HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-10-27, Page 17 Vol. 83. No, 16 P.! , . . BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1904 New Advertisements. Pig loet—Tnn PORT. Lent—Nettie &Perey. Notioe—Petor Pdaodonald. Buggy rue lost—TDB POST. Lambe for sale—R. Moho,. • Wanted—Ione of &doge. Spootale—elliellinnon ce Co. Nuke—Thomee Chigholtn. Stook for eale—David Peen. Outtere—N. S. Mistrirt du, Leadburv. TOWNSHIP Ontrarre—Clouncil met in Christopher White% Leadbary, on Wedneedity, Oot. 12th. Members of Connell all present,. Minotee of former meeting read and adopted. A.nonets were paned and paid amounting to 6260 50. Tbe Clerk was euthorized to [minuet Brighton to inspect work done at Winthrop and Bolton Drains as ret quested by coutraotor and notify Mr. J fi Neglected Nearsightedness Grows Worse, ‘'Thle Is the danger% eand the progress of 1 ci5'n: eoreightednens Is the forerunner of blindness. Wo eeereciall ere'de- foots. leers. T. Fletcher Scientific and Graduate Optician BRUSSELS" 0 SUITS and OVERCOATS FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN, Our stock is now large and very complete in all lines and we are prepared to show you Styles, Qualities and Prices which are certainly in favor of the buyek. If you require a suit of Clothes or an Overcoat yon make no mis- take in coming direct to our Clothing Department. 111110"' FU RS We would especially direct the attention of the Ladies to our splendid display of Fine Furs. Astrachan Jackets this season are very choice and prices are no bigher but rather lower than last season for the SWIM qualities. We also have an excellent snort - Ment of Scarfs, EUff0, Storm Cellars, Muffs, Gantlets and Cap. Don't forget our Ready Clothing and Fur Departments They are ail Right. No Fano, Prins. Everything Cheap, A1STBACHN Pigeon ao he (meld attene, also impact work done on Canada. Co, Drain. The Reeve wag authorized to take contractor's bandit to R legal authority for advicie and not allow oontreotor to throw 11P oontraot in Otheda Co. Drain et this Benson an it should be oompleted and that We expect fulfillment of bonds. Council then adjourned to meet at Lead. boy on Wedneeday, Nov, 1.0011, at 1 o'olotth p. m, 3. 0, Menuteson, Cream Wroteeteree Mrs. Calder has returoed from Hamil- ton. Mies J. Howe is the gaeet of friends; in Brunelle W. I, Johnson returned from Bengali last week. J. R. Wendt spent Sunday at bis home in Mildmay, Mies Mary Smith is speeding a week with Broeeele friends. Dein Lizzie Bonston has gone to her home in Fordwioh. Mrs, Pitz Morris end daughter are the guests of their condo, Mies A, Vos• bnrg. Mr. Gillian, of Wiarton, aaaornpanied N. Harris and 0. Smith 11 0030 Prone tbeir driving tour. Robert Farrell, who wag working in Galt for same months, visited at his home here for a few days. W. S. Mollereher bee moved Ms office to T. B. Sanders' block, where the bank previously wee. A memorial sermon for the lateBishop Baldwin of Rayon, wee held in the Epleoopal ()Muth Sunday afternoon. The Rev, L, Perrin was in Binevale on Shoda in the taxmen of the Rev. Mr. West, who wag taking Rev. J. L. Murray's work In Kincardine. A. H. Moffat, whose redeems is on Main street, has pnt an electric ligbt over hie front door wbioh is a oonvenienoe not only to himself but to the public. The Rev. Dr. Moffatt, of Toronto, whitened a meeting of the Upper Canada Bible and Trace Soddy, held in tbe Methodist Cherub, Monday evening, The Concert given by the Imperial Orel:metre and Jubilee Bingen in the Town Hall last Wedneeday evening; was mnah appreciated by the large audience ie attenclenoe. Tbe proceeds amounted to 470. The anniversary servion of the Prettily. With Ohuroh were held on Sunday, the Rev. J. L. Marrey, of Kincardine, preaching in the morning and evening to large congregations. The colleetion taken in behill of the ohoroh fund amounted to 642. oral ra brook. Mre. 11. R. MacDonald spent a few days of lad week in Kineardine. A timber from this vioinity attended the Gny Brothers' Oonoerb in Brussels on Thursday night of int week. The auction Bale ot Mrs. Thoa Calcine; lad week went off very well and totalled about $1500. F. B. Scott in a great anotioneer. The regnlar quarterly 000:11:0001011 eervioe will be held he the Methodist cherah here next Sabbath afternoon, the paetor being in obarge. George Sperling and George Sperain, who Wine 011 the sink list rettently, are able to be about onee roore but will require to exerolee oars in tbia Fall -like weather. Mrs. (Dr) Tatnlenti and baby, of Gorki. rich, have been visiting at the parental home of the former, Postmaster ltdeNair'e. 61r. MeNair's health is not ea vigorous NB bis many friends would like. Sabbath evening next the anneal nnion meeting of tbe Upper Canada Bible Soddy will be held In the Presbyterian Chneoh, Rev. T. W. Owen, of Brussels, will give the address. Mueio will be provided by the ohoir. OARD or TIIANKEI.