HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-11-10, Page 4ta,tb,e Igrasseis Most,
THURS D A Y, NOV. 10, 1904.
The Assize Court.
Mist or Cases at the Pati Sitting Last week.
The Fall session of the High Court of
Jwithal opened at Goderioh on Monday of
last week before Justice Idington, of
Stratford. There was a full dooket of
oivil shite, but there was po orimival
men, hence there was no grand jerore
called, and his Lordship got a pair of
white kid gloves. The first Daae oalled
Was :—
Burton ve. Lockridge — An motion to
reoover 0n apromieeory note, Was by coo•
sent postponed till next non.jury eitiinge
of thisloounby. A.. 13. MoDouald for p10 ,
R. Vaneba0e for deft.
Barton ve. Campbell—An aolion to re-
oover a balmiest) of account, was adjourned
to the same oointy court Bitting.
McDonald vs. Molver—An action for
Blander. An application for postpone-
ment till next erasion of this Donn was
granted, the plaintiff to be at liberty to
amend her statement of olaim within 14
days from this date, upon payment of the
costs at the day forthwith after the tax-
ation thereof, or within said 14 days.
Defendant to have eight days to plead to
amended statement. R. Vanetone for
piff., G. 1'. Blair for deft.
Jowett ve. Muabard—An natio(' to arm -
pet defendant to complete the puraheee
of land, was postponed by consent till the
Bitting ot the High Court in Goderioh on
Deoember 19th. Dickinson & Garrow for
plff., Proudfoot, Hays & Blair for deft.
Ashfield vs. Oonnty of Huron— An
action for damages through lose by the
Spring flood at Port Albert, wae'posepon-
ed till Deoember 191b. Proudfoot, Haye
& Blear for plffe., Diokineon & Garrow
for defte.
Floker ve. Kennedy — An action for
seduction was tried by jury and lasted
one hour, when the jury retired, and one
hour later returned with a verdiot for
plaintiff and damages 31000, and His
Lordship direoted that Judgment be enter.
ed for plaintiff for that gum and octets on
the High Court scale, E. L. Dickinson
and Dudley Holmee for piff., G. F. Blair
for deft.
Fttzeimmone ve. G. T. R —An action
to reoover ooenpeneation for injury to
person while on a journey to Buffets, was
by ooneent postponed till Deoember 19th.
Proudtoot, Hays & Blair for plff„ Dick.
ineou & Garrow for Betts.
Hutchison ve. Long—An anion for
slander, ended by the jury bringing in a
verdiot for plaintiff for 340. H. Morri-
eon for plff., E. L. Dickinson for deft.
Sharpie ve. Bennett --An action for
Blander, was postponed till the High
Court at Stratford on November 7th.
Morpby & Oarthew for plff., R. Vane/one
for deft.
Heron & Brace Idoen Co. ve. Evans—
An action to oompel a Bale of land, wee
postponed till the Bitting in Goderioh on
Deoember 19,h. Proudfoot, Hays &
Blair for plff., Dickinson & Garrow for
Wright ve. G. T. R.— .n notion for
damages for injuries enstained while
travelling on the oompaoy'e oars, was
adjourned till next seanion of this court
with a jury. R. 13. Hays tor plff.,
Diokineon & Garrow for defte.
Nicholeon ve. Molnteeh—Au action for
breach of promise of marriage, was also
transferred to the court to be held in
Stratford on the 7th inst.
Irwin ve. Irwin—Aa notion bo compel
the performanoe of an agreement, was
settled by defendant agreeing to pay $625
without ooete. Diokineon and Holmes
for plff., R. Vanetone for deft.
Standish ve. Turner—An action to re-
oover some a000not books, was postponed
to Deoember 19th. R. Vanetone for plff.,
A. B. Carecallen for deft.
The coact was closed at 10 a. m. Tnae.
Fall Gleaning the Orchard.
Monday night from the East, interview•
ed, Chairman Wede eaid it was intended
to begin work et woe on the Government
section from Winnipeg Eastward, Major
Hodgins will be resideat engineer here.
The following are the official fi,(urea in
North Perth eonetituenoy for the Lorain.
ion election /set weak in wbiob A, F. Mo -
Laren, the former M. P. was elected.
Milverton returns were inverted by the
Deputy Returning officer and eoneequent•
ly the total for McLaren should be
reduced by 21
szen OItD.
