HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-11-10, Page 8WALL PAPER Many people for several reasons think that the Fall is the right time to have their papering done. During the Summer so much time is spent out of doors that many rooms are really unused for those months, and it is with the coming of colder weather that it is thought advisable to have the house brightened up by re -papering. We have re- ceived several shipments of new Paper, so are all ready to supply your needs in this line. Paper for any room and Prices Low. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAIIIO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHEER ESTENBION W. el. & R, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING BoCTE GOING NORTH. Mall 705 man I Mixed 9:00 a,m Mtxed.........12:80 a.reI Mau .. ,.1:20 pan Express...-.- B:78 p.m Expreee -,8:85 p,m A ohtel's among ye takir' notee, An' faith he'll prent it. Finn weather and good roads. Houses to rent are very scares in Brus- sels. THA13xeaxvrio Day Thareday of next week, Looe[ news may be read on page 6 of this issue. AN At Home was held in the Orange Hall on Saturday evening celebrating the 6th of November. EDWARD B&BRAIN has porohreed the house and lot, corner Flora and Elizabeth street,' from Alfred Baeker. The prioe paid was 3326. DR. BUTLER COMING.—On Tneeday, Nov. 22nd Dr. Butler, specialist, of Lora don, will be at the Amerioan Hotel, Brneeele, where he may be consulted from 3.80 p. m, THE appeal in the Brussels sewer case will be heard before the Supreme Court, at Ottawa, on Monday or Tuesday of next week, Barrieter Sinolair will be assisted by Barrister Ayleeworth, of Toronto. Ai:emote SALE.—Saturday afternoon of Deis week, at 2 o'olook, an auction sale of farm stock, buggies, cream separators, truck and bag holders, &o., will be held by Neil S. MoLenohlin, of Brussel'', on tbe vacant lot North of Viotoria Park, Brueeele. F. S. Swill will be the Auctioneer. EDWARD LOWRY bee purchased the Braaeele—Wroxeter stage outfit from Geo. Robb and is in poaeeesion this week. Samuel Carter ie driving the Seaforth— Brnssels stage. Tbis deal gives the rotate from Seatorth to Wroxeter to Mr. Lowry and be will attend to all the duties care- fully and efficiently. A MEETING of East Huron License Commiseionere was beld at the Central s oda Hotel, Brnaeal , on Tuesday ot this week, All the membere were e p resent viz :— Obairman A, Littlejohn, Jno. MoDowell, Was, Tangent' and Inepeotor J. R. Miller. Licenses were signed for the Riding and statements Nos. 3 and 4 for distribution were also duly completed. Board ad - al of the In- ' rued meet at thecall On t0 7 8oao0L BOARD Friday evening of this week. NExr Wednesday afternoon will see the leavening of the names on the list of bachelors in Brussels and a new home established. A musical and literary entertaioment will be given on Thanksgiving Day even• ing in the school room of the Methodist oburoh by the Epworth League. Satan VINETTA,the twin daughter of David and Mre. Jameison, died last Sun- day morning and was buried Monday afternoon. The child was 3 menthe and 6 days old. THANxsGIVING DAF.—Retard liokets, at single tare, will be leaned by the railways for Thanksgiving, good going on Wednee• day or Thursday, 16th and 17th and returning on the Monday following. THANEBGIVLVG.—Thursday of next week will be Thanksgiving Day and will be a pablia holiday. On account of this THE Pon will be published a day earlier than usual viz Wednesday afternoon. Ont aorreepondente will please notice this (Mange, TENNIS CLUB OoNOERT.—On December 9th the people of Brussels and vicinity will have an apporta0iby of hearing Herold Garvie. There will also be present Bert. Harvey, one of Canada's favorite comedians and humorists and George A. Fox, the renowned violinist. An excellent program will be presented. THIS week the German Concert 00., is holding down the boards nt the Town Hall and at the same time advertising and selling various medioinal prepara- tions. Their program noniiete of Bongs, comedy, trials doge, instrumental epeoialtiee, ' &o. A large crowd has been in attendance. They go from here to Kincardine. OUR BROTHER( O8 THE QUILL.