HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-11-3, Page 8WALL PAPER Many people for several reasons think that the Fall is the right time to have their papering done. During the Summer so much time is spent out of doom that many rooms are really unused for those months, and it is with the coming of colder weather that it is thought advisable to have the house brightened up by re -papering. We have re- oeived several shipments of new Paper, so are all ready to supply your needs in this line. Paper for any room and Prices Low. F. T DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTenN mammas W. 0. & e. Trains leave Brueeele Station, North and South, as follows: Go3Ne Boom GOING NORTH. Mail 7:15 a.m !Mixed 9:00 man Mixed.....,...18:80 a.m I Mail •.•.--180 p.m Express 3:58 p.m Express ...... 8:85 p.m Toni Rtirrs A ohiel'o amang ye fakir' notes, Aa' faith he'll punt is. NovEMBsa. Comeau meeting next Monday evening. Soa000 Board will meet Friday evening of next week. INaetlnmea0NT lights are being installed at the Grand Trunk depot this week. This will be a great improvement. Tnusopaz Was a quiet day in town owing to the electors of the neighboring townehipe being boey with the election. Banns oheeee factory oloeee for this 0880811 tbie week. It flee had e, line run and realized good prices for the output this year. A TEM Wake were on the program last Monday evening. They were not a0 numerous as on some other years but about as nonsensical. Samaras evening an At Home will be held fr the Orange Lodge here by Brae• eels Orangemen. A mueioal and literary program will be presented. WE are informed that the celebrated violinist George A. Fox will be here with Harold Jarvis on the 9111 of Dea8m• her in 00nneoti20 with the Tennis Club Concert. Da. BUTLER COmIN8.-00 Tuesday, Nov. 22nd Dr. Butler, specialist, of Lon. don, will be at the American Hotel, Brussels, where he may be oonenIted from 8.30 p. m. "JERRY from Kerry" was presented in the Town Hall on Wedoeedey evening of this week to a good audience. They do the rollicking in their presentations and give mauy opportunities for a hearty laugh. They have a good Band and orchestra. The former gave a street parade Wednesday noon. A. REM, of Langdon, North Dakota, formerly of Brueeele, sent THE Pon a sample ballot of their "doings" in eleotion matters. There is no shortage of condi• dates. In the list known in tbie locality are Arobie Sellers jr„ for Sheriff, Robt. Work for Auditor • and W B MR. Woon, of Rookwood, was in town this week. He expeote to move to Bras. Bele and take charge of the woolen factory in the course of a few weeks. Tem storehouse at Capt. Stretton'e property, Tarnberry dent, North, has been Bold to Thomas Newsome and re- moved to the tatter's lot on Queen street. Ox October 10th Charles MaPhereon, art father of F. R. MaPhereon, Bineo h, died at the home of his son, aged 80 years. Mre. MoPhereon jr. ie a daughter i Brussels, and a in Is r t Bra Mrs. John o 0 of S , resident of tate lane. former ee p LICENBE OoMMIseIoNERe-A meeting of East Huron Lioenee Commissioners will be held at the Central Hotel, Brussels, on Tuesday of next week at 11 a. m. Linen• see will be eigoed and issued and state. menta, Nos• 3 and 4 will be completed. A rain of earning, which had lighted from a burning lamp, threatened foe a moment a rather serious blaze at Geo. Zwioker'e residences, over his store on Dundee street East, London, Friday even. ing, about 8 o'alook. The fire was ex. tingniehed by the men from the'East London brigade. The Central brigade also reeponded. Mrs. Zwioker is well known to Braeeelitee being Miee Lizzie Sample of other days. A VERY pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at the reeidenoe of Wm. Bolster, Beatorth, on Wednesday morning of last week at six o'olook, when hie snood daughter, Elizabeth Margaret, was united in marriage to L. G. Kruee, of Wingbam, formerly ot Brueeele. