HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-11-3, Page 6IF IS A 1NG Christ is an Absolute Monarch in the Christian World. :Mitered according to Act of the Par- father to take her back, "13ut, 5110 llentent of Cmoischs in the yeer one Thousand Nine Bemired and Four, nes disgraced my home," said he. by Wm. Deity, of Toronto, at the "I cannot, I will not take lien back." Department 0 Agriculture, ottawee) spa, ama,,, said Joseph: parker., "hi your yotinger days have not you A despatch from Los Angeles, Cal., 3.0arse11 also been guilty of sin?" Says: Ltev. Frank De Witt, Talmage said the father, "but I am a preached from the following text:- man and she is a woroan. The John viii„ 5, "What sayest thou?" world judges ians sins differently Have you studied constitutional from a. woman's sins." 'Pliat is • law? Without doubt it offers one of so:' said Parker. "Man judges ninn's the most appetizing feasts ever spread sins dilTerently from woman's sins, in the bangnet hall of tho mental but Christ judges both the sins the epicurean. It follows with unerring same, 'He that is without sin eye the ramifications of a govern- among you, let him first east a stone snont's internal organism, even as a at her.' And, parent, if you will reedited student searches out the en- not be merciful to your daughter's tangled pathways of the nerves and sins Cod will not be merciful with muscles and arteries of the Human Joseph. Parker had divine franie. It tells es where the, brain authority for liis warning. Woman is, where the heart is and whY tetililse condemned is man condemned. Wo - arm is sinewy and stronIt g. man forgives.e is Man forgiven, No from whence comes the source which more, no less, Oli, 1.1111.11, if you will creates the law and whence the power which executes the layr. In the kingdom al Gad we have • also a supreme eutliority. The coma- , ells of the churches may formulate 'doctrines, make decrees and con- struct creeds and catechisms, but high over all there is the will of the great King of kings. Christ is the supreme 'ruler of his kingdom, and his word is the test by which every 'dogma and practice must be judgezi. Let us consider some of the charac- teristics of this government. NOT AN ABSOLUTE MONARCH. First, it is an absolute rn.onarcliy. We have governments on earth that see describe as absolute monarchies, meaning that they have no constitu- tion. There aro thousands of things which. the Russian czar would like to do which Ile cannot do. In an in- finitely higher 500.50 is Christ the absolute ruler in his kingdom. In his wisdom and power he governs without check, and his word Is the law and life of his people. "I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saitli the Lord, which is and was and which is to come the Almighty." .A. significant illustration of Christ's originality and his freedom from cur- rent principles and prejudices is given in the .gospels, and it may help us to understand his attitude if we study the story. One day while Jesus was teaching in the temple • surrounded by the people the seethes and Pharisees tried to entrap him. Bight, into the temple where Jesus was they dragged a trembling, fright- ened, sobbing woman who had been taken in adultery. Right through the crowds of listeners they pushed her. Then they cried out in stentor- ian tones so. that all could hear: "Master, what shall wo do with her? Shall we stone lier to death, as Moses commanded. or shall we let lier go free?" instead of Christ condemning or acquitting the poor creature, as they all supposed he must do, Ciiiiit. by his actions as well as by the word of lip con- demned the ince who were her ac- cusers. What was the meaning of that judge est? Ws cannot for a moment suppose that a being so pure as Christ thought lightly of so hein- ous a sin. It must liavebeen loath- some and abhorrent to him, but wo may learn a lesson from the way in which he treated the sinner and her accusers, a lesson all the more weigh- ty because it comes from him who is the ern/Jodie(' law of the kingdom of God. NO DISTIN'CTION AS TO SEX. Tho divine law, in the first place, makes no discrimination between the masculine and the feminine sins. It docs not come to man and smilingly say, "Husband, you have a right to be a libertine, while your wife must treact• the narrow path of virtue." It does not say, "Brother, here in the 'saloon of respectability' you can get drunk, but if your sister is found in that saloon she will be disgraced for lite." It does not say that a man can tell vile stories and fre- quent the low rime tracks and be the companion of pugilistic tlings and dissolute characters and still be re- spected, while a womau, having done wrong, can never ho allowed to enter