HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-11-3, Page 1Vol. 88. No, 17 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1004 W. H. KERB, Prop, New Advertisements. Looel—Dr. Butler. Looal--L, Hollinger, Dog loot—Tun POST. Fruitativee—Jae. Vox. Hound lost—Peter Dudley. !Nether wanted—Thoe. Bennett. Ladies' Coreota—MaKinnon & Co. Bath in time to vote—•A.. R. Smith. VV Ingle atm - BAax IN TIME To VOM—Tremendous big sole of ready•to'wear clothing, boote and show in Toronto this week. A. R. Smith attended it and got baok .in time to vote et the big election here. Fare paid on the train for the big bargasne here at Ohieholm Block, Wingham, W e- oxrtter. Chester Smith hae gone to Hamilton for a few weeks. Mise Carrie Laurie spout Sunday with Wing/tam relntivea, Mre, G. Bertoo, of 13elmore, spent Burnley with her son, J. fiartiey, Robert and Mre. Btuuk .entertained a cumber of their friends Tuesday evening. A German Concert Co. is holding a series of oonoerte in the Town Hall this week. 0. and Mrs, liembler, of Ayton, are emits of the letter') Meter, lire. A. H, Moffitt. Quite &number From here attended the Nomination iu Brneeela on Thursday of lust week. John Smith returned from Manitoba on Saturday where he has „palet the Summer mouths working at bie trade as trove mason. An Epworth League Society hes been organized In oouneotiuu with the el diet church. The meetings are to be bold every Friday. Thos. McLeod left for natevan, Aaea„ last week, where he end hie m .ther, Mre, MoLeod, who expeote to leave here in a few weeks, will make their home. Dr. Obiebolm addressed a meeting here on Thursday evening of last week and Dr. MacDonald Friday evening, beth being very well received by their teammate ive parties. Wm, Douglas, who livee North of here, and is an old resident, met with a p000118r aoofdept. He was working about tbe atom and had a candle in his hand. The noodle set fire to a oellotoid Dollar and hie neck wee burned quite a bit be. fore the fare wee gob out. Hie right hand was ale() soorahod. Hie many old friends hope he will Boon be all right again, Jninalyto von . Sunday evening last Robert Sbaw, of Blnevole, took the eervioa in Viotoria Hall. Mre, Jno. R. Miller, who has been ill for the oast six weeke, is oaosidarably better but not yet op to bee customary vigor, We hope she will soon be fully restored, James B, Ione, hon gone to Ethel where he bee taken a position in the store of 0, Davie& Co. He will fill the bill all right and the Ethel people will find him a worthy young gentleman. Mise Nettie Hamilton, of Sbnkespeare, who was visiting her ()oust(), Mies, Mar. garet Taylor, wee called home quite tn- expeotedly Thursday of last week owing to the enema of a relative. The funeral w84 on Friday. Auctioneer Scott has been aotborized to conduct au auotion Bale of farm stook for Jno. D. Miller on Monday, Nov. 34th at 1 o'oleok on N e lot 54, eon, 1, Morrie. The farm bee been sold and benne Mr. Miller's lease cancelled. R. H. Outt and Will. MoEwen, of Goderieh, were weloome viaitots with relatives and Mende here foie week. They had been mauling Jae. Cott in stock tatting at Blyth and took advantage of their being there to drive over here. A Bible Society meeting will be held in Viotoria Hall on Sabbath evening,lBth ivat., to be addressed by Rev. D. B. McKee, of Oranbrook, and Robt. McKay, of Ethel. The oolleobion that evening will be devoted to Bible Society work. The auotion gale of Lemuel Jaaklin, Boundary of Howiek and Grey, took plane on Taeeday afternoon and was largely attended, F. S. Soott wee the auctioneer, Mr. Jeaklin has disposed of hie farm to his brother 'Phos , and may go to the West. We •wish him enoaee& When Print Blur 1111W��hon'prfrtt blure,0tes noble temper and pnorae dleeomforb rrun.poeltivela . condition wit sAbii G. etcheIC ;:ax"axxtiait; aAad oonio,tt4e alswtleittk BRUSSZEen An nuotion axle of young ()Mlle is ann• onnaed