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. H. Larkin. The bride, who was given away by her Lather, was gowned in gray voile over gray Bilk, trimmed with silk rnoh. in00 and real lace. Atter partaking of a dainty wedding breakfaet,the bride and groom left for Guelph, Heepeler and other pointe, the bride wearing s brown travelling exit with bat to match. THs POST uuitee with the many friends of Mr. and Mre. Kruse in extending congratula- tion and best wishes. Paseo Awes. -The Orangeville Ban- ner, of Oot. 271h, gives the following ao• oonat of the decease of Robt. Gordon a brother to Mrs. R. Paul and Min Gor• don, of Brueeele:-"Robert Gordon, one of the early settlers of Amaranth town• ship, passed away early on Sunday morn- ing atter an illnea of two years or more, due to heart and kidney trouble. The declaimed was 66 years of age and is survived by a widow and a family of two eons and four daughters. He was a native of: Ireland, lent 08mo to this country early in life, settling in Amar• anth shortly aftewarde. He wae a man Dickson, of upright disposition, frugal, indaetrious for State Attorney. FAorola To RE REnawT-Philip Ament intendo rebuilding hie planing mill to rep1000 the one destroyed by fire. The old foundation will be utilized and the new aeme01 building will be 60x76 feet, two stories, with a dry kiln 25x50 feet. Work will be pushed right along and with good weather the factory will soon be completed. Mr. Ament has a Large and well eetabliehed trade and the public will be well pleased to hear of his rebuilding. GRAND TRDN8 BE100INa.-Daring the past week ehipping has been as follows :- Ranetord Bros., 6 oars salt, two of them to Winnipeg ; Blesses. Livingston and MoFadden, 2 oars eogae baste to Berlin ; R. Thomson, 2 oars apples to Emereon, Man , ; Mr.'Hemliok, oar apples to Win. nipeg ; A. 0. Dames, oar of lambs ; Geo. Beet, oar of oattle ; A, Backer, oar of baled hay ; R. Graham, oar of wheat ; Cober & Sone, oar enters. Inward, oar ot cement, 0. P. R. Walton ; traction engine for W. H. Cole, Grey ; and oar of tile for R. McNaughton. Rev. I. 10. Wsan, inoambert of St. John's ohuroh, has not boon es well dur- ing the pest week and is still ill at the home of Jamee Joneo. In addition to Ion' physicians Dr. Shaw, of London, was here to see him. Thos. Webb, of Luoan,wee waiting on his brother for a few days and Edward Webb, of Granton, another brother, is bare now. Rev. Mr. Webb has had several hemorrhages and will likely be removed to the hospital at London when able to undertake the journey, His many Mende wieh him a speedy oonvalesoenoe. DnpvTY RETURNING OP'eiooaa.-Fallow• ing is the Het of the Deputy Returning Officers for the East Riding of Huron in oonneetion with the Dominion Election on Thursday of this weak :-Blyth, No. 1, Philip Willows; No. 2, Wm. Camp- bell. Brussels, No. 1, Geo, Rogers ; No. 2, W. M. Sinclair ; No. 8, A. Conley. Grey Township, No, 1, Jno. Outt ; No, 2, Wm. Work ; No. 8, Alex. Stewart ; No. 4, Jno, McTaggart; No.5, Jno, Moln8osh No, 0, Amos Smith ; No. 7, A. Reymann. Howlok Township, No. 1, Jno. Goady ; No. 2, Jno. Darroch ; No. 8, Jamee Hanle ; No. 4, Jno, Hennoberg ; No, 6, Hugh Hutobineon ; No. 6, Riah.Bntohart, Morrie Township, No, 1, Andrew Sloan ; No, 2, Wm. J. Shortreed ; No. 8, George Hood ; 11o, 4, Malcolm Biaok 1 No, 5, Wm. Elston ; No. 6, Stewart Sotilife, Tarnberry Township, No. 1, Alex, Kelly No. 2, Jno. Bargees ; No. 8, Alex. Mo. ?hereon ; No. 4, Geo, B. Scott. Wing. ham, No, 1, Frank ?anemia ; No. 2,'P. C. Graham ; No. 8, Peter Deane; No. 4, Jno. Elder, Wroxeter, No, 1, John Brethaner ; Ent Wawanooh, No, 1, Dixon I'. Salker ; No. 2, Time. H. Tay. Ion 1 No. 8, Wm. J. Currie; No, 4, Jno, Gibbons, habits and was highly respected by his neighbors and friends. He was a member and staunch supporter of the Methodist Manch. The sone 'are, GeorgeE., general merchant at Laurel, and Norman, a farmer in Melanathon, and the daughtero, Mre. Ed, Wallace, Mre. Oliver Cooney, Mrs. Robert Tribble, all of Amaranth, and Mies Annie, who resided with her parents. W. J. Gordon, of Orangeville, and Wesley Gordon, of Amaranth, are brothers. The funeral waebeld to Laurel oemetery on Tneeday afternoon. Serv- ing were held in Laurel. Methodist aura, Rev. E. J. Adams officiating, aseieted by Rev. J. J. Coulter. The pallbearers were Robt. Patterson, R. A. Bantle, John Riohardeoo, Wm. Hamil. ton, Matthew Varian and John S. Spence," Mrs. Paul and Mies Gordon attended the funeral, going to Orangeville on Monday. Standard Bank of Canada ti..Jsw.a.anXR207mee ee, 1672 0TALASURPLUS, OR 1,000,000 8DIS RESERVE 1000,00 A Gr emeriti 7Bntslulu • ]Brxs1uaedaN Trn.nijaeteci — SAVINGS BANKY"e`- -DEP08ITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on which INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROlt DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK 11ATE, AOORUED INTEREST ie added to animate every six months and beoomee prinoipal. -MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposits without the intervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE, BALE NOTES GASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be tett for BAPE•KEEPING only for which no oharge he mode. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oaretul and courteous attention, A. C. MACFARLANE, AomxT, PERSONAL, PARAGRAPHS. Mandy MaLeunan, of London, was in Brueeele Wednesday of this week boom- ing the drag business. Mre. Willfoog and children, or Lie• towel, are visiting the former'° mother, Mre. Peter Bishop. Brussels. Roy Ainlay arrived home lest Satur• day from a holiday outing to Manitoba. He enjoyed die trip very much, Reid Moore, of Trowbridge, and Mrs. Hewitt and baby, of Kincardine, were mulling on relatives in Brussels' this week. Mre. Obae. Dodds was tbreateeed with an attack of appendiaitie but we are pleased to state that she is considerably better now. Mre. Walter Smith was ander the dootor'0 oare thio week. Mr, Smith oontinnee much the same exoepting that hie weakness inoreaeea. Mre. Greensidee and Mre. Morrison, of Atwood, were the goeets of Mre. B. Wilton last week. Tho Bret mentioned lady is Mre. Wilton's sister. George Brewer, who has spent the past month with friendein Seaforth, is beak to town and wilt spend tbe Winter here. Ilia health is fairly good. Alex. McKay, Queen street, is in real poor health and hie condition ie a canoe of anxiety to hie many friends, We hope a change for the better will soon eneae. G. T. R .Station Agent Henry is away to Muskoka on a well deserved holiday and will enjoy a deer hunt. Relieving Agent Moore is supplying at Braseels depot. Mre. W. J. Halliday and children, of Oalgary, N. W. T., are visitors with the Misses Halliday, Albert street, Mr. Halliday was a former Broeeelite. He bas done well in the West we are pleased to know. Alby Robinson, the genial repreeenta- tive of Rioharda' Pure Soap, Woodotook, was in town on Wednesday. He has just returned from a visit to the 98. Louie Expoeition. Everybody should see it according to Mr. Robineon'e opinion, Business Locals. 