HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-11-17, Page 8CREA.M OF ROSES AN ELEGANT TOILET PREPARATION Has fa marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions will remove the roughness, and occasionally applied, will make the skin soft and smooth. Cream of Rosea is a pure, healing, soothing preparation, entirely free frotn all oily or sticky ingredients which would make it objeetionable for use. It protects the skin from the effects of cold and windy weather. Try it for chapped hands and sore lips, you will be pleased with the result. Sold Only by us, 5c. an Ounce. Our stock of Toilet Preparations also includes the different kinds of Almond Cream, Witch Hassel Cream, Cold Cream, Hind's Honey and Almond Dream. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER• BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 6O0Tax11N EXTENMON W. 0, & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and Sonth, as follows; Goma 8o0TH 30/NO NORTH. Mall 7:16 a.m I Mixed 9:00 a,m Mtxed.........19:30 a.mMail 1:00 p Empresa_.... 6:26 p.m I .m Express -.8:88 p.m Pad Pits Items, A ohiel's among ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. Standard Bank of Canada A CAR of barley was Bent to Portland by R. Graham. THANKSGIVING DAT 10 a natatory 'holiday consequently the banks will be oloeed. A arena hae been built on the property of John Hunter, John street, Brussels. INSPECTOR Rc'Dn paid his regular visit to the various departments of Brassie Public Sobool lest week. LAST Saturday afternoon F. S. Scott, auctioneer, meditated a sale for N. S. Motenohlin, of farm stook oto. A. 0 U. W. Lone will be held on Friday evening several important gee tions cell be diamond. Members should attend. Oman boors at Brunets post offioe on Tbaotesgiving Day will be 9 to 10.a, m. one bunr atter arrival of afternoon mail 1 and from 6 to 6 80 p. m. A, BARRER shipped 2 oars of baled hay this week. In incoming freight this week were four oars of 0041 for S. T. Wood ; Eleotrio Go. ; and R. Henderson. TERRE is a large inoreaee in coal burn. ing this year for beating purposee in Brussels owing to the difHoulty of seam• ing wood last Winter together with the inoreaeed prise. Ir ie expected a large number of Liberate from Huron County will atteud the Ooaveotion in Toronto on Wednesday of next week. Best Huron Liberal Executive met in Brueeele on Wednesday afternoon of thie week. THE Executive of the Teaobere Arena ciatione of East and Weeb Huron met at Clinton last Saturday when it was agreed to hold a joint Teaohere' Oouvention in Clinton on May 25th and 26th 1905. Inspector Robb attended the meeting. NOTICE TO FARumee -Robert Thomsen) wishes to advise all parties having Bold poultry to William Jewitt, Brunelle, George Ferguson, Walton, and Joseph Pugh, Blaevale, that the price of turkeys has advanoed to 10 cents per pound live weight and 12 eente dressed ; dressed geeee 7a o.; dressed ducks. 80.; dressed Spring obiokene, 10e. ; dressed fowl, 5e. Delivery of the same accepted from Nov. 28th to Deo. 2nd, Bring alongyour poultry and enure the highest export pride, R. TaotrsoN, Brunie, NARROW Esoal'o.-Oae day last week Mies Jean MoLaaoblio had a very close call to a serious eeoidevb. She had Lighted a lamp and was thanking the burning match to extingaieh it when the flame °aught the front of her dressing jacket trimmed with eider down. Almoet instantaneously the Bre spread around her neck but by prompt action no serious injury was inflioted outside of slight borne, singing of the yonug lady's bank hair and a great shook to the nervous system. It was a °lose call and we congratulate Miss LoLauohlin on ber escape. CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION, - Tuesday afternoon of next week a Nominating Oovention for the East Riding of Heron will be held by the Ooneervativee in the Town Hali, laminate, in oonneotion with the Provineiel interests. Several names are mentioned as poeaible candidates for the position of standard bearer, those THE POST has beard, being Warden Bow. man, of Morrie ; Edward Bryan,, of Grey ; Anson Dnlmage, of Wingham ; Geo. Bpotton, of LtetoWel ; and B. Gerry, of Brussels. The Convention will likely settle the gentian. The Liberal Convention for the same riding will also be held in the near