HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-11-3, Page 4Wirt 1-tx$stio not,
THURSDAY, NOY, 8, 1904.
'!he >'ower of Personal
The following paper wag read by Miee
Ethel Scott at a recent meeting of the
Epworth League of Brunets Methodist
oburoh :—
Influenoe ie always at work whether we
realize it or not. It is an automatic,
thing ; it does not ask to be exerted, it
exerts itself, No man ilvetb to himself,
and alas 1 no man dieth to himself, It is
a serious thing to live because oar lives
are so inextricably linked with other lives.
We are like Alpine olimbere, bound to
one soother, ever helping up or dragging
down those who journey with es. It is
the law of inflaenae that we beoome like
those whom we habitually admired.
Through all the range of literature, bis.
tory nod biography this, law preeidee.
Menare all moeaioo of other men. There
wan a savor of David about Jonathan,
and a eavor of Jonathan about David.
Jean Valjean in the masterpiece of Vic-
tor Hugo is Bishop of Bieovenn risen
from the dead.
A. farmer on hie way from the house to
the stable on a eaowy morning hears a
voioe behind him calling, "I'm doming
right along papa," and looking book he
sees his little eon lifting big Leet, and
oarelally planting them in hie foot
prints. That was a aermon which that
father never forgot. And thus it is
°oneoiously or nncoasoioaely, willingly
or anwlllingly, we are exerting an in -
Mance for good or in upon those with
whom we come in Dentaet from day to
day, and bow for that influenoe may
extend, we shall never know in this lite,
bub we shall know hereafter.
It is literally true that every word we
my sets in motion vibrations of ether
that widen oat and go on beating forever.
Io the same way every eat of onre, though
done in secret, makes an impreeeion that
nothing can effects. Every sot hae some
influence, for good or evil, and it is an
unending influence.
Never a word is said
But it trembles in the sir,
And the truant voice hos sped,
To vibrate everywhere ;
And perhaps tar off in eternal years,
The echo may ring upon oar ears.
Or en Longfellow bas said
1 shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I know not where ;
For so swiftly 11 flew, the sight
Gould not follow it in its flight.
I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I kuow Hol where ;
For who hae eight eo keen and strong,
That it can folllow the flight of Bong ?
Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still ,,broke ;
And the Bong, from beginning to end,
I lotted again in the heart of a friend.
When we go to bed at night do we
think of oar day's work as done ? I1 is
never done ; it has only begun. That
oroee word is still at work, poieoniog
some life while we are asleep. That kind
smile is still at making some life sweeter,
though we have forgotten all about it.
Do each thoughts make yoar life 100
solemn ? Do you feel that yea can never
atop to think of the influence of your
every word and deed ? Yon need not.
Only make the heart right and all your
influence will be right, for out "of the
heart are the issues of life". The brook
does not need to plan all its lovely curvet,
its dancing ripples, its pleasing Bong, ate
it flows over its atony bed, the drink i0
gives the thirsty paeeer•by, its contri-
butions it ma11e8 to the mill -wheel, end
the great river, and the ocean. The
brook merely flows on from a pore mares
and the rest takes oare of itself.
There is nothing that tells on the world
like a holy life, like aoneietenay of
character and conduct- The Ciliation
who is "blameless and. harmless" who
lives without rebuke and without re.
proaoh, who ehiaee as a light in the world
is a luminoue gospel, a speaking sermon,
a weloome to the reality of oar religion,
that cannot be spoken against. Such a
man may have neither many talents,
=oh leonine, nor high rank, nor great
riohee, nor oonepi0noae power of epeaking
for Christ : bat if hie life be adorned
with the "beauties of holiness," he will
break down man's ungodly prejudioee,
and will win them to the eerviaeof Christ
He will be as it were "a light ehining
in s dark place," that break() the gloom
The day•dawn rises mutely in the
brightening East ; the morning walke
forth from opening oloude ; the fields
are bathed in the tender lustre ; every
dew drop reflects the splendor ; and
silently one by one the mountain tope
are tinted with gold. So at eventide the
full•orbed moon, reaming over the brow
of the Eastern hill shows her fair an.
clouded face "and o'er the dark her
silver mantle throws," and this is done
calmly, gently and silently. So should
it be whh the Obrietian, Balmy, quietly,
holily and unblamably should be walk
in love ; and by the manileetatione
of the rated of Ohriet and by a Heavenly
conversation should eoatter the shadows
around and illumine the; dark world.
Our time may be short- Then
redeem it for God. "For what ie your
life? It le even a vapor which appeareth
for a little time and then vanieheth
"A vapor I" yea ; but let as all remember
The vapor gives ire beauty to the air t
It drapes the skies in erimeon, bine, and
And shapes itself in cloudiele bright
and fair,
Then we will turn our brief life to a
And melee 11 beautiful with deeds of
Will steep it in the radiant dyes of
In gleam and glow of lights from
worlds above,
if lire be brief we will be more in
And work for God with all oar goal
and might;
Running with loins girded, the race be.
fore ne,
Fighting with Itil our strength the
onble Huht,
So when to Heaven le drawn the earthly
And we are called to etend before the
The Master's emile shall form our happy
And we ehall hear Him say, "Will
dooe, "Well done,"
Excellent program is being made in the
oonetruotion of tbe 0. P. R. exteueion
from Guelph to Goderioh.. An immenee
steam shovel arrived in Elmira a few
days ago and is being moved along the
highway to the WRlleueteln Hill by aid of
rails that are temporarily laid, and it is
earned will be to operation in a few
days in making s deep and lengthy out at
Wallenetein. From Engineer 0. F.