Mabee MaoLaren
Avon No. 1 82 104
Avon No. 2 83 88
Falebaff No. 1 ....., 88 76
Falebalf No. 2 55 47
Hamlet No. 1
Hamlet No. 2
Romeo Nu. 1
Romeo No. 2
Romeo No. 3
Romeo No. 4
Romeo No. 5
Romeo No. 6
Shakespeare No.
Shakespeare No.
Shakespeare No.
Shakespeare No.
Shakespeare No.
1 .... 57
2 .... 60
3 ..,. 78
4 ..,. 65
5 .... 60
Totals ....1239
No. 1, Renniee' 85
No, 2, Township hall99
No. 8, Brookedeu 59
No. 4, Hampstead .,94
No, 5, Sohmidt'e 38
Totals 375
No. 1, Conway'e 70 67
No. 2, lot 25, eon. 151 71
No. 3, Gedehi'l 83 48
No. 4, Roetook71 100
No. 5, Morray'e 91 60
No. 6, Brunner 84 48
Totals 350 394
No. 1, Trowbridge44 61
No, 2, Grauge Hall62 46
No. 3, Britton 94 70
No. 4, Newry 49 76
No. 5, Donegal 65 90
No. 6, Broughton' s67 125
No. 7, Lamberb'e 8617 75
No. 8, Atwood_
Totals 424 580
No.'1, Attridge's 36 54
No. 2, Poole 74 60
No. 3, Newton 48 89
No. 4, Carthage 40 93
No. 5, e. h. oon. 18 79 35
No. 6, Millbank 51 61
Totals 328 - 392
No. 1, Little's 28 88
No. 2, Doane 70 62
170. 3, Gowanetown57 101
No. 4, Craig's 41 70
No, 6, Neleon'e ... 66 69
Totals 262 - 380
Much can be eaid in favor of an annual
Fall orohard oleaoiog although many of
our fruit growers are indifferent in thie
matter. Aside from the face that there
ie more leieure alter the fruit hae been
gathered than in the rash of our early
Spring when eo many odde and endo
mast be attended to, there are many
urgent and convincing reasons why our
orchards should be very carefully cleaned
of rubbish and litter during late Fall and
early Winter.
People often wonder how it is that
Certain ineeobe appear in each alarming
numbers daring the Bummer. A few
careful observations daring the Fall and
Winter will show how these insects pass
the cold period of the year, The egg
masses of the tent caterpillars will be
found enoiroling the smaller branches.
It thane bracelets of eggs be removed
whenever seen, much serious injury will
be averted the following Spring. The
Danker worme pane the Winter in the egg
etate, and these eggs are often to be Been
in masses on branohee. The Codling
worm passes the Witter in a cocoon,
under bits of bark, boards and orevioee,
and a general clearing will get rid of
many of these troeblesome peete. The
grape vine Sea -beetle and the plum
ouroulic pass the Winter in their full.
grown beetle oondition in sheltered won,
oltennear the base of a plant, Squash.
bugs also Winter over fo:1•grown in
ebeitered spote, ander boards, and in
There is also a necessity tor a Ibotough
Cleaning up of the aniseed for the par•
poet of destroying many of the fungi
whin) remains on the ground in dieeased
leaves and fruit. It is a well-known
fact that many injurious fungi produce
Winter spores, and though the leaves
decay, the spores do not. In early Spring
thee° will produce spored wbiob will soon
spread to the early leaves. The diseased
fruit, plants, and leaves, should be barn -
ed, not tbown on the menare pilo, for
then the sperm will be able to survive the
Winter, and teprodu0e the dieesse the
following season. Moreover, teeny fungi
persist in the leaved as delicate threads,
whioh develop tepidly in the Spring and
produce spore's which are aeon blown by
She wind to the leaves Where they germio.
Me and produce disease.
It may safely be maid that If all leaves,
Wiwi decaying traits and diseased w
burned at the approach of Winters be
damage from fungous dieenees would be
lessened very materially.
The Gtaod. Trunk Pacific Railway
(ommioeiomite arrived at Winnipeg on
No. 1, Biemarok 39
No. 2, Gladstone 72
No. 3, Victoria 35
No. 4, Dufferio 54
No. 5, Lansdowne 44
Totals 244
Milverton 78 97
Stratford 116
N. Easibope 250 44
Elmo 156
Mornington .. '• 1184
Listowel 21
Totals 250 670
Majority for MaoLaren, 320.
