The Brussels Post, 1904-11-3, Page 5-t e :1- „. ptIOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BABRIEITEBS, goi.a0ImnItS, NOTARIES PUBLIC), ETC, - W. Paornnforrn, II. C. - G. F. BLAIR. Ofiloes-Those formerly occupied by Messrs I Cameron de Holt. Gomm., °imam. i 1 • eFkeq&-',-1'eiQe_ tf.e''k...S TRAIN UP A CHILD And wilen,g. etrgad blm or LISTOWEL 1 Torat opens April lIth, 1904 ee Two ilours- Commercial itial Shorthand. 10 Send fOr College Journal, A. L. MeINTPRIS, Manager, ZraStr‘,arlitifaii •C,.5"4nSCiViltc ROSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER oont, P8, SCOTT, Brassele, UT 11. MoORACEEN— is Issuer of Marriage Lieenses, Gl- ace at Grocery, Tumberry Meet, Brussels, 'RAMIS FOR SALE—THE UN - »80%8100l100 000 several good Fame for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Township of Morris and Grey, 11' S. SCOTT,Brussel C. 0. V. Court Prinoees Alexaudri it, No.24, C.O. 8„ Bruse010, nieete in their Lodge Boom, Bias - bill Blook, on the Sad and last Tuesdays of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren alwaye welcome, JAS. BURGEHS, 0,11, A. E. MELLISH, IL B. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT. MISS JEAN MIAUCHLIN, -TEACHER OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 3E3R.7.1"SS1S3S...3. 01,1,2% ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INB13/36/toB, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. J. LECKIE, LIFE ANC FIRE INSCLRA NOE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, O02ee over Hursley'e Drug Store, Nov, 8rd, 1902, ettem uremia Wellington Mutual Fire insurance Co., EVABLISBND 1840 Ineuranee taken ou the caul' and premium note system at current rates. Before Maur - fug elsewhere call on the notiersigned Agent of the Oompany. GEORGE ROGERS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. FS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - EBB, will sell for bettor prices, to better men, in less time and lees °bargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or be won't olutrge anything. Datea and orders can always be arranged at thle ofBoe or by personal applioation. ROST. H. 'GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms r easonable. Sales arranged for at the aloe of Tim Pon., Bruseele, 2201 VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— "-, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, la proared to treat all die- eaees of domesticated Runnels in a compet- ent manner. PartiAndar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calls prouiptly at. tended to. 011loo aud Infirmary -80o doors North of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels, LEGAL ANO CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD_ • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Summer to G. F. Blair, Moe over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro- politan 11 auk. W M. SINOLAIR— • Barrister, Bolieitor, iConveyanee,r Notary Public, &o. Wlioe-Stevvart's Blook 1 door North of 0W0o1 Hotel. 0010ei0or for the Standard Bank, tt. R. 0, HAlta MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, AL IL, ChM, Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Met -Seal College, Member College of Phyeloians and Surgeons, Ont. Lieentiato of the Royal Col- lege of Phyelolans and Licentiate al Mid. wifery Pldinbu rah, -larTelophone No.14, Residuum -Mill street, Brussele, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEIL.D, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College ol Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Flret.elass Honor Graduate of Toronto Ilnlvereity. Oillco next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. rictt==V=r-3.c=sll MI Largest and Best IN WESTERN ONTARIO. fie far as WO eau learn no 13teiness / College in Canada graduates so Many and at the same time ouob Alamo per- centage of its etudents 08 (1000 0010 EMI STRATFORD. ONT. 11 ore experieneed anti facilities nettle, passed. %Admits 0103't a outer atiy time. Write for free eatalegue Our eourede aro up.to.date, lustenot- ELLIOTT & eldheOBLAN, Prineipale, 1.1WitglitAlia4=13019:411=6 i0i5-tritt Rms. (A seri lee. W, Ao0eU and David (Where arrived hamo from Pdanitobtt ou Wednesday of hot week. 