The Brussels Post, 1904-11-17, Page 15•
"Graft" is the Name Given to a
C'riminal's Line o?
A man was arrested. e: I'.
some V L a
ngo on a charge of Il:gbw31yrobbery.
I:le was a ,veil known oharacter, and
the Idea that he could possibly get
acquitted of such a charge was laugh-
able. But be sec0en(led.
"I didn't 1,10 it," bo said to Cho
judge, „because it isn't any 'graft.'
And the plea succeeded. Tho man in
question had .qul'n a tide reputation
118a thief, and had served od terms of
irnprisonmu1L, but 108et• in his life
'(1a11 lie been known to commit rob-
bery with violence. The bcltdh recog-
nised the etreagth of the plea, as for
a criminal to commit a crime for
which he has not specially trained
himself is as' absurd as for 0. clerk,
to ta.''o up brie:slaying.
Not only Is each department of
crime specialized, but eachseection of
.each branch. A thief, for instance,
will rarely or never he found con-
cerned in a burglary, As a matter
of fact, the thief looks clown ose the
.burglar. ].noun as the greatest blood -building with 1 i 11
"Thlovas," thry argue, "have no g ,(nal habit of giving, In many
need to carry cowardly implements neat medical nuthorltios agree that cases Hui good fortune is attributed,
like revolvers and knives. We don't the one scientific cure for indigestion by true beneficiary solely to the habit
have to injure human beings person- is the Tonic Treatment. The mar- and with others who are more con -
soy, but only want their property," venous suceoss of the treatment has
Tonic Treatment for Indigestion -
New Strength for, the Stomach
From New, Rich Bed. B1o04,
The Tonto Troatlnant-Chet le the
latest, and only sci01111he cure for in-
dtgOSLiun. A11 111e leading (octet's
of Europe and Alnerlea ire using' it
Prosperity in Increasing Measure
to Those Who Give Sys-
A collect.iol of printed matter Olt
t1.1 hubJcct of sixths, Pa` ed n the.
with seesa1i01311 success, No more ],Leary of an up-to-date elelgylran,
purgatives, no 1001e 11(pein, no more o0'ors a ltew ern! prnctienlly u11e "heel
patent foods, no snore lung^ diet lists Prete( to the (llacip10 of "new
saying "Thou shalt not eat this o, thought." IL touches u'pa1 Ilia sub -
that," No rno•0 of all this-itot,h- pet fI'l,m. s11es in which there 1s an
element of Interest to the business
man, and to the speculative etud3nt,
s wellas to0t:l' i 11 e,
n cCho , o s devotee.
o a
c L .
:For the business men there is a
tabulated record of results believed
to levee hinged upon the principle of
worldly prosperity accruing to the
"tither," In addition to the old ap-
peal, given in the form of a complete
collection o a scriptural commands,
lag, in fart, but plenty of new, pure,
etch red blood to tone the liver and
give the stomach strength for its
work. That Is the Tonic Treatment
for indigestion.
'I'llo tonic treatment 1s based on
the new idea that drugs which digest
the food for the elomaell really
weaken its powers through disuse.
Well -Known Norwood Contractor
Always Has a Good Word for
Dodd's Kidney Pi11s,
Norwood, Ont., Nov. 21-(,(•]pec•ial).
-Mr. W. N. Baskin, the. well-linown
lumberman and railroad contractor,
here, le one of those who never fall
to say a good word for Bod(1's Kid-
ney fills. ItIr. Baskin gives the rea-
son why as follows:
What shrunk your woolens ?
Why did holes Welar so soon ?
You used common soap,
(trInwm IN A.