future. Io West Huron Ca. Councillor Lockhart, of East Wawnnoeh ; Rev,, Joe, Elliott, and Editor Mitohell, of Goderioh ; -Barrister Dudley Holmes, of Wingham ; and Jeo. Wilford, of Blyth ; are on the elate. M. G. Gam. exon, B. 0., of the Oo, town, is the presentmember,innmthe lest contest. defend of Misery that the Liberals will be found napping when election day names es they were in the recent contest. THE OHRIBTOIAa DELINEATOR: The December Delineator, with its message of good Meer and belpfuloese, will be weloomed in every home. The fashion pages are unusually attractive, iliustrat• ing and deearibing the very latest modes in a way to make their construction due. Mg the busy teethe seen a pleasure instead of a task, and the literary and piotorialfeatures are of rare exaelletoe. A selection of Love Sonpre from the Wagner Operas, rendered into English by Richard de Gslliebne and beautifully illnetrated in colors by J. 0. Leyendeok. er, ocoupioe a prominent plane, and a chapter in the Campmate' Seriee, re- lating the Romance of Wagner and Ooaime, is un interesting eupptement to the lyrios. A very clever paper entitled "The Court Orates of the Republic," deeoribee some unique plates of Meta ington eooial life is from an unnamed contributor, who is Said to write from the inner oiralee of 600180y, There are Mott stories from the pens of F. Hop. kinson Smith, Robert Grant, Altee Brown, Mary Stewart Gutting, and Elmore Elliott Peaks, and snob interest. ing welters as Julia Magruder, L. Frank Baum, and Gran McGee/en Oooke hold the attention of the obildren, Many Obrietmee etl geetione are given in needJewark and the Cookery page are redolent of the Ohrlbtmae reset, In ad. dition, there are the 109810r departments of the magazine, with many special satiatee on topioe reletibg to woman's Intonate within and without the borne, DIetribt organization. The annual THANR0OXUING Day Thursday of this week. 4 CARS of salt have been forwarded by tbe Salt Works. Quoin, one of the old time sports, i5 being revived in Braeeele. A. C. DAMES shipped a oar of Iambs and a oar of hogs 91080 our last ieeae. Sin gloves found, prove propetry, pay for this notice and seoure them at Tan POST. THE POST ie issued a day earlier tale week eon as to take advantage of Thanks. giving Day. Tam Rosebud Co., a colored troupe of 18 people, played in the Town Hall last Monday eveei09. 6 cane of eager beets were Sent to Berlin Sugar factory from Brussels Station this week. CAPT. BxRETTON hae his house on Thomas etreet veneered with cement thereby adding to its appearance and comfort. Tam trustees bave granted the teachers Friday as an additional holiday this week henna Brussels school will not re- open until Monday morning. WANxsn.-A Dopy of Tan Pose dated June 9, 1904. Any person baying 005 will mach oblige as by handing it in or mailing to our address, THE Pose, Brea. sale. -108001Oxi088 have been given, we understand, to watch a few youths who are given to playing Billy yet harmful pranks and if naught will be made lib example of with a view of patting a stop $0 Wanton destruotion. J, H. KERNEY'S daughter won the diamond ring offered by the Medicine 00. as the most popular baby in town. The other babies who made a good obese for it belonged to Reeve Wilton, R. William. can and Geo. McNichol. Ix ie reported that the Brnseele Herald has changed hands again. This is the sixth or seventh proprietor at the beim since its inaagaratioo. Mr. Donnan, of 8eaforth, son of John Damian, a former Brasselite, is to be the new proprietor. MUNICIPAL affairs are qaiet in Beneath so far. It is said, however, that Reeve Wilton will retire and that 0oanaillore Henderson and Baeker may face the electors for the vacant ohair. The former was nominated one a previous 000asion but withdrew. There will likely be several new candidates for Oonnoillore oleo, Goon propels is being made in the erection of the new planing laetory for Philip Ament. A good staff is et work, under the direction of P. J. McDonald, who has the entreat for the oemenb walls. They are now on the second story and another week of fine weather will seem them well through. AID Fon C0Ne0MPTIVEe.