The Brussels Post, 1904-12-15, Page 5TRAIN DP A CHILD And when up send hila or het. to L/SJOWEL j Termopoie April 11th, 1904 (1�1 'TWO 000r1o0— Oommerolal and Shorthand, Send for Oolloge Joernal. A. L. MOINTYRE, Manager. x$9$3 r9litia1'3 slgttra5lt BUSINESS CARDS, Air ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 I'ER oeut, P, a, SCOTT, Armando, % 7 H. NIoORAOKEN— P P • Ieaer of Marriage Lioonoog, Of - Ace at Grocery,Turnbarry, street, Brussels, 11ARMS FOR SALE—TRE UN• DERSIaNED tae several good Farms tar rale and to rout, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F S. SOOTT,Brussel C. O. F. Court Prinoose Alexandria, No, Si, 0.0, IP., Bruseals, meets in their Lodge Room, Sias - hill Block en the Sod and last Tuesdays of emelt month, 8,18 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAS. BUit(lESS, C. R. A, E, 7tMELLISH, 13. S. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MiSS JEAN M'LAUCHLiNI —TEACHER OP— /PIANO - AND - ORGAN, mm-crSSFJ=,S, o= -T, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: INSD1RANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. t!, L,ECKI,E, LIF01 AND FIR((; INSORANCE, LOAN AND ROIAL ESTATE AGENT, OfDoe over Horsley% Drug Stare, Nov, 8003.1902. 110.8m Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire insurance Co., ESTABLISHED 1840 I08111.000e taken on the cash and premium note system atourrent rates. Bstore Maur - Ina elnewhere call on the uodereigned Aged of the Oompany. GEORGE ROGEIRS,132000018. AUCTIONEERS. 1 1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- non, will sell Ser better prices, to better men, in lass time and lase ''bargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the offioe of Tim Pow, Brussels. 2280 VETERINARY. D. WARWICK— er • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dio- ceses of domeotioatod animals 'in a contest - tint manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry Oohs promptl at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD— • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Btu. Successor t0 G. F. Blair, Office over Stan- dard Bunk, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan B auk. M. SINCLAIR • Barrister, Soiloitor, t0onveyaneer, Notary Public, &o. UIDoe—Stewart's Block 1 door North. of central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank, pt4OUDF00'r, HAYS & BLAIR— BBARRISTERS 50LICIITOR8, NOTARIES PtIBLIO, ETC, W. PRoundoo3, II. 0. R. 0. Heys G. F. BLAIR. O2oee—Those formerly occupied by Moms Cameron & Holt, GOnnRlon, ONTARIO. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M' NAUGHTON. ei. Di, 0. m., Trina n Trinity U Member ,Fellow Phys Medi Sollege,MOnt, icontgie of (Cane 001- 1 01- ego of Ont. Ltooa d 10 the Royal Oo1- loge y, dihbuiggh,siolans and Lelepnone of 4, Mid- wifery, No.14, DENTISTRY DR. A", P. FEILD„ 3I7NTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and First•olaes Honer Graduate of Toronto University, °aloe next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, r --Jt u�SiE�SS�x"���Qf ,li'AMOUS 8C11O0L �k�Y CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. LIThio school has oobtlneatel rape- tattoo lar thorobgbneee, Our) courses gare 8(t010.date and praailaal, and the toaobiug'ie done by esperioudod iu-, otructers in eaah(1011031min 8. 'rituals IS NO BETTER IN CANADA. Wo WoRltl1 11ke to give 0111 infestation 00000001. Etug our work to anyone doelrone of a q� heathen oildtwatinorShorthand trate..ai 'Lllug, Write for free eatala u0, Win.V ter term 000110 January srd. 8i Principals, ELLIOTT & lto i AOHLtN V LitteAatt81=3=MitzitV L )i$trict taus. 1 - Mel -11110m John 0, love, of MoKdlop, is mentioned for Own ry Onuocillor. Hamm 1 Robinson returned last week from a trig, to the Wast. Noble iferboa has returned from Mani, toba ethers ho spent the Bummer. The tolohere and athere of the Win- throp Brnday Bunool intend having an entartub meta. Thom, Arahtberld has diepoeed et pie livery bn=inose hs Kinoardine to James Heys, of Goderioh. John crozier, of B oforth, has moved beet( to Lis farm on the Nth con. Ino. Jaakaon, rhe tenant, has moved to Morrie township. The Wvtgham company which purohae. ad the timber or, D. I'srquaroo,'a place on the 10th owl, have a pug of man ont1ing loge, wood and heading, They intend Chipping it to Wingham from the Londosbaro' station, Wiltia,n Blanchard, of McKillop, has a three year-old Raiding of which be is juetiy pr nth. He had him in 8eatorlh and weighed bim on the melee and he brought •1own 01e beam at 1,730 pounds with the harness on. He le not fat but in good 'corking condition. 