Sect Causing Much
Comment in Ireland,
"tor two yea's I was laid up with The "tramp uilgrlms," Cas they
Lumbago and Kidney Disease, At style themselves, aro 31 new r,•iigious
times I would become very wank and sect whose present heedlrlueriel•s aro
Tho digestive organs can never do P 11 would have to give on ,vork, I diel in the village of liel]inaulullard,
their work properly until they are promises, and instances upon the sub- work on the C.P.R. and the Parra about four miles from Pani:>!.illen,
strong enough to do it, for them- jest, infero is kept a record of mad -
Rale and people all know how Ireland,
seh'es. The only thing.thatcue ern instances in whicH the practice sick I was. Tho rH1(01111311 la salvation In Ilio More People Than Are Aware of
give the stomach and the livor new has been coexistent with increasing "heading of wonderful cures by inlet of the pllufnls is total Smarr- It Have Heart Disease.
strength is good blood -tend the only prosperity, Stomps of well known Dodd's r<idney Pitta led me to 'ty Mon, and ns (Wit Woe; plane (InIly
thing that, can actually Ma1(e hew men of p131011cedl affairs respected by t110111, and I can stay I have not had m the river thousands of persons "If examination were rouge of
blood is Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for the business world are quoted as hav_ ally Pains since I used them. It;heye bean attracted from all parts evorvonc, I'COl' a wpuld he surprised
Pale People. They have long been ing Had increase of riches coincident Just tools three boxes to cure me 01 Iretantl to nallivanallarci. After at the number of persuny walling
what s known as tile, sertp- completely." Lumbago is one of the !this p'!1Jic bll.ptiern the converts. re- about saucing 11,•10 heart (liseasc.
Lunic rn the world, and all the high- results of Kidney Disease. Cure roto• call their experiences and tell how Tills startling stntenent waS made
ICidneys with Dodd's Ridney fills
and you, will cure your Lumbago.
-eta c4- is v' e,,Ai't' > /,/G Ps' lk
111 /2z •r
,&,& eatc7,z,.
Wo can handle your poultry althea
to best advantage.
Also your butter, eggs, honey and
other produce,
THE (iAWsf"N COMMISSION 0(9.0 Limited
Con West Market anti Colborne Sts,TORONTO.
This attitude on the part of the been proved in every corner of the
thief mates him rather a respected Dominion. One of the latest wits
member of the e1•in1]nal brotherhood tresses Is Mr. Joseph Roehatto, St,
in the eyes of ''the force." A "good Jerome, Que., who says : "I simply
thief," as one detective is fond of hated the thought of food. Of
saying, "is the kind of men wo like course I had to force myself to eat,
but afterwards I always suffered
with dull, heavy pains In the stom-
ac11, I seemed to be bilious as well
and this caused severe headaches,
to get."
A "000
is a man who works nn a largo
servative and two are believed to be
at least elosoly involved.
One of the examples quoted is of a
millionaire soap lunnufacturer of
world wide reputation. IIs started
to bonelet upon his business career
as a with nth all his worldly pos-
sessions £u a benne, and his solo
capital a knowledge of seal/making.
scale. Ito will be engaged on a vast which further aggravated my unfor- Because of an incident upon the way
Jewel robbery at a hotel, or else, tunato position, I grew pale, felt lie "Meanie so profoundly int reseed
perhaps, he is a bullion thief, whose
"graft" is to steal specie from a
great line•. De will have spent
months and months laying his plans,
and, before making the seiztu•e, will
away in weight and the trouble 1t1' 1 11 f ' tlf 't
seemed to be undermining my whole
constitution, I tried several reme-
dies, but without Success; a doctor
whom I consulted advised absolute
have travelled to and fro on the liner rest, but this was out of the quos -
and become known to the officers. tion as T had to work for my living.
Now, such n roan is an aristocrat Fortunately for me, ono of my
among criminals. He may be a per- friends advised me to use Dr. W11 -
feet gentleman. 7f you left five dol- Yams' Pink Pills, and i decided to
lars on trio table, or dropped -your do so. After taking the pills for
purse in the street, the "good thief" several weeks there was a' decided
would probably return it to you; he
improvement in my condition. Not
would never dream of appropriating
it, Ire wouldn't pick ,your pocket.
It is not his "graft" to involve his
reputation in miserable little Icemen -
les, \vhel•n then are fish so much
Hints to Wives for the Improve -
they Have been "saved."
