The Brussels Post, 1904-11-10, Page 1111
Vol.88. No, 18
W , H. KERR., Prop,
New Advertisements.
Tenders—Fred. Gelinee.
Wood for sale—John MoNab,
Auden sale—John MoFedden.
Largest and beet—Oen, Bus, Oollege.
istrict 'advs.
Moles wortie.
Last Saturday Oharlee Beehaver, hotel
keeper of tbie village, peened away aged
45 years. He had been in poor health
for some time. The interment wag made
at Brodhegeu on Monday. A wife end
6 children survive, the oldest 14 years
of age. It ie about 12 years eines Mr,
Seehaver moved here from Logan, Perth
(Jo. The widow and family are deeply
eympatbieed with.
Mies Laura Snell is visiting her aunt,
Mre. T. J. Watt, at Wingbam.
Mre. Small, of Wingbam, ie visiting
her daogbter, Mre, Jaok Reby.
Arab, Paterson WAS et Guelph for a
few days last week on baeineee.
Joseph Yeo, of Stratford', spent a few
days last week with friends here.
Hubbard Miller, of Huron College,
London, was bome for a abort visit last
John Honey, G. T. R. brakeman, of
Palmerston, is spending bis holidays at
Miro Mande Punt bee taken a position
in the tm a of Mr. MoRerober at
Mrs. (Rev.) W, T. Hall and Son are
visiting her sister, Mre. (Rev) W. J.
West, at the Mance.
Jun. and Mrs. Molntoeh end ohitdren,
of Molesworth, vieited Thos, and Mre.
Conites on Saturday,
john Bargeae in attending the quarterly
audit of the Canadian Order of B'orestere
at Brantford this week.
Kies Martha and Ed, Conitea, of East
Wawanoeh, vieited their otiose, Thomas
Coultas, one day recently.
Frenois Booth, having spent the Sam.
mer here aa buttermaker, returned to his
home in Brantford last week,
Mre. Anderson and Mies Anderson,
have returned hem a five weeks' yieit
with relativae in East Wawanoeh,
Quite a number of the Blaevale young
people spent 0 social time at the home of
Mr. and Mre, Brooke in Morris one even.
ing last week.
Andrew Warwick, of Smitb'e Falis, is
visiting hie sister, Mre, Duncan King,
and also bio brothers, Robert and Thos.
Warwick, in Morrie.
Rev. T. Wesley Omens, of Bratteele,
addressed a meeting, in behalf of the
Bible Society, in the basement of the
Methodietoburets last Friday evening.
The annual Tea•meeting of Blaevale
Presbyterian congregation will be held on
Thanksgiving night. A supper will be
served in the Foresters' Ball and a good
program rendered in the ohuroh.
'VV rx as te r.
Geo. Howe spent Friday in Broeaele.
N. Lewis, of Bervie, vieited last week
with his uncle, Mr, Lewis.
Waldo Hastings, of Gait, in the guest
of hie eieter, Mrs. R. J. Bann.
Mies Margaret MoLenohiin, of Bras -
seta, vieited Mies Agues Black on Friday.
Mies McKelvey, of Howlett, vieited
Mrs. Appleby Bud other friends bare last
Mr. and Mre, Clogging, of Fordwioh,
spent Sunday with 3. end Mre.
Jos. Cowan left forDnoeford on Thum
day, where he will enjoy a few weeks'
Norman Cook, of Heneall, is, a guest at
the home of Mrs. Geo. Harris, on the
gravel road,
tohn Gotten, John Ball and James
Ball left on Friday for two weeks' eport
in Muskoka.
Mrs. E.0. Gammage,.ot Ohatham„ie
the guest of her daughter Kra. Osterhout
at the parsonage.
The German Concert Co. left for Brute
eels on Monday after bolding a success.
£ulweek's entertainments here.
A load of members of the A. F. ds A. M.
lodge of this place attended a Masonic
'service fn leordwiah on Sunday after-
A young peoples' 'moiety to be celled
the Weetmineter Guild has been organized
in oonneotion with the Presbyterian
ohnroh. The society will meet every
Friday evening at 7 o'olook.
Ninety per cent. of
headachesare caused
by imperfect eyes.
We can permanently
euro such headaches
with glasses.
If wo fall we will re.
fund your money.
.ibArw, 1'..81mi;Che^t'
Hoissee ti?So tired
Gx atestea+.w 4 rrn3Av lr,rm
Ezra l3tiiem, of London, nailed on his, 0. T. Edwarde, one day
last week. The former is jnet recovering
from a long illness of typhoid fever.
AD Epworth League was organic'd in
the Methodist ohnroh and the meetings
will be held on Friday nights. The
failowiug ofoere were elected ;—Hon.
