The Brussels Post, 1904-11-10, Page 50,
And wizenbuopi. 8011(1 lain
Tenn Open April Mite 1904
Two Courses-
Oommerolal and Shorthand,
Bend for College Journal,
4., i, MoINT PRE, Manager,
teeagtexa.910faill CAreagetettaitte
cent, F , S. SOOTT, Draftee's,
• Ismer 01 marriage Licenses. 01.
1310 at Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels,
nnneloNsn has several good Ferree for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Ctrey, F 8. SOOTT,I3russel
o. o.
Court Primrose Alexandria, No.21, 0. 0.1%,
Drumm's, meets in their Lodge Room, BRA-
WN 13look, on the Mid and last Tuesdays of
each mouth, at 8 o'clock. Viettlog brethren
alwaye weluome, JAB, 8Wi11Ditee,
A. 0, XtZJ1LWSII, it, 8.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
J. L.ECK 1E,
Oftlee over Horsley's Drug Storo,
Nov, ard, 80.2ni Brussel&
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance U0.,
nsmAnuisnan 1840
Insurance taken on the cash and premium
note system at ourrent rates. Before Maur.
Jae elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
...a_ • mat, vom eon for better prices, AD
better men, In less time and less °barges
1110.11 any other Auctioneer in Emit Buroo or
be -won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always he arranged at this oftloe or by
personal applieation.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Toms reasonable. Sates arranged for
at the °Mee of TIM Pon, Brussels. 221(1
ty • Donor Gins:Mao of tho Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals in a compet-
ent DatADDOT. PIWAIDDIRA attention paid to
Veterinary DeutistrY. Oalls promptly
tended to. Moe and Infirmary -Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussel&
• harrister, Solicitor, Notary, Mb.
liumeseor to G. F. Blair. Moe over Stan-
dard Sauk, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro.
politan Bank,
• Barrister, Solicitor, [Conveyancer,
Notary Public, De, Otlee-fitewart's Blot*
1 door North of Central Rotel,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
ittieLTO, E130.
W. PROT/33E00T, E. 0. R. O. NAIs
G. F. Bream
0Pdoes-Those 10714101113 00001)304 by Messrs
Ot13310E0/1 Bolt,
Eionninon, ONTARIO,
M. 0,, O. 81.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity MBee'
College, Member Outlaws of Physioiana alld
Burgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Bora Ool.
lege of .Pbysielans and Lieentiate ol
witery,Ildinburgh. latr Telephone 18044,
Beaidenee-Mill street, Brueeols,
Graduate of the Royal College of Doutal
Surgeons°, Ontario and First -claw; Honor
Graduate of Toronto University, Ofiloe
next to Brewer% Photograph Gallery,
Largest and Best
2 This school enjoys the reputation of 2
doing the best Blisineso Ede.
(ration ot the :Dominion. The large n
hilhoole 10 Canada, and United States Gt
employ our grarlue,100 AR teaohere. We 01
give the dame instreetion to all and 1,),
iStudente may enter at any time. 11
that the"flost.„0
Write for 1130 ontidegue,
FLOWnit, 301101T AND HONICY Snow. -A
novel method of advertising the Provin
sial Fruit, Flower and Honey Show,
which will be bold in Toronto, November
15-19, has been devised. The Fruit
Growers and Florists intereeted have
deoidod to give apples and flowers free to
every person who attends the exhibition
on two days of the show, 23 18 expected
thio will greatly Menage the attendenoe
and add greatly to the interest taken in
the esh bition. The Fruit Growe'
rs with
the idea of increasing the (200)10(1d for
fruit, are arranging to distribute free of
wet, neatly gotten np booklets containing
numerous reoipee for the eooking,• prim'
erving etc., of all varieties of fruit, as
apples, pears, peaches, plume and grapes.
Dinah the SWIM line of work is being fol
lowed by the Beeiseepere. Everything
possible ie bathe done to make the show
01 08 great eduoational value e,I3 poseible.
11 10 expeoted it will be a citrons rival, 10
its way, to the big Winter Pair at
• WAS lea YEARS OLD, -00 Wednesday
last there pawed away to it eternal rest
the spirit of Mrs. Clendenning, at the
age of 103 years or thereabouts. This
remarkably long-lived lady bad the
admiration and respect of all who made
her acquaintance during the four years
she bad been a resident with her atep•
dangliter're. Wm. Cantelon, Albert
Waist, Clinton.iHer former home was at
Walton, 0011870 81)8 rerided for a number
10 0,001-0. Her husband predweased her
17 yeare ago. She poeseesed wonderful
vitality, as ie evidenoed by her age
weld do a gooci deal for hewed to within
a few days of her death, and bo c mind
was quite native for one so old, She bad
been eiok but tour days, not with any
pertionlar dinette, but a wooing of the
forces that kept life within ner body.