by Thee, Stokee, lot 3, con, 2, Grey, for Tuesday, 16th mete at 1 o'olook. He le overetooked hence the sale. F. S, Scott will be the anationeer, .eatwOO(J. Finn —Fire broke out shortly before six o'clock Toeoday morning in the large frame block occupied by the Foresters' Hall, Clark Fullarton'e and 'Veterinary Surgeon Roe's offices, the Morrison im• plenum' More and the barber shop, The flames had gained great headway before being noticed, and it was evident in e very few minateethat nu amount of effort would save the building. The attention of those fret on the soeue was turned to saving snob articles as, they oould, Rad some valuable papere, eta, were rescued. The building being old burned rapidly and the lire was so fierce for a while that most of the plate glees windows in the etoreo opposite were broken. R, 111 Bal. lautyne's house was damaged slightly and it was thought at oue time that the flames would get a strong hold upon it. '1e origin of the lira enema, of oonrse, be del ermined, but it le supposed to have ,tatted from a stove in the hall above the barber ,bop, where a meeting was held Monday evening. The Toes is covered by ioeormtoe in the Portb Matual, Econom ioal and Waterloo oompaniee. ' Av4:it(oI. Anacin Rayuard and his lady friend, were Sundaying et hie nnole'a. Mre, John McDonald, of Ethel, is visiting her mother, Mrs, Arnold, of Paisley. James Innae, of Jamestown, has taken a positiou in the R. 0. Davies & Co. store here. The Hallowe'en triake were quite oumeroue bat it its evident only smell boys were out. Mre, C. Rayoatd le home from an en• joyeble visit at her daughter's, Mre. 0. Congrnm, Ripley. B. and Mre, Laing expect to leave for Pittebarg, Penn., for a holiday visit with their danghter. Dr. Chisholm, Conservative anndidate, WHO in our villiage Tuesday looking up some of tbe faithful. Kreuter & Ritchie have reoeived another oar of coal and are buoy storing it away for sale this Winter. Mre, Fd ward Fletoher is laid up with typhoid fever. We hope to see her around again in a short time, Mies Mabel Coates, of Brussels is here visiting at the home of her parents, Jon. and Mre. Coates this week. Misses R. and L. and Will. Spence entertained a few of their friends from Walton and Craubrook on Monday even. ing. The sport for the noon hour of oar village is ,booting. Aim lower boyo so as the buliete won't play a tune on the gardenfenoee. We see a new polling place bas been added to this riding for the convenience of the vinegars on the corner of Main and Queen streets. Geo. Gill intends to return to Cockburn Island in a few days. He will be aoaom• panied by Geo. Onrtes, who, wants to see that part of the country. The boys were very kind to put some people'a wood inside for the Winter and we hope they will call around to some Other places where wood is to be got in before the snow oomee. Cottuoil meeting Monday of next week. Grey Township Coattail will meet on Monday of next week at Ethel, A large swop of mengolde and turnips hae been grown in Grey this year, Silver Corners cheese factory will tarn Re attention to butter making now for a time. A hitohen, 16x20, has been added to Neil MoTeggart'e home, lot 24, eon. 16 Rave and Mre. M. J. Wilson, of Tees• water, were visitors with W. 13. and Mre. Tuompoon lest week, Jno. Daagherby 1211, oon„ has a fine, barn and stables since he enlarged and improved the old one. The Easterly part of the 10th con line might easily be improved by grading and a good ooat of gravel, The iron for the 9011 eon. bridge arrived DOB week and the new structure will Boon be in plane, It will be none too soon. Piper and Mies Mann, who were visit. ing relativee and friends in the North. went have arrived home atter an enjoy able trip. Don't forget the auction sale of farm, farm stook, implements, &a., at Hooter MtQuarries'e, 4th Done, on Tuesday after- noon of next week. The annual Bible Society meeting will