President, Rev. J. H. Oeterhout ; Pree.,
B. F, Ourr ; let Vise Pree., R, J. Bonn ;
2nd Vice Pres., Mise Eide Hazlewood ;
8rd Vice Pree., Mise J. Howe ; 4th Vine
Pres , Mies Lulu Hemphill • Sao., Mles
Laura Lewis ; Trews., Frank Edwarde ;
Organist, Miss Amelia.. Bellamy ; Dia.
trio representative the President. Meet-
ings will be held under the departments
of 'Obrietian Endeavor, Mieeienary,
Literary and Sonial. The young people
of all the ohnrahse are cordially invited
to attend and take part in these meet.
Townabip Council will be held Wed.
needay of next weak. Important bueinese
will be en the program.
A Tea meeting will be held in the
Bethel ohnroh Tuesday evening of next
week, under the eneplses of the Presby•
teriane. Good program will be preeeoted
atter sapper is served.
J. H. Galbraiib, of thin township, is
quite a horse fancier. He owns a trotting
horse and pacing mare now both of them
good ones. Last week he invested in a 3
year old heavy draft colt that weighs
1675 pounds, a dandy beast.
Mo$illop township gave B. B, Gann,
Ooneervative candidate for South Huron,
a majority last week but it was owing to
Mr. Guun's personal popularity more
than any change of politioal belief in the
telt heel.
Council meeting woo held here on Mon-
day orchis week,
Mee Dilworth was a visitor with Brae•
eels frieude thio weep.
George Dobson, of Innerkip, was a
weloome caller on Ethel friends this
This week Wm. Paweon and family re.
moved to Brussels where Mr. Pitman is
driving a team for P. Ament in oonneo•
tion with his mill and factory work.
We wish them well in their uew home.
The Mieeienary Meeting held in the
Methodist 'thumb bare on Tuesday even-
ing ot teat weak was a good one. Fine
addreeeee were given by Rev. G. Baker,
of Bluevale, and Rev. J. W. Holmee, of
Gerrie ; Vocal selections by Mieeee
Sharp, of Braeeele ; Mr. Bradbrook,
(who also recited in a moat intereeting
manner) and the ohorob oboie. The
paator oouopied the chair with his
ouetomary ability.
Robert Dilworth has bought Riohard
Pearson'. 150 acre farm which lies along
side or his own 200 Thie gives him
a tidy farm of 950 acres. Mr. Pearson
intends moving West at an early date.
Mr. Dilworth is a shrewd business man
and knows what he is doing, We wish
him suttees. kir. Pearson bas been a
resident of Grey for a good many years
and we hope he will do well in his new
Senooi, REPORT.—Foliowisg is the re•
port of the senior 'department of Ethel
Public -School for October :—Claes 1V—
B. Bolinder 568 ; E. Freeman 553: F.
Imlay 513 ; el. MoOallum 5061 B. Bate•
man 489 ; H. Goatee 489 ; P. Bremner
488 ; E. Dunbar 449 ; W. Hemeworth
407 ; 5, Kokes 373 ; W. Barr 862 ; E.
McKee 859 ; J. McCallum 349 ; S.
Malatoeh 340 ; L. Cooper 326. Total 810.
Claes III. B. Bolinder 487 ; L. Straohan
476 ; I. Heath 472 ; L. McLeod 460 ; R
Fraser 456 ; A. Love 437 ; E. Hemsworth
`418; E. Tbompeoo 827 ; 0. Dane 293 ;
H.'Bokmier 251. Total 700. Average
attendance 29. A. E. Snuwo, Principal.
Examined in Arith , Comp , Geog., and
Spelling. Sr. II,—W. Eokmier, J.
Cooper, B. Fogel, R. Thompson. Br,
Pb. IL—V. Pollard, 0. Eokmier. S.
Seraohan, S. Hemdworih, P. Gill, E, Dob -
eon, D. MoLeod, 0. Davidson, W.Yeo,
R. goatee, 0. Huuber, Jr. Pt. II—G.
G. Eokmier, N. Addy, P, Bateman, N.
McKee, R. Gill, R Heath, Sr. Pt. I.—
R. Eokmier, R. Hemsworth, W. notate,
son, A. Ward, G. Cole. . Jr. I—H. Tyer•
roan, G. Pollard, W. Cole. Average
•attenduuoe.-81. LAURA E. NICHOLLS,
C: rtb.oa b vet DIE.
A wedding here next Wednesday.
A. D. tioKay, of Seaforth, was visiting
here het week.
A new stable bee been built on Mre.
MoKay's property, Oranbroolr, West.
A majority of 28 was given in Oran.
htaok division Tbareday of last weak for
Dr. Maodonald.
A. McNair, who has been Postmaster
here for the past 25 or 80 years, has
tendered his resignation owing to failing
health, Thera are said to be two or three
applicants for the position.
Stook taking is tbrongb in the McNair
atone and the goads are being removed to
A. MoDonald'' °tore, the purchaser of
the goods. Me, McNair was a shrewd
and metal 'met and Mr. McDonald
will next week aunounce a reduotion sale.
