HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-10-20, Page 8FINE NOTE PAPER We are finding a steadily increasing demand for the better grades of Note Paper. This is no doubt due to fact that one derives great satisfaction in using "good" Stationery in their correspondence. Our stock offers a splendid ohoiee•and we take great pains to get any- thing in this line. Best of all the prices are exceed- ingly low. DIMITY PAPER Twenty-five sheets of this with the same number of Envelopes to match we sell for 26c. This comes ill all the desirable shades, including White, Dove, Bis- cuit, Grey and Heliotrope. We also have other kinds of Paper at 10c. per quire which is of specially good quality. In addition we carry a very attractive line of boxed Stationery. F. R DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, 00000909 11S09900077 W. 6. & R. Trains leave Brueaele Station, North and South, as follows: Goma Solent GoxNG NORTE, Man 7:16. a.m I Mixed 9:00 a.m Mixed :„.,.12:80 8.m I Mail ..' . 1:20 p.m Express....,. 8:78 p,m I Express8.66 p.m Pug geirrs A ohiel'e amang ye takit 'notes, An' faith he'll prent it, WEO0PING cough. BEAUTIFUL weather. Hon the Guy Brothers. Toe pay train waa in Brussels on Friday of last week. Soon beet shipping is commencing in thie locality. The beets go to Berlin factory. Minion sales are nnmerons and TEE Poem i8 a firetelaee medium throngh which to make them known. Qo1Ta a number of Braeealitea went to Wingham on Monday to hear Sir Wilfrid Laurier. There wag a large atteudenae. TEE deet on the Main street on Wed. needay and Thursday was very annoying and the watering cart ehonld have been out. TEE first ooneigament of cotters for this season was sent pot last week and others are going this and following weeks until the 200 are delivered. DRDGGIoT Fox has planed a Kelsey ooal furnace in the eellar of hie etore which will keep him and his customers cosy during tbe coming Winter, A LADY'S gold watch awaits an owner at Tali PoeT Pobliebing House. Several claimants for lost watches have appeared but none were the owner of the one refer• red to.; New subscribers are being added to Tem POO sebeoripbion list eaob week. The balance of the year free to new sub- scribers, or 15 mats for the balance of 1904. GUNPOWDER Poor.—The Orangemen of Brneeele Lodge are arranging for .an At Home in the Orange Hall in this place on Saturday evening, November 6111. A shoit program will be presented and no doubt a pleasant time will be enjoyed. STILL PRx0ARI0U8,—The condition of Biro. Coeene, of Trowbridge, is atilt of a preoarions 07araoter and very littia improvement daring the past week. It good wishes will aid in her recovery ehe should soon he oonvaleecent. Rev. and Mre. Oosene are still at Trowbridge. Gut Bees. highly recommended troupe appear in Brussels Town Hall, Thursday evening of this. weak, Thiele their first appearance here although a number of on; townepeople have beard them at adjacent towns where they were per. forming. They put on a good program. TEtaeDAY of next week will bo Nomin- ation Day. Meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Brneeele, for the Beet Riding of Heron, Zoom 12 to 2 o'olook. W. H. Kerr ie the Returning Officer. A public, meeting will be held, no doubt, after the Nomination closes at wbiob the candidates and others will speak, Tam Patina or THE L490,—R. Leath• erdale brongbt bank with him from the West samples of grein8. He handed TEE Poem little sheaves from the fields of Henry and Harry Mooney's 600 eases, of Weyburne, Albert Gerry'e, Indian Head, and Heotor MoNeil'e, of Oakville, all formerly of tbia Motility, We also have immense beads of oats, a sample of frosted wheat, and two mammoth maple leaves, the latter from Vancouver, B. 0. Tbe West is verily the land of promise. PREDICTS'A SEVERN WINTER, — A000rd- ing to to the propheey of the fowl a hard Winter le upon us. "Forest and Stream" gays ;—"It ie said dneke and other fowl have pin