—Tbe Fordwioh Record has jogged along past another milestone. Bro. Watters deser vee credit for the improvement he bas made in it and is well deserving of .the support he reoeive(.—Bre. Bradwin, of Blyth, like Alexander of old, is looking for new worlds to oongcer, so is in the field for Huron Go. Council in Division No. 7. Hie oonetiiaeney will include West and East Wawanoeb, Blyth and Wingham. Mr. Bradwin is a level beaded, deceut fellow.—J. P. Jaffrey, editor of the Galt Reporter, met with a very serione accident in Preston on Saturdayevening. While attempting tin to board thfront end of a moving street oar, he missed the step, and the wheels passed over hie foot, crushing it terribly. Mr. Jaffrey was removed to the Galt Hospital, where bis injuries were attend- ed to. It le yet et pertain whether the specter. foot will have to be amputated or not. PP GRAND THERE. Sttu'gENTe.—Among the The oar was not a regular passenger one, shipments daring past week were the bat was used for express, and was not following :—R. Graham, 2 oars of oats fitted at the front with the usual steps. and oar wheat ; A. 0. Damao, 2 oars of lambs ; A. Baker, 4 oars hay ; Balt Works, 5 oars salt ; R. Thomson, car apples to Winnipeg ; G. A. Beet, oar hogs. Inward there was a oar of cement for the 0. P. R. and another for P. Am. ant ; oar of shingles for P. Ament ; ear of coal for Roee and Cober ; and oar of Manitoba wheat for Stewart & Lowiok. Tan Goderiob Signal Saye •—Police Magistrate Humber and Crown Attorney Beaget were in Seatorth on Tuesday in connection with the case of J. G. Orioh, constable of the town of Seafortb, against W. H. Willie, of the town of Seatorth, for defamatory libel in a letter published in the Seatorth News on tbe 27th of October, in relation to the said John G. Orioh as a ground for bio dismissal from the position of town oonatable of Seatorth. After bearing the evidence 11r. Humber seat the ease up for trial at the next osaizea. FRIDAY a ooneingenb of the Wingbam Mende of Dr. Obisbolm a000mpanied the doctor to Benguela on the afternoon train. They were met by the town Band and a ben a atade f the IooalCommitteew p o town was made atter whioh short con- gratnlatory addresses were given from the Queen's Hotel baloony by B. Gerry, Warden Bowman, De. Bethune, of Wing ham, and the baro of the day, De. Chis- holm. The latter was presented with a chrysanthemum bogaet by Mies Porter, of Wingbam, Atter supper a torch light prooeseion was formed and a march taken to the depot when the vieitors took their departure. It was their innings. Amex, McKee-Doanksxn.—Thursday night of last week Alex. Matey, died at the home of his mother, Queen street, in hie 40th year, of lung trouble. He was been on bbe 14th non, of Grey and spent hie life in thio locality. Although not enjoying real ragged lite for the past 10 years he was only severely ill for about a week before dissolution took plane. Alex. was a atone mason by trade and was quite a favorite with a large oirols of friende. At one time he was a very entbneiaetio Odd Fellow and a goodly number ot the brethren of Western Star Lodge turned out on Saturday afternoon to hie funeral. Rev, Jno. Ross eon- dnoted the service atter whioh interment was made in Brussels cemetery. The ..ail bearers were 0. McKay, 8, Wilton, W. A, Grewat, W. 0. Smith, A McGuire and II. Henderson, Mre, McKay, mother of deceased, tae been in poor health end the demise of her Boa is a great sorrow to her. Mre, Stepheneon, of Por Heron, Port -e n Michand Mrs. A. Brown, of Ailsa Oreig, sisters to Mr, Ma - Key, wets in',Mendanoo atthe funeral, People We Talk About. Standard Bank of Canada Z.7- zeesestx,TasT3F17 1672 SURPLUS. 