1111118 Gam ryke lett ou Munday of hut week for Walloceburg, where she will visit friends fur some time. Title week Al, Proctor le moving hie family to Newmarket where he him rent. ect the Jaokeon House and Yill again engage in the hotel leneineeee. A very pretty wedding took pima et the home of Edward Red Mee. James on Thursday afternoon 20th inst., whoa their daughter Annie wee united In the holy bonds of matrimony bo Ed, Lambkin of the 2ad eonceeelon. EXesurettol 8. Rev. 101.4. Smith was in Lunn on Tuesday of last Week and delivered an address on Missions in the Presbyterian church in the evening, An elevated runway has been pat in between D. Urquhart's mill and the railway tragic. Thio deem away with hauling to the elation. Mies Eva Stenotn1431 left on Friday evening WO for Toronto, where Me hue a situation in the netwie department of R. Simpson's estoblishment. Mr% Lang, one ot our oldest and moat reepeoted resideute, lett 0/3 Monday for Brookattle, Man, where she will reside with her daughter, Mrs. Simon Hunter, Lola clam° w. Wm. Marshall shot a wild goose on the pond last Wedneeday. Miss Aegis Geddes left last week for atimiltoo to attend college in that WV, Pare, J. Greuaohe left for St. Johnaville N. Y., where elm will spend the Winter with tripods. David Amber, of Weee grawanosh, has puroband William 13ower,e briettoottage in tide village. Robert Snellgrove hoe purchased Etre, Thos. Matthwee fine reeideme on Campbell street, Mrs. R. M. letillyard ie in Brantford Olio week attending the funeral of her brother, the late E. B. Schell. Won. Wellwood, of Fordyee, has sold hie flee farm to John Joynt, of Luoknow. There are 200 agree, one hnudred improv- ed, and the price was 97,500, Longside Presbyterian anniversary will be held ou November 20.h. Rev. Thos. %Nom of Walkertou, will be the preaoher for the day, and may leoture on Monday, '3C e e tg atter. Dave. Strome has arrived home from Mauitoba. He ie highly plemed with hie moureion into the Weed. Heber Howson, who hoe spent the Summer in Dakota and Manitoba, ill pitying a visit to hie brother R. F. How. aou. He is shortly to return to Sonde, Man., where he will engage in busineee. Considerable interest was mauifested in the votiug on the By-law to pane a loan to Arseott Broe, voted on Monday 1740 Wet.'especially by those favorable 10 11. The result was 121 in favor and 5 againat. John aloAllister, of the 4111 Cone met with a somewhat paiuful moident a few days ago, While engaged in pinking apples he fell out of a tree gettiug pretty well soratohed in hie dement and severely epaining the ninnies about the wrist of hie right erne. Jammu Gallagher spent Sunday and Monday of last week in Toronto. 111) Mtn in the eity attending a meeting of the Provisional Board of Directors who arcoonduotine negotiations in oouneotion with the eatabliehnunt of a new bank to be known oe The Farmer'e Bank. Can ton. Olte. Spalding was in town lost week Waiting hie father, brother ad deter& Mre. Agnew, who baa been living on Albert etreet, has moved to Blake to reeide. Mise Kathleen Game, returned home after an extended visit to relatives 20 Minnesota. Mrs. J, Bell has been visiting at the !Ionia of Mrs, McKenzie, Belgrave, for a couple of weeks. Mee Annie Wood he returned home after three menthe visit with relatives et Woodstook and other p aces, C. L, Fisher, general agent, Federal Life, lett for Manitoba, Tuesday, of last week on a flying business trip. He expeote to be book in ten daya. Will. Miller who has been employed at Toledo eince loot May returned home.' He will not return till , after the Presi• dential election is over. T. Emboli, a former Olintonian, wbo has been G. T. 11. agent at 80. Jambe hoe been tronsferred to Elmira which gives him a more responsible position. Itere. Lome, of Markdale, mother of MIS J 33 Hovey, and Mee. Bigger, of Oakville, who have been interesting guests in our town for the poet two weeks re. turned home teat Friday, • Mrs. Hislop and three obildren and Leslie Edwards a nephew, who have been vieiting the former's mallet', Mrs, Wm. MoBrien, for the pant six weeks returned to their borne in Detroit on Wednesday of last week. 12oXottekt on. The remains of one of Logan's] oldest end ninoli respected pioneers arrived in Mitohell Wednesday of laid week at the station, on the !ale train from Milligan, in the person of Mre. Bridget Murray, widow of the late John Murray, formerly of Lot 0, Con. 14, of Logon. Since her husband's death a few years ago she heo made her home with her daughter, Mrs, John Newell, of Miehigan, and was in her Nth year. The tenant left Mitohell about 9 R. me Thursday, for the 11. 