HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-11-17, Page 3fC 0 01.4:0•1:41:•1:44:01:.•:..:. 4:4 .:11:46:r.;.4a;»:e•:. ++! r:. er S' 4. , .:,d uoo4yrole ;e.;ra1. a.1r,14.1tt �i.14.°.4� Uii Th.T1C NUGGETS, Many please people really oat much less food than their• neighbors, This ought to teach us that it is not what we oat but what we digest that nourishes us, Wo eat suflieiently as to quantity, but not properly as to the manner of eating, Ordinarily the digestive organs are oalled on to wear out and get rid of more food than they really appropriate, This is a double oxLl avagance, (lest, as to the honey cost of living—a material waste—and 00000(1, In the wear and tear of health, which is a moral, spiritual and irrecoverable waste, for which there is no vicarious atone- ment. If there were a physiological Web- ster, and he should bo asked the sec- ret of Oldie perfection, bo would un- doubtedly answer, "masticate, mas- ticate, masticate!" At -present we bolt our food, and turn our stomachs into storage cel - ]ars of unprepared ensilage. Tile breakfast foods have degener- ated into breakfast fads. Nantby pamby stomachs that have been coddled and babied, get no- tions that they "can't eat this and they can't eat that" perfectly ra- tional and wholesome dish. The normal stomach relishes and thrives on any or all of them. One smothers his cereal in sugar and salt, and then wonders why oat- meal or cracked wheat or hominy al- ways gives ]rim "heartburn." Another takes everything of the kind in the form of a thin gruel—a drink rather than a food. The morning cereal should bo cook- ed well, but left of such firm consis- tency that it demands slow and thorough mastication. Thus pre- pared ro-pared it will "set well."- on the weakest stomach. Tho dry flaked foods aro all of them good in this respect, that they require mastication and insalivation before they, can be swallowed. Eat your breakfast—not drink it. HBALTH ri TOO MUCH TOOTH BRUSH. "X was amused to see a dentist quoted the other day as urging everybody to use a tooth brush three times every day for not less than three minutes at a time." "Now, I would Like to see the sot of teeth that could hold out long against such treatment. It would rub the enamel off in a short time. ."One-third the amount of cleaning recommended is what one really needs. The use of a tooth brusff once ad day for throe e i ut is is suf- ficient. Then there can bo used with that in the evening the silk floss which is so good for taking from be- tween the teeth anything that may have lodged there. "Even in using a tooth brush once a clay, it is bettor not to rub it dir- ectly across tho surface of the teeth, but to slant it. holding the point down so that it cleans the spaces between the teeth as well as the front of tho teeth and removes the full force of the contact from the teeth. 1 have had many patients who have literally rubbed the en- amel from their tenth by the exces- sive use of a brush. "The average American uses a brush too much and not too little. In addition to beteg careful with the brush, it is also important to see that the bristles are soft and not hard. Tooth powder should be used only once a day. "Many of my patients nowadays use the pointed orange sticks for the teeth. They, aro very good to keep them clean and serve in a way the purpose of both the brush and the stick. They are often used to put on tooth powder and keep the teeth in excellent condition,'' • The commonest disease to which the tenth are subject, and the ono that. has puzzled the dentists most, is- a decay of the enamel that is caused by a microbe, but is so far incurable. Tho enamel begins to disappear, and the process cannot be stopped. ;the only thing that can bo dote is to remedy tho ravages that the dis- ease makes, anel this is nowadays ac- complished wonderfully. The teeth after the enamel is gond aro covered with porcelain, and they are made to look exactly like a new set of teeth. This porcelain is strong enough to hold in any, ordinary Cage. The results of this disease, which grows daily commoner, were for a while considered duo to excessive rubbing of the teeth. But the phy- sicians have now decided that it comes from another cause, although its effects are much aggravated by the use of a hard brush and too much rubbing, WASHING THE ITA111Ds, It hes recently been claimed that cases ,of infection that could be ac- counted for in no other way havo boon explained by the fingers as