The funeral was held Friday, at 2 p. tn.
Deceased was 0 resident of Braoeele for
130E10 time malting her home with Mra.
PRAISE Fnott 13131113414. - The Durham
°brook:le, of Oot. 27.11, speaks se follows
of the services rendered by Rev. Joe.
Rose, B. A., of Brunelle, on a recent
Sabbath in that town :-The Presbyter
fen Annivoreary [meekest have become a
fixed and looked for event, not only by
the Preebyteriane themselves, but by the
other denominations co well. The
paetor and 8131381 011 always endeavor to
swum preaoher and lecturer for the
000asion wboee fame bee gone "abroad
into all the land" and thio year the
oongregibtion wee favored by the premiere
of Rev. John Rose, of Brussels. On
8unday, Mr. Rose preached to large
oongregatioue, both morning and evening.
The morning subject, Christ, master of
the eitaation, was from the worcie, "He,
binnelf, knew whet he would do." The
preaoher rapidly and skilfully reviewed
the different situations in the life of
Christ and showed that he wail master on
every °warden, master in every situation
in whioli he was placed, niaster of him•
self, of men, of oveciumetanoes, of disease,
of life, of death, that he was tire same
"yesterday, and forever" and
therefore when be stood with hie people
to•day be enabled them to have like
mastery. The eermon was earnest,
loquent, forceful, well illuetrated,
nighty evangelical and will not soon be
orgottem In the evening he preached
rom Ex. 25-40, "Look that thou make
hem after their pattern whieh wag show -
(1 thee in the mount." After showing
he necessity for following the Divine
pattern in the building of the Tabernacle,
e showed that Ohrist wog oar pattern,
he Divine ideal for a human life, and
hat the same obligation was laid npon
s to seek in humble dependence neon
be Divine Spirit; the Ideal of the Christ
fe in ourselves, Therein only could
an attain to hie God purposed destiny,
be sermon wag no whit behind that of
he morning and was listened to with
ttention and profit, On Monday oven.
ng a gervioe of owed song by the ohoir
ae very mach appreciated. The
ndivianal numbere by Mr, Drysdale and
iso Crawford and a doett by Mr. Drys -
ale and Mies Munro Were eSpeeitdly fine,
he tender sweetneee of Miss Crawford's
oto eeensed 10 form a fitting prelude
lie torture of Mr. Rose on "John Bunyan,
le Immortal Dreamer." Mr. ROBS was
troduood by a few well chow end
etniniseent remarks by Me. Farquharson
ho reviewed very briefly the ohangee
hat took Owe in the oongtegalion oinoe
ev. Wm, Park Wag intim:tea bo the
barge ferty (1V0 yore ago. :go referred
ith feeling to the foot that but few of
1080 who were 3)1030011 at that first
duotion Were noW with rte. The bor.
eri 11134 111(1103 upon other ehonidete, foe
work of the church mnet go on bill
e dual roil call of the Hew Kingdom le
eard ripen earth, Wore ptoaeeding
ith his loottue fart Roes oongratnlated
oongregation upon the evidences of
OgreAil 01(00 since lle wee hare Ole
te eightiee, and espeoially upon having
Mr, Eaten/ohm a thorotighly 03130104'peegreetsiee sea deoted patter. He
31 r
trual tittois
Oesurem eidoweilke are bad for shoe
leather and good f the elmereaker.
You can WE RIM effectively through
newepaper advertising titan in MIY Other
tray. Try it,
Sonia bop arorInd town have allowed
themselves to grow into the habit of
tearing down bine of 170.000.8 kind, which
have been platod up either with t0.01(13 or
paste, They forget that there ie a heavy
penalty fur thie offence and that the hot
settler they would get into, if oanghte
would be anything but pleasant. It's 31
bed habit which should he out out.
11. B, COWAN, superintendent of Fall
Fairs, has been investigating the gamb
liog whioli goes on al: rural fairs. Ile
has had tt deteoltve and phologrepher al
work. At one [Mr in Barmen ()uteri° re
oeiving a government emit, these men
Mend eight different devicee at
work. notwithstanding the 'awe. Io the
Niagara district a dioe•throwing arrange.
went was found to have a dynamo under
the table, which effected the 'ogled dioe
and thee beat the paten°. The maelline
oost $76.