9 irwtal 1, Alf. Seruton hay opened a flour and feed store in the Geo. Ingram block. W. 1. Miller ie likely to be a oandidate for the County Cermet, for We division, A. H. Icing, of Kincardine, the newly appointed G. T, R. station agent, has arrived £. Mt taken obarge of the Office, Mies Boos Youngblut, who has been in a private hospital in Pittsburg, Penn., with typhoid fever, is on a fair way to recovery. A. Brandt was honored by a visit from two G. T. R. oflloiale. They re• (attested him to re•cooelder bio reeigna• tion bat op to the time of writing he has not dune so. Children under 12 years of age are Otriotly prohibitedfrom hanging onto sleighs or ((utters within the village of Reneall, If they do ao they must ask the proprietor of the rig. The 0o0noil have ioetruoted the oonetab!e to act in the matter. The or.000il hoe oonoloded the busin,ae oonneotr.t with the debenture loan with Mr. Beiohoo, paying him $5000 and receiving the most ample and satisfactory oaenrity, Mr. Kelehon he now in a position to complete hie plane and will be tanning with a good staff of em9103,e00 by the fleet of the year. <Fctcterie.h. The Huron Poultry and Pet Stook Aeeooia'on will hold their annual ex hibition in Januu.ry, on the 8rd, 4111 and 5 8, in the town hall at Goderiob, An interestingservio0 was held in Knox oburoh Sabath morning Dec. 4th, when George Frederick Blair, Jae Mitchell and George Stewart were ordain- ed and iadnoted into the eldership. Tneed'ay evegiug the ordination and in. duction ;1ervi000 ie conneetioo with the pa.toratn of Rev. A, M. Levaolr, over the Baptist nongregatioo here, took place in the A000oiation hall on East street. Manager Saunders of the Goderioh Organ 0u. is again at bis offioe gathering up the tbreade of business after a two months' visit in the Old Oonntry doriog whioh le visited London, Liverpool, Manobee1er, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stir. Zing and other o mmeroial °entree, Indications point to a lively mnnioipal °outwit in Goderiob for the Council of 1905. G. M. Elliot and Thos. Tilt are out for the mayorality, and Councillor Mnruey has been urged by many friends to also enter the 'onteet, and it is under- stood will be in the field. At least a dozen names are floating around for the Connell hoard. The following mrmbere of the present olase of teachers in training at the Gode• rich Model Sohool have enured positions as follow.. --Mies Kathleen Telfer, Wal- ton ; Mie• Winona Howard,.Winohelsea ; Miss Margaret Kilpatrick, Prosperity ; Mise Orrrio Milligan, Brueeels; Mies Dora Dalton, Olmiswortb ; Mise Cora White, Le.dbdry ; Miss Clara Kieuzle, Crediton ; Clayton White, Port Albert; Harry Leppard, Drew Station ; George Eaglestoce, Whiteoburah ; Herbert Campbell, Whitechuroh ; Mies Clara Koehler, Dash wood. 1e1atorth. Look Kennedy, who has been quite ill with quinsy, to reopvering. The G'rm'n Concert 00., were hold. ing forth at Oardno'e opera house. John Italy captured one eeoond and two third prizes on hie Buff Plymouth Ronk°, whioh he exhibited at the Winter Fair at Ilamilton. Tho bowlers tendered their President, James ;'idoMiobael, a complimentary banquet nt the Commercial on Wedneo• day eight of last week, John Morrison, of Seaforth, is spoken of for act fluty 001100.110r. Mr. Morrison was re0ve, of MoKillop for some years and proved to be a very capable official, 1. K. Richardson t de0n o pd family removed from here to St, Marys last week. Mr. Riohard nh hoe -received an appointment of assieiaut manager of the J. D. Moore Produce Cowpony, ofthat town. The want on the Presbyterian obnrob, in this town, is now about completed. It will be one of the handsomest and most oonvenient church edifices in this part of the country. The reopening 0008(0er take pace ou Sabbath, the 18th inst., when Rev. Dr, Milligal, of Toronto, Moderator of the General Assembly, will oondnot the 0020820) and there will be epebiai m00ia by the oboir. A re.opening tea meeting will he held on Monday even- inAt the last regular meeting of the Loyal 0. 