Aiby a doctor at a decent inquest at
Mr. Edward Cooney, a son of Mr, Yarmouth, .See'and, and, according
W. R, Cooney, .T,P„ ono 01 tile pews to a Lonclon heart specialist, is in a
eipal nlcrcha11ts of Enniskillen, has certain degree correct.
loft hit; family and gone to llallina- "f should not like to say that
mallard to lead the tralup pilgrims. heart disease is as common as this
Some hundreds of persnti5 from cove- would iluf,ly,,' said the expert, "but
anent of Husbands. try b'ei•muuagh have followed lttr, I am sure 'hat the number of per -
If a wife wants to see her husband's OOnney, and embraced the new belief, sons going about with weak hearts
cheeks become rosy she is advised by Many have even sold their farms or 'must be very large. But this Is not
a writer on diet to give him two left their business in order to join disease of the heart, which, I believe
heads of lettuce adaY, and to the nev Todamtrs, is really Iv enc tf
him a portion of lettuce with poach- 11111ug llle presetdt tweelc sixty-four "l7uniircds of people go about their
ed eggs every night for six weeks. persons have been baptieed in Belli- daily work. on the verge of death,
The writer gives those hints on how eassidy river, and those are now go- and yet do not know it. It is only
to prepare this magic maker of re5e- ing about seeking converts. This is when the shock omen that kills them
with a belief in to principles o is ti- ate tinted masculine cheeks:- tho method of baptism: that. the unsuspected weakness of the
frig that wi11h his first earnings he If you, "reals the heads, cut the On the banks of lire riven the pit- heart is Chadd' apparent,
proceeded to carry it into effect. So leaves from the lettuce heads 'and genas assemble and conduct dovo- "Many think their hearts are at-
tar from abandoning the practice -as throw them for some time before Clonal exercises. Then they form a Tested, however, and have really no -
is usually the case -when the business serving into the water, for washing lane on either side. The persons to thing the matte` with them at all,
man achieves a largo capital, the Iia- and cleansing, the best part will be bo baptized march through this, There are a great many people who
bit was continued in increased' ratio lost. Tho lettuce heads should b0 hymns being sung in the meantime. never fell to go out without their
through 011 the ascending heights to washed whole and cut and prepared
etches, which soap accomplished for
this manufacturer. The literature in
which this incident is included treats
the subject from the novel stand-
point was my digestion bettor, but point that it is e. matter of in(1111er-
my general health improved 111 every endo whether 01' ft was mostly the tithes
way. New blood seemed to be
that proved the royal road to riches,
coursing through my veiln5, bringing or the soap. That somewhere bo
new health and strength every day. ,ween the two, it lay in a course
from which the tithing system was
bigger b1 the sea. "Besides," " I tools eight bozos of Dr. Williams'
will tell you„ " 7 haven't had any Pink fills altogether, and those who
will tell
at that sort of thing, and see me note would never know I
should probably muddle it if I had seen an unwell day in my life. I
tried." owe my splen dtd health to these
A11.'' what kind of criminal is pills, and strongly advise every
really most respected by the force, dyspeptic or tweak person to lose no
a detective informed us that "we 111(0 time in taking them."
n good forger. A forger has to be a Mr. Rochette's he Tonicent r a
strong tribute to tate Tonic Treat -
clever than, and generally well edu- anent. Dr. Williams' Pink rills cured
rated. Wo don't rank such a man
with your five -cent arca-snealc,"
If you look crown the list of no-
torious persons privately issued to
Scotland Yard officiate, ,you will find
dozens of different branches of
There is the liotol thief, tho 1'wggage
thief, the race -course thief, the shop
lifter, the omnibus thief, the bicycle
thief. There are as many branches
nbuost of thieves n8 there are of
clerks, and curiously enough, when
once a man has been associated with
one or another of these branches, he
will very rarely be found engage(, in
a different branch. It is a case of
every man to his trade,
When Plash Prod, the luggage thief,
comes out of gaol, the police lcnow
very welt that ho will not be mixed
11 in any affair of ,newels or bicycles.
To will at once again turn 111s atton-
`on to, luggage. As to wily crilnin-
Is rarely or never alter their mode
f life, though they have served
many tens of imprisonment, is an
odd question, difficult to solve.
