The Brussels Post, 1904-11-10, Page 3BF.ITAIN ANII ESKA
Both Governments Have Agreed to Take
Appropriate Action,
A ifeepat eli from it, Peteralni
8(tS 11 can now bo autholitotivo
Curnommod that Lilo inters for 1
Thitiali-Itilssian agreement to mann
the North Sea. incident to a eotionl
sion ensures an ritnieable sottleme
svitliout a soiree!, 'Oho uniclerstuntli
133 ctoroldele,
In the heat of Rio oxei lemma t
lowing the ineidont many falso b
proseions obtained erecianco abroa
Now that tee smoke has clitoral am
it is poerablo to stento that Gro.
Britain disolaimed any intention
:trying to detain tho I/simian rxpiak
ron, which could only be inteoprott
-as a 1108t11(( att. It was never int
(1)31133(1 13) Russia. that Vice-Affinia.
Rojestvensay's recall would bo d
=eluded, and CI real: Britain neve
aniced 1108810 to 1)lodge herself to th
sorniehment,. of anyone.. The Ileitis
Government• fully realized 111111 0
ficere of the Russian egoadron ma
ave acted with eess of zeal.
The whole Ranh, wns adeplorabl
8(119(33,13(1, but as a 0o83311 of the el
quiry which will eatablish the facts
each CoVernment is expected to tale
apearopriate action without domed
from either side, and no pledges hay
been requested or given by eithe
So rar as Culture complications 311'conterned the incident is regarded a
0101911(1, though tliere hue been a 811g11nitch in tho Russo -Anglo tuagotirt
tiono regaigling matters relating t
the international commission, whirl
has luicessitated their transfer here
But they 011118 coVer minor point,
and are expected to bo adjusted a
once. It Is now rogarded as Mame
certhe nin: that tCommission will sl
in Pails bo composed of -ave
naval officers, one Russian 0.891 0318
British, each powor to ehbose anotlies
znomber and the four to select a fifth.
Russia hos practically namem
d Adir-
al Kitznakorf and Great Britain Ad-
miral Flit. Cyprian Bridge, although
the 13311(0.' selection is not absolutely
Groat Britain expressed liar Mi:a-
float of 31133(33(1 that a United State»
naive' &hirer sit on the commission,
whereupon 'Russia announced that
8110 woutti select a French officer.
There is a strong intimotion that
Croat Britain will invite Admiral
:Downy to be one of tan efntnission-
OM. Officers of eueli a character as
those mentioned' ensure the accept.,
:ince of Cfindings
Cie of the commis -
:Mon by both countries- and tho
It transposes (hat five and not four
111(338133(3 officers left the squadron at
Vigo, and• nue now on their way to
St. Petersburg. Tho fifth is Capt,
Clado, 'Admiral Sicryclloff's chief of
A deopatele from London says: Tho
Morning; Post stays that arrang•e-
moots have been mad° to herd Ad-
odrel Rolostvensky's fleet throughout
its voyage to the Far East. The
paper believes that the ohaidowing
'will be performed successively by the
Channol, Moditoinanean, East
temadrone, the latter, if 11833-
(8S0833, 0011110g westward front its or-
dinary stations for -tails pOrpose, The
Admiralty's instructions on the sub-
ject nre based on the assumption
that th:B
e altic fleet will go through
tho lied Sea, but If it goes by way
of Cala: of Good Hope it probably
will be similarily escorted.
eg Mr, W, alpaalt, the well:known
ly ainglioli lhoreitioan, la n hitter to Mr,
ho :P. W, lodsou, :dock (103318j8..
11 oionor, Soon aflur ids artivel in
A- Met country Mr. Sp3011)1.':ark3011)1.':nt 'find ail cattle landed Mire meet., be -
ng siclee the certifleato of brieffing, hove
; a cortl ((131 13) (03, hove' thee the shipper
1- 'most produce it) front tho 111181810811- lot: Agriculture, or las ilepoly, oo
f th
country from sv h i 11 they ro sent,
ty Ito (1(1111010 tha them line been no
infectious disease in that ('01(41(181' for
of six months 11013310118 to slitoping. If
1- the said doeum, at is not producea
el the cata
tle re not 111100(11110 laud.
1- In may efts*, all elf tio most. be kupb
(1 113 quaran t ino foe 40 [toys, aft (130- which they aro tested and if they do
r not pass aro slaughtered and the
O owner 1108 to bear the entire lose.
11 Nottyll baton, ing n11 this /gosh] s, it
1-' Willlety broeders to send really good
y pure -bled Shorthorn Ladle coed heifers
min to soil. You can't sell grade
e cattle at any price.
