HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-10-27, Page 4(rabt NroselsMost, THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1904, Polling' Places In East Huron. , Per Nov. 3rd,1.00*, Following will be the polling plaoee in the Eliot Biding of Huron for the Hoare Of Commons F,tection to be held on Thursday ot next week, Nov, 3rd ;— Brx'r14—No. 1, Industry Hall ; No. 2, Wm, CeMpbell'e office, Bnaeseoe—No. 1, J. J. Gilpio's abop; No. 2, Connell Room ; No, 9, Geo. Birt's dwelling. Gnaa—No, 1, school house, Beath halt Lot 19, Oen. 1.; No. 2, school house, Lot 6, Oon. 11 I No. 3, eohool house, Lot 10, Oon. 15 ; No. 4, school bones, Lot 35, Coo, 16 1 No. 5, Township Hall, Ethel No. 8, eohool home, Lot 30, Con 9 ; No. 7, Long's Hall, Oranbrook, Howtotr—No, 1, school hones No. 1; No. 2, Temperance Hall, Lakelet ; No. 9, Towoebip Hall, Gerrie ; No, 4, Foreetere' Hall, Fordwiob ; No. 5, eohool home No. 18 ; No. 6, Orange Hall, Newbridge. Moan's—No, 1, school home No. 1 ; No. 2, Button's school ; No. 3, eohool house, South halt Lot 6, Con. 5 ; No. 4. Township Hall ; No. 5, Stone eohool house; No. 6, eoheot house, North half Lot 26, Oon. 2. Tnannsans—No. 1, eohool house, S. S. No. 11 ; No. 2, Foresters' Hall, Biuevale ; No. 3, eohool Mese No. 9; No. 4, eohool house No. 3, WmNoaael—No. 1, J. 13. Commingle ebop ; No, 2, Wm. Gannett's ofiioe ; No. 9, Towo Hall ; No. 4, store of Web ker Bros. & Button, Waoxzxna—Town Hall. EAaT WawAN098—No, 1, aobool house, No. 10, Oco. 3 ; No. 2, eohool house, No. 13, Con. 6 ; No. 8, school house No. 9, Con. 12 ; No. 4, Jae. Dow's house, lot 29, Con. 10. POTATO BLIGHT AND ROT. The Oaaee of Serious Loss — Preventive Measures. Reports from many districts indioate that potato blight and rot ate again thie Penton oaneing eerioue loss to the ferm- ate of Canada. This disease has beau quite prevalent in many parte of Ontario and Qnebeo, and although a good pre- ventive is known in Bordeaux mixture few growers seem to have sprayed their potatoee. L. H. Newman, of the Seed Division, who visited nearly every ninety in Ontario daring the Summer, confirms this statement and reports that in many aaeee be found growers Badly wanting in knowledge of the dinette and methods of preventing it. There are two known blights whiob affect the potato in America, the early blight, Alternaria Soleni, and the late blight whioh muses the rot, Pbytophth- era inteetaoe, The early blight cameo the epotting of the leaves early in Jaly. Theae spots increase is eize, unite and form large muses of diseased tissue, This blight doee not attack the tubera and is not nearly ae injurious as the other, If the leaves are punctured by beetles or from Boma other aaeee the disease gets a foothold easier. The late blight ie the one whioh oaueee by far the greater lose, both by lessening the orop and by musing rot. Ancording to W. T. Maaono, Hortionllnraliet of the Central Experimental Farm, this disease paesee the Winter in the tubera, and in the Spring when the vines begin to grow it netts to develop, growing up through the Masan of the potato stem. Daring the latter part of July it prodaoee on the undersides of the leaves myriad* of tiny sperm, which in the macs have a frost - appearance. These eporee make the rust stage, whioh i* oaa*ed by the leaf tisanes drying np where the eporee have been feeding on then and oaneing dark brown spots. Die from tbie stage that fatore infection takes place, ae the spores are parried rapidly by the wind and alight on the foliage. They are also waehed below the enrfaoe of the ground and reach the young tubera, and in time came the rot. The potato rot itself to a dry rot ; the wet rot oomee through decay of the labere. It ie when the tubera begin to form that the - dry rot begine to appear. Thie ie jest atter the. polate hoe peeved the most vigorous stage, when in a wild state it would be bioeeom• ing and producing seed. At this stage the 000ethatton of the plant ie weakened, whioh probably maker it more subject to disease at this time. In the previews of Ontario potato vines neaally dry np dar- ing the latter part