The Brussels Post, 1904-11-17, Page 13A cZ'34.5..,'&.CySt L">'k;i't. tl '4,
And n 1 8 e b
a when air VA 1 i r
1 mo
her to
t4) Tenn opens April 11th, 1904
Two Courtleq—
Oommerolal and Shorthand,
Send for College Journal.
A, L. MOIN'l"YBE, Manager.
tent, F.B, B00TT, Brussels,
v T Teener of Marriage Licenses, Of-
fice at Grocery, Turuberry street, Brussels.
. DBnef0N1913 hoe several good Farme for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Towbellipe
of Morrie and Grey. F S, SCOTT. Brunel.
Court P010008e Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. L'.,
Brussels, tante in their Lodge Boom, Bias.
hill Block, ou the 2nd and last Tuesdays of
each month, 808 o'oloak, Visiting brethren
always weleomo. JAS. BUltOBSB, O. It.
A, 14, M14LLISH, B. S.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
—TEa.CH1913 OF—
Office over Htnaley 0 Drug Store,
Nov, 898,1902. 80.8ua Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.,
Insurance taken on the Dash and premium
note system atanrrent rates. Before Maur.
ing el aewhere call on the nu do00199ed Agent
of the Company.
GEORGE ROGER8, Brneeele.
F • Ban, will sell for better prices, to
better men in lees time and lase charges
Huron or
leo an
charge anything. any other AuctioneeDateaat and 01110ra
eau always be arrangedat this o1Boe or by
personal applioation.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the omoe of Tin Posw, Brueoele. 2201
t1 • Boner Grndaaro of the Ontario Vot-
erinary'Oollege. lo prepared to treat all die -
08008 o1 domesticated animals 1n a compet-
ent manner, Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. OBloe and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels.
,7..• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Pito.
9luoeeeeor to G. F. Blair. OfSoo over Stan-
dard Bunk, B0988018, Solicitor for Metro-
politan Bank.
• Barrister, Solicitor, lConveyauoer,
NotaryPubllo, &o, Oatoe—Stewart's Block
I door North of Central Rotel,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
PI7W. Pnonnroom,Ii.0. R. 0. Bays
0. F. BLAm.
Maoos—Those formerly oomupied by Masers
Cameron & Holt,
GODHn3O1, ONTAftio.
9.11 M. D.,
'Trinity Universityy, Fellow Trinity Medical
Cottage, Member College of Physicians and
Surgeons Ont; Licentiate of the Royal Cot -
logo of
and Licentiate of 2218.
wifery Edinburgh, 1S 'Telopbonc Alo.11,
Beeldonce-1k1111 street, lrneeols,
DR. R. P. P'EILD, '
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Burmese/ Ontario and First-olaoo Banos
Graduate of Toronto University. Mee
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Largest and Best
This eehool en eye the reptttatton of
doing the best work in Puniness Eda-
oation of the Dominion. The large b
eo11oole in Canada and United States
o a8 to 011810. e
employ our r0.dnit0 0. w
O a
p Y g
the name nstrnotfen to all and
g 19
twat tea "Beet;' 7t
Student§ may enter at any time. it
Write for free oa0nlogu0, pf
ia' tsvo •-�- i= in=Sdi''-`i1=Yi11
tx1 _t letuLL
C>w u t e• 10
1firs. (Rev ) E A. Hail was vl3iting her
mother ill Maxwell.
Bt. Stephanie S. B. will hold their
0pneel eutertalomont on 'rhnroday even.
log, Dec, 22,
Mrs. Jas. Armstrong has been appoint.
ed delegate to tile gunnel meeting of the
Wolnon'a Institute to he held in Guelph
on Dau. 7th, 8113 end 0412.
Fred. Eager, of Orange Hill, who hen
been engaged darlog the peat Summer
with a conveying party in the Norlhweet
returned a few days ego and expects to
remain at home during the Winter.
Ohao, Edgar, who has roeided in How•
lair for the pant 30 years hoe removed hie
0f1eete to I•Iorrietou where he and hie wife
have Ionated. The ollaroh at Orange Hill
will mise Mre, Edgar es she woo a very
nestnl member of the Ladies' Aid and
also belonged to the choir.