Do you ever try to count the many
thiuge to be thankful for 7 es
you feet grumpy and grout', and think
the world is 30001 you, and ail Obis Bort
of thing. Bet ie it ? Are yon thaukful
for your health and strength and sound
people vvis
t you 10th 4
e theme to
ng from th
eh grip, an
are not p
ook like i
ness of mind? How maey h
they were like you ? Haven'31
friends 7 Good ones too. It
eee people go around sufferie
bluee, weken up. Take a ired
thank Providence that you it
dead although you may lt.
Cheer op.
VORMENINIMINISIMMWMINIMIN Kota of the gam ellffialently to be able M
walk e'ent . Me. Terryll aleo fe/t the
08015 (3 /10 33150 fer some time,
Israel t attended Meeting woe held in
the Q ire .0 Lintel, at wirier': the hockey
team etta reorganized. Tho fellowIng
office:re were Cleated I-Preeldent, 13.
Forsayeth ; Efon. President, J. O. Hay 1
First Vioe Preeident, 2. 13 Moyers ;
Seeond Irmo Preeident, R. Noels
Seoreetry Treasurer, 3, L. Thernpeon ;
Manager, looter Reeking; Oaptairt, G.
0. Hay 1 Team Committee, 0. M. Riegel,
21. E. 131050, R. 13, Edmunds, L. Batik.
ing and G. 0. Hay. It was decided to
enter a team in the Jqnior 0, H. A. and
another in the Northern League.
WE can supply you at once with any
Buggy you may want but as the
time for purchasing CUTTERS has come we
would like to tell you that we are fully pre-
pared to meet your every want in the Cut-
ter as well as in the Sleigh line. We have
the Finest and Most Up-to-date assortment
of Cutters that can be found anywhere,
ready for inspection, and would be pleased
to have you call and see theta. Prices
then rapidly sketobed the bletory of the
stirring timee in which Bunyan lived, the
birth, youth, life and work of Bunyan
himeelf, and the legacy that he left
humanity to his immortal dream -The
Pilgrim's Program It would be difficult
to deeoribe adequately the lemurs. Sof.
flee to say it was grave and gay, dignified
and impressive, filled with great thoughts
to inspire to higher life and nobler
achievement and punctured with sofa-
oient humor to make it exceedingly:enter.
taining. The audienee lived over again
the thrilling experiences of the undying
Pilgrim. Votes of thanke to the leanest
and the choir were heartily accorded and
another pleasant and profitable anniver-
sary season wag brought to a close by the
National Anthem.
Forester and Band Concert on Thanks-
giving evening.
J. W. Jaenes, of the 2nd line, Howlett,
has returned home from a trip out Weet.
George and Mrs. Johnston and Earl
have returned from a trip to the Western
Trinity church congregation has pur-
chased a new Oxford furnaces from the
Gurney Foundry
Mies Grace Pyles left for Welleoeburg,
Ont., where she will spend some time
with Rev. Mr. and Kra Garbnit.
Dr. W. R. Mahood, of Sioux Oity, Iowa,
and Nies Minnie Martin, of Dundalk,
were married on Oot. 27011, in Dundalk.
Oo Sunday at 2 30 p. 10. a Masonio
servioe was held in the Presbyterian
church, Fordwiob, when Rev. Stewart
&clown, of Wiarton, addressed the
E. Haohara purchased a fine trotter
while in Obioago.
Robt. Sanders, who bite been quite ill
shoe going Weet, is now on the mend
and will return home shortly.
The new wheelhouse of S. S. No. 8,
Stephen is completed and presents a
handsome exterior and interior appear -
awe, being fitted up in the very latest
and moat improved manner.
The blarikemithe of Exeter and the
surrounding dietriot Gams into line with
those of most of the towoe and villages of
Western Ontario on November 102 when
they raised 1138 prices of horesehoeing.
Miss Maria Pickard, of Londoe, dangia•
ter of the late Robert Piokard, formerly
of this plaoe, left for Sitka'in the Yukon
distriot, where she will be united in
marriage to Lawrence White, sou of D. G.
White, of Graoton.
The old SAW mill property on Huron
Street has been leased to a company,
represented by J. H. Gilliee, of Foster,
The company will presently oom
memo the building and fitting up of a
sawmill on the premises. Besides the
ordinary onetom sawing we learn that the
oompeny will roctrinfaoture etaves as well.