01(4 Lodge No. 798, Seaforth, the following 'canto were elected for the coming year ;—John Montgomery, W. lit. ; J. W, 1Ylarehali, D. M. M. Mc.. Dormott, Chaplain; larder' F. Welab, Recording Etheretary; Thomas Stephene, Financial Reoretary ; E. Markin'', Trees. tree ; W. Thompson, 1). of O. ; J. S. Weigh, Lecturer ; George Brovintee, let Com, : I3: Warden, 2nd Condi. ; J. Howes, Ord Cont. ; George Riley, 4th Com. ;'11. Martih, 5811 Com. ; G. W. Sperling end J. Wright, additore, At a 4000101 meeting Of the town conn• nil on `ro3oday evening Of last ween the bydeve g.enting a loan to the Fdrniture Compel..wee put through the pre. Hudnall stagrm. The bylaw prevtde8 fora toe, to the Company of 020,000 tree from interest for twenty yenta and With a Axed assess nbnt oh the whole WELL BRED STALLION KAPLAN, 2,08,1 OWNED DY 21000030, SCOTT & WWARwMOa, DR0300L0. The above is a pintnre of the well blood of Clara, greatgrand•dam of Kap known standard bred stallion Kaplan Ian, in their veins, Bon Voyage, oloeel related to Meters, Scott & Warwick' horse, received a marls of 2.16 as a tw year old and sold for 520,000. twas^ I .,Iways agrmied that Baple had the speed in him .to entitle bim t admissions to fast company so last yea hie owner pot him in the charge of Jamee, of Hamilton, who hoe a continental reputation as a horseman. A tour of tracks in the Eastern Suttee me made toward the olono of last Sum. mer and with very satisfactory results. At Rochester, New Hampshire, Kaplan, on a half mile ooarse, showed the time keepers 2.1S and at Reedville, Maes„ he did a mile in the fast time of 208} Thin is not considered his beet by any means as competent jodgee, who saw him go'believe he oan touch 2.05 if pot better. A. Bitber, of Reedville, Maas„ brother to Driver Either, who handled the ribbons behind the great Jay Eye See and Kremlin, is in obarge of Kaplan and Costumer, owned by Samara. Scott & Warwick, this Winter, The owners are to be congratulated on the poaeeo.ion of animals eo worthy of commendation and whole stook promisee t0 ftllly enetaia the good name attained by the sires. the property of Mesers. Soott & Warwick, of Brussels, taken from a photo. Bap. Ian wan purchased 4 years ago from Mr, lime, a great borseman of Terra Route, Indiana, U, 8 , and belongs to a family that ''tads to the forefront in the horse world. He is a dark bay with black points, 68 ioohee high, and was foaled May 7, 1897, at the Allan Farm, Pittie• field, Mase. He is iodiyiduelly one of the beat examples of the American trotting race home, having size, substance, good bond, superb knee and hook Ration, speed, quality, intelligence, perteot disposition and is absolutely sound. That he is bred right, a glance at hie tabulated blood lines will readily show. Descending as he does from a race of great performers and produoere on both eider, be ie a great nine of style and early and extrema speed qualities whioh are hia by inheritance. Brood mares from whioh he demands are ;-Almera, AIME, Olara, Eventide, Vara, Venue, Mies Russell and Woodbine. Kaplan hia full brother to Kolevale, 2.19i ; Rapala, 2.14. ; and Haydn,, 2,07 and some 10 out of 84 trotters fo the 2.10 class during the year parried 81 8 0 n r H. property of 312,000 for ten years, the loan to be repayable at the rate of 31,000 per year and to be eeo0red by a Brat mortgage on the whole property. 1?