0. cemetery, Kinkore, followed by a num. bet of decametre old neighbors and friends, Dammed lemma one soh, MilthaeL of Wisconsin, and one daughtet, Km John Newell, who acootnpanied the renaming. SUDDEN DISATN,--News al one of the moat apatite deaths which has occurred for enme 11010 001810 with quite a etatt let Friday, of the death of Mrs. Feeney Xleber, of the Monkton hotel, It earee all a great shook to many friends in town, who oould hardly realize that it was so. The demeeed lady retired en Usual in the beet of health and at 2 R. in., ()emplaned of being ilh Medioal aid wag quickly tolled, but le spite of all that could bo done, death eame at 8 a, tn. She woe forty years of age and leaves a large Way, 61e, Richer had juab tobd hia hotel, haying tonna that 21 (11(1 not egret) 7,7 mueinol entortoinment wow held at rpaff: die oe 04 Of L, L. 14olletu1 bto nil of VA. Hie P... It iprian or fund. 5.8L-Gar.iskcvdoGi-,kivette.kee £"n" 41"‘1tvill, of Md(111"' "11 00 MISSES HABKIRK FTER a very successful Opening we are bet- ter than ever prepared to fill the wants of our many patrons, and we invite an inspection of our large stock of Trimmed Hats and Ready.to- wears. As usual we are making a specialty of Mourning Goods. First-class Goods at Popular Prices. The Misses Habkirk. (1) Jelin '810 10,0, n ibree year olri 11000 for wnion nt wee paid the handaome emu 01 9270, 'Mill 0003 was one of Mr, Mo. Gavin's prize team. M1/03 Olera Relater, who luta hem eminently thoosesful in teitehlog the junior department of Auburn pablie wheel, hail tendered her reeignation, to take effect at Xmas hulicloye. During the past week John Finch him meet generously thrown his ooneervetory open to the public), and they have had the Waimea of looking ot the beaotitel die play of obryintetheminme there, While E. re, Kellett and mother were eliciting at I. nieville, Xy„ they were unfortunate in having their valuable oat killed. 33 was an intelligent aulmal and had been with them for 21 yeare, Before leaving for Stratford but week Miss Lillie Hale was presented with a glove and handkerchief box by the echolare and teaoher of her Sunday cahoot elms of the Metbodiet ohureh, showing the high esteem in which elle was held, a ee5e5.ieAee5ReeRele5Reteig30 with hie wife, and had bought a farm of 150 sores in MoXillop, expecting to go there in Deoembet. Their many, friende eXpretle the deepest sympathy for those who are left to mourn. Exe ter. The Rev. Reese Dean Taylor, of Bt. Marys, preaohed Sunday Sohool An. nivereary tiermone in the Trivia Memor iel eburoh lost Sunday. Mrs. (Dr.) L. Gill and ohildren, who have been visiting the former's pimento, Thoth and Mrs. Gregory, for two weeks, returned to their home in Gibsonburg, Ohio. Mrs, Wm, Bowden was early Thurs. day Oet. 20th strioken with paralyeis. She remained in an unnueoime oondi• tion for come been and wee very ill for et/v.3[113 daye, but we are pleased to say ehe ie now recovering rapidly. Samuel and Mrs. Gidley, Mies Edith Gidley and Harry Gidley left on Wednee, day moroing of last week for Duluth where they will reside in future. They carry with them the very best wishes of their meny friends in Exeter and vioinity. Geo. Soott, who bee been residing in Mrs, E. B. Howard's residenoe, William street, heft Tuesday morning, of !est week, with a carload of settler's effects for the Weet, where he intends making hie future home. Mra. Scott follows in the course of a few weeks. The memorial servioe which was held 001 Sunday afternoon 28rd inst., 10 oom• memoration of Hie Late Lordahip, the Bishop of Flume, was largely attended. Tbe °Imola was draped in b sok, whioh waa relieved by white roeettee. After a abort aervitte the Rector gave a suitable addreee on the life and work ot the late Bishop. At the conclusion of the aer vice the orgeniet