a vehicle. In handling money, eapo- cdaily of paper, do.o•-jlnobs, banis- ter's, window strops, and a hundred and 0110 things that every n ory o e must frequently touch there aro chances innumerable of picking up germs of typhoid, scarlatina, clipthoria, small pox, etc, Yet sante persons actually put such things 111 their mouths, if not too large. Before eating or totlohing that which is oaten tho hands should bo imulocliately and scrupulously washed. Wo hear much about general cleanliness as "noxi to gotllteese... It may be added that here 111 particular it is also ahead of" health and safety, elite Jews made no mistake in that cic- sept they washed they to not." It is a sanitary ordinance as Well as art ordinance of deeoney, "7'11e Bluffeys, i hoar. 11aVe left town suddenly, Have yeti heard anything' to 03plain their diaappcal'- tinter "Yes, I believe it was clue to thein frying to koop 'up and tip- IfSaratnte,'1 SCIATICA CURED, ANOTHER TRIUMPH FOR DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS, Ml:, Etsell, of Walkerton, Suffered For Months and Got no Relief Until Ito Began the Use of These Pills, Of tho many employees of R. Tru- ax & Co„ Walkerton, Ont„ none stands higher in the conficicroe of his employers than door Mr. Thos. J. ]itsoll., Pre is an excellent me- 01101ric, and has boon in the employ of this firm for upwards of ton years. But although Mr. Etsell now rattles among the few men who aro never absent from their post of duty, the time was when bo was as often absent as present, all because of physical inability to perform his work. For years Mr. liltsell was a groat sufferer from sciatica, and at times the suffering became so tense that that for days he was unable to leave the house. During these years, Mr. Etsell, as may readily bo imagined, was con- tinually on the lookout for some remedy that would rid him of the disease, but for a long time without success. Doctors were consulted and although he took the treatment pre- scribed, it did not help him. Then ho tried electric treatment, but this also failed to give relief, and in do- spair ho had about made up his mind that his case was hopeless and that he would bo a suffering, help- less cripple to tbo end of his days. Then ono day a neighbor advised hien to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. At first ho refused, believing they would prove lilce other medicines, but the neighbor was so insistent, having herself been greatly benefit- ed by these pills, so that at last he consented. Tho remainder of the story may best bo told in his own words. "When X began taking these pills," said Mr. Etsell to a reporter of the Telescope, "I had been off work for throe months. The cords of my right leg were all drawn up, and I could only limp about with the aid of my stick. The pain I suffered was ter- rible. 1 could not sleep at all dur- ing the night, and I was in misery both night and day. At first I thought the pills were doing me no good but after I had taken six boxes I fancied I was feeling better. and was encouraged to continue the treatment. After that I got bettor every day, and by the time I bad taken about fifteen boxes every ves- tige of pain had disappeared. For over a year," continued Mr, Etsell "I have not had a twinge of pain, and although I am forty years of age I feel as well as when I was twenty. Pink Pills cured me, and I haveest o hesitation n anon- in announcing them the best medicine in the worl for sciatica." The cure of Mr. Etsell proves that Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsare not an ordinary medicine, and that their power to cure in all troubles of the blood or nerves places them beyond all other medicines. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or direct by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. See that the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" is printed on the wrapper around every box, HOOKED A BIRD. Scotch Fisherman Has a Strange Experience, An old Aberdeenshire fisherman who fishes daily in Cruden Bay has had all exciting fight with a great northern river diver, a somewhat rare bird which can dive a groat depth for any fish it may fancy. The man was plying his rod about a natio from rho shore, when sudden- ly he felt a series of unusually pow- erful tugs at his lino. Be began pulling in the catch, and had hauled it nearly aboard, despite a resistance which lashed tho water into a fury, when the diver suddenly darted from the sea into his face with a force that almost hurled him overboard. Bofors he could recover himself, the bird swooped clown again, and then whirled r'ourrd him. In one of its mad dashes it split open the back of his hand; in another, it struck him above the eye with its beak, inflict- ing a wound two inches long and laying the hone bare. 