HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-12-15, Page 3et, .;* $: Psion e • eansneengsSeeteteaneeneineteeneeseennegn TW l pokomusz. The woman who has not outgrown the memory of the polonaise will find it suggested in sonic of the latest skirts. just how tar it will wedge itself into popular favor remains to be seen, but the fact that It is a re- vival gine encouragement to tho mo- destes wlio are supporting the attempt to bring back the picturesque skirt decoration., A very smart costume in brick -col- ored cloth sliows the polonaise effect or the shlrt. This is outlined with black embroidery skilfully interwoven with dyed red lace and the effect is stunning. The jacket is almost tight-fIttitg, having scarcely any perceptible fel- t' nese over the deep girdle at the front, It bas a low yolce, round in shape, of white cloth stitched with black and silver threads. Finishing the yoke Is a band of Week silk embroid- ery, ,Is is continued around the igure below the bustline n Eton ef- fect. The sleeves are formed into the shoulder strips by means of small stitched plaits; above and below the elbows they are puffed and gathered into a deep cult Completing the costume is a red Eat of pressed beavertrimmed only with a shaded. red lobster'curl. NEW DRESS FABRICS. 'Despite the great demand for highly finished cloths of smooth surface the French shops are showing fln unusual :variety of novelty sultings in which embroidered dots or small designs are a feature. Something extremely able is a new camel's liair cloth very soft with a touch of Duna cachmir, in gun metal shade, with Roman dots em- broidered over it, This fabric is used for a handsome street gown. There is a rather long close -fitting coat, fM- ished around the bottom with a band of plaited satin headed with au annlique of silk lace, but very heavy. The skirt has a wide boicplait at the front which is continued around the figure in a succession of tinier plaits. The sleeves of the coat are novel. Bagging from the shoulder In inuttoneleg design, they grow narrow- er at the wrist, where they are fedeli- ed with a cuff of satin and lace, op- ening on the inside, where the sleeve is buttoned above the elbow, Embroidered dots are also a feature of cloths of canvas weave. The embroidery is raised and the favorite colors for it are brown, bright green and blue. Mohair and worsted mix- tures in novelty weave are hi dark neutral tints with a glint of bright color. Among the clinging fabrics there are soft vigognes in mixtures, or with small plaid grounds strewn with tiny dots of white or color. Talk RED HATS. One sees more and more of the red velvet Mits. Those made with the treed, sunken crown, trimmed simply with a alender bow ef red velvet rib- bon are very smart. Underneath the brim there cluster either red and white ostrich tips or a bunch ot shad- ed red flowers. Smart little toques of red chiffon a big ve/vet'rose shading to pink, are much used for evening wear. Sometimes such a hat is the only touch 01 color seen with an all white evening toilette and the contrast Is warm and beautiful. Sailor hats in broadtail velvet are excellent for everyday wear, for be- sides being serviceable they are quite fashionable. One seldom uses more than an immense rose or bunch of foliage on sucli hats. Trieornes are not becoming to every style of face, but the woman who can wear such a shape secceesfully ought by all means invest in one. A rich little design has Die brim and crown made of pressed velvet leaves in shades of brown, These leaves are of much importance in the millinery world, bte Ing a feature of the now season. This season, like all others, has its freakish styles, though be it said to the credit of the modistes that the exaggerated and superfluous seem less and lase apparent as the years roll on, The really necessary fashions in themselves are too expensive to per- mit of much indulgence in things *de- stined to fleeting favor, and it is the exceptional woman who buys a liat or gown widely departing from the conventional lines 'merely for the sake of novelty, The freakish fur of tlie season is a rather strange pelt which no one mime to have appropriately named as yet, mingling black, white and brown, in odd fashion. It Is evident- ly some species of cat, and comes from Russia, but as it is more biz arre than desirable, no one seem to bo deeply interested in its origin. Ono sees many exquisite girdles in Paris Just now,, some of the