be held in Roe's, oburoh a week from next Sabbath, at 3 p, in. Speakers will and B li of Brneeela a D Smith, w A Moxa 1 b , y fGre . o Grey. Sunday School in Shine's eohoot house closed its seesione last Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Thos, Oalder has been the Superintendent, and has done her work well, Andrew Meehan, 16th 00u., who moved bis barn and put atone stabling mister it bas the work about oomplebed. He will build a straw abed to the North of it next Summer. Tuesday ,voting of this week A. Hislop, M. P. P., spoke in Dr. MaoDon- eld'a interests at Wingham and Wednee• day evening at Gerrie, the conolading ai meeting in the Damp gn. Jae. Manny lot 35, Don. 16, has about completed hie barn. He pot cement flooring in the new thing stables. The building le 45 by. 60 teat and will be very comfortable and convenient. HeatinEAL—At the 'residence of the bride's parente, Seaferth, on Wednesday of last weelr, Rev. F. Larkin, Presbyter. Ian Minster, tied the matrimonial knot between James Felton, a well know gating Greyite, and Mise Marjorie, (laugh. ter 01 Jen. Gillespie, of Settforth, The young people will make their home on the groom'e faro, 10th con. with the booty oongretnlatione of a large 011010 ol. rolativee and friends. The bride wag e farmer teacher in the Fulton a hoot honee. Dr. and Mre, 8, MoKibbin and daugh- ter, Mine Margaret, of Orate, Colorado, spent part of last weak et the home of Wm. Armebrong, 9th con. The Dr, ie a brother to Mrs, Armetrong, Wednesday afternoon Lauoblin Mo, Nell, 14th Con,, lett for Minceapolie in response to a telegram notifying him of the illness of hie eieter, Mre. Logan. She hue not been enjoying very good health for soma time. Last Friday afternoon John Ma. Taggart and hie son Maloolm arrived home from te two months' trip to Mani- toba and Dakota, The McTaggart boys have taken up 840 aoree in Aseinaboia, and will engage in farming. We wish them success, Mr. Mao. had a good time on his trip bot ie satisfied to live in Grey. The building known an the Star Mill, lob 23, 16th eon., ie offered for sale by Arch. Maisano, the proprietor. It is 40x97 feet, 2 stories high with heavy limber frame. The boarding house, 22x60 feet and le stories high will also be load. Mr. Meissen ie also offering 16 aoree of down timber suitable for fire wood or rails. Minimum eervioea ware held at UOion on Sabbath lash, Rev, Mr. Wilson, of Teeowater, was the preacher. Hie text MS John 18-38, elle that le of the truth heereth my woad." Die000roe was lntereating and inspiring. He ie a &ever speaker. A neat sum was subscribed for the elie'ioaary ormee. Wednesday evening a platform Irlissionary meeting wan held in the name ehurob with a fine audience in attendenoe, The paetor, Rev. 0. P. Wells, B. D., occupied the chair. Addresses were elven by 1'7. H. Kerr, of Ton POST, and Rev. Dr. Goody, of Wingbam : reeitatione and a Bolo by Me. Bradbrook ane ahorueee by the (Moir. The holding of these week night Mienion- ary eervioea is something of a novelty these days but if they all result as, stun easefully as this oue no small amount of good should be aoaompliebed. Misses Baker, Buttrey, Sperain and Peet were appointed oolleotore for this looality. iVAorraet. Morrie Ooanoil Nov. 14th. Frank MoOateheoo is home from.Mani- t oba. Ramon hae it that there may be a lively heatle in Morrie Municipal affairs at the next election. Owing to so mob wet weather and the coming on of Fall, work has ceased on the Lamont drain for this season. There appears to be little demand for appleethis Fall and they are, compare/ tOvaly epeaking, a drug on the market.' On Halloween a 7th con. farmer took hie gun and went in the search of game. He shot at a "hair" but did not bag his game. Mies Maggie Hislop, of Chioauo, is vis- iting her deter, Mrs. Dougald MoDonald, The visitor had not been enjoying her customary good health but ere hope her stay here will be productive of good. An auction sale of farm stook, implements, etre ie anuoaaned by Eli. W. Sellers, 2nd line, for Tbareday after- noon of next week, 10th inst., as be in• tends going Wee6, R. H. Garnis will wsild the auctioneer's hammer. Bosom REPORT.