HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-11-17, Page 5,F tpti nYS 0 42:146i141;;11' TRAIN UP A CHILD And win up gond him or her to ‘,.4.4.570WELA, 1G '1'ernt opens Apr!i lith, 1904 alaursoh- 0ommor iCourses_ for Ooliege Jona A. L, MatNTyit14, Manager, BUSINESS CARDS. IONEY TO ,LOAN AT b 1'E pout, P, 8.8COTL' Bruaoolg, H. AI' o0BA0l EN- • Issuer of Marriage Lioenaoe. 0 lice at Creamy, Turnberry street, Brussels PATOIS FOR SALE -THE UN Dnnarunan has several good Rennet sale and to rout, easy terms, in Town/thf o1 Morrie and Gro P f. or y S. sUOrT,Bruse 10 a. o. .ice' BruneelPrincess pes n their Lodg Roam, Bias. hill ;;look, on the 20d and last Tuesdays of each month, at o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. ,IAS, BUItt4L1ss, C. R. A,14..ttLLLisa, Ai, 8. M. MORRISON,. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT. MISS JEAN,! M'LAUCIILIN, TDAOHER OP- PiANO - AND -. ORGAN. �v- .�5£5.,6, oro -T. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM) INen6AN00, FIRE AND MARINE, G11ELPH. J. L.ECK1E, LIPID ACID TIRE INSORANORI, LOAN AND RDAL ESTATE .AGENT, 011100 over Reveler's Drug Store, Nov, Ord, 1002. 80 -Bin Brussels, Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., neTABtienan 1810 Inenraneo taken on the caeb and premium nota system at0000uut rates, Before iueur- ing elsewhere call on the undersigned A gent 01 the 004011007 GiaORGD ROODR8, Bruesele, AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • Ban, will loll for bettor prices, to bettor men, in less- time and Ices obargoe than any other Auctioneer in Past Huron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders eau always bo arranged at this ofcoe or by personal applioation. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLBDVA LE ONT, Auctioneer for Hu0OR County. rttxllrarranged thTelma office of 0PooBueels11 VETERINARY. D. WA1 W1CH- • honor 4ra4ivaro of the Ontario Vat. erinar0 college, ie Prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals in a (menet. nt manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentlotry' Coils promptly at- tended to. Moo and iuermary-Pour doom North of bridge, Turnberry et., Broeeel0, MAL APIL CONVEYANCING. A B. MACDONALD- Bummer ort0. r. Solicitor, Office over Stan- dard Bank, Braseele. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank, M. SINCLAIR - Barrister, Solicitor, s6eylNotary PuloOaforB oom 1 Solicitor focif heeStandard Bank, pBOlUDF00T, HATS & SLAIR- BARRISTERS SOLIOITnBS, NOTARI1118 rentao, ETC. W. PnoonpooT, 8, O, ' R. C, Bays 0. P. BLAm, OfHaea-Those formerly occupied by Moore Gomm/on,oameron Ik .Bolt, Oxrdnro. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. MI'NAUGHTON. 711, 16., 0, M., Trinity liolvereity, Fellow Trinity Modioal College, Member College of Physicians and SurgeonsOnt, Ll0eutiato of the Royal Ool• lege of itbyelelane and Licentiate of Mid- wifery, 11diubnrggh, oar %alimboue No.14, Roefdence-M111 street, lirttesols, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. ,F'-RIL0, UENT OAt Orttduato of the Royal College of Dental •Surgeons ofOntario anti 11'irol.