HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-12-15, Page 1Nalistolwasrommtamovions Vol. 88, No. 23 rit BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER itis, 1904 W. H. KERR, Prop, New Advertisements. Local—Tot. Poem. Wanted—Eli Smith. Xmas (•litre-Jalneo Fox, Note Lost—F. b1, Smith. Fountain Pen—Tan POST. Below Cost—A. McDonald, Xmas Preoente—Molloy & Co. Marry Xmas—R. 0, Davies & Go. Xmas Orders—Letitherdale Si Bon, A Few Suggestions—Alex. Straohan, Holiday Presento=J, Ferguson & Go. 3:Cttrirt Ettos, Wrttxectar. Nawaa Norse.—M a -meeting of the °Orient, held last Tneeday night, George Paulin waa appointed manager of the rink this Winter.—Geo. Allan ,pent Saturday in Teeawnter.—Oheeter Smith returned from Hamilton on Saturday and has re earned hie old position in C. Sanderson'e grocery store,—R. Wendt, of Mildmay, is satiating hie brother, J. R. Wendt, thin week.—A very enjoyable time watt spent at the Sooial evening given by. the Weet• mineter Guild in the Presbyterian church basement Friday evening.—Mre. Torn - bull has returned to, Walton after spend• ing two weeks With Mre. 0. Smith.— Rebert Miller was in Goderioh last week attending a meeting of the Co. Council. —Wm. and Jae. Knox returned on Friday from Guelph where they were attending the Pat Stook Show.—Rev. L, Perrin end othare from this vicinity were 10 Banton THE GOLDEN CLOCK New Gods For Christmas IN SILVERWARE AND LADIES' AND GENTS' WARE. Vozz, awn SRA° Foam. Repairing a Specialty and Sates. taotion Guaranteed. W. F. STRETTON, JEWELER. on Wedneeday' where Rev, Mr, Radford watt iudneted,--Geo. and Mre; Greer, of Luolin'tw, are 'ho giteete of the tatter's hrothe:, Fred Taylor, near here.—Thoe, Pope i,; an the utak lint this week.—Mre, 0. 0. '-'swarf, of Arthur, is the guest of her brother, D. D. Sanderson. — Sem. Pope returned from the West last week. —Mier, Ella Ardell epent Banday at her home in Gerrie, ratestsvillat. LITTLe Bnrmoe.—Mise Belle Burgess has returned from a three months' visit with relatives in Manitoba.—Fred. and Mre. McCracken, of Brussels, vieited at John Gttrdiner's last weelt.—Harry Me. Hardy, of Goderioh, ie visiting at hie home mere.—Arobie McDonald, of Melee. worth, vieited George Aitoheeon this week, --.A number of young people from bare et,eutted a party -at Mr. Geddes', 3rd line Morrie, last Monday night.—The ehildree of the Preabyterian and Metho- dist Sabbath eoboole are busy practising for their Banday school entertainmeuta, —Mies Mabel and James Menzies, of Molalworth, visited their uncle, George McDonald, recently.—Tbe Orangemen of Blueva:e purpose holding an enterbnio meat on Friday evening. Tea will be served in the basement of the Mebhodiet (March and the program will be given in the Foreetera' $all. The abject of the entertainment at to make some improve. mento ou the Orange Hall.—Mies Maggie MoAllieter, who has 'been with Mre.: Bailey for some time past, received word Mat Tuesday of the death of her father, at Hilloxreen, and she left for her home in the efternoou, Mr. MoAllieter, al- though 84 years of age, was very strong and healthy and felt poorly only a few days before his death. We extend to Miss MoAllieter our sympathy at this hour of bereavement. Weal toes. Angoe McLeod, of Washington Ter„ ie visiting hie brother, R. McLeod, Now Year's entertainment in the Meth• odiet churob under aaapioea of the Sabbath school. Wedneeday of Wig' week Rev. A. Ma. Nab was in Belmore attending the in- duction of Rev. Mr. Radford. Jamelr McMillan hoe purchased the vacant hoose ou Diakeon'e property and is moviue it to Walton this week. This is the growing time. Rev, A. MaeNab, M. A., will preaoh on Sabbath forenoon on Atheism. This ie the eeeend of a course of sermons on Obriotian Doctrine. John