20 young pigs for sale. Lot 9, Con. 10, Grey. L. H000mena. A YELLOW dog lost, last week, Finder please leave it et Tim Poem Publishing Homme. A Fame smooth, true, feet and easy out eau be made when saws are gummed, filed and an by T. McGregor, Mill street, Brneeels• SLIGHTLY used Mason Ricoh piano for sale, 7* octave, worth $460 but will be sold considerably below that if taken at once. Enquire et THE Pon Publishing House. Braax Collie dog, with white nook and legs came to the home of G. A. Deadman, Brunets. The owner is requested to prove property, pay for this notice and take it away. G. A. DEADMAN. Boma and tan hound lost on 7th line Morrie on Monday Oat. 31st. Answers to name of "Fox." Any information leading to hie reoovery will be thank. fully reoeived. PETER DUOLRY, Brae• eels. Mrs. Geo, Rogers is visiting at Walker. ton. Harry Dane, of Gerrie, °pent Sunday in town. Will. Grieve was home for a few days from Brantford, R. Leatberdale and Mies Pearl were visiting relatives at Gorrie, Mise Lottie Ardell, of Gerrie, spent Sunday with Mies Lena Baeker, W. H. and Mem, Salter are vieiting relatives at Exeter for a few days. R. H, and Mrs. Green, of Trowbridge, were visitors in town on Tneeday. Miss Violet and Eva Cooper were visiting friends in Seaforth over Sunday. Mies Cora Williamson, of Belgrave, has been vieiting her eieter, Mre. Ed. Lowry. Mrs..MeDowell, of McKillop, ie visit. ing her 9098088, J. and Mre. Currie, Brneeels. Aehley and Eddie Lowry have gone to Toronto where they are employed at their trade. airs Friendship and dadghtete, of Teeswater, were renewing old friendships in Brueeele. Mtge McLeod, or Woodetook, ie Visiting her aunt end nnale at the American Hotel, Brueeele. Mre, J. W. Wille and mien Little, of Hallett, were guests of Mre, Little, Mill street, this week. R, W. Matheson, formerly of Brunie, was elected Seoretary of Luoknow Curl- ing Club last week. Etneat Miller hoe been off duty owing to a temporary heart ailment, We hope he will goon be o. k, Chas, Broadfaot arrived beak Irons Chicago on Tumidity. He reports that hie elder is making good vogue ohne the medical operation. First Term Examination. CONTINUATION GLASSES. Booms 1 & 2, Foam III, Examined in Arith„ Clomp., Hist., 412tin and Algebra. Total 500 B Rose 481 A Roes 440 C MoOraoken „399 R Forrest 398 E Haneald 886 M Dark 889 J McCracken 868 A MaQoarrie ..280 H Ainlay 865 L Turobnll n a F Davidson 346 `B Hii g toa 199 R Bryana 389 M ,1loRae 196 *Omits Euo, and Anaieot History. FORD II -Examined in Duo., Alg., Comp., Arith., Chem. and Latina Total 560 ; Honore 412. B Moses 499 J Elliot 408 J Randa 490 N Lowia& ..•,386 I' Feaeer - 474 W Stevenson •.385 8 MaQoarrie 470 J Mooney 871 B Bryana 466 0 Jackson ....849 E Cameron ,454 L Straoban....304 0 Buena 448 W Forrest ....262 N NoNaaght 427 A Soott 248 Fou& I. -Examined in Arith., Geo., Gram., Alg , Latin and Comp, Total 600 ; Ionone 450. L Lamont ...,560 el Fear 609 G Roes 489 0 Spier 469 J Thompson 458 N Spatting 466 T Zimmer 449 H Brothers 447 433 399 897 589 588 JH. CAMERON, Prinoipal. Mose E. 0. Scott. D McDonald ..316 J Armstrong ..815 W Cameron -.808 A Smith 806 M MoArter 800 J Btraohan 286 H Hogg G Barron T Dark F Hunter J Elliott 843 S Armstrong 848 E Wilton 809 L Binolair 292 N Gaynor 284 R Sinclair 279 T MoDonald 273 H Rozell 262 M Colvin 224 H Ohristopber212 B Whitfield203 M Fulton 165 ="` METROP CAPI'1'AG--Paid up UTA $1,001,00() RESERVE FUNDI . $1,000,000 11K snivelers 8, J, 1d00R1D, REV. R, H, WARDEN, D. D„ Prenidout. V,na•Presidont, O 00,11nAD811Aw, v LA, me nom= Mn, W. Browne= = MLANE, E.0, A. n, '100000ON, n, 0. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO AL MANAGe W. D. 10068 - - (INNER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 51 and upwardo BRUSSELS finad f="H A. ID, MELLISH, Manager. PUBLIC SCHOOL. Room 3, ENTEANoz-Examined in Eng. Hist., Arith., Geo., Spell. and Oomp. ; total 500. Honors - K Deadman....460 M Brothere....425 W Straohan.,..451 R Cunningham 884 G Armetrong ..484 L MoOraoken ..381 F MoKenzie.,,.429 A Tbomeou....879 Paveed- C Bell 862 L MoArter ,.,,298 0 Holmes 369 K asthenia „284 V McKenzie 347 E Amont 282 W Turnbull....342 W Henderson -256 V Wilbee 835 0 Soott 265 M Miller 832 L Leatberdale..178 P Baeker 308 W MrQearrie „158 B Stubbs 802 S Campbell ....92 A McMillan., •302 A Jackson 82 JR, IV. -Examined in Arith., Lit„ Phys. and Oomp. ; totet 500. Honors - J Leckie 400 0 Simmons....381 Passed - CHURCH CHIMES. Monthly Missionary Day in the Meth• odiet Sabbath School next Sabbath afternoon. Service will be held in tba R. O. ohnroh, Brnasels, next Sabbath morning, at 1080 a. m. Rev. L. H. Wagner, of Berlin, wae elected president of the Ontario Sabbath School Aeeooiation. Owing to the sadden illness of Rev, I. M. Webb, incumbent, the neual services in St. John's church were can. celled last Sunday. Rev. Thee, Hioke, of Milburne, will take the eervioee in St. Jobn'e church, Brae. Bele, next Sunday. He will also be at St. Seorge'e ohnroh, Walton, in the after• noon, Rev. Dr. Pletcher, ex•Moderator of the Presbyterian Genera/ Assembly, is to retire from the pastorate of Maonab street ohnroh, Hamilton, at the end of the year. Next Sabbath morning the eaorament theolose of the will be dispensed a t preaching service in the Methodist ohnroh, Brnasels. Following the evening service the gnonterly testimony meeting will be held. The Leagne will be with- drawn for that evening, Rev. T. W. Close= preaohed Sabbath morning from the text St. Linke II -1, the 0nbleat being "The School of Prayer." In tbe evening Rev. D, B. McRae, of Cranbeook, gave a realer Methodist 'lemon on Mal. 8-16. Rev, T. W. Ooeens, the pastor, was at Oran - brook manning a union Bible Soolety meeting. William Bidwell, a O. P. R. brakemen, allot himself dead in a gun shop at Mont- real. Thomas Merritt, ex -policeman, was Ben• tended at Hamilton to five years for shop, breaking, W. P. Laird, barrister, of Stratbroy, and nnole of R. L. Borden, died. in •138, Joseph's Hoepits', London. J. Baboork, G. T. R. yard foreman at Fort Lite, wan frilled by being ran over while gutting off a locomotive from a train, Mr. Blair's resignation having boon alt. oepted he bag given up his oflee in the Railway Commission building first of all removing ail his papers, Hie intention la to take a long 880atiOn. H Lowry 320 N Fox 286 0 Crooke 325 A Wilton 251 H Simmons., -828 E Holmes ..,,281 0 Shaw 317 Al Edwnrde...,169 V Roee 809 R Fox 850 M Lowry 293 Mise M. T. DOWNEY, Teaoher. nom 6, OLAse V.-Totat 600 : W Lott 421 M Bishop ....268 L Lowry 888 L Booker 206 IP Lowry 358 I MaLaohlan ,.137 R MoKay 828 J E.tiott 88 G Walker 298 G Jamieson ....05 H Thuell 273 Class IV. -Total 500 : E Toole 448 W Harvie 342 G Oolvin 446 T Snider 828 L Ballantyne ..408 E Moore 191 0 Crone 384 J Habkirk .,..146 3 Turnbull 368 V MeCra oken ..9 4 H Walker 858 Cum III.