again int e the association of the good and the true and the reepoct- able. But the divine law does say this "011, men, if the sin that this woman has committed is to be Pun- ished by. stoning, every one of yo0 who has committed the. sa.mn sin de- serves to be stoned also." A blati- phony from a man's lips in the sight of God is just as vile and culpable as a blasphemy from a Women's lipa. • The sins of Ananias and Ahab aro OR evil as the sins of Sapphiea and Jezebel. .And yet from time im- • memorial the world has always had two criminal courts in which it lies judged its moral delinquents, The one is the "court of mercy" for 0111S- • an't° offenders; the other is the "court of no liope," in whicti lynx- • eyed Judge Ilardheart sits upon the bencii, charging Ole jury ot "no re- grets" and sentencing woman defend- ant after woman defendant to a life imprisonment in the "penitentiary of • despair.'' tISTLY WITH TUE EBBING The highest compliment which In chivalric times could be given about o fatter was, "Ills 'daughters were all virtuous and his sons Were all breVe." But why should not the 50110 be virtu/els as well as the ilittightlire? And yet mane -0 bitte•r ; „man, ceneorlotie and guilty men - thou art ready to condemn thy in tho temple, in the building of worship of Jesus Christ, oh, sinful man, you may hear the voice of the litastee offering SIM Pardon of sin! You can hear Sim if, like tho broken hearted woman at the feet of Christ, you are a repentant sinner. You can if you will say, "Lord, Nave me and save me now." That pardon through Christ is the prinnine of the divine law. Will you take it? \Vill you re- CeiVe it DOW? TERRIBLE JAPANESE FIRE. Story of the Destruction of a Rus- sian Battery. The destruction of 0 11110$11.111 mit- t:city in ono of the recent engitg,entents is thus described by M. Nentirovach Donthenito, the special correspondent of the Russkyl Slovot--- "Scores of sharpnel casee explode at the same time above the doomed betimes Scores of flees flash from the white clouds, scores of clouds melt into a larger one, shutting from us the unfortunate flat space, the black spots. Tho awful business of the Japanese gunners- is not inter- rupted for a moment, innumerable grenades brenk anew into n tritest - Pliant chorus. They did inro the soil of the hill and tliromv up brown mass- es of cloud that appear to be tinged with Mood. These masses are soon not deal gently with an erring sis- inane:id into one, shutting out front us ter, God will never sisal gently a hell that is celebrating its cruel with you, NO DISTINCTION. Do you believe God discriminates between the sins of the social class- es? If you do, let me by the scene of my text disabuse your mind of that surmise. Come, let us push our way through the multitudes crowd- ing in the temple and find out %elle from (Impair to hope. A little mote compose that group. Who are those space, and it will answer the for's strong, fine looking men standing in fire. front of Christ? They are not in- "What does it matter that bullets significant clerks. They are not lab- are 2101V whistling near our heads, orers or farmers who have come in- that the foe is fising vs from some to town with dust begrimed clothes. They aro not hirelings or beggars or men and women who Mons perpetual movings have become tramps anti vagabonds. Most of that group just in front of Christ have keen intellec- tual faces. They have in their pliy- sical movements the actions of suc- cessful men. They have in the glance of their eyes the searching The blects lines are powerless and bi- power which bespeaks command. lent. No black spots are discernible "Those men," wrote Dr. Strome, and the little cubes are moving down - "were the scribes. They were the ward% The battery itself is buried doctors of the law and the Otter's's_ under heaps of sliarpnel fragments tors of the Scripture." These other and Ole debris of shells; it is Mer- men are the Pharisees. They 10111 0 SO POltiell 10.1. to keep themselves out- wardly unspotted from heathen cus- toms that they carried extracts flom the ITebrew law about with there in boxes. The removal of the guns little boxes or phylacteries. They could not be thought of. No horses had these boxes strapped to their could enter this hell and cinema foreheads that all men might see them. But when these 131011, these leaders of Jerusalem, were standing there condemning a poor outcast IVO - man fm her sins Christ in silence was snaking, figures upon the ground with his fingers in which they might read their own condemnation. NO IMMUNITY GIVEN, But I find in the ne:e0 place an - law does not accept zeal in bringing has become more than a fad. Every other trenchant lesson. The divine others to justice as a