Keefer it was learned that it is intended
to do as moah of the grading as possible
through Woolwich township before the
Winter seta in, and early in Spring the
laying of the ties and rade will be done.
There are about eeventy.five men em•
ployed in the vicinity of Linwood.
A spirit of baoyanoy prevails in the
vil'age et the prospect of railway connect.
Hon, which will pass direotly through the
Eastern portion of Linwood. A branch
of the Sovereign Bank of Canada hoe
been opened aud is doing a very gratify
ing business', which will ultimately
iooreeee when the railway is in tanning
operation next Bummer.
0. P. R Engineer Macklin hae receiv-
ed definite information that the oonatroe-
tion work on the Goderioh extension in
the Guelph diebriot will start in a few
days. The oontraatora and engineers are
making ready and the work will be Fah -
ed ahead with every poaeible effort.
John C. Lamont.
The above portrait out and the follow-
ing aketob appeared in The Sone of
Temperance Record and will be of inter.
eat to readers of TEE Pose :—The Order
eoatained a heavy lone in the death of
a noble Son of Temperance on June 28th
by the death of John 0. Lamont. De-
ceased was born in the townabip of Grey,
Huron County, where he lived moat of
hie life. He wae in the .prime of hie
young manhood and of fine appearance
being six feet in height. He was of a
oheerfol and sociable disposition, faithful
in all hie duties and bad it large oiroie of
friends. He was a member of the Pratt.
byterian altorab and Christian Endeavor
Society and a Liberal in volitiae. He
was a member of Ethel Division No. 149
for about 15 years and wan ane of ire beet
supporters and most zealous workers
being almost continuously in office.
A p K
At a special meati, of the Division
called to make areaugemeute for the
funeral the scene was pathetio. Bro. R.
MoKay, D. G. W. P., presided. A very
feeling reference was made to the depart
ed brother and his noble character, and
protonud grief characterized the meeting.
A11 honor aud respect was paid the late
brother and the oeremooiaa of the Order
carried at The floral cfferinge were
many and beautiful, among them being a
pillow from the Christian Endeavor
Society, end wreath and anchor from the
Division. The funeral cortege wae the
largest ever seen io this locality. Over
210 vehicles were in line beeidee many on
foot, and this number would have been
monli larger bad it cot been that rain
was falling. Rev. D. B. MoRae minden.
ed the services, preaebing from John
14-1. He was assisted at the ceremony
by Rev. John Rosa, of Brussels. Nearly
every member of the Divleioo attended
and the services of the Order at the grave
were most affecting as the brethren pass-
ed by tho grave putting their evergreen
on the oaeket and bidding farewell to the
departed brother. The pall-bearere were
six members of the Division, Robert
McKay, Alvin Barr, Joe. Welsh, W. D.
Eokmier, Hugh Lamont and Wm, Eck.
Resolutions of condolence were sent to
the bereaved family by members of the
Division. Tbue dome the lite scene of
a highly respected young man, n kind and
dutiful eon, a good and obliging neighbor,
e loyal citizen and last and beet a
Ohrietian. Bet while our hearts are cad
because of hie removal we look forward
to a glorious reunion in that land where
no night or death ehali ever Dome.
Asleep in Jenna, blessed Bleep,
From which none ever wakes to weep,
A palm and undietorbed repose,
Unbroken by the last of toes.
E. 1. Taman, of Palmerston, epent a
few days of last week with Blyth friends,
Mrs. W. J. Mitobell end baby, of
Luoknow, are visitors at the home of
Dr. Carder this week.
George Powell recently pnrobaeed e
Kaplan Dolt, fool months old, from Wm.
Taylor, of Morrie, for the tidy sem of
11, R. Sloan hae received hie diploma
for a two years' aoaroe at the Ontario
agrloultural dollege. Our young friend
made an excellent showing in the exam-
inations and we extend oongretniatlone.
Wheat a dollar a bushel or thereabonte
ban mused very many farmers in this
dietriot to ,cow wheat this Fall. The
freezing Out last Winter of a very large
acreage and the mat in the Summer
does not seem to dieoentage the local
formate and they will try it again.
Tame, Ontt, who meetly pnrebaeed
George Powell'e grocery boeineee, moved
his tamily from Jamestown 10 tilyth
Wednesday 01 lent week. They will
money Mre. W. A. Oarter'a meant house
on Dineley street, Wo welcome Mr,
Oen and family to oar village and treat
they vein meet with good aaooese.
W. A. Garter has returned from hie
Manitoba trip. He reports everything
booming in the Weet.
H. 0. Smith, who oobduoted a jewelry
baeineee in Blytb for several years, hae
been appointed choir master of Knox
r hurob, Mitobell, The Mitchell Record-
er eaya he has the promise of quite a
number of singers aud in a few weeks
will have a well organized ohoir.
PRETTY HOME Wnnnuoe.—At high
mean on Tuesday of lost week a pretty
house wedding took place at the home of
J. A. and eire, Anderson, when their
second daughter, Janet, beo,m0 the wile
of Rev. W. Wilson Ailaheson, of Dornoch,
pastor of the Presbyterian churches at
Rooky Sangeeu and Dornooh. The
nuptial knot watt tied by Rev. Dr. Mo•
Lean, pastor of St. Andrew'a ohurah,
Blyth. The guests present were the
immediate relatives and friends of the
cocbraotieg parties. Mies A. M. Ander.
son, sinter of the bride, and Miee Isabel
Aitoheeoi, ulster of the groom, were the
bridesmaids, and the groom was assisted
by his brother, R. M. Aitobeeon, of
Stouffville. Lohengrin'e wedding march
wee played by Miea Ella Anderson, the
bride'e younger sister. The bride looked
very pretty attired in a ooatame of green
gigue silk trimmed with point lana on net.