—I wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their kith assietanee and sympathy daring the illocies and decease of my wife, My thanks is also tendered to the brethren of St. Seim% Lodge A. F. and A. M., No. 284, Bennie, for their kind ern. pathy in thie my sad bereavement. A. Reymann. Thursday evening of Iaet week the politioeJ meeting was held in Lange, Hall as announced. A ollairmae was ohosen in the person of Wm. Cameron, who filled the bill all right. Bar• rieter Macdonald, of Bruesels ; A.Ellelop, N. P. P., and Dr. MacDonald, the Lib- eral candidate for this Riding, delivered the addreeses, Thuredity Of next week the ballot mating Will take plaoe. A nen Wount Dnue—Lseth week Tan POST made referencia to Mrs. A, Ray. nthen's illness and a subeequent medical operation for appendicites. Sbe appear. ed to rally all tight and was making fair progress when a change for the worse set in and despite all that physicians and loving friends tiould do she passed away to her tweed on Saturday evening great. ly lamented. Her demise came as quite a shack to the othimunity as ehe wee very highly esteemed by all who knew her. Mee. Raymann's Maiden Gable Wee ildergaret Fleming. She was born in the township of Fullerton, near Mothetwell, Perth Co., on Feb. 15011, 1849 and moved with bur tether's family to Logan towo. ship over 40 years ego. There were 5 eiders and 4 brothers end Alex., the Wed 8011, still lives on the old home- stead ; George lives at Penhold, Alberta; Albert and Andrew at Swann River di010lot, Mane and Mrs. &meet Link. later, a sister, rookies at Rapid City, Manitoba, Moe Rayneann'e mother le living with het daughter jut mentioned and to quite hearty, Although in her 85011 year elle went from Paisley, Ont,,to Rapid City 2 years ago acoompabied by her yontimeet titteghter. Two deters are dead, Jennie, panting away 80 years ago et 130. Mewl, and Mrs, Wm. Brown, who died shout 1881. The father paid Nettnie'e debt at Obeeley In 1896, in his 80111 year, Mre, Ilayeaann'a pared% mune to Canada when ehildren, entitle on the same Venal and settled with their Deo Guelph. They could well remember when the fleet tree was out on whet is now the eite of that city, Mo, and fdre, itayniane opent their married life in thie locality and the demand won a high plaoe by her kind. ROBB, and neighborly notion. She wee removed into membership In KNOX Preebyterlan oluiroh hate in the Fell of 1876 end proved hereelf to be a most coneistent member wboee faitb in the Son of God stood the teat in the most trying hour enabling her to pea p8908. 11157 away to the Land of eternal Blessednese. In addition to Mr. Rap mann, three sone, (Alfred, George and Joeepb, all of London,) and one daughter (airs, Allan Cameron, of Oranbrooke survive and bold in tender memory the life of a true wife and loving mother. The funeral took place Mandel atternoon, Rev. D. B. McRae, deceased's pastor, conducting a mod appropriate serviee. Interment WEB made at Oranbrook cemetery. Several members of the elasonto Lodge and Foresters' Conna were present expressing their sympathy for their bereaved brother. The general feeling of the community is tbat tbe neighborhood is poorer by the giving acne, of a worthy woman and the bereay. ed may rest assured that the people of fibs community sympathise very cteeply with them in their eudden bereavement, anuses tereivie Promotion eurninatione were the order of the dee; in atir gohools on Oot. 20 and 21. 8. 8. No. 10 Morrie, and 0. 