—Following is the results of the promotion examination in S. S, No. 4 Morris. Names in order of merit t -6th Claes—J. Robb. From Jr. to Sr. IV—W. MoOoteheon, G. Robb, G. Jordan, From Sr. Ill to Jr. I'V.—A. Dark, K. Manning, L. Thnell, J. Spear, W. McOutohean, Front Sr. II to Jr. I33—M. Ma0ntoheon, G. Badgley, J. Jordan, R. Thnell. Pt. II to Jr. II—I. Randa, H, MoUutcheoa, W. Thaall, Jr. Pt. Ito Sr. Pt. I—B. Jordan, H. Mo. Ontobeon, J. Thud', HATTIE M. DOWNING, Teaober. Cit-SLxelterceole. Wednesday of last week Rev. D. B. McRae performed the marriage acre• many ab the Manse here, between Ohae, E. Eveleigh, and Mies Elizabeth. Jane Lucas, both of Grey. There was no service in the Methodist oberah last Sabbath afternoon owing to the taperer. of Mre. J. W. Switzer. Next Sabbath service will be held and the Communion dispensed. Last Sabbath evening Rev. T. W. Omens, of Bruseele, gave a fine ',Adresse on Bible Society work in Knox ohuroh in this place. W. Cameron presided and mneio was rendered by the choir, Mee. Forrest and Mre, Cameron were re- appointed Oolleotoro. Oranbrook district atwaye does well for the Bible society. The old and well known general etore hneiosee of Alex. MoNair in this plane has been parahased by A McDonald, merchant, of Oranbrook, who will oom bine the stooks shortly. Mr. MoNair'e health has beau telling during the poet year and it will be a relief to be tree from bueineee oaree. We wish Mr. McDonald,, parse t emcees e iu bis undertaking g end believehs will be able to attend tea all the trade iq' good etyle. ENTERED INTO RE'T —Last Friday the spirit of Mrs, Jno. W. Switzer took fits flight, Her' demise wes not unexpeoeed, she being dangerously ill for some time beton the end Dame from enlargement. of the liver. Mre. Switzer had been; a resident of this locality for about 25 yet re moving here with her husband from St. Marys where elle waa born 56 yeas ago. Her rnalden name was Agnes Dickey. 'She joined the Methodist thumb at Se., Marys when 18 years of age and bad 1 a living faith in the Sen of God. Mre, Switzer ie survived by her husband and three daughters (Misses Maggie, Teesie and Ella) a eon and dangbtet ' ad some', years ago. The funeral took edam an Sunday afternoon, Rey. T. W. Cosine, of Beuesele, oondneting,the eervioe, Among those who attended from a diatom were Gilbert Diokey, of London, brother of deoeaaed ; Mt. Wm. Pollard, of Listow• el ; and Henry Switzer, et Atwood. ,Internment was made in Brumeolt Demo• tory. The bereaved have the synmathy of the oommunity in the demise of a good Wile and loving mother. "Mine own and not another's eyes The King shall in His beauty view ; Leball from Him receive the prize, • The starry Drown to Viotora due," 25th Anniversary OF '['1111 PAS'T'ORATE, OF RIIY. JO1111 'ROSS, 13. A., I11 MELVILLIB CHURCH, BitUSSEL:S. J'ItOGaleig ALL ALONG TOE LINE. Last Sabbath was the 25th anniversary of a most successful pastorate by Rev. John Rosa, B. A„ in Melville oharob, Bruseele, and the service's ut the day were in harmony with the event, The paetor addressed a large aadienoe at 11 a. m„ hie text being Revelation 14 and 6 and the subject "The perpetuity of the Pulpit." He pointed oat, with clearness and faros, that this is seoured by the following facts t—(1) The pulpit presents Truth width, bemuse of its very nature, ie of profoundest interest, perennial in the neighborhbed at the time, For Liberal Government Stetained, mute time Ube servieea ware ooedaated by probationers and stndents, the Aret appointed paetor being Rev. W.0. Young who Dame from Orono, in Olark town. ship. About 40 years ago Rev. Mr, rsa Young was oompeiled to res ign h' berg() pn