"It's a man's profession," said a
doubtful character to us. "You, for
instance, have made your living in
the past as all intik-slinger, and you're
not going to suddenly change and be -
tome a bargee, Well, ,lien, when a
man has carried a certain branch of
thieving to a fine art, do ,you suppose
he's going to throw away all his
knowledge of the ropes and experi-
ence, just because he's had to put
up with a roar or so in (Mod? Not
likely. Its his living, and he'll
stick to it."
p't11s into hie precise "graft" by
,• filmes J'el'liaps his earliest thieving
nati llCt
r emitted t
q to stealing
Sweets s cots froru she I rs
a boy.
In solno schools one boy with this
instinct; will set the fashion to sever-
al others, It voted clever and
smart to purloin a pa01(et of (emcee
late, or what not, If 110(1 detected,
the boys will persovor0 and finally
become skilled at shop -lifting. Then
it is that the idea develops, and tvo
find our man a short-111ter pure and
simple. and tee Ito ineepericn00d in
May other "graft,"
Murder, of course, cannot be called
h "graft." Til the best criminal cir-
cles, murderer 1s not seriously re-
garded nt. an, A Mall Who would be
00 foolish: as to put his nook into a
noose, for no special reason of gain.
is classed merely es a nomerireited
fool. Only if ho lies committed the
c1'11110 as a .last resort, and been fair-
ly sticcesafnl in concealing ,it, and
has, abot'o a11, gained substantially
by 11, motel he be enrolled in Clio in-
ner circle of crime.-Pearson'S Weekly,
EVer';•youn man wino cleans his
clothes With ggasoline does not got,
credit for owning- an automobile.
It is easy 0310tlgli to 31cemiro a
relitltetlon as an orator if one can
remelnlbor what someone 0liee Inas
"Johnny," said his mother, who
had 1111m across her knee, "tints hurts
1120 worse than it does yen." "I was
afraid," said ,10h111)", under his
bt'e11 "that '],hat 0a1°dboard I put in my
trouse's rni,7hi, injure hot• dotilglb
neve' absent is tlio fact tliat is point-
ed out. This, as well as other in-
cidents, is presented as coinciding
with the scriptural promise rattier
than fulfilling it.
Records of an American league are
also given in tallfcli each member not
only gives his tenth but submits an
annual report of his business pros-
perity. The results, said to surprise
him because they actually made now even the most sangulno 'believe's in
rich blood for him. Those pills go the worldly prosperity . of others,
right down to the root of the 'thou- show only two or three out of tliou-
blo in the blood and aero t11at. Tho sands who do not report largely in-
tim blood they make carries healing creased business prosperity. The
health and :strength to every part ofbooks of the old South church of
Boston, which have carefully preserv-
ed names of donors and the amount
given by eacli for the last fifty years
are also called in as evidence. World-
ly prosperity is attested here by the
names of many who began giving at
the body. That is the new Tonic'
Treatment, and the highest medical
authorities now recommend this
treatment for all the 10nitnon ail-
ments such as anaemia, headaches,
backaches, rheumatism, sciatica, neu-
ralgia, nervousness, dyspepsia and that early period who aro still giv-
general weakness. These aro all ing and whose sums have increased
caused by bad blood and therefore aro from yens to year. The names of
all cured by Dr, Williams' Pink several of the largest givers aro to
Pills. You can get those Pius from bo found on tlie list 'fifty years ago,
any medicine dealer or by mail at when they commenceditin small
50c a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by amounts. g g
writing to the Dr. Williams Medicine STOPS SPLs TD7II12TLv1.
