HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-10-27, Page 5t w -e- 8, TRAIN UP11 A CHILD And wbon'npbot 0toeud him or .f/.TOWEL Tenn 09008 April llth, 1904 Comm rolal andrsShorthand, Bond for College Journal, A. L. MoINTVItE, Manager, BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER o011t, H. 1VT F, S, SCOe. TT, Breesel oORAO1 EN F • Issuer of Marriage Licensee, Of - Hoe et Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels, 1 HARMS FOR SALE -THE UN- DRRSrGNRD hoe several good Faroe for sale nod to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morrie and Grey. F 8. BOOTT,Bruseel 0. 0. F. Court Priuceee Alexandria, No, 04, 0. 0. F., Bruosoh, meets In their Lodge Room Bias - hill Nook, on the Dud and last Tuesdays of each mouth, at 8 o'olook. Visiting brethren always welcome, JAS. BURGESS, 0,1t. A.11, MELLISH, R. 8, M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —TEACHER OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, mxvegma.es, o ort . ROBERT OUNNINGHAM1 1N0a8A8011,. FIRE AND MARINE, • GUELPH. J. LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRM INSOh/iN0117, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, 0111oe over Hureley's Drug Store, Nov, Srd,1001, 80.801 Brussels. Wellington Mutual Eire Insurance Go., R0TADL100103 1840 Insurance taken on the oath and premium note eystom at current rates]. Before insur- ing elsewhere pallon the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE 0(00170(8, Breeeele. AUCTIONEERS. 11 S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • num, tell( self for better prices, to bettor men , -In less time and lose charges than any other Anotioneer in East Huron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this o1$oe or by personal epplio0tlou. ROBT. H. GARN1SS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Torma reasonable, Bales arranged for at the omoo of Tnn POET, Brunets. 20tf VETERINARY. D. WARWICK— E., ARWIOTi— J • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, le prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated neinrale in a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Deutletry. Calle promptly at- tended to, O19oe and Infirmary—Fore doors North of bridge, TnriIherry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MAODONALD— . Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. 8uoc000Or to G. F. Blair, OOoe over St,tb- dard Bunk, Brunets. Solicitor tor Metro- politan Bank. NV: M. SINCLAIR- • Barrister, 8olloitor, tOonveyancer, Notary' Public, &e. Cabe—Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the.Btanderd Bank. pROUDFOOT, HAYS & BIIAIR— B'ARRIBTieRB 80LICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETD. W. PBOOD0o8T, H. 0. It, C. HAYS G. F. PLAT. °Moos—Those formerly oaeupied by Mauro Cameron & 0(011. GCDnnmtr, ONTARIO. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, It. Ile O. 111., Trinity University, Follow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Sargeoue Out, Licentiate of (be 0(01081 001 - lege of Physiofane and Lioautiate of Mid- v,ifory Edinburgh, 1. -Telephone No.14, Residence—Mil street, Brussels, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, 1tI08 0 08T Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeonsof Ontario and First•olaee Honor Graduate of Teresa° TJnlverelty, Ofgoo next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, 'gid -.6- g Largest and Best IN WEOTE1tN ONTARIO. So far as we eau learn uo Business College in Canada graduates o0 ninny vand at thesame time nab m lnr(,o per- centage of itsb an conte a doute art does the al CENTRAL • STRATFORD, ONT. It Our 0080808 are up•to.dato, lna0rhet• �l W ors experieueed .wit 104110tie8 Muter. dV. Ir 88084, 9tadonte viay enter at any It l��Jp (0010, Writ„100Ireo oata1Ogao It iD ELLIo1'T & M0LAOHLAN, Q'F. '�ryry irfnoipalo. �p i1 ftl1hf NOTICE! Wo, the undersigned, agree to raise the price and ie00o. for i 000 0lron o, owing¢ to the wive,, e in the price of rentals', etc. Thio goes into fume on Monday,Jtlue 10011,10)1. Signed by EWAN & Oo., Gua, W. P01,10401D, P. 0100'r'o HOotjIfattte li NON, H. '1', PLUM'. EI:I AI O LA 00111.18, T1100. Porzoon, Gm. Henbane, a0118 )'01111e0T, .00180 1801(81814. ltztrt.ct Bekus, 113* s Cie. Reuel) Sellars is home from Warroo, Ohio. For dome time be