She carried a bogeet of white roses and
was married in her grandmother's wed•
ding veil. The brideemaide tarried
boquete of red and pink roses. The
happy couple left for Toronto on the
3.85 train, a000mpanied by showers of
rioe, chrysanthemum leaven, old elippere
and other items of good Tuck.
The arrest of Thome Godson, hie son,
daughter and eon io.law, alleged to be
roeponeible for numerous fires in King
Township, has resulted in the ioauranoe
companies resuming business in the
neighborhood, after a refueal fo take risks
eimoe Inst Autumn.
Perth County.
Mitchell and Brodhagen will shortly be
oonnecled by telephone.
Stinday last Bishop McEvoy oonflrmed
a large class at Kennyoott.
Orange Lodge, 493, will give an oyster
enpper and concert at Woodbine, on the
evening of Nov. 4th, -
Mitohell ratepayers are up on their
high horse at the exborbitant taxes they
are called upon this year to pay.
Special evangelistic eervioee in the
Methodist ohnroh, Mitobell, condeoted by
Evangelist Renton and the pastor.
Norman Dungan, the writer of the
story that is now being published in the
Toronto Saturday Globe, is a former
Mitchell boy.
James Saddler, of Staffs, hae porohaeed
the 75 acre farm on the 7th concession of
Hibbert, belonging to the late Frauds
Young, for $1,700.
The Davie Terrace, Mitchell, has been
Bold to Wm. %lemao, of Dublin, who is
bound to build on the lot, during the year
1905, a brink house.
A. Henderson, formerly of Atwood, for
the past new months doing missionary
work at Welwyn, N. W. T., bag been
transferred to Fletwood N. W. T.
Will Dent, eon of Abraham Dent of
Mitchell, bee resigned hie position as
eoienoe teacher in the high school at
Senit Ste. Marie, and will go to Sarnia-
arniato teach in the Institute there et a salary
of $1,000.
On this Counter there are numerous
articles from a "Needle to an Anchor."
Seeing is believing. Come and See
Jos Ooppin baa moved hie tailor ehep
from the old eland over lkliddlemiee Ar
Reultie's et. re to the eonunodinue and
comfortable Nome 0080 W, W. Butgeee'
Medic), Mitchell,
Mlloliell Advooate nye Our oiilzene
have been getting it better electric light
eervloe than they have had for mnuy
, yore, The new dynamo is doing duty,
and in a few dnye the huge engine will be
in op, ratien, which will still further im.
prove the eervioe, The eon of the whole
undertaking uf;i exceed, by $2,000, it ie
thought, the amount voted for that par•
pone, but while at it, it wall us well to
make the thing perfect.
From $5.00 to $15.00. We ask you to compare the
Quality and Price of our Guns with those advertised by
Simpson or Eaton.
We have THE Lamps and TETE Prices. Come and see
Lamps from 25e. to $7.00. See also Eaton's catalogue
and compare.
Rogers' 12 dwt. The price on these is strictly confiden-
tial. You must come to our Bargain Counter to capture
this prize. Bring Eaton's catalogue with you for com-
A Quart of Ink for ... 20e.
A 6 inch Butcher Ruffs and an 8 inch Steel for 40e.
A Tack Hammer and 2 Packages of Tacks for 10e.
A 12 oz. Bottle Nonsouch Stove Pipe Varnish for :: 18e.
A. 6 oz. Bottle Fine Sewing Machine Oil for ,10e.
A Two -keyed Padlock for:.:,........ 150.
Sze., &C.
,'4 9h9u'h,'lu'104e40'I AI 'seteu
Canadian Ne sever.
Robert Soriver, of Peterboro, dropped
dead at Haetiltge.
The Grand Trunk elation and freight
sheds at Slmeoe were destroyed by fire.
Pearl Spearman, an eight-year old girl
of Boeangeet township, was run over and
An explosion of gas wreaked the Con
eervative oonomittee rooms at St, Cath
ani nes,
H. G. Rutland, ex manager of the Bank
of Hamilton at Winkler, Man., pleaded
guilty to stealing $8,000 from the bank.
The hardware stook of the John Bow-
man Company at London was Bold at 70
ciente on the dollar to William Bowman.
John Doaglne,a foreman, employed by
the Montreal Gas Werke, was stilled by
au ezploeion as the oompany's worlre at
Cornelius Shields, general manager of
the Ooneolidated Lake Superior Deeper.
ation, died suddenly at the Soo early Fri•
day from heart failure.
John Whitfield, aged eiebteen years,
attempted to 'boot John Drysdale, his
former employer, at Montreal aud, fail.
ing in that, shot himself d,ad,
The steamer Mainlander, of the Paciva
Coast Steamship Oompany, fleet, lies at
the bottom of Puget Sound, four miles
North of Seattle, as the result of a
oolliaion with the powerful tug Sen
Tenders are galled for the eon
etraotion of the Niagara, Queeneton d,
St. Oatbarinee Electric Railway. Uu•
Imo contracts are let soon the oompany
will lose the bouue voted by the city of
21. Catharines.
Henry Winterbalt, Ohief of Police et
Berlin, Ont„ was temporarily eoapended
from office by the Police Committee last
night for having been intoxioated while
on duty. He will be diemiseeti. P. 0.