amount of ill health and is at present residing in Toronto, In 1866 tbe new aharoh was built the Did one baring served he day, Thole Walker, deceased, of Morrie, 858 the oontraotor and wan assisted by the late John Oormaok. The size of the building was 40x80 feet. The Mention of the following elders w it recall to the minds of the old people thonghte of early day' and no doubt very pteaeeut memories of good times spent nn Knox thumb :—W• Grant, Robert Taylor, Thomas Straobao, Philip Benz and a number of others whose names we are not sore of. In 1838 or 67 Rev. Samuel Jones was inducted. Mr. Jones acme MELVILLE ()RUBOR, BRUSSELS. freeboees antt abiding power ; (2) It meete n univesal, persistent and clement Read on the part of man ; (3) It seeks a goal which ie ever receding, yet towards wbiab it must ever and eagerly press ; (4) It 00- aupies the chief plane in that greatest and most permanent of institutions whiob God hae set up upon earth viz the Obnrob 01 Christ. Before closing the speaker made reference to his twenty•five years' occupancy of the pulpit, to the many changers which had taken place in that time, to the unbroken harmony which had prevailed, and to the unabated loyal. ty and goodwill of the people towards himself. It was a service that will long be remembered by the oongregation. �.. Ate HISTORICAL 600000. The history of this Oath, stalled after the eminent Scottish divine, Rev. An• draw Melville, dates bank to the year 1864 when service was held in private houses and in the bnelt in the Summer season. The drat preacher was a eladenb from Knox College named Donnld Mo• Leen, who died shortly after be left thin station. Then followed Alex, McKay, Rev. Dr. Fletoher and other students who suppliedthree months of the year while College was closed. There was alae an ooctaeional sermon preached during the year, but nothing regular. In 1857 an sore of land wee bought on Queen and Tnrnberry streets from Thomas Halliday for $5 and the frame of a (Murata 30140 feet rained. The building was not finished until the following year, and work was principally volunteer labor. The two first elders were Donald Mo• Laachlin and Gilbert MoOallum. Rev. John Ferguson, from Glengarry Co., eves indaoted in the year 1864 and pot in 15 years of faithful service, Hie salary at the commencement wan «500 with a free house, whiob wee inorea5ed to $800 before he left. Daring the first few years of Rev. Mr. Ferguson's pastorate be also preached at Oranbrook and Walton, eau- dnoting services in both Gtelio and Eng. tlsh. The Brussels congregation rearms, ed in size and etrength until, in 1872 old Melville ohnroh was thought too small end a site for building was looked for. Tbie was secured from T. MaMiahael on William street, and contained le of an acre, the pries paid for it being $180. The brink for the thumb was made by Thos. Alnlay, and the contract given to Thos. Brown, of Oranbrook, the amount of the contract being $4,600. Of this sum there was «2,600 seoured before oommeaa- ieg to build and the balance was borrowed from a Trust and Loan Co,, in Hamilton, au annual instalment witb interest cone, ing dee on the let of April every year. To the credit of the congregation it is to be said that the last payment was made in April of 1882, so that the church is entirely tree from debt at the present time. The size of the building is 40x00 feet, gallery on three oidee, and a large and roomy basement, fitted op for Sunday eabool purposes, The seating capacity is estimated at 600. Two fermate in the basement beat bbe church throughout.. Rev, John Ross, B.A., the preseut paetor,' was duly installed in Octuber of 1879 and set o t satin action ' u the veryb o i Me lee, g both as preacher and pastor. Kook and Melville 000gregattote united June of 1895 and have worked together most harmoniously. During the 25 years the number of f eniliee increased from 90 to 200 ; the