Dill took six prizee, one fleet, tour
eeeonde end one third, John Daly wee
else an exhibitor in Buff Plymouth Rooke
end took three prizes. Judge Bennett,
of Toronto, was eo taken with Mama.
Daly and Ditl'e showing Olathe is making
a trip to $ealorbh to see the rest of their
Al. Proctor and reality left for their
new home in Newmarket.
Last week the 0, P, R. painters were
busy deeoratiug the exterior of the depot
and water tauk with a fresh ooatel paint.
The following ie taken from the Vas•
owner Expositor and the lady referred
to as the bride is a sister of Mrs, W. D.
Hammond, of town :—"Oo-Tuesdey even-
ing Oot, llth at 945 Harris et. Vancouver,
13. 0„ John Currie and Mise Clarissa
Ooleman were united in marriage, the
oeremoay being performed by Rev, K.
Newtoo Powell assisted by Rev. A. E.
Hetherington, elr. Currie ie saperin.
tendent of the Park Drive Methodiet S.
$shoal while the bride only arrived here
0 Sunday last from Markdale, Out,
Mies Victoria Harrison atteuded the
bride while the groom was supported
by Arthur Little. The young Couple will
reside at 945 Harvie et. Vancouver, B. 0.
The Council is having several of the
streets in the village liberally gravelled.
Messrs. Heodereou, All(n, Gaynor and
Finlay, left on a bunting trip to Mae.
Messrs. Spindler and Marshall have
opened out a new laundry burliness in R.
Grabam'e briok block, opposite the Sen•
tinel office.
J. W. Hunter hae pnrohaeed Thoe.
Agar's interests in the grocery business
in this village, and in future the new
firm will be Earle & Hooter.
For the past three weeks Rev. Mr.
Millyard bas been oonduoting special
evangelistic services in the Methodist
oharob with good suooe,e and the meet
lege eaob sveoiug have been well attend.
It is expsoted that 200 visiting Odd•
fellows will be in Luoknow, attending
the Dietriot Lodge of Instruction on
Thursday, November 17tb, (Thanksgiv-
ing Day.) The initiation and the three
degreee of the Order will be exemplified
by the Luoknow and visiting Degree
Litvw 00(1.
The Presbyterian ohoir • will hold a
grand oonoerl in Mitchell's Mneie Hall
0o the evening of Nov. 25th, when they
will be assisted by H. Ruthven McDonald,
the celebrated baritone, of Toronto.
W. T. Thompson, barber, hae rented
the front portion of Wm. Marshall's
building on the Beet aide of Main $t.
J. A. Roe, V. S., hae also secured a por-
tion of the same building for an offioe.
D. W. and Mre. Curiae, of Cadillac,
Mich„ were visitors at the home of Debt.
Anderson on Thursday of last week.
Mrs. Ourtie was attending the funeral
of her father, Thomas Oode, of Trot's -
Alex. Cameron has moved bis house,
lately pnrohaeed from Obae. Loose, on
to hie lot, Oole Bros., of Ethel, had the
the contraot and made a good job of it.
The bones was very heavy, being grouted
with gravel,
Commeroial hotel to Mr. Daweon, of
Clinton, who takes poeeeseioo In a abort
Welter Lancaster, who bas been a
resident ot our village torn oouple of
years, left hist week for Ailsa Craig,
where he hoe taken a 905131on With Mr.
Barefoot, photographer.
Annivereary pervious will be held at
Kippen on Sunday, Nov. 181h, Rev,
$amnol Salton, of Loudon, will preaob
and give an illustrated oermo0 to the
ohildren in the atone=atone=
Ben. Hoggarth bad the misfortune to
fall and sprain hie wrist.
Oar farmers have been delivering their
sugar beets at the station for the Wallace.
burg Sugar Factory.
Reeve Smallacombe ioforme us that
his shipment of onion seta from Hensall
for this season will be abont 65 tone or
about 35000 worth.
W. Keiehon has placed a fine new
shaper in hie maohine shop and aspens
to add a Couple more fine machines when
be will have a plant, for its size, se000d
t0 none.
A number of bneineee obangee have
taken place. R. Jarrett has disposed of
his livery business to Nesbitt Hamilton,
of Atwood ; John Shepherd hae sold his
meat market and bntobering business] to
J. Schafer who takes poeeeeeion and will
run both shops ; Mr. Mo0aaghy has die.
posed of hie business and fittings of the
The oonetruotion of the new rink has
been dropped for ilia season.