feathers in August when there i8 to be an open Fall or Witt. ter. If they have down on their breasts it is the sign of a hard Winter. Sports. men say ducks already Elliot this year have been toned without pin feathery but have a coat of thick browo down on their breasts. Hence a hard Winter is pre- dicted." STILL IN THE Ledo —The results of W. H. Moeraoken's exhibiting roots, vege. tables, &o,, at the Fall Fairs dating this Fall the prizes were se lollowe :— Seoforth, 40 Listowel, - 44 Fordwioh, 28 Atwood, 84 Brneeele, - 50 Blyth 80 X ungannon, 24 Total..,..... .. +250 Mao, bee been attending Fall Faire for About 50 years and le not only a Veteran. exhibitor but alga a suooeottul prize winner, In hie Mangold growing he distanced all oolnpetitoee, 0e a rale. There's a lot Of hard wok taking in these Fall Petite but Mr. McCracken bears it all With 4 patience and eojayme0t that 411oald place hie name in the honor roll dl Agrioultural Pall Fait martyrs, Everybody, far and soar knows W. 8400retktn and 1110 Fair exploits, Got Bnos'. Bend parade Thursday noon wee very neatly done. AN epidemic of grippe colds is on the go and many are need up with it. BRUSSELS School Board did not meet last Friday evening as a quorum was not present. Tan Treasurer will pay East Huron Fall?air prizes on Friday of this weak at his office, THE POST, Brussels, from I0 a. m, to 6 p, m, FOR a young mac deeiroae of learning the drug boeinees, there is a good opening with H. A. Crooke, Drnkgiet, of Paris, Oot., a8 Mr. Crooke handles drags and draggiet'e enmities only and has a good preeoriptiop bneineee. Tin Pose woe pleased to see our old friend, Wm. Shedden, 4th line, Morrie, who had been laid up with a broken thigh for the past months, in town onThurs- day. He was a000mpauied by Mee. Shedden who has been hie better halt for over 50 years. - LOST.—hire, Hele, of Wingham, had a pair of pillow shame, with drawn work border, and 3 embroidered collate, taken from the "Palace" at Brussels Fall Fair on Oot. 7th. They poeeibly got mixed up with some other exhibitor's goods bat the owner will be greatly obliged it they were returned to ber or left with W. H. Herr, Secretary of tbe Fair, Brueaele. G. T. R. SHIPMENT.—Among the ship. menta from Brueaele G. T. R. this week were Works, 3 care salt; A. C. Damee, oar of bogs ; Geo. Beet, 2 Dare hogs ; Alf. Baeker, 5 oars baled hay and 2 oars baled straw ; J. McDonald, oar of beading ; R. Graham, 2 oars oats ; R, Thomson, car of apples ; P. Anent, oar of baled hay. Inward, Wilton & Turn- bull received a oar of ooal, as did R. H. Rose and Ranaford Broe. 8 oars. E. Ament got 2 oars of lumber. 19 oars were loaded. Got BB00, lineemELe.--The event of oar theatrical season will undoubtedly be the engagement of Goy Bros.' Minstrels. It has charm, variety, humor, excitement, music to please the ear and novel eoenio effete to dazzle tbe eye. It presents the old time plantation melodies, ep.te-date aerobatio speoialtiee, superb orchestral music and the moat modern of the mov- ing picture machines, all blended barmen- 10aely into an evening's entertainment that never holds a dall moment, At the Town Hall, Thursday evening of this week. ENTERED INTO RE09: Wedueeday of last week, 12th inst., after a hard fought battle foriife against the nnoompromieing enemy to the buman family—Com:mop- biota Elizabeth Bradwell beloved wife of W. Anget, of Clifford, and 8rd daughter of Thomas and Mre. Bradwell, formerly of Brneeele, was beckoned away from the earthly home to the Heavenly rest. She bad been ill for the past year and was 58 years, 4 months and 12 days old. During the past seven weeks ehe was quite helpless. A hoaband, 2 eons and a little daughter survive. Mre. Angst was born in Markham Township, 00. York, in 1886 and came to Brneeele when a baby. The funeral took plane on Satatday afternoon. Rev, Mr, Sends - more, of Harriet:n, ane Rev, Mr. Mooney, of Clifford, took charge of the eervioe. Deceased passed away in a very happy and triompbatt frame beloved by many and will be greatly missed by her rel. atives who are deeply eympathieed with. Mies Annie Bradwell, who waited on her eieter for about 4 mouths, is quite poorly in Grace Hoepitel, Toronto, at the pree• ent but we hope ehe will soon be leaval- enOent. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT CLOSE= INR A DAY. —Owing 00 the prevalence of whooping cough in town Medioal Health Officer, Dr, Toole, bad the Jnnior Department of Bruseele Pablle School closed on Tuesday of 1110 week so that the room might be thoroogbly disinfected. The Seotion Of the Statute bearing on this matter ehbuld be noted and le as fellows : —"Whenever a ease of Small pox... Cholera, Scarlatina, Diphtheria, Whoop. ing Clough, Measles, Mumps, Glandere, or other oontagi000 disease, exists -in any bongo or household belonging to whioh are persona attending echoed, the hoeee• holder shall within eighteen boure of the time each disease ie known to cadet, notify the head teaoher of eaob school or schools, and also the Seoretary of the Local Board of Health, of the exietenoe ea each disease ; and no member of each boaeehold than attend eebo0l until a 08rtiii0ate bas been obtained Zoom the Medioal Health Officer, or legally quell - fled reediest practitioner, !bat infection no 100gee waste in the hones, and that th1 sink pereo0, house, clothing and other effeote have been disinfected to hie satisfaction ; and ono each aertifloate shall have been obtained, it shall be the duty of every member of the household, and of the teaober,Do tee all reasonable effort t 000 e b patient the ns cis ' p so tion of mem- bers of the 0aid household with Other children," "Any penes who violate° May regulation of the Proeinolal Board of Health or any looal hotted of hoaltb ehall be liable for every mole 0ffoa0e to a penalty not exceeding 920 in the Macro Mon of the 8onviOting JSBbioee be Magistrate, beeidee ooete whioh may also bo ttliicted, if the '0onvioting:Juetiote or Magiettatee **fit to impose the Same. R, S. 0, 1887, e. 2051 0, 106 (8) ; 66 V. e, 44, 0, 2, Tki 13RE1iia 1.61.3 T Standard Bank of Canada r 6'S,'ASi1X,T909 117 1.E372 B1511PLOS, ORIBSBBVE FUND a 1,000000 TOTAL A89380iS 07101 10,000,000 A General : )30.tele.lea 13uSluelwoe Te aB1t404 eted1 "SAVINGS BANK2Pa" —DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on whioh INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE bla DEPOSIT et the HIGHEST BANK RATE. ACCRUED INTEREST ie added to acoonn0e every six months and becomes prinoipal, —MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposita without the intervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for whioh no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive oar oorelul and oonrteoue attention. - A. 0. MACFARGANE, Armee. BARRISTER MACDONALD, oftown ,opened Dr, MacDineld'a meeting at Blyth on Tuesday evening of this week. Preop Roots J0DGED,--Eaet Huron Agricultural Society give prizes each year for beet belt aura of mangolde and turnips. W. H. MoOraaken, of town, did the judging in the 0001008 plots this week with the following results :— Turnips. Weight. let, Jao. Broadfoot, Morrie 188 lbs. 2nd, Wm, Robb, " 176 8rd, Jae. Speir, 166 " Maogolde. let, Jae. Speir; Morrie 229 lbs. god, Robt, Nichol " 206 " • 3rd, Wm. Robb, " 181 " Mr. McCracken Saye the froet did eon• Adorable injury in some pia0es in stunt• ing the growth but that mangolds were making great advance in the past week. George Thomson, who is god Viae Presi- dent of East Huron Agrioultaral Sooiely, generously donated the let prize in each plass, $2 60 and W. H. Mooraoken gave the 2nd for marigolds. Several additional entries were offered atter the time allow. ed for receiving them bad elapsed. Io a fine root growing country like ibis there should at least be 20 competitors eaob year as the prizes are good and the farmer has no trouble in the matter in addition to the regolor oars of hie crop. Next year we hope to see a large 10arease in the number of entries. - - ABOUT BR0aeELa FALL FAIR —A Monk• ton aorreepondent says :—The Brunets Fair was attended by a number from here, where they had the opportunity of seeing our Dr's horse speeded for a quarter of a mile at the rate of 2 20.