band- somest being in shaded satin. eibbon. Mere are of pompadour silks while still other designs are of the most delicate Japanese workmanship with Japanese names-Tatsit-fushi, ior in- stanee. There is no limit to the width of these girdles; they COMO from three to nine inches Wide, The latter, however, can be crushed into the smallest possible space, and stretched accordingly. Tile noWest shopping bags are great square affairs that might be mis- taken for portfolios, music rolls or atytiiiieg else, except What they really ere. Their immense size Wields en opportunity for all kinds of handi- work Which of count), contribute onsiderably toward their expenee. c The cheapest are $15, and the prim rune right along frown this sum to $600, when the clasps Lula corners are studded With 'imaele, though sole for our great ganeral; but whet ono a dam diainencles, Areetliyets, olivine% reads of the etultage it mama, ono e sepphlree, opals and merle teem pre- wonaers if the affairs of an auto de /erred to the MOO daMling brilliante,'State WdatOnted Meth Woeful Wcnrfare. THE DANGER OF ANAEMIA, Its Victims Are Defenceless When Disease Strikes- The Blood Should Be Kept Rich and Pure. Anaemic People --people with wat- ery Wood -are without defense when diocese threatens. Tim strongest weapon againid, disoaso Is a ph:nth supply of rich, red blood. A robu Person may catch eold, but, quit* throws it off. But a cold liege IN MERRY OLD ENOLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT 30T.111 BULL AND SIM PEOPLE. ..-- Occurreneee in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the COU%- aderoial World. Behind the lately -removed dial of gi the ancient clock in the tower of St. Mary's parish church, Illetchley, wao s ly found about e hundredweiglit of honey. with the anaemic one, goes to the chest and the first signs of consump- tion appear. It is the anaemic one who suffers from hoadathes and dire ziness, who cannot climb a stair without resting, whose heart flutters and palpitates wildly at the least exertion. Such people can only be saved by a now supply of rich, red blood, and Dr. Williams Pink Pills is the only medicine that aetually makes rich, red blood with every dose. Ordinary medicines only touch the symptoms of disease -Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills go right straight to the root of the trouble and drive it out, ,That is why these pills have a larger sale than any other medi °MO in the world, and that is why thousands and thousands of people praise them so highly,. Miss Florence G. Marryett, Chester, N. S., says "I have need Dr, WilliamsPink Pills for several inontlis and I am happy to say they have restored mo to health after all other means had failed, I was eutTering from anaemia in its most severe form. The least exertion would leave me bree,thle7 and worn out, I had no appetite an suffered greatly with nervous head- aches. I was pale and seemed to be going into a decline. I had medical attendance but it did me no good. Then a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and itt a few weeks I found they were helping me. I continued their use for several months, and am again enjoying good health. I think Dr, Williams' Pink Pills will make every weak and all- ing giel strong and healthy." You can get these pills from any dealer in medicine but you should be careful to se that the full name 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" is on the wrapper ro.ound each box, If in doubt write the Dr. Williams' kfedlcine Co., Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be sent at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50. RUSSIA'S PLIGHT. Awful Condition of the People of That Country. Fear of Russia has hung over the world for more than a quarter of a eentury, but to -day, after a nine - months war with Japan, it dreaded power has become almost a laugh - Ing stock. Russia, has great size, Joined with great wealcness. Some of the causes of its lethargy are curable, Others aro due to a back- ward civilization. The roads aro mere military routes. The postoilice handles one piece of mail for 15 that pass through our 01011. For every two miles of telegraph in RUSSIA., we have five, and for each nailof ber telegraph wires we have 58. Ignorance leads raisers, by the hand, Three-fourths of the children tester see the inside at a school- room. Of those who go to school, few are taught more than their alp- habet. In Russia proper, 94 