1- In a later Jotter Mr. SpaOlcs says:
, The mom I soo of this country the
o move convinced X am that gee Calla-
s (Bans ean do a very largo trado here
e in live stock, and agricultural ma-
✓ ohinery, neither of which there is any
duty on here. I csielome yott
t:n ne-
aunt of a sale of Imported bulls
e which took place last. week, which
Showe that the twelve animals of-
' aged brought, 870,900 or an averago
of nearly $6,0600(1(111, P110801)111338in Argentin° dollars, Donal to 44
(..}i 'cents, Canadian tummy, T have et -
tended eight similar Kates and the eiv-
erago prices paid tattoo been 1400
Canadian dollars each. The bolls'
sold, I ant told by good judges tvho
havo been to Toronto (Wow, would
not be good enough to win there,
The only timo to sell here is in Son-
. tomber (Me best month), October
and November, so they would have
to bo shiffised In Juno anid July from
Chmacia. 'You Jenny ahould attend
next year's eVIdbItion at 1113311 08
Ayres In Fleptomiber, which Will im
international. I hope Canada will
motto an exhibit, for if she did, all
the stock could be sold at the exhi-
bition at very remunerative prices.
Should be One 01 1130 Leading In-
dustries of the Territories.
Last year an attempt was made
organize an annual Territorial all,
tion sale of hOrses along the (11108the pure-bred cattle salo acid 3111)18(31ly at Calgary, which has proven su,
(10819181, After consulting the ita
jority of tho larger brooders Girouge
out tile Toreitoriee, it was fain):
that some objeetion oxisted to pu
Ling their horsos op to public sal
The opinion 2410(1(0(1 to prevail 3,1133svhile soiling pure-bted cattle by pul
tic sale alight bb ontirely feasibl
owing to tlio fact that an inepectlis
of the animal coupled with the read
Ing of the pecligreo in the 11413118418
wou1c1 generally convoy
the information the average Maio
would require, Olio case le entirely (111ferent with horses. The amount o
labor that line been devoted to hand
ling and educatirtg a horso is an im.
portant !toot mud can bast be ex
profiled by the owner himself. 1303'tainly an auctionoor could 'not with
in reasonably- time clo jostle
to the subJect -cm-convincingly as tli
owner hansolf could. Other objec-
tions exist against the auction sole
systom for horsos on a largo scale
at the present time, 38111111 it is not
necessary to, go fully into.
It is, howevor, conceded on all sides
that Cita breeding of 1101018 ought to
lbo one of tile loading inktastries of
the Territories, and also that the
difficulty in obtaining a satisfactory
melt market, at 1811381 for tlio 1101 tor
class of horses, is ono of tile most
serious obstacles 1131(101'which the in-
dustry is at present laboring. Under
the circumstances the directors, of tha
Territorial Horse Brooders' A 0003(1(1-
11011, ot, a mooting ('0010(111' held, had
another plan tinder constdoration,
which It is believed will folly moot
the ease. Arrangements hove bort
completed for the holding (1(100-
alloy in the third stank of March,
1905, a th'reo days,' "litirso Pair,"
older the noOpices of 00 ((090331313140331314 tins !Dominm
ion ad 'rerritorinl
Departments of Agriculturn. P110vent will be thoroughly advertised
in Eastern Canada, Manitoba and
lie Territories, and' not the slightest
(f)culty is a.ntictipoted in gathering
uyors 33(30(1(111 to 31118131)) 1311 the
01'83333entered' for the Mils Over ono
merited 110110833(31(3already in eight,
tar evcew offort 110 math) to
two rat loot three leunclral on OM
101(118134,The object of die foie to to brilag
uyer 13011 miler togolhots foul all
eels will bo made priveloly :in the
mo manner es at all the largo
VO stook contees tein Ilnited
131108. Outside buyers aro goneral-
doterrod ft•oln porchaelter in tato
10341. owing to a lack of knowledge
f the. country [sod the time. finable:
WI °Sponse involved in visillog in-
vidual rancho's to make op ear -
ode. The a urinal horse fair Will
lve this difficulty offectigely ond
amnia -are, With the support or the
'010(10134, botthil to bn 04(01088.
A tlespatcli from Hull says: "That
Coorge Honey Smith and William
Leggett wero, at about 12,80 0, mo
on Oct. 22, while fishing with trawls
about the lititieh steam trawler
Crane, with Board of Trade marks
0191111111((l and regular lights burning
killed by shots fired without (33(1111111(1• .. or provocation from certain Russian
war voseele at a distance of about a
quarter of a mile."
This Is tho text of tho Boar's ver -
o diet ot the coroner's 111(113391 011 the
!is/airmen thrtithe of the N011.11 Sett
tragedy. At the rewired; of the Brit-
(lorcrnment,- represented by the
.1113111 of. DcfAai•t, Solicitor of tho
Tien oury, 1,3118 oonserva t toe ward
'woe renamed by the first court .ot
onepary pocedin.g (('13'seNd 0 Mc of tlio
International tribunal, The Govern -
'Mont 11,1933814 tho .11117 1101 0 Ma a
ver(11 et Of fu I murder, or man-
slaughter, hccause "deli ca ( 1)811(10 tine
tions nro going on, 011(313191)311(1(1not
be made mre odifficul t ; and they
ought not to let (1111'01133 (31131(3, they
had •orisintlIced the case before ihaving
1313081 botli 51(1130,''In consequence, the jury simply get
forth the facts proven. by the :3'!-
1811m81'0f persona exports on explo-
o. Woos (1 1111 the teasel eee hem:ell:as.