of Augnet, Why ehoald they die so soon when they do not prodnoe Beed 7 If the season is fairly favorable even the earliest varieties may be kept growing right on into September by thor.rugh anitivation. The important point is to get them past the period when they are in a weakened oondition, with. ont injury from tangoes dieeasee or in• note, Experiments conducted at the Vermont Experiment station proved that over half the crop of marketable potatoee was produced atter Anent 22nd, In Ontario the potato vines are usually dead shortly atter that date. The great gain in keep• ink potatoes growing until late in Septem• bee is here very apparent.. Very marked reealte in spraying with Bordeaux mixture, for blight have been obtained by the Vermont elation, the Xrfeh Depart. ment of Agrioultore, and the Dominion and Provincial Experimental Fame. In I901 ekperimente by Mr. Maoonn with eight varieties showed an average differ - elm in favor of epraying of 100 bushels of marketable potatoee and in 1902 with eleven varieties the average difference was 120 boshele per sore, With the Empire State variety theca wan a differ. epee of 165 boshele per aorta, In 1902 the vines Were sprayed tour times, on Joly 10111, July 22nd, July 30th and August 18111, the formula used being 6 lbs, blue. atone, 4 the, lime, 40 gallone water. White the Coiorada beetles were active eight Mimeo of Parse Green were added to earth forty gellone of the mixture, For large aeeae the expense for btneebone would be in the neighborhood of $6 per acre, and the, total exp00ee probably not more than 98 or $9. Eveb at 910 per sore the result of the above ekperiment foe 1902 would show a profit of 938 per sore, potateee selling at 40 Dente a bathe!. Theae termite should 0onvi000 potato grOweee of the importan0e of -praying their potatoee for the peeveotloh Of blight and rot. The work meet be thoroughly done. Spraying should be beguu by the middle of July and the vines kept covered with the mixture until the eloee of the nom. It is generally recognized that some varieties of potatoes have greater power than otbere to resist thie '-disease, and it is safer to oaltivate only varietiee whiob are at/parlor id this reaped. All diens• ed refuel from an effeoted field should be burned. It is also advisable to avoid owing for seed purposes potetoee from a diseased Drop, even though the tubers appear healthy. The Three Hurons in 1900. Following ie a eummary of the votee polled in the varioue municipalities in Huron iu the eleotion for the Com - mom on Nov, 24th 1900 :—• HAaT 130003, Maodonald Dickinson Brueeele 48 Blyth 4 Wroxeter 26 Grey ..164 Morrie 40 Tarnberry 43 Wingbam ... 43 Howiok 167 850 210 Majority for Macdonald 140. 000Tn 1100028. McMillan McEwen Seaforth 76 .. Taokeremith 93 .. McKillop 21 Hullett 108 Hay Hansell Stauley Bayfield 293 Majority for MoEwan, 251. Both oandidatee were Liberal in South Huron last eleotion, WEST n01t0N. Holmes McLean Ashfield 23 Colborne 60 Winton 63 Goderioh Tp 211 Goderioh 25 E Wawanoeh 73 W View mesh 2 236 211 Majority for Holmee, 25. Several ohangee have been made in the boundaries of the ridings since last eleatioa, as follows :—East Wawanoeb come to Beet Heron ; Hallett goes to West Huron ; and Ueborae, Exeter and Stephen are put back to their proper plane in the South Riding. These ohangee will mean ooneiderable differenae in the figures on eleotion night. 297 138 81 28 544 Groderieeet. The steamer Myles left for Port Ar. tbar with a cargo of 100 tone of bay, from Wm, Lee, and other freight. Jonathan Miller ie getting hie East street livery in ehape, and has already placed in stook some handsome new out. fife. Rev. R. E Knowles, of Galt, will de• liver his lecture, "The Cotter's Saturday Night," in Knox Church, oo Monday evening, Oot. Slat, under the anepioee of the W.F. M. S. The building committee of the public library met and awarded the oohtraot for the interior furnishings to the Goderioh Organ 0o., Ltd , at $514. The °outreet includes eight oak tables, a maple of umbrella stands,the book etaoke newt. paper deeke, etc A, E. Swaffield leaves in a week's