-Exoellent-T Deadman, S Sample, R Barkley, 0 sober, A Mo. Lachlan. Good -W Denman, H Bon• etaa, E Cooper, E Cooper, E Lowry, B Wilbee, L Holmes, W Stephenson, Orrin II -Excellent -W Armstrong, B Kerr, H Fox, A Roe, G Edwards. Good -L Bargees, M MoFarlane, E Dation. CLAes I. Yxoellent-3 Ballantyne, L Jaokson, R Sinclair, J MoLaohlan, L MoOraoken, Good -B Beoke, W Cooper, Irl Garter. Fair -L Snider, J Jamieeou, E Barton. MISS J. N. RITCHIE, Teacher, T Armstrong ..847 H Moore 278 S Walker 388 E Speiran ....265 S Ament 882 E Ewan 236 F Mairprize ..328 F Scott 228 A Bishop 811 W Scott 226 E Wilton 306 0 Gerry 210 3 Wilton 294 E Colvin 137 T Caber 288 W Wilton 92 0 Deubow —285 J Wilbee 85 Mess HATE WmeoN, Teaoher. ROOM 4. So. III. -Examined in Spell., Arith., Gram., Geog„ Hiet. and Read. Total 500 ; Honore 875. F Scott 407 W Adams 448 M Jones 442 0 Ament ..,.,488 J Henderson 488 W Bell 421 A Rose 420 B Curry 419 Z Lindsay 409 B Dark 891 K Ameet 878 N Ewan' 875 V Walker 374 A Robb 372 0 Motel Wan 371 B Leckie 828 De W ()opens 827 I' Gerry 804 E Wilbee 200 I Barkley 212 E sober 208 Evnnaicm--Laa8e -At the Manse, Oran• brook, on Oot. 26th, by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr, (Merlin E. Eveleigh, to Mies Elizabeth Jane Lucas, both of Grey. F0LTON--GILLEe1IR-.At the reeidenae of the bride's parents Seaforth, on October 26111, byRev, F. H. Larkin, Mies M8jory Gillespie, only daughter of Mr. John Gillespie, to Mr, James Fulton, of Grey townehip. KRUse-SOLATes-At the remidenoe of the bride's parents, on October 261h, by Rev. F. H. Larkin, Mr. L G. Kruse, of Winghom, to Mies Elizabeth Margaret, seoond daughter of Mr, Wiliam Sclater, of Seaforth. RING -7O0REY-At the Conn street M. E. aharoh, Flint, Michigan on Ootober 12891, by Rev. J. R. Beach, Mr. Jarred 0. King, eon of Mr. and Mrs. George King o. f Myth, to M ies Ina BLxnohe daughter of Justice and kin. 8, M. Torrey, of Flint, Mali. W sat con. Mre. R. Dennis is visiting at Mrs. Kenny's. The residence of Jamee MOMillan has been undergoing improvemeote. George Candler and Simon Barrows have completed a transfer of residences. Communion service will be held in the Hall next Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Baker officiating.. James McMillan will make a visit to Sturgeon Falls taking advantage of the Hunters' Exoureion. There was no service in St. George's ohuroh last Sabbath, owing to the sudden relapee of Rev. L M. Webb. Mrs. and Mise Jean Harvey, who have been visiting at Rev. S. Baker's, left on Tbnreday for their home in Wyoming. Our champion trotballer, Gordon McDonald, goes to Toronto on Saturday to pley with the Galt eleven. He will also accompany them to St, Louie to take part in the international game there, We predict the epeofatore of that game will bee stare. The trustees of our public school have engaged the eervioee ot Mise Kate Telfer, of Grey townehip, as teaoher for 1905, at a salary of $815. Mise Telfer is attend- ing the Model Sobool now. We wish her moues. At one time it took two teaohere to manage school affairs hero but the attendaooe bas greatly decreased owing to the pupils growing up and the supply not equalling the demaud to keep the ante fall. Howous Hr.Nonon.-The Mitohell Ad. voonte of last week eels of a former teeident of this locality :-R. Mowbray, of the firm of Mowbray & Sawyer, furni- ture dialers and undertakers, returned on Saturday from Syraouee, N. Y., where he bad been during the past five weeks attending the Gennng Simmons Embalm• ing Institute. While there, Mr, Mowbray was anooesefol in obtaining three diplomas for emhakning, viz : One from the Embalming College, one from the New York State Board, entitling the holder to praotioe embalming, and a New York State License. Before coming to Mitohell Mr. Mowbray was engaged with Bates & Dodds, ore of the leading un- dertaking Arms of Toronto, where he be. came thoroughly acquainted with the