To the verdict the Jury nadial the
following tailor:-
"On 1 hie 6010 si on , probably the
mos( momentrms in the wallets of silo
114 ri NI 1413331181', 11(81 jury Would re-
cord (11811' a mirecio
ie n or tho LaPorte
r moan by the G ()oriels 'wants interested
0131330 al. a setiiffitel(gy 051)11111-
34(011of f lie a la I er, WI I i 00 feel,
11314 110 punnet in tho 13181:01'y ot tete
(113(14811393110ato accomOtl
inate the
crowds tliat wished to hoar the mil
f :core:roe n 11(1(10ge3413311-
-coriumwhich. had been speciall,v 311-
for 1 000801013, Was 61(11133
trvt STOCK 11q• isatszt7TxxA.
Big Prices Paid for Pore Bred
Some information regarding the
1(044141141(V of developing trade In
live <( 0134 with Argentiba given by
Premier (Tornhoe of Prance normali-
ty estaped defoat on the Clairol( imp -
/motion bill,
1P110 Nati 'Stang .201loge at Shanghai,
e fotemOst spat or looming in
dna, and 'patterned after Western
ucational institotione, hoe been
offech The cuttieg, oil of the opera-
iationo by tho Imperial authoritiee
:Pekin 1e t110 Oadeo,
THE WORLD'S .MARHETS $11.85 in wood; choice, 90 per cent,
4331(8111 33, $5.50 to $5.00 in wood, THE ELECTION RETURNS
RErolas ritom TNE LEADING
TRADE ommams.
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese,
and Other Dairy Produce
at Homo and. Abroad.
Toronto, Nov, 8, -Wheat -No. 2
white and red whiter quoted at 31.-
04 to 3103. outsides No 2 loom
nominal at 811 to 00c, efacit, and No.
2 Spring at 08c east, -Manitoba
wheat unchanged, No, 1 Northern
Waited at $ 1,034, No, 2 Northor's
at 31, and No. 3 Northern at 95e,
Cleorgiaa Bay ports, Grinding in
1(13(010813prices are Oe above those
Oats -aro. 2 white is quoted at
lila to 32c low freights, and at 31
to 31,1e north and west. No, 1 now
white is stetnly at 32430 oast
Barley -No. 2 quoted at O5 to 46e
middle freights; No. 8 extra, 48;
and No. 3 at 41e middle freights
Potts -Tito demand is eair with
prices Men at 61 to Oric oulshits.
Corn -No. 3 'American yellow quot-
ed at 63 le on track, Toronto, and
No. 3 mixed ea 62e, Canadian corn
is mammal at 53 to 55c west.
Buckwheat -The market is nominal
ra to 548 at outstuo points
Rye -No, 2 quoted at 711 to 75e at
outside Points.
Flour-NiuoLy per cent. potents aro
quoted at $4.115 to $4,40 in buyers'
sacks, east or wads Straight roll-
ers of special brands, for domestic
trade, in hataols, $4.65 to 34.75,
Manitoba, flours. unchanged; No, 1
patents, $5.70; No. 2 patents, $5.-
40; and strong bakers', $5,30, on
track, Toronto.
M1110,011 -At outside points bran is
quoted at $14.50, and shorts at
817.50 to 318. Manitoba bran, in
sacks, 311) and shorts at $21.
Beans -Primo beans are quistecl at
3t.35 to -$1.40, ond hand-picked at
$1.45 to $1.50, -
Oranbereies-The market is steady
at 58 per barrel,
Hops -The market is unchanged at
80 to 85c, according to qualit;v,
Hono.y-Tho market, is quiet: at 7
to 73c 3101lb. Comb honoy, $1.25
to $2 per dosen.
licty-Gar lots aro quoted at $8 P
to 38.50 on track, Toronto, the lat-
ter for No, 1 timothy. 11
Straw -CUL' lots are quoted at
35.50 to 86 on track, Toronto.
Polatues-Oat' lots at 65c per bag g
on track. Small lots, 75 to 800 per n
Poultry -The demand is =citrate t•
mid 25o Imo barrel less in shippers'
118W Pap; straight rollers, 32.45 to
$2.05, and 25 to 30e oxtre, in wood.
ti oats -R -2,3J per bag, $4.1)UIn barrels, Peed -Ontario bran in
1,411c at $17 to $18; aborts at $19
'to 3120; Illanitoba bran in bags, 318
1, 0 3111; shorts, $21. Beans-C3holco
3181111011, 81.40 to 31.45 per itshel,
31.115 to 31.37* in ear lots. Provi-
sions-Ileavy (hietatIlan short cot
pork, 81 0.50 to $1 7.50; Light short
eta, 310,110 Cu $17; Amorlean Omit'
rat basics, $20; compound lard, (14oto 7e; ('0.11311111131Mod, 63 to 743o;kottle v011[1080(11 818 to film hams, 12
to 13e; bacon, 12 to 3 8c; (8,3013kill-
ed abattoir hogs, 57.50; heavy fat
hogs, 31.50; mixed lots, $11; select,
55.25 oil ears, Olonse--Ontario
white, No; colored, ale; Quobec, 9
to 90, Butter-Pinest grados, 194
to 1.93c, ordinary Most, 9c; me-
dium grades, 18 to 183r,and Wee -
torn tiolry, 16 to 1 5ios Eggs -Se -
loot now laid, 24c; straight gath-
ered, oandled, 20c; No, 2, 14, to 5e.