time for Riverside, Gal., where for the Winter he will aeeiet his nnole in the erection of a number of eohool houses. Mr. Swaffield will leave on his return to Goderioh lo• warde theend of Marsh, so ae to be able to start work to Goderioh by April 1st. The celebration of the Gunpowder Plot in the Orange hall on Hamilton street, on Friday evening, Nov. 41b, promisee to be a nutcase. Tha program is well ander way, and will inolude an oyster supper, addreeeee from the looal clergy, sword dancing, songs, recitations, etc., and a "beauty" oonbeeb open to children five years or ander. So far the arrival of grain vessels at the Goderioh Elevator have reached eighteen, and the building le now prom Goalie' full. The trade bas Dome to a atop just now as care Are ,not furnished for shipping out the grain. It ie rumor. ed that the manager has had to refuse cargoes on that account, ao that had Dare been furnished ae regdired by the Elite eater Go. the deliveries would have been over two million bushels by the end of last week. Hugh Black, who was working at the steam coal hoist at the dock, met with an accident that malted in the dielooation of the left knee and the epraining of both anklee. Blank was working on the platform above the hopper of the hoist damping the bucket. It appears his glove (taught on the bucket and he was carried out over the vessel by the arm of the hoist, He fell 00 tba deck of tba vessel with the result mentioned. Smith Bros. & Go. have found it necessary to .make an assignment. 1t is, however, (gaits probable that a eatie• factory adjnetment ot their affaire will be arranged immediately, and their busineee will be resumed once more. The new building being erected for their oloek factory will be gone on with, with the consent of the creditors. The liabilities are said to be about $10,000 and the mutate will meet all of the olaime in full. Toronto wholesale hoagies are principally interested. Saturday night 151h inet., a rig of John Levy's, of Colborne, wee smashed to kindling wood by the late train on the traok near the cattle pone. Mr. Levy bed left hie horse and rig standing in front of Thoe. Elliott's boogie and when be owe ont after a few minutes they were gone, the borne having, ea it turned out, wandered to the reilway track. The animal escaped nninjnred and the paroele that were in the rig were about all right, Among the panels were some lamp ohimeeys, whioh, strange to say, were unbroken, Eegineer h'arr wag driving the train, Wm. Christie, grain buyer, and T. M. Lae, a noted aporteman, and Reginald W. Thomae, of Vanoonver, formerly of Tor. onto, are dead. The funeral of the Biehop of Heron took pinta at London on Saturday morn• leg, the romaine being taken to Tor. onto for intermen'. Erma gItC goa `c-,.et#an: 11; urna �fbt3�u 3 Dealt Ea1Toa,—Loal Option would do good iu cities bat it le dlttioalt to say to What extent, for liquor wood be brought in from noighboriug towns. The only way to stump oub the driclting habit is by having no bare or esteem io Canada but here, let no rejeioe that the very great majwit), of Uanedlans do not love driok more that) bread, as ie the onto in the mother aonntrree, Some may any that the United Suttee would enpply liquor to thee') who wanted it bat the danger, in the Eastern Provinces, esp001. ally, would not be very great. Would It not be a grand and glorious happening for Canada to lead the natioue in total abetinenoe ? Until one Government will prohibit the mauafaetere of the nuisance let us each individually do our emelt to dieooarage its use by one friende and aogu,intanoee, not by turning our books to those who now take it (evil to aasoolate with evil will not improve) bat by our exempla and infloenoe make them better. Let tie pray and work with thio aim, so endeavoring to strength• en the minds of onr fellow citizens, and consequently to raise theft thougbte to God the Oreater and Giver of all good and perfeot gifts, MAOra, Strattord, Oot. 13, 1904. QUESTION FOR NEST WEEK. Whab may be done to add to the grow• lag interests of East Huron Fall Fair Perth County. Tenders are asked