membership from 116 to 450 ; the aontri• butiooe to mieeionary and benevolent objeate from 6284 given by the then separate congregations to over $000 from the proeent congregation. Rev. Mr, Roes 10 not only beloved in hie own oburab bat le vett' popular with other denominntione and the pubiio generally. Melville ohnroh ttnd pastor are to be 000gratnlated on thenharmony and pro. grass characteristic of the peat 26 years end the outlook ie very encouraging, ntiox Mermen Over 50 yeare ago the members of the Prssbyter'an ovuee met and agreed on the erection of a pima of worship in the village, The site chosen was the one where Watson Ainlay'a residence stende on John street. Half acre of land was pr - chased from the lateJohn N. K neebtel and a log oharoh 28x40 Peet built. Won, Grant, luta of Winnipeg, Jno. W. Arnott, T. Straohan, and the late John Kay, look a very actives part in the harrying an of the enterprise. This Wee the fleet ohnboh 1n Ainleyville, although other denominabiene Were also preaching from St. Mary'e where he had been aonneoted with the Baptist ahuroh pre. vionely. After a very enoaeeotal paetor. ate, extending over 20 years, he Tendered bis resignation, owing to increasing years, and took a superannuated relation. Rev. G. Howie, a native of Palestine, was called and labored for two years, when be returned to the land of bin birth to enter the mission field. Mr. Howie wee s000seded by Rev. D. Millar, who did excellent work for three years, and at the end of that time resigned. The question of onion was then taken up and happily consummated. Watson Alnlay purobaead thechnrah and lot and non. vented the building into a dwelling house. REV. J3o. Rose, 13. A. Mr, Roes Hae born of Scottish parents in the Township of Nioboi, County of Wellington, in the year 1861. He at. tended the Elora High School where be also tanght one year. In 1871 Mr. Rose went to Toronto University, graduating as Bachelor of Arte in 1876, taking the silver medal in metaphyeioe, sillies and logia. Three yeare were !Tent in Knox College at whiab he graduated in 1879, Daring hie collage days Mr. Rose took mission work et Manitoulin Island, Mark• dale and Gloaoester, N. B, After leaving Knox College be was aseietant to the late Rev, Dr, Topp, of Knox ohnroh, Toronto, until he eeoepbed the call to Brussels in 1879. In Denembor of the same year he was united in marriage to MiesRleie Watt, of Elora, and their family consists of three daughters, In 1885 a oell, with inoreaaed salary, was extended to Mr. Rose from Knox Oburoh, Soarbors'', but it was dealfned as others bave been since, Mr. Rose is an eloquent, praabioal and Iogioal preacher ; a clever debater and is well posted on a wide range of enbjrobe, He has taken a great lntereat in edaoatiooal affairs in Brussels and oaonpied a Beat on the Tublio School Board for years. On the gablio Libraxy Board be also rendered efficient earvtaeg the various or anizatioua in 000neo. tib n wi e th the aura*aura*are in good heart b acid are euperiutended es follows :—W. F1 M. 5 , Mre. (Rev.) Rose, President ; Presbyterian Guild, Mies Maggie Stewert, Pffesident : Mission Band, Mies Liezie Rhee and Mre. J. Kerr, in sharge; a good Seibbatb Snhool with J. H. Cameron as Superintendent, T. A. Hawkins is or. gimlet and leader of the chait of the dearth, The eeeaion la composed of Those Streaftnn, Alex, Stewart (Qaseu sheet), G. MoOa�yll� 'n, Jae, Mitchelll, Juo. S1raaoh n, P. "' a D. 0. Rose, G. A. Deadman, A, M. ,oliay, Alex, Stewart (Grey) and D. Greasier, Managing Board i0 aonetituted as follows :—Jno, Leohia (chairman) J. H. Oameron, Jae. Cott, Jae, Bdtvvman, Jas. Spelt, M. Bleak, A. Hislop, A, Grant, R. Streatham D. C. Rose, Jae, Fox and A. Adams. Jno. G. &gena hew been Seoretary.Treaenrer for the past 12 yenta. J. J, Moffett, employed by the Domini ion Bride tom an was killed bya fall at Montreal, yl The eat imposing $600 upon 015030 Ohinaman