Buffalo, Nov, 8-1810111' Wheat -
:Spring scarce; No, 1 Northern spot,
$1.23j; Win ler, ri demand; No, 2
red, 31.213, Corn ---Dull; No, 2 yet-
, 68c; No. 2 corn, 61o. Oats -
Strong; No. 2 011110, Mac; No. 2
mixed, 320. Barley -Western, c.i.f.
4111 to 584c. Canal froights-Steacits
Milwaukee, Nov. 8. -Wheat -No. 1
Northet•n, 31.1 6 to 81,17s; No, 2
Northern, $1'.12 to 31.113; May, 51.-
11S• asked. Rye -No. 1, 84 to 843c,
Barley -No. 2, 54 to 513c; sample, 85
to 53c, Corn -No, 3, 53 to 158e;May, 45 lc asked.
leap° I is, Nov, 8, -Whea t -D 0-
combee, 31.153to 81.153; May, $1.-
051 to $1.1 ISSe July, $1.3 4S; No, 1
hard, $1.20; No, •1 Northeen, $1.-
161; No. 2 Northorn, 31.123. Flour
-Pirst Patents, $6,25 to $6.35; soc-
ond do„ $6.18 -to $6.20; first clears,
84.40 to 84.50; second clears, $3
to $3,10. Bran -In Utak, $15,
Toronto, Nov. at -There was a
very Ilght run at tho Callao
Matecet to -day, add tho average
quality of tlic offerings was poor,
Export -The export, 'trade fair;
rites aro not running high. There
were one or two good loads, and
eiees tvero quoted at $4.60 to $4•65
Lite 13uttoclpserit-The market is steady for
cited cattle, but eaey for the min-
ion and rough stock. Still too
sassy or the latter offering, and not
nough of the former. Picked tie
re retching as 1»gis as $4.40 to
4.5a, but loads of mixed will not
Voyage inore than 38.05.
landees-Tho:run of feeders seemg
to 130 drawing to a closo for tlie
season. Good loads of traort-ktep
sold at $3.50 and medium to goot
lots at $8 to $8.40,
Stockers-11Taricot about stoady for
offir quality.
Sheep ond Lantbs-Trode slow mid
prices eaey, except for lambs, naloh
aro about steady,
Milkers -A good demand for milic
cows at from $30 to 860 eaelt.
Trogo--The market is weak, and
prospects are lower. gu Ma 110318 a re
34,90 for selects and 34.65 for lights
and fats,
with oderings fair; Spring chickens,
90 per lb; yearlings, 64c to 70 per
lb,; ducks, 8 to 9c per 1b; goose,
8 to 9c per lb.
Bottor-rinest 1-11% rolls, 16 to
:lie; ordinary to choice largo rolls
134 to lite; low to medium. graclos,
11 to 1910; creamery prints, 19 to g
20c; solido, 18 to 19e,
Eg•gs-Caso lots or fresh aro sell-
ing at 20 to 21c per dozen, and
Melded at 19e.
Cheese -Single cheese, Ole per ib.,
and twins 91 to 10c.
Car lots of general run •quoted at
86.50 to $6,75. Cured meats are
in good demand at unchanged prices,
We quote :-Bacon, long clear, 81 to
Oe per lb. i11 case lots; mess pork,
eati tOs$15.50; do short cut, 818.
Smoked moats -Hams, light to me-
dium, 18 to 133e; do. heavy, 12c;
rolls, 01 to 10c; shoulders, 9 to 91c;
backs, 1.4.4 to 15e; breakfast bacon,
124 to 3,3c.
Lard.-Tiercoe, Pc; tubs 840;
Sic. .•
Montreal, Nov. 8,-Grai n. -Oats,
88 to 38Se for.No. 2 in store hero;
80.8,87 to 373c; American yellow,
No, 2
' 31e; No, 3, 59e; white, No.
2, 59 to 60c; bockwheat, 59 to
591e. 1810111' -.Manitoba patents, 35,-
80, and strong bakers', 35.50; high
Ontario blended pateats, 85.75 to
The Cone of Vesuvius Calmed
Startling Explosions.
A despatch from Naples Says 1 -
Tho 00170 on the crater of Blount
Vesuvius, which formed during the
late eruption, fell into the crater
on Tuosday with a, tremendous rOar;
There immediately ensued explosions
that shoolc the whole mountain, fol-
lowed by tho emission of an immense
black colomn, 011 1411 gradually
spread, falling in the form of ashes
over the surrounding country with-
in a radios of 25 miles. The clistur-
banco lasted but a short Unto.