Campbell is visiting ander the parental roof after an abeeooe of about 20 years in Manitoba and the N. W, T. Hie old friends are pleased to see him again. X ---X SELLING BELOW COST erelle'pindndnAe, Since purchasing Mr. McNair's stock of Gener- al Merchandise I have removed it to my own store and am now prepared to give.my Customers BAR- GAINS in all lines of' Bra Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, &c. We have a stock of over $2,000 in BOOTS and SHOES which must be reduced to' about half. We quote a few prices and everything else will be sold accordingly :— Men's Long Boots worth 02.50 for.... $1.25 Ladies' Overs worth13oye' Long Boone $1.50 for worth 962,75 for,,. 78C, $1.25 A full stock in all lines of Women's and Children's Shoes will also be gold at Great Bargains. WINTER SHOES About 100 pairs each of Women's, Misses' and Boys' heavy Winter Shoes for sale at 10 per cent. below cost. We have also received a fresh supply of Christmas Goods in Fancy. Dishes, Toys, c�c.,; and have a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery. Large supply of Candies and Nuts just arrived.. IA McDonald C, ,.A.N: loo . f.Leatherdale s. The young people of Duff's oburoh purpose holding a Neck Tie Sooial in the ohnrah on the night of the 22nd when a good program will be rendered. The work of briolting in the new boiler in MoDanald's elm mill is going merrily forward, ander the charge of Fred. Hannitt, an old Walton boy. On Monday evening, 20th inet„ a concert will be given at Bethel Charoh,. McKillop. The talent will consist of Mica Grace MaFat 1, the well known soprano ; Mra, (Rev.) Baker, Mies Arlie Dundee and others. A ohoiae program will be rendered addreae by Rev. A. MacNab, readings, &o. A number of the young people apont an enjoyable evening al Rev. R, S, Baker'e on Tuesday, the occasion being the reenter fortnightly meeting •of the Young People'e.Cirole reoeotly organized in the Methodist church. The program was ander the heading "Music" and coneleted of Bolos, inetramentale and a particularly intereeting addreae by Rev. Mr. Baker on the subject. Selg.ratve. The Presbyterian Sabbath School will hold their annual Xmas Tree entertain- ment on Friday evo0iug of this week, lGth inet. Mao tarots. Municipal Nomination will take place from 12 to 1 o'clock on Monday, 26th inet, at the Township Hall, with Wm. Clark as presiding officer: Reeve lebieter ie in the field for the Co. Connell and an a malt the proba- bilities are Councillor Code will be elect- ed Reeve without opposition, The Misses Fleming, who have lived in Sunshine locality for number of yearn have been taken to the House of Refuge at Clinton where they will be comfortably oared for. Thera are now 80 inmates in the Home. Tbe name of W. H. MoOntoheon, 6th line is mentioned as a probable candidate for Councillor for Morrie tbie year. Jas. Sherrie, W. H. Maunders, R. Bewley, Geo. Turvey, Geo. Kelly and David Walker are also mentioned for the same position at the Council Board, By notice elsewhere in this isms it will be aeon that Rev. J. Edmonds, of Blyth, tied the matrimonial kuot be. tween Tboo. H. Bolger, of this township, and alias Jane Alice McGregor, of St. Joeepb'e Islamd, on Wedneeday of haat week at the rectory, Blytb. May their joys be many and their troubles few is the wish of a large Wrote of relatives and friends. It has been decided by the pupils and teeoher of S. S. No. 5, to hold a public examination of the school on Deo. 20th and also a Concert at night In the Forest- ers' Hall at Belgrave. The proceeds are to be need in buying a library for the school, AB the committee is working hard fu preparing the program, wbiob is made up of outside and local talent, an exultant time in expected. Remember the date Deo. 