13. No, 6 Grey will be oloeed on election day, those eohonle being tempted as polling paces for Dominion election. Tbe report that Wm. Brydon had typhoid fever was twittered as he is able to be abont ae usual. He was what people would call "A trifle under the weather" but is o. 10. again. The following item, from one who was in attendance at the annual Teitaher'e Convention held at Kindardine on Oot. 13 and 14, epeake welt for one of our young men, ie the person of D. L. Steal:tan, now principal of the Teeewater Public Sohn!. The item nye e—Among the interesting events of the Convention held bare, was an addreee from Dr. tandem% Prin. of London Normal &boot, and a rant exhaustive paper on "The boys and girls wanted by basinees men" by Mr. Straohan, of Teeewater. Dr. Mer. °bunt retained his superior reputation ae a speaker and explainer of scientific feats, while Mr.Strathan certainly gained favor among all present by his excellent and well worded paper. He discussed the eubject under three beads :—(1)Tbe irrational praotioal boy ; (2)The rational practical boy . (3)The oultuted redone' practical boy. The last named youth being of coarse the superior one. The paper mused widespread disonesion and took the earnest consideration of all present." ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. -00 MOO - day evening last a large nteinber of people, old, middle aged and young on learning that James Outt and family had decided to remove to Blyth gathered at the borne of Mr. Outt to exprees their sincere regret at having thole an old end worthy neighbors removing from their midst. Dlr. Borden or Laurier would feel flattered at the well deserved ovation to our old neigbbor. Mr. Outt and family will be greatly missed from every aphere of useful life, not only in this vicinity but in Bennis se well. On Thareday last t school the scholars very kindly sought to show their love for Mies Gladys Outt, their eobool.fellow, by presentiug her with a beautiful painting of a young girl. 8.8099 appropriate ad. dress was prepared and read by Maio Ida Frain, a schoolmate. All the scholium are carry to en Gladys leave. On Mon. day evening hit. Cat wee preeented with a beautiful Secretary and a very hand - owe cloth was given to Mrs. Cate Great credit is doe William Holt for the able way in which 118 canducted the whole affair from beginning to end. When the company had gathered Coen. cellar Frain was anemia:tousle, chosen chairman and -filled that poeition to tbe entire satisfaction of all. The program contested of recitations'tangs, instrum- entals and speechee by the old friends of M. and Mre. Outt. The following is the addrees signed in bebalf of tbe oontri• bettors by Edward Bryan and William Holt .Date Mr. Cutt, Mrs, (hitt and Family : We, your relatives, friends and neigh. bore, have gathered at your home tonight to say Good-bye with the free force of the words "God bo with you." Many of ne have known yen in different relations, Some of no have had to do only with Mr. Outt and are glad to testify that in all our dealings with him we have found him moot honorable. We believe he Weald do nothing whiob he believes to be wrong and consider him the very soul of honeety. In your departure all !anise and Beets feel that we have a common lose as a glance at your life with tus ehows that your body and rniud were ever ready in helping every good eerie with the broacl• minded generosity of n true Obriabian soul. Yet in all thie we cannot help but feel that you have been greatly strength. ;teed by the true womanly support and sympathy of Mre, Can whose acquaint. anoe we know in oor 00in several readout' is not only a planers but an inetneesure Ole profit. Those of ne who have had the advantage of meeting Mtn Outt, Re many of ne often bave in bar own home, art of one mind in saying thet the is the embodiment of hospitality and kindling. Many of ne have oome to say Good•Bye to one former soboolmates and as we think of otir unbroken connection with you through the years of obildhood we feel, even althotigh you are not going far, that we are losing true and worthy Mande. Ae a mote tangible pent of the high regard and adorn in which we hold you tie loVery superior family; as a token of oer appreolatiob of the beatifies we ea e community have received by your stead - feet Ohrietten deportMent 10810 memento in yonr tnture Ille of your mealy true and well wishing friends we ask you to retleive thie Secretary and Oboe. Mr. Outt made e Meet suitable reply sue expeneed the Weeks at hie family se well in reference to the kine einifitnente ex - peened and the Valuable gifts tentin:1. SUMAC 8099 aereed in royal atyle and W, 171 KER R, Prop, everybody had an A. 1 time cad left for 'their respective homes at an early hour Tuesday morning 'Happy to meet ; sorry to part and hoping to meet again" and with the expreesion of many good widen for the future happinese 0.»d prosperity of M. and Mrs. Outt and family at Blyte. They left for their new honae on Tuesday where Mr. Outt will engage in the grocery baeinette, The people of Blyth and community will find Mr. Outt well worthy of their eon- fldemote. nett so), W. E. Sanders has purchased the hmeneand lot at the dation from Mr. CituiontloonLinda Milne and a friend spent Sunday with her parento, D, and Mrs. Milne here. Jae. Dunbar, of Sundridge, wag visit. ing friends and relatives here during the past week, Miss Lily Sharp, of Morrie, is vieiting her uncle and aunt I. M. and Mee. Henry thie week. Dr. 