Russia is reported to havo bought
Chili's navy,
Ann iversa 113r. of Czar's Accession
Perfunctorily Celebrated.
A Seem/Mt from St. Petersburg
says: Thema was little attempt on
Thursday to celebrate, coompt in a
perfirnotory waY, the tenth anniver-
sary of the accessicin of hauporor
Phe imperial (amity at-
tended a To Doom at the Kazan
Clallikkral, told thero were 008331105 111
all the churches. Lotor tho troops
Were paraded, tho thotatres game frce
exhibitions to the school children,
nal theta, was music and Maier atoll -
day displays In the peeks, But, on
account of the war aud tIlo finglety
regarding tho Silaintion itt Port .Ar -
Gum everything waS on a antall scale.
1I)1111/ 18011 ALTIKTEPP,
A doe/alto/1 front St. Petersburg
says: lt is unclorstood that Admiral
Alestiod, after a :sojourn in the nPart-
melds in Hui Winter Palace that ore
being propata•eil for him, will bo ap-
rointolt Governor of Mostow. lie
Will [emceed the Grand Make Sergia
who will aestume the eommiandeiraohlof
its tho army at St. Petershorg, r0 -
3(1041n3 Via Grand Ddko
The Grand Dolce 10 ill,
A CderospOndent 0331 lieridedalt Writcael
"I haves travolod for forty railea
along the Russian ft'oltt, 1.1 is a
stupendous e. epectaclTim
country arOund is bar°, 1110 crops
boing for tho most part Unto/sled 00,
and destroyod.
"I saw only one village whore any
Chinese wore 1133111g, although 1 pass-
ecl through forty towns lately VOL'S
populous. • The villagers have fled,
not becauso of Russian ct•uelty, but
betause of bullets and shrapnel. Tho
soldiore aro using the fuenitore and
rat tees of the (It:sorted houses, and
felling the tines for fuel,
"1 met only o eCore ot Chines,
mostly peddlers. This only woman I
saw was an old ono, searching
among rho ruins of 110r haul°. Cabl-
es° translators are now 'unnecessary,
as theca aro no 011133ese in the vil-
lages, 'rhos° TlXukdon Ondeestand
Well enough. ett.
"Pigures resembling vigorous Chi -
hest, men clOt the Ileid, l'hoso aro
Bosnian solcliors in Chinese wham'
c t ess. 31t 81 (41(311)3(1 oontrast with
the Cheerful automat Sveathee are the
deserted villages arta baryon flows,
011080111 aro multitudes of starving
dogs, and groat 1100112 of crows,
ho ntolo country is borrowod
by tronchos• and artillery positions,
Some a 1' eocetlfied,aildnrapabal;dod.3naonophtcosthoonndi
strewn with fragmmits 03' (3310(10,
t3lood-stoined hoots Out from wound-
ed legs, tord pieces of cloth, aro there,
too, and Japanoso knapsacks, The
mud walls of the Villages aro plorrod
by loop-1101es. The soldiers at the
froot aro 1171ng sinagag in, (3661411'-
(4!'11(i(34. isembeprOofa. Russian gravel(
are oVolletwhero,tf.
1.4:A ssompt ion ,..*C. Lau Her.
„Levis ,L. J. Demers,
-......1 Lothintere
GOVERNMENT MAS MAJORITY 3'40100011011y0Ttitambrl.:Itle.r. Prefort4
- Maskinonge..,.. IL Maxi'anil,
Ontario and Prince Edv.rard, Is- Megantle
Theo Lavere.
land Give a Conservative Missisquol." ..... . . *D. 73. Moira..
Moritcalm *F. 0, Doges, ajority,
Montmagny *A. Lavergne,
Montmorenci Geo, Parma,
No 314cotia„.,....,... 0
New 13runewick.„ .... 6
P. E. Mond 3
Manitoba 4 5
N. W. TorrItories, 1 8
Britieh Columbia.- 0 4
- - -
Ann's *1), a11erY0
Con. Lib, Ind, M n t r e a 1 $t.
47 38 3. ,James *R. Gervais.
53 1 Montreal St
18 Lawrence ni, Bickerdike:
7 MontrealSt
1. Mary's 0, Riche,
Nicola Iron R. Lemieux.:
Pontlac,......„ Fred. Hodgine,
Portnouf J. .7, Voisardv
Quebec, Centre *A, Malouln.
Quebec, East *Sir W, Laurier,
Quebec, West *W. Power.
Quebec County...„*Hon, 0, Fitzpat-
Rielielieu ...... ......,...A. A. Bruneau.
Bichinond-Wolfe,"13. W. Tobin.,
Winooski *J. A, Ross.
Rouville .Iion. L. 1'. Bro.
St. Hyacinthe A. M. Beauparlant.
S t. J o h n-Iber-
villa ,,L, P. Demers,
Shefford C, 11. Parmelee.