— The. Wingham Times remarks :—The Braesele Fall Fair was held on rThoreday and Friday and the Fair direotors were favored with excellent weather, The Fair was a tittle ahead of Wingbam in the matter of attendance, bat we would judge that Wingham had a larger ex. hibit. The chow of horses in Wingbam thio year was the beet ever seen at a country Fair. The inside exhibits in Brussels were ahead of those ab Wing ham in quantity, Huron Expositor re- ports as follows :—Lanky Brneeele, they got tbe only fine days in a week of disagreeable ones for their Fall Fair , on Thursday and Friday. Although obilly, both days were bright, Friday being particularly fine, alai just the kind of a day to attraot a large crowd, and they bad it, the gate receipts amounting to over 9600, wbiob did not inolnde the large number of members each of whom reoeived an additional admieeion ticket. The show too, was a good one and every person seemed pleased and appeared to have pot their money's worth. The in• door show wee as usual a good one, there being large dieplays in almost every department. The outdoor show was also a good one, if anything, eaperior to Other yearn. There was a Targe entry of horses hi all classes and for a long time the bore° ring was the centre of attrao' Mon. The cattle,of which there was a large number, also had a large emptier of admirers, while sheep, pigs and poultry Game in fot their fair share of attention. In addition to these there wag a large exhibit of vehicles and farm implements, whioh proved quite an attraotion.—The Directors of the Full Fair met on Sato. day afternoon and reviewed the bodement of the recent Show aa anbmittod by the Seoretary•Treaeurer. Total receipts were reported at nearly 9850,00. Severe4 aorreotiouo were made in the prize lie among whioh were the following •—Jae. Speir, 3rd for yearling heavy draft filly instead of Jae. Ferguson ; Geo. Walker, let for baggy bores over lei. hands in. stead of J. T. Robertson ; Kim Kelly, let for band baguet. A few other awards were left to be dealt with in the prize paying.—Several contemplated improve. manta to the Agricultural Park and Fair were dioouseed and left over to the 11090 annual meeting. -The Treasurer, W. H. Kerr, will be prepared to pay the prizes on Friday of tide week at his office, oom- menoing at 10 a, m. o'clock, Persons not calling before Nov. 6th tbo money will be remitted to the winner by letter, at their expense as in former years,— Past Fair was a very satisfactory one to the Directorate.—Neil S. MoLanobliu was allowed the use of the "Palace" as a afore room for Sutmmer implements, buggies, &a, fn 0onneation with his implement business,—Oobor de Sons sold 10 anttere and 3 buggiee the day of the Fair. AN Owao SOUND WEDDING. — The Owen Sound Times of last week Saye ; — A faebionable wedding that eaaght the public interest and centered the thoughts of the young people of Owen Sonud on the reeidenoe of John R. McKenzie, 26 Paterson street, woe solemnized at noon on Wednesday when their daughter, kin Isabel M0. Kenzie, a y000g lady popular in sooiai, 00001081 and literary 010010e, was united in marriage to be. Fred. L. Gilpin, a rising young dentist, wbo bas eetabllehed a lucrative praotioe in Michigan City, Md. While a student at the Owen Sound Collegiate Inetitote and in the dental parlors of hie unole, Dr. M. Oat. anagh, Dr, Gilpin beteme well known in social and athletic oirolee, The regldenoe was beautifully deooratod for the aeons. ion. In the drawing room the feature was 6 large atoll of Autumn heavers and evergreens, from the 0entre of whinit hong tt floral wedding bell. The arch formed the entrance to a bay