people out of every 100 cannot write their names or spell out easy words. Technical education is oven more ne- glected; and for every 11,000 people there is but a single physician. The bureaucracy and the merchants in collusion have built up a perfect- ly organized system of graft. It is openly receignized, treated with tol- erance, even thought of with respeet. Not only, do 'admirals buying coal in foreign ports procure receipts for much larger sums than they have paid, with their under officers, but no contract Is let at home whims dos not allow a liberal margin for a "rake-off." In this way, Ithssia has paid for her railroads two and a half times the a3/101,11M width the minister of finance estimates as their value, It is said that fully 75 per cent. of the large ]1 Cross fund which was subscribed at home and abroed has been stolen. The magni- ficently equipped hospital train which the czarina sent to theeast was looted between St. Petersburg and Moscow. Not a thing of value was left in it. To sum up Russia stands at a great crisis in an evil plight. Its aristocracy is rotten and tyratinous; its people sodden in ignorance, with- out moral sense, dull and brutish; its priestcraft often degraded, ex- tortionate and sensual; its land of natural resource wasted and con- sumed; its imperial bullion for its coining; alid its czar, a grotesque weakling. FATAL FOR rRANau, Xt Is a common supposition that, war must be formally declared before hostilities can be entered upon; but this is very far from the truth. Even tho delivery of an ultimatum is not necessnry; a simple "act of war," which may be 'construed from almost any ill-considered act, is streliciebt to set belligerents at each other's throat, The blowing tip of the "Maine," al- though undoubtedly the act of a lu- natic, who liad not a shred of of- ficial warrant for the deed, was suf- ficient to cause the Spanish-Ainerican War, and 11 petty quarrel <Woe the succession to the impoverished Speui- lsh throne Was the excuse upon which the France -Prussian 'War Wee entered anon. Tho dispositien of the throne of Spain scores to hove always, exercised a baneful influence deer ther destinies of Prance, by the way, for it was over a ?Vintner gearrel that the great Delco of Marlborough laud to take the field to light the Battle of Mal- plaquet. It Was a glorious VictorY "Flailing vessels often go to sett with half their crews druak," said a Grimsby fisherman at an inquest on 11 man Who jumped overboard from a trawler, In letters of gold the names of the Roman Eneperors are being placed beneath the medallions rePresettlo3.1 them at Bueldeginim Palace. Near St. Ives a shark ne feet long was caueht on hook and line, when an angler fish weighing near a hun- dredweight rushed at It and &wallow- ed it, both being landed, writes Mr. E. O'Donnell, of Clifton Ifouse, St, Ives. All efforts to establish the Salva- tion Army in Russia have so far been of no avail, said General Booth at Guildford, as the Russian Govern- ment had issued strict injunctions against the general or his followers crossing the frontier. "Did you ever see a tragedy?" said Edward Hanley, an insurance agent, to two Meade with whoin ho was seated in the Dublin Gaiety theatre. Without waiting for at answer, ho drew a penknine across bis throat, inflicting a wound nearly two inches long. After experiments, extending over six weeks With two different oils, the borough surveyor of Kensington has reported that the system of lay- ing dust by oil is unsuitable for London. Mr, William Colby, who has just died at Paketiold, near Lowestoft, at the ago of eighty-seven leaves 114 desSendants living out of 183. They are 6 children, 46 grandchildren, and 62 great-grandeliildren. In the schools under the Bristol Education Committee there are 8,756 scholars with defective eyesight, and the committee is considering the ad- visability of providing them with spectacles. "If I was guilty I would. be only Too proud -too pleased to tell you, But I was In bed at the time," So said Pat Sullivan, a tailor, itemised of stealing a coat at Birmingham, on Saturday. He was discharged. "Cimmerian working men are the most extravagant class in the corn- raunitY," said Judge Emden at Lam- beth County Court. The world's largest ploughing match, the annual event of the Nortli Kent Agricultural Association, took place near Dartford. No fewer than 180 ploughs were employed, and it was a wonderful scone, rendered still rraire interesting by the inotor ploughing and an exhibition of the ancient method., the use of oxen. The Ivel motor was awarded the gold medal. Through a crack in the wall an en- ormous member of bees had made their home under the bedroom floor of an old farm house at Longthrope, near Peterborough, and their inces- sant lienoning made sleep difficult. On one of the floors being taken up, the space between it and the ceiling of the roan below was found to be packed with honey. No less than lee ovt. was extracted. 