011 RESERVE PUND 8 1,000,000 TOTAL A88ETIB OVER 10,000,000 tl teel ersal 13aDILin 13ufslneewe Tram See ci:ed '"`VSA VINGS BANKY'5 —DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and opwarde received on whioh INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE, A041117ED INTEREST is added to aooauats every six mouths and becomes principal. —MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposits without the intervenbion of any person. LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE.. SALE NOTES OASHBD, OOLLIoOTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for wbiob no charge is made. TOUR BUSINESS will reoeive our oareful and courteous attention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT, Aaron Caber, who is in °barge of a grain elevator at Glaston, North Dakota, has been laid up from poieoned arras from oontaot with rusted grain, We hope he will soon be o, k. Mr. Sloan, a nephew of Andrew Sloan, the well known Reeve of Blyth, was cleat- ed by acclamation to the Commune for Oomox Atlio, British Colombia. The Ooneervative candidate resigned. Dr. J. Agnew, who has been assisting Dr. McNaughton in hie practice here for some months, left on Saturday for hie home in Wingham. He intends leaving shortly for Edinburgh, where he will take a special coarse to Medicine and may go to London aiso. The Dr. will visit hie sisters at Philadelphia betoro crossing the Atlantic. He made many friends io and around Brueeele who will be well pleased to bear of his Wore MOMS. Dr. Bert, Ferguson is still here as assistant to Dr. McNaughton. Business Locals. 20 young pigs for sale, Lot 9, Con. 10, Grey. L. HOLLINGER. A anatomy dog lost, last week. Finder please leave it at Tao POST Publishing Hoose, A FREE smooth, true, fast and easy out oan be made when saws are gummed, filed and set by T. MoGregor, Mill street, Brussels. SLIGHTLY used Mason Ricoh piano for sale, 7} octave, worth $460 bat will be sold considerably below that it fagots at onoe. Enquire at THE Pose Publishing House, BLAOH Collie dog, with white oeok and lege name to the home of G. A. Deadman, Brussels. The owner is repeated to prove property, pay for this notice and take it away. G. A. DEAnera5. Mrs. (Bev.) Rose is visiting relatives in Peel B. and Mre. Gerry were visitors at Blyth on Tuesday. Nail Milloy bas been partially laid ap with a sprained ankle. Will. Duncan and Eli Moore spent Sunday at Trowbtidge. Oo. Coanoitlor Miller, of Wroxeter, was in town on Tuesday. Mrs. W. B. Salter, is visiting with Mre. N. B. Gerry at Blybb. Mies Dilworth, of Ethel, was visiting friends in Brussels and locality. Mrs. Wm, Martin was visiting friends in Seeforth for a few days this week. Mrs, Gies, of Zuriob, is visiting her sister, Mre. George Baeker, of Brussels. Ouunoillor W. H. and Mre. Willis, of Seatorth, were in town on Tuesday foe a short visit. Henry and Mrs, Ball, of Wingbam, are visitors in town thio week, renewing old friendships. Misses Laura Nicholls and Mabel Haycrott were visibors with friends at Trowbridge an Sunday. Jno. Donaldson attended a meeting of the Harness Makers' Asstoiation at Palmerston on Wednesday. Herb, Williamson returned to Ripley on Tneeday after a two weeks' vacation with relatives and friends in town. Mre, George Brown and Mies Lizzie arrived home from a trip to North Dakota and Manitoba on Thursday of this week. The Mitobell Advocate says .—W. Robinson, who has moved to town from Brussels, has engaged with Alex. Hill, Mitchell Bridge Werke, An old townsman, in the person of Fred, Frey, of Berlin, wag in town for a few days this weak. The passing yearn deal very kindly with him. Don. McKenzie, formerly of this locality, who has been ill in Guelph Hospital with typhoid fever, is improving gage nicely and will Boon be oonvaleeoent we hope. Jno. and Mee. Doig, of Fordwioh, will Celts hp their reeidenoe fa Braaeele, Mt. Doff; is travelling in the interesbe of a Stook Food Co. Mee. Doig is a sister to James Turnbull, ot Wilton & Turnbull, of thio plane. Tuesday of this week Rev. I. M. Webb wag taken to the Hospital at Laudon where he was treated earlier in the season with bsnefieial melte. He bag bad frequentaent bemorrha ae during the Is mach inhie Wort yet to vigorous whioh CDIMOD WIIMES, search was