°lase Honor Graduate of 'Toronto tinivoroity. Office next 10 Jirewor'e Photograph Caller?, BlIOSS 4IL8, Largest and Best i�9tN W8BTUteN ONTARIO. CEIr1IL /o ST� RD, ONT. Tile wheal e° n e the reputation of Q Title the boat works in B0840400 lulu- Ar . Batton of the Dominion. The large Reboots in Canada and Omahas. Dotted States o e )yyt A W6 7 employ the phot a instrti 00 neaoh all Wo. q't give the a Be luetruotiou to all anti b➢ that the "Best." Studeute may enter at any time, Welts; tor /Me ealalogue ELL/OTT 8e' alor,A0n1,AN, Priudpale, li;,tide('l 111iss Carrie DluOlnlrald, dauebler of f�1J. Dr. Mnodonald, 10141Vu,t;hsm on Priddy afternoon 4th incl for Jamul. Wiles Macdonald 1e working in oonneotim4 with ht l @a Y ua Sun k V em's Ohr ofawoi 0.tiOh andd wr lVisit different rout of t it tr't'v f>'rt tit; tt. Wei tr 0 eau t 0 report or h t P u death pulsed p000efuliy away on Thursttay everting, Oat. 27th, in hie 75th year. 441r, Code was one of the earliest pioneers of Bleu, having opine here when quite 40108 a.oung ndlfolhewedts for himself a benn6. Hut homestead, ith wife and fain lhove ever shun w104141etitr The funeral took pltioe Monday afternoon to the Ina Centre t e col net er where b Y,he remains ose of canghter0and dson,tOHis st wife anide nd five slaughters, one brother and three sisters were es A large other. ing ofmbeanie and @neiighbors. .Rev. 101o, ood bad long n'of boon a1pse church znember,, a� dooted the funeral eervieee, The floral offerings ware beautiful. Ho wee widely and deservedly reepented by all those amongst whom he had lived for so many years. The bereaved wife and family have he einoere sympathy of all in the loss they bave en8taned, TL„ ,nae o C ds who after f not a short 111 1#. L W oases. We are sorry to report the nese bt. vviioah Thanksgiving ee will the Methodist ebaroh on Thu 170, at 11 o'oleak, a. m. Rev jay, pO.tor of he Baptist preach, uite au anoe of the improvement dings Lofn t bandsman new briok reeidenoe brought about by the removal trams house. The manna! Teaukagiving So Y. P. 8, C. E, of the Atwood. inn 'Church will be held in the of the oharoh on Thursday eve 17th, The event is kuowo th the "Rolnboly Sooial", er ha naafi ore andresidenceto'l, A of the Otis 0n, Mr, Berlet tvf the budding for some months has not decided where be will go line of business he will engage t Tnary the Je Methodistn charonioueeisted ladies of the congregation, sent clothing valued et sixty dollars, C. W. Vuiliok, of Muuoey, On the Indiana on the Oneida Beyer elode rletrW. d one of Hie Mejeety'sL. Horton hJustiee0 oas beau f the ePeaoe for the county of Huron. a oaaudidaterfor the oou of my e0intends to be lb ie dietriot at the January elections. Pour 01 Coutraotor Pigott'e horses dying within a week gives an idea of he loos a oontra0tor has sometimes to salter. • Dr. Turnbull purohaaed the seventy• eight head of (tattle sent here by L. H. .GJmonds, of Blenheim, for sale, and has sent them to his farm near Milverton. The project of belidiug a new ohurob is again reel receiving MetU a 8the atteution of the North Ougregatoe, and tend. ere will likely be asked for very shortly: The elevator oompuny oonlinnee ship- ping thrs day 0. eau sv a grain load d with 1,700 bushels, weighing 102,000 Me. If the grain bad hien No. 1 hard the oatland would have reached the weight of 110,000 lbs. The mail train on the G T orioles ill. be held in reday, Nov, Mr. Pan. ohuroh will LI appear. Dr. 1idd'e hae been of the old Dial of the Presbyter. basement nin g, Nov. ie year as a sold We Porter, 11 uooupy yet and or what n, ooiety of by other a bole of to Rev. tads), for ve. her me rich two othe oho two we a nu by a Boll Bim skip Jord gond inter o Tuesday afternoon of loot twee de a reoord run, From Patio to God alightly over 77 miles, it mad Iva stops, o0e. Of seven minutes, a r of eight minutes, took water then atop, and neared the di0tanae i houand seventeen minutes. age rteere flying Wednesday of lea kin honor of the Zing's birthday an mbar of bowlers celebrated the da game on the West street ground owing were the players : W. A. Mo , H. W. Thereon and W. Lan ; against G, F. Blair, J. Galt and