Revive' services are beizig oonduoted in
armee Street Methodiet Ghent' by the
paetor, 110010134 by other resident clergy-
Duct week we saw the retirement from
Mermen life of one of Exeter's old and
tried firms, viz, -Farmer Bros, who have
woupied the stand on the Etat side of
Main 10330013 131111 whieb their name bee
been confirmed for many yeare.
ItIolearwor th
James Brown has 001.1 hie farm on oon
2, Grey, and proolmeeci another in Me
Knipp near Walton, be is getting more
Alexander 130W8 hes sold his farm on
the 8rd von., Wallaoe, for $7,200. This
looks like a long price but it ie a first.
elan farm.
armee Elliott happened with a very
painful accident while threshing by hav-
ing a fork run through his cheek and
nose. He suffered greatly through it but
ie improving.
The direotore of our Cheese & Bolter
00., have engaged John G. Patterson for
the wawa of 1906 at the stun of 74 cents
per hundred Me. of oheese. We are
satisfied they have done the proper thing
es J. G. bee given the beet of setiefeotion
for the past six years.
Stewart Bras., have eold their ihresh•
ing ontfit to Henry Campbell who wii1
finish out tho treason. They have also
sold their patent cutting box and thresh •
Ing maohine abtaohroent to a oompany
for the enng enni of 350000, so you see
the result of having an inventive bead.
1..1seto wet.
V. 8. Howe los undertaken .to re-
organize an orcheetra in town.
On Sunday evening the Rev. 0. H.
Baokland gave an address in Christ
Oborob on the lite of Gladstone.
J. Olavel, who is a practical laundry-
man, 18 03)011109 a steam lauodry in Mr.
Roy'e bnilding, next to Renep's marble
works, Main street,
Fred. rayter, Lietowel's feet hockey
player, left for Thermion, where be has
signed with the Thesealon intermediate
0. ILA. team, and will play rover for
the ooming seaeon. He will be numb
missed here.
While cleaning onb a gas main and
making owner:Alone in the oellar of
Adolph de Bonnett's hardware store on
Monday morning of last week, Walter
Rose, foreman of the Listowel Gee
Works, and his aesievant, John
Terryll, were overoome by eeoaping gas,
Mr. Rose very nearly losing his life, So
badly was he effected that he fell to the
floor like a log, and had it not been for
his easistant„ who was also partially
overoome, being able to °all for assist-
ance, he would have been past reoovery
n a very few minutes longer. Mr.
Adolph and two or three others rushed
into the cellar and dragged the prostrated
man out to the freeb air. It was fully
two hours before he reciovered from the
hem you want another
Then our prices are
the buying',
Here are a few:---
Doneola Laced Heavy or Light Boles
..Cadies' Fineoes. Shoes.
Handsome to the eye
Artistic in design.
First-rate workman-
Made to wear and
keep their shape.
Beautiful finish, easy
comfort, very durable.
When you discard
" just like the last ones."
not the least pleasing part of
ff I 25
Xid rimed, Goodyear Welt, Light or Heavy 8cdes 2 00
Kid Laced, beet of Stack rind Workmanship $2 50 to 3 50
ISMiliOes and Rubber° promptly repaired.
-Robot+ and Blankets, Wool and Plneh Rugg,
-Trrinks and Satehele at prides to Orme your prow,
--Single and Team Harness, neat and durable., and the prices lowed possible
where good material and Workmanship 34 inotuded.
-Font Sete Bond hand Single lie.rness, pride !tern 82.60 10 34 00 per Set,
-A oomfortable hotted and 8 IOW for sato 1 fruits of 101 kinds.
Zi* C. C Et it Xi S.
There are three mew of typhoid fever
at H. Mee, gemmed to have been
oentraoted from a visitor from Michigan.
The Solvation Army Charity Box
termed to the ticket wioket at the etation
wee robbed early Friday evening by tonne
J. and N. Fair purehaeed 21 head ea
choice feeders from Jae. Oennolly.
Messrs. Fair purpose feeding a number
of oattle this Winter, preparing them for
export in the Spring,
J. E. Mathieu won the hot ehooting
contest for the Hovey trophy getting 23
out of 25. Ile and "Net" Blewitt are tie
for the first place. It is likely next
month's shoot will find the winner.