20th. Chrietmae Entertainment in 0000801. ion with Sunebine Methodist Sabbath School will be held on Monday evening next. Maaioal aad literary program will be given by local and outaido talent, Mre. John Deegan, of Morrie, died from paralyeie on Sunday, November 27tb, aad the following Friday, 2nd inet., her husband dropped dead from beart failure. The Doueen home ie at present a and one, Bath parents had passed the allotted span of men—three score and ten—and were prepared to meet their Maker. Mach sympathy le extended to the bereaved family. By election card in another column ie will be observed that Reeve Tebiater has annoonoed himself a candidate for Huron Go. Council in Div. No, 6, He has been a raeideut of Morrie for 42 years and has served 11 years in the township Coattail, G of them in faith• fully ailing the Reeve's chair. Mr. Iebieter should make a good Co. Coon• oillor. Next Monday will be Nomination day at the Town Hall, Broeeele, MATEmMONxAL. - A quiet and very pretty wedding took plane at high noon on Wedneeday, 14th that., at the borne of F. J. Martin, Sunshine, it being the marriage of hie youngest sister, Mee Lily Ida, to Geo. H. Dickson, of MoKil• lop. Tbe 'ceremony wag performed by Rev. J. J. Haetie, of Sulgrave. Tbe young couple took the afternoon train at Brneeela for points Beat to spend a short time with relatives, after which they will be at home to their friends on lot 2, oon. 3, Hallett. Tbe contracting parties are well add favorably known and have the good wiebee of their many warmfriends in their new ephere of life. Greta:. Silver Corner's Batter Factory has closed for the season. George Sparain, 12th coo., has got settled in his new oomfortable borne. Joe Long, 10th oon., ie talking of spend ing hie Christmas holidaye in the States. A public examination will be held in Monorieff eabool before the Christmas venation. Harvey Boobanan to the teacher, Joseph Engler, 10th eon„ bad a enc• armful bee drawing gravel to hie farm on etre 811 oon. where he intends putting up a new house next 880000. Bleuoh°,daughter of Joe. Whitfield, 13th oon., who has been ill with pneumonia during the past few weeks, is reoovering niaely we are pleased to state. A aoaial party waa held at the borne of Jae. Mann, 15th con., and a most enjoy. able time epent. Monkton String Band was there and Meeere. Mann did their share on the bagpipes and pineal°. The 0. P. R. have 25 or SO men at work on the propoeed new railway. Roadway is being ant through the bueh and only about a mile intervenes between Monorieff and Walton. Good progreee has been made on levelling the gravel hill on Henry MaNanght'a farm. Station will be put at lot 25, 1} miles Weet of Monarteff. WE ARE READY FOR -YOUR XMAS ORDERS With a large line of Goods suitable for Christmas Presents. FANCY CHAIRS, LADIES' SECRETARIES, GENTLEMEN'S DESKS,. PARLOR CABINETS, MUSIC CABINETS BRIC-A-BRAC. You get a Choice Here that You Cannot get Elsewhere. Pianos and Organs We have already sold a number for Xmas Presents. If you contemplate buying an in- strument in the future, why not now ? Terms and prices to suit everybody. Whcii 'You Bute, Bu3r the Best. Bell Organs and lieintzlnan Pianos sell themselves. Get them at Another wedding billed toe next week, 10th con, is to eopply the bride, it ie said. Mra. Hugh McKey, of the 9th con„ is the guest of her eieter, Mre, James Mo• Kay, of Monkton, for a few days. Some say that Wm. Fraser, Councillor, may promote to the Baeveebip of the township, P. "{safer and Jno. Brown are mentioned as probable oandidatea for Beate at the Board. Others think the present Council should be left where they are so as to clear up the work they have entered upon, in drainage and bridge matters pertiaalarly, HYMENIzAL.