played the Dead March. torn up. The Palmereioo auxiliary 08100 0000 and got the engioe and tender on again. Mee. John McMahon, of the Weot part of the town, bad the misfortune to traoture one of her lege on Saturday evening Oot. 22nd, by tripping at her gate. The break le a. [carious one. Her daughter, Mre. 13arner, of London, was sent for and oame op 80 00000 her. On Friday morning 21st of Oot., while drawing earth to fie up the emovatione at the Bismarok street bridge in front of the new cement abutment°, Robert Tremain, teamster for Wm. Grey, decided to arose the bridge, though it bed been condemned and had not been used for some time, When tbe team and empty wagon were about half way moss the struoture gave way, breaking in two and pieeipitating team, wagou and driver into the river, about ten feet below. The horses escaped with a few eoratehes, but the driver did not come oft eo fortunately, as in the fall he had two or three ribs broken and waa considerably bruised. He was taken home, and is reported to be doing as well ae oan be expeoted, although he will likely be laid off for some time. The bridge is a complete wreok. 10 1000 intended to replace it with a new one next Spring. Staftlorth . A minstrel show is being talked of ae a benefit for the hockey olub. Mrs. F. G. Neelin is paying s visit to ber mother and daughter at Watertown, N. Y. Mrs, George Stephen, of Winnipeg, was the pleat of her cousin, Mre. W. D. Mo. Lean, last week, Ed. Latimer, sr., has sold his property on North Main etreet to Philip Harris, of Grey, for 91,225, A memorial eervioe to the late Bishop of Boron wan held in Bk. Thomas church sto vc, el . on Sunday morning. Sunday, Nov. 0111, is the date of Knox Mrs. Hookland, of Toronto, attended Church aenivereary. Rev. MOS, Eakin, the wedding of Miss Lizzie Bolater ou of St. Andrew's Church, Guelph, will Wednesday of last week, preach the anniversary sermons. There Rev. A. X Birks took for his subject will be special mnaio by the choir. Sunday evening, "Party Politiee." The The No. 1 Wallace literary and subject was a timely one. debating Sooiety will hold their first Mrs. F. Guttridge and daughter, Mol - 0)0101025 for the Fall term of 3904 in lie, of Sarnia., were in town attending Stewart's Church an Friday evening, Nov. the Sleeth Finlayeon wedding, 4,0, at 8 o'cioak sharp. A. good preemie G. M. Baldwin left Thursday on a is being prepared and everybody ie bunting expedition in Muskoka. He goes cordially invited to attend. in the company of a party from Dungan. Qurox Weise -John Kees° moved hie non. threshing outfit the other week, from James Willie ramie quite a reputation Mrs. John Etamilton'e, gravel road, to one day laid week at the Willie legging Mre. A. J. Hamilton% 2nd Oen, alma, a factory in outting 100 pairs of leggings in distance of over three quartere of a mile. tine hours. From the time the machine hod stopped The many friends of George Dale, of running in the one barn until they were the Huron road, at Alma, will regret to threshing in the other was 40 minutes. learn that he ie laid up with an attack of BAN Orr THU Swreorr.-On Saturday typhoid fever. atternoon, Oet. 22nd, an eugine and The many friends hereabouts of Donnie tender, while doing some shunting on the Barry, of Eureka, Oaifornia, who le at mill siding, hacked over the ewitoh when present visiting hie father, James Berry, returning to the yard at tbe citation, the and other relativea and friends in this eviiitth hoeing been closed while the vioinity, will be pleased to learn that he orew were on the aiding. A. tea* of the is xtmouvering flinty from his late Bever° tender was broken and some of the ties Meese. cradles' Fine Shoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. F rst -rate workman- ship. Made to weir and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy comfort, very durable. When you discard them you want another "just like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying, n, Here are a few:— Dongola Laced Rimy or Light Bolte 91 25 fill Timed, Goodyear Welt, Light or Heavy Bohn 2 00 Mtd Lmed, beet of Stook and Workmanship 92 50 10 8 50 ta-Shoes end Robbers promptly repaired. HARNESS DEPARTMENT -Robee and Blenkete, Wool and Plush