Herbert Lamprey, aged about 22 years,
took a dew of formaldehyde on Monday
of last week and mane very nearly moss.
ing the bar. This loppened at a threeh.
ing at Alfred TWA:0We, of the Huron
It tad, Goderiah towoetrip. 0118 of the
men Wand &bottle of formaldehyde and
as a j passed it around among thaw
present with the invitation to "have
something," The bottle pawed from one
to auother without any of them touching
it until 111 80000 (0 130013)1-07, who, euppos.
ing it wee only water, took a "wig" be-
fore he weld be Mopped. Be dropped at
once and it 1308 only after ernetios had
been need that he 0a0138 to. He was then
taken to town for ns-dlcal treatment and
bas DOW about recovered from the effects
of the dote.
r .V
SOROOL REP 011T. - Following is the
emit of October promotion examination
in S. 8. No, 2, Grey. Jr. III - Mary
Stewart, Maggie Clark, Richard Cunning.
ham. Sr. II -Wilbur Turnbull, May
Oliver, Guide Stewart, Iva Harris. Jr.
II -Jennie Oliver, Orme. Steise. Part I
Lola Stein, A.102C. Stewart, Leslie Oliver,
HOHOOL REPORT. -The following is the
etendiug of the pupils of S. S. No. 10
for the month of October as anertsined
by examinations :-Jr. IV -Total. 610.
Mamie Denman 480 ; Ruth Engler 447 ;
Floreene Whitfield 448 ; Louie Engler
378; Jeeeie Campbell 850 1 Charlie
Buttrey 820 ; Grace Speiran 274; Stanley
Hutchinson 227, Jr. III. -Total 640.
Katie Denman 877 ; Pearl Oxtoby 889;
Alma Speiran 839. Sr. II -Total .655.
Irene Engler 401 ; Iva Bognor 380;
Wilfrid Whitfield 879 ; Geo. Evans 371 ;
Jae. Donil 359 ; Myrtle Speiren 829.
Jr. II -Total 630. Marguerite Hatobin•
son 891; Mary blaoban 876; Jno. Hyde
366 ; Della Whitfield 855 ; Alex. Hyde
310 ; Herman Pickerell 300. Jr. Pt. 11-
0 bristle Engler, Hartwell Swim,
Minnie Hanna, Freddie Cox. Sr. P1 I -
Stanley Machete, Lnoy Taylor, Gordon
Whitfield, Millie Cox, Wesley Ballan•
tyne. Jr. Pt. I -Edith Piokerell, kjiibon
Oxtoby, Gertie Speirao, Henrietta Den-
man, Maggie Love, Earl Raihwell,
E011118 Taylor, Carrie Ward, Andrew
Coutes, Jennie Ward.
S. B. Lemon, Teaohor.
There are a few eases of scarlet fever
in towo at present.
Geo, Pricer has again become a resident
of Goderioh after a two yeare !sojourn at
Smith Bros. & Go. have made a amt.
Want° y settlement with their creditors
and are again open for businees.
A number of fishermen left last week
for Lake Erie, where they will be em•
ployed for fishing purposes dttriug the
present month.
Twenty-one changes were mode by the
town votere' liet at the oonrt of revision
on Wednesday of 'eat week. Therm were
mostly the addition of the names of new.
camera to towo.
• Last menthe) business at the onstoca
office was an exoeptional one, no leo than
38,618,48 being oolleoted at Goderich and
its ontpoobe. This large amount ie pertly
made up of the &Oise paid by Contractor
Pigott on his equipment.
The re -building of the North peir te pro-
gressing satisfactorily and when fiaithed
will be a splendid promenade into the
lighthouse ea, the old hump between the
oldand the new plan bae been taken away
and the covering planks are laid length-
T. D. Tiobbourne and John Welse ,
timbermen for Pigot & Co. on the
0. P. R. the other day captured a bat,
which measured 10 inches from tip to tip
of the winga, and 6 inohes long. It was
on a hemlock tree whiole was felled
and was alive when captured.
A lady well known for her many bone.
footions Ime generously given enough
linen to tarnish the Alexandra hoepitel,
The gift, whiob inoludee all that is
monetary in then goods for many wards,
it is hoped will be followed by gifts of
other newesary furnishings, from other
The month of (Mabee wao 11 busy one
at the Godeeieh station of the G. 2'. 10..,
over 1200 billet pawing through the bends
of the staff, of whiclh 800 were for full
owe. Of the number wheat held the
leading positiou, then crania Ilene from
the Big Mill, and apples, lumber, menu
footuree from the Organ Co. a el the
Kensington Furniture factory, 111 the
order named.