Watch out for hie advertisement and the
bargains he will offer.
Lecooni.—The Y. P,'S. 0. E, of Knox
oturob have engaged Rev. Thos. Wilson,
of Walkerton, to deliver a lecture on
"Thirty yaare with South Sea Can•
nibais,” on Toeeday evening, Nov. 22nd,
beginning at 7.30. The lecture will be
illuatrnted by 75 beautifully colored
pictures ptepared by Pref, Woke, of
Loudon, England. The thrilling story
of the work of Dr, John Ci, Paton ie
made vary real in this lecture, Do not
fail to beet him,
50000 R,E'ORT.-The following in the
claseifinniion of pupils of Oranbrook
Public School :—Oleos V—Allie Forrest.
Sr. IVB--Nmma 0. Hnotber, Amelia H.
Maolnnia, Myrtle A. Sperling, Roy S.
Cunningham, Lavinia J. Alderson, D.
Martin JKaoDonald, W. H. Senalidon,
Bartley J. Moneta, Minnie Menarey,
Myrtle E. MmoDothld, Ida 8. Sharpe,
Jr, IV—Emma L. Bunter., Herbert el,
MacDonald, Sr. IIt.-Mina J. Fox,
Stella A..Aldeteon, Mary Pt. 51o8(lohoir
0, Rnaaell' Alderson; David Perrie, J.
Alex, Dark, S. Victor Sperling, Jr, Ill
—Viola Long, A1. Julia Baker, Harold H.
5malldon, Arthur G. Fax, ErtzannTn
0ALDaa, Teapher Jr, Department. Sr.
II—Viola Butwell, George 8malldoo,
Obriatina Fetcher. Jr, II — Angeline
Kreuter, Jamie Menziee, Leila Bparling,
Muriel Spariing, Nate. Reymann,
Ohrietian Meatier. Sr. Pt, II—Beetrioe
MoQuarrie, Lulu eloDpnald,Lilian Dark,
Bessie Aldereon.—Jr. Pt, II — Leslie
Perrie, Edward Smalldan. Sr. 31—Ger•
don Cameron,, Betts Fox, Luoy Alderson,
Hazel MoDonald, May Hunter, Rouell
Knight, Evelyn MoNiobol, Fred Fieoher.
Jr. 1—Mamie Cameron, Addie Sperling,
Maggio McNabb. Lowest I—Arnold
Fieoher, Eric Pennington, Minnie Alder•
eon, Elgin Porter, Thelma Smalldon.
Lima A. Maras, Teaeber.
W nl ton.
Mre, Malntoeb, of London, has been
visiting at E. McLaughlin's.
Mise E. McMillan wan a gnat at
Jamey McMillao'e Met week.
Mies Beattie, of Sarnia, has been the
guest of Mr, and Mre. Beattie for a few
Tuesday evening of next week the
Welton Preebyteriaa choir and others
willenlistat the Tea Meeting to be held
at the Bethel ohorob, MoRillop.
James McMillan has returned from
Sturgeon Falls. He has eeonred a good
situation in one of the mills there and
will remove his family to that town
The palm of the Ooneervative element
have become normal again, but they are
still inclined to talk about Heron. The
Refcrmere have about digested the sugar
and salt,
The annual meeting of the Bible Society
will•be held in Duff's ohnroh on Friday
evening of this weak. Rev. T. W. Owens,
of Brussels, and resident ministers will
deliver addressee.
The annual Union Sabbath School
Convention will be held here on Tuesday,
221id inst. A good program will be
presented at both afternoon and evening
sesnione, Rev. J. J. Haetie, of Belgrave,
will be one of the speakers. R'bie Oon•
vention ie always a good one.
A meeting of the trustees of Walton
Methodist Church was held this week
when it was decided to haul material
during the coming Winter for a clement
basement to the ohnroh with the expecta-
tion of veneering the building later.
Other improvements are (contemplated.
The services will be continued in the A.
0. U. W. Hall in the meantime.
Somme REPORT.—Following ie the re.
port of U, S. 5 No. 11, Morrie, for tbe
month of October. Number on register
85 ; Average attendance 25.—Sr. III
Class — Mabel Bennett, Annie 'Arden,
Ethel McLeod. Jr, IHI Claes — John
Mareholl, Rhea Emigh, Roy Emigb,
(lane II—Pearl Moilenzie, Gertie Mar.
shall, Minnie Candler, Part and Class--
laee—Ina MacNab, Alma Sholdioe, Ida Ma•
Leod, let Claes—Addie Bishop, Annie
McLaughlin, Grant Praiser.
ANNIE Sittrsou, Teacher.