ground for ab- solving the prosecutor of his own wrongdoing. The scribes and Phar- isees cannot atone for their sins by donna -icing and condemning others. Though a man might prove every other matt a living example of total depravity and devote his lite to the exposure and arraignment of ten:a- blate, he must take his own place at the bar and answer the. indict- I specialist, and they cry out that ment of his 0800 iniquities. Instances 'there are no 10000 old women, have been known et a criminal under human government securing for him- self immunity from punishment for his own crimes by betraying his lead - victory there, "We still distinguish in this pitchy smoke the rare answering rays of 'our' lire, the dull someils of our shots. There tho dying battoy sounds with a volley. Another! lt will still struggle on; it will silence them. We listen greedily! We naes Note -The following eel tele has been widely published and is one of the inost, remarkable illentretions 05 tho video of carob)} marshalling end analysis of fats in presenting 11. Silh- iCet to tho publics LEVELERS, unknown place, that two soldiers have already fallen close by'? Thai, as hell itself in the end. Once they a whole battery Is coming to an end get th•m bold enough to show their amid terrible convulsions. , strength, they insist upon governing "A few moments more mud very and drive the victim steadily towards thing is silent. We look -and we do ill health in some form; if permitted not believe our eyes, It 001, a sat_ to continue to rule, they will not tory; it is the cemetery of a battery. let up until physical and mental rein sets in. A num under that spell (anti "un- der the spell" is correct), of any one of these drugs, frequently assures himself and his friends, "Why I can leave off any thne I want to, I did quit for a week just to show I The Niseion of Whiskey, Tobacco and Cellos, The Creator made all things, NVO believe. If so, Ile must have matio these. tnow what 11(1 made food and water for, and air and sunshine, but why Wiliskey, Tobacco and Coffee? They are hese sere enough and each pernsrming its work. There must be some great tithe be- hind a all; the thoughtful men seolts to understand something of that plan and thereby to judge these ar- ticles for their time worth. Let us 1100 say "bad" or "good" without taking testimony. There 0111 times end conditions when it certainly seems to the case - al observer that these stimulant nae- coGes are real blessing,s. Bight there is the ambush that con- ceals n "killing" enemy. One can slip into the habit of either whiskey, tobacco or coffee easy enough, but to "untangle" is often a fearful struggle. It seems plain that there aro cir- cumstances when the mimetic effect of these poisons is for the moment beneficial but the fearful argument against them is that geld= ever does one And a steady veer of either whiskey, coffee or tobacco free from disease of some kind. Certninly powerful elements in their &Sect on the human race. It. is a matter of daily history tes- tified to by /acridly millions of peo- ple, that Whiskey, Tobacco and Cof- fee are smiling, promising, beguiling friends on the start, bat always false every successful man and woman and they bag the majoellY, Only now and then can a num filmed out ttgainst these "levelers" and hold Ms fortune, fame alai health to the end. So the Creator hes use for Whis- key, Tobacco and Coffee to level (.10W11 0110 Succoosful ones anti those who show signs of being successful, end keel] then). httek .in 1110 race, so that 0110 great "neltl" (the masses) may not he left too far behind. And yet IVO 1111.1141. admit that same all wiee Creator has placed it in the PUNV0V of man to stand upeight, Clothed in the armor of a clean cut steady mind arid say unto 111015011, "I decline to exchange my birthright for a mess of potage." ally covered by 0110111; there is not a free Kielce. It; was necessary to save could." It is a sure mark of the what could be saved, to take MI the slave wlien one gets to that stage. gunlocks ((ltd remove the isneratultion lie wiggled through a week fighting every day to break the spell, was finally whipped, and began his slav- ery ell over again. The slave (Coffee slave as well as Tobacco end Whiskey) daily reviews his condition, sees perfectly plain the steady encroachments of disease, 11080 the naves get weaker day by day and demand the drug that seems to smile and offer relief for a few min- utes and then leave the diseased condition plainer to view than ever and growing worse. Many times the Coffee slave realizes that, he is between two fires. He feels bad if lie leaves off, and a little worse if be drinks and al- lows the effect to wear off. alivo," •ir IS OLD AGE A