4 Japan is a nation of gardeners. Livery mon, woman, and child is pas- sionately fond of flowers. Gardening Is a religion. "Vow did you like our new duet?" she asked. "Oh, was that a new duet? I thought you were only quarrelling!" • , HAPPY CHILDHOOD. Right Food Makes Happy Child- ren Because They are Healthy, Sometimes, milk does not agree with children or adults, T111° same thing is true of other articles of food. What agrees with one sometimes does not agree with others. But food can be so prepared that It will agree with the weakest stom- ach. As ren illustration -anyone, to matter how weak the stomach, can eat, relish and digest a nice hot cup of Postman coffee with a spoonful or two of Grape -Nuts poured in, and such a combination contains nour- ishment to carry one a number of hours, for almost every particle of it will be digested and taken up by the system and be Made use of. A lady writes from the land of the Magnolia and the knocking bird Way down in Alabama and says: "I was led to drink Poetent became coffee gave 1010 sour storeaeli and made nie nervous. Again Posiann .wa8 routine - reelected by two well-known physici- ans for nly cliikiren, and X feel °sped. Oily grateful for the benefit derived, "Milk 'does not agree with either ehiIld,"so to the eldest aged four and one-lialf years, X give Postrini with plenty of tnVeet, cream, It agrees with her snlenclidly, regulating her boWels perfectly nithough slie is of a constipated habit. "For the yolingest, aged two and m30 -half yearn X Ilse one-half Posture and one-half skimmed milk, 1 have at given any medicine sinto the chil- dren began using POettlin, and they enjoy every decni of it. "11. neighbor Of Mine is giving Pos- ture to her baby lately wanted, with splendid rosette. The little follow is tlfrivisig &measly." Mane given by rotten Co., Battle Creek, Mich, Postern agrees perfectly with an - 000n. and supplies 15041115 With the hot invlgoratitg* hewing() Irl place of ear - fee, Literally Mitigates at Anima - cane have been helped out of StOrtleeli ritl flerVOIM diseneee by leaning, off often arid 0l0ihi PoStlini Po�d 001100, ,ngt in pathage for ehe hIttla boelc, "Ilia Reed 50 WellvlhIa FARMER TELLS OF A BAD TWO YEARS THEN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 1-10VE AWAY ALL HIS TAINS. Vt -s Bent Over with Pain and Hardly Able to Work Till Be Used the Groat Canadian Kid- ney Remedy. Consecon, Ont., Dee, 12. --(Special) -Mr. David Rowe, a well-known and highly respected farmer, living about three miles from here, is telling his friends of his remaricable recovery from a long period of suffering by the use or Dodds Kiduey Pills, "I had very severe pains in my back more or lees for upwards of two years," Mr. Rowe. says. 'Mese pains seemed to concentrate their full force in tete small of my back and the pain was almost unbearable. It made me go bent over and I could not straighten up to save my life, "When I went to urinate it gave inc groat pain and you may imagine X 10115 1101 able to do much work, I consulted a doctor but his pre- scription did nes no good, "Then .S started to use Doeld's Kid- ney Pills and I felt better by the time I had used the first box, Ten boxes cured me completelyes VIRGIN CROWNS TBR ALPS. Statue Placed on One of the Highest Peaks. A band of priests and guides have succeeded in performing the unpar- alleled feat of erecting a statue of the Virgin on the summit of the mighty Dent du Geant, 13,170 -feet monarch of the Pennine Alps, The Idea was started by Father Louis Olapasson, the cure of Cour- mayeur, a well-knowtt raountaineer, and the people of the Aosta valley subscribed the money needed to buy the aluminum statue, which is not quite life size, For weeks the weather was closely watcbed, and finally a, party of seventeen siten started upon the clef- tault undertaking, From Courmayeur up to the Col du Goant the difficulties were easily overcome, but from this point to the summit the work