W. R. Counter has disposed of his
jewellery business to Roeeel MoNanght.
The Furniture Co. shipped a number
of their roll top desks to Brussels, Bel-
The $eaforth Collegiate Ioetitate toot
ball beam were defeated in a game for
the Hough Cup ab Clinton. The eoore
was 6 to 0.
Tbo Ball Foundry Co‘ have received
the contract for the maohinery .for the
new saw mill to be erected by Rose dr
Taylor at Exeter.
J. 0. Thoroton has joined the Guy
Bros. Mioetrole. He will be in the band
and orchestra. ldis electrical bneineee
during his abeenoe will be in charge of
Neil 111eQnarrie.
Following ie a list of the Carling Club
officers ,—Chaplain, Bev. J, W. Hodgins.;
Patron, James Arohibald ; Pres., F. W.
Tweddle ; Virus Pros , les. Disk ; Seo,.
Treas., G. F. Rodgers.
Peter Dill is wearing a broad smile
these daye over theen0oese of hie ohiokene
at the Berlin poultry show. Mr. Dill
oonfioes his attention to White Plymouth
Rooke, and that he has raieed comb 505
obidkene, the following record of prizee
won a6 Berlin Will show :—Gold medal
for three beet ooakrele and three poling ,
silver Dnp for beet old and young pair ;
bronze medal for bast eolle0tion et White
Plymoabb Hooke, Beeidse these Bina
131 s^ tlt.
George King returned on Monday
morning of last week from a two mouths'
trip to the Weet.
James Leech hae purchased T. H. Aeh-
bury's house on Dinsley etreet and will
take poeeeeeion pf it this month. The
prioe paid was 5900.
A. E. Bradwin will be a oandidate in
div. No. 7 for Huron Oouuty Oounoil,
This Division includes East and West
Wawanoeh, Blyth and Winghem.
At the regular meeting of Blyth lodge,
No. 145, A. 0. U. W., Ohrie. Johnson and
A. E. Bradwin were atoned delegates to
attend the district meeting at Oliuton leek
Wm. Nott, brother of Jobn Nott, of
this village, and a young man wall -
known in this vioieity, was aooideotly
killed by a threabing metalline in Mani-
toba On TOeeday of last week,
Wm. Robertson moved his stook of
groceries and confectionery to his new
afore last week. The new store is
situated betweeu J. A, Aoderson'e
general store and J. M. Hamilton's
drug store.
T. Jones &0o, have rented the Beath
store in 0. Hamiiton's block and will
Convert it into an np•to-date butoher
shop. Mr. Jones and family will 000npy
the rooms above the butcher shop and N.
B. Gerry's hardware store six a reetdenee.
The anniversary services of the Blyth
Methodist Church will be held on Sunday
and Tneedey, November 20th and 22od.
Rev, Dr. Medd, of Heneall, will preach
on Sunday. Oa Tuesday evening the
ladies of the oongregation will eerve a
first Class sapper, after which Dr. A. W.
Thornton, of Chatham, will deliver a
lecture on "Ireland and the Irieb."
work, removing their wires, mil oh( n,oto., ._ -_. - -, --
' H
Boll Telephone CO, have bed men at
to the shop until recently (monied by 7 .
13. Obiebolnt, Jeweller, The Telephone 22 1i1+1AD OF YEAR OLD
Genteel office will be located there, and ('eItk' lu good 0oudlUoh, for ants,
will be separate from any other business, k75 :b.°,„'bit, Oon 0, tiroy, lot it by letter
&Ire, Corbould, the Treasurer of the 11.61 13013E11T DLAtlt,
fund now being raised ht Wiugham
towards the endowment of a sot in the
Muskoka Free Ilospital for oonenmptivee,
reports the Indira ,:ow have 390, and era
In hopee of rooming oousiderably more
before they appear before the Couaoil
The citizens of Wingham regret the
contemplated removal of 11. H. and Biro.
Chisholm to Toronto, where Mr. Chis-
holm has pnrohaeed a property and made
arrangements for going into another line
of bueinesa. On Tuoeday evening of Iasi
weak a number of hie friends met at Bfr,
Kneohbel'a and preeented Mr. Obieholm
with an elegant emoeing their, one of the
beet obtainable.