F. on, Ode. The lawn was in very fair ition for the time of year and an eating game was played, r'Lrte tree. Jaes Broadway has mi to Poort Huron,, where hemwilldengahie gee inn the ealoau basion. bition Swnr,tthe two o stores on Josephine 4 ,,urchased elreet, known 0e he Dawson block, The price paid was $3,600. proper, on Josephine 0tre t to Lehas d dim and Jobe Hanna has parehaeed the building now occupied by Lee Jim hunt John .4 holey. Rev. Dr, Gundy preaobed anniversary sermons in the Methodist obaroh et Ripley on S0Oday and Rev. R I. Hoek- Itipley, look Dr. Guady'8 work in llm, e Greena. has parehaeed Bert. Win In Bad Wawanoeh, andlse loholeou'0 farm, whioh adjoins the rm, Mr. Green will have a goad 226 armee. There le considerable lbw. on the plaoe. ham Baptist oongregatiou have shed aging poling0dobt l0 has 1 theirahurchediffoe e time and celebrated the 000asion al Thanksgiving 0ervioes Sunday day. Rev, 3, O'Neil, of Paisley, e6 home Mrs LOr ntte,, Scottt a r at of eet, on afternoon of last week, when her wMee 11lary Coutts was joined ok with Win. Showers, The y wag performed by Rev, J. N. B. A. The young couple lett oention train for London, where ud resitting. (Hater Guild of the Presbyterian' hated edam for the ensuing fellows '-President, Rev. D. et vice, Mies Fenny Paterson ; Mise Annie ()mornings ; 8rd Lizzie Wieon ; 4th vice, Mies ]flat he tl0ti LCa e an ra r Soot t fie anoin 1 Boor etarq, H, H. r; recording eoretary, Mho nming0 ; organist, aline Lizzie neon, of flits town,. and Walter Wave!, end formerly of Wing. purchased the otiatria lighting eoswator, Mr, Inose will take' he plant tit Teamster and will remain in Wingham and barge of the plant here lee in Mit Gruen will oleo hove con. thestooki esu iliebd f0040 the dilr g k a BAGAIN log, of Wingh W, Reid's Mrs. N Reid fo farm of good tin Wing jot Bei been ha for inn by epeol and Ma preaohe uie the horn 1ueeday daughter in wed! common McLean, on the al they lute Westin Oharoh e year au Perris ; 3 2nd viae, 0100, Mee Bdith Gerd n • 0 Wight/tar Lizzie Ont Wilson. W,n.G Bose, ham, have plant at T charge of t Mr, Groan will have o the pest. Irol of the purchased TONT 0014 A 8 She expecte toatt In e he absent tor 011 least Interests of 6bis ofeu years, Vora wide. The new houses in coarse of ereolion in town will loon 4 ocmpeted, A meeting tvn0 bald in the ,lruroitore feotory an Townley evening of last week to ann ' and er htty' , n n n open . gai r r rink for Fon w i i0h thio Whiter, Thlly on Tues ay evenChosen ting,iNov. 2e win 1)1be Palmer.s elan 0onn0il will be invited to attend and r0freehm@ala will be served, The Royal T' nplaro have decided to have a literary 0001801 on Monday, 281h toot„ with Charlie Walkoy and Herbert Manger lee oaptaine. The next meeting,will be held on Monday evening, 21o1 inst., and a fraternal visit will he paihedto evening°lof oeu24111Hlnst. Thon os, Downey will be judge in the oontee6, On Olilole'' Bard afternoon t the O tethodieltt° Quarterly met ab the pare/omega for the transaction of business, The tot/owing were appoint. ed stewards for tate en. uing year Failte, A, McBee, and 13, S. Otok for Fordwieh ; Jae. Fallie, and 111. Aldrioh for Newbridge and S. Vines a0d Geo. M°tteo ed Re0ordiee for ng Stownra. It was de. ofded to bring into operation this owning quarter a reeo'ution passed at the tact Ismlipend by the envelope raise system pastor's instead of formerly. ypeonal oanvae every quarter as JLi.,ler. A wet. A Zing's Birthday 000111 a wee held in Ohr1011 March on Wednesday evening of lest week. Rev. Mr, Buokla0d deliver. ed an address on Hie Mejeety Edward VII., and the