made by several citizens, but without results. Last Sunday Rev, Mr. Rieke, of elelborne, took the eervioee io 8t. John's church owing to Rev. Mr. Webb'e illness. Service will be held in Melville church on Thanksgiving morning, Tbureday of next week, at 10 30 o'clock, when the peter will preach. A eivio farewell will be tendered to Miss Eva Booth, of the Salvation Army. She leavee Toronto on November 20tn for New York. Rev. Jno, Rose, B. A., dieoonrsed last Sabbath morning in Melvilleoharoh on Life." The subject mystic river of LI "The y 7 in the evening was „Aro al young man," "Tbe King with many crowns" was Rev. Mr. Cosecs' theme last Sabbath morning ab the gnarterly Bervioe. "An inventory of the Christian's possessions," was the subject in the evening. The service was followed by a testimonytimon y meeting. BIBLE BO0IETY MEETING.—The annual meeting of Braeeels Bible Society will be held in Melville church Sabbath evening 20th inst., when addressee will be given by Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A. and Rev. T. W. Omens, the ageot for the Society. The usual service in the Methodist oboroh will be withdrawn on that evening on a000nnt of the anion service. Special collection in the interests of Bible Society work will be taken. The Luoknow Sentinel says in speak- ing of the induction of Rev. Mr. Moterrol, Presbyterian minister ;—"Be fore the eervioe was brought to a close, a very pleasant event took plane. 008 of the office bearers of the ohnrtb, read a very appreciative address to Rev, Mr, Whaley, of Bt. Helene, who has so ably and devotedly piloted the congregation through that period wbiob is to all aongre• getions a critical time. The address was a000mpanied by a purse of $50 in gold, the tangible evidence of the pecpie's feelings. Mr. Whaley replied in a few well chosen words and the meeting was brouhgt to a close by the singing of a Psalm. Weather for November. Rev, Irl It. Dicks' usual Monthly Forecasts, Rev. Irl R. Rieke, of St Il Louie, is a week later this month than penal with his forecasts. After stating that a Vol. oan storm period was aenbral from the lab to 61h, he says :—The conjunction of Moon with the Sun and Earth, new Moon falling on the 7111, the high barom. eter and cold following the first storm period will not be Bo decided, but threat• ening conditions will last over into the reactionary storm period central on the Btb sed 9tb. A decided fall of the bar- ometer may be expected on and tonohing the 7th with change to warner and more storms of rain, turning to snow at the wind up, will pass Esebwardly over the country an and next to the 8th and Otb. These storms will be followed promply by a rise of the barometer, high gales from the North-west, especially over the lake regions, and change to much colder. The next storm period is central on the 14th. Its influence will be felt, in all its varying phases, from lbe 12th to the 161.1e. At first it will turn warmer, and the barometer will begin falling in Western eeatione, These conditions will progrese to the Eastward a000rding to the laws of storm movements followed by more rain turning to snow West and North, during and about the 14th to 16th. The Moon being in apogee on the 17th and on the celestial equator on the 18th the probabilitles are thee a threateoing state of weather will be prolonged possibly into the reactionary period nen• teal on the 19th and 20th. On and touching the 19th and 20th there will be a reactionary swing of the °temente bask to more general and deoid• ed storm conditions. Depressed barom- etric ooedition will appear, the temper• store will rise progressively from the West and gntumnal storms of rain and snow will take np their traneibion marob from West to East over the oonntry, all followed by return of rising barometer and change to mnoh ooldpr. The last regular, general storm period for November ie lrem the 24th to the 28th. This last period ie covered by the Venue distnrbanoe whioh ie central in December. The inoreasiug force of this Venue period wiel be severe from