'Using one of the boat stretchers as a weapon, the fisherman was able, with a lucky blow, to break the wing of his infuriated assailant, and then 1ci11 it. Ile rowed ashore, and bis wounds wore stitched by a doc- tor. Tho diver was found to measure throe feet across the wings and when tbo bird was crit Open a small hook- ed whiting was discovered. Tho bird hacl no doubt seen the fish wriggling on the line, and diving twenty foot had swallowed it and been also hooked. A WISE] PRECAUTION, No matter whether the batty is sick or well, Baby's Own Tablets should always bo 111 the lionise. They only '11infantile trot 0 t' ore clisorde;g but they prevent them, niter sh.oull bo used whenever thio' little ones s1iow the slightest signs of illness. No otiier medicine is so onthusiasti- cally spoken of by mothers—no other medicine has clone so nlucli to mance little ones Healthy and good natur- ed. .Mrs. Albert Ludalington, St. Mary's River, N.S„ says: "X do not believe my baby would have been alive to -day had it not been for Baby's OWn Tablets. Since using them lie is growing nicely, is good natlu•ocl and is getting fat." Good for the now born baby or growing child—and above all absolutely safe, You can get Baby's 01011 Tablets from your druggist or by snail at 25 Mita a box by Writing The 3M', Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, People road too much and learn too little, THE FREAKS OF MEMORY MARVELLOUS FACULTY FOR REMEMBERING. In Soma Persons the Gift Is De- veloped to an Uncanny Degree. Extraordinary memories have at, traotod the attention of mon in all ages, and in those days a man with a retentive memory is considered to be more or lass gifted. Some good instances of lemnrkctblo momo`iss aro to be gathered from the records of Greece and Rome. ThentisLocles, a famous Greek general is said to have known every citizen in Athens, No doubt Otho, the Boman Emperor, owed much of liis success to a re- markable memory. 13o learned the name of every soldier and officer to Ms army, and this, among other things, rendered him so popular that he was acclaimed Emperor. Conning to later times, the follow- ing anecdote affords an instance of wandorful powers of memory. An Englishman want to Frederick the Groat of Prussia for the express pur- pose of giving hire an exhibition of his powers of recollection. Frederick sent for Voltaire, who was Hien re- siding at the Prussian court, At the King's request Voltaire read a long poem which he had jest composed. Tho Englishman ivns present and was in such a position that he could hear every word of the poen, though ho was concealed from Voltaire's notice. After the reading of the poem, Fred- erick observed to the ,Author that the production could not bo an original one, as there was a foreign gentle- man present who could recite every word of it. Voltaire listened in amazement to the stranger as he re- peated, WORD F011 WORTI, the poem which he had been at so much pains in composing, and, giv- ing way to a momentary outbreak of passion, he toro the manuscript in pieces. Ho was then informed ]foie the Englishman had became acuuaint- ed with his poem, and, his auger being appeased, Om was willing to do penance by copying down trio work from the second repition of the stranger, who was able to go through it as before. There lived in the sixteen century at Padua, a law student who had trained his memory to such a high degree of perfection that he could re- cite 36,000 words after once hearing them read. Jedediali Buxton, an illiterate per- son of the eighteenth contirv, used to put his memory to a curious use. On one occasion he mentioned the quantity of ale he had drunk free of cost since ]ie was twelve years old, and the names of the gentlemen who lied given to to him. The whole amounted to 5,110 pints. As again elioteing that retentive gifts were not found in the educated alone, there is a notable instance of "Blind Jamie," wlio lived some twen- ty years ago in Sterling. Ile was a poor, uneducated man and totally blind, yet he could actually repeat, alter a few minutes' consideration, any verso required from any part of the Bible, even