'Whitfield, ot Keene, is here vieit- ing hie tauten, Jno. and Mrs. Whitfield, for a couple of weeks, Mrs, Wm. Milne, of North Bay, an old resident of this piton, ie visiting friende in this locality. 0. Balmier, N. Milne, L. Longeway and A. P. Melees are Shipping their anger beets this week to Berlin. T. P. Some OOKING.—The well known eye speoittlist, T. P. Smith, will be at the Royal HoMI, Ethel, on Wednesday, Nov. 9th, where be may be oonselted free of charge. Satistaotion guaranteed. ETHEL STOOK WON.—In the published remits of awarde Bruesele Fall Pair Jno, bSEaUebb wee credited with let and 8ed prizes in Madam bull oalvee which belonged to Noble A. Milne, of Ethel. The jadgeet book gave No. 104 indeed of 114 as the winner bnt the matter was rectified and tbe prizes paid to the right party. Next Sabbath evening Rev. M. 3. Wil - eon, B. A , of Teeewater, will preach the annual Missionary Berman in the Meth°, diet char& here. Tuesday evening fol. lowing a Missionary platform meeting will be held to be addressed by Rev. Georgia Baker, of Blnevale, and Rev, J. W. Holmes, of Gerrie. In addition to special 0191810 117 the choir G. E. Brad. brook and W. R. Curtis, late of London, England, are expected to recite and eing. There WEB a good tern out at Dr, Mao. donald's meeting on Wedneeday evening in the Township Hall. Oonnailher Turn, bull oacinpied the ohair. Dr. Meadouald spoke for nearly two home on the qtree- tione of the day dealing at length with the Grand Trunk Pe.oifio which he illus- trated by a large map. George Johnston, let con. of Grey, added to the interest of the meeting by catechising Dr. Macdonald on tinny pointe in government affairs to wbioh the Dr, replied even to the setae faction of Mr. Johnston, your oorrespond- Pet bellevee. Cheers 9,505 91880 for the Ring and the candidate before Mise Dora Shannon, of Hamilton, who taught the junior department of our school in 1903, has again been engaged by the trustees to teach the senior de - pertinent for 1905 at 5400. Rise Shan• non will be weloomed back to Ethel by many Weenie who were sorry to see her leve before. A. E. Smitb, who has been Principal for 1904, has been a &et - elan teacher and we will all be sorry to see him go away. We have not heard as yet where he intends to teach but hope be gets a good eobool se he is entitled to it. Min Nicholls bas been re.engaged at an advance of O. 00 on her 'salary. George Hanley, 14th nee, 14 LIMB from a holiday outing to the Weet. Tewnship 00t100ii will be held on Moo. day, Nov, 7t11, et the Township Hall, Ethel, Winnie Beeleinnon, who hag been visiting ander the patinae) roof, 8 it Ooo, for the past three weeks, returned to Baffle on Batnrday. Monday evening of thie week a political meeting in the interests of Dr Mao. Donald, the Liberal oandiciate, wee held in the lidonerieff echoed house. H. Mo. Naught was chosen chairman awl inter. eating addressee were given by Arch. Hielop, P, 2., and J. ',tattle of Brands. There was no 01..positien speaker. o r Warden Bowman was at Clinton last week attending a needing of the House of Refuge Building Committee. Mines Idabel Love and Annie E. Stewart, ot Buffalo, were the guests of Misses A.unie and Martha Gerrie, 401 line. Frank Kaye, who has apent the pad 10 months in Toronto, is visiting relativee and Mende on the 5th line, He intends returning to the Queen's city. We wish him well, Lad Saturday Peter jacesson, 8 b line, arrived home from a two menthe' visit to the West, He did not enjoy very good health while absent. He owns considerable land in the Dauphin section and may move hie family out tbere if he disposes of bis fine farm ha Morris. Tbnrsday morning of this week Rev, Ernest Maunders, who baa been barna for the net few mouthe assietine in tbe garnering of the orop, left for Petoskey, Mich., where he will be stationed for thie year. He's a good worker wherever he is and we wieh him the best success in hie labors. Last Friday evening a political meeting was held in the Township Hall on behalf ot the Liberal standard bearer, Dr. Mao. Donald. George Hood was elected chairman and addressee on the podded issues of the day were made by Robert MoMillan, of Millen, A.. Hislop, 501. 