ffrthe new armory at Stratford. The walla and roof of the new chair !eatery at Stratford are completed. Stratford dairymen an0o0uoe that after Nov. let milk will be 6o a quart. The membere of the Mitchell Bowling Club are having their lawn epriakled with Band. Tuesday evening of Inst week Hon. George Footer addressed an audience in the opera hall, Mitchell, Inoendeeoent lights have been planed over the signs on the tower of the Y. M. 0. A. building, Stratford: T. Ragman, of Milverton, has return- ed to hie home, after a two weeks' visit with hie daughter in Zion City, III. George A. Stevens has left St. Marys, having enured a good position in the Columbia phonograph store, Toronto. John White, of Monkton, has decided to sell ont his confectionary business and put in an up to date line of gents' furnieh• toga. David Aikens, of Mookton, has pur- obaeed the livery business of J. White for the tam of 3475, and purpoeee rum ning an np to -date livery. Edward Siegel, of Mitchell, ebipped a quantity of eager bests to Berlin last week and realized a tam whiob, will warrant him patting;in a greater Drop next year. Mrs. (Rev.) Knowles, of Fullerton, received a'- message on Monday of last week, saying her sieter•in•law was dying. She hatted once for London, and Rev. Mr. Knowles followed on Tuesday. Manly B. Baker, M. A., and Lindsay Malcolm, both Stratford boye, have been elected to the positions of president and antenna treasurer, reepeotively, of the Queen's Uoivereity Hockey Club, King - B6011. Wm. Ballantyne and Mise Ballantyne of Washington, D. U„ are visiting Ron. Thos, Ballantyne, Stratford. Mr, Bal. lant ne has been a resident of the United States capital for over half a century and is one of its leading oitizene. Erten Mary McDonald, the unfortunate Mitchell girl who recently pleaded guilty to theft, appeared before His Honor Judge Barron, who oommitted her to the guardianship of J. 2, Koleo, oommieeloner for neglected and unfortunate obildren. Whilst Jae. Canning, of Dublin, was returning from his father's in Tucker. smith, on Sunday evening of last week hie driver dropped on the road, about three miles South of the village and was deed, before the ocoapaute could alight from the carriage. _ Harry Burroughs, from near Mitchell, met with a painful accident on Tuesday of last week while in lbs employ of 0, Henry at Mr, Mickel's threshing. Io some manner one of hie arms got eioght in a belt, whioh resulted in it being ter- ribly torn but no bones were broken, D. K. Erb has Buffered from a severe anent of blood poisoning oaoeod by an' abscess in hie band. He has' been oder fined to hie house for two weeks, but ,10 now able to take .an active 'part in the oampaign, end olein the return of Mee Molntyre and the Laurier adminietra• tioo, H. M. Moir, who some time ago was acquitted on a ohatge of misappropriat- ing the lauds of the Dominion Express Company at let Mary's has been farther charged with misappropriating 9800 between June 16 and July 18, and other mousers. He was oomrnitted for trial at the fall Aesizee, Jae. Harris, a farmer of Baet Nissonri, was in St, Marys, on '1'oeeday laet, delivering hogs and on returning home he wag accompanied by a blaokemith from Grantbaret, Enet Nieeoort. A board was planed on top of the wagon for a Beat, but on turning the corner of Blgin and James streets, it said ,off with it0 oomnpenta on the road. Both men re - waived a bad shaking up and some brnleee, bat no bones were fractured. The Pearn and Donald farms tbae are Waged by Robinson & Slack and Weir & Weir, respectively, for stook purposes have been the rend'ezvone for a number of troublesome doge that have been ronu• ing and worrying the cattle planed on the above terms to graze, Two of the cattle Saturday nearly Benumbed through ex. hauetion and a poste of dog hunters wad organized on Saturday, and seven dogs were relieved of this world's tronblee and the nook will now have a chance to gain flesh and rest. Work on the extensions of the G. T. R, shops Stratford, le progreeeing very rapidly. The clement work on three of the new buildings, the extension to