entering Oaneda baa lied a prohibitive effect. Singe Janaery no celeetlate have Dome to Thee country With the exception of two who escaped from stelemehipe. by age 'Majority. All the Fortner Cabinet Ministers Re-elected. A Turn -over in iOid Huron, the Three Ridings go Con- servative. Opposilloi Leader Borden said to be Among the Defeated. Jer, Thomas Chisholm, of avingbltm, will De Met Iluron'e 01, 1'. The eventful 3rd of November 1904 has passed and the eleotora of the Dominion of Canada have spoken with the result that Sir Wilfrid Laurier is returned to power with a majority of over 60. All of the Cabinet Ministers are reelected. Mr. Borden, leader of the Opposition, who ran. in Halifax, is reported defeated by Roche, Liberal, by over 150. At this time precise or exact figura are not to hand but the story told by the wires is that the three Hurons have eleoted Conservatives, Dr. Chisholm winning in the East Riding by over 180 against Dr. MacDonald ; Mayor Lewis, of Goderiob,is reported to be ahead of R. Holmes, of Clinton, the late member I and 0o. Couooillor 13. 33. Gann, of Sea - forth, wine in South Huron, against Mr. Fraser by 100. These returns may be somewhat changed by the full returns but theindioatione are that three Conser- vativea will sit for Huron Oo. in the next Parliament instead of three Liberals, North Perth re-elected A, F. McLaren over Barrister Mabee but Mre Molntyre was the choice in South Perth, South Brune chose P. McKenzie, Liberal, over ex -M. P. Donnelly and the North Rid- ing Mr. Black, a conservative, over Mn, Oompbell, In the Middlesexes three Liberals were returned, Calvert in the West, McEvoy in the East, and Betz, formerly Warden of Huron Co„ now of Parkhill, in the North. In the latter two Liberate ran. The Ear West and the Maritime Provinces and Quebeo gave big support to Laurier. A current rumor on the street says Dr. MacDonald was defeated by 160 and a despatch from Toronto pat the figures at 168. Nest week the correct figures will be giv en. It was quite a land slide in East Huron no matter which figures turn oat correct and we are reminded of the truism voided by the late Sir John A. Macdonald viz., "There's nothing as uncertain as an elec- tion and a horse race." The most sanguine Conservative, as far as we heard, did nob prophesy as great a tarn. 31 becomes more evident as the days go by that the "Still heart," as it ie designated, Bermes more game than the old time method of political hurrahs. Following is a list of constituenoies from whioh reports were reoeived Thurs- day night bat in some cases contrary reports came to band as well so we will not vouch for their certainty LIBERALS ONTARIO. Algoma E Dyment Brant Paterson Brookville Derbyshire Bruce 5 McKenzie Dundee chamberlain Essex N Sutherland Essex S Clarke Frontenao Sbibley Glengarry Schell Grey 17 Telford Grey S Miller Hamilton W Zimmerman Kent E Gordon Kingston Harty Lanark N Caldwell Lie ton W .,,,Johnston Ltori Hyman Md1ese F7 x 3 McEvoy Middlesex W Calver Middlesex N Rutz Northumberland W McColl Nipieeing MoOool Ottawa Beloourt t art Ottawa Stewart O a S w Oxford N Sutherland Oxford 5 Sobel' Parry Sound Watson Perth 8.. ... . ...... .........McIntyre Teterboro' E Finlay Teterboro' W Hall Prescott Pronlx Renfrew S Wright Russell Wilson Simooe N McCarthy Thanden Bay Oenmee Welland.. German Wellington N Martin Wellington S Guthrie n h t r eels York C ..Campbell York N Mulock CONSERVATIVES 030.11100. Algoma W Boyce Brantford Oaoltsbntt Brno, N Bland Carleton Kidd Dnfferin Barr Durham 'ere Elgin 1 In ,.m Fllgfn W Grenville Reid Grey 111 Sproule Haldimand Lela Halton .,Henderson Hastings 17 , Northrup ,,.,,..Jaolreon Hastings W Porter Hamilton E Barker Iluron E .................... Chislu,ltn Hama W ......,..Lewis Huron 5 Gunn Kent W Clemente Lanark 8"'lagged Lambton E Armstrong Leeds .. Taylor Lenuox & Addington \\linen Lincoln Lunca..ter Wriht Norfolka