-Friday even. ing of this week a meeting of the looal branch of the Society to fight the white man's plague will be held in the Oonooil Chamber at 7.80 o'olook. The °Meets are 3. H. Cameron, President ; Jae. Fox, Secretary ; W. H. Kerr, Treasurer ; the resident minietere and J, Caber with other offtoere Exeoative Committee. All otters interested in furthering this worthy Cense are cordially invited to attend the meeting and aid the humane enterprise. Two MAAvarLoue EzPEAIitnNTs,-Take a silver dollar, let it drop en the table and yon will notice a ring. Wear the ring yourself or give it to a friend bnt send the dollar to Tan POST and enure this ap.to•date journal to the end of 1906. Another nine experiment emanate in tak• log a one dollar bill and folding it care- fully several times end then unfolding it yon will notice it in oreaeee. Use the 6865588 for Sunday treason and Bend the original bill to Tram Pose for your sub. eoriptioa. When yon have tried these experiments we will obeerfully pat you on to another great 'extreme. Lame' Ain. -The anneal meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist nhuroh was held at the bone of ate President on Tuesday afternoon. Oft• cora for the next 12 moths were chosen as follows- t-Preeident, Mrs. W. F. Stewart ; Vice Pree„ Mrs. R. Leather. dale ; l3eorstary, Mrs. Watson Ainlay ; Teener, Mre, 1L. Paul. This Society is Well named as their efforts along prat). Mel line has been a teal aid and en- 000kagemenb to the Tsetse Board of the Church. The ladies have been very heartily backed tip by the congregation and as a result 01 the oomblnation ett00086 hae attended all their tinder. takings/. =STA S.xs130]TJ 1672 0 5UT9L ASSETS OVERAI+l FDND. 530,000.000 A General ?Banking, I3usiuerar8 U'ransateted - SAVINGS BANK - -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR anti upwards reueived on which INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE .OF DEPOSIT al the HIGHEST BANS RATE, ACCRUED INTEREST le added to aemota every raiz months and becomes principal. -MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may .make and withdraw Deposits withoot the intervention of any person. Paw LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE A7,; LOWEST RATE. BALE NOTES GASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SAFE -KEEPING only for which no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our °nrefn! and courteous attention. A, 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. Fun gauntlet found. Owner May leave' it by proving property end paying for this local. Tan PoeT. &Synth Brueeelitee attended the Fergoeon-McRae wedding at Oranbrook on Wednesday of this week. Loeo Saturday the high wind stirred up Monde of duet on Main street until the watering earl was brought into requi• eitioa. DR. Senna COMING, -On Tneeday, Nov. 22ad Dr. Batter, specialist, of Lon• don, will be at the American Hotel, Brussels, where be may be oonenited from 8.31 p• in. Pmnsone who send Tan PoeT anon), moue contributions of news only lase their time and postage: We ntueT bave the name, not for publication bat as a guarantee of good faith. AN EVENING WITH CANADA., --The Presbyterian Young 'People's Guild will give a imolai in Melville oburoh school room on Friday evening Deo, god. The program will be "An evening with Canada." Cann or THANKS -Mre, McKay cud family desire to thank their many friende and also the members of the Odd Fallows for their kindness to them in their late bereavement. MRs. MOKAr. Brunette, Nov. 14th, 1904. Tan Ontario Government Will pay sugar beet grower,, who sold to Wiarten factory last year but did not receive their pay, the government bocce, the money being divided on a percentage basis. This will not recompense the gtowere entirely but will give them all the Gov- ernment oontrole. Fool BALL. -The Toronto Mai i•Empire of Nov.11th speaks of afoot ball contest in that oily in which Garf. Beaker, of Brueeele, is oomplimented as follows 0 -- Pharmacy -Pharmacy played their eeoond game in the intermediate eerie with S. P. S. II. The game from start to Boleti displayed the superiority of Pharmaay in both individual and combination work. A1• though considerable rough work was indulged in Pharmacy managed to get the lead in the goals. In the first half Pharmaoy got one goal. In tbe second halt they rolled up two more. Pharmacy look like winners in the, eerie, Special mention might be made of the .com- bination work of the forward line, 'par• tioolarly Beaker, The teame :-S. P. S. II -Goal, Fierhelier ; backs, Johnston, O'Grady • helves, Anon, Murrey, Me. Epworth League Oonventiob will be held in Teeswater on or about Oot. 10th, 1906, of whioh further notice , will be given. It was suggested tont in the Bible study at the Sommer Bohool the books of the Bible in which the Sabbath Bbhool lessons for 1905 be taken up sod that for Missionary study that Japan be tbeobief. Business Locals. 