—On Wedneeday of Iaet week, Wm. John Renato°, a former resident of Grey, wee dnited In marriage to Mise Annie Bwaneion, of Eyemoutb, Bootlaad. The ceremony waa performed by Rev. MoWitliarn, at St. Andrew's oharoh, Winnipeg. Many good Wishes will'be accorded Mr. Houston and hie bride in commeooing married fife at Grand View, Manitoba. RESOLUTION Or SYMPATHY.—The follow• ing resolution was plumed by the Epworth League of Roe's] chard) and the thought. fel cot speaks for itself :— Miss Belle Miller, Angus Brown : DEAR Faonene.—We, the members of Roe's Epworth League, desire to tender you our sincerest sympathy in the lose you have anabalned in the removal of a beloved father and friend. We know that you "sorrow not as those without hope,' and trust that in Ode sore trial you may be comforted by the One who ie always ready to aympatbiee. Signed in bebalf of Roe's) Epwortb.Leagne, Jona Bastae, President, JOHN PEAneoN, Cor,•Beo. lathe). (Donnell meeting here on Thursday of tbie week. It is said a new iron bridge will be bails on the river here next season. Methodist Sauday eahool entertain. ment on the evening of Monday, 26th inet, Good program. Bert. McKee was at Guelph Met week attending the Winter Fair. It le a good plane for the boys to attend. A number from here attended the Teeple Concert at Bruseele last Friday evening and say it was all right. Mre. J. K. Brown has been on the sink list with a type of fever but is able to be ap now we are pleased to state. We hope she will soon be felly restored. R. C. Devise & Co. have jest passed into stook a choice line of the following goods for the holiday trade r—Oranges at 3 for So ; 2 for 50 ; 3 for 10o ; and intermit. A ahoioe assortment of 'Confeationety ; Seleot Raisins ; re-oleaned Currants ; Oandied Peels ; New Dates and riga and Beedleae Raisins. At this afore it is a pleasure to have the trouble of showing goods and all linea shown will be offered at popular prime. The annual meeting of those interested in Etbel Chasse Factory will be held on Saturday afternoon of this week at 1.30 p. no. Annual report will be presented and other baeineeo attended to, The factory had a eaaoesefal year. .31-E110110 tO Wn Babool entertainment on Friday even• ing of this week. Last Sabbath eveuiog Thoe. Strachan took charge of the aervioe in Viotoria Hall. We are pleased to report that Darman Taylor le mach improved in health and tope he will soon be o. k. Mise Elsie Btraahan baa gone to Tees. water to visit the Mimeo Ferguson. We wish her au enjoyable time, It looks very °nob as it the marriage fever were epreading and, judging by the symptoms, otbera are likely to take it shortly. See report of the opening of the Miaeion oharoh in which Mies Carrie Brydon ie interested, on the eappiement to Tae Pon' title week. The etore here be ready for Xmas] se usual and the proprietor will be glad to tree as many come and inspect goode and compare prices se will be oonvenient. Tbla week we pay for butter 15 and 16 Dente; turkeys 12e; geeee and ebiokene Bo ; eggs 20a ; other produce taken. Car stub r°ask. Mine BBs Fox, of Belgrave, epent Sunday at her home in Oranbrook. Mies Maggie Fox, of Cranbrook, is upending a few days with Mende in Belgrave. Oharlee and Mre. Mother and baby, of St. Thomee, are renewing old friend ships in this looaliiy. Mr. Fischer has been employed in a large brickyard and will return to that city again. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.