Empire. TOhdroh have engaged Auxiliary Harvey, h°moriet, and O. Leroy Benny, elocution• tet and voeafis11, to give one of their entertainments in MODonald'e naught hall, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 22nd, e of has beeneart ngedsupplementary byetthe t North meetings Farmers' Institute, se follows :-Gow• ?net Monday, Nov. 21; Atwood,( TOeeday, Nov. 22 ; Carthage, Wodnes. I for b day, Nov. 28 2 Millbank, Thursday, Nov. grey 24 ; Milverton, Friday, Nov. 26 ; Monk. name ton, Saturday, Nov. 26 Both afternoon Duna and evening meetings will be held, except born et Moncton, whioh will be in the after. 28rd, noon only. C. N. Nash, Toronto, and the la R. S. Stevenson, Ammeter, will be the well k principal speakers. The first teat of the waterworks with 0140 p00eeare from the water -tower was made tbreeb on Wednesday of Feet week, a branch be. and o tog connected to the hydrant at the a sen corner of letterman and Wallace etreeto. The test was not altogether aabiefaatory, only sufficient pressure being obtained to throw a stream about as high as t4 Queed'e hotel. The feet that the savior, pipes were nob shut off was thoak11 to have hod considerable to do with weaken. ing the preesare. A aeoond test was made above the gate on Inkerman street and proved more euoceeefal, Bi es a ,1 Mabel Ro"ars left inner lain weep for a abort vielt o 11. vile, en mule In O"rnwan, 80011• will intend the Wiot, r with leu hire. (Dr) It .y Nisbet. Pruvigns t departure, Min Rogers was wait hlwith of wit Y h W I 0. ,amara• huff,, 1 king v0r the Clinton( F- unary, re sl„• anti r, , retirement of 111r. Farrah eider, from the I.e /in88e ten yeme labor be and o her ' lir, ll ,,, t Immune sole ONnPYd tinder , 1 der ed on the fi the motor apd wurden8 of C 41 locket, 100 0416e0xpreee oth nold donors' appreoletion of ba mull the oboir, of whioh ehe Imo been d bor toot some time, eeletetlor•Les. The present teaching staff of the p oboe' 1 re al reenr 4 e d for immense of salary. 6 g 1906 u A few nthusiastie the green Wednesday bafternoolers npand joyed a few roande, on the `k lemlokaming° railway in Ontario has arrived home, A. ed the newgoBach of Oome of men 0meree ba d The foundation is completed and briclt work of the wane otrted. On Tuesday evening of hist week Foresters and Sone of Scotland he friendly game of carpet bowie, the la being deflated by a °arrow margin. An acetylene gee plant for light purposes is now being disoneeed Egmondyille roeidente. I6 is prop o establish the p4ant in an Bola house and utilize the gee for lighting residencies. The 000Or beets grown in this 0eotl and shipped to the Berlin ,eatery ha tested well, making an average of 1 per oast. Title would make the be worth 9510 per ton at the factory The average yield was ab .ut twenty one to the acre, 1 t, 11 ane leo hr e r P ea & p Hr v0 Christ Mr, Maophereen Y Co, chain man, whose warmthofheart°m,.rde kindly L l the wisbere rt all who Oame in oeutact with nes in him. Bo was one of those few men in mem, any oow:malty who retain a prominent po thou in filo public mind though never emerging into public, affairs, Though often urged to neeept pebtio !tonere and 4 ablio edlooe Mr. Ma0phereou'e inclination did d' 1 on not lead him to weep( an of h e YE , Y Slum, and d m 1' to e d b re! ee Y preference hoe ' i4private lfF. d on a We learn that the tenet honor Bu. ehowa him was hie nomi4at1 n as a Jost 1pe of the Pease, ave honor, however, ovad wbloh he never became aware of. He New was always prominent amo0g01 Mutinous Then in his ow0 department of maim - on featuring end woe at the time of hie ing, death the honorary seorstery of