Our chiming are pleased and proud to
welcome bask F. O. Neal, M, B„ to
Walton. For about 16 months he bee
been in Europe attending several Medical
institutions and adding freeh laurels to
We long list of sooceseee. In London,
Eng., he received the degrees of M. R. 0.
$. and L. R. 0. P. ; in Paris and Edits.
burgh he attended their beet Universities,
and returning Io America, attended the
John Hopkins University. He will
shortly go before the Council of Oatario
to pass his final ordeal, after which he
will be eligible to practice medicine all
over the world. Seals a career in which,
we may add, Mr. Neat has never met a
reverse, stamps bins an a man of the
highest intellectual ability, and bin many
friends are proud of his creditable work.
11:1 o rrlcr.
Township Commit mit Monday.
MiseClareMoQuarrie left this week
on a trip to England where she will visit
her sister at Manobeeter.
Robert Nichol, 6th line, bought some
well bred sheep Leet week from J. $.
Gowen, of Lima. Be also eold some of
his 1look to the'same gentleman.
The fine new „bank barn of W. H.
Ferguson, 6th line, is appraohing comple-
tion. It will add greatly to the owner'e
convenience, and comfort of stook, dos.
Robert Warwick, an old and well
known resident of the and line, ie in
very poor health and hie condition is a
eouroe of anxiety to hie friends. He was
o very hearty man in hie day.
Mre. David Moffatt, North Boundary,
had the misfortune to tall while stepping
ant of a wagon and break one of the ten•
done in one of her limbs, We hope she
will aeon be able to be about as usual.
MATRIBIONL&L.—Thursday of last week
Mies Leab, daughter of Thole Hill, of
Wingbam, formerly of Morrie, was
united in marriage to Mr. Hemingway,
from near Teeewater. Tbe many old
friends of the bride here wish them many
happy years.
Ismateseme ADDRESS ON FOREnTRie—
The regular monthly meeting of Strat.
ford tea:ber'a institute was held In the
Central sohool Friday evening. The
prinoipnl feature was an address on
"Forestry" by Riohard Lees, M. A.,
eotenoe master, St. Thomas collegiate
institute, Mr, Lees has made this a
speolal gebjeot of study and the address
was of a very interesting character with
suggestion's an to what might be ac•
oomptiehed. The value and importance
of wood as a Deoeseity en luxury of our
modern eivilizolion was pointed out.
Referenoe was made to tomb solea of
pine .lands in Ontari were timber
realized the enormous bine of $31,500
per 'square mile, For the best agri•
onitnrelresults it bas been found tbat
fully 25 per net of the land should be
under forest. In older Ontario only
six eountiee have that mob, and there
are eleven bave under ten per cent. In
mutt, dietriota reforesting hag income a
necessity, both for the production Of
timber and tar the benedoial inOnonoe
the feted Oxerelass, Every ponslbrs
effort should be made to impress on
owners! o1 wood tote the ineporta1oe of
preserving and improving them, Old
dying and neatens trees should be remov-
ed, Beads or eeedlings of neetul varieties
eboaid be planted to 011 up the openings.
Some attention wee peld to the condi.
ditione of healthy forest growth. The
lite, history and mode of growth of trees
wan briefly discussed and the effeote of
light pointed out, 10 order that trees'
may prodaoe long trunks useful for
timber they moat grow fairly close to.
gather so au to accolade light below and
oaaee the early death of the lower
branches, while the tope reaoh up to.
wards the light. The leetare wan
illustrated with a number of lantern
views, making clear the vnriows points
dimmed and illustrating the oheraoter
tailor of some of our most common and
useful hem Mr. Leos was a former
resident of Morrie township and is a
cousin to A, Hislop, M. P. P,
airtime r-rtovves.
Thos. Sheehan took the service in the
Hall last Sunday night.
Auotion Bales at J. D. Miller's next
Monday and at T. Stokes' on Tuesday
The Grits -0 I where were they on
November 8rd 7 Do not eek around
The hay preened seers huey around
here het weak pressing hay for several
of the farmers.
Farmers have got their turnipe up in
fine condition and report a good crop.
The quality is exoellent.
We are glad bo state that L, Eokmier
has quite recovered from his reoeut illnags.
Mrs. James Strachan is ale000nvaleeoent.
Hector AlcQnarrie's :motion sale on
Toeeday wae largely attended. Live
stook and implements brought good
prices. Mr. MoQnarria intends selling
hie farm in the near fatare.
Next Sabbath evening the annual Bible
Society meeting will be held at Victoria
Hall in thio place when addresses on this
great oaaee will be delivered by Bev. D.
B. McRae, of Oranbrook, and Robt. Mc-
Kay, of Ethel. The oolleotion will be
devoted to the Bible Society.
The store here Sae now got in their
Fall and Winter goods and expect to do
e good basinese this Winter as they
always pay the higbeab price for produce.
Young turkey's this week are selling at
14 cents and the demand in city markets
ie good for Thanksgiving next week.