Co., Brockville, Ont,
Explanations of the practical effect
{ of this system of giving otter an at-
tractive field of speculation to the
BEER -SODDEN LONDON, students who explain governing cams -
ea and effects scientifically. First,
One Public -house to Twenty-nine it is pointed out the most emphatic
Nen in East District, direction is that it shall be systema-
tic. This not only does away with
A book collect "Seven Years' foolish a7L11 irrational giving, but of
Hard," by Rev. Richard 'gree, Lon- mending also, and can only result in
don, exposes the excessive beer drink- the salvation of the spen'(lthr'ift. See-
ing of the East End to an extent in- onld, those who follow it are obliged
credible, if facts were not furnished to keep a careful system of mantel's
to prove his point, records, The business man who fol -
Dr, A. Salter, of Jamaica Road, Si lows it knows what lie is doing from
E•, has spent a year in investigating ween( to weer: and from month to
the drink question it the borough, of month, so that he Can. 110V0r fail for
Bermondsey. Tho statistics ho has a largo amount. His knowledge of
gathered with: regard to the 11"1]0 his affairs, self -(tenial, and systematic
lionises are extraordinary. payments are bound to wig success
So far, lie has analyzed live ills- for him, Third it gives a strong
tide in the borough, In one of these motive for enthusiastic world for
whore the average wage per loan is those: who, Haven't it for any other
26s per week, there is ono public cause. Tillers, so 1t is stater, and
House to every 21) men and 0001'y 27 it appears not wlth0nt rrla1011ins
inhabited houses. In another area variably become erltlrttslastie givers
of seven ttncl a half acres there aro ands b 1, 1
84 reel to every publi0-hOuso, while
tlio average wieldy wage of the 111011
Is only 28s.
"Tree result of this slate of things
pro -
in the particular• area -not the whole
boroU,gli-may bo summed up in the
%verd'e, 'Ilopllees demoralization.' In
the areas given 1 have no hesitation
in saying that 90 per cent. of trio
families ore drink -ridden, PIicy are
amply drink areas,"
shortly before serving to order to re-
tain all nourishing substances.
Variety in food does not necessar-
ily mean a great variety at any one
meal, nor does it mean rich pastries
and indigestible stuffs. A meal of
two or three articles is really better
Dian a great number, but each meal
511ou1<1 be different from the other.
Breakfast, dinner and supper should
consist of different articles of food,
and these be varied from day to day.
A variety of wholesome foods well
cooked is needed. The sensible House
wife is the one who does net serve to
iusband and children the things clay
after day until their appetites are
cloyed, and their stomachs go on a
strike, Tho food should vary from
season to season, from day to 'day,
from meal to meal.
Eat meat, eat fish, oat vegetables,
eat fruits, eat cereals, but do not
try to eat them all in one day. Re-
member your body is made up of
many different elements, and it is
best nourished by many different
kinds of food.
Scete-Small wayside station; train
approaching -Sandy (to his master):
' iTero's yer train, Sir." Master
(who has his own ideas about cor-
rect speech) : "That's not my train,
but rather the train I'm going by."
But it happened to be a special train
and didn't stop at the station,
whereupon Sandy exclaimed : "We're
baith wrong, for it's neither your
train nor the ane ye're glum by, but
it's the 31010 that's gone by you!
The Simple Dish That Keeps One
Vigorous and Well Fed..
Standing to his loins In the river is name and address somewhere upon
one of the pilgrims, and he, repent- them and a phial of brandy ready for
ing the usual baptismal formula, emergencies, 0nd yet they never need
catches the person converted and them,
places hlm completely ander the "Some of these people will even
water. carry written instructions in their
So great is the excitement in the pockets as to what is to be done
tillage that the authorities- have with them when the expected seizure
deemed it prudent to draft extra po-
lice to Ballinamallard, but so far
their services have not been required.
"One middle-aged lady I know was
so confident that her heart was liable
to sudden failure that she. never went
anywhere without her brandy phial,
L'tttobut Searching. -Dr.Von Stan's and got her husband to tell every-
Tablets are not big nauseous body she knew what to oto if an at-
(losas that contain injurious drugs or teak came.
narcotics -they aro the pure vegetable "Curiously enough, it was tho hus-
popsin-the medicinal extract from this band who died from sudden heart
luscious fruit, mut the tablets are pre_ failure, The wife died years after -
pared in as palatable form as the wards from a11120(er disease.
fruit itself. They euro indigestion. 60 "nut undoubtedly heart weakness,
in a box, 85 cants. -50 not disease, is more prevalent now -
a -drays, T should think that the
stress- of living, the wear and rush
Quito recently the boatswain of a of modern business lite -particularly
British man -0' -war buried the cap- the five minutes: meal followed by a
tain at sea, reading the Burial Ser- rush for the train -have a lot to do
vice Iurnself.
Minard's Liniment Cures uI !itharla,
Unless a man is willing to con1088
his ignorance lie will never be in a
position to learn.
Ono Short Puff Clears the Hoaol.
