HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-10-27, Page 8-°4- P E Many people for several reasons think that the Fall is the right time to have their papering done. Daring the Summer so much time is spent out of doors that many rooms are really unused for those months, and it is with the coming of colder weather that it is thought advisable to have the house brightened up by re -papering. We have re- ceived several shipments of new Paper, so are all ready to supply your needs in this line. Paper for any room and Prioes Low. F. R. iNeiwilasseesteametien DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. 41•114110C11111, .3114•114•MiZilp. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. a. & B. Trains fume Brnssele Station, North and South, as follower GoiNGSGUTH GOING NoRma, Mail 7:IS a.m 1 Mixed 9;00 a.m MiZed...,.....R M am Mail 1:20.m p leapreae 3:2S p.m I Express ...... Stet p.m R.El7S 1 hilts. A ohiel'e amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. SNOW demise. Looxs like Fall. DoimION Elections Thursday of next week. THE stove dealers are having their innings. THE local wood supply is not looming ap very big• QUITE a number of rabbits are being bagged by the local sportsmen. A HADLowE'EN party is on the program in Brussels Town Hall for next Monday evening. 3.'RANKBGIVING Day will be held on Thursday, Nov. 17th. The day will be a a pablio holiday. J. 0, Tom, of Brussels, judged the swine at Blyth Fall Fair. He's an old baud at the business and owned many good ones in bis day, ANOTHER quire has been added to THE Pon ont.puo thio week. This ehoald be of iutereet to our adverbieers. 15 cents gets Tan Pose to Jan. lel 1905. LosT,—Ou Tuesday evening on the gravel road, near Brussels, a white pig 2i months old. Finder will oblige by having word at Tao PORT Publishing House. JERRY Fling KERnr.—Patten & Parry will appear in the Town Hall Wednesday evening of next week in "Jerry from Kerry." They were here before and pat np a good show. They have a fine Band and Orchestra. ABOUT $300 were paid oat last Friday on the prize list of East Enron Fall Fair by the Treasurer but as this does not represent hall of the amount awarded, there ie still ooneiderable to be done along the line of disbursement. Pereone holding claims against the Society are 'Baked to baud them in to the Treasurer ao that the year's basinese may be wound np as Speedily as possible. Fox THE COMDfoNe.—Peter Stewart, who reoeived the nomination of West Elgin Liberate for the Commons, ie a nephew of •Met:' Stewart, of Brussels, and an old North Eaethope boy. He is a oondaator on the 0. P, R. between St. Thomas and Woodstock, and is very popular among the railway moo of St. Thomas. Hie old friends in this vicinity will wish him Moen in bis election. Tx/mamas evening of last week the Gay Bros. gave their entertainment in the Town Hall here to a large and well pleas• ed audience. Their program ie varied, interesting and clean. Tbe vocal setae. Mons were very well rendered and the oroheetral ao0ompanimenb was extra good. In the moving piotnree, bioyole riding, and hoop trandiiog, the work was cleverly done. The opening scene in the setting of Bailor life was neatly piaaed. Guy Bros' Band ie well worth bearing. HosBoom or REpvGE.—The House of Refuge Committee of the County 0o1n- oil met in Olinbon on Taeeday of lash week, all the members being present. Tbe meeting was Galled to inspect the work. The architect was present and advised Inepeotor McKenzie as to the completion of the carpenter work. The committee found the walla oompleted and a number of mea patting on the roof. Tbe aommibtee relieved Inspector Oantelon, as the atone work war nom. pleted, and directed Ooctraotor Cooper to attend to the levelling of the ground at onoe, the Same to be done andsr the direction of Mr. Frenob, OBIT.