle chair for the awning year. 0, 0. F,—The following were the °Moors sleeted by Oonrt Wroxeter, No. 267, 0, 0. F., for 1905, on Friday night :—N. M. White, 0, R. ; (1. T. Edwarda, V. 0. B. : R. J. Minn, R. 8. W. M. Robinson, 13. 1 J. Davldeon, Treas. ; J. Morrieon, Chaplain ; G. Trench, 5. W, ; J. Smith, J. W. ; T. A., Gibson, S. B. ; R. B. Harrie, J, B, ; D.W. Rae, 0. D. 1.3 1.. e veal 0. John Musgrove was elected Reeve of Tornberry township by aoceametion last Mot:day. In the report of the Orange Tea Meet. ing program the excellent ramie rendered by the orahestra was not mentioned, neither was a tine recitation by Mies Pea000k and a very iutereeting reading by Mini Doff. Letteib ler v. Glayton S. White, of thie prime, cap- tured honors at the recent Model Sohool Eaam. Well done. Miee Cara ale° petered but her certificate will be bold until abe le 18 year', of age. Nominations in McKillop last Mon. tiny were as follows :—For Reeve.— Daniel Manley and Michael Mardis. For Councillors. — Thomas Archibald, (new) Peter 0. Kerr, (new) John M, Govenlook, James Ryen, (naw) Cheraw Little, John 5. Brown, Michael Rowland, Francis tleQuaid.1 13salgerre-vce. Timmy Onaaoa Sunni! Sotion.—The Christmas tree entertainment on Friday evening lest was a pronounced amass. The program was a varied and phasing one, consisting of Bongo, °sada, reoits. tions, drill, tailored minstrele, &a. Be. fore the oloee an address was read and a handsome gold watch was presented to Mies MoOlelland, the eeteemed organiet of the (rhumb. The racier, Rev. Mr. Edmonds, read the address and the preeentation was made by two little girls, Annie Bridges and Josephine Johnston, Meath praiee is due to Mr. Ma:least, the station =tater and hie good wife for the pains they took and the Went displayed 10 traioiug the little onea. A. very pleasant evening was epent and the pro. °Mays terminated about 10 30. The usual bags of candies were distributed to the children and the present', from the tree. Caen sabreeceir. T. T. MoRee and W. J. Cameron, of Toronto, are home for the Christmas balidaya. Thos. Bird arrived here last weele,_ and will visit for a month or so with relatives and friends before returning. Jno. MoQuarrie, of Walkerville, was here during the past week visiting at D. MeQuarrie's and calling on other relit. tivea and old friende. Wednesday of last week thomatrimon- ial knot was tied at the home of the officiating minieter here between Peter H. MoNeil and Miss Marion Campbell, both of Grey. We extend oongratala. tains and wish them a large measure of happiness. A. very saooeeeful Sunday School entertainment was held in the Methodiat obarah, lest Friday evening. After a sumptuous nipper bad been "weed, tbe following exoelleat program was redder ed ;—Seleotion by the Omit choir t prayer ; chairman's addrees by Rev. T: Weeley Omens reoitation by Alfie Forrest ; selection by the oburob ohair ; reaitation by Myrtle MoDooald ; violin eeleotion by Mr. Wilfred ; reoitation by Jeeeie Monies ; selection by Sunday Bohool choir ; recitation by Bessie Alderson ; violin selection by Mr. Wil. fred ; reoitation by Janie Menzies ; gel. tuition by Sunday School choir ; reoita tion by nine give. About ten o'clook Banta Came arrived and a well -laden Xmas Aroh wee stripped. Among the presente was a email bag of oats for the primer, the pledge of a load of oate to be delivered next day at the parsonage stable. This is the third time the Oran. brook Methodiete have remembered their preeent pastor in this way. Although the Sunday Sobool ',cholera ware admit- ted free, the proceeds of the entertain. mane amounted to nearly 620, whioh was a tiptop result, islettrel. Sohool re.opene next Tueaday. The barium places of the village will be eloeed next Monday, it being s holiday. There wee a big crowd in Ethel last Moeclay attending the township nomiaat Hone. Mrs, T. Driver, of 131anshard, le yid. Ing her parenta, Jae. and Mrs. Living. atone, Master Flaccid Livingstone, of the lath eon., ie spending hie vaoetion with hie amnia, Melvyn Slemmon, We congratulate W. Freeman on pee- ing the Model School Examination, givt ing him liberty now to wield the rod. Lao Sabbath geeing John Walls, of Harriett:in, preitehed in the Methodist chetah here. Rev, Mr. Wella wari at Gerrie. PallanNTATroh.