2. P., and Dr. MitoDonald, Although an in- vitation was given to the Conservative candidate or his repreeentative to be prone no one took the platform in hie hatpin Fewer THE ORANGE Guavas. — James Barebill, a former Korriette, was here dnring the past weak renewing Old friend. ships. It le 22 years eine be went to the Golden State but hae been heck on various nonsione, the last time 3 years ago. On his way there he visited the Great Exposition at 13t. Louis. Mr, Barnhill says the output ot the Oali fornian orange grovee last year was 25,000 oars and the orop this year will be 20% len. Alt the oultivated lands have to be irrigated. Trees are planted 20 feet avert, and about 100 go to the mire, 80 three are 111 949. Barnhill's charge, Piok fog betting Deo, lot and roma times lade until july lst. Tbe trait is clipped from the teen and wrapped in mar. An Orange Aeaooiation, located at Cloltrin, for their distriot, peeks and handles all the orange crop. Colton ie a plaoe of Rome 8,000 inhabitants, Apples fetch from 3 to emote a pound in California, duty and freight being ap the price as very few apple °ether& thrive in the Southerly sections of that State. Mr. Barnhill is an interesting gentleman to meet and ie well pleased with life in Waited. Ger e. veraary 08991080 were ooncluoted on Denes ONIIROH ANNIVERSANP, — Anne Sabbath last in Dnites thumb, Ws'ton, by Rev. M. O. MeLennan, of Kipper'. Owing to the nnfavorable weather the attendance was not so large as was desired. Mr. McLennan preach ed eloquently in the forenoon on "How shall W8 escape it we neelect eo great salvation," and in the eve, ing on "To him that hath than be given." In both oases be held the attention of the congregation and all who beard bim will be pleased to bave at any time such another opportunity. On the Monday night Potwithstanding that the weather Mies Eneyleue McQuarrie, of Detroit, was still unpropitious a goodly number and Dire. Fall's, of 111anaheater, England, turned 000 00 tbe Tee Meeting, and all are visitors at Heotor ItteQuarrieie, 3rd went home when the program hitti been Con, rendered, believing it to have been the The auction sale of Hector lifo beet program that has yet been rendered Querrie'e farm, term stock, doe will be In Duff's ohurch. Atter the opening held on Tuesday, Nov. 8th, oommenoing exeraisee an organ 0010 8880 pleeed with ab 1 o'olook p. no. great ability by B. J. Forrest. An ex. Rev. M. J. Wilson, of Teeswater, will eellent addrees wag given by Rev. R. 8, preach at Roe's church next Sabbath Baker, on "Something them musio." morning and at Union ohurob in the This was fall of information Bo that most afternotth. The Missionary theme will if not all who heard it know more about be preeented ; Monday evening Rev, the history of Made than formerly, Jae. Duster, B. D., of Fordwich, ana Bev. Another first tate address was given by J. 29. Osterbout, 13, D., of Wroseber, will Mr. McLennan, on "Priendship," in deliver Mlasiooary addrenes at Roe's and white) be Elbowed by examples th tt great Wedneeday evening Rev. Dr. Gundy, of men had nuttily o great eapaeity for Winghern, and W. H. Kerr, of Bruseels, friendehip. He edvised tare in the oboioe will speak at Union. Musical eeleotiong of friends eo that they might help ne by by the choirs end Woe and dude by their ineptration and example to live Menet. Bradbrock and ()netts, late of purer Red bettor lives. He farther London, Eng. Rev. C. P. /Vella, the annulled all to see to it that they avail. pager, hen gone to conaiderable trouble ed themselves of the friendship of Him in arranging for these sanitise and he who is a Friend that stioketla °loser than will no doubt be rewarded by large a brother. Masi° of a Web case son. atidienota and greatly increased intend etitoted the chief enjoyment of the ii leliesions. Meetinge will commence evening and wite famished by the Du- et 7 &cloth. perial Male Quartette a Eleafotth, and 1WATIZIHONTAL.