has not been enjoying good heal sit and oame home to recuperate. Mre. 13. W, Kelly, who spent the past six weeks visiting at the home of her father, John Brown, in this village, left Wednesday afternoon for her home in Bastrop, Louisiana, A meeting of the riflemen of Huron entity was held at Blyth on Oot. 12th. Ropreeentativee were present from all the rifle neeoolatioue in the county. The meeting wae called for the pnrpose of organizing 0. Huron twenty rifle league and arranging for a union shoot to be fired over the Londeaboro ranee in the near future. The following nfiloere were elected :—President, Ool, Wm. Young, Darlow ; vine -president, Mo. 0. A. Howson, Auburn ; searetarytreaearor, Dept. George Lvithwaite, Goderiob, Two members from each looal 000oaia• tion were elected onthe exoontive mom• mitten a0 follows :—Capt. R. MoGom mina awl Jomee Ouming, Blyth ; (Apt. R Wallace and B. Herrington, Londes• boro; Capt, 0. A. Howson and Wm. P:uukett, Auburn ;Capt. B. MoEwen and J. Goldthorpe, Saltford ; H. Salkeld and J. Newcombe, Goderioh township. 0 en,lortlr. "Little Harry,” owned by Thee. Daly, won first money at the Blyth Fair in the 2,40 trot. Seeforth Milling Om are at prosent working overtime to fill an order of flbar for Scotland. - W. T. Box has purohaeed Mre, John Downey's oottage on Jarvis street and is greatly improving its appearance. Vine Murdie, Stella Parnell and Wil. eon Turner, whose names did not appear in the IIet of successful oandidatee at the Junior Leaving examination, and who appealed from the decision of the ex. miners, have been allowed their appeal, end last week received their oertifioatee. Large quantities of sugar beets are being shipped from the elation here to Berlin. G. Martin, of near Egmondville, shipped the first oar this year, from thie station, He loaded a 40 ton oar in 1,1 days. They were a good sample. Masers. Wallace, Stewart, Atoheson end Sbiltinglaw each shipped a oar also. Seelorth Cadet Corps are the. winners of the Beak Shield for this year. The result i0 annoaooed in en order ieeued by Major S. P. Layborn, D. S. A. I., to getlier with the coerce made in the annual competition for thie fine trophy. Last year the 8t. Thome corps were the winners and they made a hot fight for the trophy thio time, being but four pointe behind the Seaforth Cadets. The woo top aeons this year were annually good, being 166 and 152 oat of a possible 200. t W00001. John Hone is again oon0ned to hie bed euffering from to relapse of hie attack of typhoid fever.. Cyrus Harvey has returned from his trip to the went. Little Lilian Lineham a000mpenied him, Little Olive Johnston, daughter of Henry Johnston, well driller, is confined to bed with an attack of typhoid fever. Mre. 0. H. Follarton and tivo ohildren left for Winoheoter, after n pleasant visit with her parento, L, and Mre, Pelton, The flue new brick residences of Jae. Ferguson, Dr. Kidd, ,Geo. Loohead end W. R. Eakins are now rapidly nearing completion and all present a fineappear. atom The work of erecting the main build- ing of the Cement Co. is progreeeing.rap. idly, Tine favorable weather is a great help, and if the weather bolds good for two wane, we will see the walla ereoled and the roof on. The walls ere of clement and ehould be of a enbetantial nature. A gang of 12 men are busily en. gaged erecting the walla, while four' men are at work in the gravel pit, loading the dump oars, which are then drawn by horses to the centre of the building, and the gravel dumped off just opposite the moment mixing maobihe. This - machine, which is driven by horse power, ie a great Saver of hardworst, and beoidee mixes the cement and gravel more thoroughly and speedily than it can be done by hand. When finished, the works will prove not only of great interest, but also of great utility 0o the reeidente of Atwood and Vicinity. ft�Itato'ti+vol. Mro. F. Rogers hae returned home after an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs (Dr.) Roy Nino), at Cornwell. A new siding has been pat in at the G. T. R. yards, for the convenience of cheese men and other large shippers. James Bayne hae bought out the blank. smith bushing of Joe, Tinning, on Wel. laoe street, and is now in pooeeoeion. Guy Bros played to a. crowded home in MoDonnld'e mneie hall on Taeoday night et