-Does you head ache? Halm you pains father think he's after 1130111' school -
over your eyes? Is Cho bread, often- in' ('louglh!" "Schooling enough!
sive? These are certain symptoms c Why, r clid not finish my education
Catarrh, Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- until I was twenty-three." "Be that
der will calve most stubborn cases in a So?" nsl(ed the mother, in ninaXe-
marvellously short time. If you've had Mont, Then, reassnringiy, after a
Catarrh. a week it's a sure cure. If it's moment's thoughtful pause, "But
of fifty years' standing It's lust as et- that boy of ours hes brains."
teethe. 50 cents, -57
with henrt trouble. And I am sure
that heart weakness caused by over-
smol(ing is on the increase."
A school board official called at
tho home of a pupil whose absenrc
bad extended ever a week, and in-
quired of the Ind's mother the
cause. "Why," she said, "he's past
his thirteenth year, an' lee and Ills
"Yes; submarina'boats are very
popular of late years. Soon the
When the Doctor takes his own navies of the world will be under
medicine and the grocer eats the food water." "Ives, and I reckon Russia's
he recommends sono confidence comes will be the first!"
to the observer.
A Grocer of Ossian, Ind., had a
practical experience with food worth
anyone's attention.
13e says: "Six yea05 ago I became
so weak from stomach and bowel traction of rite cords of my leg, and
trouble that I was ]tunny compelled had to be ,013011 irons in a rig. I
to give up all work in my store, and could not sleep for pain, and was un-
able fact all sorts of work, for about able to Put my font to the floor, A
four yea's. The last year 1 was friend told me of your M1NA11.D'S
00(11100c1 to title, bed nearly all of the
LINIMENT, and one hoer from the
time, and, much of the thee unable list npplicaUat I was able to walk,
to retain food of any sort on my Mud the pnhl entir017 disappearedi
stomach. iidy bowels were badly Yotl can use my 11nn1e as fra,•le as
constipated continually, and I lost in Yoe like, as I consider it the hest
weight from 1(35 pounds down to 38 remedy I have ever used.
o econre an ulslas c workers. pounds: C11111:$7.OP11Pit (1:11111'.
Ono of title eases faunal 3n tlo rn- --
"When at the bottom of the ladder 711gcrsoIl, Ont,
cords is 1)110 scorn stnLcnvmt of such 7 changed treatment entirely and
an txtilwagunt measure of success of started in on Grape -Nets and cream youth is going to tackle the things
a busi
ness house Iio gi ng of its for neurishmeet. I used absolutely to -morrow that ago 111114led yestir-
ttts, asldo'froiu tho giving Of its per- nothing but this for about three clay.
sone] in eel hes, as eon 11 only open ft menthe, I slowly improved until r
to the susLicton of beteg a clwvet• gd- got out of bowl and began to move
vert)sement if steeled in any way but
the semi -private. (barn et ne of these
records, As it is, the 400 pec' cont.
profits tcliiclf .wore reitclierl, were giv-
en ns 'testimony" to the direct fel- (Tay in the store and. »over felt bete
Mimosa of tato c•lintlen e: "lilting ye ter 111 my life. -
alt the tithes into the stnl•olionso and "During these two years I have
1rovois otai 1n0 ow nwshlegcuC11u1lit-t Pe.ter 1.101. Nneuvs' amhldisscerdatan, b33r11eak
01 foasttou0Phi(V0O310
this collection of literature two locals n. day, but the entire
core nfscs L1ic tw4•ole'
1 gnunit of fact's breakfast is always made of Grape-
nntl material fol' artier is knot�u Its DTuts nett decrial alone,
Grape -
modern 1110tlt.o(15 or p.l'eal3leillg, ns well "Since (•enun.cnc3ng the ttso of
as "modern tliolgnt" out of detoronce
to the spirit of altruism, it t5 only
selected fr0ni 3131'1sc(lly and held as e.
soured of refnre,re rather than exhor-
0. 0. RIC.HARDS & CO.
Dear Sirs, -A few days ago I was
taken with a severe pain a111 con-
There is no telling when a nlcd10110
1110)2 be. needed in liouws where there
are young' children, nag the failure
to have a reliable medicine at 'handl
may mean much suffering, and, per-
Baps, the loss of a priceless life.