—Little Florence J., the two year old child of Wm. and Mem MoPadzean, of Lander, Man., died on Oot, let, after a abort illness of Typhoid Pneumonia. Bbe was buried the following Monday in the beautiful Prairie cemetery. De- spite the busy season, friends filled the obaroh where service was oondnoted by Rev. J. 0. Hartley, assisted by Rev. M. Hogg, of Winnipeg. The hymn, "51 Sep my little one sleep," Bung by the choir was suggestive of the rent ehe had entered upon. She is missed, for as a lily she bloomed here below, but all is well, for eke has been transplanted to God'e garden where Irageaot Sowers immortal bloom. FEEL DOWN STA1ae,-The Stretford Beacon at Oot. 26th, says of a sister of Mrs, Hannah Ballantyne :—"Mrs. David Addie, Ontario street, is confined to bed, suffering from Were braiese and a severe shaking np, the result of a fall down the staire of the Kelly block on •Saturday afternoon. She bad been up- stairs in the building speaking to one of Mr. Kelly's employees, and opened a door which led to a stairway, ehe stepped out and fell to the bottom. Aarietu lm was immediately on hand and she was removedto her home. She is now doing as nicely as can be expected, sod ber Many friends WIII bops tot her speedy tedoeeey. BEnes0Le Tennis Olob has engaged the eervioee of the well known tenor soloist, Harold Jarvis, of Detroit, for their Con- cert on Friday, Deo. 9tb. Mims MINNIE MONAuGnTON entertained her Sunday School class, composed of young men, at her home one evening haat week, when a most enjoyable time was spent. Ix is said complaint liar been made, by interested parties, to License Inepeobor Miller over the fact of violations of the law in eelliug liquor to minora and if necessary proof is to band, both sellers and buyers may have to give an account of the trauegression of the Statute. J. FEED. STEWART, secretary of aha Buffalo Road Drivers' Association, is the owner of a new trotter, a very promising filly by Meehan, 2:11a, non of Eagle Bird, dam a producing daughter of Aber. dean. The filly bas had no training to speak of, bot she ie so good gaited and so well mannered that she ban great pros• peel) for a future matinee trotter. Mon bars is now owned by Thos. MaLanahlin, of Braeeele, and is a very tidy piece of horse fieeb. SEAsoN Exroonan —•Owing to the fact that the Dominion Elections will be held on the 3rd of November, and that a greet many hunters have represented that unless the season is extended they will be unable to exeraiee their fraoabise, an Order in Connell has been paeeed extend- ing the bnntiag season North and Weat of French River, Lake Nipieeing and the Matbawa River (to) 19th day of Novem ber. A similar extension would be grant. ed throughout the rest of Ontario if the Statute so provided. While the Statute cannot be changed, it bas been deoided that a few days grace be allowed, viz :— to and including November 19th. A FORMER Baoeszenz.—Tbe following raters to a former well known citizen here, who now reeides in Ripley, where be keeps the Royal Hotel :—"About three years ago John Patlaod took possession of the Royal and he has during that time bailt np a most splendid trade. He has added all new furniture, until to -day be has one of the beet commercial botele in Ontario, in the best business village in Brace County, Mr• Putland bas bad many years experience in the hotel brad - nese having ran the Albion at Stratford some 20 years ago. The Royal is a first. clam hotel and Mr, Putland is a popular landlord. Good stables in oonneotion. Mr. Putland also owns the public scales and be does hie own weighing. "Fair weights and no favors" is John's motto." ALLAN Loon Saxnvos: The Allan Line Company have arranged their schedule of aailiugs from