was full of peril. Over slippery ice -bound rocks and Unsafe snow patches, up perpendicu- lar chimneys and stoop slabs of smooth rock like the sides of a house, the party had to climb with their burden, dinging for life to ropes Lead to iron stanchions in the rocks. To add to the clangers a furious Snowstorm Came on, and several times the guides bearing the statue were nearly swept from the mountain side. The summit' was reached without mishap three hours after leaving the Col. Xn tho midst of a "torment," or whirling snowstorm, great holes were drilled iu the rock to receive the iron supports of tbe statue, and two hours later the Virgin was securely fixed on her mountain pedestal. Then, on the edge of the precipice, with the storm still raging, the vicar of Courmayeur, Father Vesan, at- tached by two strong ropes to the face of the rock, performed mass, which more than once was interrupt- ed by the tory of the elements. Heart Sick Pooule-Dr. Agnew's e.mo for the Mart is a heart tonic that never falls to cure -is swift in Its ef- fects -goes closer to the "border land" and snatches from death's grip more sufferers than any other remedy for any family of diseases and ailments In the category of human suiTerings. Gives relief in 80 mlnutes.-75 The railway traveller in Japan buys a first, second, or third clam biCareh; or, if lie wishes to go cheaper still, he can get a ticket entitling him to stand on tlio platform only, C. C. RICHARDS le CO. Dear Sirs, -A few days ago I was taken with a severe pain and con- traction of the cords of my leg, and had to be taken home in a rig, I could not sleep for pain, and was Un- able to rut nry foot to the floor. A. friend told me of your MINARD'S LINIMENT, and One hour from the first applicatiou, I wits able to walk, and the pain entirely disappeared. You can use my name as freely as you like, as I consider it the best remely I have ever used. CHRISTOPHER GERRY. Ingersoll, Ont. "And you really think, doctor, that there is hone for Iiim after this?" "X certainly think so, madam! After this morning X shlahl only call once a nay instead of twice." 20 Years of Vile Catarrh-01ms. '0. Breton, imunalist, of Duluth, Minn., Writes 1 "I have bean' a sufferer from Throat and Nasal Catarrh Mr over 20 years, during, xthIch time my head has been stopped Up and my condition truly miserable, Within 15 Minutes alter us- ing Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder 1 obtained relief. Three bottles nave al- most, if not entirely, cured me." 500,- 78 Farthing peolcots of tea are being sold throughout India by growers, who have at hist re:Cognized that they have au ienneme market at their (10 MInard's Liniment Cures huts, etc, There is a grave-digginge achool in Xlressole, and all caaelidates for the post of sexton ie Belgium to be eli- gible meet have gradmiled from this 86001, peace's Y-tr, (Wite Read) taeirifect- Ant Seep Insanity is a boon to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the Bailie tilte, d"...:,144;714f gi 71.4 4404/(e0 424V Sunlight Soap Will not injure your blankets or Ilarden then,. It Will Melee then) soft, white and fleecy. 7B 10,000 QUARTS OF AIR. In each respiration an adult In- hales ono pint of alr. A healthy man will respire 16 to 9.0 times per rainute, or, say, 20,000 times a clay; a, child, 25 to 35 times per minute. While atomising, the adlult average PO- , gi down,0nis1322tiintierrines per minute; 1Y - !area of e lungfeLtif'artils,suof rtnhaeinirl alveolar, or semee, whiter they gov- ern by moans of the mouth -averages 200 equare yerde, Tile amount of air respired each clay is aleout 10,000 quarts. The amount of oxygen ab- sorbed in the same length of time is 600 litres, or about 744 grams. The amount of carbonic acid. expired In 24 hours is estimated at 53.1.5 grams, Two-Lhirds of the oxygen ab- sorbed. in 24 hours is taken in dur- ng t o 19 bocce from 0 p. m, to 6 a. nt„ three-aftris of the total being thrown oft during the day. Whiile this is going on, the pulmonary sur- face is throwing off 150 grams, of water in the shape of vapor. The heart sends 800 quarts of blood through the lungs every liour, or about 5,000 quarts daily. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia A census recently taken of the hors- es in Paris shows that while the Petals Royal quarter has 13,600 In- habitants, it accommodates 30,600 horses. Have You Eczema -. Have you any skin disease or eruptions? Are you subject to chafing or scalding? Dr. Agnew's Ointinent prevents and cures any and all oE these, and cures Itching, Bleeding and Blind Piles besides. One application brings relief In ton minutes and cases cured in three to six nights. 