Sot/lenges A. Bourbonnais.
Stanstead...._ H. Lovell,
Temiscouata.,„...„'C. A. Gauvroau,
Terrebonne„.„.. .. . *S. Desjardins,
Three Bivers-S t
Maurice 0J, Bureau
Two Mountains*J, A. C. Ethior.,
Vaudreuil, Dr. G. Boyer.
Wright Sir W. Laurier.
Yamaska, 0, (Bodice.
Names marked * are present mem-
Ohicoutima--Saguena,y-j, Girard. •
Wright -11. A. Ooyette.
71 184 2
Liberal majority 63.
FJectiono to be held: Quebec', Cmila,
Mani toba, Dauphin; al .W.T.,
1<0(1110, Yukon; Yukon; British Columbia,
Oomox, Kootenay, Yoh -Cariboo.
010588910 (93)0 Elected,
Algoma W A. C. BOVec•
Brantford W. V. (Mckshutt,
Broca N Is. L. Bland.
Carleton,. ......... P.w. Kidd.
Dufferin Dr, Barr.
Dundee A, Broder,
Durham Tr, A. Ward,
Elgin li.' A. 13, Ingram,.
Elgin W Wm. Jackson,
Prontonac M. Avery,
Grenville T. 1), Reid,
Grey II Dr, Sproule,
Halclimand F' II, Lalor,
Halton D. Henderson,
Rand I C. on R .. . . Samuel Barker.
Hastings 11 W. B, Northrup,
Haetinge W E. Gus Porter.
Huron E... ....... Dr. '1', Chisholm.
Huron S 13. B. Gunn,
Huron W m, N. Lewis.
Rent W 111 S. Clements,
Lambton E J. E. Armstrong,
Lanark S Hon, J. Haggart,
Leeds ...... ...,.....,Geo. Taylor,
Lennox and Ad-
dington TM all WilSo13.
Lincoln FL A, Lancaster.
Middlesex E Peter Elson,
Muskoka Wm. Wright,
Norfolk Lieut.-0ot, Tisdale,
Northumberi'd 181,181. Cochrano,
Ontario 8.... ...... P. Christie.
Peel R. 13lain,
Perth N ........ ...,A.".F. McLaren.
Prince Eclward(leo, 0. Alcorn,
Renfroly 8 Hon, Peter White.
Simcoo E W. IT, Bonnett,
&mem' 8 II, lannox.
Stormont R. A, Pringle.
Toronto ContreE. r; Clarice,
Toronto P A. E. Kemp,
Toronto li Hop, G. la. Fostor,
Toronto S... ..... A. C. Macdonell.
Toronto W E. 33. Oster,
Victoria and H31)1 -
button S. Hughes.
WM:08Mo if J. E. Seagram.
Waterloo 8 G. A. Clare,
York S ...... - .... W. P. Mac:lean.
Liberals Electra,.
Algoma A. ,E. Dyment.
Brant Hon, Wm. Paterson
Brockville 1). Derbyshire
Broca 8 P. H. Mackenzie.
Essex N R. l'. Sutherland.
Essex S A. Ir, Clarke.
Glengarry 1' R. Scholl,
Grey N.,....... ..... W. P. Telford.
Cray s II, H. Miller,
Hamilton W Adam Zimmerman,
Kent Pi 11 'A. -Gordon,
Kingston Hon, W. Harty.
Latubton 17 Dr. T. G. Johnstone
Lanark 8 T. 13. Caldwell,
London Hon. C. S, Nyman,
Middlesex W . . ... -,W. S. Calvert,
Nipissing 0, A. McCool.
Northumberl'd W.I. B. McColl:
Ontario N Geo, D. Grant:
Ottawa N, A. Belcourt,
Ottawa Robt, Stewart,
Oxford N.,,..... ..... „Hon. J. Suther/and
Oxford S el SO Schell.
Parry Sound....,R. J. Watson.
Porth S.........,‚, (4. 11, alciatyre.
Poterboro E John Finlay,
Petorboro W Ti. R. /Tall, '
Prescott Edmond Proulx.
nonrrow. 8 A, A. Wright.
Russell Nornme Wilson,
Sirucori N L. McCarthy. .
Thunder Bay end
Rainy River Tas, Conn -ice.
Wel land W. 111, German.
Wellington. Isl Tiros, Martin,
Wellington S1Itigh Cluthrie.
Wentworth W, O. Sonless
York N.. -.......,Sir Wm. Molock,
-York Centre 31(1(73, Campbell,
'neer endaui s Elfteted.
North Middlesex -18, Rate (Lib.)
cossetcal I3301.1.
Argenteuil G. H. l'erley.
BoaoharnOle I, G. TT, Bergeron.
Ohorlevoix 11. Tsorget
D o echos t re...-. ...T, 11, Morin.