A few oases of scarlet fever are report.
ed in the town and neighborhood,
The Duly names yet heard mentioned
ea aspirants for pointy Connell in thio
division are tb000 of H. Speakman, of
town, end Thos. Ballantyne, of 'Osborne,
Geo, Cudmore received an unpleasant
shaking up be being pitched out of a
wagon head foremost, ae the result of
the plunging of his horse while 'mired in
Hay swamp. Mr. Cadmore has fully
00000 r0d,
Thomas Bissett, of the 3rd con. of
Ueborhe shot a fine wild goose, 'rho
bird had apparently fallen behind in the
B„uthward flight, end wag feeding among.
a bnnoh of,oattle when Mr, Bissett pro-
oured his emelt 22 r fie and.. shot it.
Ed. Christie, our Postmaster, disposed
of hie livery stable property on Main
sheet, to Thoroton Baker, agent for the
Frost & Wood Co. The prion paid was
$2450. George Orawley will likely Dom•
plebe hie lease term in the stable which ie
two and a half yeere.
The new steel bridge was completed
this week.
Ed. Sotheran, eon Of E, Sotheran,ea,
is eerioualy 111 with typhoid fever.
Thos. and Aloe. Gibbon were in Lie.
towel attending the funeral of a relative,
Newbridge will have telephone service
with the onteide world in the oear future.
The poles are on the ground.
A. 0 Hutchison hae been presented
with a D. D. G. Mee oollar, oats, apron
and jewel by the Masonic brethren of
Heron District.
J. J. and Mrs, MoLaoghlin have the
sympathy of the entire community in the
toes of their little boy, Lloyd. He coffer•
ed from brain trouble and died ou Sat
nrday, Nov. 5th. The remaine were
interred in Fordwioh oemetery on the
following Monday.
Mies Clara Holmes, of Gerrie, will be
in Fordwioh on Thareday afternoon of
eaoh week to give lessons in Vowel Onl.
tare. Mise Holmes is a voogl pupil of
Mies Eva N. Roblyn, of Loudon, and hae
euooeeefnlly passed the Toronto Oon•
eervatory examinations ie voice aniture
and "Theory of Matto" taking first-class
honors in eaoh.
t.311 n tort.
Clinton is ored44ed with 120 phones in
"0inderalla" ie' the name of a newly
organized olnb in town of young men.
"Mao" Aikenhead has been onooeeefol
in seoaring the senior department of the
Bloevale eobool.
The trueteee of S S. No. 7, Hallett,
have engaged Mine E. Obidloy,ofClinton,
ae teaoher for 1905.
It is expected that the G. T. R. will
relay its tracks between Stratford and
Goderioh with heavier rails enp a s to per-
mit of heavy Mogul engines being used on
this end of the line title doming Winter.
Ohne. MoNevin, freight clerk at Olin.
ton station, whose home is at Mt. Forest,
hoe again been compelled to return to his
home on amount ofillnose. This ie the
second attack of fever he has had in two
months time.
Arraogamente will be made for oontin•
ping the baeineeo of the Clinton Fouodry
whioh has been closed down eines the
death of D. F. Macpherson. It will re.
name operations as soon as they have
aoo0mpfished taking stook.
Some party or parties who are evident.
ly'acquainted with the lay out of the
Commeroial hotel meds a nine little haul
of money, notes and other • valuables to
the amount of $200, between Friday
night and Monday morning of lest week.
Mr. McCaughey last went to hie Dash box,
whioh was kept in his bedroom, Friday
afternoon and put some money therein ;
Monday morning to his surprise when he
went on the same errand itmoldnot he
found. The box contained 3120 in oaeh,
several notes, a oboque for $5, eome
jewelry, and hie bank book, all watt taken.
Rev. Dr, McLean on November 6th
completed 89 yeere as pastor of St. An.
draw's Presbyterian church in tbie
Thomee Crawford bag returned from
Breedon, Manitoba, where he has just
finished a Bummed ul season's work at
Thomae Little, fattier of MO. Edward
Haggitt,of Blyth, died suddenly at his
home in Clinton on' Monday evening of
last week. For several years he Buffered
with rhr•umatiem, which effeoted hie
heart, dining death.