—Ethel publie Bebop) oloeed last Thursday. Daring the after. noon Mr. Smith, the principal, liberally treated the pupils to needy. After a program wag rendered by the pupils and abort addressee by Reit 0. P. Wane and W. Freeman, two of the pupae came forward and the following addrese was read :—Dicart Tesouna,—.11pon thie Nat day ot school t70 kilt it tilting we should express our tessera that we are about to Bever our relations aeteaoher and. Pupils, The paet year bas been for tie one of profit and pleasure and in your going away We loot a be1per and personal friend. Ao a alight token of our respect, friendeltip, goodwill and gratitude we atilt yon to aocept of thie Traeelling Compaii, ion and thooe glevegt We hope gone (nave May be bit:Deed by God and that wherever you are, you may have prOe- perity. Signed en behalf of the gollool, Matter& IntIAV, Mint Otikrite. Mr. Smith made a suiteble reply and thanked the pupils for their good behavior during the pest year. He has taught the Ethel goitool very goaceeefutly and now goes to Amain, Man., where he reoaivee a large inorease at ealary. ENTRIITAINUENT. •-• The Entertainment in couneotion with the Ethel Methodist B. S. missed all roost euctossetnlly• Not. withstanding the inclemency of the even • lug the Towneblp Hall woe wall 1111013, and the following program was render- ed :—Opening hymn and prayer 'by the pastor ; °horns, the praieee of God" by the S. S. choir 1 recitation, "Setae Ohms' petitiort" E, Thompson ; ahem, "Obrietate eleighride ;" dialogue, "Christmas oome again Santa ;" oborne, "Tbe dear little baby ;" recitation, "Chrietmas" Verde Pollard ; reoltatiou by Baby Gill ; hoop drill by 12 girla ; dialogae, t'A matrimonial tiff," 13. Cob. son and 0. Baynard ; recitation, "I want to be a onto" 13. FORM t 8010, "In O little while" 0. Baynard 1 chortle, "Where a the King 7" exercise, "Canada our homeland ;" recitation, "Joe's Oh ristmaa angel" L. Clambers ; dialogue, "Worth before show ;" ohorne, ' The little Mare ;" Umbrella drill by 12 eirle ; recitation, "A. letter to Sante." Elwyn Dobson ; °horns, "We hail the King ;" reaitatiou, "Hush" Gracie Eokmier ; solo, "fleeting on the hilletde" o. Sirup. son recitation, "A better man" Irene Hogarth ; chorus, "The snow brigade" 7 boys ; dialogue, "The matrimonial advertieement ;" recitation, "When daddy was a boy" 14. Slemmon ; Pan' lomine, "Jam Lover of my eonl ;" 8 girle ; recitation, ”Cau'dn't do without Bessie" P. Malleo; oborus, ' Stockings and candles ;" doxology and benediction by the Pastor. Receipts 620.00, The members of the S. el. were adulated free. Rev. 0. P. Mlle was obairman. Jamestown. A former resident of this Motility, in the person of Jun. Wilsom of Barrow, hoe been visiting relatives and friends here. Time deals very kindly with bine. Miss Mabel Hartry,of Sealortb, wbo taught suaoseefully in the Efowiok and Grey Boundary public sobool, has ao• awed o pisition in Essex Co. at Harrow, and will comment:a her dna% next Tues. day. We wish her mouse. Following are the °Cheers for the Young People'a Society, whioh meets in Vtotoria Hall here each Friday evening :-'--Bou. Preeicient, Thoe. Strachan ; Preeident, John Chat ; Vioe-Preeident, Miss Maggie Snell ; Cor. Secretary, Miss Addie Multi - gen ; Treasurer, John Maier; Organists, aliases Oombes, McKelvey, Wright and Mom. There are also several well equipped committees. New topic oarde far the next six months are ready for distribution. WEDDING 13ELT.S.