now to a year hence. Tbe new triple earew turbine steamships of 12,000 tone each are intended to Bail ea follows:—From Bt. John, N. B. : Viotor• tan, March lith and April 16th Virgin• tan, Marab 26th and April 29tb ; from Halifax two days later in each ease. The Sommer sailing of these steamers from Montreal will be : Victorian, May 19th, June 16th, July 140h, Aug, 311b, Virginian, Jane and, June 30th, July 28th, Aog. 25113. This pair of 10,000 Conners, Tunisian and Bavarian, of 10,000 tone eaab, will form a eervioe for next season wbieh by reason of the shorter mileage, will compare in length of voyage favorably with the swift. est of other linea, and iu point of nom• fort and excellence nothing further need be said. OBITUARY.—The Georgetown Herald, of Oot, 19th, speaks as follows of a sister of Mrs. E, Garvin, Brussels, and Jonathan Moore, Walton :—There is sadness in the home of our esteemed citizen, George W. Blank, on a000uot of the death of his esteemed and faithful helpmate of over forty years. Mrs. Black bad not enjoyed perfect health for some month° and indeed for some little time has been quite poorly, but ea unexpected was ber passing away on Saturday afternoon last that it was impossible for any members of her family to be preeent except those who lived with her. Shortly after noon it was notioed that she was not so well as usual, but it was thought that there wee no ire• mediate oaase of alarm, However it was soon observed that she was sinking rapid- ly and the early evening bad not Dome before the spirit of the devoted wife and mother had fled. Mae. Blank was born in the township of Esgneeing in the year 1832, her maiden name being Janne, Moore. Her marriage took plane in the year 1860 and from the time they entered their home ab Lot 14, oonoession 4, until the bond was severed by death, their life was crowned with affection and the happiness that flown from it. Their family consisted of five children : Mrs, Nicholson, of Marlette, Miohigan ; Mrs. W. Storey, Trafalgar ; Hugh, on the old homestead ; George, •prinoipal of the State Normal Sobool ot Lewieton, Idaho ; end Mies Marion at home. Brothere and sisters of the deoeaeed living are; Jona- than Moore, of Walton, Huron county ; Nekton Moore, Guelph ; Epbralm Moore, of this township ; Mee, Logie, Naesaga. weya; Mrs. Squirrel, of Guelph, and Um. Garvin, Broesels. The rleoeased'a family were among the Very early settlers of this county, having settled hero about the year 1815. Mrs. Blank was from her obild- hood, a member of the U. P. aharsh in the Sootob Blook, 00111 January 1902 when they became resident° of George, town, Smoe then aha has been in fellow. ebip with the Georgetown Presbyterian ohareb. In het ohnroh life as in the discharge of ber daily responsibilities, Standard Bank of CanadaMET xmw,4.1m=x rna� neva .• TOTAL A880E'PA RESERVE PEND a 18,000000 A. General flanking 13usinameia Y`ran mart tatlead -"SAVINGS BANK'S' —DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and npwarde reoeived on which INTEREST IS ALLOWED FRON1 DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE. ACCRUED INTEREST is added to amounts every air months and becomes prinoipal. —MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposita withoatthe intervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES GASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for which no obarge is made, YOUR BUSINESS will reoelve oar careful and oourteons attention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. she exhibited that genuineness of ober. enter that always wine respeob and admiration and by her removal a large bleak is made not only in bhe home but among a very large mole at Mende, who during all these years had learned to esteem her. A short time before elle