—Da Thurs. day evening, December lar, the ladies of Knox oharob congregation undertook to give Mra. (Rev.) D. B. McRae, a very pleasant surprise. The manse was vieited and the following address read by Mre. Chas. Love after which a beautiful far lined coat was preeented :— Dam Mae. Ma0woc,—We, the ladies of Oranbrook Presbyterian church, desire to plana on record oar appreciation. of your unselfish efforts daring the past twenty eight years to advance the spiritual intereute of the congregation. Yon have always shown yooreelt a true helper to your husband in hie endeavors to break onto as the Bread of Life. Yon have in many tangible ways shown your willingness to share the burdens of the faithful minister's wife and especially by accompanying your bnaband on hie paetoral visitations. In this way you have come in contact with all the mem- bers of your congregation and bave en. deared yoarself to them by year willing. nese to serve and by the approachable- ness of your disposition. We therefore beg of you to accept thee fur.lined ooat A Few SUCCESTIONS FOR i; CHRISTMAS BUYERS This is the season above all others that you wish to buy something for somebody. What to purchase is usually a difficult matter to decide and our present ob- ject is to assist you in coming to a decision, We were never in a better position to supply useful, sensible and acceptable Gifts for your friends. FOR THE LADIES —Black or Colored Kid Gloves, —White Bilk Glovee, —Black Bilk Mitts, —Fano/ Callan, —Fenny Ties, —Fanny Bette, —Dainty Lawn, Linen or Silk Hkfe, —Wool or Bilk Waistiege, —Far Scarfs, -Far Muffs, —Far Capetian or Coals, —A pretty pair of Shone or Blippere. IIlf. Special —Plain Lawn Hemettituh at 5a, —Hametitob Muslin with initial on cor- ner at 5o. —Lane and Embroidered edge at 6e, 10o, 15e, 2 for 25o, 25c each and 60o. —Plain, Tanked and Embroidered Lawn for Aprons, FOR GENTLEMEN --Wool or Bilk Lined Gloves, —Mafflere, —Linen and Bilk Handkerchiefs, —Ties and Collars, —Braoee, —Slippers. FOR LITTLE GIRLS -Pretty Handkerohiele, —Gloves, —Mitts, —Ribbons, Mgeline, —9baee or Slippers, FOR BOYS —Tien and Collars, —Gloves and Handkerobieta, —Monier° and Mitts, —Braces. We have a choice assortment in the above lines and with prices for all so reasonable you will go away well pleased with your pur- chases and be sure to come back again. The GROCERY Department is not forgotten and as usual can fill your orders with choice goods at the lowest prides. Hoping to see you and extending compliments of the season to all our Customers, we remains Faithfully yours, � .Sri ■.rue ■ ! Ile bee a number of ehoica epteitxtw~tre 01 nnnerrtiiii VVV �s�. the pirebiouo foetal with hint, as a slight token of the affection and eeteem in wbiob you are regarded by no. It le our earnest prayer that you rutty he long spared to wear it in tits Master's aortic.), and that you and year oetiumb;e husband may be long spored to rack other and to as, your people. May, God'eriobest blessings net upon you and ever follow you through life ie the earnest prayer and desire of un all. Signed in behalf of the iadlee ut the congregation. Bus, ;Ind. Dgrtaroo, Mae, J, M. R000mette% Oranbrook, Deo. 1/04. A suitable reply wee made in reaognitian of the kind words and valuab'e, season. able gift. An enjoyable evening wee spent, a bountiful luncheon being dispensed from well filled baskets. The congregation le to be o0ngretnlated on • the happy relations existing between them and tbeir highly eeteemed past r and his good lady, Huron Co. Council Election, LADIES AND GnNTLEMEN.