Hunthagdoe 01', R. N, Walsh,
jacquos Cartter*F. D. Monk,
Laval *J. Loonard,
L islet Dr. recant,
Montreal, St. An-
t oine,.„.., IT, 11. Ames. I
Sherbrookt,... Dr. Worthington,
Ironies maned «' aro prosmt. mem-
130g0(,,,,,,,.,,,..,,.,..8J, Marcil,
Boaucs11. S, Boland
tellechasse 00.' (31, Talbot,
Bortiiler 018. ID, Archatnimbit
tonnventtire ... .. -*CO Unroll.
........ 8, A, "feistier.
laln 3.- Miller -
OS 4V. a aorlrion.
Champlain *J. A. Rousaeau.
Chateauguay....,„,*J. r, Brown,
Compi ....... . 13, llunt,
baskaville.„.„ .L. Igttegeole,
It. Lemieux*
Hocholaga..„,,„,*L. A, RtVert.
....... . A, Dobeati,
Kamooraska *E. Lapointe,
Lobelle„.„. ......... Dourassa.
Noy, aos,tot-cooserretives None.
Nora Soone-tiberale,
Annapolis S. W. Picicup
Aotigonish C. P. MeTsaac,,
N. Cape Breton a
Victoria 13. D. MacKenzie.
South Cape Bre-
ton Alex, Johnston,
Colchester ...... --F. .k. Lawrence,
Cumberland ..... „1I. J. Logan.
Digby A. 3. S. Copp,
Guysborough J. 11. Sinclair.
Halifax .......... ..„-Win, Roche.
M. Carney.
Hants Mayor Black.
D. A. McClellan,
King's....... Sir P. Borden.
Lunenburg A. IV, McLean,
Pietou E. M. Macdonald.
Itieb1Mond.. ..... ..-D. Pinlayson.
Shelburne and
Yarmouth • 13. B. Law.
Non, W. S. Fielding!
Now Brunewlek-Conseevallves
G. W. Ganong.
/Ciag's .03AlbertG. W. Fowler,
Queen's and Sun-
bury.,,...... R. D. Wilmot,
St. John City anti
County A, A. Stockton,
St. John City Dr, J. W. Daniels;
York C. S. Crockett.
KentGloucester... ....... 0. Turgeon.
Carleton P. B. Carvels
New 11Sruuawleir.-1,1berols.
NorthumberlandW, S. Loggia.
0. 3. Leblanc,
Tas. Reid. c
olarelancl H. It, Emmersom
Hon, 3, Costigan.
211(111 C41,013X,
Telegraphic Briefs Prom Out OW4
and Other Countries of Re-
cent Events,
Bandit= weilA181/0s)uA.
pplied with nod
Coral gas from the fields hear Dunn.,
ville by the end of tho year.
A battery of Reid artillery number-
ing 180 men will be statiooed in 1110
proposed now borracke at Montreal.
The pay of the permanent corps 01
tho militia has been increased from
25 to 90 per cent, all round.
It is reported In St. Thomas that
the Pero Marquette Railway will be
extended from that city to 33uffalo.
If. 0-, Rutland, ex -manager of the
Ilank of Ilamilton at Winkler, Mao,,
pleaded guilty to stealing 33,000
<143mngtinheeerbaklln'illis Chipman, of Tor4
onto, has recommended to the Strat-
ford Council that, they expend 311)0,-
000 on improvements to the water-
works system in that oity.
There Is trouble in the shoo trade
at. Quebec because the e.mployers
want the men to leave the National
Union and join the International
A Montreal despatch says: Trio
Grand Trona Have secured an option
on the Detroit Southern Roilavay, in
order to secure an °ammo to the
West Virginia coal ileitis.
Eugeno Poisson and AI. E. Par-
rot, of Paris, Franee, aro in Winni-
peg. They aro studying the physleal
features csf Canada and methods of
construction in regard to railways
canals, bridges and docirs.
Some British merchants who wore
asked to give their opinion on 0a11 -
&triton cool -cured cheese state that
5ool curing during the suttuncr
Months is a decided improvement
over tho ordinary method.
Cliesire cheescmakers complain of
Canadian competition.
'Phe new Allan turbine liner Victor-
ian will leave for Canada in Februs
One hundred thousand emigrants
left Liverpool for Canada thie
rilisli °Meer, interviewed by
The Times, thinks the Russian Baltic
fleet fired 031 their own torpodO
The Treasurer of Megis county,
Ohio, was indicted for embezzling
3+14111..e5 Oh. 18.810 elevator, Buffalo, col-
lapsed on Saturday, causing 8350.-
000 loss.
Between thirty and sixty Illinois
were killed by an explosion in' Color-
ad'Io'ci,o0triagrorrioctsY. a bombardment with
rice and old shoes of a bridal couple
almost caused a serious accident at
Now York, The horses bolted, the
driver was pitched out, antl with the
bride and bridegroom shouting for
hell) at the windows of the carriage,
the tea131 dashed to Third ave. The
front wheels tvere smashed and the
bride and bridegroom were badlo
shaken ilp.