—Deepite the unpro- pitious weather of Tuesday there was a large assemblage of guests at the home of Wm. and Mre. McKelvey .to witneee the matrimonial alliance between Louis Barmier, a well.to do young gentleman of Morris, and Mies Maud, the estimable slaughter of the boat and hostess. As the attains of the Wedding march pealed forth, ander the deft manipulation of Miss Marjorie Strachan, the prineipals end attend/tate took their places when Rev. John Roae, 13. A., of Brussele, par. formed the oeremooy. The bride'who is fair to look upon at any time, looked charming in her wedding coetume. She was attended by her rester, Mies Alma, who also wore a becoming drama. A E. lidelliab, of the Metropolitan Bank, Brut. sets was groomsmen and along with the brideemaid looked after their chalets with neatness and diepatoh. Mr. Eokmier and bride were showered with nongratulations and valuable, useful and handeme presents ae well. It was DO small task to eater to 120 meta bat Mrs. McKelvey and her aseistants filled the bill to o nicety, as the nectar:series and laxariee of life were :laved with a generone hand. The. officiating clergy. man propoeed a toast to the bride and groom that encompassed the aenbil21806 °Late aoatpany. An enjoyable evening was spent by all. Mr. and Mre. Eokmier left on a short wading tour to Toronto, Duffel° and other pointe. Tbey will make their borne on the groom e flue farm on the 2od line of Morrie, where they will commenee house•keeping with the hearty good wishea of many rela• tines and Mende. Tan Poar throws an editorial slipper after them in their matrimonial start out in life, I-Xenia/eve/. les, Aezaterseen.—In the beginning of lair* Sommer a Union Sandey School Was organized in St. Davidle ohnroh, Hen frya, with the fo.lowing affix:ere and teachere :—Supt., L. A. Mason ; Asst. Supt, Jaa. Rerr ; Sea,-Treae., Mise Sugie Rowland ; Teaohera, S. Ohentbers, J. Kerr, John A. Trumbull, James Tim:neon, Dere. Boreland, Mies U. Engler and Mies Lizzie Kerr ; Organiat, Mies Emily Mason. From the beginning a lively interest was shown in the work. The attendance and attention to Bible May exoeeded the moat sanguine expectations of those marrying ou the work. One specie( !Mere is worthy of mention that le the goodly number of °Anita who attended the servites, Leek Sunday the eohool woe oilseed for the Winter. ?regents were dietributeci among the yonoger saholare, A unanimous request wan made to have aohool re opened text Spring. Before the school was °lolled J. Thomson stepped to the front and read the following eddrese Mr. Z. 4. Nairn : DUB ri few of those who have attended Ole Union Sun. clay Soho& at Efenteen (inane the pad Summer and Autumn, over which you were appointed imperfutendenp, deeire to express to you Oar appreciation of the work you have done in the aoheol, We believe you bave to 080 Meiderable self, denial to oome 00 teenier/3/ ge yoe bave done end you blunt have given a good deal ef time and thohgbt to the livens to Make them as intermitting and infitruolive as you love don, No doubt you have done this from e dislike to bo helpful to theee wbo have attended and aleo as a meatie teemed the Winging 1 of the Kingdom of Cheat. We believe you have enjoyed the 'maxim to a oertain extent, knowing that "be who waters others shall himself be watered," We trust your work and all other', who have been oonneated with yon 10 the eohool will not be in vain but tbet game fruit may be gathered aa a result of the Sune. mercer, labor. Yoa have not been looking for a temporal reward bat for that re- ward that acmes to the one wbo gives bat a oop of mild water in the oame of a disaiple. Please allow us to preeent you with thie for octet, 000 00 a reward but as a token of Oer oppreciation of year melees. May you live long to (motions in the services of the Lord and to enjoy the comfort this coat will bring to you. May you have many stars in your crown of rejoicing when you are called away from thie world to enter into the kayo of that other world where "there is fulness of joy and pimentos for evermore." Signed an behalf of the Henfryn S. Be