CURSE? Every Woman Tries to Keep Up Perpetual Youth. One of the precious lost arts of our time is the art of growing old grace- fully. Timis is partimilarly true of women with Whom the cult of youth woman you Snow past the ty has he one purpose in life, anti that is to keep young. Beyond thirty, the entire feminine population consists of a vast army 0 Ponce de Leone en- gaged in a frantic, nerve -wearing, heart -breaking search ids the Mune tain of perpetual youth. They do not find it, of course. They find the hair -dye bottle, and the complexion In a wa;v this is tree. There are no more women who arc frankly and serenely °lie who have riccepted age graciously and without regret, and er to the others 0 the law or even by, olio are enjoying the calm Ovilight of himself executing sentence on that existence that is, perhaps, the most leader, but such men are despised for their perfidy, even by the community that profits by the treachery. A sim- ilar principle is applied ia our courts of justice when a man is allowed to turn state's evidence. It sometimes happens that there is no way of convicting a notorious criminal but by testimony of a confederate, That confederate's evidence has to 1.10 pur- chased, and the price paid is a par- don for him of his own share in the beautiful part of life. W0111011 regard growing old as the greatest curse that can befall them, but this is only because they make it so. All of lis have known brilli- ant .and beautifte young women, but when WO think of the most attractive V00.01011 WO have ever known, the tenderest and most lovable, sod the one whose charms abided with us longest it, is Of S01110 old NV0111011 "I will not deaden my senses, 1V0 0:011 my gen) on ;Affairs and keep myself cheap, 00101000 and behind in 'Ft I., . _. ,,, .,„, „„,, 16_1,). fort. Etna fame by drugging with g -'s "s• ''• us' "`" Lord permitted the Philistines and TeXeellent. Chocolate -Scald a pint . Thei rich cream sauce, whiskey, tobacco or coffee, life is Arabians to break in upon Jutlah of inilk, adding a tableepoonful and too short. it is hard enough to win ,,., , , • carry away ifehorm s substance a half of grated sweet chocolate rind the good things, without any sort of """ and Me eons and his NVINV.I., leaving a tea.spoonful of 011gur mixed with a handicap, so a man is certainly him only Ahaziab, the youngest, and little cold milk; cook, in Lite double 'Rio] trader' when be trades 110 h 111180H died an awful death, 'boiler till slightly thielconed, therx strength, health, money, and the good things that come with power, Altaziali reigned only one years elle in one beaten egg. Remove the for the half -asleep condition of the during which his mother was his lint water for a few minutes, then "dresser" with the certainty of sick- coun8elor to do wickedly, Thon hei flavor with a few drops of vanilla.. was slain by John (IT, (Amon. xxi, Serve sell's sweet cream, 11055 and disease ahead." 10; xxii, 4, 8, 0). When this whits- Mincemeat \Valiant Bransly.-Ilelf a It is a matter each individual ed Athaliah, of the house of Ahab, pound of euet, of currants, of raisins, must decide for himself. 1 -To can be SONV that her son was dead, she sts each minced fine; three and one-fourth a leaflet and semi -god if he will, or poends sugar, the juice of four good he can go along through life a drug- tempted to destroy all her son's ged clown, a cheap "hewer of wood seed 1'03'111 of the house of Judau, minced fine (disvard the white rah) chihlreu and to exterminate all the , liimons, the rind boiled tender and or carrier of water." Mix, net hito a pan, cover witli Certain it is that while the Greet and she well nigh succeeded. But Father of us all does not seem to Cod was watching over His word to .. ,,„„., • and ,, .„ , „ sueec, et AV1 0 1N,00p same inonths "mind" if some of his children aro perform it (Jer. i, 12) and iticlIned in a cold place. Cover witii sugar foolish and stupid, ho satins to select the heart of Jehoshabeath, Aliaztah'ees. , , . i lenesei any is used. Handy to others (perhaps those he intends for .sister, the wife of .1 tholada, tho' ' ' .d have rea v for "pie timber." some special worlc) and allows them Priest, to take the little babe Joash, .. to be threshed and castigated most and bis nurse and hide them in the! Scheol-Ctris' Delight. -Here is eis fearfully by these "levelers." house of Clod six years while Atha- excellent recipe for 'fudge," the Vett- If a man tries flirting with these Bah reigned over the land (versee sae discovery so dear to the 'girl: Put together two cups of school- levelersgran- awhile, and gets a few slaps 1-8; II Chron. xxii, 11, 12). Mated sugar, half a ce9 of swee as a hint, he had better take the FV0111 1.110 day that the