was oalled away she repeated dietinobly a favorite psalm empbezing the words, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with no,. The funeral service wee bald Tuesday. It was oondnoted by Rev. R. F. Cameron. The pall•beurere were : Hugh Olaridgo, Alex. Robertson, Jas. Leslie, Jae. Moore, Jno, Blank, Naeesgaweya and Hugh Black, Rockwood. Interment took plane in Greenwood Cemetery, Georgetown. Mre. Garvin and Mr. Moore attended the funeral. DRINA. WEDDING —Last Friday evening Reeve and hire. Wilton celebrated the 20th anniversary of their wedding and invited a few old friends to share in the festivities. The real motive of the assembling was nob generally known but a few of the company learned of the anniversary and took mansion to add some Dine pitmen of ohioa to the stook of the hostess. A most eujoyable evening was spent by all concerned. The guests eat down to an elegant epreod in the dining room and before rieiog from the tables the health of the bride and groom of 20 years ago was proposed and second ed in cordial and 0ongratalatory terms after which Mr. Wilton replied in ap• propriate terms. The company eeparat• ed at a seemly boor expressing many good wiebee for the future happiness and prosperity of Reeve and Mrs. Wilton and family. "JERRY Feet: BERRY".—Town Hall, Wednesday evening, Nov. and., the fannient show since time began ; a, pley which pleases old and young. Every thing moral and refined. Go and seethis popular attraction. Every aot ap.to date. This Company parries special scenery for each and every sot. See the 3 Pattens in their new musical sot; Campbell &Fletober, the comedy acro bats; G. H. Perry in a new monologue and songs ; Dick. Mitchell, the Rube Comedian, in fnnay eonge end) sayings 1 Mies Lizzie Fletcher in the latest popular eonge and new dancers ; and bbe act that beats them all, Prot. Caillioutte, the King of wire acts. This aot alone is worth the price of the show. This Com. pany carry their own uniformed Band and Orobeebra. Wateh for the street parade at noon Wednesday of next week, Prioes, Children 260 ; admission 35o, Re. served Beate 60o. Seats on sale at Fox's Drug store. Business Locals. Sxove wood for Bale. Joan CUNNING. RAM, Braeeels, APPRENoror wanted to learn barbering, either boy or young mac. W. E. DUNCAN, Barber, Brusaele. A FREE emootb, true, fast and eaey ont can be made when saws are gummed, filed and set by T. MoGrogor, Mill street, Braeeele. SLIGHTLY need Mason Ricoh piano for Bale, 71 ootave, worth $460 but will be Bold ooneiderably below that it taken at once. Enquire at TRE POST Publishing House. BLACK Oollie dog, with white neck and legs Came to the borne of G, A. Deadman, Brussels. Tbe owner is regoeetsd to prove property, pay for this nobioe and take it away. G. A. DEADIKAN, People We Know. Mrs. Chas. Dodde is on the sick list. Dr. Feild was a visitor in Toronto last Wei. Mre. Dan. MoNaugbten is vieibing ber Mater at Atwood. Mise Luoy Little baa returned after a two weeks visit in Hallett. Will. Ainlay, of Toronto, was visiting at bis home in town for a few days, James Dunbar, of Soadridge, was visiting bis neioe, Mre. E, °ober, Princess street. Editor Appleford, of the Seatortb Neave, was in town last Saturday and gave Tan POST a call. Mies Maggie Soott, has returned to her position at London after an enjoyable visit with her Bieber, Mrs. P. Watson. Mies Lizzie McNangbbon is home atter a three months' enjoyable cleft with relatives and friends in Manitoba and the Northwest. Herb. Williamson is home from Ripley fora couple of weeks holiday. Where your breasure is there will your heart be also, you know. Mies Hattie Downing, of town, has been re•engaged for 1906 as teacher in Barrie's school at an inoreased salary, She is a good beaoher, Ohne. Broadfoat was