to the obscurest and least important. An instance of a wager being won by a feat of memory was that of a person who repeated an entire news- paper, advertisements as well. after A SINGLE READING. Another instance of n wager being wen by a feat of recollection was that of Mr. Futter, who not many years ago was a well-known tithe collector in Norfolk. He wagered that he could recollect every word of a sermon that was to be preached and afterwards write it out verba- tim. ]de was not seen to take notes, and at the close of the service re- tired to a room and wrote out the sermon. On comparison with the manuscript, which the preacher bad been asked to bring for the purpose, it was found to vary in one instance but in that Mr. Futter was proved to be correct, for the clergyman had a distinct recollection of substituting ono word for the other in this deliv- ery. When reporting was forbidden in the Houses of parliament, and any one seen to make notes was immedi- ately ejected, the speeches, neverthe- less, were published in the public press. It was discovered that one Woodfail used to be present in the gallery daring She speeches, a.ucl., sit- ting with his head between his Bunds, actually committed the speeches to memory, They were afterwards pub- lished. Lord Macaulay bacl a ntarvelloue faculty for remembering what lie read, Ile once declared that if by accident nil the copies of Milton's "Paradise Lust" were destroyed ho would he able to write out the whele of the long poem without a•'singlo er- ror. Tn fact, he once perfroned the marvellous font of repeating the whole poem, making 0111y ono omis- sion. Charles Dickens, rafter once raf1119ng down a street -could renenber the mules of all the shopkeepers and their bet/Messes, 813011 GOOD FRIENDS. jack (meeting a, friend who is ualkiltb r rapidly ,y along the stt•eair)—. 1011 -ti, Challio! Why this terrible rush?" Cllarlie—"t ata walking fast to keep that fellow Staggs from catch- ing 1110 up, 'He's an awful bore." Jack (meeting Staggs, who is walking slowly) --"Hullo, old follow, why ale you clawdling along in this way? Staggs—"To keep from catching up with Charlie Johnson, Re's the worst born I know," 'rho Red Cross i'iociety line .its foun- dation 01 the Genova trrnty, 1864, and is for Life relief of the suffering by war, pestilence, famine, flood, .fires sold all otiier &I/amities of nue/ideut magnitude to be deemed national 111 extent. - THE DOCTOR SAID THAT HE MUST DIE BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED 3, J, PERKINS. Be Was Unable to Work and Be Shirt waists and dainty coining Destitute, Before 8o linen are made delightfully Used the Great Canadian Kidney clean and fresh with Sun - Remedy. light Soap. Tyndall, Man., Nov. 14.—(Special) —Unable to work because of Kidney Disease, pronounced incurable by the doctors, and fast becoming destituto, Mr. J. J, Perkins, of this place, found new lino and health in Docld's Nidnoy Pills. In his gratitude he wants all the world to know of his Tho Chicago & North Western ity. cure, and that he owes it 310 000d's has issued a new publi:.ati0n entitled Kidney Pills. 1111', Perkins says : ,"California," It contains a beauti- "After two years of Kidney Trou- oul colored map, of the slate, a list ble I got so bad the doctor said I of hotels at California, tourist re - was incurable. 1 got still wore sorts with their capacity incl rates; and at times had such terrible pains and a most interesting series of plc - in my back and kidneys that I , topes showing California's resources thought I would die. and attractions, Tho prospective I was unable to work and was visitor and sotticr should be in prospective becoming destitute when a friendjsession of a copy of this profusely 11- 1eersuadecl 1e to e btoesryeurodd's Kidney lustrated solder. Sent to any ad- p]etely." dress on receipt of two cents in ¢ stamps. Low rates from all points. PERSONAL POINTERS. B. S Bennett, 2 East King St,, To- ronto, Ont. 613 Dead men toll no tales, but it's different with the writers of obitu- aries. CALIFORNIA, Interesting Gossip About Some Prominent People. The Empress of Germany's private weddblg present to her relations al- ways Consists of a very plain trav- elling emote, for' she values among all other virtucr that of punctuality. Mr. 71m Healy married a daugh- ter of the late her, T. D. Sullivan, M.P. As the happy - couple were leaving the reeidonce of the bride's parents to start their honeymoon, Mr. Sullivan