last week and put up an excellent Bb ow. Anniversary eerviaee will be held in Knox Church on Sunday Nov, 6th. Rev. Thos. Eakin of St, Andrew's Chore It, Guelph will preach. Benjamin Lewis, of Wallace, hoe taken up hie residonoe in town, and has porohasnd the hoose and lot on Biemartt street owned by Ieiaao Miller. Sabbath School Anniversary Sermore Will be concluded on Sunday, Nov. 0th, in the Methodist Churhh, by Rev. Dr. Orewe, Seoretary of Epworth League and Sabbath 80hoole. Those tannin in this district which had not previously Bold out the balanus of the 000e0n'e make, disposed of their cheese at the Fair on Friday 141h, nine teotorieo boarding 8,850 boxes, Oo. to Oto, wore the knee at which moat of the sales worn made. Thio praoticelly oloe0e out the oho0se baelnese thio sea. eon, MI it is net 88p0oted that many fa0tori08 will omntine° malting into November, On Tuesday of last weep the September make of the Walloon, Johne and Mornington. Molesworth and Trowbridge faotories wan shipped front Listowel, Donegal and Mankton ehipping at the eame time horn Atwood elation, The eix 000 1ri88 shipped 2 400, bone in all, reeeiving ab tit $17 000 tbiirefor. What may turn nut to be a fatal ant. dent happened Friday morning, For a long time past the bridge on Biemark Oren has been closed for trail° owing to bad state of repair. Recently bow• ever, it was ;wand up and opened. Robt. Tremaine wag driving hie team morose it when the flooring gave way and team wagon and driver fell through, The 1,oreee were badly hurl, bat Mr. Tromaino had eeyeral ribs broken and enelainod terrible braises. He watt taken home, but it le said if hie life ie spared, it will be due to hie very strong oonetitu. tion, art he is very badly hurt. I<Itenwall. Muoh sympathy 08 felt for Wm. White who had two valuable horses killed by lightning. Mr. 'Whiteman, of 1Sippen, hart ap, prentieed bimeell to Dr. MoDermid to learn the drug buuineee. Jamee Beverly, wife and child have arrived here, end Intend making their home bore for the Winter, Mr, Rowald hoe purchased the vacant lot between R. Weloh'e and the rectory, and will oommenoe,the ereotioo of a neo reeidenoe 00 one. Alex. Swan returned lest week from the Weet where be has been spending a oonple of months visiting with hie half brother, who myna a a0Ople of sections of very fine land and has grown quite wealthy and prooperooa. Kippen Methodist Aonivereary Servioee will be held on Sunday November lath. Three serviette at 10,30, 2 30 and 7 o'o'ook, p. m. Rev. Samuel Salton, of London, will preach at all • servieee, and in the afternoon will give an illustrated sermon to the children. Lax oknovv. Debbie C. won the free•for all rase at the Dungannon Fair. Beat time 2 23. The Dietriob Lodge of Inetrootion will be held in the Luuknow Oddfellowe Hall on Thanksgiving Day. His many friende will regret to hear thnt P. Murchison, while in Toronto, eproined hie ankle in stepping off the sidewalk to get on a street ear. Several parties at the big demooetration on Monday of lest week bad their pookete pinked. The eame gene also operated at Exeter, Clinton and Wingham and over $500 wee stolen. A large and enthneiastio meeting of the shareholders of the Farmers' Elevator Company wee held in the Council Chamber, and a strong protest was made the e idea of allowing the control of the elevator to pass Iron the present company. It wae deaided to take every legal and honorable means to retain' the elevator in its present efficient ooaditioo. The capital stook was ordered to be inoreaoed to pay ate the present indebted. nese and make neceesery improvements NI Superintendent and hie wit. As they I t f, `I^r"t^r°'r'r''"'ntt" to the plant, manned heel, the hymn "God be wiili �"te e.:-`-. < rt -a sj ;:, Wm, Johnstone, one of the vert first you u 1 toe meet again" was sung. Tho eettleru in tho wage, passed away at hie eervioo Wet well arranged and most 1m• pre.s;vr, 1)/•. and Mrs, Towler 'eft on tionoay .0 last weel, for the Paoifio Goan State, reeidenoe on Clyde street on '1neoday evening of last week at the ennead age of 72 yeore, Donned, who was a oar• penter and farmer by trade, oame to this aeatlon as one of the pi0080re end has remained here all hie days, He teethe a widow and a grown up family to mourn hIa lose, VQ inage etyea . Wm. Gannett's