about Friday, the 26th to Monday 28th. But t marked storm condi'ti n o s will t PPear about the time of the full moon, an the 22nd. Upon the whole, we warn our readers of vary general and toroeful storms during the lasts x or eight days of November. These atriums will be largely boreal in oharaoter, making nevi. paten ou the North Atlantic: disagreeable to dangeeoue, causing heavy gales over the whole lake regiooe, with general rains over the interior, turning to sleet and snow with an early blizzard possible in Western to Northern parte of the country. In every probability a November cold wave will spread over much of tbe country bringing froete even into the Southern States, during tbe last days of the month. 1 -4J --1E METROPOLIT CAPI'T'AL—[raid Hp RESERVE FUND - $1,000,000 0,000,.000 Directors 8, J, 14001110,itEp, n, H. WANDER,L.'resident. Vico-Presidout, a' 00, nfADBIIAW, T LA, 000 000100 DTR. 7, MORTIMER OLAnK, x. 0, D. E. Tu0Ma0N, x, 0, HEAD OFFICE TORONTO W, D. 10088 GENERAL MANAGE" A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Bold, Ferman' Notes Disoouutsd, Sa3l7X1, Oaxio BaratentrIAWF Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of $l and upwards Greasley and Hunter have opened a eerier' of servicesee at Hamilton, , 001. Lake, the Conservative oandidate, has been elected in Qu'Appelle by 25 of a majority, Berlin's population ie now 10,841, an increase of 885 over last year. Pretty good ; but not in it with Stratford, The building ot St. Andrew's organ, Stratford, is progreeeing rapidly and the leader, Mrs. Daee, is preparing epeoial must° for the opening recital, The Canadian Paoifio is negotiating toe the Braes Mince and Algoma Railway owned by a Buffalo syndioate, with the view of shortening the main line by 800 miles. An I. 0. R. freight train went through Eset River Bridge between Sellarton and New Glasoow early Monday moving nobody was hart. Seven loaded Dare and tender were thrown into the water. Winnipeg gave Hon, Clifford Briton a warm welcome an his return with Mrs, Bifton on Saturday evening, Mr. B,fton attended the banquet bo Mr. aye, at St. Bonitaoe, end received an ovation, Port Elgin wag vieited by butelars about 1 o'olook Saturday, The large ante in Stevens, Hopper & Om'e braille fact, ory wee blown to pieces, and about $40 taken. The explosion woke Mr. Helmet wbo lives a short dietanoe from the not. cry, and on raebin to the gone he woes bald up by one of the barglnre, who e, a and ordered Mt. Hopper battle. Tbe Grand Trunk station was also entered and the safe blown to pima'', , O ofY about $2 end a revolver were taken bete. The alarm being given, a ge1eeal a•121.1110•10011.11. Bnee'c�°e�° 41 S A. B. HELLISH, Manager. of the Ottawa Citizen might be drawn to the majorities of those two oppressors of Lord Dundonald, Sir Frederick Borden and Mr. Fisher. It might be added also that the Conservative leader in the East- ern townships, Mr. Pope, who assumed to opeak for that section of Quebeo as to the indignation wbiob Mr. Fieber'e oonduot oreated there, was snowed under. Brussels Council. The usual monthly eession of Brunetti Oonnoil was bald Monday evening with all the members present. Manatee of last meeting read and passed, A bond was read and 'signed guarantee- ing J. T. Wood, of Rockwood, peaaable possession of woolen factory premises if legal suits are carried on between former proprietor and a Toronto supply house. Following amounts were ordered to be paid :— Alex. MoLanohlin, salary, &0,,,,$ 26 50 Alf. Lowry, misoellaneoaa 1 60 W. J. MoOraoken, " 60 R. Thomson, " 2 00 Reg. Fletcher, 88 R. Henderson, " 60 Legal expenses 200 00 Moved by B. T. Plum, seconded by R. Thomson that above mounts be paid. Carried. Weigbmaster MoLanoblin reported re oeipte from Bottles for Ootober to be $36.90. After discussing tree thinning, street gravelling and cleaning and disorderly oonduot on the street, Oeounoil adjourned. Cana(lkain Newse. Ring Edward oelebrated bis 63rd birth- day on Wednesday, ;Nudge Clark, rx-solicitor of the 0. P. R., died at Oobourg. The