the the 1'hreebing Maohinery Department of the Canadian Manufaaturere' As0aofatioo, the His wife, Mario, Coats, deogbter of the 4 a late Robert Coate, to whom he was liar married oleo Ctheir, sest 1879, survives falai ly.Lt00 '1;.;nthe children, Stewart, the eldest eco, is fn °barge of one of the doper+menta of peethe G. T. R. engine works at St'atford ; 1 d Robiu, the aea0nd sop, is a clerk in the tee Patent ofioe at Ottawa, and Mien Jean and Charlie reside at home. In the on minds of the people of Clinton and of vo his wide oirale of friends elsewhere, there 5 8 i0 bat one sentiment al ornate for hie ate early denies and of eineer0 sympathy for his ramify in their bereavemeot, '3 tin torr. Robb. Holmes bee moved to the hoes lately coupled oupred by Thomas Jolson, er. Mr, Brandenberger has 14000gb6 6 own another specie of the dog kind. I la a poodle, snow white, has hair lik line wool, and ie a oarioeity to look at. Drums or D. ie. llfAorazneoN.-W regretfully reoord the death of D. F. ltiaopbereon, whiob (moored at the resideBlrowood Ave,, London eatfanhie early hour Tneeday Oro• ing of Met week. He had gone to Lon• don upon business of the Mo0Otaoturere' Aeeoofatioo, and while sailing at his ill of acute Bright's dieeaee. On Fwas taken riday last hie ooadilion had improved so much 11(1e6fora rims bepee were entertained is recovery, but on Monday more e symptoms appeared, and the end peacefully, shortly after midnight. an Ferguson Macpherson was at Fingal, in Elgin County, Jan. 1851. He was the aeoond eon of mown fire Daniel m Macpherson, Glasgohead of w bof Fingal, who nearly sixty years egan there the manafaotere of Mg and a0rionitaral machinery, ootinaed in bueioees for nearly halt eut h• years inrthe Fingal establishment, he2 in thearns rst to Olioton works works here on ti°I 1868, 5, rewmheanninho returned to Fingal. He became a permanent resident of Clinton in 1876, In which year he Dame here to ma0age the brander the style of the Glaogowa & carried on on Co. In 1882, on the reoon0trootion of the old firm, be entered into partnership IleaastitilL. Dr. James Be 1 ve thie week for PhiladelphiaBOwhete re heaint intends e prnotieing ,tie profession, Abe. Case, who has been at Owen o Sound for nearly two years, boa been t appointed station agent at Denfield. Re E, visited hie home loot week. Dr. Seilery and bride arrived borne o from their wedding trip on Monday night of last week and will take ap residenoe eheet, Arnoldltheir house on Maoar hur, formerly doftrtown, hoe been promoted from the Thedford Bof for wanoh hioh plthe aoe he let on n Tuesday to °of loot week. Alfred and Mrs, Eaorett, of London, are here visiting his parenle and brother, Mr. Eaorett boa Bold out hie jewelery hotness in London, and leaves in a week for Loa Angelo, California. W. J. Miller has elarted to argot another honest on the property be pnr• chased from Wm. Moir. If the weather proves fine he bopee to have the new dwehiog completed before Christmas. Others of our citizens ehoold follow this good example. COUNTER On this Counter there are numerous articles from a "Needle to an Anchor." Seeing is believing. Come and See. From '$5.00 to $15,00, We ask you to compare the Quality and Pries of our Guns with those advertised by Simpson or Eaton. We have TB1i Lamps and THE Prices. Come and see Lamps from 25c. to $7.00. See also Eaton's catalogue and compare. SILVER KNIVES Rogers' 12 dwt. The price on these is strictly confiden- tial. You must come to our Bargain Counter to capture this prize. Bring Eaton's catalogue with you for coin- pal'ison, MISCELLANEOUS A Quart of Ink for A 6 inch Butcher Knife and