reeidenoe on Viotoria etreet hoe been ao'd to J. J. Elliott, V, 8, Mrs, Elliott and family will reside there while Mr. Elliott spends a few months in a warmer olimate. A happy wedding party gathered at the residence of the bride's mother, Mro. Houghton, on Wednesday of lust week, when Mies Annie Patterson, formerly the efoient aeeietant in Mr, kaeon'e book. store, wae molted in marriage to John McLean, ooel and lumber merchant, The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. -Lowe. Ball Bros, have dissolved partnership, John Ball having deoidod to go Weet, As he le an gpright, burliness like gong man, the rapidly developing West will no doubt present a eaiteble opening for him. The bneineee here will be 000tinaed by hie brother under the name of L. A. Ball & Oo,' Since o icing to Winghem, the Bali Bros• have won the confidence of the pnblim by their reotitnde and bneineee methods. There is no doubt that the new firm will oontinne the bneineee with the earns energy and thanes. As in the past, fair•dealing will be the motto. We wish the retiring member of the firm thanes wherever he may deoide to pitch hie tent. A pleasing eptaode occurred on Sunday IGtb inn., at the oloee of the 080001ees in the Melhodiet Sunday School in this town. It was known that Dr. and Mre Towler were about to leave Wingbam, to spend the Winter in California. For many years, the doctor has devoted him- self to the interests of the eobool, and Mre. Towler has been the faithful teacher of the ladies' Bible alas(; hence it was brit fitting that the ofboers, teachers, and children ehonld have the opportunity of bidding them farewell, for the present, Mr. Buchanan took the chair and Mr. Ferment then' read en address to Dr. and Mre, Towler, expressing appreciation of their faithful amine on behalf of the eobool, wishing them a safe journey and speedy return. Several of the officere and twitters added their testimony of ap. preeiotion. The school then sang part of the hymn, "Bleat be the tie that binds." Dr. Towler replied, expreeeing appreci- ation of the teferenoes to himself and Mre. Towler in the kindly -worded address, mod wishing the eobool continued 8000008. Mr. Morton then arranged the school so that teacher( and eoholare walked pest the platform, where all had the oppor• tunity of ahaking bands with their faith. MISSES HABKIRK AFTER a very successful Opening we are bet- ter than ever prepared to fill the wants of our many patrons, and we invite an inspection of our large stock of Trimmed _ Hath and Ready -to - wears. As usual we are maLing a specialty of Mourning Goods. , First-class Goods at Popular Prices. The Misses Habkirk. •I ii it ii ii tp� ply' $ RH3 5..'37:a33 •i�3 LS• o-. cradles' Fine Shoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate workman- ship. Made to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy comfort, very durable. When you discard hem you want another " just like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying. • Here are a few: Dongola Laced ,Heavy or Light Solea $1 25 Hid Lend, Goodyear Welt, Light or Heavy Solos . 2 00 Hid Laced, beet of Stook and Workmanship $2 50 to 8 50 la`Shoeo and Rubbers promptly repaired. HARNESS DEPARTMENT —Robes and 131ankete, Wool and Plash Rage, -Truults and Glatohole at prim to plena your puree. —Single and Teem Harman, neat and durable, and the priest' lowoet possible where good material and workmaoehip i0 iooluded. —Pour Sete Second hand Singlo Harness, prise from $2.50 to $4 00 per eat. —.A oomforbable house and 8 lots for sale ; frnite of all kinds. X. C. lit X C tEt D Sae Cie r"e•I 0. Mise Flo. Elliott has returned from Jackson, Mirth., where aha hen been tick• ing her brother and other friends for the past month, Wm. and Mrs, Andleon were at Essex attending the hedeide of their son.00 law, Jae. Molotooh, who le euffering Isom a severe attack of appendicitis. dos, li. Holmes, eon of Rev. Holmes, of town, left last week for Saekatoon, N. W. T., where he bee enured a laorative situation as managing editor of the Sae. kat000 Phoenix, Thursday of last week a quiet wedding wen e0lemnized at the beautiful home of Edward and Urn. J.,me' when their daughter Annie wee united in marriage to Edwin Lambkin, of the 4th our. The oeremony was performed by Rev. J. W. Holmes. The