Hallett township will vote on looal
option on January 2nd next. The oonoo
oil met on Monday of last week and was
presented with a petition signed by 182
ratepay0r0, asking that a looal option by-
law be submitted to the electors. T13e
council eomplied with the request of the
petitioners. Rev. T. B. Coupland, Of Au•
barn, presented the petition and 13400
supported by Rev. B. Clement, of Loo.
deeboro; Rev. 3. L. Small, of Auburn,
and 380309 Hinohley, of Oonetance,
The anneal meeting of the .131yti1
Brau011 feeble so0ie0y wag held in St.
Andrew's oburoh on Townley evening of
last week, There Was a large attendance
of members and others. John Wilford,
the retiring Proeidenb, 000apied the
chair. The minu0e0 of the last annual
meeting were tend and adopted. Papers
were read by Marlea Barrett, Vise
Kirkby and Mise Ella Metcalf. A duet
was endg by the Misses Bentley, and ad
dream were given by Roe. J. ledmondo
and Rev. 3, Tiofines, Colleotors were
appointed and o011eotione are t0 be made
by leneol10er 108h. 1t was decided 10
divide all money etonlly between the
British and Foreign Ilib'e untidy and
thea ala Bible i t
Upp r pun Ib co.:dell. y. John
Brigham was ended liroeident ; Alex.
Elder Beorotary ; Hugh MoQuarrie
1'reaonrer and Frank Monett Depositor.
The collection for the evening amounted
to $6 04, the largest ever given at an
annual meeting.
To'nvvbvt<lg e.
3 Witmer le laid up with a fraotnred
Alfie M. J. Conine was the guest of her
parents over Thanksgiving.
Rev, Mr. and Mre, Tiffin have returned
from their visit at Owen Sound.
Mre. Rebt, Stewart, who hoe been the
guest 0f Mre. 3, R. Code, returned to her
home in Toronto.
Rev. T. W. and Mre, Ooeane and
De Witt, of Brindle, spent Thankeglvieg
with lormer's parents.
We are glad to say Mrs. Ooeane, who
has been suffering from a paralytic
stroke, is olowly improving.
The oheese (notary has otooed for thio
season, and the batter ie now being
manglsatored by R. H. Green,
Daniel (Jolene, who hoe been laid ap
with broken rib', is able to be up again,
and we hope soon to see him around.
IielltoloLl i,
Henry Gook le spoken of es candidate
for the Rceveehip of 1995,
Quite a number of our citizens are
potting in noel ranges this Fall, anis the
demand for wood will not be so great 00
wag expected.
'The Reform Convention of South Huron
will be held me the 25111. Peter Lamont,
Reeve of Hay, ie spoken of es a possible
candidate, Dr. Ferguson and G. Stan bury
A. Brandt, our genial and obliging,
station agent, hae tendered hie resignation
to the F. T, offiolal0, Mr. Brandt
finds this work, which has greatly
increased during the pain year, are too
much for him.
R, Jarrett paroboeed back the livery
bnainese he recently sold to Naabit Hamil•
ton, of Atwood. Neebit hes bad no
experienoe in the Ingham previous to
coming here and felt that he labored
ander considerable disadvantage.
As L. Richardson, clerk in 10lcDon•
nell'e hardware, was selling a stove one
day last week, he obanoed to find a set of
artificial teeth at the bottom. HOW they
osmo there is a mystery but the
sonjeatare is that the owner on looking
into the stove dropped them and being
very sensitive suffered the lose rather
than let any one know that he wore
Eima Oonooil met here on Monday.
Robb. Farrell left Tuesday of last week
for St, Louie, where be will view the
wonders of the World's Fair. He will
return with hie mother who has spent
several months visiting her eon Thomas.
The death of Mre. Jae. Murray, 6th
oon. Elmo, took plane on Friday 11th
inat.,iaftor an Moose borne with Christian
resignation and fortitude. Bile bad
reaohed the age of 58 yeere, 11 menthe
and 11 days. The funeral took plane on
Mouday morning.
At a special meetiog of the 0. 0. F.,
held in their new lodge room, it wee
decided to prooeed with the erection of a
line new hall, the work to begin early in
the Spring. A committee of five mem.
berg was appointed to draw op plane and
epeaifioa0ione and to arrange all matters
pertaining thereto.