Butter this week at 16 cents in 1 ib.
prints end eggs 22 cute per dozen for
etriotly fresh. Oar stook of boots, oboes
and rubbers is very large to abooee from.
Abig disoonot on family lots of the
Jamestown locality has turned oat a
good many business men for a small
plane. The list embraces A. Strachan,
Brussels ; Jno. Hillier, R. H, Cott, and
Will. and Jae, McEwen, of Goderioh ;
Milton MOEwen, of St. George ; Ed.
Snell, now in the Northwest Territory ;
A. McDonald, of Oranbrook ; James
Outt, of Blytb ; and Jae. B. Innes, now
at Ethel. They are able to hold their
own in the baeineee world and represent
Jamestown with no discredit to the old
A little daughter tae oome to gladden
the home of W m. Mann, 16tb ooa,
Mre. Robt, Robertson is visiting her
daughter, Mre. James Baffin, 14th eon.,
Kra. Geo. Hodge,1715 eon„ is eeriouety
ill. Her many friends hope for a speedy
James Armstrong and eon Cheater,
10th eon„ are away to Muskoka on a deer
hunting expedition.
Mine Harriet Bowen bag returned to
her home in Fullerton after spending a
few weeks with relatives in Grey and
This week Wm. Lawson and family,
Stir con„ removed to Hallett where they
pnrpoee making their home. We wish
them prosperity.
At the Council meeting lest Monday a
By-law was passed looking toward the
bettering of the roads in the Winter time
by the temporary removal of fenoee.
Thera is very little municipal eleotion
talk so tar and the probabilities are the
present Oonneil will be re•eleoted if all
are agreeable to stand for another term.
The Sabbath School meeting in the
Smith sohool hoose tae oloeed for this
season. Peter MoArtbur was the Soper.
intendant and managed things very
Mina Ann Dron, now in Mount
Brydgea, remembered the Bible Sooiety
work in this locality and Bent $2 as her
contribution this year, It wag very
thoughtful of her.
The new brink residence, ereoted on
the farm of John Smith, 16th oon,, will
make a most comfortable borne for the
proprietor and we wish him and his wife
many happy years in it.
A Bible Society meeting will be held at
Bethel ohnroh next Sabbath afternoon
to be addreeeed by Thos. Streohan,' of
Grey, and B. Gerry, Of Brussels, Tba
publio cordially invited.
Next Sabbath afternoon A. lit, Moleay,
of Bluetits, and Eli Smith, of Grey, will
address the annual meetiug of the Bible
Society in Roe's (Murat, 8rd con. A
good attendance asked for.
The anneal Sabbath sohool entertain•
Went ll, 5. 13. No. 3 will be Meld on
Friday evening, Dec. 1615, when a
musical and literary proOram will be
presented. Keep the date in mind,
The new steel highway bridge over the
Maitland river between the townships of
Elms and Grey at the 7111 icon, Ls now
about (templets. The bridge is about 75
feet in length, 16 feet high, Pratt Truss
oonetruation, with a 14 fool roadway
resting on tnbntantial concrete abnimente.
The steel work wee erected by the Strat-
ford Bridge and Ironworks 0o., the oon•
orete abutment's by Pogue cmc RAtoliff, of
Atwood, and the flooring, Which is of
expanded motel and cement monotc'q, 15
being eonetruoted by le, Lange, o'S 0a towel. The total use of elle ebrnobure, of
which not a pardon' of wood enters into
its aongtruotian, will be about 58,000, ibis
Malachi) earth filling for epproaohes and
ettaigbtening bed of sbreatn. W. E.
Binning, erobiteotueel Engineer, Lid.).
Wel, bag (barge of the work,
Geo, and Mre. Robertson have returned
from an enjoyable Mott with role'ivee in
Fellation township.
Mies Florence Bremner, of Belmore, ie
renewing old acguaintanoeein Grey and
Logan. She was a former teacher in S.
0. No. 9. Her many friends are pleased
to have her among them onoe more.
The aaotlon sale of farm atone, km
()temente, oto. of Jno, McFadden, Lot 8,
Oon. 12, will be held on Friday afternoon
of next week, He bas sold his tarn, so the
sale will be without reserve. The net for
the sale may he read in another oolnmo
of Tun POST.
Last week Donald Robertson, 9:h Done
sold a doe young Darbam bail to Albert
Jambe, of B'ytb, for a good figure.
The entmal le a splendid one
and book let prize at East Henn Fall
Fair in a Maas of seven. Mr. Robertson
bas a splendid herd.