window and ander it the words of the oerem0ny were pro. nonneed by Rev. John Somerville, D. D, pastor of fi)iVisiten street Presbyterian boob, in the presence of thirty guests all of whom were relatives of the interest- ed families. White oaroationa were pro fueely need in a further plau of decor. atiou whioh extended through the draw. ing and dining room, where festoons of Autumn loaves and tinware added bright. lien and taped hearts in harmony with the event. Ae the bridal party entered, the bride on the arm of her fattier, they passed through an Mee of white Bilk streamers festooned by font brigbt faded little obildreu, Mieeee Eleanor Cavere, Irene Cavanagh, Eva Gilpin shit Master Jack Oavanagh. The little girls were attired in white and the little bay in a neat snit of brown. The picture was rendered doably impressive by an ex. oellont rendering of the Lohengrin Bridal March (Wagner) by ' Mise Olive Gilpin, acaoin of the groom, from Wiarton. The bride was magnificent, almost queenly, in a gown 'of white silk trimmed with chiffon and Beed pearls, She wore a bridal veil and wreath of heather and' carried a shower bogaet of white bridal roses and asparagus ferns and wore the groom's gift, a ooatly pearl aunburet. Her attendant was one of Owen Sound's sweet young ladies, Mies Catherine P. R. Matthews, who ie • now a resident of Toronto. She was superb in a gown of white silk trimmed with chiffon and deep Batbenburg lace, wore a. white picture hat and carried a baguet of pick rosea. The groom was supported by H. Gilpin, a cousin from Wiarton. The wedding dejeuner oondaobed under the elaborate decorative effeote already referred to, woe a most euooesafgl affair, After the die• pceal of a delightful menu, the health of the bride was proposed by Rev. J. Somerville, D. D., and respooded to in' particularly bright style by the groom. Dr. Oavanagh proposed' the health of the bridesmaid wbo found a ready and able sponger io Heber Gilpin The groom's gift to the 'bridesmaid was a pearl oresoent, to the groomsman a pearl pin. and to the three little girls and boy who Resisted, a senvenier of Michigan Oity. Among the guests from outside pointe were Mr, and Mre. Gilpin, of B,uesels, palette of the groom ; Mre. Atkioaon, aunt of tbo- bride, Toronto ; Mrs. W. M. Matthews and Mies Meat. hews, Toronto ; Mies Olive Gilpin of Wiarton, and others referred to 0e prin. Opals in the event. The bride and groom left by the afternoon 0. P. R. expre00 for Toronto en route to Meohigan Oity, and the largo orewd at the depot wbo showered perfumed confetti at the bride and groom must have given them aeentanae'thlb they were followed by the beat wishes of Owen Sound friends, The bride's travelling dress was a tailor- made snit of dark green broadcloth with white atilt vent pad hat to oorrespond. The list of preseuto is en large as to eon• etitute the beat possible iudacement to the ohronio baohelor to desert his single blet:asth sa. An entire roam devoted to the wedding mementoes was literally filled with beautiful pima of out glees, silverware, brio.a brao and fanny work in silk and linen. The lien inoludee a pearl ring form Division street choir, of whioh the bride was a popular member, and a epee of sterling silver teaspoons from the teachers of Boyd etreet °obool. It would be impraotiooble to make more than tbb general reference to the long list of preseete from individual eooreee, but it oonstitates ode of the flueet Mona ever ever seen at an Owen Sound wedd- ing. A pleaseut preface to the wedding, moored at the reeidenoe 61 Mrs. J. C. Forster on Friday evening last when a reception was tendered in honor of the bride by the members of Division street choir, when ehe was informally presented with the pearl ring referred to among the wedding gifts. 