Ontario Christian Temperance Union met at Brookville. The population of Berlin, Ont , is 10,851, and the asseeemenb $4,098.050. W. M. Drader'e stave and beading factory at Ohatham was burned. Lose 320,000. John A. Nesbitt, Toronto, real estate broker, dropped dead in the Somerset Howse. plHeory Furber has been appointed fisheries overseer at Jeanette'e Island, Lake St. Clair. The Prince Edward Island Legislature has been dissolved. The eleotion takes pleas December 7, The Liberals a ' Is will ask for a racoon t in e Brant overcome Mr. Brantford, hoping g tu Oookehutt'e majority. Conrad Connor and Edward Ring fell from a sw'ngiog scaffold at Fort William and received fatal injuries. The trial of Alex. Martin and his wife on the oho r e of murdering theirit child was m na at Toronto. o o me e d Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier were given a 'splendid weloome ou their viotorione return to Ottawa. A eenvention of the Provincial Liberal &ssoeiation bas been called to meet in Asenoiation Hall, on November 28. Meroer Arnold, the twelve year old son of John Arnold, of Elm Grove, was killed by a horse falling upon him. The 0. P. R. is ening the 0.Iawa Fire Insurance Go. for the return of $21,000 premiums paid on policies in dispute. Rodolphe Forget, the newly elecbed member for Charlevoix, says he will give tbe Government an independent support. Frank Oliver, of Edmoutoo, appears to bane the champion majority, be being 8,009 votes ahead of bis Conservative opponent. The Roman Catholic Bishop of Ham• ilton has forbidden dancing at social events held under the auspices of Roman Oatholio societies. The Norwich postobloe and express office were broken into, the safe blown open and a large amount of stamps taken and some oash. The continuation of the North Grey Provinoial election trial has been poet. posed until Deo. 12 by arrangement be. tween theP arties. A deputation of Hamilton citizens (eke the Ontario Government for a grant to. wards a new hogpitel wing, but Premier Ross antes not hold out meth hope. Hon. J. R. Stratton, who was present- ed by the staff of the Provincial Beare- tary's Department with a cabinet of ell. ver, inoldentally referred to the reports aonoerning hie probable retirement. Four men were working on the Winni- peg gee workson a eoaffoldiug forty feet high, when it gave way, precipitating them to the gonna, the eoaffoiding on hop of them, None of them was seriously hurt. A deepateh from St, Tbomoe says that D. J. Blushes, for fifty years ooaebY judge of Elgin, who was superannuated last October, and who is in the 85th year of bis age, will be married this month to Mien Ada Rowland, daughter of the late Edward Rowland, 'Collector of Customs in that city, and formerler of London. A railway gendar a mattered at Kin. nardine on Tuesday in whioh John Kirkpatrick, an old and highly reopeoted n t townehi of Huron, las resident of the , hie life. Mr, Kirkpatrick wue driving to town on tbe Baageen road with a load of grain, and in crossing the Grand Trunk Railway track was struolt by the engine of the incoming train and instantly stilled. One horse was killed and the other no Madly injured that it died shortly after. wards. Mr, titllpatrick leaves a with, ogu hter at home and one son and n da d three &Intel:tees married, Mr, Kirkpat. riek wap upwards of sixty years of age, Political Notes. An approximate of the omit to the public of taking the recent vote in Toron• to is $8,000. E, F. Clarke. of Toronto, said that a seat wonld undoubtedly be found for Mr. Borden, whose defeat be regarded as "a national calamity." Mitchell Advocate remarks .—The de- feat of Dr. McDonald, East Huron, and Robt. Holmes, West Huron, are among the grandest Oonservative vioboriee in Ontario, The Beavon says :—Regret will be felt in Stratford that among the Liberal lasses on Thursday were those of Robert Holmes in West Huron, and Dr. P. Mo Donald in East Huron, Both were able members and representatives of the Liberal n ' Cal Oe HBe. DC, Mo Donald ld filledd the position of Deputy. Speaker in the last House with fairness and satislaobiou to both parties. Ewell of them has many friends in this city, South Perth elected Mr. Molotyre Liberal, of St. Marys. The vole stood as follows :-- Steele. Molntyre. Sb. Marye,....:,..., 61 Blansberd ...... 