-orelwfeta. Thos. McKee has arrived home from the West and will spend the Winter in Fardwioh, .0, S. Milne bae diepoeed of his 100 ore farm, nth con., Howlett, to Wm. Brown, er., for a good figure. S. J. Downey, late of the Record staff, nu secured a lucrative position with the Moore Printing 0o , of Winnipeg, Man. The Foreotera and Orangemen, of Swbridge, will bold en "At Home" n the Foresters' Hall, Fordwioh, on Fri - ay 00ening, Dae. 1611). A. W. Darroch, of Cli$'ord, has pur- haeed the Doreham and Norwich Union bases and Butter Factory in Oxford ofnty—one of the beat cheese factories o the Dominion. The average yearly eke is 200 tone of oheese and some utter. 0. Wade, who has been nursing a very re hand for eeveral weeks, had the lex finger of the lett hand amputated at week. The wound was caused by a ow from a piece of iron and it was ped that his finger could be saved, but a attempt was uneuo0eaefal. a h N a O 0 tat b 00 in la bl ho th Word reached Mookton on Saturday 3rd inst., that P. Nicholson watt severely injured by a piece of flying saw. It appears that whlie he was aeeietiog at hie rioter's, sawing wood, with a machine, the saw broke and a piece hit Mr. Niobol. eon in three plane, the worst wound being a ant on the arm above the elbow. Later reports say he is getting along nicely. His many friends will be pleaeed to see him out again. IN MEMORY OF THE LATE ?RANCH 11ILLER. Past the oondiat, past the sorrow, Past the dangers evermore ; Now he waits the glad tomorrow On the peaoefnl, heavenly !bore. There no tempest can assail him. There no grief can reach his breast, Why should Mende on earth bewail bim ? Re hail entered into rest. We have sown fn hope our treasure, But his spirit dwell° with Thee, Who can tell now vast hie pleaon re? When the Father'° face he'll sea. Basten Lord the blfeeful moment When Thy mints to Thee shall rise, When the glory round no breaking Gives Thee ever to our eyes. Hindle bright fa each believer Love's unwearied hallowed dame, Then ver all whose Eruct is to Thn hy name, While assisting in cutting wood on the farm of R, MoArdie, Harmony, Jae. Lowe, of the same plaoe, naught his hand in the oironiar eaw, with the result that one finger was badly lacerated. T•L'E METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL—Paid ap 81,000 000 RESERVE FUND • • 81,0009000 BEV. R, H, WARDEN, 11100, DRADSBAW, B.I.A. HD HONOR DMR, W. HHORTIMRR CLARE, 8.0. D.E. 000210018, 8, 0. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, D. BOSS - •- .GENERAL MANAGER GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Dieoognted. &wares OMR aaaruzaa4f Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all eume of 81 and upwards A. E. HELLISH, Manager. DD„ Directors Pr,esident. B, J. 2100RVicE, o -President. A JEWELLERY OF QUALITY We have put into stock a Large and 'Well Assorted Line of the Finest Quality of' GEM RiNGS, WATCHES, 14' I CHRIST MAS JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, it $60.,Y �tvy yg'94Uo/t t ,r PRESENTS t°o We pride ourselves in the high quality of goods we handle and we have no room in our business for shoddy goods. Every piece from a Silver Thimble to a Diamond Ring is of the highest artistic and intrinsic merit. We buy for cash from the manu- facturers direct and are in a position to serve you well with hon• est goods at closest prices. We are adding new customers daily. Why not you ? Think over it, then call and see us, n L J kilA CKSOI"il JEWELLER. mbeservemomnueiramo Hugh Trainer, o[ et, plane, who had : t�idaocoo[�Oe ' h s kl•t q ap traotnred, the resu;t oC 'd t *w Mak f'• m a broncho that he 13,d ander. taken to h r, underwent an operation aad hp.h'• tag' amputated, add the demerit Tear blood poisoning, Red MOKIAINON Nomination Day. The fol'owing pointers relating to Go. Council and Municipal Npminataene will be of interest at this season of the year as Go. (Juanoif Nomination Day will be next Monday, Deo, 19th, from 1 to 2 p, m. and Afgnieipsi nominations, Monday, 26th Met., from 12 to 1 o'olook :— It ie the duty of the olork or other