an 8 inch Steel for....., 40c. A Tack Hammer and 2 Packages of Tacks for 1U A o, 12 oz .I3o Bottle 0 nae.. uc h Stove A. 6 oz. Bottle Fine Sewing Machine Oil for sh for ,,, 10e, A Two -keyed Padlock for,,,,,, •' 15o. ,..,,..,, 150• Mc ez tie1 . Goro-ie. the store next top 83. Nicholls tot from L Campbell and will have it fitted op for a tailor shopMiss Flo. , nd. ing the past Htwo vmonths wwho ith th efri nen d� n hie vicinity, returned to her home in Toronto. Henry Town, of Seaforth, and eon Harry, of Ooonomowoo, Wie,, were palling on the terror's eon, Geo. at the Arbfen test week, Mrs, Sanderson and ambits, arrived home from BToroatobl et eek, We are pleased to be able to state hat Mee. Peaohie is recovering nioely rpm her recent eloknese. We are pleased to be able to state that re. Vaneooe who fell some time ago ud hod the misfortune to break her nee is able to he around again after be. g laid tip for ten weeks, 1Mies e Ada resent aattendiing of nIbe Mll1. a nextrot kodel teaoberSae°aliwill s has beanselectedhe trustees of S. S. No. 6 for the 0r 1005. While unhitohing a horse in the bion stables Thareday morning, 10,h eO., John Fields, the hostler met with a d accident. The horse made a jump the buggy etrnok him and knooked to the floor nutting his bead badly. P w M k in w Fe h by ye AI in ba and bine A Gra 21 of t Alli orgy al 13160Mtnawn At Soot MuL oboe for th On the b gent' and o and o M, R, 5 (Rev. Were he 1i Jam village their ine6., W. J. Mrs. most h now, a hearty they b their d Follo the See Brant. 0arriok Oolrose Greenock Huron lief pee Leaden ow Cheiey 116 Paisley Walkort'n .... 239 ere(` Eld " to 288 Teeewater 87 Ltaciinow, grant of 910 was made to the venhuret Sauiterinoi by the Oaanoil, tee Stewart bets resigned es organist he Methodist Church and Mies Mabel 'n has been appointed choir leader and Hist. agietrate R. Graham fined a young in he village a dollar and oosts for k a bioyale on the 0iaewelke. The plaint was laid by Constable Moore. a meeting of the hookey team Amble6 was elected eearetary, and R. D. can end Robt. Thompson were n delegates to arrange the game e league, - ht thiev n sok Wednesday wi window of, Neil a McZaaz,e a e for°iehingestore in thio village, arried offa quantity of underwear ober geode. S. Schell, of South Oxford and J. obeli, of Glengarry, brothers of Mre„ elected members o1 Parliament in betel interests at rho eleotiont, ea and Mee. Gordon of this celebrated the anniversary of golden wadding on Saturday, 5th by a visit 60 their daughter Dire. Stinson at Moorefield. Mr, and Gordon are among the oldest end dhtheir many friends e nds extrd Look -b, that oth congratulations sparedto dhope o 41iebrete lamond jubilee, wing is a summary of the vote in 6k Betio election Donnelly McKenzie ...... .We.0•• 468 879 442 806 808 288 866 377 176 841 66 128 900 .108 218 286 8 8082 Majority for Mo1en20zie ,Liberal -444 The the St. ferry sbetw ens' Ogdensburg and Preeoott, I ofThree the res Men Blitek injured by dlvgra `i res. House at Wlouipeg, �a"7;U`.�°.jej„cl,,rp°�"�.00� f sn���?q,� �. A.��+ y�' may; erg-�«���� ���IaP,�p _.-. 