Jim Lee, the Celestial laundryman, has
pnrohaeed the store recently occupied by
R. J. alatiMath. The prioe wee 5900,
J. MoKeivie's building, 000upied by L.
Kruse as restaurant, is being repaird, and
will soon be opened for heathen' once
Jae, MCKelvie, of Sarnia, Woe in town.
He has just recovered from a eevere
attaok of fever, which lasted 14 weeks,
and reduoed his weight fifty poaude.
H. G. Manning, of Clinton, was au•
gaged to fill the vacancy to wear in the
Pobllo eohool department now taught by
Mies McLean, after January let and Miss
Tena Sprung was ohosen to fill Mise
Cornyn's Mime during the latter's leave
of abeeeoe.
Mre. T. Hall reoeived word on Tuesday
morning of last week of the death of her
deter, 13Irs, Jelin Harrison, of Owen
Sound, who passed away on Monday
night. Mre. Harrison had been el/Lobed
for many years, and was often a great
sufferer, eo that it was at times a wonder
bow the frail tenement of slay bore the
oonetantly Inoreseing snooks of illness.
On this Counter there are numerous
articles from a "Needle to an Anchor."
Seeing is believing. Come and See.
lsaso[the Undersigned. Lot 19, 000. 4,
Gray, on 10 about August 2001, a Year old
gray heifer. Owner Is rcqusebed to more
Property, pay oxpensee and Mao her away,
WAL.1. JAC LIN, 0,
9-tt noel
either nein): any ago, This flock bas
been very euocesoful at the local Shelve.
Dave also for sale a prise winning young
Durham Bull. Apply, et Lot 10, Oen. 15,
Grey, 00 0. I URNBULL,
15-tt Waltou P.O.
Perth County.
Mr. Gunning, West ward St. Marys,
and formerly of the Granton dietriot,
had a paralytic stroke recently and ie at
present seriously 111.
James Maxwell, of St. Marys, has
bought the reeideotiel property of Mrs,
(Dr) Irving, Church street, South. Mre.
Irving will leave for Hamilton, where in
foture ebe will reside with her brother.
Riobard Chowan, of the Gore of Dow•
ole, will celebrate his eeveutyseventh
birthday early in Deoember. That he
oarries hie years very lightly ie evidenoed
by the Not that he was 'oat plowing all
day Saturday.
Chau. and Frank MoLean, of Stratford,
were called to Godericb on Saturday,
evening, owing to the death of their
father. The deceased had been ill for
about two years with omnoer in the fade
and hie death had been looked for.
Stratford Junior Rugby teem are now
oat of the O. R. F. U. for ibis Benton.
They were scheduled to play Petrolea on
Saturday, but having lost to London a
week ago, and having no °hence to win
the dietriot, defaulted the game. .
A large and enthusiastic meeting of
the eleotore of North and South Perth
was addressed stStratford Saturday
night by tberespeotive Liberal candidates,
J. P. Mabee, R. 0., and G. H. Melotyre,
and Sir Wm. Mnlook, Minister of Labor.
The chair was 000upied by Hou. Thomas
The new water wheel that G. Garter
Son & Oo., of Si. Marys, reoently planed
in their flour mill wee rather a dleap•
pointmen6, as it required a full gate of
water and high water in the dam to ion
it. Saturday It took on a new freak and
started itself with lees than half a gate
of water and low water in the dam, and
it roue all the mill machinery now and
the firm ie delighted with it.
The Stratford Rouen of last Saturday
says :—Tho prizee won by the McCarthy
brothers as the annual 0. W. A. meet at
Frederiotoe, N, B., on July 1, arrived
yesberdey. Tae list follows : Will's—First
in one mile ttovioe, eilver oup ; second in
one muoohampionehip,silver medal ; sec-
ond in one mile handicap, silver medal ;
firet is five mile ohampionebip, gold mad•
al ; mooed in 2 mile handicap, silver med.
al ; highest Dumber of pointe for the day,
bice flyer bioyols ; Fred'e—second fn
half mile ohampionehip. silver medal ;
second in Eve mile ehampionahip, silver
medal ; second iu mile, open silver medal.
Wil'. McCarthy was the obampiou of the
From $5.00 to $15.00. We ask you to compare the
Quality and Price of our Guns with those advertised by
Simpson or Eaton.