A Goon MAN GONE Hotha—Frannie
Miller was born in Benfreweblre, Soot -
land, in the year 1828 and died N ,v. 4th,
1904. He. oame to Canada 1847 and
began work at Coboarg. From there he
went to Bieobeim, where be married
Agnea Ohrichton, aactive of Ayr, Boot.
land, Tbey name to the townebip of
Grey in 1857, being the first settlers on
the 3rd non, residing on lot 21 where the
deceased remained till hie death. A son
and daughter were born to them viz
Jobe Miller, of Minto, and Mrs. Matthews,
of Normanby, Hie first wife died in
1874. About 2 years later be married
Isabella Steveunou, hie now bare!, part.
nee. From tine merrioge two daughter,'
were born, Mies Isabella, now at home,
and Mrs. Took, of Minto. Mr. Killer
beoame a Obrietian in 1877 at meetings
bald in Roe's church by the Revs, Smith
and Stafford from then until too weak to
speak bore testimony to the saving and
keeping power of Jesus. He was a
hardy, honest Soot, wbe helped to make
tbie country what it is, The funeral
eervioe wan held at the house Sabbath
afternoon, Nov. Bch, at 2 p. m., a very
large number attending. The pastor,
Ray. 0. P Wells, bore testimony to his
beautiful Christian character and olose
walk with God. The Roe's Methodist
obaroh oboir was in atbendanoe and
touchingly and leehngly lead in singing
"How do Thy measles olose me •oand 1
Forever be Thy name adored" l &0
(Hymn 805 in the Methodiat Hymnal)
whiob was a great favorite with the de
parted. John, 14.5 chapter, was read as
a lesson. The prooeaeion lett the bones
about 2 45 and ptooeeded to Moleewortb
cemetery where the remains were interred.
The pallbearers were Jno. Miller, hie
eon ; S. Matthews and A. Tank, his
sona•in-law ; J. Lindsay, A. Bremner
and L. Frain. A memorial eervioe will
be held next -Sabbath, Nov, 13, at Reese
Mebh:diet ohorob 10 30 a. m. The de
ceased will be long remembered in thie
oommnnity. Mr. Miller had the mis-
fortune tq have bin leg broken a abort
time ago by Dolt tramping on Gim, but
up to that time had been a remarkably
healthy man. The relatives will share
is the empathy of the oom010nity.
Grey Council Meeting.
Ooaaoil mei at the Township Hall,
Ethel, Monday, November 7th, pnraaaut
to adjournment, Reeve in the akar and
other members all present. Mirotes of
last meeting read and confirmed. On
motion of Turnbull and Fraser By-law
No. 227 allowing oompeneetion to owners
of land bordering on any public highway
in the Township for taking down, altering
or removing of any fence or femme, which
would be likely to mese such an Rectum.
illation of snow or drift am would impede
or obstruct travel wae read 1st, 2nd and
3rd time and finally passed. Mra. Mary
Carr, who ie in indigentpironmetanoes,
asked for aid. Movsdlby William Fraser,
eeeonded by Lorenzo Froin that the e0121
of $10 be granted. Carried, On ,notion
of Grant and Frain Bylaw No, 228, em-
mpowering the Council to sell or remove
any trees or timber an the highway was
read let, 2nd and 3rd time and finally
pulsed. Oo motion of Grant and Frain
the following accounts were ordered to be
Thomas Stephenson, gravel, - $25 28
Mrs. Mary Carr, oharity ,.. .. 10 00
Dougal MoTaggart, on oontraot Mo
Lean drain 60 00
W. M. Sinolair, legal 2 00
Tarr Bros, dement pipes Grey ds
Morrie l'd'y, lot 1, non. 8 18 00
Geo. Dunlop, 'cement culvert, let
20, oon. 15 2 00
Jno, A. Maxey, award drain
t'w'p'e portion Grey de Elam
b'd'y 11 20
Municipal World, supplies 2 69
Mattbew Morrison, mitering t'w'p
Hall 2 50
Jno, Smith, working grader 3 00
Tarr Bros., oament pipes, 64 60
George Birk, oulvert Grey at Morris
.b'd'y, lot 1, eon, 8 6 00
Robt, Ransom, culvert lot 25, eon.