85 101112 -73 The French Post Office department has excluded mourning envelopes from the mails for the reason, that they can be opened without much oliance of detection. For Over Sixty Veers Itiatortion owIsSooirroxe 80047)1350 6.111600 05 millions of mothers for tholr children while toothinz. Itsoothesthe child, sof tens the gums. allayanain. 05103 windeolfo, regulates thestennech and bowels, mulls the bestremedy fur Maranon. Twenty -lire mute a battle Sold by druggists throughout the world. 13u sure and blister" IAA %VMS!,o er'llSoOTttlxu straits." 3-111 VITANTED - liBLIABLE PARTIES TO do machine knitting at hoine: ;era par everything found, Por full ptirtlni" address Box 34, Orillitt, Ont, No Breakfast Table complete without, An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robust health, and to resist winter's extreme cold. It is a valuable diet for children. The Most Nutritious and Economical. CARPET DYEINQ and Cleaning, This Is • specialty with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00, Bend particulars by post. andw, tfteura t0me).104 Address lox 168, Montreal. a 116We-en ISthilareedrelinitnatitl CONTAINS 25,000 NEW WORDS, Etc. New Gazetteer of this World Now Biographical Dictionary 8380 Quarto room New Plates. s000 Illustrations. Should be in Every ' Home, School, and Office xtev. Lyme. Abbott, DM., Editor of Tho Outlook, sayd: Webster has always been thefavordE in ourhouschold, nod I have seen tte 0550013 (0 transfer my allegiance to any of his competitool, FREE" Teat in Pronunciation," Instructive and entertaining. Alto illustrated pamphlets. G, C, MEIRRIA101 Publishers., Sarlagileld, Mass. HANDSOME 14k RING and GOLD WATCH F.,REE Ohradrede et boaattaii news and watches Pres someone. Solid its yournatnortna &Mona eminence t66611 ROpablra.vetrOrthircararalii Minya WabhIng Blue 'At eolith% % package We treat you mid bond bat. igtAtaTitntatirttlitt, Aral AtonljtSfitetrnk:lor rralittliall A fox hoar% 101,0, .50 Mud ufi 11,, aul NVO ,,In lad Z421 tIVII l,wuI,0110 145' eweitcPc:iiii„1",1;;3. ass Auld asi and VI* meals -.hall sena Mu( VIVliTtgarirzr 0311101)0<YEN'S.4,3 eadatayasti 4.41,(tV ,larearge.141,174 ItIta'?fJ1SettqlentriPai k311111* 004 X:)6tti so°. ,rtt dAiiawasialtuue,.66,0** Wo can handle your poultry either alive or dree4ed to bast advantage. Also your butter, eggs, honey and other produce, THE DAWSON COMIVI1SSiON CO., Cor. West Market and Colborne. Ste, TORONTO, Limited PLAIN ENGLISH? His wife came into the room where he was sitting. She was twisting herself around in the effort to look at the back of her new blouse, By the tense lines and bulging aspect about her lips he knew that her mouth was full of pins. He knew it anyway without looking for those symptoms. "Umph gonwtiff-wuff-sheth-bf-fsyf-f- 1," she said, "Yes, it looks all right," he an- swered, resuming his paper. "Owl - wuffags-pf-suf-up-up-w-r-r-r- ooghsth," she mumbled. "Of come it does," he assured her, glancing over the top of the paper, "It fits like the paper on the wall," "Sw ssh-uzuzie-woll-gph-m-m-m- sh-p-z-z," she said, stamping her foot. "Didn't I tell you it was all right?" asked the man, lowering the paper, "Maybe it needs a little taking up in the shoulders, but no- body could notice it." Hastily letting the pins fall from her mouth to her hand, she cried : "I've asked you three times to raise the window blind so that I could get more light. It's a pity you can't understand plain Eng- lish." Of course, the man eosin) have said something scathing in reply, but he knew better. TRY CHANGE OP BREAD. A chef was talking about bread. "People ought to vary their breads the same as they vary their meats," he said. "You don't eat ham three times a day, year in and year out. You don't eat beef that way. You don't eat mutton that way. But that is the way you eat bread, if you are the average sort of a man - one certain kind of bread suffices you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner all your life. "The stomach gets tired of this bread monotony; and when tho sto- mach tires of a thing it won't digest it. Hence dyspepsia. Tho bread monotony is responsible for a good deal of the dyspepsia that flonrishes, "There are dozens of varieties of breads -corn bread, whole-wheat