oalled to Ohioago last week owing to the eerioa0 ooudlbion of bis sister, Mies Kate, of Benforth, who underwent a medioal operation a few days before. J, 109. Thompson, who bas been eon. noted with the Fergus News•Reoord for the past two years leaves for Komptville, where be bee seoared a good situation. He le a eon of Joseph and Mrs, Tbomp eon, of town. Rev. 3, E. Hunter of Viotoria Uni• varsity, Toronto, was here last veeek aeeiebing hie parents in moving to their new home on John street, which they porohased some time ago from Than, Newsome, of ,hie plane. T1111 POST wishes Liam many happy years in their home, Rev. T. W. and Mre. Cosene were oalled to Trowbridge an Mendel ars the former'e mother was reported to have taken a turn for the worse, Mre, Richard Crowe, of Guelph, who is making her home this Winter with her Meter, Mrs, H, Bannon, went to Guelph this week, for a month's visit, Barrister A. B. MacDonald is away at Manitoulin Island assisting Mr, Dymenb, the Liberal oandidete, in his campaign, Mao. bas been over the ground before ao will no doubt be a valuable assistant to lir. Dymentr. Owing to his change of residence from Goderich to Brussels be bad do vote here, Herb. Canningbam, who ban been for the past year in the tonsorial parlor of W. E. Danoao, of Brussels, left on Mon- day for Ripley where he has secured a eitnation. He is a competent band and an agreeable young mac who will seamed in life we have no doubt. THE Poem wisbee him enemas. CHUKVII CHILIES. A sueoeseor bo Bishop Baldwin will be elected by the Diocesan Synod of Huron, at Londongn Nov. 29. A epeaial vestry meeting of St. John's church will be held next Monday even. lug, Slat haat., at 7 30 o'clock, The Provincial 000vention of the Ontario Sabbath school Aseooiation was held in Hamilton on Oct. 25, 26 and 27. Rev, E. E. Scott, of Galt, has been in• vited to become pastor next year of Dominion Square Methodist :March, Montreal. Rev. Dr. Warner, principal of Alma College, St. Thomas, who has not been in good health of lute, has gone to Clifton Springs, New York, for a three weeks' stay. Next Sabbath will be the 26th anni• vereary of the indootion of Rev. John Ross, B. A., iota the pastorate ot Melville Church, and services will be in keeping with the °caneion. "The Minion of severe Mioknere" was Rev. T. W. Omens' subject last Sabbath morning in the Methodist oburob, Bros• eels. In the evening he preaobed on "The great Salvation," Reb. 2 and 3. Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, will preaob in the Methodist ohnroh Brae• gale, next Sabbath evening as Rev. Mr, Coseue will be at Oranbrook addressing a anion Bible Soofety meeting in the Pres• byterian church. On Sabbath Nov. lath a epeaial offer ing will be taken in Brnssele Methodist ohnroh toward the Parsonage debt redootion. 0400 le the amodnt aimed at and a °encase of the aongregabion is being made along these lines. A Deanery meeting of the Co. of Huron will bo held ab Seaforth Thursday after- noon of this week. Dean Davis and Aroh•Deacoo Richardson, of Loudon, and a returned Miesionary from Japan will adtirees the meeting. Rev. B. Sellery, M. A., B. D., a former Braeeele pastor, but now of Dundas, has received and accepted an unanimous in• vitation to the pastorate of the Wall street Methodist ahurob, Brookville, for the ensuing oonferenee year. In the unavoidable absence of: Revs Wm. Farquharson, of Durham, who was to have taken the eervioee in Melville Oberob last Sabbath the pulpit' was very acceptably 000upied by Mr. Hackney, a etudeot from Knox College, Toronto. Chas. Gordon, Canadian trsaearer of bbe Industrial Evangelistic Mission, has reoeived word from India that there is every proepeot of another famine in Moe Gujarat. At Hyderabad the absence of rain bas oanaed the