Bible Society meeting held in the Presbyterian numb Sunday evening, 10th met., was well attended and stirring addroeeee were delivered by Revs. Holmes, Hall and Dobson. The follow- ing officere were eleoted for the ensuing year :—President, James Leech ; Vioe President John Stewart ; Treat., R. Roes ; Seo , Thee. Andrew ; Depositor, S. 0. Rothwell, A collection of $8 wae taken at the olooe of the meeting. Bert. King waited on Ifowiak Connoil and presented a bill of $22 50 for damages to hie engine breaking through a bridge. Moved by Rene. Binkley and Spotton that the Oonnail give Bert. King $20 to settle hie bill in fell. parried. Dr. Whitely presented two bille to the Oona, ail, one for $15 for medicine and attend anoe on Andrew Oootts, the other for three lights of glass broken by Andrew Couple, be being mentally deranged, Moved by Mune. Gowdy and Spence that the Council take no motion In the matter. Carried. t.Ilin ton. Mre. A. H. Manning, her eon. and Mre. Coate, left last wtelt for Oreetline, 0. where they (pend the Winter. 0. Cooper, H, Bartliff, W. Cote, J. Johnson, leave the cod of the mouth for the deer fields of the North on a ten days' hent. One can now get a fair idea of the immensity of the water tank being built at the station. When completed it will be 75 feet high, Clinton now has within her bordere 10 miles of granolitbio walks, 57,888 square feet of which were laid thio year, or 2.1 miles in leoglb. Thos. Cottle was bitten on the wrist by a dog whish left the imprints of two of its teeth. He is feeling a little more comfortable art the dog was shot by order of the Mayor. Fred. Chant (eon of H. 13. Ohanl,) who has lately been employed iu the Sover- eign Bank at Amberetburg, hao been promoted to the position of aoeiatent manager of the branch at St. Jacobs. Mice Carol Newoombe and Min Sybil Coartice went to London Tne0day of last week, The former takes and gives vocal m0000 at the Conservatory oneday n week and Mies Courtin eutere upon a comae of otudy at the eame school. The walla of the anon to the House of Refuge have been finiohed and the roof ie now being built thereon. If fine weather continual it will not be long after the 10th of November the -date of the eon. traot, before fo is finished. Mre. Murdock Ma Innes, whose former home wae at Laoknow, died in Clinton Sunday, of last week and the remains were taken North in oharge of D. French by the 10 16 train Mobday morning for burial. She had been an inmate of H. of R. for two years, and had remitted the good old age of 82. H. E. Hodgins, of Goderiob, with hie wife, bus been spending a few days at the home of his mother, recuperating after hie severe illness. Inebead of being what he formally watt, one of the fineet men phyeloaily, in the county, be is a mere shadow of hie former self. However, he ie on the road to robust health, a fact hie many Mende will be pleased to know. One of the moat regrettable accidents that has ocoarred in town for some time happened Monday morning of last week to John Bean, the faithful Librarian of the Pablfa Library. He wae out picking apples, on a ladder, which slipped, showing him to the ground. Though in great pain he was able to get to hie feet, and walked to the house, Hie doctor wae enmmoneed and on examin• Mien found that he had received other injuries to his bank besides' the injury of hie arm. 107 first prizes and 82 seconds ie the record that 3. A. With, of Huron Road, Tackeromith, oan boast of for this year on grain exhibits. His display oonaieted of 4 Varieties of wheat, 2 of peas, 4 01 oats and 8 of barley, The "Michigan Amber" variety tested 65 lbs, to the bushel, whiob is an exceedingly good showing for thio year ; the "Genesee" teeted 64 Ibe, In cite the "Or ward" variety with Mr. Wise leads, testing 58 lbs. to bushel. All of the exhibitions at which bo showed were held in the County of Heron, and he secured Brat prizes in nearly every place, A very unfortunate aaoident befell Dr, Gunn on Sunday night of last week, about 8 o'olook. He wee going across the nosing in front of the ball, Inwards that building, and in the darkness struck one of the pieces of plank, that are raised at this point with his foot, which toppled him over on the stone paved water, way e, drop 0f 0BOn116 inches from the walk. He pot out hie