bread, barley bread, Sally Lunn, brown bread, aerated bread, limit bread, With these, and many more to choose froin, why is the average family so foolish and thoughtless as to confine it self to one kind of bread only?" Of about thirty recognized coaling stations in the Pacific, Great Britain owns at least twelve and the United States six. An odd-lookine turtle has been cap- tured at Burlington, Vt, Its shell is soft, its back is spotted, its head is like that of 0, serpett, arid its fins resemble those of a fish. 60 Specialists on the Case. -In the ordinary run of medical practice a greater numlar than this have treated cases of chronic dyspepsia and have failed to cure -but Dr. Von Stan's Pine- apple Tablets (60 in a box at 85 cents cost) have made the cure, giving relief in one day. Those little "speetalists" have proven their real merit -711 All new schools in Switzerland have a portion of the ground floor appro- priated for baths. laltEllMASON, Toronto, 50e, a year, Cowan A: Co,, Pules.; Toronto. Mrs, Jenkins -Your son's engaged to be married, I hear, I saw a young lady with him to -day. Was that— Mrs. O'Bull-Yes, that was his fiasco, Mlnard's liniment Cures Dandruff, "Oh, 'George," sighed the romantic gill, "I wish you were like the old- time knights; I wish you'd do some- thing brave to thew your love for me." "Gracioual" cried her fianee, "haven't I agreed to marry you, and me otly getting ten ifollare a smoke" DR. A. W. CHASE'S On CATARRH OGRE „ 4‘10. 14 seat direct to the diseased puts by tile !reproved Blom*. - ,:s• -......, ..,*10) swat the likErs, 0).,... tho 530 17355%06k ttops drappIngs 10 the ill, '..,17 free All dealers, et Or.A. VV. Chase Catarrh and HO Paver. Blower throat and pokieseantly cares Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo .......entiuneee...................,..,, .........„...........,........k.e. A. AioDnz, titusBAND. Wife -"I heed a little more money." o rfausiband-. It 18 only two days Once „esse., 'Now, look Hotel want you to underetand taint I wouldn't ask for money if 1 clidett need it, and don't intend to be reminded that it's only two Slays since you gave MC some. I am not a thild, nor e menial, tor a slave, to be treated like an irrespon- sible bolter, and 1 jlim, wont you to know that I won't stand it either, eo there nowt I've got lust ee sight to your money cia non have, so theses tiger, yoo----." "My Ovals 700155 merely gobig to reiterk that it is only two days since / drew my &Liman and YOU tenld have all you wanted," EigntaglIVESZOMMgMb NECgla2e. Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasins -tough as whale- bone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch - proof, wind -proof, boil- proof, crack -proof, tear -proof, rip -proof, cold -proof, almost wear -proof - certainly the greatest leather ever used in mitts and gloves. Like buckskin it is tanned without oil, unlike buckskin it is not porous, it is wind -proof -will outwear three buckskins. 48Pinto " Mitts and Gloves never crack or harden, never get sodden, are always warm, pliable, soft and comfortable. Sold at all dealers but never with- out this brand :- HUDSON BAy KNITTING CO. Montreal Winnipeg Dawson 2 Biggs -"Castleton was out driving with the Widow Grasper the other day when the horse ran away with him, and he's laid up in the hospi- tal." Griggs --"Well, 00 might have been worse -the widow might Nave run away with Eira." Mioard's Liniment for sale everywhere Young Mother -"Now Harold_ whom do you love most, Milne or me?" Lit- tle Harold -"Papa. ' Young Moth' -"But yesterday you said youi loved Inc most." Little Harold-- 'Yes, but I've thought it over since mad de- cided that We men must stick to- gether." ItheianlatIMM will Succumb to South American Blummatle Cure because It goes right to the Seat of the trouble and removes the catme. 507017 so-called cures but deaden pain temporarily only, to have it retUrn again with doubled violence. Not so with this gfeat le. 17701137, It eradicatesfrom the system the 10.A VCStigt of the disease and its cures are porma21ont.-14 Since the use 01 wire fences has become so extensive, the timber of cattle killed earei year by lightning' lies erectly Negledt a cough and cottract consumption. Shit:0119S CCuoreST107241Pag ti 1011411, cures consumption, but don't leave it too long. Try it now. Your money bask if 'It doesn't benefit you, Priest: A. c, Vut,t.s& 00 101 Ss sou. el Utley, le, V., Toranto,nrin. ISSIIE 5702, 10-04