Reno, Oxen, Wor. Logs, SAMUEL Deo. 25th, 1904, Mr. Meson made a feeding and moat appropriate reply in aooeptieg the gift and the kind words mompanyine it. The Superintendent has managed affairs splendidly end in addition to hie in. struotion in teuating has impreseed teeny truths indellibly by hie WWI in blackboard exeroises. The other officers and teaching etuff rendered splendid serviette too and uo small good teas so oompliebed by the opening of the sobool and it would be a great pity not to eon. throe it next Beason. r kips. Reeve Code was eleated by aoola Mon last Monday. There will be a for the Councillors' attains. Frank Oloakey, of Toronto, le hoild ing with relatives and friends berg. le a son of W, EL Oloakey formerly of 6th line, George Bielby in home from University, Toronto, for his vaoati He looks ae if hard study agreed w him all right. David Walker, who makes his ho at Tupperville, Rent Go., wae eel home to attend the funeral of his gra father 'Welker. During the past week Wm. Bird, line, bats been quite ill with inflamm ace of the lunge bat we trust epee recovery may eneue. Joe. Petah, of Deloreioe, ManitObai former edorrisite, arrived here last we on a visit and will upend a month two if not more here. Notrramou DAY.—Tbere was a lar turn out of eleotore at the Townehip H last Monday at the annual nominatio Clerk Clark reoeived the following name —For Reeve—Thos. Code by Wm. Nicholson end Jae. Eloott ; Wm. Iablet by T. S. Brandon and Geo. Jaokao For Ocounafilore—Arthur Shaw by in Watson and Joseph Smith ; Geo. 'Purvey by Samway Paul and Thole Wo wick; Wm. H, MoCatobeon by Jose Smith and Wm. Thuell ; M. Belly Thos, Code and M. lol. Cardiff ; Ge Taylor by Jae. Itaseen and Geo. Prootor • Geo Jaokeoo by Wrn, least and Rioliard Proctor; Riot/era Bewle by Robt. j, Sopa and Peter PdoNabb Chas, 0, atmpbell, by T. S. Brando and Junco' Golley. At 1 p. m. Warde Bowman waa abeam obairman an ',peaches were made by the candidate Reeve Dilatator's retirement gave th heir at the head of the table to T. Cod Geo. Jackson withdrew as a nominee fo Councillor but it is stated that the othe seven are in the field and will wait tb decision of the ratepayers next Monday Eilniton INTO Bum—Last Sabbea evening the spirit of Mrs. Jame Clennan forsook the May tenement an entered iota rest. She bad been, ill fo about 3 years. Last July a medics operation was performed in a Detroi Hospital and although it waa hope beneficial results would accrue mob wa not the case and site gradually failed an after 5 weeke in bed the end oame a above Batted despite all that could b done. aim Clennanie maiden name wa Mary Ann edoQaaide, her home being i MOKillop, 36 years ago she wee married Co Me. Clennan and from then her hem lives on lot 22, 7th line, Morrie. Mr llenhan and one eon gas. J. of Detroit nd four daughters (Mrs. Berke, o Etaitimore ; 1116. F. G. Bennett, o Detroit ; Adige Tillie, nurse, at home at resent; and Mrs. Jae. Jame, of eintoita aurvive and will hold in loving embranoe the life of a true wife and ng mother. The funeral service was e d in the R. 0. dumb, Brunets, on neaday morning when Rev. Fr. North. raves offiainted, Interment was made the R. 0. oemetery in Morrie, The Ororrinnity sympathise with the ereavcid. Ma• run ay - He the the on. ith me led nd- 7113 dy 0 els or ge all n. a: G. er n. o. W. 0' ph by 0. w. er a n 0. e. a 1 a a 0 D 9 in b BottOOL ENTEIWAINMIONT.