—On Wedneeday evening Miss Alios Dundee. Tbese, without of thie week the bonds of wedlock were etheption, sang in snob a man»er ea to Oonsummated between Thomas Strachan oaptivete those wbobeard. Miss Beattie, et well known yoang farmer of this oleo from Seaferth, gave two pathetic: townebip, and an estimable young lady reoitatione in exoellent style. The second in the portion of Mies babel MacDonald, wee pathetie, inasmuch as a father is by Rev. John Roes, B. A., of Brunets. being pestered with questions by lite The oremony wag performed ab tbe three year old hopeful at one in the home of eeeeph Shaw, 5th 000., b'rother' morning, and will not be pat off withont in law of the bride, in the penance of reniviag eategonione anewete to every relativee and Meths of eontritoting gentian to the infinite ennoyanae of the parties. Mies Marjorie Straohen played toilworn father. Every one who took the Weeding March. Congratulations pert in the program did ao in a way that over, the company eat down to an elegant delighted the andietthe end we will be spread arranged in Mre, filbew's hest planed at any time to have spoil another etyle, The evening was very enjoyably Tea Meeting, The singing of the Doxol. 095110 01589 which Mr. end. Mre. Strutter) ogy and the treatment:ling of the Ilene. left for thele future bonne on the geometer diction brought the meeting to a alone at lens farm 6th Con, A. large neinbet Of 11 p, in, naeful and Imitable preterite wore given and Many god Witting ekprelliHNI for a nom Charles Witgon, Attornee.Gener. long happy and prouperoul lite in wbioh at, of British Coltunbie, left Viotoria, Tat Pose tOillft• 13,0,, for London, Bog., to argue two Auction sales bave been lively and good prioes realized. The farm of Robb. J. Hoy was not sold on Tneeday afternoon. Mrs. J' Finn, of Toronto, is visiting at her brother's Geo. McDonald's on the boundary. Some of our Nimrotie ere cleaning up their fire arms preparatory to their annual deer hone Turnip lifting will soon be in order, three have darted. Judging by reports the orop le it good one appeals before the Privy Connote He le thooropanied by OBORT O. Belie, 109113 - arty a well-known newepaper man in Eastern Canada. East Rayon Nomination. RR. MACDONALD ASIC 3889, eIfidifIndf NOSUNATED, East Riding of Huron is in betels arrey for the deletion to the Common to be beld next Thursday from 9 a. at. to 5 p.913. Dr. Ohishotee 1:1003 ttlatiOn papers were depoeited with W. H, Kerr, the Return. tog 011loer, on Wedneeday afternoon by the Dootorei agent, Barrister Dadley Hotline, of Wingbam, ano, MoOlymont Maguire being the witneee. Inantsdity morning the nomination papers of Dr. Maodonald were presented by R Pennons, Barrister of Wioghtene, agent for Dr. Macdonald, with W. M. Sinelair, Barrieter, Brussel, as witeeee. As the close of the Nomination hoare the polling plane. were anummeed for the Riding and the names of the Deputy Returning °Mears giveu. F. S. Bone Brussels, ie the Election Clerk. On the conolusion of the proceedings ft platform meeting was instituted when addresses were given by the Oendidateo, Jno. George, of Port Elgin, and A, Hie. lop. M. P. P. A TRIP TO SCOTLAND. — — To the Editor ot,TErs Pon: As requested I wth give you it few jottings of nay trip to Scotland. 00 the 10tb of August, at daylight, I sailed down the St. Lawrenoe from Montreal on the Allan Liner, Pretorian, and ae the vveath• er was all that could be desired we had a floe view of towns, villages the pretty vein along the banks of this great river, arriving in Quebec about 5 p. m., as there was some 00090 10 pot on board. I, along with other passengers, went up into the pity and load a look around and as the day was Maar we had a eptendid view from the 0101101 ot Levis opposite and the chipping away down below as several hundred feet. A gentleman pointed not a wbite vessel thee WU noting np to make another trial to reaoh the North Pole. A little past midnight we left Qaebee and when daylight came we were sailiog in the Gulf. Se.terday, 1816, we paned through the Smits of Belle Iele with fine, clear, satiny weather and land plainly seen on both eidee. Lots of ice, bergs were stranded on either side, all shapes and sizes, they looked pretty with tbe son shining on them. Aber we paned through the Straits and poet the barren rooky island of Belle Isle, the last land we were to see till we hailed Old Ireland, one very large iceberg, like a little island and perbape 100 feet high, hove in eight. Oue ostattia altered hie course and we paseed quite near enough to get a good