20 young pigs for Bele. Lot 9, Con. 10, Grey. Ii. HOLLINOEn. A se o.ow dog lost, last week. Finder please leave it at Tun Pose Publfaking. • House. ' Holum blanket found. Owner may bave eameby proving props ins for this notice.. Geo. JAOReolO, Lot 18, 8th' line, Morrie. A FREE smooth, true, 4 out ea be made when ewe filed and set by T. McGregor, Mill street, Brescia. SLIGHTLY used MasBinh Riab pianono for Bala, 7} octave, worth $460 sold ooneiderably below that once. - Enquire al Tan Pos Hoare. ' • rty and pay - set and easy are gummed, but will be if token 8t T Pubiiehing People We Snow'. A. Hewitt, of Sinoardine, was in town this week. Mre. B. Gerry is vieitiug her sister at Olevelaud, Ohio. Fletober Sperling ie visiting at Strat- ford and St, •Marys. Mise Alive Wilton has been on the ai0 list this week.., - Me. T.W. Omens spent a few days in Trowbridge last week. Miss Murdoch, of Luoknow, is vieitiug ber sister, Mre. R. Mainprize. Mre. Chas. . Dodds is abta to got about again after her recut illness, Mrs. H. Mebaalt is spending Thanks- giving with friende at Teviotdale. Oliver Queriu ie home from Winnipeg after a sojourn of several months. Mies Lizzie Downing will spend Thanksgiving with Goderioh friends. Barrister MacDonald: spent Sunday under the parental root in Ashfield. Miss Jean MoLanohlin is holidaying with friends in London and Ingersoll, • G..T. R. Station Agent Henry is home Kenzie ; forwards, Bine, Swan, Brian, from his bqutiugexpedition to Northern Stiber, Cook. Pharmacy --Goal, Bemp , Outerio. • ' hill ; baoke,. Callioeon, Cook.;. halves, Mjee Bella Henderson and 114iee Boole MaOreardy, Saeger, Hunt torworde, Beattie werevisitors in Seafortb on MoLevy, Booker, Newton, Kippen, Selly. Wednesday. Referee, Gapt. E. Bryan, (Med.).• Mise Ethel Scott will Spend Thanks. 20 Orate or Ston. -Quite a quantity of giving Day with relatives at Drew, sugar beets have been grown in this Wellington Co. Iooality for the Berlin factory this year D. M. and Mra. Fergueou and Children, and the Drop hoe been a success. Ship- of Stratford, are guests with J. and Mra meats in ear lots were made by Joe. Leokie, Brnaeele. • • Cardiff, 3. 0.' Tack, Jas. Bergen, Jae. Misses Maggie Ament and Nettie Manning and Jac. Broadfeot (3), Jun. Brown sod Earl Amsnt were viottore in McFadden (8), S. Walker, S. lioggard,.Seaforth Inst Friday. Geo. Robb, Berry Stewart, W. Homing. Mre. J. Leckie attended, an. At Home way, W. Rends, Eli Smith and D. at the reaidenoe of Mrs. W. F. Vaostone, Marsh. $4 per ton was offered and 58a% in Wingham, Iaet week. additional if beete tested 12% sugar. Trueman Smith, of Luoknow, has been Some lots reached 15 4. Beet pulp will renewing old friendships in Brassie and be tried for feeding parpoeee by some of locality during the pest week. the farmers. They reoeive a a ton for Mre. Ohae, Mrddagh, df Irogooie, Oat , every ton of beets, the farmers to pay the is visiting at James Bhaw'a,. Brueeele, freight whioh is 76 cents per ton from The visitor ie a sister to Mr. Shaw, Berlin to 80008018. It 1e said to be good Mre, lames Fox, William ,treat, has feed. The indicatiooe are that a meld. been on the eiok list dnriug the past week erably larger acreage of beets will be pub but we hope ehs,will soon bo oonvaiOA in next Spring as the melts this year oent. • have proven satisfactory and the unitive- B'arrieter Sinclair left for Ottawa on tion, after experience, is not considered Saturday to be in reclines for the hear• so much along the line of drudgery ae ing of the Brussels appeal sewer one be• was ono, talked about. There may be .fore the Supreme Court in that oily. an 8x000510n trip to Berlin to visit the Charles Jaokson, of Winnipeg, wee in factory by tbe growers of been in thio town for short vieit