the blackemith glop at the Beet end of the works, the new braes foundry to Hie North of the boiler shop and the new wheel ebop, to the South ot the carpenter *hop, are now dompleted and workmen are engaged to patting the rode on these haildiage,. The large new tender shop to the Southwest of the works le r'•pidly assuming extensive proportions, the cement worst being about fifteen feet above the ground, I7d. Smith, of Hampstead, who under. wear two serious opartitions for appendi, Pith) and an xbeeese le, we are glad to know, doing ea well rte could be expected, and will If ell goat well 1n a fete days be on the high way to raoovery. J, G. Reiner, of Wellesley, who ie director et the Berlin, Waterloo, Well. Waley sod. Lake Huron Beltway, was in Berlin on Thursday and in reply to ingnitiee, eeid that had the motion to goaeh the 910,000 bones bylaw been enooeselul, the road to Welieeloy would not have been built, That woe a certainty. But now filet the by law had been declared valid he was confident that Wellesley branoh would be oonotrnetod, Iiaalso said that it had been definitely deoided by the 0. P, R. to build a branch line of the Guelph and Goderioh road from a point near Hawkeeville to ran through Wellesley village to Stratford, another branoh from Hawkeville to Lists. wet. Mr, Reiner some days ego went over the route from Berlin to Wellesley with the chief engineer of ebe 0, P. R. and the official gave him reason to believe that the surveys for this line would be made this Fall or Winter. This would makes it possible to cummenoe the actual work of oonetraotion early in the Spriug. Hon. Dr. Montagne has declined the Cooeervntive nomination in London, J. A. Davidson, formerly proprietor of The Guelph Meronry, died at Guelph, William Anderson, of Baet Zorn, was etrrok by a 0. P. R, train ab a oroneing and killed. The steamer Kaneohe was burned to the water's edge et Lindsay, Loee about $8,000. Dr. chamberlain nye the Ontario elections will be held on or before . Jan. 15th, 1905. A report that Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick was about to resign hie portfolio is of- ficially denied. Jamee Cook, of Alvioeton, wag run down by a train while volkiug on the track and killed. Neil Bruedell'e boathenee at Rat Portage and a number of valuable boats were destroyed by fire. The Went Bhefiord, Que., branoh of the Eastern Township Beek wan robbed of 97,000 by safe crackers. A stook of eigere owned by the F. Williams Company, of Morrieburg, was destroyed by fire. Lose, 910,000. Prof. Pike, of Kingston, has apologized to Prof. John Marshall, and retracted the statement that Mr. Marshall wax nota Christian. J. F. Drnmmond pleaded guilty at Winnipeg of embezzling $5,430 from the Manitoba Mortgage & Investment Go., and will be renteeoed this week. By direotion of the traeteee of the First Methodist ohuroh, Loudon, the oburoh bell was tolled Saturday, as a mark of respeot to the late Bishop. There ie a serious outbreak of dipb• theria and Sonrlet fever among the Indians at Norway Hoagie, Lake Winni• peg. Fifteen deaths have mattered. The general eleotion oampaign in New- Foundland was officially opened Friday, oandidatee being uomlnated for all the poustitoenoioe, The. Government party, led by Sir Robert Bond, nominated a fall ticket of 36 names. The Opposition, led by former Premiere Whiteway, Winter and Goodridge, nominated' 35 oandidatee, allowing one member, Cathie, of Ferry land, to eeo0re hie eleotion unopposed. The polling will take pinta on October 31, The Governor General has received a 1 telegram stating that Captain Thacker, Canadian military attnotle with 1)00 Jepaneee envy in Manohuritt, 'bete been invalided. The wife of Senator Ohne, Il. 00sgraiu, of Windsor, died Friday night. Mrs, Oaegrain was 60 years of age, and woe the doubter of the late Richard Street, of Hamilton. The report of the Northwest Grain Den'erti' Aea, Mellon eetimatee the aver- age yield of when for h'lauitobe and the Territories at 171. bueheln per sore. This with an acreage et 4,420,411, mukee the total yield of wheat 69,855,190 boshele, A prisoner