George O'Neill is noting obit f.
Judge Fortier, of Montreal, hae found
that there was no cage against the twenty
foreigners detained on the steamer Ionian
at the instance of United Slates immi•
gration officers, and hae granted a writ
cf habeas eorpua, setting the prisoners
f ree.
Thursday night of last week at Oot.
tam, a few miles from Eaeex, a band of
masked men went to the house of a man,
who was reported to have i11 treated hie
wife, pounced npou him an ho acme out
of hie house to do hie night's °bores,
booed him, (tarried him to a ma:tided
spot, applied half a dozen pails of tar,
plenty of feathers, and then rolled him
in the rood. The people, who perpetrat-
ed the outrage, are believed to le neigh•
bore, but the victim did not recognize
any of them. The tar, feathers, and
gravel pot was aocompliebed without a
word, signals prevailing, showing that
tbe men had the attack will planned.
The gang warned the man that if he ever
repented the offense, they would hang
him by the boots for three hours.
There ie eom0 taut of the Canadian
railways establishing gas power signets.
Stations will be supplied with two 800
ported preesurn tanks of 26 pound work -
tug pressure. These tanks are to be
c000eotad with the signal lower by
popper wiree and electrical arrangements
whereby they can be worked by a lever
by the eienal operator. Each tank, it ie
figured, will provide for 10,000 move-
mente of a signal. The new arrange.
went calla for the display of the white or
safety at en angle of 60 degrees, while the
beet they eau do at permit is an angle of
46 degrees. The new scheme oarriee
with it, moraine to its promoters, a
more oernnin working of the signals than.
by mechanical foroe. This new nyetem
hae bean inatelled in some five or six of
the largest yards in the United Settee,
The Toronto Star of Monday availing
oonteine the following : When Premier
Rose gets through reorganizing hie oabinet
it is expeoted that it will look something
like this : Premier and Provincial Treas-
urer, George W. Rose ; Miuicter of Agri-
culture, John Dryden ; Oommiesioneer of
Grown Lando, W.A. Chariton ; Attorney•
General, E. F. B. Johnston ; Minister of
Education, Rev, John Potts, D D. ; Com-
mieeioner of Public Works, Peter Ryan ;
Provincial Secretary, George P, Graham.
Farther definite annotincemente of re•
eignatione or changes are not now expect.
ed for some dnye, probably not until alter
the Dominion eleatione. Aa soon as they
are out of the way the goeeip is thnt
several things may happen very quickly.
The Toronto Newe varies the linnr'e
oabinet forecast,• retaining Hon. R. Han,
ooart as Minister of Eluoation, and by
appointing N. W. Rowell, K. 0., At.
toreey General, instead of E, 10. f3, John•
sten, K. 0.
Frank Riddell, whose death caaarred
in Petrolen Thoreday eveuiug, after n
Wel illness, was a brother ot Fireman
James Riddell, of London, It appears
there are oireumetanoee in oonneotion
with Mr. Riddell's death that render it
advisable to hold an inquest. He was an
employee of the Waterman 011 Compaq
at Petrolea, where he bad resided for
nearly twenty years, and wile alae a
member of the Pnblir School Board, Oo
Thuraday evening, October 20th, a
meeting of the board was held, at which
it wne decided to demand the
resignation of S. Orane, one of the teach -
ere. Stine remarks panted by Mr.
Riddell, itis said, ware °Feneivo to Me.
Orane, and the latter, a000rding to the
story that is going the rounds, went 10
the house of the trustee after the meet-
ing and gave Mr. Riddell a lhrashing.
Riddell, it is alleged, wan bruised in the
face and Ricked in' the, groin. Creme hae
been arrested, Mr. Riddell leevee a wife
and two obildren, He is mid to have
been a sufferer from heart trouble,
.„„..„,,„ed Will keep for sorvioe a
tboro'•bred (Theater hoar on Lot 93, Com III,
Grey, Pedigree name be amen on appnioa.
tion, Porma,AL(0,tv1th privilege of return-
ing if neeneery, Wet. 8051300011,
144 I'ropele'tor,
90 H1;Ai) OF YEAR 0111)
cd C'c(tle, in good condition, for este,
Apply at len loom 0, Grey, lar it by letter
to Fillet 1'. 0.
11-t! 1101810RRP IBLAIlt,
A zelte of 1ho undersigned, Lot 15, Con, 4,
Grey, en cr about August 2011,, a yoar old
gray heifer, Owner is requested 10 prove
property, pay expenses and take her away.
1l a1. J, J,10KLIti,
0.01 Mhos P. 0.
oflher aexm' Huy 008. 'Phis 31,011 has
Lech very tutee shot at the loons Shows.
linvo also ler Bale u prize'witmhlg 10000
Durham null. Apply at Lot 10, Oon,15,
Gras. nr
O. 7U1.N13ULL,
30.11 lvnitou
FA1tet—Applioabtons for lila positions of
Hooper and metro.' for the House of Befngo
aud Iudnetrinl Nacos let the County of Bar-
on, w01 bo reoeivod all or before the first
day of Deoember next. Ap pllontlane to be
le witting and' addressed to W. LANE,
County Clerk, Goderi0b,
W. 81,401M/0,1,
Chairman Mil. of Com.
Dated 001, 2011, 1031,
being Lots 60 and 67, 1st Con.,
Turuberry, Good brink house. bank born,
00 soros heavy timber, Apply to 0. A.