—Tbe teaoher and pupae of EL Ea No. 5, Morrie, have reason to congratulate themselvea on the grand Burmese of the examination held in oanneotion with their Bohool on Tnee• day, Dec. /let. In spite of the extremely (stormy day the tieitore mine out in lege numbers and by one o'clock the echoed was oomfottabty filled. The teachers present were the Mime thinainghana, Manning, Graham and Wood e and Meagre, Alamos, Fraser, Montgomery, Weir and W. E. Buyans. After the alasees had been examined by the visiting teachers Rev. A. E. Jones, Belgrave, delivered a shore address, en- bouraging the pupils and 'Meseta in their interest in eohool work. After whioh there were 0 fee; abed speeobee given by the ratepayers then tbe pupiia mug "Ohrietmae belle" and all joined in Dinging "God eave the King," In the evening the Concert which yea gotten up by the young people of the geotion was also a grand nueasee. Rev. J, Nestle, ltf, A. °rumpled the °hair and St well mooted program Wag given, Speelal mention mot be ramie of etiv outside talent the Masse', Sharp, of Beassea, and H. Wight:matt, of Wing - ham whose selections Were well predated by all. The proosede, which ay:Donated to 420.00, are to be need in purchasing It library for the 0011601. Fred. Bryson it, the painstaking and emeestul teaoher in the eohool. BeliOnr, EnTiniTAINiaccur Atio Pantiolfet, nose—Friday evening the Bohol enter, taintneut at the oloeiog of the term was held in Ole Anderson school, 3rd line, and wee a decided Imams. Walter Yuill, one of the trusteee, ocoupied the ohair and the following well rendered program was given :—Weloome, Ethel Sellers ; song, "Wave the Flag" ; dielogue, "Aunt Virginiete Ear tronapet" •, Bolo, Mica( Ida Bowman ; recitation, Mies °nation ; tdijoanI"Zgramophone;‘''71iitiet'eeonigtuastie;n , Bilfisalece PCIcEi nire : dialogue, "Thankagivieg Turkey"; seleation on gramophone ; re, citation, Miee Solara ; eong, ',Christmas Bella" ; dialeetie, "Making soap" ; roc& tation, Mae 0entIon',1eolo, Mae Dancian ; dialogue, "Counting ego" ; reoitation, Ethel Sellars ; gramophone selection ; dialogna "Poisoned Denise" ; solo, Miea Sharp ; recitation, Mier: McGuire ; song, "Welcome to Santa oleo" ; "God Save the King". An interesting feature of the evening was the unloading of a Ohristmaa Tree under the oapable direation of Santa °leas Rob. Bowman. There was a lags attendaooe and exoelieot order. Miss Nellie Jacalecton, the attooessfal and highly esteemed teacher, wee leaving the eohool to go to her home at Centralia, so an address was read to her by Percy Mitchell and the gold Bracelet and Fountain pen were presented,by Miosee alaybelle Anderson and Alioe Mitchell. The address was as follows :— Miss Nellie Jamieson: Dan Tnaolien,—Even at that glad season there is a tinge of sorrow at the thought that the pleasant aesociatione exieting between as for the peat 4 years are goon to be terminated. We thank yon very sincerely for tbe deep interest you have alwaye taken in the general welfare of the Bastion in both the day aohool and Sunday eohool and we regret your removal very much. Actions speak loader than merle however hem we eek you to aooept thie Gold Bracelet and Fountain Pen as a memento of the kindly regard in which you are held, We wish you many happy, prosperous years wherever your lot may be oaat and hope to ooeaeionolly, at least, have a visit from you. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 1.18W Year. We are your friends of S. S. No. 6, Miss Jamieeon appropriately but briefly thanked the people for their kindness to her and 4w1i2a.b0e0,dthe !wheal and people of the Seca tion great emcees. The financial pro. °sada of the entertainment was about ("4, r ens. John Livingston was home from Detroit for Obrietmas holidays. Alex, D. Lamont, of Toronto, ie holi- daying under the parental roof, 7tb con. Mrs. Marsden Smith and Mise Martha spout Ohriatmas with relatives in Toron• to. J. G. Hogg, of Toronto, le a visitor under the parental roof. Re will return to the Queen City, Mae. Eaket will go to Stratford after New Year'a with the idea of sectoring employment there. Mrs. Donald Oampbell and Miee Net. tie, 16th con., are renewing old friend. ships in Hatton Go. Roy, the little eon of George and Mrs, OloParlane, has been on the elok list but we hope he will won be all right. A. and Mre. Morrieon, of Michigan, are weloome visitors with relatives and friends in Grey township and Brussels. John Blake, wbo is attending Medioal College at Detroit, is holidaying at We home here. Be is ae stalwart as ever. At theteohool meeting on Wedneaday at Monorieff Wm. Sohnook was eleoted trnatee in the place of Marshall Herrieon, The latter will look after the oleaniog of the eohool for 1905. The municipal election takes platers next Monday. There are seven oandi. Mee in the field viz. Wm. Erecter, L. Frain, A. Turnbull and Jug. Grant, members of the Board for 1904, and Gem MoGall, Jno. Brown and D. Sohnston, new men, Reeve Livingstone was sleet. ed by aoolamation. BARN Fitinnon.