named McKee, sentenced for life for murder, tried to escape from Kingston penitentiary. He had filed through the bare in the window of hje cell, and bad also keys all ready to un - look the doors, The cage was reported to the guarde and the plane foiled. The expert judges eeleeted by the De- partment of Agricultural Booletiee, and sent to Fall Faire where their presence was requested have completed their work, Their efforts have been attended with marked eoeoesa, and manysoeiotieo who enlisted their services for the firet time have already applied toe their return next year, Io all oases the new men Bent ont this year owing to inoreaeing demand gave Benefaction. POLITICAL MEETINGS ELECTORS Come and heat the faeetione of the day dieooeeed. IDr. Macdonald the Liberal oandidate in East Huron, has arranged to bold meetings during the oampaign ae follows ; Walton Thursday, Oot. 27 Wroxeter Friday, Oet. 28 Blaevale Saturday, Oot. 29 Belmore Monday, Dot. 31 Wiogham Tuesday, Nov. 1 Gerrie.... ..... . . Wednesday, Nov, 2 Dr. Macdonald the candidate and others will address these meetings. The Conservative oandidate or any one in his behalf will be given an opportunity to speak at the meetings. All meetings will commence at 7.30 p. m., sharp. Ladiee are reepeatfnlly invited to be present. GOD GAVE THE KING. STOCK FOR SERVICE SOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for servioe a thoro'-bred cheater Boar on Lot 08, Con. 15, Grey. Pedigree may be seen on applica- tion, Terms, $1 CO, with privilege of return- ing it necessary. WM. BGHN OCH, 14 4 Proprietor. OUR Gori �j�i k NTE On this Counter there are numerous articles from a !"Needle to an Anchor." Seeing is believing. - Come and See. UNS-- --. From $5.00 to $15.00. We ask you to compare the Quality and Price of our Guns with those advertised by Simpson or Eaton. LA MP We have THE Lamps and THE Prices. Come and see Lamps from 25c. to $7.00. See also Eaton's catalogue and compare. SILVER KNIVES Rogers'. 12 dwt. The price on these is strictly confiden- tial. You must come to our Bargain Counter to capture this prize. Bring Eaton's catalogue with you for com- parison. MISCELLANEOUS A Quart of Ink for 20c. A 6 inch Butcher Knife and an 8 inch Steel for 40c. A Tack Hammer and 2 Packages of Tacks for.....,.., 100. A 12 oz. Bottle Nonsouch Stove Pipe Varnish for 48c. A 6 oz. Bottle Fine Sewing Machine Oil for 100. A Two -keyed Padlock for,..,,..,., 15c. &c., Sze. 0101011e 440111,1010110110110110111 lifl�.'tbTr4,-'i cKay & Co, BRUSSELS, IMPORTANT NOTICES �2 1i1 A1) OF -TEAR 0]r]) ctstoo, lit good00udltiou, far Bale. Apply at hot 15, Oen, 0, Grey, IOr li by inner to Jttnol P. 0. 11.11 110130BT BLASIO, STRAYED ON THE ].'REM- 00e0 01 the undersigned, Lot 18, 000, 4, Grey, an tr about August 20111, 0 year old gray heifer. Owner le requested to prove property, pay expenses and tails her away, W80, J. JAOT(LIN, 0.11 Ethel P, 0. REAL ESTATE. F✓i�200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE Ming Late, 50 and 67, lot Con., Turnherry, Good brick house, bunk barn, CO soros heavy timber, Apply to 8. A. SNDLL, Jnmaelowu, Ont, 18 'RAM S eLE. theGOOD chip of Morris, Buren twenty, For portio• Mare apply to J BENNETT. 8 tf 010 Bathurst St. Toronto. -won SALE, OR TO RENT. - 3w, undersigned often the 300 sore farm, being Lot 20, Uou. 7, Grey, for sale or to rent, comfortable house, bank hare, or- obard,:welle, $o. There 080 80 agree in grave, 10 cores of Fall Wheat will bo put in and 20 mores of Full plowing done. farm 1s only 1 mile from the OBIvr g village of Ethel. Per further particulars a.0 Ito velem, berms, &o„ apply to M'SS 0313010, Ethel P.O, UOD FARM FOR SALE;— .......c The underaigued offer for sale bis farm, being Lot 1, Con. 10, Grov. It l0 alt. Hated on the Gravel road, 2 milesSouth of Brueeele and eon tains 100 aurae of good laud, all 0lomred but 12 acres, There is a drat class brick house and kitchen, heated with furnace wood shed, artesian well with windmill and water is pumped to barn. Barn to 80x08 Net with atone stables. Bay bare 80000 feet. Good orchard, farm well fenced ; pleasantly situated. Will be sold on easy tonne. Apply on premises or Brut - 001e1'.0., EMUS (1141001, 15.11 li ARid FOR SALE.