during the past Northerly notion of Ontario. An in. week. He is now a traveller. Mr. Jack. eight into the manufacture of sugar son is a former Brnaeelite being a eau of would prove interesting. Walter Jackson. ETW08TH LEAoun,- The Exeoative of Tan POET 18 sorry t0 hear of the serious Wingham Dtatriot Epworth League met it nee of Mies Lizate Holmes, Alexander in tbe parlor of the Methodist oharoh, street. She had several ;hemorrhages Wingbem, on Saturday. Tb'ero were f8otalle 'stomkob but we trope she will present Rev. Joseph Philp, B. D , Hon. aeon be oonvatesoent. who had his log broken e Button, J Seaton Sok President, Sinoardine_• K. President, Whiteohsroh ; Mies Mary some time ago, is able to get tie shoe ora Fairbairn, let Vioe Pres„ eeewster ; W. now and gets about with the did of It 0. Thompson, 2nd Vioe Pres., Wingbam ; walking etiok and will soon be able S. J. Ooarti°e B. A., 8rd Vice Pres,, to do without the vane we hope. Kincardine ; Mre. (Rev.) Baker, 411t Vise P. J. and Mre. Soheak are away to Pres., Bluevele ; Mre, iI Ham, 6th Vies Detroit for Thanksgiving holiday and en Pres., Luaknow ; Rev, Dr, Gaudy, Wing- their return Mrs. Jno. Wynn will a000m• ham ; Rev. E. W. Edwards, B. A., Tiv pang them to Toronto to spend the Win. erten ; Rev. Geo. Baker and Mise Baker, ter. Mre. Soheak is Mre. Wynn', deugh- Blnovale ; Rev. J. Ooterhout, B. A„ ter, Wroxeter ; and W. H. Kerr, Seo.•Treae„ Last week George Colvin arrived home Brussels. It wee agreed to pueli the Prom Manitoba where be hae epent the Forward Movement along the line of past 0 menthe, employedtnt his trade as inoreaeed membership. On motion a houeebniider, &o. He enjoyed his stay unanimous vote woe passed for another but prefers Ontario for a permanent Summer School, to be held et Kincardine home. fn early Angaat and the President end Edward and Mre. Garvin have moved god Vice President wore delegated to from Brnsaele to their property South of repneent Wingham District at a Gofer. the village. Thos. Lott, who was the encs on Summer Sobool work at Toronto tenant, hae rented the "Zimmer" farm on Thanksgiving Day. A Committee on the 9111 von, of Grey, and Taken pore inclining of Revde. Pithy and Edwards seeeion. and K. J. Beaton, W. O. Thompson and Inepsoton, Mrs, Robb and Mies Addie W. H. Kerr was appointed as Program are spending the Thankegivieg holiday in and Managing Committee for Enflame Tomato. Mt, Robb is attending a meet School. A map of Japan or China will ing of the Exoontive of the Rdnoationa be given by the District for the League Aeaooiatiou of Ontario of which be f5 a with beet average contribution per mem membe ben to Missions. During the ouming Herbert Corringham has gone to Winter an illustrated Leoture, may be Listowel wbere he will be aeeislanb inth arranged for on China or Japan, to be tonsorial parlor of Fred, Howe, of aha given at pointe asking for it, with a view town, Lietowel people will, find Mr of a mote intelligent knowledge of the Oanningham a first•olase oltizen as wet Mission field in these oountriee. For. as a good workman. Ward Missionary Oampnign work wee loft Talking about elderly voters who ex in the hande of the President, Sus, and ereiae0 their franobise On Nov. Bed 2nd Viae President for promotion. A 601009619 hae not to take o book scat a oolleotfon velli be naked from math League ono of our ottizene Robert MoNeugkton to meet tbe current exponent of the who is pest 90 yen of age recorded, hi vote at Polling tubdigieion N0,1. METROPOLITAN NK Fruit= atives �E OAPI'PAb-raw Gro $1,000,000 Ifl.M.i1 RYL FUND . $1,000,000 Directors ARV, le. H. WARDEN, 0. la, 8, J. 91001017, President, Vtoe•Proaidont. T 00, 015AD011AW, F IA, 00808 n000 MA. W. MORTIS =R MAIM, 10-0, D, R, THOMSON,10. 0, MEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W. D, 11060 - - GENERAL MANAGE" A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bongbt and Sold, Farmers' Notes Die000ted. Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of $1 and upwards A. E. MELLISH, Manager. J. and Kra. Gordon, of Luaknow, parents of Mrs. T. Fletcher, Brnaeele, celebrated their golden wedding at the hams of their daughter, Mrs. Stinson, at Moorefield, on the 6th inst. Mre. Fletcher attended. We extend to Mr. and Mre. Gordon our hearty oongratula. tions. Mise Eapbemie McMillan, formerly el - Brussels, who hae been visiting old friende and acquaintance in Huron 00., left with her sister and brotber.in•law, Albert and Mrs. Goatee, formerly of Constance, for Sboehone, Idaho, Mr. Ooatee will assist R. E. Goatee in sheep ranching. J. T, Wood, of Rookwoad, the new proprietor of Brussel]) woolen !eatery, has leased the brink residence of George Howe, Elizabeth street, it i8 said and will move to town shortly. Other families will also acme to Brunets in oonneotion with the same business. They will be made welcome. J. H., Mre. Sperling and children, of Whibeohareb, were visiting relatives end friende in Brussels and locality during the pant week, Mr. Sparling ie butter maker at Whiteoburoh creamery. 'Their output this year was 164,000 lbs., about the same as the year previous although they stopped two weeks earlier thie season. They made over a ton a day at some etagee during the past Summer. The butter is shipped in 56 pound bone and finds ready sale although the pries were nob very high this year. 118x, Sperling bee been in Whiteohnrob for seven eeaeone and is np to date fn hie methods. He attended a Convention of Butter makers al Palmerston let week looking up the leteet pointere and ex• changing experience. 01iIIRL)11 illiIi1ES. Service in Melville church on Tbanke• iving Day at 10.80 a. m., . Rev, Mr. Rosa, he pester, will preach. Last Sunday Mr. Powell, of- Heron College, London, took the services in St. obn'e oburob, Brussels. There will be divine service in the Catholic oburob, Brueeele, on Sunday ext, Nov. 20th, at 10 30 o'clock a. m, Rev. Mr, Conine peached a Thanks. giving sermon last Sabbath morning in he dlatbodiot March and in the evening poke on "The parable of the sower," A moonlight Junior League envies will be held Wednesday evening of next week in the Methodist ohuroh in en- action with the weekly prayer meeting. "The River of Life -its - services" HMS Rev. Mr. Rees' subject last Sabbath morning in Melville church. "The true standing putted" was the theme in the everting. Ray. G. B. Brown, the temperance orueader of Blenheim, bae resigned ,he oharge of 1115 present pulpit in the First Baptist church of that plane. Mr. Brown bas beeu pastor of the ...thumb for the past five years. It is understood that he intends to take np temperance work in the prorinoe for the Dominion Alliance. Bobbuth evening next the annual 00i0p Bible Society meeting will be beld in Melville Carob when addressee will be given by Revde, John Rose B. A., and 1. W. Ooeous. Collection in aid of the Society funds. The service Will be with• drawn in the Methodist oburah for that evening as well as the Epworth League meeting. A. cordial welcome exleoded ba alk - DID WALL -Leet Sunday- a epeeist offering woe taken in Brueeele Methodiet church towards reduoing the debt on the Personage by 9400. The results of the day totalled $800 with a goodly number of families still unreported, The Lading' Aid will donate $50 if the total is reached and the list will be kept open for a week or so with this expectation, The con. gregation and pastor are to be oongratu. laced on the success ()tithe effort. At the November meeting of the OM. Dial Board of Brussels Methodist Circuit the following persons were re.eleoted Stewards for the year t -R. Leatherdele, J. J. Gilpin, A. Ooueley, W. F. Stewart, J. Oober, G. Sparling and W, H. Korn, The latter was re -appointed Recording Steward, W. H. Salter wee granted a Local Preacher's license. It was der aided to bold the oburob anniversary on Sabbath, Deo, 25th and the tea meeting the following Monday evening. Interest in the eelootion of a bishop for Harou Diooeee to mooed the late lamented Bishop Baldwin le increasing rapidly ae the time for tbe eleotioo approaches. In Toronto the impression appears to exist that Canon Oody, of St. Paul's Church, stands an excellent ohanoe of being appointed, if be will coneant to allow hie name to go before the eynod, It is . said Canoe Cody is also looked upon very favorably In Lon. don and distriot. Other names mention• Cloned are those of Archdeacon Williams, Dean Davie and Dr. Tuchar, all of whom are recognized ae able eoolasiaetioa, well qualified for the arduous duties of the bishoprio. e Mayor Urquhart, of Toronto, propoeee