We have THE Lamps and THE Prices. Come and see
Lamps from 25o. to $7.00. See also Eaton's catalogue
and compare.
Rogers' 12 dwt. The price on these is strictly confiden-
tial. You must come to our Bargain Counter to capture
this prize. Bring Eaton's catalogue with you for com-
A. Quart of Ink for
A 6 inch Butcher Knife and an 8 inch Steel for
A Tack Hammer and 2 Packages of Tacks for.......,
A 12 oz. Bottle Nonsouch Stove Pipe Varnish for
A 6 oz. Bottle Fine Sewing Machine Oil for ........,
A Two -keyed Padlock for .ee•••
850., &e.
PeepDer ndlMutronfort the the
and Industrial Vann in the County of Bar-
on, will b0 received on or before the first
day of Deetmbar next. Ap plications to bo
in writing and addressed to W. LANE,
County (Berk, GoderloltW SPACKVAN,
Chairman of I1. of lh Coin.
Dated Oct. 26th, 100i.
Exteneione to the London, Out , post•
office are to be oommenoed at 00oe.
Thee. Pea000k, a 0. P, R. painter, was
found dead at his home, with a traotared
Harry Quackenbush, who (ioottped
from the Mimics Industrial School, has
beau captured.
Toronto customs receipts for Comber
totalled 3805,012, an inoreaee of 5219,588
over October 1903.
Justice Meamabon, addressing the
Grand Jury, favored whipping robbers
and housebreakers.
Antonio Surveyor shot George Morrie
in a quarrel at Sault Ste. Marie.
Morrie' life was saved by a steel oomb in
his potet.
The aouoty of Wentworth has cora plat•
ed tbe.polurohase of the Beach toll road,
end now the last toll gate in Wentworth
will disappear.
There ie trouble iu the shoe trade at
Quebeo because the employers want the
men to leave the National Union and
join the International body.
Over three hundred door bunting If-
OBne69 have been issued to Canadians,
and one hundred and sixty to Americana,
both alightly below last year.
A Montreal deapatoh Bays :—The Grand
Trunk have emend an option on the De-
troit Southern Railway, in order to secure
an entrance to the West Virginia Coal
The Canadian Weetingbonse Company
of Hamilton have olosed a contract with
the Grand Trunk Paoi$o Company to
equip their rollingstook with air brakee.
The amount of the contrast is about 3700 •
The farm reaidenos of S. Hinds on
Portage Plaine, jaet completed, was
destroyed by fire Saturday night. Mr.
Hinds, who had jest returned from
England with hie bride, escaped in hie
night garments,
Patrick Major, a farmer from Puce,
Maidetone Township, Friday exhibited
some yellow metal which he disoovetod
on hie farm. He balisvee it is gold and
will Bend it to the Government essayist
at Ottawa. 011 and gas have been dia.
Coveted near the Major farm. Mr.
Major wee boring for either of these
produobe and struck a bard vein of gravel
in which was the glittering metal : the
news of it has oroated a stir in the vioin•
ity of Pon.
The members of the Temiekaming &
Northern Ontario Railway Commission,
who have retnruod from an inepootion
20c. trip over the line, aro well satisfied with
400. the programa being made. But for a
oeve•inlaear New Liskeard trains would
100. now bo running into that place, but it iB
180. thought that this trouble will soon be
overcome, Robert Jaffray, Chairman of
r...1 kJ being Lots 50 and 07, 151 Con.,
2'ut•uberry, Good br101rhouse, bank barn,
euebtutApply to S. A•SNELLJvcown o. 18
nemeetead-100 soros—in the Town-
ship of Morrie, Huron county, For partlo•
tams apply to 3, BENNETT.
8 tf 550 Bathurst et. Toronto.
The undoreif;ued .offers the 100 acre
farm, being Lot 20, Cou. 7, Grey, for gals or
to rout. Comfortable house, bank barn, 00-
Obard,; Wrllar&c. 'There aro 30 acres in grass,
10 acres of Fall Wheat will be put in and20
urea of Fall plowing done, Farm is only 1
mile from the thriving village of E6bdl,
For furthapply to MISS particulars as
NEthel P.O.
&o., apply
The undersigned offer for sale his
farm, being Lot 1, Con. Morey. It is sit.
'anted on the Gravel road, 2 miles South of
Brussels and contains 100 acres of good lend,
all cleared but 12 acres. There 1e a Drat
olase brick houeo and kitchen, heated with
furintoe wood shed, artesian well with
windmill and water is pumped to barn.