—Ltiet Monday evening Robb. Roy's barn, lot 7, aom 5, wag oom. pletely destroyed by 13re. Rio brother Richard was doing the ohoree, in Ole absences of the proprietor, and Blipped down the ladder with the lantern setting fire to the building and de/greying it. The barn was insured in the Hovriak Mutual Go. S. B. Lamont took a ran to Kink:tea last Friday to attend the oloaing exeroieee of Ole aobool taught by hie old friend K. J. Tbe latter ia leaving the pro feesion aud will make bis home in Clinton for a time where be will proton:tuts his studies and at the same time aid hie father in basinees there. He visited Mr. Lamont for a few attys. Charlie Fax and Jamas Dark, of Neepawa, Manitoba, ere bees on e boli. day trait. It ie 16 years aim the former wee bere and 10 years aim Mr. Dark'a hest visit. Both have done well and are loud in their please of the wonderful West. Good prices have prevailed Sae year and notnpeneated for the light damage done by mat, they sey, The West evidently agreee well with the traitor& nail= RN UNIO0,—Monday evening a fatally mention wan held at the old home. Mad, now the property of Albert Fox, 10th con., when the 9 brothers and sisters met for the firet timeitt lmost go yoare and were joined on thie omission by about 75 friends; to celebrate the event. Dating the afternoon a family photo. Was taken and the evening Was devoted to reheio. genial °hat, danohy, &o. A regular tem meeting supper wee nerved at midnight and Mr, and Mrs. Fort Were voted a first. oleos boat and hostess withent any doubt. The children are Win., and Mrs. W. Maya et Dinakoka ; 'ma, and Thoe., Ann Arbor, Mich. ; Maybe, of Neepawa, Man. ; IlOro, ttugh Porter, of Grey ; Mae, Geo. Dark and Mre. 0. It Rollos, of Atwood '; and Albert, of Grey. t was a very happy time and the membere of the family were delighted at the poeeihility of atoll a home gathering, SOCOUSeVin Enron:n(44.—On Thera. nay afternoon of last week, an examination wee held in 8. S. No. 0. It wee well attended by tbe temente of the seotion, wheal ehowe the interest Wren by them in the welture of their school. In all the lateens the pupite acquitted themselves well Red did credit to atom, selves and their teccoher. A specie; feature was a spelling matob, eanduoted by Mrs. Henry alaNeught, between the fourth oleos of the eohool and tit,. fourth • cam of a neighboriug eabool, itle, 10, which proved quite interestiug, 4. aplendid program wee well rendered by Ole pupae at the oloee et whioh abort addresses were given by M. Baffle eon, H. MoNangbt and Member Lament all expreesing their satiefitotion at the advancement whioh ha being made by the pupae. The eohool te progressing very favorably under the effioierit menege• meet of teaoher Buchanan. -44.44.• Christmas Display of Choke Meats. Bruese's never takes a book Neat when it cornea to Christi:nag and Doter die. playa of tbe ohoioest of mato and the past week the looal betel:era left nothing undone to keep up the poet reputation and as a retina the Quante:tors bud AA opportunity of posse:wing some of the choioest mints. Many complimem were conferred on the two ehope. A. 0. oniutlit'S DISPLAY consisted of a 2 year old heifer fed by L. Wheeler, of Grey, whioh weighed 1260 and dressed 780 pounds ; a heifer, Halite 2, fed by George MaFarlane, Grey, weighed 960 and dressed 676 pounds ; a year old heifer fed by Jno. Gerrie, whose weight was 1350 and dressed 806 pounds ; 5 hogs fed by P. Lamont, Grey, weighed 