Loyd God, hint or a good solid blow will fol- field to the devil, "I will put enmity ' milk, a piece of butter the size of ci, low. between thee and the W0111011, be- hickm•y nut and two &mare inches Witco a man tries to live upright, tween, thy seed and hor seed; Ile of Baker's chocolate. Let cook clean thrifty, sober, and undrugged, shall bi•eise thy head and thou shalt, without stirring 011 it w111 hatiden in manifesting as near as he knows bruise His heel, (Gem iii, 115), there' cold water, then heat till it begins what the Creator intends he should, had been a persistent attempt on to grain and pour on a bettered tin. happiness, health and peace seem to the part of the devil to destroy the Half a 0(11) of chopped nut meats is seed royal, or, as It is in the margin a good addition. COMO to hill1. DOOS it pay? This article was written to set imf verse of our lesson, "the 50011 of i , , 1 ,,,r09 .ottiumings.-One pint of flour, people thinking, to rouse the "God the kingdom." This is one of the i•si within" for every highly, organized main threads of truth runniug all 1.. f teaspoonful of salt (scant), two -times when they through the Bible. Cain, a child of - ' tectsinoonfule of baking powder, all man and woman has was Pees 1 sifted together two or three times, feel a something calling from within the devil (I. John iii, 12), and mixed with sufficient milk to for them to press to the front, and mated to kill his ONVII brother Abel, form a dough. Drop by- the tea - "be about the Father's business," one of the seed 0 the 'kingdom, but spoonful over chicken or meats fifteen Infinite is there and it pays in every 1 mlnytes before NO/Willi; and while don't mistake it; the spark of the God raised up Seth in his place. way, health, happiness, peace, and The attempt of the king of lugypt , ' stewing. They ON digestible on ao- eVen worldly prosperity, to break to kill all the male thildren in 1 1 count of thio lack of shortening and off the habits and strip clean for the Israel about the time that Moses work mit out forms. was born was 101001100 piece of 1110 delicious. Swedish Dolinn.-Boil a Mtge, loose It has been the business of the devil's work on that line, as was al - head of cabbage enti1 the leaves are writer to provide a practical and so the attempt of Herod to kill the soft but do not break. Take it up easy way for people to break away little babe in Bethlehem who had s,,, .,. .., , from the coffee habit mid be assured just been born the king of the Jews, 1 u,'" let*, coo!, Have ItaeY 8011(0 Lo which add about of a return to health and all of the by killing, all the male children therel cuoPPea bed', I two-thirds as much cold boiled rice; good things that brings, provided of a certain age. These are but aeon with salt, pepper, minced on- tho abuse has not gone too far, lout sampler/ of the work of him who se ion, a teaspoonful of sugar, some even thee the cases where the body when he had caused the seed of the has been rebuilt on a basis of woman to be crucified on Calvary , bread crumbs and one egg. Mix well strength and health run into the and had His body sealed up in the ' together into a soft mass with weak thousends, tomb of 'Joseph and guarded by 1 souP stock or milk. Now, cut alt It is an easy and comfortable stop ltoman soldiers fancied perhaps that , the large leaves of the cabbage, put to stop coffee instantly by having he had frustrated the purpose of a large tablespoonful of the mixture well -made Posttest Food Coffee serv- Clod, But the Son of Mary rose from' on eacli leaf, roll smelly together and ed rich and hot with good cream, for the dead and is seated at the right fasten with a toothpick. Lay the the eelor and flavor is there, but hand or God until the time shall:rolls close together in a wide kettle, none of the caffeine or other nerve come for Hint to reign, when Gen.' pour some stock or water over and destroying elements of ordinary Lit. 15. and every other purpose, cook slowly, covered. \Vitli a Fork coffee. of Cod shall be surely and literal- , turn once, so they will be evenly On the contrary the most powerful ly fulfilled. One of the last' i clone, When molt all throegli take up rebuilding elements furnished by Na- things we read of the devil in Scrips' enrefully, thicken the gravy with Ono are in Postern and they quickly tura is that he wont to snake war flour and better, flavor and pour dam is it more than 2 days after the woman which keep the command- steamed potatoes, over the i•olls. To be eaten with sot about repairing the damage. Sel- with the remnant of the seed of the change is made before the old stem- meets of God, a,ntl have the testi- ' Stuffed Egseplant.