—TIIE 'UN. 0000102:100 offers for saleher $no farm being Nt Lot 14, Oon.14, Mai1Illop township. There aro 5 acres of good hardwood bush 0100 balance Cleared, Ou the Oremi000 is a comfortable brick house, bank barn, driv- lug shed and windmill, supplying water to both hoose and ala,eles, Well fenced, well vnder0ralee,l, young orchard, ,r0. Posses- eion this Fall11 desired, Farm 1s one of the cleanest In the township. Only 0 mile from school and 0 miles from Walton village. For further particulars ae to price, terms, &e. appplyy en tb0.prem]eoe to MR8. I'MUO, UAiiLLY, or Walton P, 0. 0•bf 'WARMS FOR SALE. — 850 A. acres firat•elass land in the Township of Grey-1,ot18, sou, 14, 100 ,wren; Lot 17, Oon. 14,100 mares ; and Wt Lot 18, Con. -34, 60 acres -250 aores. All in excellent condi- tion with $rat.elaes buildings ; brick house with all modern conveniences, and large banlr barn, root anti straw house, stables, dm. Well watered. Prom 85 t0 40 aoree Of good hardwood bush. Lot 10,Cun.18,con- taining 100 acres of '$rat -clave land, good frame house and large bank barn nearly nem. The property can be Bold in two or three loaroele to suit pgUrebaeere. Terms Irberal. Also a oommodlous dwelling house and lot in Brussels. For farther particu- lars apply to the owner on the premises, LAIICBLIN MONErb, or, to JNO. LECKIEE, Brussels. 2111 APL AN 2.084; is now at the stables of his owners, Scott 8G 'Warwick BRUSSELS, Where ho will etand for Service for the balance of the season. W yt TED Men and Teams for work on the Guelph . and Goderioh Rahway. Wages $ 150 to $1.75 per day for Mee, and $3,50 for Teams MA ;;Iy at the ogioe of the undersigned at J. R. 11IcQuigge, 10.2m OONTRA03011, MILVEBTON, ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and - LONDONDERRY Royal Steamers From Montreal From Quebec Tunisian ......004. 21, 0 0 m. Oot. 21,.11 p.m 'onion 001. 28, 5.00 a.m, Oat, 28, 8 P.m Bavarian Nev. 1, 0 a,m, Nov. 4, 10p.m Padaian Nov 11, 0 a.m. Nov. 11, 8,90 ' B.4Tn0 Or 3.400.4010 First cabin -850 and uppwards, according to steamer cud ao0nmmodotiou. Second cabin—Liverpool & Londonderry —$80 and $35. Loudon $2,50 extra, Third-clues—Sopertor accommodation, 815 to Liverpool, Berry, Belfast, Glasgow and Loudon. Through tiokete to South Arrioa, Montreal to Glasgow Direst Pretorlau ...............Thure„ Oot.20 (Daylight) New Yortt to Glasgow Nureidien Thursday, Oct, 20, 11 a,m Low rates by above Glasgow steamers on application to W. H. KERR, Agent, Brueeele, FALL ANit COOT WEATHER ie here again and cool weather makes os think of Stoves and how to keep warm in Winter. If you are thinking of purchasing a new Stove or Range this Fall call and Bee our lime of High alaee RANGES and STOVES AMONG THEM ARE THE Famous Pandora Range, Made by MOOloary,f London The Dockash and World's Favorite Ranges, The Silver King and Garland line of Stoves and Ranges— ALL COAL AND WOOD BURNERS, See our lines of Base Burners and Air Tight Coal Stoves, Agents for 'the Famous Every Stove 'Guaranteed "Queen" Air Tight Wood Heaters. • to work Perfect,. E timatea on li'arnaoe Canteeote freely given. • - •.. Prioee Right; . Wilton & Turnbull 00AL IN STOOK HARDWARE AND STOVES. E N & GO. WE are now ready for 1904 with a larger stock of Buggies than ever we had and a walk through our Show Rooms will convince intending purchasers what our stock is.� We have kept the lead and intend to do so if' good rigs will do it. We have added to our Buggy Tope this some a Spring to prevent the belle and rivets from brooking, Thle has beau a long felt want, We have 4 styles of Axles—Deet and Oil Pend, Long Distaneel 1009 Miles, and the Noiseless Axles, alae a few of the old styles, A11 Steel Body Hangere and all trimmed with best Leather. - Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first-class Factory Buggies. Our Wagons are all Oak with 21 and 8 inch tires ; Trucks and Medium size. ' We invite every intending porobaeer t0 call and Bey Ilona tel sad tave mousy, EW AN & Co., Brussels 6