Bight of It. Sbortly after pearling the ioe a pastenger near me called cut "See the whale." I looked and reboot 10 rode away was one of the monsters of the deep disappearing, its tail in the air. It rose to the endue several tinoes with its bead out of the water, then dived and its tail would go ap again. Several timers a long amber colored arm would be hoieted op and go over to one aide and there were emulsion - ally email jete at water squirted op on its bask. It had a black lump in place of a fie and its tail was rounding at the corners instead of sheep. I sew oar captain a few minutes afterwards and he said it was an °dopes or devil ash and that it had o young whole 10 its mei embrace end that it was rarely seen in that latitude. The rest of tbe journey wee smooth and pleasant and no nokness. On Friday, 19111, we were sailing along the Irish coast which was quite a relief after eo many days of watery waete. As We had 881 bead of cattle for Birkeu- head we steamed pad the Isle of Man and eoon were in sight of the Welab mountain, steering for the month of the Mersey. When we got there we pained 'Clip in all directions goine who knows where. As we got op the river darknese set in and the many signal lights, red, white and green wee quite a sight. Gide ing near Liverpool we passed New Brigh. ton, a famone pleasure resort. It wag all lighted up with catered lights by the thoriaand and its Eiffel tower, some 600 or 700 feet high, ligbterl from top to bottom, was a grand eight. There were lote of fine eteseuere oarrying to and from, bangle playing, dangling and all sorts of amneernent going on. We got to Birkenhead about 11 p, m. and moved alongside the landing stage. Shortly after they anloaded the cattle prinoipally feted °envie and a fow North West range oattle, the Ontario ones were put off that end went along all right but the first "Western," a large fellow with great horns pnt his head out at the opening in the side of the ship and es 10 rained heavily he wheeled ronnd and went back. The foreman who bed thaw of them nail "Oh beet forgot his imbecile and has gone back tor it," When the rattle were tended we meting round and went down the river on oar way to Glasgow. Saturday the 201.11 wee a ohoioe day and we had e line view of the Isle of Mon and Be calf. When see same to the Scotch coast the son was shining bright and the green fields, with pante pasturing in there and others with yellow grain, looked very fine. When we got into the Path of Clyde we passed quite close to Anse Craig, or Paddy's Mile stone, with lts 190108018 8)0595 of een, fowl --the Bolan geese ewooping down like mown on the fish in the water—and we oeuld gee the fowl sitting to their neete on the rook, Then tame the Isle of Arran and Holy Iele, Lamle* Bay and from there up to Greenook is thickly studded with pretty teetering places and fine mentions amongst the braes wbioh were 0319011 admired by all tin board. Aa we eitiled up the river fast pismire /steamers loaded to their full tenuity with Saturday holiday puttee returning to Glksgow were to be mien on every side, Abont 8 p. in. we got to Greenook petaled the (Inatome and got to Gimpy/ by the railway about 11 p. ne, and 10 1137 detail:melon unct trierteng 11, Cumbers. seta. I epeat my four weelie in visiting 081001108 and old acqile.incanees in 5110 foilowim; plece 9 t--Teole trent to Donee, and spent a day amidst ennee of .ftty youth. Another day 1 visited tny place now owned and farmed by my nephew and three other farina in which live a nepbew and Deices. Also visited Mr. Soott, Woodend, on when farm I saw pert of Grehanes Dyke or the old Boman rampart to keep the artoient North Britoue from attacking them. Next week I took train tie Aittli Road stetion and was mat by my nephew who drove Me to his farm, leantield. Ile was jud commthoing to OHL a line mo9. of wheat, barley and oats. I also viteled ab Rosie, near South Alice, and at Halts, of Airtli, where I saw fine mpg, • good farming and fine level tend. The garden of Scotland, 1 may say. Frain there 1 went to Liulithgow to eee 100 o;d sohoolfailow who Parma 200 acres and I eaw here some fine stook and good mope too. He had 60 none in pouttoee and turnips, about 100 in emirs and the Maumee in pastnre. lie toolt Me for a drive to the Forth Bridge through a tine farming and grazing couetry. From tbere 1 went to Detnilton to eee aneebeer and neioe in one of the W. F. Manna, where 1 got