noticed that his son-in- law had by mistake taken the wrong umbrella. Rustling to the window The Swedish town of }Wenger ha he shouted, "lli, Tim, that won't established a tax on all stout do. Irv,' got six daughters, but sons weighing more than one - hu only, onu good umbrella. Bring it dyed and thirty-five pounces. back!' President Loubet numbers amongst his dining experiences that of hav- ing a portion of a young sucking camel served to him at table. This incident occurred clueing the Presi- dent's Lour in Algeria. Wishing to do hint especial honor, s0m0 Arab chiefs entertained him to a luncheon at which the piece de resistance was an infant "ship of the desert." Great was their surprise when the head of the French Republic passed the cam- el and applied himself instead to mutton stew. Sir Hiram Maxim began to invent almost as soul as he could]t sp. When but t a small boyhe invented c d a sort of sextant made of wood, with sights, a piece of thread with a bul- let at the end, and an indicator for the thread to swing along. On a dark night he took his instrument outside, and while bo sighted it to the North Star his little sister read the indicator. "Forty-five, Hiram," she colied out. This meant they wore- living in forty -Eve degrees north latitude. The observation proved to bo perfectly accurate. Lord Ilchester, in the gardens of whose residence at Holland Rouse the Royal Horticultural Society re- cently held its summer short' for the third year in succession, is himself an ardent horticulturist. In the fifty acres over which the gardens extend, his lordship ]snows the his- tory of nearly every tree and plant from the American oalcs and cedars planted for Fox, who became Lord Holland, to the lilies in the Japan- ese garden, Everything is said to be raised in the gardens save toma- toes, which aro Lord Ilcllester's special aversion, Lady Marjorie FI. Gordon, who re- cently married Captain Sinclair, M. 1'., has not only already made her mark in litorary and philanthropic work, but has been thoroughly train- ed in domestic duties as well. Lord and Lady Aberdeen gave their child- , ren a cottage, christened by them "110110as Cottage," in which Lady Marjorie did all that was necessary to keel" it spick and span, even scrubbing the floors and cooking whatever refreshment was taken in it when she had guests. Her broth- ers chopped the wood, drew the wa- ter, and ciid the digging and garden- ing generally. King Edwnrct VII, possesses some extraordinary privileges, As an ex- ample, he is the proprietor of the beds of all British tidal rivers, such as the Thames, the Mersey, the Dee, the'Dyne, and many a n n Y y others, That part of tiro shore all round the coast which lips between high-water and low-water mark also belongs to His Majesty, tied he may put it to any use which he thinks fit, while theoretically every inch of ground in the kingdom still belongs to ]lino, and not to the landlords. Nor would be be betel personally responsible for the crime or "tort" which lie chose to commit, The law says in such cases that any injury which might be inflicted upon a subject in this tvay must be ascribed to the mis- take of the King's advisers. Tllo Czar is the own0r of over 1.00 estates, all of which supply him with private revenues, but to is al- so the possessor of 100 palaces and castles, which have to bo maintained in imperial style at a great expense to the owner. The Czar has more servants than anyone else 111 the world, for• a veritable army of oven 80,000 domestics—cooks, pages, but - ]ors, grooms, gardeners, and se forth—is employed on his 100 odd estates. Ile possesses over forty residences which he has never seen, a score of ]tomes which 11e has View- ed externally but never ilihabited, even for ono night, and tulother Score in each of width lie has slept on only 0110 occasion. The 'Ozar's private stables contain oVer 5,000 horses hclouging to him, and the herds of cantle feeling on his own lands aro estimated to 110111he3 over 50,000 head, "I Finn1sh you to allow my idea for yon, my eot," "When T -get big- ger .1.'11 return y0311 love, pa." There's a policeman in Chicago who was actually born within the city's limits. "Rogular Practitioner— No Result." —Mrs, Annie C. Chestnut, of Whitby, was for months a rheumatic victim, but South American Rheumatic Cure chang- ed the song from "despair" to "Joy." She says : "I suffered untold misery from rheumatism—doctors' medicine did Inc no good—two bottles of