7 5 00
Jas. Herr, repairing Gill's bridge,5 00
Jae, Herr, ditch at lot 29, con, 85 00
A. MoDonald, gravel.,... 13 60
Geo. MoDonald, gravel, 9 26
R. and A. Manatee, gravel7 76
Samuel Smith, drawing
repairing bridge, Grey and
Wallaoa Bdy,, Grey'e share.:1 65
David Campbell, gravelling on
Wallace bdy., Grey's share.. , . , . 21 50
J. MaIntoeb, gravelling on Wallace
bdy., Grey's snore 1 00
R. Miller, repairing North abet.
ment Mitahell'e bridge 8 00
Sand,man Dann, gravelling lots 13
and 16, son, 14 1 40
Bornioe Payne, shovelling grave', 2 00
K, Baker, anlvert Hanna drale
and drawing material for 2 anl•
vette 15 00
J. K. taker, gravelling and repair
ing ooiveet, iota 28 ,h 81, non, 1e 28 00
William King, far temporary road 4 00
William Miele, trap on $Miele'
award - 100
Samuel Snell, shovelling gravel., 2 00
Samnel Berke, gravel 2 80
Robt, Bell repairing onieert, let
11, eon. 4....,... - 1 00
William Hoy, enlisting to tapir
Hall drain, tale portico- .2 60
James Hogg, supplying tile and
drawing gravel and drain aarose
S. R. 1, eon. 8 3 00
11 76
Thome Sheehan, gravel
Geo. Herr, inspecting grayelling
Grey and Morrie Bdy., Grey's
'Mare 2 50
Robert 7.11,„:::::::4:00 repair
Hall dn, to 2 00
Lorenzo repair
Gall drain, tile portion 2 00
Wm. Connolly, onlvert Whitfield
Man. drain 15 00
Wm, Connolly, culvert Whitfield
Man. drain 6 00
Miobeel Mnrdia, bal. of expend
hare, Grey and MoRIllop bdy22 72
Edward Coats ditobing and grad
ing Elm& bdy., Grey's share,,12 00
A. Crowell, drawing gravel to
Dake's bridge, eon, 4 1 00
Moved seconded and carried that the
Council do now adjonru to meet on Deo.
Jose Moleroes, Clerk.
East Huron Returns.
Dir. O11,4DOEl1'6 Ml.7001ITV 170.
Following are the Hgaree of the vote in
each polling sob division in Emit Huron
Thursday of last week, according to the
returoe mailed by the Deputy Returning
OfHeere to the candidates at the alone of
the poll. The official figures from the
Returning Officer for the Riding will be
given next week, the declaration being
made at Bruesele on Thursday at 4
o'olook :
BLST11— Maodonald Chisholm
No. 1 46 47
No, 2 48' 33
94 80
Maj. for Macdonald.. 14
No. 1 30
No. 2 41
No.8 51
Maj. for Maodonald.. 11
No, 1 44 57
No, 2 . 51 19
No.3 70 35
No.4 65 85
No.5 69 64.
No. 6 64 52
No.7 75 47
438 - 809
Maj. for Maedonald.,129
No.1 - 60 102
No. 2 51 82
No. 3 49 112
No. 4 78 113
No. 5 79 85
No. 847 72
849 - 566
Maj. for Ohieholm 217
No. 1 67 41
No.2 60 46
Na. 3 41 56
No. 4..,50 39
No.5 58 47
No.6 66 78
317 302
Maj. for Macdonald.. 15
No. 1 40 92
No. 2 64 58
No.3 68 64
No.4 55 54
217 268
Maj. for Chisholm 51
No. 1 58 88
Maj. for Maodonald.. 15
No. 1 82 54
No. 2 86 56
No. 3 42 71
No. 4 63 119
172 800
Maj. for Chisholm ..........128
Hasa Wrwaoosa—
No. 1 85 53
No. 2 65 71
No. 8 67 41
No. 4 65 45
24- 8 - 21- 0
Maj, for Maodonald ., 38
Maodonald Obiebolm
Blyth 14
Bruesele 11
Grey 129
Howlett 217
Morrie 16
Wroxeter - 15
East Wawanoeh..,88
217 896
Maj, for Chisholm 179
Stretford Y. M. 0. A. membership is
now 567, not inelading the sabeorlbere,
Premier Bond has gemmed 29 ant of 34
seats in the Newfoundland Legislature.
Garvey M. Elliott has been engaged for
bis third year in S. $, No. 2, Logan, at
an inoreaso of salary.
The appointment of Hon. J. W. Long-
ley, Attorney•General of Nova Scotia bo
a judgeship, le soon expected.
The tato eeptio tank at the sewage
disposal works Stratford ban been nom•
pleted, and gives a total capacity of about
1,000,000 gallons, four times what it wan
two and a hall year old daughter of
Wen, Brown, Weal ward, Mitchell, who
is living with an aunt in Beelorth was
hooked by a now and her lane was badly
tern. It required eight atliehed to draw,
the wound together.
The finance oommittee recommended
thet the Stratford sonnei] submit a by-
ylaw to the people at the municipal
eleotiene in January, to rams the sum Of
$50,000 to be used to waterworks ire.
proveMents, as ragaeeted by the water
Wm. Gmbol, of Mitchell, has gone to
Toronto to take a position in the whole-.
pale department if P. W. Elis'e More.
George Upahall, of Winolzeleoa, met;
with a eeriouesomdent a few days nee. '.
He was working in the woods, when 1,e -:-
was stem* by a falling limb, why, It
fraotnred his shoulder blade and rain d
some severe scalp monde.