72 Downie 110 Fullerton,sr 89 Hibbert 82 Logan 128 Mitchell -98 S. I]itsthops 266 877 498 ltfajoriby for McIntyre -121. The Ministers are to be oongratalated on the ebleodid majorities by whioh, with two exceptions, they were returned. They are well worth reprotlaoing. Ladner Prafontaiue Fitzpatrick Borden Sutherland Ill ell oak Sitton Fisher Emmerson Brodeur I ielding Patereon 2,040 2,800 2.000 1,700 1,500 1,200 871 898 709 675 650 470 The body of the man killed by a street oar at London on friday night has been identified as that of a carpenter named John Macdonald. John liohanan, an old and reepeoted resident of Sarnia, wan wheeled through the town's main street in payment of an election bet, To this might be added Sir Wilftid's additional 1,100 In Wright. The attention 770R1.0 - Howm—On Sept. 6, 1904, in Mount Leb• anon, Syria, to Rev, and Mra, Ghost: - el Howie, formerly of Brussels, of a daughter. MooRE.—Ll Brussels, on Nov. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. M. EL Moore, a son. Ran.—In Wroxeter on Sunday, Nov. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Ras, a son. SMITH,—Ia Grey, ou Oat. 28th, to Mr. end Mre. Jno. N. Smith, a daughter, a.s.n.xe ixi�ia. MAHOLD—MARTIN.— On Oot, 27th, 1904, at the residence of the bride's mole, Mr. Walter Randal, Dundalk, by Rev. Mr. Wellwood, Mies Minnie J. Martin to Dr. W. R. Mahood, of Sioux City, Iowa. JAMIEson.—Io Brussels, on Nov. 6th, Sarah Venetbe, infant daughter of David and Mrs, Jamieson, aged 3 months and 6 days. Mmane—In Grey, on Nov. 4th, Franoie Miller, aged 78 years. MOKAY—In Brussels, on Nov. 8rd, Alex. ander McKay, aged 89 years and 7 months. SEEnevan.—Io Moloeworlb on Nov. 6th, Charles Seehaver, aged 45 years. AVC'STOST SAT��7- SATURDAY, Nov. 12. — Farm Stook, buggies, dream separators, etc,, at Bene. eels. Sale at 2 o'clock. N. S. McLauob• lin, Prop. F. 8. Scott, uaa. MONDAY, Nov. 14,—Farm stook, im- plemeute, &o., Ne- Lot 64, Con. 1, Morrie. Sale noreserved, at 1 o'clock. J. D. Miller, Prop. F S. Scott, Ano. • TUESDAY, Nov. 15.—Young cattle, Lot 8, Coe. 2, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m. Thos, Stokes, Prop. F. 8. Scott, Atm. FRIDAY, Nov. 18,—Farm stook, imple- ments, &a , Lot 8, Con. 12, Grey, Sale, ooreoeeved, at 12 o'olook. John McFad- den:, Prop. F. S. Soott, Ano. T't0VSGETa0. a.;ts'.vM=.Tm'_5, 1 00 1 00 88 40 60 00 28 29 13 14 17 18 5 00 6 00 5 60 0 00 50 50 1 00 1 25 1 00 70 460 460 17 18 Pall Wheat Barley Peat Oats Batter, tube and rolls Eggs per dozen Hay prr ton Flour, per owt Potatoes per bus Apples(per bbl. PP ) Salt, per bbl„ retail Hoge, Live Wool rf itiv YV- s —011— "Fruit Lim Tablets" TUE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. -KJ HARDWOOD, DRY SOFT wood and green soft wood for sale. Apply to JD 0. McNAB, Oranbrook. 18•tf RAM LAMBS FOR SALE, Loloestere. Lot 26, Oon, 6, Morrie. Eligible for registration. 10,'NIOHOL.. The Laxative or Liver Prin• oiple extracted from fresh, ripe fruit by a new and eoseetifla proems condensed into Tablet form, 'lots moat effeotively on the stomach, livor, bowels and kidneys. Very pleasant to bake. 500, per box at T.41-EACIIEIi, WANTED.—S. S. No. 10, Howiok and Grey, for 1905. Applioatiooe, stating salary, raoeived nutil November 2lsb, THOS, BENNETT, 17.8 Sec.-Treas., Molesworth. Drug Store STOCK FUR SERVICE v . BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service a thoro'•bred Chester Boar on Lot SB. Oen. 16, Grey. Pedigree mt" / be seen on appliea. tion. Torma, Sl. CO,w!bh privilege of return- ing if nenasoary. 