Iuvory mother shourltl always keep a.
box of Baby's Own Tahlots in the
house, This medicine acts promptly
and speedily, Mires 523011 ills as stom-
ach and bowel troubles, teething
troubles, simple fevers, colds, worms
and other little ills, And the -anoth-
er rias a guarantee that the Tablets
contain 110 opiate oe harmful (berg,
Ono wise mother, Ilia. Geo. Lardy,
Fourche, N.S,, says: "I have used
Baby's Own Tablets and find them a
blessing to children. I am not sat-
isfied withOtzt a box in the 11:01310 (1t
all times," 1'f yot14 (realer rides not;
keep these Tablets in 1210014 send 25
cents to 'Sin I)r, .Williams' Medicine
Co„ Brockville, Ont., and you Will
get a box 11 f' tne,li. post paid,
"1 have been inp,rOVing rrgnitu4y,
and now in the past two years hlaVe
lata working nbo1:t fifteen flours a
Lover's Y-31 (Wiso Tread) Itishlfec-
ant Soap Powder dusted in the
balk, softens the water and disin-
Many a main who illaghuls 1i.c could
runt the earth can't even manage a
small garden successfully,
Ded.riddon 13 Voarsf-"li neybcdy
wlults it written guer,ttime front oto
personally as to my wonderful 0133.7
from rheumatism lay South American
(re, re -Nuts I' lfa'I0llamriatlo Cure T will be the gladdest
e never' 1)80(1 any- tvaman in the wnt•lel 10 Ian it,," sttye
thing to stimulate (110 action of the itbs. .101,1) lloauu,out• of lora• "1 had
bowels a thing I had to dofor dcspa]t'er1 nt renewer u.p to the time
yea's, but ibis food keeps me roma-
110 the rrtiaa of 'your 02011 wort:, and
have no higher don't of n.l>(17cnI, than
your Own judgnamii•.
nor 331,r .4lriv ••.,,y
"1;011121 1(01(10(11 0101(1.1. 11i1n1<' {1101. 11 Tin-,Wl1 lOwr45onnnu(:c ,Neon gi0iy
Simlple (lisle. of (11.11)11 Nilt}I trod mum n 1nlr,.er mash a or
\\'0.11131 1101 ra rry 0110 111001xli to iia le1100111i e•hn6 nn,.n ti, i t.,l :are,
t , , ua e. ul a .a rhoedm , It 41 n•af:., ;nolo iro
nan11111}r 111101 but it Will i11t•d 111 the 1 nr r (3hbotdo
Mni Sold a; ihnni•hrai, •n v 43. sore -Nal1(t vigorous itilinn.„ I,SIy,"Al,NNi i,.l[\,
haute given by POShinl Co.. nat,lie
lar arid in tine shape, and I 1101 gtflW-
ieg stronger and heavier every day.
NO'l SO ,MAI) AFTER ALL,. " 1+Ly customers, naturally, have
A nobleman, against Whom instil- been hltereeted and I a1n, 001)19elle(1
ivy tuns imptite(1 lir his rOlntiVea, wart t0 11115007.1' n great many questions
asked, during examination by Lord about (lrn)7-Nuts.
1;,olighboronglt, "Tfoty many logs liar
a sheep?"
"Dees your T,o'ship Mean a live or
a (lead sheep?" asked the nobleman,
"Is it not alto sale thing"?" said
the Chancellor,
"No, m;y 10rc1, there is meth differ- Cr0Ok, 11I_h, "(Ty sister cult ,lav the, 1111111, 110mi-
once, A live shoe)) has four logs, n • „ ,r. I 1 a
'I ainla in rnrh recto for iho'fnin- � iiCullyl Oli, but you lent ht to
dead sheep but trvn, 'rho others aro
vinllal.ibook ^ilic 1pnnd in Well -'hear mysister play L10 pandalon-
i,ahouidcrs,'., ]teal "•'
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Fishermen on the Lake of Neucha-
tel are using motor boats.