-Wasli arid wipe of kicleeys, heart, head or nerves many of Jesus Christ (Bev. xii„ 17). B. large eggplant and oar -boll it in ins ach or bowel troubles or complaints show unmistakable evidence 0 get- I do not wonder that the devil hates s, .11, . - salted watet for ten 10 ting better and ten days time and tries to get i•id of many parte 171°1 AO tes, Let it get perfectly cold, cut changes things wonderfully. of Scriotureand p eially -1,1. op .11- . Script0100, os e . me c In 1M11 lengthwise, and scrape out the Literally millioes of brain -working ing and the closing chapters, for thesr , centre, leaving the walls of die vege- table to-day use Postern hay- do so show him up and tell his table three-quarters of an inch thick. mg found the value and common ' Chop the pulp 1Ino and add to it a + ' doom captains and brought them to the a cupful of bread crumbs, a table - 0. 31t. POST. In the seventli year Jelioiallit the small cupful of minced chicken, half sense M the change. priest gathered the rulers and the a cupful of minced harm a quarter of house of the Lord and made a cov- spoonful of melted bu,tter, stdt and WHAT IS A BLUSH? tl' pepper to taste. Mix well, add TI -IE S. S. LESSOI _se INITERNATIONAL LESSON, NOV'. 0. Text of the Lesson, II. Kings xi, 1-16. Golden Text, Prov, xxix., 2. 444+4,4444440344.44.+4444+1014 Not withstanding the sinfulness of SOMM TISLellLY BISCHISS-1, num, Clod works telt 1-110 pui•pose8, making even the wrath of man to praise Him, Jeboshaplutt took is lialfedosen eggs; remove the shells, Stuffed for helf an hour Athalials daughter of Ahab, Isreel's Put each egg in lielt and carefully PO - 01051 wicked Icings as a wife for WS 111000 alto 30011(5 11.151101) L breaking tho son Jehoram, and in the lesson ot whites, :Mix wite the yolks n litLl� to -day we have some of the results chopped 00ea am.t onion juice. flavor sof ,thsts- 12,11,g°d1,Y with :salt and pepper, Put the yolk ssoru woutu not destroy Ilium for David soz•vant's sake, as ITe , ulstuse back into the liolloWs of the u • around the eggs a , , eau po 1 14+474441-144÷H±1,441414 X IN Home crime. It is a heavy price to pay, with stm wy hair and pesteefel eyes, a miscarriage of justice, but it is a wiSe and gracious in speocli and man - result of the inadequacy of human nor. and into whose presence it W0.8 administration, and it has 110 place a rest and a benediction to come. It under divine law, is a great art for a woman to learn FOR TIM REPENTANT. to Intel) young. but it is the greatest But. though the divine law was faulit1.17.f all to learn to grow old grace - and is so hard upon the unrepentant -4------ pardoning, how forgiving it was und „, MISFITS. sinner, homv geutle, how loving, bow is to the repentant sinner who collies Tho boy's mother looked esatiP011- askties for meecy at the feet of Joints ated, "You wanted regular susiten- Christ. Sweeter than even the dor trousers, like your father'8," she coming of a little child to be caress- said, severely, "end now that I've cd and forgiven 'by a loving mother »lade them you are not icatistied." is this picture in my text of a Poor 'ffi'hey're too tight under the convicted outcast, trembling at the arms,- ri•torted the. boy, feet of Christ and 'finding pardon and "That's because you. hitch them NVlly pence and life. I can see her 110111 11J1 to you 0 shoulders with your ictle as the rough men are pushing hor spenders." his mother expinined. up. Irer face is scratched and "I Have 00." bleeding; she fights them stop by " 'Have to?' " • step. I see her as they fling her at "Why yes. 10 I didn't they'd drag shrinks under his pure gaze, expect- all the ground. .I-" "'Nolo, CI verge," in terruot eit the the Sdaster's feet. There et 11080 she ing that one so shilteis will indorse mother. time pattern NVIAS for a boy and in harmr at her ohne band her .. you are nine veers and the condemnation of her 00005505 of sew, and over to the executioner, Ilet, though swo months. 'rho trousers.m051 be be loathes her sin, he has compass ,is.,11. right, lin afraid it's your 110- sion for the repentnet S1111101'. 1 sea ..,...,,sieney disposition that is the tree - her now, when all fear leaves her ''''''' and the bad men tern their backs "No, it ten't my disposit ion-tenly ttpon her. Now she looks up into 11. isn't'" 1110 boy said, beseechingly. Christ's face with geatosio lose, "They're just ;dein too long in the mother?'' 011, my friends, tbotsgh you may be legs. (111)1'11 You 500, 50arred with OP SillS of an evil ''floorge,'' said the mother, re- past, though you may be cost out ProarbfilllY, "Sou teased for those by the world as 0110 who ought to trousers, and T mule them exactly (lie, Mercy nett pardon in uftriat you like the pattern. You must. not lis -will Mull Will you not. as a 111- usigottiful, rrltern are lots and lots penitent sinner throw yomeeil; at hie, of boys tvho would be prowl and haps feet, where yon will (Ind melee and 93/ 50 wear those +ti•ousers.' 