8NI1LL, Jamestown, Out, 19
homestead -100 cores—in 0110 Town-
ship of Morrie, Buren county, For Dania -
Man apply to BFNNbTTT,
3 tf 660 Bathurst St. Toronto,
The undersigned offers the 100 aero
hum, being Lot 20, Con, 7, Grey, for solo or
to rent. Comfortable house, bank barn, or -
oh ard,;wrl le, &o. There are 30 acres is grass,
10 acres of Fall Wheat will be put in and 20
acres of Fall plowing done. 1 arm is only i
10118 from the thriyirg village of Ethel.
For further particulars its 100 price, Orme,
&c„ apply to 01188 81'10;0E, Ethel P.C.
The undersigned offer !or sale his
farm, being Lot 1, Con, 10, Gray. It is 011 -
tutted on the Gravel road,2 miles South of
Sruasele and °out/tins 100 scree of good 1and,
all cleared but 12 acres. '!'hexa le a first
class brick house and kttil en, boated with
furnace, wood abed, artesian well with
windmill end water is pumped t0 barn.
Barn is 90008 feet with stoup stables. 13 ay
barn 90000 feet, Good orchard, farm well
fenced 1 pleasantly situated Will be sold
on sae, terms. Apply oo promises or Brus-
sels P. 0„ ENEAB 01NI001 10 tr
Holes Liral'elaea laud in the Township
of Grey—Lot 10, Oon. 14, 1C0 acres ; Lot 17,
can. 14,100 mores ; aud Wi Lot 18, Oou. 14,
80 aorea-050 sores. All in excellent condi-
tion with first•olaee buildings; brink house
with all modern oouveuloocee, and large
bank barn,root and straw Louse, etablee
&c. Well watered, From 85 to 40 earn of
good hardwood bush. Lot 10, Oen. 18, con-
taining 100acres of first -chase land, good
frame ho1180 aud largo bank barn nearly
now. The property enol bo sold intwo or
three parcels to suit purchasers. !'arms
liberal. Also a commodious dwelling house
and lot in Ilruesele. For thither particu-
lars apply to tho owner o0 the promisee,
LAUCHLIN 010300111, or to JNO, LDCRID,
Brussels. 21.10
IS now at the stables of
his owners,
ECOtt &z; 'Warwick
Whore he will stand for Service
for the balance of the season.
Men and Teams
for work on Elio Guelph and Goderioh
Neil way.
Wages $.160 to $1.76 per day
for Mon, and
$3.60 ,for Teams
emote at the olaoa of the uodereigud at
J. R. McQuigge,
Royal fail Steamers
From Montreal From Quebeo
ilavnriau......Nov, 4, 0 a.m. Nov 4, 10 p.m
Parisian Nov, il. 0 a.m. Nov. 11, 990
Weirder) Nov. 18, 0 u m. Nov.18, 0 p.m
Ionian - Nov. ID, 0 a m. Nov, 22, 4 p.m
Demos or 10,180112E
First cabin—S00 and upwards, according
to etonmar and acoommotlatlon.
Second enbin—Livorpnol & Londonderry
—580 and 036. Loudon S2,60 extra,
Third-class—Su parlor a000mmodatlou, 810
to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow and.
Through tickets to South Africa,
elonlretrl to Glasgow Direct
Oortuthiaa Thurs., Nov. 8 (Daplightl
New York to Glasgow
Mongolian Thursday, Nov, 10, 12 a.m
Low rates by above Glasgow steamers on
application to
• Agent, Brossels.
is here again and 000l weather makes as, think ot Stoves and bow to
keep warm in Winter. If yon are thinking of purchasing a view
Stove or Range this Fall oall and see our lines of High class
Famous Pandora Range, Made by MOlonirLondou
The Dochash and World's Favorite Ranges,
The Silver King'and Garland line of Stoves and Ranges
See our Lines of Base Burners
and Air Tight Coil Moves,
Agents for the Famous
"Queen" Air Tight Wood Heaters.
Every Stove Guaranteed
to work Perfect.
E timatee on Furnace Oontraote freely given.
Prima Right.
E rRtt & CO.
WE are now ready for 1904
with a larger stock of Buggies
than ever wo , had and a walk
through our Show Rooms will
convince intending purchasers
what our stock is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if
good rigs will do it.
We have added to our Buggy Tops this season a Spring to prevent the
bolts and rivets from breaking. This has been a long felt want.
We have 4 styles of Axles—Duet and Oil Proof, Long Dietanoe, 1000
Miles, and the Noiaeleee Axles, also a few of the old ebylee,
All Steel Body Hangers and all trimmed with best Loather.
Along with our own Baggies we handle a number of first-class
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 2a and 8 inch tires ; Trucks and
Medittm size.
We invite every intending purchaser to Dail and Buy
from ue end save money,
°W.AN & Co., Brussels.
can supply you at once with any
Buggy you may want but as the
time for purchasing CUTTERS has come we
would like to tell you that we are fully pre-
pared to meet your every want in the Cut-
ter as well as in the Sleigh line. We have
the Finest and Most Up-to-date assortment
of Cutters that can be found anywhere,
ready for inspection, and would be pleased
to have you call and see them. Prices
TWO 0o1V8 Fon BALD.
W. A. Garter has returned from hie
Manitoba trip. He reports everything
booming in the Weet.
H. 0. Smith, who oobduoted a jewelry
baeineee in Blytb for several years, hae
been appointed choir master of Knox
r hurob, Mitobell, The Mitchell Record-
er eaya he has the promise of quite a
number of singers aud in a few weeks
will have a well organized ohoir.