crops to wither, and already there is much distress among the farm laborers, Donations may be Bent to Mr. Gordon, at the Dominion Bank, corner of Queen and Esther streets, Fifteen dollars will support a famine waif or a widow for a year. Morris Council Meeting. Council met pursuant to adjournment on Oot. 17th, in the Council Room. Members all present, Reeve in the °hair. Minutes of laid meeting read and eon• ffrmed, R. Proctor presented hie bond as Collector and on motion of Cede and Shaw the same was aooepled as satis- factory. On motion of Jackman and Taylor the Reeve and Treasurer were authorized to borrow $320 to meet oar - rent expellees. On motion of Shaw sad Jackson the Clerk was inetrnoted to notify the Clerk of East Wawanoeh that this Connell is prepared to arbitrate on the matter in dispute, re anlvort on boundary at end of 3rd line, Morrie. On motion of Code and Jaokeon 'bbe follow. fug accounts were ordered to be paid :— S Irvine, gravel, 03.221 S. Irvine, tile for outlet drain, 09 60 ; Jno. Bell, gravel, $8.72 ; I', Wright, gravel, $408 ; E. Enndy, gravel, $8.16 ; Wm. Little, gray. el, 42.28 ; Win. Mines, gravel; $8 16 ; J. Smith, gravel, $6.40 ; H, Kirkby,. gravel, $6,66 ; A, Soott, cedar poets $13.00 ; Duff & Stewart, lumber, $6.76 ; A. Grant, gravel, $3.04 ; Jno. Mooney, gravel, $7.78 ; Jae, Oraikehank, gravel, and damage, $6 20 ; Thos, MaLac0hlin, damage to horse by defective culvert $40,00 ; T. H. Bolger, inspecting work on East boundary, $2 60 Wm. Denbow, gravelling on East bound• cry, $8,76 ; E. Livingstone, (nater, 410.20 ; 1+', Makin, gravelling, $21.08 ; R. Young, inepeoting, 02.26 i selootore of Jurors, eesh 04,00 ; O. Henderson, ln• speoting on North boundary, 26o ; N. Flat,, repairing Calvert, $1.001 Wm. Phelan, tepaieing bridge $6.801 Jae. Smith repairing Million, 03.00 ; A. Kelly, rel. POLITE BANK CAPi4'AfrPuid nts 41,000,000 8E4E2 V ti CJNH , • $1,000,000 Direelore REV, 11, H, WARDEN, D. D„ S. J, MOORE, President. V.toe-Preeldent, 5 0e, n=AMMAR% F r.A, n1e notion tut. W. M0R21ME11 OLAntO, 10,O. D. n, 5110000000, R. 0, HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, D, ROSS - GENERAL MANAGE'''. A GENERAL BANI`~ING BUSINESS TBANSAOTED, Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Disoonnted, Interest qb HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sumo of 41 and upwards A. E. MELLISH, Manager. .111•33.6 ii010.01202,08041011.16. pairing oolyatt, 42,00 ; H. Richmond, Fn0085, Nov. 18.—Farm stook, imple- award drain and repairing culvert, menta, &o., Lot 8, Con. 12, Grey. Sale, $10,00 ; Loxton Hill, grindiog grader unreserved, at 1 o'clock. John Malead• blade, 600 ; 111. Healy, cleaning ditob, deo, Prop. P', S. Soot,, Ano. 46.00 ; P. Ellison, cleaning ditch, $3.00 ; T. Oode, part salary, $26.00 ; Jas. Bole, plow broken on East boundary, $2.02 ; Ohas. Pollard, gravelling on East bound- ary, 476.82 ; Jas. Bolger, inspecting on Bust boundary, 47.60 ; Ohm, Pollard, gravel, $4.66 ; Robert Youill, gravelling on 4th line, $80,00 ; R. Yoaill, gravelling on West boundary, $48 81. On motion of Jackson and Code the Oounoil then adjourned to meet again on Nov. 14th. WOOLEN BUGGY RUG LOST W. OLARK, Olerk. • WOOLEN between BrUseele and Walton, got. 20,red and block striped °an ono aide and plain on other aide. The ander will kindly oblige the owner by leaving it at THE POST Publishing Rouse, Brussels, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 'All LAMBS FOR SALE, Eligible for rteas brat on,26, 0114 NI0130L?e, Perth County. • Aldermen Eidt end Savage may oou- EICESTERS FOR SALE, the Stratford Mayoralty. A. Fisher , of Forest, has been appoint. beau very osuccessiul et gtheTlocal Bhowne ed assistant teacher at the Uentral Rave aleo for sale a prizo•wiuning young Busioees