0 life and hope'? And where did tide broken hearted /Theses is a eine from which fade Magdalene find her peace'? Alm, yofi, are gathered. it wee in the temple! 'There the "(li- ter when 1(1011 are not 1011 (1/ to ten- vine law ot mercy" was revietled to Terielicir-"Ifave men looked up the dorm thyself. Joseph Parker ill 0710 her. While Cheist was teething the meaning of the wont 'imbibes.' Vett- Of his great adtluesseS deSurThes il peopl,m the great lesson of (loci's tlY?" Vietity-"Ves, nin'ent.'"reach- Inother Minister who bad driven tin forgiveness of sin they brought, her er-"Well, what does it mean?" Ven- eering and yet releenteet, clattghter to him, Trithe temus ple ,Tes50111011 nY-"To telce in," Teasther-"Yes. away fisam lits ;Mine. Joseph :Parker and said to hers "Neither do I eon-,NoW give a 110111.(0100 10011g the word,'" Pleaded anti Prel'ad Wirti 00' (011(1)'.') (101,111 thee. (10 and alit no retne," Fanny --"My emit iMbibes beatelees." So it goes on from day to stay. Every night the struggling victim promises- himself that he will break the habit and next day when lie feels a. little bad (as lie is quite sure to) bi•ealcs, not time habit, but his own resolution. It is nearly always a tough fight, with disaster ahead sere if the habit wins. There have been hundreds of thou- sands of people driven to their graves through disease brought on by coffee drinking alone, and it is quite certain that more liuman mis- ery is caused by coffee and tobacco than by whiskey, for the two first are mere widely used, and more hid- den and insidious in the effect on nerves, heart and other vital organs, nnd aro thus uninspected until much of the dangerous work is done. blwo, Reader, what is your opinion ns to the real use the Creator has for these things? Take a look at, the question from this point of view. There is a law of Nature and of Natinees God that things slowly evolve front lower ,planes to higher, a sturdy, steady and dignified ad- -entice toward more perfect things in both the Physical and Spiritual world, The Ponderous tread of evo- lutionary development Is fixed by the Infinite and will not be quick- ened out of natural law by any of man's methods. According to a medical journal, this is an accurate definition of a blush"A blush is a temporary oeythema and entail:fieeffelgence of the physio- gnomy, etiologised by perceptiveness of the scneorium when in a predica- ment of unequilineity from a sense of eliame, anger, or otlier cause, &venter ating•in a pareses of the vasomotor Mame-lite of the facial capillaries, whereby, being divested of their elasticity, they axe suffused with a radiance entail/sting from an intimi- dated praecoreia,' it makes one blush to read it. Therefore we see many iltnsteations showing how nature checks too rapid advance. Illinois raises Phenomenal crops of corn for tmvo or three years. If she continued to do so every year her formers would advance in wealth fat, beyond those of other sections or countries. So Nature interposes a bar every three Or four years and brings on a "bad year." 31e1e we see the leveling influence at wink, A man is prosperomi In his business foe it needier 0 years and grows rich. Then Nature sets the "leveling influence" at work on him, Some ol his investments lose, he becomes luxurious and lae.y. Perhaps It is Whiskey, tobacco, eolTee, women, gambling, or some other Mem. The intent altd purpoee is to level him, Keep iiifrom evolving too tar ahead of the masses. A nation becomes PrOSPOVOlili 0.1111 great like ancient Itoine. If no level- ing influence set in icho would (tontine ate the world perhaps for all time. Ilut Dame Nature sets her arn)y, of "levelers" at. Work. 101:01ry, 0000.. eating and drinking, licentiousnese. Waste and extravagance indulgences of alt Ichuls, then comes the wreck, Stem, Sere, Sere, I3011.0 ra701-,-.5trunit. is the law of the mass, Man goce through the i mutest with them and took an oa of them and showed them. the king's - soil (Verse 4), and he said unto them, "Behold, the king's son shall reign, OS the Lord hath said of the eons of David,' Oli, the comfort. that there is in the 'gloeious :Milt that "twos/ purpose 0 the Lord sliall be performed," both against Hie ene- mies end for Idis.people 11., 29), n0. meteor what' people think or 5(1.30Y now Now nuteli the devil may resist. So every promise to Abraham and to David shall be literally fulfilled, The people shall be a righteous na- tion in their own land, and the Son of Mary shall sit on David's throne at Jerusalem (Isis. ix., 6, 7; lx., 1-3 21; Jets ills 17, 