What might have proved a very seri-
ous acoident happened on Tuesday of
last week. Alex. and Mre. Clarke, 101h
oon, Weet, were driving into town in a
covered buggy, and when nearing the
railway dossing the horde ehied at the
approaob of the noon train, whioh they
did nob notice. The aged couple weir)
thrown eub very forcibly on to the bard
ground. They were oonoiderably bruised
IDorti ne of -their bodies and their
p 0
heads were oat in several places.
POLIaa VILLAGH,--The Bee says ;—
There wag a very good attendance of
citizens at the publio meeting held in
Mitobell'e Mosta Hall on Monday even•
Ong to dieones the advisability of rain.
ing Atwood to the states of a Police
Village. D. G. Anderson was appointed
chairman and W. R. Erskine, eeoret0ry
of the meeting. The chairman galled
upon J. Mitchell 00 explain the etepe to
be taken in order to secure the desired
end. Mr. Mitchell very tally explained
the nature of the law governing a Police
Village. Many queetione were naked
and moot interersting dieauooion took
place. A petition was read whioh set
forth the boundaries of the village and
asking the County Connell to constitute
Atwood a Polfoe Village, It was moved,
emended and carried that Jno. Koox and
T. G. Ballantyne endeavor to noun the
required number of names to the pati•
tion and that Mr. Knox he appointed to
present the petition to the County
Council at i00 next Beeston in December.
Quite a number signed the petition That
night and see underatand that more have lives, The whole family, th u411 very
sines signed it, Thus the mailer reale eiok 1. 1 a tune, are now all well,
at pre&ont,bat al) h'dt0etdnne paint la Niko 00400 2011(1 le Spending abort
the direction of A0w00d nuking a forward 11010 ao 14'.9gham, where she is tie:king
step. EL ole- It in syn ,d oarviog,pyrography, china
pending and water colors, The ones
wee formed by a number of W10gha03
ladies, who reggeeted Mies Polley to be
theft timelier,
John J, Bell left to spend a few weeks
in Toronto.
Jae, Broadway and lamily have re.
moved to Port Huron,
Arthur Reynolds, of Dn'ulh, M4ob,,
paid hie mother aotient0re in town a
brief visit.
J. 13. Ferguson, Town Clerk, has got
his new home on Petriek street Completed
and moved hie household Iffeote into it.
At the instan00 of Inapoator Paisley,
Alex. Orr, of the Brunewiok hotel, 13410
fined $40 and coats, for selling liquor on a
recent Sunday.
Atter an illness of ten weeps, T. T.
Fields is at last able to 040 cm a little. I1
hoe beep a tedious illness, and though
still very week, the patient la improving,
3. 3, Ellio01, V. B., and Mre, Elliott
lett on Monday morning of last week for
Gatorade, where they will upend the
Winter for the benefit of Mr, Elliott's
Bell Telephone 0o. has appointed
Peter Teasley to the position of local
manager of the Wingham branch, and
the new officer has already entered upon
hie duties.
R. A. Hutchison has porohaoed the
building pub of which is occupied by
Mies Boyd. The store now vacant, is
soon to be 000apied by the Winghom
Times as an office it is said.
Mre. Jae. Haugh and ohlldre1 have
arrived home from North Dakota, where
they spent 001110 weeke visiting with
Mre. Hangh'e brothers and sisters in
Devil's Lake and other pointe in Dakota.
Improvements have beeu made in the
appearanoe 0f MoOall's drug store, by
painting, papering, elo. An Optical room
hue been fitted ap for the patrons of the
firm in this line. Mr. Browett, is the
The annual meeting of Wingham
Liberal•Ooneervative Aoeooiation was
held, President Dr. Irwin in the abate.
The officers elect for the evening year
are :—President, Thos. Bell ; Vice -Prot.
dant, W. F. Vanstone ; Secretary, 0. J.
Maguire ; Treasurer, T. Hall I Exeoative,
the officers of the Association, with Thos.
Armstrong, A. H. Mnegrove, E. Nash, T,
J. McLean.
The committee in obarge of the annual
Scottish onooert to be held on Tuesday
evening, January 10011, have engaged the
following talent tot the entertainment:—
H. Rotbvon McDonald, baritone ; Mies
Mary Donaldson, elooctioniet and enter-
tainer ; Lille Kle1ser•Palne, soprano ;
Jae. Fax, comic singer, all of Toronto ;
Piper MoDonald and Mise Mabel Mc-
Donald, Highland dancer.