South American Rheumatic Cure cured me—re- s er- n- Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry ;loop a powder. It will remove the grease with the greatest ease. Ten years ago the desert of Rechna Doab, in India, Sad not a single in- habitant, but now there are 800,000 living in comfort there. Irrigation is responsible. Tho President a aiavo to Catarrh —D. T. Sample, president of Sample's Instalment Company, Washington, Pa., writes : "For years 1 was afflicted with Chronic Catarrh. Remedies and treat- ment by specialists only gave me tem- porary relief until I was induced to use Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, It gave almost instant relief. 50 cents. - 40. A woman in Russia, until the day of her death, if she remain unmarri- ed, is under the absolute sway of her parents. �Inartl's tlaimeal Cures Camel In cos.lt The past half year's production of coal in Germany reached 58,525,000 tons, o• 8,986,000 tons more than last year. Butter Without a Stomach than with one that's got a oonstarvt "hurt" to it. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets stimulate the digestive organs. Let one enjoy the good things of lire and leave no bad otTects—carry them with you in your vest pocket -50 in box, 35 cents, —48 Mr's. Doolan.—'"Did yez hear the landlord had lowered the Tint for us, Mfrs. Casey?" Mrs. Casey—"Yer don't sayl 01 s'pose he thinks he'll lose less money when yez skip wiclout payin' it." Dear Sirs,—I was for seven years a sufferer from Bronchial trouble and would be so hoarse at titres that I could scarcely speak above a whisper, I got no relief from any- thing till I tried your MINARD'S HONEY BALSAM. Two bottles gave relief and six bottles made a complete cure. X would heartily recommend it to anyone suffering from throat or lung trouble. J. F. VANBUSK.IRK. FrederieLon, An officer in the Army laughed at a timid w c t omen be ai so she was alarmed at noise t t 1 e n sa of a cannon when a salute was fired. He subse- quently married that timid woman, and six months afterwards lie took off his boots in the hall when lie came in late at night, t . Aa W. CHASE'S r CATARRH BtrbRE . r ■ AAA le sent direct to the disectei parts by the Improved blower. ' ../- Hash the ulcera, clears the air 1,1 passages, stops droppin a 1n the .rte threat and permanently euros Catarrh arta Iu amt i1 'P. � e y • ver W. Chase Her ?� � � beer All dose o . Medicine Co., Toronto'ten Bao.. JAPAN'S NEWSPAPERS. Nowhere else in the world has the "progress of tho press" been so ra- pid as in Japan, The first "daily" macre its appearance in 1872. In 1890 there wore ,already 786 journals of ono kind or another, with a (Sr - gelation of Well over 2,000,000, figures which Have been Very largely increased since titer, The increase of allkinds of printed matter is.fa- cilit:ated by the pre/Wont low wages and the cheapness of paper, The number of books of all kinds is also exceedingly high, an average of near- ly 24,000 having appeared between 18415 and 1899, A melsiment is 011 foot in lRessla to diminish the excessive nnntiberl of holidays, alb,1✓rr 4h57 67.„ We can handle your poultry elthefi alive or dressed to best advantage, Also your butter, eggs, honey and other produce, THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Limited Cor, West Market and Colborne Sto., TORONTO, MOOSE HUNTING. The finest region in Canada for the ' nter who wishes to secure Moose is the Temegami region in New On- tario, and now easy of access by the Grand Trunk Railway System and North Bay. :All information regard- ing guides, routes, rates etc., can be had on application to agents or by addressing G. T. Bell, 0, P. & T. A„ Montreal, Paris Sas the biggest debt of any city in the world. It amounts to about sy400,000,000. Minard's Linked We: tilphtherla, The number of Chinese outside of China is estimated at over 7,640,000. that. Millard% Liniment Cures Distemper, She—"Who rocks the cradle rules the world. Remember that!" He— "Then—alit—you come in and rule the world. I'm tired." ^My Heart was Thumping my Life out," 1s the way Mrs. R. E. Wright, of Brockville, Ont., describes her sufferings from smothering, fluttering and palpita- tion.. After trying many remedies without benefit, six bottles of Dr. Ag- nate's . Cure for the heart restored her o perfect health. osgdaalmtnsanrelief, and in y suffering ceased altogether. -51 "John," she said, gently, "you are Interested in temperance movements, are you not?" "Of course