PRETTY HOME Wnnnuoe.—At high
mean on Tuesday of lost week a pretty
house wedding took place at the home of
J. A. and eire, Anderson, when their
second daughter, Janet, beo,m0 the wile
of Rev. W. Wilson Ailaheson, of Dornoch,
pastor of the Presbyterian churches at
Rooky Sangeeu and Dornooh. The
nuptial knot watt tied by Rev. Dr. Mo•
Lean, pastor of St. Andrew'a ohurah,
Blyth. The guests present were the
immediate relatives and friends of the
cocbraotieg parties. Mies A. M. Ander.
son, sinter of the bride, and Miee Isabel
Aitoheeoi, ulster of the groom, were the
bridesmaids, and the groom was assisted
by his brother, R. M. Aitobeeon, of
Stouffville. Lohengrin'e wedding march
wee played by Miea Ella Anderson, the
bride'e younger sister. The bride looked
very pretty attired in a ooatame of green
gigue silk trimmed with point lana on net.
She carried a bogeet of white roses and
was married in her grandmother's wed•
ding veil. The brideemaide tarried
boquete of red and pink roses. The
happy couple left for Toronto on the
3.85 train, a000mpanied by showers of
rioe, chrysanthemum leaven, old elippere
and other items of good Tuck.
The arrest of Thome Godson, hie son,
daughter and eon io.law, alleged to be
roeponeible for numerous fires in King
Township, has resulted in the ioauranoe
companies resuming business in the
neighborhood, after a refueal fo take risks
eimoe Inst Autumn.
Perth County.
Mitchell and Brodhagen will shortly be
oonnecled by telephone.
Stinday last Bishop McEvoy oonflrmed
a large class at Kennyoott.
Orange Lodge, 493, will give an oyster
enpper and concert at Woodbine, on the
evening of Nov. 4th, -
Mitohell ratepayers are up on their
high horse at the exborbitant taxes they
are called upon this year to pay.
Special evangelistic eervioee in the
Methodist ohnroh, Mitobell, condeoted by
Evangelist Renton and the pastor.
Norman Dungan, the writer of the
story that is now being published in the
Toronto Saturday Globe, is a former
Mitchell boy.
James Saddler, of Staffs, hae porohaeed
the 75 acre farm on the 7th concession of
Hibbert, belonging to the late Frauds
Young, for $1,700.
The Davie Terrace, Mitchell, has been
Bold to Wm. %lemao, of Dublin, who is
bound to build on the lot, during the year
1905, a brink house.
A. Henderson, formerly of Atwood, for
the past new months doing missionary
work at Welwyn, N. W. T., bag been
transferred to Fletwood N. W. T.
Will Dent, eon of Abraham Dent of
Mitchell, bee resigned hie position as
eoienoe teacher in the high school at
Senit Ste. Marie, and will go to Sarnia-
arniato teach in the Institute there et a salary
of $1,000.
On this Counter there are numerous
articles from a "Needle to an Anchor."
Seeing is believing. Come and See
Jos Ooppin baa moved hie tailor ehep
from the old eland over lkliddlemiee Ar
Reultie's et. re to the eonunodinue and
comfortable Nome 0080 W, W. Butgeee'
Medic), Mitchell,
Mlloliell Advooate nye Our oiilzene
have been getting it better electric light
eervloe than they have had for mnuy
, yore, The new dynamo is doing duty,
and in a few dnye the huge engine will be
in op, ratien, which will still further im.
prove the eervioe, The eon of the whole
undertaking uf;i exceed, by $2,000, it ie
thought, the amount voted for that par•
pone, but while at it, it wall us well to
make the thing perfect.
From $5.00 to $15.00. We ask you to compare the
Quality and Price of our Guns with those advertised by
Simpson or Eaton.
We have THE Lamps and TETE Prices. Come and see
Lamps from 25e. to $7.00. See also Eaton's catalogue
and compare.
Rogers' 12 dwt. The price on these is strictly confiden-
tial. You must come to our Bargain Counter to capture
this prize. Bring Eaton's catalogue with you for com-
A Quart of Ink for ... 20e.
A 6 inch Butcher Ruffs and an 8 inch Steel for 40e.
A Tack Hammer and 2 Packages of Tacks for 10e.
A 12 oz. Bottle Nonsouch Stove Pipe Varnish for :: 18e.
A. 6 oz. Bottle Fine Sewing Machine Oil for ,10e.
A Two -keyed Padlock for:.:,........ 150.
Sze., &C.
,'4 9h9u'h,'lu'104e40'I AI 'seteu
Canadian Ne sever.
Robert Soriver, of Peterboro, dropped
dead at Haetiltge.
The Grand Trunk elation and freight
sheds at Slmeoe were destroyed by fire.
Pearl Spearman, an eight-year old girl
of Boeangeet township, was run over and
An explosion of gas wreaked the Con
eervative oonomittee rooms at St, Cath
ani nes,
H. G. Rutland, ex manager of the Bank
of Hamilton at Winkler, Man., pleaded
guilty to stealing $8,000 from the bank.
The hardware stook of the John Bow-
man Company at London was Bold at 70
ciente on the dollar to William Bowman.
John Doaglne,a foreman, employed by
the Montreal Gas Werke, was stilled by
au ezploeion as the oompany's worlre at
Cornelius Shields, general manager of
the Ooneolidated Lake Superior Deeper.
ation, died suddenly at the Soo early Fri•
day from heart failure.