11 aa. r ewb7 :::1'•l7Ca�''4r {�t yr, Ver VL er' cat^id�ivxt?'tye 'ts• 4z rye , xeMO /IyN N N , .LB]�I- ..LJ T Ladies' Fur Jackets This week we pi h ave receivede d another large ke 0 ; Pme nt of Ladies' a FurJeoketedireof from the manufacturers, whiuh pats oar stook in splendid shape, Several months ago we made large (marmite for Fare when prion were at the lowest. These contracts were made on a spot gash baits, home the following good values -Aetreoban Jaokete, eizee 39 to 42, Mose glossy ort, tined with heavy farmer's satin, at 925 to 945. -Greenland Seal Jaokete, in ail sizes, at $85. -Flair Seal Jaokete, ail 0fzes, at 982 50 to 940. -Bukaran Jaokete, very epeo;al, at 988. -Dottie Seal Jackets, all eine, at $85 and $40. ---Eleotrio Seal Jaokete, with sable ouffa and reverse, eomethin ver swell, at $45 and $50. k Y These Jaokete are all made of No, 1 akin? and every garment is guaranteed, MEN'S FUR COATS -We show a great variety of pien'o Fur Coate, to Calf, Dyed Wombat, Dogekin, Black Galloway, Cob Bear, oto., from $13.50 to 930. -Mens Blank Coney Wedge Cape, at $1 95 and $1 50. -Men's Persian Lamb Cape, at $4.50, 95 50 and $6 50 -Men's Heavy Cloth Cape, new styles, at 40e, 50s and 75o. -Boys' Winter Caps, the very latest, from 25a ap, -Men's Lined Bid end Mocha Gloves, in great variety, al 50o, 75o, 91.00, $1.25 and 91.50. U T R. TI -2A11" T.4.=a ,,,.,11J8111,'l .10.11 110110Nlle'lu.101dIr a- a We have just received a oar load of "Brockvilles," the kind that speaks for themselves. Call early should you require one as these are fast selIers.. We have the "Bell" Cylinder Root - V~- Palper, the BEST on the market. See them. Should yon have any grave to kill or sod or rough ground to work remem- bar the "Frost & Wood" and "Wind - sot" are the disks that will do it. It you want a General Purpose Plow, than whioh there is no better, secure a No. 20, Frost & Wood. If Car°want a Cn ter, Plow orImp Implement Cart, any kind be Bare to call on as. We Sep- arator, also Singer h S ding OIiaomhinee, VOlmar Worthing Machines alwaye on hand, We oan supply you with e od Driving or Work Horse °hasp° or Stook of any kind on abort notice. N. S. MCLAUCHJ ,N' AGJ rj AKE NOTg SL[ "linG,l�,aGllGllll'le'GR YIIIJa,a1,1t11" F it pays to push au article it pays to push it to some purpose and to push it more with an object of gaining permanent trade than of temporary profit. Many people think it impossible to find a first-class General Store in a town this size. If you are not prejudiced and are open to conviction you oan. be convinced that there is one here by calling at Jamestown P. 0. and General Store where you will find a fine and modern stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Yarns, Crash, Notions and Groceries always Fresh, We buy direct from the largest Jobbing Houses and Manu- facturers in the country and by so doing we are always sure of obtaining first-class goods, and as we are not paying enormous ex- penses in rent, clerk hire, city taxes, tic., we can sell goods at the most reasonable prices. We have now some ends in Prints, Dress goods, Wra . perettes which will be soid4regardless of cost, also some lines in Shoes will have to go. We do not wish to carry, if possible, Goods out of Season. We are just loading up for .Fall and Winter trade with a fins stock of newest Styles in our different departments. We now handle beat grade of Manitoba Flour and find it getting a ready sale. Family trade is espeeially solicited as your patronage is always appreciated no matter how small your purchases, You may rest assured it will be our constant aim to sell Yon the best goods that can be obtained and at reasonable priests. We are very grateful to those who have dealt with out wagon on the road so very liberally this Sommer and those who can sea their ot way clear to come to the store, we will Inalfe it profitable for them as we always try and keep up Farm .Produce to the highest notch. Try us on Dried apples, .Butter, loose or in tubs, Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Potatoes, and Fowl of all kinds as soon as heather will cool enough for shipping as we ship direct. b' Wal4er Inn