business, and now, with the additional knowledge and experience obtained, he is prepared to do anything in the line ot undertaking and embalming. Mowbray & Sawyer have RB fine an equipment of beaten an eau be found in Ontario, and cannot be nulled in their line of work. • Jo. III. -Examined in Spell., Arith Gram„ Geod., Writ. and Read. Total 460 ; Honore 888. E Deadman„„442 O.Leokle 318 S Speiran 412 Willie Long....818 G Coseley 890 G Wilbee 818 J Armstrong ,.379 W Sperling 812 H Armstrong ..816 L Lamont ,.,305 V Ainlay 370 B Fox 800 0 Lowry 869 E Somers 298 E Plum .... „866 8 Gerry 296 B Hanle 847 M Walker ....294 E Gilpin 846 K Wilton 292 L Denman ....881 B Walker 279 W Miller 380 W Long 268 B Warwick ....829 M Burgess .,269 M Thomeon....827 H Cam pbell288 H Mooney ....825 W Ainlay 185 Moos D. M. SMxTH, Teaoher. Root, 5. Sn, IL -Examined in Arith., Spell., Geog., Lit. Comp. and Total 450 ; Honore 838, W Kerr 410 1 Strachan 409 P Dark - 876 R Elaine 887 F Stubbs 838 II Lamont 327 G Kerr 326 R MoOraoken828 JR. II Cleo.- Ajelloore 388 E Barkley ,.,.388 S Burgess ....324 E Cooper - 288 W McKay ....201 F Robb 258 W Motaohlan2117 H Ament 257 M Thomson,,,,207 L Bateman ., ,.81 H Bargeoe ,.•.290 S Brother° .„.269 n=•ar+- 00011oN.-In Amaranth, on Oet. 23rd, Robert Gordon, brother to Mre. R. Pal, Brunelle, aged 06 years. Bwrmzon.-At Oranbrook, on Oat. 28th, Agnes, beloved wife ot Jno. W. Switzer, aged 56 years. .E'270TI021' Fruit .,tines TUESDAY, Nov. BTB. -Farm, farm stook, implements, &o, Lot 12, Con. 4, Gray. Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook p, m. H. McQuarrie, Prop. F. S. Soott, Ana. TH8110OAY, Nov. 10. -Ferro etoak, im- plemonte, &a., N Lot 20, Oen. 3, Morrie. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'alook. Eli W. Sellers, Prop. R. H. Garnier, Ana. MONDAY, Nov. 14. -Farm stook, im• plemente, &o., N ,} Lot 64, Coo. 1, Morrie. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'olook. J. D, Miller, Prop• F 8. Bontt, Ano, TUESDAY, Nov. 15. Young cattle, Lot 8, Oen, '2, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m. Thee. Stokes, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ano. FRIDAY, Nov, 18. -Farm stook, impie• menta, &o., Lot 8, Con. 12, Grey. Sale, Unreserved, at 1 o'olook. John McFad- den, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ana. Only one student wae arreeted in the Hallowe'en prooeedings at Toronto, The Princess Theatre performance wee dietorbed. John T. Evans, of Si. Thomae, died from heart disease aggravated by being thrown out of his buggy when his horse wa0 frightened by Hallowe'en revellers, A sad shooting accident marred at Button Saturday afternoon, Two boyo named Hilliard Millard and Norman Taylor, mash aged about thirteen years, were at rabbit bunting. Not getting any game, they hod decided to return home, when Taylor proposed dieohargiug their gene, doing so as he epoke, When Millard raieod hie, it accidentally die. charged, the shot striking Taylor on the nock and rhouldor. He was dead when help arrived. Great 6ympathy is felt in the town, as the boys were warm Mende and theirparents well known and highly reepeoted. mime ex e;a e- rm•S6.A.RZi:MTee, Fall Wheat 70 1 00 Barley88 40 Peas 68 40 Oats 28 29 Butter, tubs and rolls18 14 Eggs per dozen 17 18 Hay per ton 5 00 6 00 Flour, per owt 5 60 6 00 Potatoes per hue 50 60 Applee (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hoge, Live 4 50 4 60 Wool 17 18 emmixame Mims, -In Grey, on Oat. filth, to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Amee, a daughter, MoKELvo',-At the Louisville Parsonage, on Oot. 18811, to Rev. A, I. and