hands to save himself, but the right coming in oontaot with an uneven enemas, two 0f' the metacarpal bones of the palm were broken, He otherwise reoeived a misty body bruise throes the ribs by elrilting on the outer edge of the plank walk, in his fall, The new militia act will tomo into force on the first of next month. R. S. Sohall, manager of the Royal Loan & Savings bo„ of Brantford, 10 dead, L. N. Champagne, of Roll, has been appointed Judge for the district of. Pontiac. An attempt to chloroform Mrs, ,john Scram, of Batbven, tailed benne heron frightened the aooailant away. A eon of Walter Mark With killed at Port Perry by a horse running away and dashing the boggy apafnet a tele. graph polo. Mies Mark is said to be fatally injured. 1 MC INNO N t CO. 13LYTH Specials for this Week We were offered some great snaps in several linen of geode last week if we would clear out large 'cite, A0 the quality was liret class and the prime very low for spot cash, we eootd not reeiet the temptation and bought pretty heavy and now give our oa0tumere the benefit of our Diose buying. The goods have joet been reoeived and are open for inepootion. $1.25 French Kid Gloves for 75e. Wo got a great onap in Ladies' Fronoh ]ifd Glov,e, They are first. olaee goods, but in broken lots, soma are silk -lined, others are unliood ; some have dome fasteners, others have large pearl buttons. They Dome in eoloro of brown, taus, creams and blacks. The sizes are 04 G, 7 and 7k. They are the regular $1 and $1.26 Gime, and you take your ohoioe for 75o. 50c. Ladies' Silk Belts for 35e. Bypurchasing p g a large gaantitp of Ladies Silk Bolts we got a great redootfon in price, and we are now selling new up•to date Belts in silk, taffeta and satin, in black and colors, with fanny heckler', worth 60o, for 85o. We show a great range of new Belts from 25o to $175, Our Stock of Mantles Got well sold out on fair week, but we have had the stook replenished and now show a full range in all sizes, in0inding some new designs, Bowl Xxxxxxxxx r xxxxx` o ' , xj;, TAKE "h'�e'Qi' ,'llrU,'Itnl,'yeldhAe'ei q/ TrE 2 1) IF it pays to push an article it pays to push it to some purpose and to push it more with an object of gaining permanent trade than of temporary profit. Many people think it impossible to find a first-class General Store in a town this size. If you are not prejudiced and are open to conviction you can be convinced that there is one here by calling at Jamestown P. 0. and General Store where you will find a fine and modern stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Yarns, Crash, Notions and Groceries always Fresh. We buy direct from the largest Jobbing Houses and Manu- facturers in the country and by so doing we are always sure of. obtaining first-class goods, and as we are net paying enormous ex- penses in rent, clerk hire, city taxes, d;e, we can sell goods at the most reasonable prices. We have now some ends in Prints, Dress goods, Wrap perettes which will be sold regardless of cost, also some lines in Shoes will have to go. We do not wish to carry, if possible, Goods out of Season. We are just loading up for Fall and Winter trade with a fine stock of newest•Stylss in our different departments. We now handle best grade of Manitoba Flour and find it getting a ready sale. Family trade is especially solicited as your patronage is always appreciated no matter how small your purchases. You may rest assured it will be our constant aim to sell you the beat goods that can be obtained and at reasonable prices. We are very grateful to those who have dealt with our wagon on the road so very liberally this Summer and t hose who can see, their way clear to come to the store, we will make it profitable for them as we always try and keep up Farm Produce to the highest notch. Try us on Dried apples, Butter, loose or in tubs, Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Potatoes, and Fowl of all kinds as soon as weather will lib; cool enough for shipping as we ship direct. 101ete1.811e118181488889a+'tnl04 Walter _ nes tT..A..1VI HISTGVCTTr Apples will be bought on and after Septem- ber 12th, at the BRUSSELS EV+PORATOR Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will not be taken. MO. CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR, Beletelablenialagradasei