College, Stratford. Durham Bull. Apply at Lot 30, 001,.10, The condition of the little two•year-old Grey, or 0. TURNBULL, eon of H. and Mrs, Rather, Huron street, 16-tf Walton P. U. Stratford, who was so badly scalded on Saturday by a tab of boiling water being upset on him, is unchanged. Sir William Mnlook, Postmaster General and Minister of Labor, will, in company with J. P. Mabee, the Liberal oaodidate, address a mass meeting of the electors in theatre Albert, Stratford, on Saturday evening. Hez-kialt Waugh, an employee at the horse shoe quarry, at St Marys, met with an accident on Monday forenoon that might have cost him bis lite. He was working in the bottom of what is known as the new quarry section, when a fellow 'workman observed some loose rook near the top of the quarry, indioat• ing a break and he yelled to Waugh to look oat. Before Waugh, who was in a stooping position,aould straighten him self ap and julep out of the way a :Munk of the falling stone struck him on the bead just above the forehead, making a out through the scalp and about two iuohea long, and brnieiog hie nose, it finally struok the back of his right band aarase back of the thumb and severed an artery, which bled very profusely. He was hurriedly taken to a dootor's office down town, where the wounds, which required several stitches, were dressed. - Mise Mary Saabs, of Dion, aged sigh• teen years, was killed by falling on an iron grate. A prong entered her eye and pierced the brain. Colored students at Queen's Medical College, Kingston, were taken from their boarding bones by a crowd of medicos, stripped and painted. The write for the Yukon got through to Dawson City on the last steamer, and the election wbil be held on December 16th, as originally intended. Several lots of cheese from the Govern• meat cool oaring rooms were reoeotly consigned to merchants in Great Britain, with a view of getting areport on the quality of the cool cured cheese as Dom. Dated with other of the same batch cared at ordinary temperature. The merchants who reoeived the cheese had them examined by numbers of the trade in their' various looalibies. The report made by a oommittee of those who examined one lot wee as follows : " (a) Oool outing tinting the summer months ie a deoided improvement over the crdia. ary method, and improves the quality of the ohsese not leas than two shillings, and in some came:: four °billings per cwt. (b)Parefiaing in some mutes is an im• provement when thoroughly applied on well -made, alma -textured cheese, but does harm on mashy, °oft and eddy cheese." Andrew Clement & F 's of Glasgow, who forwarded this report to the Dairy Commissioner, concurred in it, and expressed the desire to see pool awing made compulsory, MODONALD,—In Grey, on cot, 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MoDonald, a son. Sd.A.RRx=:(D. 5TRAoaAN—MAaD0NALD. — In Grey, on Oat. 26, by Rev. John Ross, B. A,, of Brussels, Mr. Thomas Strachan, r, toe Mies Isabel MacDonald, botb axaa- R.tTtIANN.—In Oranbrook, on Oat, 22nd, Mrs. A, Reymann, in ber 66th year, iema Ta- onmx,,0i za:.Ci,.c''u a7'x'ra", Fall Wheat 98 1 00 Barley - 87 40 Peas 60 60 Oats 28 29 Butter, tube and roils.,., 18 14 Eggs per dozen - 17 18 Hay per ton 6 00 6 00 Flour, per cwt 6 60 6 00 Potatoes per bus 60 60 Apples (per bbl,) 1 00 1 26 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 4 76 4 78 Wool - 17 18 Rom Live • 6.. ... • •. .A.VCTxmzc' TUESDAY, Nov, 1sT.—Farm Stook, fm• plemente, eta, Lot 16, Con. O, Howiok, boundary of Howiok and Grey. Sale un- reserved, at 12 o'clock, Lemeal J. Jack• Ilu, Prop, F. S..Soott, Alto. TUESDAY, NOV. Boot: --Farm, farm stook, fmpietnente, &o, Lot 12, Con, 4, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'oloak p re,. H. MoQuarrie, Prop. F. S. Scott, And. LEICESTERS FOR SALE.