Mre. McKelvey, formerly of Wroxeter, a daughter. .a.L.A.R R27rTJ, AITOn290N-ANDRagON-At the residence of the bride's Parente, Blyth, on October 25615, by Rev, Dr. Mania, Rev. W. W, Aitchison, of Dornoch, to Mies Janet, second dengilterof bIs, and Mtg. J. Andereon, of Blyth, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN.. ---019— "Fruit Liver Tablets” ILII LAMBS FOR SALE, Loloestora. Lot 28, Oml, c, Morris. Eligible for registration. R. NICHOL. M EACIi IE WANTED. -S. S. No. 18, Howiok and Grey, for 1905. A pplicatione, stating salary, reoeived until November 2209. THOS. BENNETT, 17.8 See: Treae., . Molesworth. OOLEN BUGGY RUG LOST between Brussels and Walton, 008. 20,red and black striped !on ono side and plain on other side, The finder will hfndly oblige the owner by leaving it at Timm PoeT Publishing House, Brussels. The Laxative or Liver Prin• oiple extracted from fresh, ripe unit by a uew and saientifio process condensed into Tablet form, note most effectively on the stomaah, liver, bowels and kidneys, Very pleasant to bake. 50e. per box at Drug Store T EIOESTEBS F01I, SALE.- 1J 4 good Shearling and 8 Ram Lambe. Also young Short Horn Bulla from 7 to 20 months, : minding the 108 prize Senior Bull Galt at Host Huron Pall Show, Alae a no mbar of COWS cod Heifers. Will be sold. cheap and ou terns to suit buyers. DAVID 1d1L011l, Ethel, Ont. 1:?,,F1AID To`. MLAR, SUITS acid OVERCOATS FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN, BOYS AND CHILDIREN. Our stock is now large and very complete in all lines and we are prepared to show you Styles, Qualities and Prices which are certainly in favor of the buyer. If you require a suit of Clothes or an Overcoat you make no mis- take in coming direct to our Clothing Department. We would especially direct the attention of the Ladies to our splendid display of Fine Furs. Astrachan Jackets this season are very choice and prices are no bigher'but rather lower than last season for the same qualities. We also have an excellent assort- ment of Scarfs, Ruffs, Storm Collars, Muffs, Gauntlets and Oaps. Don't forget our Ready-made Clothing and Fur Departments They are all Right. No Fancy Prices. Everything Cheap. A.LITACIIAN x©cXs:luL XXXXxxx Xxxxxxx=x 0 MOK INNON & Co. QQ� 1:=1-7T. CORSETS �, A. I� T E We melte a specialty of Ladies' Ooreete. We do not confine ourselves to any partiou'ar matte. We examine all samples, end eeleot the beet etylee Item each matter's goods. We have just borted up our stook in the following lines : -B. and 0. Corsets, in white, drib and tan, straight front, military hip, steel filed, at 60o, 75a and $1. -13, and I, Ooreen in drab and white, Vermeil gontille, straight front, dip hip, lased with 8loe,e, at $1 and $1 26. - fjromptorx's Comte, in all their bast makes, including the Yatiei, Victorie, Tape, Girdle, etc„ at 50o, 76e, $1 and $1'25, - 1). and A, Conde, in great variety, in drab and white, straight front, military hip, at 500, 75o and $1• - E• T. Oriente, in all sizes, straight front, dip hip, trimmed With Igoe and ribbon, at 50a, 750 and $1. -Ohildreil'e Common Sense Watson at 25e and 85a. - Misses' Coreete, in all eine, at 50o. • We a large 08yle0 and to see oar dxessii�,g�ns, arrm1mepe ,pqq, �l p ea'bt+r'l NxboL'yl =:a alta LADIES' NECKWEAR got a great snap in Ladies' Nealrwear this week. Wo had to buy quantity to get them at -tiro low price. They acme in all the now cetera, and we Lira selling them away below rngular prises, Aek Ladies' New B�,BanItB. Ea��Wxxgco�sxxhowrra��nfr��o{{iofi�g�,aaant r�ta�rsfaagagqf��n��all w��the grnpoqcw� •� � ' o- sdat,r�wb,:JxWdxL: - .J�m JWar�mr�mela.tiiaetee,WbeabdWWo