John Whitfield, aged eiebteen years,
attempted to 'boot John Drysdale, his
former employer, at Montreal aud, fail.
ing in that, shot himself d,ad,
The steamer Mainlander, of the Paciva
Coast Steamship Oompany, fleet, lies at
the bottom of Puget Sound, four miles
North of Seattle, as the result of a
oolliaion with the powerful tug Sen
Tenders are galled for the eon
etraotion of the Niagara, Queeneton d,
St. Oatbarinee Electric Railway. Uu•
Imo contracts are let soon the oompany
will lose the bouue voted by the city of
21. Catharines.
Henry Winterbalt, Ohief of Police et
Berlin, Ont„ was temporarily eoapended
from office by the Police Committee last
night for having been intoxioated while
on duty. He will be diemiseeti. P. 0.
George O'Neill is noting obit f.
Judge Fortier, of Montreal, hae found
that there was no cage against the twenty
foreigners detained on the steamer Ionian
at the instance of United Slates immi•
gration officers, and hae granted a writ
cf habeas eorpua, setting the prisoners
f ree.
Thursday night of last week at Oot.
tam, a few miles from Eaeex, a band of
masked men went to the house of a man,
who was reported to have i11 treated hie
wife, pounced npou him an ho acme out
of hie house to do hie night's °bores,
booed him, (tarried him to a ma:tided
spot, applied half a dozen pails of tar,
plenty of feathers, and then rolled him
in the rood. The people, who perpetrat-
ed the outrage, are believed to le neigh•
bore, but the victim did not recognize
any of them. The tar, feathers, and
gravel pot was aocompliebed without a
word, signals prevailing, showing that
tbe men had the attack will planned.
The gang warned the man that if he ever
repented the offense, they would hang
him by the boots for three hours.
There ie eom0 taut of the Canadian
railways establishing gas power signets.
Stations will be supplied with two 800
ported preesurn tanks of 26 pound work -
tug pressure. These tanks are to be
c000eotad with the signal lower by
popper wiree and electrical arrangements
whereby they can be worked by a lever
by the eienal operator. Each tank, it ie
figured, will provide for 10,000 move-
mente of a signal. The new arrange.
went calla for the display of the white or
safety at en angle of 60 degrees, while the
beet they eau do at permit is an angle of
46 degrees. The new scheme oarriee
with it, moraine to its promoters, a
more oernnin working of the signals than.
by mechanical foroe. This new nyetem
hae bean inatelled in some five or six of
the largest yards in the United Settee,
The Toronto Star of Monday availing
oonteine the following : When Premier
Rose gets through reorganizing hie oabinet
it is expeoted that it will look something
like this : Premier and Provincial Treas-
urer, George W. Rose ; Miuicter of Agri-
culture, John Dryden ; Oommiesioneer of
Grown Lando, W.A. Chariton ; Attorney•
General, E. F. B. Johnston ; Minister of
Education, Rev, John Potts, D D. ; Com-
mieeioner of Public Works, Peter Ryan ;
Provincial Secretary, George P, Graham.
Farther definite annotincemente of re•
eignatione or changes are not now expect.
ed for some dnye, probably not until alter
the Dominion eleatione. Aa soon as they
are out of the way the goeeip is thnt
several things may happen very quickly.
The Toronto Newe varies the linnr'e
oabinet forecast,• retaining Hon. R. Han,
ooart as Minister of Eluoation, and by
appointing N. W. Rowell, K. 0., At.
toreey General, instead of E, 10. f3, John•
sten, K. 0.
Frank Riddell, whose death caaarred
in Petrolen Thoreday eveuiug, after n
Wel illness, was a brother ot Fireman
James Riddell, of London, It appears
there are oireumetanoee in oonneotion
with Mr. Riddell's death that render it
advisable to hold an inquest. He was an
employee of the Waterman 011 Compaq
at Petrolea, where he bad resided for
nearly twenty years, and wile alae a
member of the Pnblir School Board, Oo
Thuraday evening, October 20th, a
meeting of the board was held, at which
it wne decided to demand the
resignation of S. Orane, one of the teach -
ere. Stine remarks panted by Mr.
Riddell, itis said, ware °Feneivo to Me.
Orane, and the latter, a000rding to the
story that is going the rounds, went 10
the house of the trustee after the meet-
ing and gave Mr. Riddell a lhrashing.
Riddell, it is alleged, wan bruised in the
face and Ricked in' the, groin. Creme hae
been arrested, Mr. Riddell leevee a wife
and two obildren, He is mid to have
been a sufferer from heart trouble,
.„„..„,,„ed Will keep for sorvioe a
tboro'•bred (Theater hoar on Lot 93, Com III,
Grey, Pedigree name be amen on appnioa.
tion, Porma,AL(0,tv1th privilege of return-
ing if neeneery, Wet. 8051300011,
144 I'ropele'tor,
90 H1;Ai) OF YEAR 0111)
cd C'c(tle, in good condition, for este,
Apply at len loom 0, Grey, lar it by letter
to Fillet 1'. 0.
11-t! 1101810RRP IBLAIlt,
A zelte of 1ho undersigned, Lot 15, Con, 4,
Grey, en cr about August 2011,, a yoar old
gray heifer, Owner is requested 10 prove
property, pay expenses and take her away.