I am," be answered. "Well, suppose you go and make a few of them at the pump -handle. I want a pail of wa- ter at once." For Over Sixty Years hen?, Wtxeuow'saoor tbel B Milo hoe boon wed', millions lnotbestheohildg sof the gums. nllea aynpain carol beat omodrfariniarrho,np mTwenty treewcents o bottle Bold b9droggists throughout the world. no aura end tl.atoe'Mat. W1So,.ow'ssoorll INCA d rant." 85-01 TREASURE IN BOTTLES. Queer Riding Places For a Publi- can's Money, An interesting little treasure haunt is causing some excitement in a Staffordshire, England, village. The treasure hunters are not rushing round with surveyors' chains and pickaxes, bit they search very pa- tiently and very persistently in old boots and stockings, pieces of news- papers, behind wall -paper and wain- scotting, and in black bottles. They aro searching for the accumu- lated wealth of one Joseph Attwood, who with his brother kept the Vine Inn at Dolph, and, his brother being ufiable to transact the business, it was transferred. The brothers Attwood had curious ideas as to the conduct of their busi- ness and the employment of capital -- ideas which wooild commend them- selves to no self-respecting econo- mist. When the elder brother died there was a blunt for the money which it was known lie had saved. In one of the rooms, which had not been open- ed for fifteen years, L500 in gold was found, stowed away in corners of the room. Hundreds cf silver coins were found corked up in gin bottles and bear -jars. Half a Hundred weight of coppers was found ]ridden in nooks and cran- nies, old gloves, stockings, paper bags and envelopes, and rolled up in tea lead. Cheques which had never been presented, a lady's watch, and a vary old hunting watch were also discovered. 1 eve ed. Altogether 4.600 has been found in various parts of the House. When the treasure -seekers Have torn down the walls, ripped up the floors and searched under the soot in the chim- neys, claims will be pegged out in the garden. The Attwoods had many ohne' ec- centricities. When a thirsty traveler modestly risked for ;'Mali a bitter," Joseph carefully took his measure- ment from behind the bar, while James peered. at him searchingly from the other side of the house. There was a lengthy discussion between the brothers as to whether ire should be served or not. Mrs, Wylkyns--“Why is it Herbert that you never call aro dear, now?” Wylkyns—"Well, I don't ,Elco to twit you with itl" La grippe, pneumonia, and influ- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with Shiloh's 1 re Tonin g Tho i.upbon Tho cure that Is guaranteed by your druggist, 0seo60o $l. Lelto N,Y.Tor nto, no. . HI. _ y.... . C n. WAVE To keep tlio whole German army in the field for ono week would cost $30,000,000, (Gllinard's Liniment Cares Colds, etc, Collector—"Look here. I'tn tired of calling here about this 1;111." The Debtor—"Weil, I'm glad to hear it," The Stomach's " Waal or Wotan—The stomach is the centre from which, from the standpoint of health, flows "weal or woe," A healthy stomach means perfect digestion—perfectdigestion meads. strong and steady nervecentres—strong nerve centres moan good circulation, rich blood and good health, South American Nervine makes and keeps the stomach right. 52. CHENILLE CURTAINS end art Made of house Hoagies., also LES CURTAINS DYSO a rim write to us about pours. BRITISH llfoselass 0Yelt10 00., Hoe ter, Montreal Is the special work of the CENTRAL T legraph School TORONTO, ONT. Write for partfoulara to W. H. SHAW, - - Principal Yongo and Gerrard Sta., Toronto. i ERERS rrI5E ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BERLIN. ONT, For the treatment of ell forms of SPEECH DEFECTS. We trent the cause, not simply the. habit, and therefore produce natural speech. . Write forpertieulars, LaSrailSMEMEMilarl tat1 Shdll Cr i .rdovan Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasins—tough as whale- bone flexible, soft,pliable,scorch- proof,, wind -proof, boil -proof, crack -proof, tear -proof, rip -proof, cold -proof, almost wear-proof— certainly ' Y g amt the contest leather ever used in mitts and gloves. Like buckskin it is tanned without 00, unlike buckskin it is not porous, it wind-proof—will I outwear three buckskins. '[Pinto" Mitts andl G oyes never crack or harden, never get sodden, are always warm, pliable, soft and comfortable. Soldatall dealers but never with- out this brand 111.1*1111.11 HUDSON BAY KNITTINd CO. Montreal Wtnut'/leer; Dawson