— 4 good Rboarliug and 8 Ram Lambe. Also young Short Horn Bulin from 7 to 20 menthe, 'minding the lst prize Senior Bull Calf at East Huron Fall Show. Also a nu mbar of Cows and Haltors. Will be* sold cheap and on terms to suit buyers. DAVID 111I1.NE, Ethel, ant, OVERCOAT TAKEN—ON THE second day of East Huron Fall Fair my Overcoat, a black one with velvet collar, was taken from the hall of the Queen's Hotel. Brussels, and another smaller (oat lett. The party who made the exohauge, or took the 0080 is asked to kindly return 1t to the Queen's at once. A. MoEAY, 10•1f Seaforth. ETURON COUNTY ROUSE OF I10030010 AND INDIISTBIAL FARM.—Applioatlone for tbo positions of Reaper and Matron for the House pinatas° and Industrial Farm in the County of Bar - 00, will be received on or before the first clay of December next, Appltoatione to be iu writing and addressed to W. LANE, County Clark, Goderloh. W. SPACEMAN, Obairm an of H. of R. Com. Dated Oct. 2011, 1004. Hot Water Bottles and Fountain Syringes and other items in our Rob. bar Stook are essential in every home, We guarantee our Queen Quality goods to give perfect satie• Caption but we also have the cheaper varieties if desired. When yon require a Hot Water Bottle there is generally no time to Ipso. Now is the time to prepare for it. See our new goods at fiUlElff s Drug Store The Dominion Election Act, 1904. In the matter of tbu Election for the Elea - bond Dietriot of the East Riding of Hur- on, to he holden on the 071h day of Oa - ober and tile 30e1 day of November, 1004. X, Thomas Chisholm, of the Town of W ing- bam,lu aha County of Emco, Phyaioian, a candidate at the above lineation, hereby de- clare that DUDLEY HOLMES, of the said Town of Wingbam, Solicitor, is appointedby meas my Financial Agent for the n0000055 of the said Election, under Section 143 of the Bald Act. Witness: THOMAS OHISHOLM, Ions M00LYMONT MAGvmE, Tho .Boniinion Election Act, 1904. In the matter of the Election for the Elec- toral District of the East Ridmg of Bur - on, to bo holden on the 27th day of Oo- tobor and the 3rd day of November, 1004. I, Peter Macdonald, of the Town of Wing - ham, in the County of Huron, Pbyeioiaa a candidate at the above Election, hereby declare that RICHARD VANSTONE, of the said Town of Wiug8ham, Solicitor, ie aupointed by me as my Financial Agent for the purposes of the said Election, under Section 148 of the said act, Witness : 5, MAODONALD, H, B. ELLIoTT. C®SER CARRIAGE 00. E can supply you at once with any Buggy you may want but as the tithe for purchasing CUTTERS has come we would like to tell you that we are fully pre- pared to meet your every want in the Cut- ter as well as in the Sleigh line. We have the Finest and Most Up-to-date assortment of Cutters that can be found anywhere, ready for inspection, and would be pleased to have you call and see them. Prices Right. TWO COWS FOR SALL, JOHN CCS.EAR £ SONS. .y® gctacn- ,n,,h,h,,'UehPLrlidhplldll,rlir'Ur'tl'hl'tlhv We have just received a car load of "Brockvilles," the kind that speaks for themselves. Call early should you require one as these are fast sellers. We have the "Bell" Cylinder Root Pallier, the BEST On the marlteb, Bee them. Should you have any groes to kill or sod or rough ground to work remem- ber the "Front & Wood" and "Wind. sur" are the disks that will do it. If you want a General Pnrpoae Plow, than whioh there is no better, mourn a No. 20, Front & Wood. If you want a seoond.band Bnpgy, Out, Cutter, Plow or Implement of any kind be euro to call on as, We have also the U. B. Cream Sep. orator, Singer Sewing Machines, Volmat QWaehiug Machines always on band. We can supply you with a good -- Driviug or Work Horse cheap or Stook of any kind on abort notice. 8.O _. pa�t� U -t�-•�- I --r-7 N