On the 310, Hellotve'en, the gymnee.
iron at the Collegiate Inetittite was
entered, and propetty of ooneiderable
value destroyed. The entry was made
throng's a side window, and, the inside
gained, the party or parties 'mm31140004
their Wioked work. A. number of the
Winger of the oadeb riga Were badly ont
and several Of the wooden imitation Sift,
broken in two, evidently by stamping on.
Other articles were destroyed or demaged
and general dieorder (treated throu,,h the
George Rellington, a farMer roeiding
near Roseauvillage oommitted tenioide
this mottling by halting himeelf in big
barn. No mute le given for the mak
1211=XXX774==== Z'r')=C254:3=naW: 7;:!LiCA
We make a epeolalty of LION& Ooreete. We do not eoefine 011ree1080
to any particular make. We examine all movies, and Helga the beet
styles Irons each reeker's goode. We have just sorted up our stook in the
following lioee :
-13. and O. Corset; in white, drab and tan) straight front, military hip,
steel filled, at 50o, 75o and 91.
-13. and I. Comets, in drab and white, French oontille, straight front, dip
laoed with 810008, et 01 and 9125.
-Ororneton'e Comte in all their best 0001480, inelueing the Yatiet,
Viotorio, Tape:Girdle, etc,,at 50e, 75o, $1. and 91 25.
-D, and A, °tweets, in great variety, in drab and white, straight, feat'',
military hip, at 50e, 75e and $1.
-E. T. Peritete, in all sizes, fitmAgbt front, dip hip, trimmed with teeo
and ribbon, at 50o, 76e and 91.
-Ohildren's amnion Sense Waists at 25o and 35o.
Ocateets, in ail sfzee, at 60o. •
o large quantity to get them at the low prim. They come in i now
We got a great snap in Inites' Neokweer thie week. We bed to buy
styles and colors, and we are selling them away below regular prices.. Ask t
to see ear Ladiece New Bette. We show an elegant range in all the new,
XXXI 2C3C:C=P4ZW::=34'.X0-
We have just received a ear load of "Brockvilles," the kind
that speaks for themselves. Call early should you require one as
these are fast sellers.
We have the "Bell" Cylinder Root
Polpitr, the BEST on the market.
See them.
Should you have any grew to kill or
sod or rough groosd to work remeto•
her the "Frost & Wood" and "Wind.
or" are the disks that will do it.
If yoo want a General Purpose Plow,
than which there ie no better, seonre
a No. 20, P1081 .3 Wood.
If yen want a second hand Buggy,
Cart, Cotter, Plotv or Implement of
any kind be sore to call on
We have also the II S. erei.m Sep.
neater, Singer Sewing Illeohlees,
Telmer Weighing Machines always
on hand.
We eau supply yea with a good
Driving or Work Bores cheap or
Stook of any kind on short i.ntice.
A. 0- 3E:1 N m.
IF it pays to push an article it pays to push it to some purpose
and to push it more with an object of gaining permanent trade
than of temporary profit. Many people think it impossible to
find a first-class General Store in a town this size.
If you are not prejudiced and are open to conviction you can
be convinced that there is one here by calling at Jamestown P. 0.
and General Store where you will find a fine and modern stock of
Dry Goods, Dress Good• s,
Prints, Ire,rns, Crash, Brationz
and. Groceries always .Presh.
We buy direct from the largest Jobbing Houses and Manu-
facturers in the country and by so doing we are always sure of
obtaining first-class goods, and as we are not paying enormous ex-
penses in rent, clerk hire, city taxes, 840., we can sell goods at the
most reasonable prices.
We have now some ends in Prints, Dress goods, Wrap-
perettes which will be sold regardless of cost, also some lines in
Shoes will have to go. We do not wish to earry, if possible, Goods
out of Season.
We are just loading up for Fall and Winter trade with a
fine stock of newest Styles in our different departments.
We now handle best grade of Manitoba Flour and find it
getting a ready sale.
Family trade is especially solicited as your patronage is
always appreciated no matter how small your purchases. You
may rest assured it will be our constant aim to sell you the best
goods that can be obtained and at reasonable prices.
We are very grateful to those who have dealt with our wagon
on the road so very liberally this Summer and those who ean see
their way dear to come to the store, we will make it profitable for
them as we always try and keep up Farm Produce to the highea
Try es on Dried apples, Butter, looso or in ttbs, Hggs, Lard',
Tallow, Potatoes, and Fowl of all kinds as soon FS weather will bo
coot enough forshipping as we ship direet.
Walter Innes
J'AIVEEST10 V.7-1\sT