1YM. 8011NOCK, 144 Proprietor, OOLE3 BUGGY RUG LOST between Brussels and Walton, .pot, 20, red and black striped. nu 0130 side and plain on Mbar aide, The ander will kindly oblige the owner by leaving it at 'lag POET Publishing House, Brussels, EALED TENDERS addressed to the tin- ,'dorsigned and rndorsed 'Tender for Amhara Limn: Dredging," will be leo Myatt at this °sloe until Tuaedav, Nov. 1G 1904, iu• oiusively,for aertaL, (redoing at Amheret- burg, in the County :.f Easez, Province of Ontario, a000rding tb a plan and speoldoa- bIon to be sten at the odloee of H, A. Grey, Eery, Engineer in charge of Harbor and River Worba, °uteri•', Confederation Lite Building, Toronto, J. G. Sing, Bag , Engin- eer in ohart'e, London, Ont , on application to the Poste -meter ab Amheretburg. and at the Deparbvent et Public Works, Ottawa, Teodoro will not be considered unitise Reade on the prietrrl form supplied, and elgned with the actual signatures of ten- derers. An uooeptad cheque on a oh artered bank, payable to the order et the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, for four thousand dollars (54.000,00), 0.000 auoonrpany each tender. Tee °lrepe will be forfeited if the party tendering deo 1 e the contract or fail to complete the work contracted for, and will be returned lu ease of uon•aaoeptanao of tender. The Department does not Mud itself to accept the lowest or any tender, By order, PEED. GELINA8, Bserebary. Department of Pablia Works, Ottawa, October 26, 1004. 18.1 LEIOESTERS FOR SALE. - 4 good Rheartiag mut 8 Rare Lambe. Also young abort Horn Butts tram 7 to 20 months, 'minding the lot prise Senior Bull Calf at ]Guff Huron Pell elbow, Also a nu tuber of °owe and Heifers. Will be sold alt buyers. cheap sod On farina tae V p DAVID M1t,N11, Ebhet, Oat. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF FARM Swoop, Terpooao0Te, &o.—P, 0. Scott, aootioneer, has received 7netrnotions from the naderelgnod to tell by nubile auction at Lot 8, Con, 12, Gray, on D'RIDAY, NOV. 18, ab 12 o'clnclt, the following valuable proper- by,vis —0 bvood mama ieupp000d in foul, 1 heavy mare 8 yeas old, 1 gelding 1 year old by Hawarden, 1 Gelding 1 year old by Ra. dieter, 1 Suring ally by 1lawardeu, 1 driver 8 years old, 1 -pair two year old geldings, 1 heavy draught gelding G months old, 1 grade Jereny 000 calves i;u December, 1 bun ,year old 000 calves in December,. 2 Durham heifers 1 yoer old, 2 Durham 0078 e,ippo80fl in aalt,11 grade heifer 2 years old, 8 Wen 2 years old, a oalvee,12 well bred ewes, 1 shear. hog ram, 2 brood. Howe, 14 pigs. (stooltera), 2 dozen pure bred Black Miuoroa bens, 1 doz- en Plymouth Roolt haus, 1 Massey -Harris hinder 0 It, out with sheat carrier, 1 Frost & Wood G ft. Metter, 1 Bienell' stool )and roller nearly new, l Champion gond dr111, 1 turnip pulper hearty new, 1 fannlug mill, 1 two - furrow pnlow,1 single plow, 1 eouflier, 1 uew hay reek,1 hay mho, 1 bay 1toife, it lmnber wagond, stop buggy, l sot nob o ofgtthu 1 four• soat0d annoy almoeb nowt 1 sot doable bat nape nearly now, 1 cab 0f plow harusaa, bay forlr,pulleys and ropes, 1 Ivaterine tank, 1 siokle grinder, 1 sugar kettle, 1 grind stand, 24 grain 0000, forks, eluting, shovels,eta, Halo uuro0erved as proprietor has god his Yarm, Terme--All sums of 95 and under cash, over that amount 12 Montlra' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint hetes; per aunt, off for Cash on credit G 1 amounts, 3011N MBGADDIIN, Peoprie't0r 1 fe. goeuw, Auotloneer, rro- �AR SUTS nil OVERCOATS FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Our stock is now large and very complete in all lines and we are prepared to show you Styles, Qualities and Prices • which are certainly in favor of the buyer. If you require a suit of Clothes or an Overcoat you make no mis- take in coming direat to our Clothing Department. ,rAirew FS We would especially direct the attention of the Ladies to our splendid display of Fine Furs. Astrachan' Jackets this season are very choice and prices are no higher but rather lower than last season for the same qualities. We also have all excellent assort- ment of Scarfs, Ruffs, Storm Collars, Muffs, Gauntlets and Caps. Don't forget our Ready-made Clothing pand fur Departments areRight. They all No j!anoy Prises, Everything Cheap.