—•At the re. goeet of a large number of people I have deoided to enter the fl'eld as a oandidate for Huron Co. Council, for the ince/Mug term, in Division No. 6 and ask the favor of yonx support. I have bran a resident of Morrie township for over 40 years and been honored with a seat at the township Council Board for 11 years, filling the Reeve's °hair for G. If fleeted it will be my endeavor to discharge the duties of the reepoaeibie curse to tine best of my ability. I will not be able to see many of you personally but hope you will remember me on Election Day. Wishing yea the compliments of the season. I am, Yours Truly, WIC ISEIoTER, PERSONA L PARAf1RAPith, Postmaster Farrow was in London on Thareday. Ernest Miller was visiting in Wawa• nosh this week. Mise Elsie Caber was on the sick lint during the past week. Miss Rankin, of Wingbam, is the guest of Mre. Arthur McGuire. Mies Mabel Colvin, m)iliner, of Oredi. ton, is home for her holidaye. Mies MeaNair, of Oranbrook, ie the guest of Mre. Leckie, at Kelvin Grove. Barrieter MacDonald was at Goderioh this week for a few days on legal boot. 00138. Mies Mend Hoggerd arrived home from an extended etay at Wiauipog haat Tuesday. Mre, Prior aril abildren, of Windsor, have been visitors with Mrs, Beebe -nen, Turnberry street. Mre, Jae. Beattie and Mies Bessie left last week for Barrie, where Mr, Beattie has gone into the hotel basiaeee. A. B, MacDonald and Chas, Broadfeot were among the Brueeelitee who attended an Assembly at Wingbam last Friday night. Mre. Thos. Kelly has closed up bee residence for the Winter and will make her home with J. and Mre. McFadden, John street, who recently became reei- dente of Broeeele. Cardiff, son of Geo, Beet, has been on the sink list daring the past week, threatened with pneumonia, and the Dr. was in attendance. We hope the little lad will soon be as well as ever. W. H. Crone, of Swan Lake, Manitoba, brother to Mre. A. Brune, a former Brneselite, was calling on old frionde in Bruesele title week. He reports Mon, Brace, who is now sojourning io the Weal, iu good health, We are sorry to state that titre. Henry Wilbee has been on the siok list for the past few weeks at the home of bee danebter, Mrs, P. Lament, Mrs, Willae is 77 years of age but bee been a remark- ably bright, active old lady and her many friends hope she will soma be frilly reetored. Mies Mary McDougall, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont„ is renewing old frieudtthipe in Brussels and locality. It is 2a years einoe Mrs. McDougall and family re- moved from town. They are well pleased with the Boo and report the restoration of considerable of the iormee enterpriee and a favorable outiook. W. L. Baker, wife and eon, of Idaho, are here on a visit, arriving Tbureday evening of last week, It is 10 genre saute the former left town and in the intervening years he has seen -_a good deal of Uncle Sum's p0eaeseione.. Mr. Baker was home 4 years ago. They may spend a good share 0f the Wistar bare. l4londay oBher ttrrtved borne fromafternothe ConllegeGarf, ofasPhrirma:'y, Toronto, for the Chrietmae holidays. Any person meeting him need nut think he has turned pagllist by the marks on ie face. He is one of the daantlese Pharmacy forwards in the Font Ball caul and as tbey had a hot lnetob with he aohool timbers of Toronto on Bator. ay the battle enara ere not to be wonder• d a4. Alvin Hemphill, of Wroxeter, leo attending Pharmacy, is the goal- eeper and put ap a great flame.. Tan POST was favored wlbb a call from avid Torrence, of Detweon, Youttoe, ho Wag a former reshloub of thio !meaty le father owning the "Ball" farm .Barna of Brnseele, They moved to Harbrolt 27 oars ago and then to Measitoba. 1'h., Miter hue been 7 yearn in the miner ' ararlies nod on Bowman Creek he ai: l le partner have 70 men et work and we re pleased to hear with good results gall arming oat about 1310 to the 0uttae. bore ate many changes noticed in e Yonkoei .since Mr. Torruooe wens ere, He spent 8 months getting in en i coming tut Only took, 9 days, He nit back by Battle and St, Loeb; and ter a holiday in Manitoba will rad back Daweon in Metall. The visitor ie baled to David Ross and family ar:d Nan to enjoy lite even if a baoitelora h d a k D w b 111 n th th fn cab of to re ap