& OCterieh.
Tenders are being asked for the build•
ing of a new chorale for the North street
Methodist congregation.
John W. Oraigie is the enooeesfal
tenderet for the lease of the ekating
-rink for the coming Winter.
W. F. Hiok and Joeeph Baikeld,
Goderioh township, are among the list of
recently appointed J. P.'e.
Wm. Keeshaw, in a belt day's shooting
bagged 7rabbite, tbne showing that the
cotton tails are still plentiful.
Wm. Birdie baste all growers of beets,
at learn so he oloime, hie mamouth beet
weighing 9} lbs. and mediating 2 feet
2 inches by 2 feet.
Judge Doyle'e room at the 0oort hones
ie undergoing renovation. A wooden
wainscoting is being placed and other
improvement& made.
West Soren Farmer's I13atitola
purpose holding a meeting 01 Goderioh,
on Friday, December god, followed by
meetings at Holmesville, Riedel! and
6t. Helene.
John Watkins, of Clinton, with the
assistance O t
has e0 for
two men
this ninon a
o peaked, handled and
for Robert Elliott, of Goderioh, about
1,500 barrels of apples, which is oon•
sidered exceedingly good work.
Following were ohoeen ae the officers of
the new Rifle Club;—Captain, M. 0.
Johaoton : Wm Obieolm, let Lieutenant;
Ben. Sheppard, end Lientenant; Sea. -
Trees , E. R. Watson. Twenty four
members kneed at thio first meeting.
The aherasof fifty canoes being trained
by George Lethbridge for a reoital to be
given the second week of next month i&
making good progress. Oratorio ohorusee
will be given, including We Hallelujah
Ohoruo from "The Messiah." Mre.
McKillop, of London, formerly Mise Eva
Roblyn, and Mr. Webster, base soloist of
London, will aeaiet in the program.
A family on East street had a very
aloes cell, from coal gas, on Friday
night, About one a. m. a member oon,
plained of a be0d0ohe, another got ap to
get him water, and going down stairs was
overpowered and fell ; another followed
bat also snoonmbed, but the next 008 to
rise made for the door and opened it, and
by bhie adieu no doubt eaved all their
:E can supply you at once with any
.Buggy you may want but as the
time for purchasing CUTTERS has come we
would like to tell you that we are fully pre-
pared to meet your every want in the Cut-
ter as well as in the Sleigh line, We have
the Finest and Most Up-to-date assortment
of Cutters that can be found anywhere,
ready for inspection, and would be pleased
to have you call and see them, Prices
Lettere) wvel.
The Oaelomery union Service wan bold
«0 10 30 a. m, Thanksgiving day in Knox
The annual meeting of the North
Perth Liberal•Ooneorvative Aoeooiation
will be bald at Milverton on Wedneeday
Nov. 800h, at 11 a. m„ for the election of
otliaere and other hueine00.
The family ot W. E. Tremain, had a
narrow eeoape from being Bailoo,ted by
coal gas, They retired et a late hour on
Saturday night, 12th inet., alley
the dampero in the noel stove, and the
130940013 gum, which found a vent through
broken minae, filled the rooms daring the
night so badly that bad i0 not been for
the baby waking the rest of the family
by (trying and vomiting, the three ohild•
ren, as well ae the pareute, would probab-
ly have lost their lives. Borne of the
obildreo were so overcome that they fell
down stairs in trying to escape. AI.
though badly affected tbemeelveo, Mr.
and Mrs. Tremain managed to get the
little ones out into fresh air. It was
eomebime before they recovered from the
effects of the gas.
Swan WHhnlao. —Saturday, Nov. 12tb,
being the twenty filth anniversary of 0,
and Mre. Tabberner, their friende in
town drafded to give them a eurpriee in
celebration of the event, and some
forty or more ladies and gentleman
assembled at their pleasant borne on
E'ma street about six o'oloak, w hen a
bonnteoae spread was soon provided.