The management committee of the
public sohool board Stratford, met and
discussed the applications for the p, shined
of prioaipai of Hamlet and 11-ntrel
eoboole, made vacant by the resi.drrate n
of W. A,Adame and Andrew alasBeth,
decided to reoommeod to the board ih t
G. W. Slaughter, prio.'ipal of the Liam.
wet pubiio °ohco] and Mr. Smith, B. A ,
of Durham, be appointed to the pnsitiui,s
at the salaries of $760 and $675 man
annum repeotively,
A Chatty Letter From
Saskatoon, N. W. T.
To the Lrdltor 01 Tan POST:
Dean Sea.—Ont on this beundlesp
stretch of prairie my thooghta oft revert
to the many friends I have left behind
and in order to give them & clearer idea
of this town in which 'have pitched my
tent I thought of sending a little article
to your most estimable paper.
Saskatoon, thin wonderful town of
mushroom growth, and second to neve in
the Want, stands on the left bank of the
Southern branch of tbe Saskatchewan
river, abont 90 miles South of Prince
Albert and 160 North of Regina. A few'
years ago the present site was marked
only by the waving prairie grana with
bare and there a straggling hoose under•
mined by the skillful badger or more
persistent gopher.
When two years ago men'e eyes were
at last turned to this as a vary suitab e
plane for n town, the population did not
exceed 150 souls, while naw itis estimated
at over 2,600. Indignant at the mere
thought of its inability to proceed
further Eastward on a0000ut of the
river, the town has turned end is stretch-
ing iteelf to the Weat where a rich
harvest of level, virgin soil beckons it.
Where in this vest isometry could a
better site be found than that occupied
by our progressive little town 7 With
the migbty Saskatchewan madly rutting
onward between towering bauke thiakly
wooded with white poplars that stand
out against the darker background like
sentinels not deigning to away either to
the right or left, but always maintaining
that ataielineee so characteristic of
their close.
Spanning this father of Western waters
is the railroad bridge 1000 feet In length
and bearing marks of a history which
old and young of the town may alike re-
late. Laet Spring, when the river wES
swollen to ite greatest height, large ebeete
of tae came tombiine down, caught the
middle pier with a death -like grip and
berried it and the three centre spans
down to a watery grave. Pedestrians,
who bad jnet stepped off the tottering
epan,tarued and looked down into the
yawning abyss and then amass tbat
apparently unsnrmountable chasm to
their friends on the only remaining span
on the opposite side. There being no
traffic bridge, for weeka and weeks people
nod goods oroaeed on the ferry wbloh
plied busily to and fro. Oarpentere,
however, soon repaired the damage and
now a temporary affair is in nee which
shortly will give place to an immense
steel structure, railway and traffic com-
Let anyone who two yearn ago poised
through here enter the town again today.
What does he see e A flourishing town
pith wide streets and up to -date side-
walks, tidy resldenaee and tastefully
decorated stores, Meeting a former
aogaaintanoe on the street he is taken in
hand and after enjoying an excellent
diener at one of oar modern hotels is
invited out "to sea the town." Houses
and etoree are apringing up everywhere,
each vietng with the other as to outward
appearanee and inner comfort. Cherishes
whose presence above the real progress of
a town, ere four in number, with a
prospect of a fifth. A fine fireball and
Commit Chamber combined ie m worse
of constraotion, the building like muny
others 10 town bring of Dement block,
whioh material in manufactured here.
The moat imposing building, however, is
the Public School, which stands at the
North and of the town. It is built of
red briok and has an attendance of over
200 pupils. There are five teaobers on
the etaff, four of them being from
Ontario, AS in the towns of the East
So it is here, all the work from the
Primary to the Junior Leaving being
The town being situated in the heart
of the great wheat growing distriot is
fast beooming the Obfoago of the West.
The grain, whiob in some parte of Mani-
toba and the West has bean thio year
blighted by rant, is in this vicinity a
splendid harvest. Home seekPS'S aro
still $caking in and the country le foot
becoming Battled. Farmers living from
60 to 160 miles away drive to in great
wagons to do their marketing. An these
journeys quite often take days or even
weeks, they provide themselves with
aovered•wagone in whinh to sleep, or else
tents which they pitch on the prairie
when night bag overtaken them, One ,
day recently a esttler and his daughter
drove into town with two large wagons.
They had driven 200 miles to boy their
Winter euppliee and expected the return -
trip to take them about two woelis.
We have had the most beautiful
weather this Fall, Meer, warm days such
as one eepeote'in Outsets) but dose at
always get, followed by still, cool es, u
Inge. And the minute 1 As l look , nt
of the window now at the n000611g s,to,
hOw I wieb fot the pen of an artist that
I might' describe to yott. those etude. us .
enticing of departing day. Sunsets ]u.,
Ontario are often glorione lent in n0
sense 000 they compare with tbie .
magnificent epoctnole whlnh eight aftem
night eteeieliea its mighty fingerer arl"bS
the Sky in ridges of crimson and gold.
I remain
A WaNncnnon,