re. turning damn to give at least six days notifies of nomination meeting. For Ooaoty Connell nomination two weeks' notice is oeoeesery. Notice may be given by advertisement in newspapers or print• fid pasters. The each afliosrhull be pr posed and seconded d and every 'mob nomination shall be in writing and it ie required to state therein the tall name, pleas of residence, and 000Upelio2 of the oandidate, arid obeli be signed by big proposer and eeoonder and be Sled with the returning officer or the chairman within ottz Ilona from the time of the opening of the meeting. The change in the law requiring nom• Mations to be in writing name into force on the Bret of January 1899. Nomina• lien forme ahoald be provided for nee at the nomination meetings, Resignations may be banded to the returning oMeer at' nomination meeting, or on the following day, at any time before nine o'olook p. m. Except in the case of county Council nomination'', when resignations may be fled at any time daring the following day. At the nomination meeting candidates proposed may resign verbally, but after the nomination meeting ell reeignatione most be in writing, aignad and attested by a witneao, and delivered to the olerk or returning officer within the time mentioned. When reeiguationa are not received in time or in proper form, a clerk has no alternative but to bold the eleatioo. Sub seotinb Se of section 129 provides that In cities, towne and in. 0orporated villages every oandidate far the offioe of mayor, reeve, controller, alderman, ooanoilior, wateroommissiooer or street railway oommieoiooer, shall on the day of the nomination or at any time before nine o'clook in the afternoon on the following day, or when snob last named day le a holiday, then before twelve o'clock (noon) of the succeeding day, file in the offioe of the olerk of the ma0f0ipality a statutory declaration in accordance with the form contained in section 811 of the Act or to the like effect that he poi:see 00 the neoe00ary qualifications for the office, and in de- fault of bis BO doing snob oandidate 'Mall be deemed to have resigned, and hie name ''ball be removed from the list of candidates and shall not be printed on the ballot papers. A nominating or returning officer ahoald not refuse to accept a nomination paper for the reason that he has a personal knowledge of the fent that the person nominated thereby is not a legally qualified oandidate • the re- sponsibility of deoiding this question should be left to the courts. The Munioipal Act does not make it the duty of such effiaer to read eaoh n0mioa• tion paper to the assembled eleotore, either when handed to him or at the oloee of the nomination meeting, He may do thin, however, as a matter of coarteey. At the close of the nomina• Mon meeting he should announce the names of the candidates planed in n mi0atioo. The nominator and s>000& er of a oandidate ehonld both be present at the nomination meeting, and eboald be eleotore of the municipality, It ie not necessary that a person nominated ehonld be present, Samples of Choke Grain for improvement of Seed. To the Editor of THE POST: Deka Bra.—By instruction of the Bon. Minister of Agriculture another dielri- butioo will be made this season of samples of the moat productive aorta of grain to Canadian ferment for improve• went of seed. The stock for distribution ie of the very beet and has been secured mainly from the excellent crops xeoe0tly had at the branch Experimental Farm at Indian Head in the Nortb.weot Territories. The distribution tide Spring will coneiet of sempie0 of mita, Spring wheat; •barley, Indian torn and potatoes. The quantity of oats to be sent this year will be 41bs., and of wheat or barley 5 lbs,, sufficient in each sole to 8030 one -twentieth of an sore. The 'temples of Indian Dorn and potatoes will weigh 8 lbs. as heretofore. A quantity of each of the following 080808tee hag been moored for thio distribution ;— Ons,—Benner, Wide Awake, Improv• el Ligowo, Waverley, Goldfloder, Abend• anon and Thousand Dollar. Mom—Preston, Red fife, Percy, Stanley, Huron Laurel and white BARL8Y-bis. Huron, Odessa, Mansfield, Claude and Royal. Two- rowed.