that the city obtain power to expropriate the Taranto Railway Company. A. G. Hetrick, an automobilist, Taro]• to, was committed for trial in respect of e collision in which it lady pedestrian was badly hurt. An Ottawa civic deputation waited on Hon. John Dryden Tneedsy morning and asked for an inoreaeed grant to the 00, taws Winter Fair to oompletc the build- ings. John Gilchrist„ white working it straw• cutting machine this morning at the farm of Alex. Veitoh, an the Roseville road, bad his right hand severed at the wr105. Prot. Goidwin Smith hae purehaeed a block at land on Gerrard street, East al the Don River Toronto, for the marpee8 of ereoting buildioge for dwelling houses suitable for workingmen. .Iexaaax>✓a�, Fnnonee--MaRAE- In Orunbrook, at the residence of the bride's parents, on Nov. 16th, by Rev. D. B. MoReo, Mr. John Pergmeou, merchant of Brueeele, to Mies Lizzie, daughter of Rev. D. B, and Mre. McRae, rf Oranbronk. BTEVEN8ON-ADAMS•-Al the manse, Oren, brook, on Nov. 6th, by Rev. D, B. McRae, Mn, William Curtin Steven - so to Mies Maggie Maude Adams, both of Grey. .A.YTCTXCST FRrDAY, Nov. 18. -Farm stook, imple' meats, &o , Lot 3, Con. 12, Grey. Sale' unreserved, at 12 O'olooit. John MoFad• den, Prop. F. S. Beott, Ana. 331.i 4Ts0...s._-.. J.4: .'0 107..ie 77 V.5 , Fait Wheat Harley Pees Oats Butter, tube and mile.,.. Eggs per dozen Hay per ton - Floor, per net Potatoes per bus Apples (per bbl.) Sa 0, per bbl„ retail Hoge, Live Wool 1 00 1 00 88 40 60 60 28• 29 14 16 17 18 5 00 6 00 5 60 6 00 50 50 1 00 1 26 1 00 - 70 4 60 4 60 17 . 18 IHE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. The steamer Alert was burned to the water's edge at Laltefield, Dr, D. O. 11tao0allum, n veteran Mon- treal physioian, i8 deed, aged 79. It ie reported that John H. Redd will be appointed County Crown Attorney for Essex. The new Dominionice breakers will begin work on the St, Lawmen next month. Sarah Pupae, a mire girl et Montreal, Watt killed while saving n little boy from bring run over by a horse. British Columbia has more Bnddhiots than Baptiste, more Confaoians than Congregatieneliste, and nearly as many Pagano a9 Latherane, —0R --- "Fruit Liver Tablets'' TORE TO RENT Ili THE kJ village of Oranbrook, lately..000uniod by A• McNair, who has sold out. Terme reasonable, Apply to J. LONn•, Oranilrook, The Laxative or Liver Prin. oiple extracted from trash, ripe frail by a new and scientific process ooadeneed into Tablet form, ante most efeotiveiy on the etomaoh, liver, bowels and kidneys, Very pleaeent to take. 50a. per box at r pEACIiER WANTED.—S. S. 1 No. 10, Sowielr and Grey, for 1906. Applinatione, stating salary, received until November 2181. THOS. BI6NNETT, 17.9 See.-Treae" Molesworth. To WHOM IT MAY CON– I 00111 -As tobacco end other goods have been purchased and charged to our account bye, person purporting lobe our son we hereby notify business mon that from this date tee will not hold ourselves reepon Bible for any goods procured Without our written order, BUJ AB AND MRS. JA00L111.' Jamestown, Nov. 10111, 3004. 19.9 Extension of Time. Drug Store DRY HAI1D1VOOD, DRY SOFT word and erten omit wood for Bale. Apply to 3310. MollAB, Oranbrook, 18.00 T EIOESTRRB FOR SALE. - 4 good Sbearling and 8 Ram Lambs. Also young Short Dorn Butte from 7 to 20 months, including rho 1st prize Senior Ball Calf at D. at Buro'n Fall Snow, Also n se mbar of COWS anti Heifers. Will be sold cheap and no terms to suit buyers. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont. Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogete Court of the County of Heron. In the matter of the estate The time for rooeiving tenders for dredg- ing at Amberetburg, Ont., is beroby extend- ed to FRIDAY, NOV. 20410 • 13y ardor, F1tEh. (1EL0NAB 8eurelary, Departmout of Pablie Works, Ottawa, November 11, 1004, 10-1 Nowepapen8ioeerting this adveriisoment without authority from the Department will not be paid for it, of Frannie Miller, late of the Town. chip of Grey, in the ()aunty of Soren, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby "given, pursuant to the Revised Statntos of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 120, Seo. 98, that all oreditore and others having chime against the oatete of Frannie Miller, late of the Townehin of Grey, in said 0oun, tv, farmer, who died on or about the 411, day of November. A. D,1004, at Grey, ere re - quoted to send by post, prepaid, or to de- liver to Andrew Rrrmver or Lorenzo Frain, at eltbel P.O., the 0xecutere of the last Will and testament of th, said Francis Miller, or to A.B. Mao'loalrl, of the- Village of Bre.