pretty well enlightened on the Wee Free petition itio4 iota a walk to the High Park and 'taw the fameus white °mute and anoint °eke, the laet of the old Caledonian forest. I aleo had ao enjoyable visit to a sieter tied her family in Athriane, Aerehire, .and several visite to M. Cuthtlee broths end staters, in Langside and Pollook- ehielde, enburbs of Glasgow. Dnring these rambles I saw Pomo pretty 808095 and busy and very interesting planes. I also visited CoatbriCge and 1ie0313111. I ooticed a great difference in some mate in the better clan of bones that ore being bailt and inerean in 0119size of BORIS towne, where aura rt. est to be plowed fields now there are Rile streets, well paved and lighted with gee. Times are rather dull in eome beam:beet hut they were looking brighter again. Wherever I went licensed 11 II Bie were fir too plentiful for the good of the people and drinking among the working case very math in evidenoe, but I was never onoe offered intoxicating drink while there wbioh le very different from what need to be in farm houses. I noticed a great improvement in horses aed cattle and the prices they get are something emoting. tog. If Scotland had a little of our sunny weather it would be a great boon to it, While there I had good weather and a very enjoyable time and very ehasant °empathy going and returning. The Allan Coee offidate did everything in their power to make our trip pleasant and oomfortable, JAI, CIITHILL. WAR IN TITS EAST, Wednesday's deity nye would be a mistake to suppose that because there are no howling mobs in London the British people do not intend to demaud ample reparation toe the (toward- ly adroit of the Russian Bettie fleet upon the North See fishermen at Lord Selbourne declared Iaet night that it was "ao inexcusable outrage.' He is First Lard of the Admiralty. He bas had a long official career and would not titter snob words; unless he knew the Govern. ment was quite prepared to back him up. 15 15 a way Governmente sometimes have. A. subordinate member is sometimes put tip to suggest a position which in oer- tain contingency it may lint be neeeseary to take. Hon. Hedworth Lanabbon, who oommanded the naval brigade at Lady- smith and who WAR in commend of the Royal yacht from Dna to 1903, was not so emphatic, but led his hearers to be. sieve that the affair ?renal bo settled in d manner cmite satiefamory to so redoubt. able a seaman ae birneetf. The British Foreign Oben annottneed that no further etatement would he made last night. The Retinae ofeoere had not heard from Admiral Rojestvensky. There the matter stands for another day. The worldwide tffeot of such an inoident is ohowu by the deliberation of the marine insuranne MOE. No obange ling been made, but oapital is alwaye nervous, and a signifloant warning bee been issued ae to wbat will happen it the incident is not speedily clotted, There is hardly Roy news from Men. Ando.. Field Manatee Oyame, reports that the Japanese Imes at the battle ot Sheithe River Were 15,879 celeste and mete It is quite evident that the Ozer is is setiefied with Ges. Kuropetkinet recent work, for he has appointed him Genereeiteehief of the 'leaden army. There is no word as to movements by either army. Mrs, Lydia Gates, of Hattiltou, hang. ad herself, William Gray bag accepted the Oen. eervative nomination for London. Rev. Pettier Twohey, pttrieh priest of Trenton, died at MonntOlemens, Miele Ex polioeman Thoe.Mirritt, of Hamil- ton, wee arrested on a charge of shop - breaking. Oomox•Atlin Conservatives nominated Mayor Menen, of Nethitno, tor the Oemmons. A very diaastrone Are occurred at. Hague, a village twelve robes South of Bosnian, Monday afternoon, when near., ly the whole business portion WEIN wiped nut. The total less 10 property and merchandise is estimated at 540,000. The following are the 'mum :—Leland Hotel, Henry Pieher, proprietor, nothiog saved ; loos on building, 210,700, )ignore and Mora, $9.000 ; Canada. Territories Oorporation, implement agency, bniltin.g $1,000, stook $2,000 1 I. P. Priery 0, hardware, building 52,000, stook, $7,000 ; T. D. Mehaffy, general merahm.r, building $1,600, stook, 92 000 ;finery Boum livery stable, building and 0,',' Onto, 01,500. Boarders et the tola'4 hotel loot probably $1000 worth of prep - amity, while Mr. Philter lost 2000 in ctilt and all of ilia books, Ilc had 20000 ineuratoe. I. P. Prierson had 56,000 and others were fairly well Insured,