—Sidney, Invi001ble, Standweli and Canadian Thorpe, POTATOES —Garman No. 1, Early White Prize, Canadian Beauty, Uncle Sam, American Wonder, Bovee, Early Andes and Late Puritan. Every farmer may apply, but only one sample can be mut to each applicant, benoe it an individual reoei000 a 'ample of Data he cannot- also receive one of wheat, barley or potatoes, and applies, none for more than one sample far one household eanpot be entertained. Thea samples will be toot free of charge through the mail. Applioatione ehonld be addressed to the Direotor of Experimental' Fame, Ottawa and may be sent in any time bolero the lot of March, after whioh the tete will be closed, eo that all the ampiee asked for they he sent one fn nod time for sowing. Parties writing hoold mention the tort or variety they wottld prefer, With a eeoond sort as an iternative, and should the available took of both these varieties be ex ansted, 00010 other good sort will be ant instead. Those applying for ndidn corn or potatoes will please bear n mind that the corn ie not available or disttibntion until March or April, d Haat 90lat010 ctnnot be mailed from re until danger from frost in transit over. War SAnnngno, Director Experimental Fable.ttaWa, Deeen her let, ,1904. Co. MILLINERY This week we make 10rriflo redactions in Millinery, Ready to•woar and Trimmed Hate will be cleaned out regardless of coot. Ribbons, Feathere, Flowers, Trimmings and everything in Millinery must be clear. ed out before the end of the season. —Ready.to.Wear Hate, new and np•to date, worth $1,26, for 751. —Ready.to Wear Hate, very stylish, worth 3175 for 3125. —Ladies"('rimmed Hate, regular 34 00, for 32 95, —Ladiee' Trimmed Hata, worth 33 00, for 32.10. —Ohildren'o and Miami' Effete, Hoods and Tams at lees than wholesale lathes to olear. We have done a very large trade in' Maollee thio season, and our stook has been renewed eeveral times, which pate it in good ebape for the Ohrietmae trade, — We got a snap In Mantles last week. We bought a traveller's samples at a big redaotion in price, They are all new stylish goods end will be sold at one third off regular prime, That is you can buy a Mantle worth $3.00 for 32 00, or a 96 00 Mantle far 34 00 — We have a few Mantles on hand whish were left over, which were sold at $4 50, 36 00, $8 50 and $7 50. You pan take your choice for 31.50. —Ladies' Fur Jackets, in Greenland Seal, Aotraohsn and Eleotrio Seal, at reduced prime, X" XXXXXX i xdxoxaxox=o=="ex Choice Stockof ROBES, P!1 doe., tree. A fine range of Robes, Best in the market, has been opened up consisting of :- -BLACK GALLOWAY —SASKATCHEWAN —GREY GOAT —GRIZZLY BEAR and MOUNTAIN BEAR. —Plush and Wool Rugs, a very Choice lot. —In Horse Blankets a large stock is carried and sold at Close Prices. —Trunks and Valises of all kinds. Repairing Promptly Attended to. J. DONALDSON BRUSSELS Sign of the Horse's Head sselleamona®r YOUR 11.11,IS LIMITED JUST THINK Only 1 week more and Christmas will be here, Now the question is, what are we going to buy for Xmas gifts and where are we going to buy them ? Of course if you let us decide where you are going to buy them, the question wonld soon be settled, but you won't leave the matter for us to decide. Well we are going to take this liberty of stating that our stock is now in a state of' completeness for the Holiday season and that we are hoping to have the pleasure of showing you through our store and you will then be in a position to decide as to whether we will be able to supply your require- ments or not, We desire to impress upon your mind that WO do not want you to feel under any obligation to buy• . from us, even if you do come in to inspect our stook. We do not advertise that it is no trouble to show goods, But we do state it is a great trouble to show goods and we consider it a great pleasure to have the trouble at R. C. Davies ^it