Within half an hour after the ben-
ediction had been pronounced at the'
close of the services hi the little
Mirth near Mill Creek, on the Big
Sandy nivel., Virginia, on Sunday,
ono man who had listened to the ser -
non was dead and another was fat-
ally stabbed. The tragedy, was the
result of a political Argument, 111
which a half-dozen members of the
co»gregation engaged after leaving
tho church.
Prance Edward Xeland-ConservatIree.
(Mcien's A. Martin,
Quten's 17 A. A. Maclean,
Prince A. A. Lefurgey,
Prince Edward Isluall-Llberats,
King's 3.3. Rognes,
Dauphin ('len Campbell.
Macdonald W. G. Staples,
Marquette Dr. Roche.
Proyencher A. A 0, LaRiviere,
SourlsDr, Schnaffer,
John Crawford.
Selkirk .T, 'Jackman.
Winnipeg 1), 11', Dole.
Brandon lion. 0, Sifton,
Dauphin T. A. Burrows.
Lisgar .......... ...,Hon, T. Greeaway,
Portage la Peale -
33 ' McCarthy.
41 11,101 -Coneervellr
.331(3303) ....... .. a .
Thompson.. V9
Northwest Territortee-Mberels. 1 ON
Cage in Shaft Overbalanced. and
Pell 1,400 Feet.
A Wilkesbarre, Pena., despatch
83330 -1>1(0 of the most appalling
nano accidents in the history of the
Wyozning Valley occurred at NO, 1
Auchinclose shaft, oporated by tho
Delawares Lackawanna es Western
Coal Company, at Nanticoke, early
on Wednesday, by which ten 111011
were hurlod to instant death and
three Othera seriously injured.
The men were mostly all upon tho
nano earriago to be lowered to the
orkings below. Tho signal was
yen 10 the engineer, who began
soaring the men. alio carriage hall
no but a few feet when the ene
neer lost control of his euginos,
ring to 1110 rovers° levers failing
work, and the carriago wall its
oecupants, was dashed beyond
o Ross vein, landing Nearly 1,100:
i1 below tho surface, and from
ton it. was precipitatod 1300 feet
'thee into a sump. Those who
vo been killed outright seer° with -
t doubt, drowned in the sump,
ich is fully fifty feet deep with
311 1301110 M•Ne • •
0. Torritl. !VI
17, Scott.
I,' 01' • •
Humboldt... ...... -.A. J. Adamson. , Mt
Mackenzie Dr. le, I, Cash, i ha
Qu'Appelle Loci Thompson. ; ou
Saskatchewan T IT. Lamont, , wh
Strathetion 13. To/hot,wa
Yukon ........ P, 'P, Congdon
British Cora/orals- Liberals.
Coto ox -A t Wm, Sloan,
ICootettay W. A. Galliher,
Nanainto Ralph 811111 11.
New iVestminsterJ, B. 3(conetly,
VaTICOIIVPr City. -It. CI, Itlel'Itersoo.
Vittoria coo 1111133',
Note.-1Slections in 00111019..,\ 1101
liaaolonsw 0(141 Yale and ('aribo
postponed. Conservatives none.
.Prom 311,1 quart eels' lemma or tht
Now Vora pollee, publb,hoil yester-
day In tho (Thy Tic:cord, it Appears
time out 01 431,)34;i persons a ryes led
111 (3401(1 (31' NOW ort: only 858 were
unable, to rehd and write. Unmet. -
led persona made up 20,8J4 of the
grand total.
Poimmao Damon, of Irolden,oMoss.,
Vas found 191111)1(1 13) a. tomb WAMI-
N; himself over a bonfire. When
teighbors told him it was no placo
oe /aim, ho said the tonsb belonged
o his it111111Y, and as the last of Ids
Mc he had a right to ocoupy it if
io Chose. Damon said it was 'warm
1301 amnfortable 5111(1 saved paying'
out, Ifti is reputed to bo Wealthy,
4- '
Experiments With Northwest Tor-
ritories Wheat.
A Toronto despatch says :-Tho
Dopartanorit of Agrictiltoro of tho
Nort los est Terri Lori ea 1168 ;4181: 15 -
stied a pangsblet on tho comparative
o values of grades ofwlloott, wheat, It was
preparod by Prof. 'Cleo, Tfarcotirt
huperi 11 tendon 1. of N or 1110eat Pair8
and Agricultural institutes, ana is
based on an oxtonsive 1er1e8 of C1,11.
a lyst,11 motto at the (briario•Agric111-'
ural College, Guelph, by rror, Ro-
bert lvarrourt. The latter undertook
to soporvise 1110 00118 on condition
that tho Northwest department p310»
331110(1 the funds for necessary 8.0018-
3 8(1(30.' This was done, and tho :work,
which it, Is Intended to continuo at
the 'college, WAS 81(0'810(1 0110
int OrA.Cl ing' -fact brought art itt .tho,
report, is that bread made front
when( anti flour graded low, while,
davit In color, , is of just as good
quality as bread of light color, It
would scent that tho ,publie and evon,
oxpert juilgos aro inclined to plan .
too much' importance on tho white-
ness of both flour and broad,