Tisdule Northumberland E Cosetrave Ontario N Proctor Ontario 8 Chrissie Peel Blain Perth N McLaren Prince Edward Alcorn Renfrew N Winia Simco, E Bennett Simooe 5 Lennox Stormont Pringle Toronto (' ('lat'Ite Toronto E Kemp Toronto N Fueter Toronto S Macrianell Toronto W Oster Victoria & Halibo'totl Hughes Waterloo N 1:,:etgrnm York 5 lfaciean o'noR PROVINCES. Iu Quebec' 47 Libvrale are rep"nest elected and 0 Ooneervet,ves ; in Prince Edward Island 2 enppnrters of Dir Wil• trial Laurier and 2 members or the Oppoeitioo. Hons. Sinton and Greenway were emoog the eleoted in Manitoba, EAST HERON IN 1904. There was considerable difi'ieulty in securing full retuned for this Riding on Thursday night but the following were the majorities reported although they may be incorrect in various instances :— MacDonald Chisholm Brussels 11 Blyth,.........13 Wroxeter li Gray ..,.162 Morris 11 East Wawanoeh 20 ilowick Tnrnberry Wingham 241 Maj. for Dr. Chisholm 138. Following is a eummory of the votes polled in the various mnnioipelitiee in Huron in the election for the Commune on Nov. 24t1t, 1000 :— Macieneid Diokeuson Anaemia 48 Blyth 4 Wroxeter ... 26 Grey 164 Morrisee ry.....,..48 Wingham 43 Howiok 107 360 210 Maj. for Maedonald 140. LITTLE ELECTION SWIae. That South Huron Gann was leaded with B, B. shot some wag said as be play- ed on Mr. Gunn's initials. The Liberals reoeived their retarne in the Town Hall on Tbnredtty night and the Conservatives in the Queen's Hotel sample room. Dr. Chisholm made a great rally in Wingham, Howiok and Tnrnberry and made quite a slash in the Liberal vole oast in 1900 in Breseele, The last summary to hand bef:,re we went to press was ;—Liberals, 103 ; Cou- eervativee, 54 ; Independents, 2, giving Sir Wilfrid a lead of over 60. Uharlemagne Laurier, brother to the Premier, was stented in L' Assumption, Quebec, by aoolamation owing to the retirement of hie opponent. The Conservatives were jubilant over the Marone with good reason too but did not teles. eo meth comfort out of the returns fie the Dominion generally. The official oonnt by the Returning Officer io next Heron will take plane in the Town Hall, Brnnsels, on Friday after- noon of next week, lltb inst., at 4 o'clock. Few M, P: a will be missed more than Dr. MeoDonald. He was an inolsive speaker, a sturdy debater and few men were better posted in parliamentary doings. That 140 mejority of 1900, plus the expeoted 73 from East Wawanoeh, lulled many a Liberal in the Riding to sleep, we have no doubt, Over•condenoe has leen many a seat. It looks a good deal as if Toronto were etill inclined to be Ooneervative. The five seats all went that way, Hon. (1, E. r Foster being in the nflmber, defeating MY q Mayor Ur uhert. o There are 214 members in ,the House of Commons. In the laet Rome at the time of dissolution there were 120 Lib. orale, 77 0paservativee, 4 Independents and 4 Beate'vaennt, Mr. Swartz, of Wingham, won 625 00 from 5, S. Cooper, of Clinton, oontraotor of tba new post Aloe blook, Wingham, over the election, the former betting that Dr, Maadonald'e majority would not exceed 125, Many regrets were expreseed by Liberate here over Dr. MaoDouald'e defeat. Re bee been the member for Eat Huron for the past nearly 18 years winning in fear well fought contests end was elated kr the Speeksrabip it is said, had be, bt eleoted on Thnreday, lr At the time lbs Went Huron Conant. waive oendidate Waeobosen a geed many,' even of that party, did sot think has ohaneea very good but the Doming 0. P. le. to the CO, town was largely credited to. Mayor Lewis' tfiorts and no doubt flee e him a good "beat," Mr, Latvia wan i et mental; on being a red hot politleian and wee an applicant for the. Co. Atter. neyehip when his Witte died, It. Holmes was a wide awake representative but will now devote lilt leisure to his newspaper baefne'se, we suppose, Dad will And more Money ill the latter, 2011 40 128 874