- eels, their Solicitor, on or before the 1711, day of Denudate, A.D. 190i, tb eir full same., addressee, and the tall partioolare of their claims, and the nature of .-their eeouritiee Of env) held by thein. And notice 1e11ereby given that after the Bald last mentioned date, the said Executers will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the portions entitled thereto, Laving regard only to the claims of which notice shall have beau givenas above required. and rue said plxeontors will not be responsible for the assets or any part there- of so dietri,beted to any person whose claim notice ,ball not bave boon received at tho time of such distribution. Dated at Brueeele this 15th day of Novem- ber, A. D.,11101, A. B.'MAOD00ALD, 10.9 Solicitor for Executors, TENDERS for SUPPLIES, 1905 Tite'uudereigned wilt receive tenders up to noon on Monday, Met inst., for supplies of Manlius' meet, creamery butter, flour, oatmeal, potatoes cordwood, oto„ eta,. :tor the fallowing institutions during the year 100S, viz... - At the Asylums for the Insane in Toronto. Lerdce, Bengston, ?Hamilton Mimics, 00- Mime, Brockville, rtritlia and Youebangni- ahene ; the Central Prison and Mercer Ito- fermetery, 'Taranto ; the Institution for Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind at Brantford, - Exooptiou-Tenders aro not required for the supply of meat to the asylums In To. route, Loudon. Iiiingston, Hamilton and ltrookyllle, nor for tee Oentrel Prison and Mercer Reformatory,Toronto. A marked Moque for five per cent. of the estimated amount of the contract, payable to the order of the Honorable the Provincial Secretary, roast be fnrnienedby eaob ten- derer as a guarantee of tie bona ti dee. Two sufficient sureties will be required for the ' due fulfilment of each contract, and•ebonld any tender be .withdrawn before the coo - treat ie awarded, or should the tenderer fall to Runlet) snob semrrity,the amount of the deposit will be furleited. Speoifioationo andformsof tender may he had on application to the Deportment of the Provinoial Sooretaryy Toronto ;or to the bursars of the respective institutions. The loweeb or any tender not nereeeartly accepwspted,` Neapers inserting 11118 advertisement without be pail foriit from the department will J. R. STRATTON, Provincial Secretary, Parliament Building:, Toronto, November 14111, 1004. - `tR` , adWl,e+yl eCX-'1-rpt dwt-ndatldWLn''LL:, xxxxx ltXXXX gMOK �� 4'b ill 61! & 14 331,Y'TH g1g4,y dJt Gold Weather Goods Cold weather' is approaching and the weather prophets all agree that we will have another very severe Winter. We are fully prepared for it with the following heavy Winter goods t -Men's Heavy Wool Ribbed Shute and Drawers, nt a: e120e,at - o, -Men's Heavy Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, good value at 60e, for 14�� 50o, 1-1 -Btaalteld'a Heavy All -wool IInohrinkable Underwear, in all eine, et $1 31) and $1 26, -Stanfield's Exlra•heavy Klondike Underwear, a real frost resister, at �yy $1,85, -reshot', Miand Cbitdeen, s Underwear, in gnat variety, bought ht direst from the Turnbull Mann[aotniring Co. for spot nob. They are the beet value we net eared. -Men's (Heavy Frieze Reefers or Pea Jaokete, higb storm collar and I,7� blizzard proof, at 95.45. Q" - Men's Heavy Frieze Double Bteae1ed Solite at $7 05, -Boye' Heavy Wool Mitts, plain and striped, et 100, -Man's Heavy Rebber,lined Jackets from $1.50 to 94.60, - Men's heavy Wool Pante, all BIM, at $1, $126 and $146, - Men's Home made Wool Mitre, extra heavy, et 406 RCP 5001 --Men's Seeks, all wool, worth 20e, 2 pair for 268, - Menlo Extra Heavy Wool Socks, very opeoial, 25e, -Moo's Beatty Wool Mitts, covered with moleskin, 500, •-Men's Overooate and 'Olden at epeoial price,. ,pac�,pp�pprr�� pij III�'s ..,p. _... d�(�..aqa,pp��..,,yy���.,,ppqq��e�xrr�r�_.a�t,�.;rc�,��.. l•,e+st,WWtao-�a,� m�'t,�r��{agqaattaa ,t�, m� drWe.YewsWte,euamil�W a+abi�Oo�+Pal rl,se'r�'F, lira .J'a•e dot