Barn ls 001t58 with sne stables. Flay
barn 0G 00 feet et Good orchard, farm Igen
fenced ; pleasantly situated Will be sold
sels P. 0.,004815 13 Apply CH. premteoe or 6 tie
1fi1AR1vIS FOR SALE. — 350
AA.. acres Orst•olaoe land in the Township
of Groy—Lot le, Con. 14, 100 ner00; Lot 17,
000. 14,100 sores ; and W4 Lot 18, Con. 14,
80asres-210 acres. A11 in excellent condi-
tion with firstwlass buildings ; brick house
with all modern oonveuieocee, and Large
ba&s, Well watered ot d straw Prom 85 to 40 e
good hardwood bush. Lot 10, Con. 19, 000.
tai0Wg 100 acres Of first -Oleos land, good
frame house and large bank barn nearly
new. The property can be sold in two or
three parcels to suit purchasers. Terme
liberal. Also a commodious dwelling house
and lot in Btuseelll. For farther particu-
lars apply to the owner on the premises,
LAUOEILIN D1oNNI1L, or to JNO. 1,04016004,
the oommieeion, a eaking for himeelf and
his oolleagaae; eaid they were very much
15c. pleased with the splendid °lase Of settlers
Who were going into the Country. 8.11
that had been said regarding the high
quality of the agrioalturel land was, they
were able to eay both from portioned
observation and from reports they bad
received quite true. In Oast, Ontario
had an immense territory there with
land quite equal to that of Manitoba.
1.1 The timber ree00roe0 of the Country oleo
were irum0000, It Was a moat impossible
to over'eotimate the ritbuese of the
Coning opened up by the railway,
is now at the stables of
h18 owners,
Scott & Warwick
Where ho will stand for Service
for the balance of the season.
Men and Teams.
for work on the Guelph and Goderioh
Wages $.150 to $1.75 per day
10r Dioo, and
$8.50 for Teams
Apply at Oho °Alae of the uodereigned at
J. R. McQuigge,
Royal tail Steamers
From .Montreal From Quebeo
Parisian Noy, d,
am. N,1, 88
Tuutelan Nov.18. 9 it m. Nov. 18, 9 p.nt
Ionian Nov. 21. 0 a.m. Nov.22, 4 p.m
Balms nH PABsAOE
First cabin—$80 and upwarde, awarding
to steamer and a000mmodo tion.
Second cabin—Liverpool & Londonderry
—800 and 5118. Loudon 62.00 extra.
Tltird•elass—Supertor acoommodatlou, 515
to Liverpool, Derry, Beltaet, Glasgow and
Through tickets to South Africa.
Montreal to Glasgow Direct
Corinthian Thurs., Nov. 9 (Daylight)
Now *Porte to Glasgow
Moo gotta* Ohureday, Nov, 10, 12 a.m
Low rates by above Glasgow steamers on
applloaUou to
Agent, Brussels.
ie here again and 0001 weather makes us think of Stowe and how to
keep warm in Wiuter. If yon are thinking of purchasing a new
Stove or Bangs this Fall call and see our linea of High Claes
Famous Pandora Range, Made by McCotrtontan
The Dockash and World's Favorite Ranges,
The Silver King and Garland line of Stoves and Ranges—
See our Lines of Baso Burners
and Air Tight Coal Stoves.
Agents for the Famous
"Queen" Air Tight Wood Heaters.
Every Stove Guaranteed
to work Perfect.
E timetes on Furnace Contracts freely given.
Prices Right.
Wilto & Turnbull
€ Ae; & CO.
WE are now ready for 1904
with a larger stock of Buggies
than ever we had and a walk
through our Show Rooms will
Convince intending purchasers
what our stock is. We have kept the lead and intend to doso if
good rigs will do it.
We have added to our Buggy Tope this season a Speing to prevent the
bolts and rivets from breaking.. Thus has been a long felt want,
We hoes 4 styles of Axles -Dust and Oil Proof, Long Distance, 1000
Milos, and the Noiseless Axles, oleo a few of the old etyloo.
All Steel Body Hengare anti all trimmed with beet Leather,
Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first-elass
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 2* and 8 inch tires Trucks and
Medium Size.
We invite every intending purohaeer to call and Buy
Flom us and save Money,
EW -N & Cots russels.