After 4t had been partaken of, Mr. and
Mre, Tabberner were presented with a
handsome eilver bake diel and ladle, Dr.
Philp, who was spokesman for the ma.
Won, expressing the kindly feelings and
good wiahee of the company for the
recipients. Mr. Tabberner made a suit.
able reply, thanking their friende for the
kindly remembrance of their wedding
anniversary. Of those present nearly all
had been ohne friende of Mr. and Mre.
Tabberner throughout the twenty-five
years of their married life, and most
pleasant scant relations had continued
during that time,
Morris Council Meeting.
The Council met according to adjourn-
ment in the Council room, ou Nov.
14th 1904. Members 011 present, Reeve
in the chair. Minutes of last meeting
read and passed. On motion ot Code and
Taylor the following Deputy Returning
0ffioere were appointed to take the votes
in ossa a poll be required at the Doming
Municipal election : eub division No, 1,
Daniel Laidlaw ; No. 2, Peter Jackson ;
No. 3, Chas. MoOrenl : No. 4, Thos.
Miller, jr. ; No. 5, Wm, Elston : No. 6,
Joseph Robb. On motion of Tayinr and
Shaw following accounts were ordered to
be paid :—J. Brekenridge for gravel
$3.30 ; Jas. Oooloagh repairs on Morrie
and McKillop boundary, 3 50 ;Jas. Taylor
gravelling and cleaning watercourse on
Belgrave hi11, $2I,90 ; Jae. Nicholson,
building guard fence near Belgrave
station, $10 25 ; E. Liebngeton, lumber,
$4.00 ; W. Skelton gravel and repairing
road, $9 58 ; S. Irvine, digging diioh
aoroae eideroad, 35.50 ; Jno. Bell damages
drawing gravel, $2 00 ; Jno. McGaughey,
tile and work on road, $18 00 ; Thos.
Proctor tile ditch opposite Lot 1 Con, 5,
$8 00 ; Win. Beid gravelling on sideline,
$10.00 ; P. Ellison repairing calved,
and work on award drain, 37 00 ; Oboe.
Taylor repairing culvert, $2.00; Thee,
Marshall, repairing culvert, $1.50 ; Neil
Taylor culvert, $10.00 ; D. O. O013non,
tile and gravel, $2.00 ; Jae. Kelly, tile,
$8.00 ; D. Jewt0t,gravel,
92a E. Bryan,
award drain $5.00; G. ioholeon, award
drain, $7 00 ; A. Shaw part salary $25,00 ;
Insurance on Hall, $120 ; R. B. Al000k,
duce and gravelling, $21 17; Wm, Little,
$1.20. On motion of Code and Taylor
the Council tbeu adjourned to meet
again Deo. 15th. W, Omar, Clink.
David Wintermate, of Molahide, fell
intoa well and broke hie nook,
Anthony Skelton, a boy ran over by a
train at Kingston, died from his irjaries.
Lord and Lady Minto and party lett
Qnebeo on the Tunioian last night for
Fourteen miners were killed in a coal
mine near Ferule, B. 0., by an exploeioo
of gas,
Oentre Brace Liberate nominated
Andrew Maloolm, el Kinoardine, for the
Quebec nominations took plod last
week and thirty-five Liberals were elected
by acclamation.
William N. Sawyer, of Pittebarg, hae
been appointed General Manager of the
Soo industries.
Solomon Vile died as the result of in.
juries sustained by the explosion of flash•
light powder.
The sadden death of Herbert Bower.
man, a young man of West Zero, is
being investigated, as there is a euepi0i011
of poison.
The Landon Finanoo Oommi0tee bas
recommended the appointment of Sem
nel Baker, Principal of Bt. George's
Schoo), to the vacant City Olerkehip.
The re-oouot in Wentworth ie likely to
oust Mr. Sealey his seat, as in ono
division, where he had 23 majority, it
Wes found that the D. R, 0. had number.
ed the ballots.
A boy named Boyd found tied en the
railway near Harriotou, alaime that his
father brought him tr0m New York and
bound him on the rails, with the ohjeot of
murdering him.
Fire in the Central Canada Coal Com•
pany'e ebedo at Brookville oommanioated
with a portion of the Jamas Smart Manta
[cloturing Company's Werke, amusing a
total lose of $90,000.