1l a1. J, J,10KLIti,
0.01 Mhos P. 0.
oflher aexm' Huy 008. 'Phis 31,011 has
Lech very tutee shot at the loons Shows.
linvo also ler Bale u prize'witmhlg 10000
Durham null. Apply at Lot 10, Oon,15,
Gras. nr
O. 7U1.N13ULL,
30.11 lvnitou
FA1tet—Applioabtons for lila positions of
Hooper and metro.' for the House of Befngo
aud Iudnetrinl Nacos let the County of Bar-
on, w01 bo reoeivod all or before the first
day of Deoember next. Ap pllontlane to be
le witting and' addressed to W. LANE,
County Clerk, Goderi0b,
W. 81,401M/0,1,
Chairman Mil. of Com.
Dated 001, 2011, 1031,
being Lots 60 and 67, 1st Con.,
Turuberry, Good brink house. bank born,
00 soros heavy timber, Apply to 0. A.
8NI1LL, Jamestown, Out, 19
homestead -100 cores—in 0110 Town-
ship of Morrie, Buren county, For Dania -
Man apply to BFNNbTTT,
3 tf 660 Bathurst St. Toronto,
The undersigned offers the 100 aero
hum, being Lot 20, Con, 7, Grey, for solo or
to rent. Comfortable house, bank barn, or -
oh ard,;wrl le, &o. There are 30 acres is grass,
10 acres of Fall Wheat will be put in and 20
acres of Fall plowing done. 1 arm is only i
10118 from the thriyirg village of Ethel.
For further particulars its 100 price, Orme,
&c„ apply to 01188 81'10;0E, Ethel P.C.
The undersigned offer !or sale his
farm, being Lot 1, Con, 10, Gray. It is 011 -
tutted on the Gravel road,2 miles South of
Sruasele and °out/tins 100 scree of good 1and,
all cleared but 12 acres. '!'hexa le a first
class brick house and kttil en, boated with
furnace, wood abed, artesian well with
windmill end water is pumped t0 barn.
Barn is 90008 feet with stoup stables. 13 ay
barn 90000 feet, Good orchard, farm well
fenced 1 pleasantly situated Will be sold
on sae, terms. Apply oo promises or Brus-
sels P. 0„ ENEAB 01NI001 10 tr
Holes Liral'elaea laud in the Township
of Grey—Lot 10, Oon. 14, 1C0 acres ; Lot 17,
can. 14,100 mores ; aud Wi Lot 18, Oou. 14,
80 aorea-050 sores. All in excellent condi-
tion with first•olaee buildings; brink house
with all modern oouveuloocee, and large
bank barn,root and straw Louse, etablee
&c. Well watered, From 85 to 40 earn of
good hardwood bush. Lot 10, Oen. 18, con-
taining 100acres of first -chase land, good
frame ho1180 aud largo bank barn nearly
now. The property enol bo sold intwo or
three parcels to suit purchasers. !'arms
liberal. Also a commodious dwelling house
and lot in Ilruesele. For thither particu-
lars apply to tho owner o0 the promisee,
LAUCHLIN 010300111, or to JNO, LDCRID,
Brussels. 21.10
IS now at the stables of
his owners,
ECOtt &z; 'Warwick
Whore he will stand for Service
for the balance of the season.
Men and Teams
for work on Elio Guelph and Goderioh
Neil way.
Wages $.160 to $1.76 per day
for Mon, and
$3.60 ,for Teams
emote at the olaoa of the uodereigud at
J. R. McQuigge,
Royal fail Steamers
From Montreal From Quebeo
ilavnriau......Nov, 4, 0 a.m. Nov 4, 10 p.m
Parisian Nov, il. 0 a.m. Nov. 11, 990
Weirder) Nov. 18, 0 u m. Nov.18, 0 p.m
Ionian - Nov. ID, 0 a m. Nov, 22, 4 p.m
Demos or 10,180112E
First cabin—S00 and upwards, according
to etonmar and acoommotlatlon.
Second enbin—Livorpnol & Londonderry
—580 and 036. Loudon S2,60 extra,
Third-class—Su parlor a000mmodatlou, 810
to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow and.
Through tickets to South Africa,
elonlretrl to Glasgow Direct
Oortuthiaa Thurs., Nov. 8 (Daplightl
New York to Glasgow
Mongolian Thursday, Nov, 10, 12 a.m
Low rates by above Glasgow steamers on
application to
• Agent, Brossels.
is here again and 000l weather makes as, think ot Stoves and bow to
keep warm in Winter. If yon are thinking of purchasing a view
Stove or Range this Fall oall and see our lines of High class
Famous Pandora Range, Made by MOlonirLondou
The Dochash and World's Favorite Ranges,
The Silver King'and Garland line of Stoves and Ranges
See our Lines of Base Burners
and Air Tight Coil Moves,
Agents for the Famous
"Queen" Air Tight Wood Heaters.
Every Stove Guaranteed
to work Perfect.
E timatee on Furnace Oontraote freely given.
Prima Right.
E rRtt & CO.
WE are now ready for 1904
with a larger stock of Buggies
than ever wo , had and a walk
through our Show Rooms will
convince intending purchasers
what our stock is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if
good rigs will do it.
We have added to our Buggy Tops this season a Spring to prevent the
bolts and rivets from breaking. This has been a long felt want.
We have 4 styles of Axles—Duet and Oil Proof, Long Dietanoe, 1000
Miles, and the Noiaeleee Axles, also a few of the old ebylee,
All Steel Body Hangers and all trimmed with best Loather.
Along with our own Baggies we handle a number of first-class
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 2a and 8 inch tires ; Trucks and
Medittm size.
We invite every intending purchaser to Dail and Buy
from ue end save money,
°W.AN & Co., Brussels.