1000 and devised 170 lbs. each ; 1 pig 6 months old bought from Alex. Buohanan, Grey, cat -seed 180 poands ; Iamb, fed by Walter Swallow, LeadurY, dresaed 100 goo& ; 1 theep fed by Wm. Work, Gray, dressed 150 pounds. nate was also a neat lot of ohiokeoe, turkeys, &lake, geese, belogea, waaaage, headabeeee, leaf lard, and 1411 kinds of smoked meats. The whole exhibit was neatly arrayed with evergreene, time paper flowers, &o. and attracted cons eiderable favorable oomment. A. T. Currie wee aesisted by Andrew Carrie, formerly proprietor of tbe shop, owing to 0000h. etodhleabled hand of Jno. Currie. The two Aady's did the work rip to the top • w. minim two heifers, 2 and 3 years old, fed by Robert Menarey, Grey, dresaing 1200 paunch); a 2 year old heifer fed by E. Hamilton of ItleXillop, which dressed 500 pounds ; • a2 year old heifer bought from Ted Nolan, Grey ; 5 Macke hogs from D. Marsh, Grey, that dreseed over 100 pounds Bitola ; 2 lambs from B. Walker, Morrie, that droned 60 the. apieoe ; all kinds of poultry, balogna, hems, rolled becon, &o. There was also a little porker from Juo. Hollinger, Grey, weighing 15 lbs, The display wee tastily deoorated with flowere, evergreene, &o. and was inapeoted by mora than English- men, who spoke approvingly of Mr. Eteffron's exhibit. 011001011 CHIMES. Rev. Fr. Coroore,n. of Beaforth, officiated at the Christmas service in the R. O. ohuroh here laat Sabbath morn. ing. The Sabbath salmi dame eaaght by Misses Carrie Megaton and Thum Gerry had a jolly time last Saturday afternoon over a sleigh ride given them Rev. Peter Oober, of Berlin, will preach in tbe Methodist oburob next Sabbath morning. The reverend gentleman is a brother to our towliamate Joe. Colter. Next Sabbath Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., will preach oburoh anniversary sermons in North Mornington and Rev. Jac). W. Cameron, M. A. wilt 000ttpy ohuroh pulpit here. Last Banday Rev, Prof, Bargees, of Boron College, London, Was in charge of the aervioes in St. John's Church, Broe. eels. The reverend gentleman hes been here on former ocaasione. "Let us go and see this thing that hue happened" Luke 2 15 was the text abeam by Rev. John Rose B. A., last Sabbath morning and evening in Melville °banal from whioh two °brain:as sermons were preaohed. The choir gave ae Chrlatmag Anthems glory Evermore," by Rughes end "Hark the Herald Angels slug," by Aehford. In the Methodiet Sabbath School Brunets, last Sabbath in addition to the lesson Miss Lance, Cardiff gave a reading; Paths Iwrie moOracken a recitation ; Vera Ainlay, Stella Gerry and Stella Spetaiu a Christi -Ilea trio ; amu 8, B. Lamont and K, J. Beaton short address sea, The 00116°0a . was for the Gun. effinptive Sanitarium and totalled 915 78, a very respeotable auto intlea. Several classes were the recipients of Cantata -me gate from their teachers. Tmt ROsT is pleased to neglect that Seligson Presbytery hes recommended the mime of Rev. john Rona, 13, A., the well known potor of Melville °Itroit Brussels for the profereor's ohair in Practical Theology at the Presbyterian College, Montreal. We would be sorry ke see nev, Mr. Roes remove from 13rneeela but believe he would fill the position exact well se he la a Mee': student, a elm thinker and peactioal in hie evict. He bag been in kayo for 25 years, Rev. A, B. Birke, L. L 13,, of settforth, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist (hook bore last Sabbath on the oceiegimt of the ohnrob anniversary and gave two exeolient dienoureett. Morning subject was a Cihristlicuill One and in the evenin4 "Great le the avatory of Gorilineaa" woe the tett. The effete An the morning rendered the antbetos "And there wero Shepherde," and "Even Me," and at the sienn; eerviee "The Newborn King" and 'While Shepherds Watch their Fleoke." W. ti, and Mtg. Willis, of Seeforth, eta Abitoa the ohoir in the evening, the former singing in good Vbi00 the beautiful aolot "Sometime Somewhere,"