Bright's Disease-- Insidious I Decep-
tive L.Rolontlass f hos foiled hundreds of
trials by medical science to steal the
tide of its ravages -and not until South
American Iiidney Cure proved beyond
a (1001), its.. power to turn bark the
tide, was there a gleam of anything but
despair for the vietln7 of this dread
form of kidney disease. -SA,.
7f you must knock, get out in the
middle of a forty -acre lot and wield
y0u1' harmer.
uMard's llnimenl cures carver In cows.
A young married couple's first quar-
rel usually begins with an argument
about how to avoid quarrels.,
~�• • � To prove to you lent 3101
leb ("!]slew (Sammie iaacertain
anduG> bso
a Duro for ono
1 F
and aunt form Of itohln
bleedingsnd protruditng piles,
manllfaOtllrer5 bawo (uarenteedit. 8notos
Stomata in the Osier press and •elk your 1101;lh'
!ors what(1hoy 111)311) oral, Von min 31501(1 and
Tab your menu flack if not 0117e0, 000 a box, at
11 dealers or 11,nbtoNse21,11 ATVS & Co.,'1'oronta
PraChase's OH8';3tme r
The building of railways all over
this Dominion is opening good posi-
tions for telegraph operators. The
supply is short, the demand good,
Young Mon slrnnlcl give this calling
more atteetlon. The work is easy
to leant, and the *Sponse of qualify-
ing is small when you att=end the
Ventral 1Tohi>ol or '1'olegraphy fn
Toronto, 21131(11 is in nflili11tion with
the well 13nolwe 'Central 13usiness
College under the principalship of
Mr. W. 1T. Shaw. hese 001100)5 taro
tbo'ovghly reliable and after super•
iol• advantages.
1fr. 1tullbs-,-"(ire's, that .11x5,
rich nit ended the missionary meet-
ing and (001.11 )utcd oven her jewel •
tory to the poor hrntheta." • Mrs.
Stubbs; (011010,r7sly) "W(11, ablya
heathen would wear sll0li ;jewellery as
Martha 1"uili fell carries on her per -
Made big enough for big
man to work in with comfort.
Has more material in it than
any other brand of shirt in
Canada. Made on the
H.B.K. scale it requires 39/
to 42 yards per dozen, whereas
common shirts have only 32
to 33 yards.
That's the reason why the
H.B.I. " Big" Shirt never
chafes the armpits, is never
tight at the neck or ' wrist-
bands, is always loose, full
and comfortable and wears
Each shirt bears a tiny book
that tells the whole history
of the "Big" Shirt, and
also contains a notarial
declaration that the H.B.K.
"Big" Shirt contains 3934
to 42 yards of material per
Sold at all dealers but only
with this brand: -
Montreal Winnipeg Dawson
Friend -"Why do you allow your
daughter to bang the piabo so
!lard?" Father-"I'ni hoping ' she'll
either sprain her wrist or brook the
s Liniment Cures Colds etc
Teacher -"I suppose you Snow,
Maury, that in keeping you after
school I punish myself 0.s well as
you?" Ilar•ry-"Yes, m'm; that's
why I don't mind itl"•
faaby Humors, -Dr, Agnew's Ointment
soothes, quiets, and effects quick and
ogoo1ive cures in all skin eruptions co/n-
(110n to baby during teething thno, It
Is harmless t0 the hair in cribs of Scald
[lead, and mince Borstals, 'Salt 111011m
and all Skin Diseases 01 011101' people.,
115 emits. -05.
Miss Johnson -"Ori, you needn't
talk, You're not quite V31100l.1011
,yourself, T would have you know."
Mr, Smitiliers -"No, my dear; bat
when you're about I'm very neat'.
Miss Johnson (coining closer) -
"Oh, ITenn;vl"
Tia thousands of people, who
write to 11re, saying that
ro m
�e � Y k , F1A;s1 WL
1„ The Lun�
1...,t. Ii
cured them of chronic coughs,
cannot all be mistal(en. T'her'e
roust be some truth 121 it.
Thy a bellle for iliac cough of Yaut(f.' f
Prlehlt 3, C. Welts .t,2 Co, 1111
3150, 5oa. $1, I,olt0Y,1T•1t;,1oronto,Cul,
eAatontr tattlibw54X10
ISS LTTI NO, 47-04