15; xxxii., 41; Lilco 1., 80-83). - SHEEP -BIRDS. The yaktunik, a species of crane, is said to he one of the most intelligent birds known. The bird is used by the natives of Venezuela, South Am- erica, in the place of shepherd dogs, for guarding and herding theie flocks of sheep. It, is said that. however far the yaltamik may wander with the flocks, it never fails to find its wily home at nighf, driving before it all the creatures entrusted to its care, NO 'USE TO HIM. Shore is a maiden named Dorothy, who always found 50)00 good excuse for having her own way. Dorothy'S father came to her ono evening, and Look here, Dorothy, I don't like young Fraeliman coining here so Much. Next time he makes yoti a just give him the cold should- or,'L "Ilet, papa, he is a vegetarian," answered the -unabashed Dorothy. sts Matrimony is an optical Institute for the blind. A man who is pound-foelisli isn't 00)111000)1110e process. We(tknees (hChilds neeessarily penny-wise. hood), gradual growth oi tdrength, Angela (to Whom Edgar has been you over shy anthing like this to any woman before?", Edgar (in a buret, of bonests/)-"Iily dear girl, do yott think it could be done like neergy, (hrift, probity, inoSpeeity, propoeing)-"Tell me, Edgarl Did Wealth, onnfort, case, relaxation, Selt-indulgenee, luxury, idlenese, Waste, delesnehery, disease, and the wends follows, The "lovelere" are in the bushes along the pothWay of that the firtIt• tate?. enough soup stock to make staff paste, anal 11!! the hollow sides with this. When fun and rounded high, sprinkle the forcemeat with breath crumbs, and lay time halves, side by side in a baking pane pouring three cupfuls of soup stock around them. Bake nearly an hour, basting -every ten minutes., ItlemoVe the eggplant to a hot platter, thicken the gravy left in the pan with browned flour, boil up 01100 011 top of the range, stirring constantly, and pour this browned sauce aliout the base of the halved eggplant. Turkish Delight -Make a syrup al ono pound and a half of best loaf Sugar mild one pint and a, half of wa- ter; clear this with tWo whites of eggs and the juice of a small lomoit. Next dissolve three ounces and half of the best starch In rather less than half a pint of cold water; strain this and add to the clear syrup when it is boiling. Reduce the syrup by fast boiling till a is two-tli1rd 0 the original quantity. The paste should be very thick and stringy. Flavor With any Swett 013501100. Have ready a large dlell well covered with al- mond oil. Empty the "delight" on to this, spread it ribotit, one inch thick; then have another dish ready, thickly covered with castor segue. When the pate is quite cold turn 10 out very carefully epee the eugared Shah. Absorb the MI mvitli tissue paper; tho en rt the paste into square pieces, powder With eugae, and keep very dry. This manifestation and crowning of Jonsli were in the seventh year, and there is at least a suggestion hoe that ns our Lord Jesus, the true seed royal, the true and only geed of the woman, has been hidden about 6,000 years, except when Ho came in lermiliation only to be rejected aid crucified, the tinicisif Efls menifes- tation be the beginning of the seventh thousand years since the ((1en. lit., 15) word was given to the great adversary. Lot those 'laugh and toff who dare to, bid blessed are all who believe, for there stiall be a fulfillment of all things spokes by the Deed (Luke 1,, 45). Bather let 1111 rejoice and be glad and give limier to Him, for the kingdom ellen come. mid 800 511011 reign with Him. See verse 12 of 0110 lesson, And let ns also clap our liencle and rejoice in Him. Let the fete of Athallali end the final doom of all such (as recorded i11. Ma(t. xxv„ 41, 46; Rev, xiv., 10; xxl., 8; IT. These. is 7-10) take hold 0 the hearts 0 01 scoriae while there is yet mosey for them it they will 'only turn in true penitence to Him who is not willing that any perieli Pee tit, 9). 410- lioittda the priest and 3011.511 the king mid ell the people made a cosS- onaest that they would all be the Lord's 900,p10, then they emerthrew . . the entire of Beal end slew/ 1119 9181051, and the people rejoiced end the eity Was qtliet Citron ',Milts 10-21)0 1UNTS 111011 HOME LIFE, To flaivee salmi Messing 011(1 5)0.011 plekles, olives, end 001/005, mince11 eery fine. Macaroni should be kept in air- tight recepteeles, and when molted plunged into boiling salted water. To lake ease of sill( &ogees proper- ly, they should never be bruslitel, but rubbed with is soft Mem at merino. To bring out the brilliancy of cut glase, ammonia Should be placed in the Water in Which it is to be rimed. To provenb eggs /necking While boiling plane With a pin at 1110 bread end beirne petting them into the Water. •-