Rego -Trunka and Satehele at prieee to pima your puree. -Single and Team Flambee, neat and durable, and the prime kismet possible where good material and workmanship le included. -Pour Bete Beamed heed Single Menage, 'Moe from $2,50 to 9400 per get. -A oomfortable house and 8 lote for gale i tenth) of all kinds, Le C. RICHs. o ass - 3, W. Broderick has purchased a grocery Mock in Petrolea. Miele Lath Vivian has returned from her visit to relatives at Kalamazoo, Mich, Mies Annie McDonald left for Detroit, 01000000.tne her profeselonal duties ae 0, Capt. Jas. Parson returned home loot week, having pieced his vessel in Winter qaartere. John Or. Wright, of Berkley, Ban Fran. °ism, Cal., is visiting hie brother, J. J. Wright, of the Park Roues. Mee. Morrie, of Toronto, and Mies Holliorake, of Brantford, are Vitiating Dant Campion, Neleon retreat. R. J. Crawford, D. Bickle, Thu. Allen and H. Jones, of Dungannon, are on their annual hunting 0090(1011)0 to Muskoka. fit. George Price has lea -ed the store on the Square adjoining the Bank of Montreal and will open out a stook of groceries and provision, The residents on the Feet aide ot Church have moved their fames, and are seemed bonlevarding their side of the street. It looke all right. Donald Boyd, of Aehfield, baa per- ohmed the property of Mies Kay, cor- ner Viotoria street and Dein avenue, end intends removing to town. Tenders for the ideal work of the Guelph & Goderioh Railway are in the hands of the ptesideut ot the road and the oontraot will likely bo let shortly. Up at the Laurier meeting at Look - now J. O. LeToczel eujoted the p•easure of a ohat with the Premier in Fremb, be. ing introdneed to him by Dr. MoDonald. LondeshoroLodge, B. U. E. B. 4., will celebrate the ISIng'a Birthday, Novem. ber 9th, with a free sapper and hove in- vited the brethren of Goderioh, 0 futon, Exeter and Benroiller lodges. Jae, Thome is having the excavation made for a house at the East end of Elgin avenue, Robb. McGaw is also milking preparations to build next to R. H. Johnetou's house on Waterloo street. The Bnaineas Oollege was closed Wed- needay 00 last week, Mies Pdaddigan, one ot the staff, having received a message informing her of a brother's death. Miss Maddigan left by the afternoon train to attend the funeral. The dredge Arnoldi was working off the harbor entranoe last week. It the government would deepen the water the whole length of the piers, there wenid be no trouble entering Goderioh harbor, atorm or no storm. Fred. Platt and Willie Drew are suffering from injnred fingers, the termer getting a digit jammed lotediug the Guy Bros.' trunks, and the latter suffering a somewhat similar accident at Hatnlink's evaporstor. Both lost a nail. There was a strike of the Government employees working at the North pier on Wednesday morning of last week, It was mused by the dismiseal of a foreman but did tot last long, as nearly nil the men resumed work it, the afternoon. ' Quite a seneation was canoed et the depot ou Wedneedny morning of last week, by the bursting of 1110 hove that conveys steam to the oars for heatiog purposes. The Ernie was about to atart, and the usual teat vette being made when the buret incurred. The bassets were the only vehicles near by, and the horses started, Tim Bedford driver caught hie, but Gundry Broe.' got away, bat were cleverly stopped after a hundred yards run, The explosion wan like that of a goodoeizeri oannou, end all on the plat. form Blotted for abetter, aa the steam showered the earth and leaves from beneath the care all over the platform. Luokily the break directed the ateam to the ground, where it spent ice form by drilling out a hole in the solid earth near- ly a foot deep, The buret mused some little delay in starting, oe II new jeuotion had to be put i13, in place of the damaged pieoe. Mayor Ralloran, of Brantfotd, has re• tired from the field Ile Labor nernibee. At Peterboro' Joseph Murphy woe sentenced to seven years in penitentiary for burglary and carrying nitro-glyoerine. J. F. Drummond, wbo pleaded gnilty of robbing the Manitoba Mortgage & Inveetment Co., was sentenoed 01 Winni. peg to three years' imprieoument. John Gowan, of Weetbourne, Man., while ant abootiug on the river