The Minioter of Marine has ordered the
hiring of a tug in Port Arthur, end
another in Poet Willem, for the pnrpoee
of keepingthe harbore open, and facrlltat•
ing the aipmeot of grain to the on-
The Ottawa Eleotrio Refiway Company
has replied to the eity'e request for a
prioe for the road. Tho aoquioitioo of
the road to be operated by the monied.
polity, with 8-oent fares, was outlined by
Mayor Ellis to be the oounefl a week ago,
and it deputation waited on the larger
ehareholdore to eek the prioe. The
an0w00 mat heeded T00eday, in whioh
the offer fs made of the $10,000 capital
stook ekare0 at $250 a there, This IA the
lowest prioe that will be a cepte0.
-1�•�•�� T-r-�-•
1J 1, .1�.
Cold Weather Goods
Cold Weather is approaching and the weather
prophets all agree that we will have another
very severe Winter. We are fully prepared
for it with the following heavy Winter goods :
—Men's Heavy Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, in all e4990, ab 60o,
—Men's Heavy Wool Fleeced Shirle and Drawers, good value at 60o, for
—Staufieid's Heavy Alf -wool Unebrinkable Underwear, in all sizes, at $1.
and $125,
—Stanfield's Extreeheavy Klondike Underwear, a real frost resister, at
—Ladies', Misses' and Children's Underwear, in great variety, bought
direst from the Turnbull Manufacturing Co. for spot cash. They are
the beet value we ever offered,
—Men's Heavy Frieze Reefers or Pea Jaokete, high storm oollar and
blizzard proof, at $5.45.
—Men's Heavy Frieze Doable Breasted Salts at 37 96,
—Boys' Heavy Wool Mitts, plain and striped, at 100,
—Men's Heavy Robberdined Jaokete from $1,60 to $4,50,
—Men'. Heavy Wool Pante, all eizee, at 31, $1.25 and $145,
—Men's Home made Wool Mitts, extra heavy, at 40n and 500,
—Men's Books, all wool, worth 20o, 2 pair for 25o,
—Men's Extra Heavy Woof Sooke, very epeoial, 25o,
—Men's Heavy Wool Mists, oovered with manakin, 50o,
—Men's Overooate and Hiders at Bendel pride,
T JL l A21 l JC a
..m,'uW9o'tPhNA40 4; 4i 01010.4Ae
We have just received a car load of 'Brockvilles," the kind
that speaks for themselves. Call early should you require one as
these are fast sellers.
We have the "Ball" Cylinder Root
Polper, the BEST on the market.
See them.
Should you have any grass to kill or
sod or rough ground to work remem-
ber the "Frost & Wood" and "Wiud-
eor" are the disks that will do ft.
If you want a General Purpose Plow,
than whioh there is no better, secure
a No. 20, Frost & Wood.
Ii you want a eecond•band Buggy,
Cart, Ginter, Plow or Implement of.
any kind be enre to call on me.
We have also the U. B. Oreem Sep-
arator, Singer Sewing Maobines,
Volmar Washing Machinee always
on hand.
We can supply you with a good
Driving or Work Horse oheop or
Stook of any kind on short notice.
A. G i -i e° T.
BA ':G1!
On this Counter there are numerous
articles from a "Needle to an Anchor."
Seeing is believing. Come and See.
Prom $5.00 to $15.00. We ask you to compare the
Quality and Price of our Guns with those advertised by
Simpson or Eaton.
We have THE Lamps and THE Prices. Come and see
Lamps from 25o. to $7.00. See also Eaton's catalogue
and compare.
Rogers' 12 dwt. The price on these is strictly eonfiden.
tial. You must Dome to our Bargain Counter to capture
this prize. Bring Eaton's catalogue with you for com-
A Quart of Ink for aaaaa..,...
A 6 inch Butcher Knife and an 8 inch Steel for•,.....
A Tack Hammer and 2 Packages of Tacks for........
A 12 oz. Bottle Nonsouch Stove Pipe Varnish for
A 6 oz. Bottle Pine Sewing Machine Oil for .,,...
ATwo -keyed Padlock for.......,. .. . . ..... .,.„ ..... ,.,...
&e., 3t0.
McKay &
B R I.A $ S LS.