with one of hie children, received fatal injuries by the accidental discharge of his gnu. John Wioknoll was probably fatally gored by a bull at Portage Greek. Mee. Wioknall went to hie 0000000105 00(1 was severely injured, A neighbor shot the bull. Mrs, Hewitt, mother of two ot the victims of the Imperial Limited wreak on the 0. P. R., hoe brought unit againet the company to recover the articles found on her danghtere' bodies. Twenty pereone, oornpriaing two (emit. iee, who Beek an entrance into the Milted Staten, are hold aboard the Allan Liner, Ionian at Montreal by the 'United States immigration authorities pending an in. vestigatiota. The Grand Trunk Railway Company has awarded an order for 25 eneinee of the Rtohmond compound mogul type to the Kingston l000motive works OW a very keen competition with Atnerloan oompaniee, The new engines are 101 the Grand Trunk Podia° Itailload a,.d will entail an expenditure tst the works of 400,000 The enginee'will be forwarded Within the 2000 18 months, ¶12h, (krona Trunk Oonipeny deoided that 003 ewe of work should be awarded to 00,110cli018 sonoarno, T TIT TALE: We have just received a ear load of "Broekvilles," the kind that speaks for themselves. Call early should you require one as these are fast sellers, We have the "Bell" Cylinder Root Pulper, the BEt3T on the market. See them. Should you have any gram to kit/ or sod 00 00080 ground to work renaera• ber the "Frost & Wood" and "Wind• eor" are the disks that will do it. I1 you want a General Porpooe Plow, than which there le no better, secure a No. 20, Frost & Wcod. If you want a second hand Buggy, Cart, Cutter, Plow or Implement of Any kind be eure to colt on ue. We have also the U. S. Cream Sup. ander, Binger Sewing Illaultinee, Volmar Waehing 410.allinee 00149030 oil hand, We can supply you with a food Driving or Work Horse cheap or Stook of ony kind on short notice. N. S. McLAUCHLIN AG- HI 1\7- r11. TAKE N IF it pays to push an article it pays to push it to some purpose and to push it more with an object of gaining permanent trade than of temporary profit. Many people think it impossible to find a first-elass General Store in a town this size. If you are not Prejudiced and are open to conviction you can be convinced that there is one here by calling at jamestown P. 0. and General Store where you will find a fine and modern stock of Dry Good; Dress Goods, Prints, "Zarin, Crash, Notions a:ad Groceries always Fresla• We buy direct from the largest jobbing Houses and Manu- facturers in the country and by so doing we are always sure of obtaining first-class goods, and as we are not paying enormous ex- penses in rent, clerk hire, city taxes, (4.3c , we can sell goods at the most reasonable prices. We have now some ends in Prints, Dress goods, Wrap- perettes which will be sold regardless of cost, also 8011:10 lines in Shoes will have to go. We do not wish to carry, if possible, Goods out of Season. We are just loading up for Fall and Wiuler trade with a fine stock of newest Styles in our different departments. 'We now handle best grade of Manitoba Flour and find it getting a ready sale. Family trade is especially solicited as your patronage is always appreciated no matter how small your purchases. You may rest assured it will be our constant aim to sell you the best goods that can be obtained and at reasonable prices. We are very grateful to those who have dealt with our wagon on the road so very liberally this Summer and those who cau see their way clear to come to the store, we *ill make it profitable for then as we always try and keep up Farm Produce to the highest notch. Try us on Dried apples, Butter, loose or in tubs, Egg; Lard, Tallow, Potatoes, and Fowl of all kinds as SOW AB weather will be cool enough for shipping as we ship direct. Initit'llt'leilttlitiittitt.Ittilteluttliti Waiter te Ite kTA.MMS"-TOVV-1\T 1.1.J.11.111.IIWILVEG-,IPLAW,HIMPIVP RatIMMIWARIIRRIMEI1115WWHAZOMIAREIRMIRMINEMMUWEERgESSOOMEM3 Apples will be bought on and after fleptsim- ber 12th, at the •BRUSSELS EV iA Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price, Small or Soft Apples will not be taken. JNO. CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR. ilasamoratamMaloilancal