0I11.1ItUIl i)il1MES. Rev, 5, M. Webb, inonmbent, took the 0ervioe0 in St. Jobu'e oharch last Sun• day 0021• will also be here next Sunday. Rev, Wm. Fargnharean, M. A , B. of Dneham, will nanny the pulpit of Melville church next Sabbath. Rev. itIr, Roes Witt preach anniversary eermenn at Durban and give an address on Monday evening. Last sabitath morning Rev, Jno, Roos, B, A„ spoke in Melville oburoh on the very 'interesting subject "What to do with oar berdons." At the evening ear. vice the sermon wee based on the theme "Running the ()beatian rens." The annual Union Bible Society msec• ing was to have been held next Sabbath evening in Melville church but owing to the uncertainty of Rev. T. W. Coseno, who was to give the address, being present on account of hie mother's illness the Meeting bee been postponed. Date will be onnoonoed Mier. The nonditlon of his Lordship Bishop Baldwin remains about the tame, the bishop being still in a oomato00 condi. tion, Messages are arriving from all over Canada and the United Slates, it- quiring to to his lordehip's illness, and the most profound regret oontinttoe to be expensed from all gaarter0, As we go to press we learn that the Biahopbas pasted away. Rev. W, G. HotvOOD, pastor of abs Askin street Methodiet oharch, London, signified to the members of the Querlerly Beata that be would not be able to wept the invitation whi0b they Muted, lno8ely extended to him to remalvt for a fourth year.' He added that he had re. osived and had accepted an invitation 10 go to Mitchell, Many 8xpreeeene of regrot at Mt. Howeon'e determioation to lease Were made, A ana0imobe call was ex'ended to Rat, Alfred Brown, of Wind. (,AI ITAL--raid lap 91,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $1,000,000 Directors 10167, n, 1I, WM(l)4lN, 1), D„ 8. J. MOORS, Prosideut, 'toe-Prneident. T 08, 111ADH0Aw, 1. I.A, 1ela Stollen Ain, W. atonwitrou 904100, X.O. D, E, THOMSON, 10, O. HEAP OFFICE - TORONTO W. D. 100115 - - O1311B1tAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSAOTED. Drafts Boagbt and Sold. Farmers' Notes Discounted, Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 91 and upwards BREASSWAS ReNCLA A. E. MELLISH, Manager. ear, to go to Lindon next June, when Mr. Howeon'o pastorale oeaeee, Rev. Mr. Howson was the pastor of Wesley Methodiet church, Clinton, for a term, The Anneal Tbankoffering meeting of the W. F. M. S. of Melville obneoh was held in the beeement 'Thursday evening of last week with a good attendanoe. An excellent program was presented, follow edby refreebnente. The offering amounted to $58. Program was ice follows :—Opening hymn ; Sariptnre reading, Mrs. A. Straobao ; prayer, Mrs. Jno. Rose ; reading of minutes, hire. J. 11. Cameron ; treasurer's report, Mre. N. MaoLanahlin ; Sewing Circle report, Mre. MaoGuire ; paper on Mieeione to China, Mrs. N. MaoLeuohlin respon- sive reading ; polo, Mre. (Dr.) ;folmee ; reading of Thsnknffering leaflet (The Gift of Lova,) Miss Lizzie Rose 1 offering; dedicatory prayer, Mre. G. A, Deadmae, Isaiah 53 and C was the text selected by Rev. Mr. Roger, of Fordwioh, last Sabbath morning in Brussels Methodiet oharch from whioh he preoehed 8 logical and most interesting die000ree. '-'Christ. tan Stewardship" wag the topic in the evening and the speaker dealt at length on the proprietorship of God in the univeree,tbe reasons we eboald aoknow• lege oar etewardehip and the blessedness that cornea to .people to honor God. After the regular service Rev. Mr. Honer attended the Epworth League where the enbjeot was lumber dimmed and cards distributed oolioiting memberebip in the new Aeeodiation of Stewardship being organized in Methodism. Several sp. plioation oarde were signedandmore will follow. The Winghan Dietriot Epworth League appointed Rev. Mr, Hower to •euperi0tend thio department of work in the Dietriot acid we wieb him souse. He handles the enbjeot well. Business Locals. STOVE weed for sale. 3009 CONNING. EAE, Braesele, APPR0NTIOE wanted to learn barbering, tither boy or young man. W. E. DUNCAN, Barber, Brussels. A Feta smooth, true, feat and easy ant oat) be made when sews are gummed, Med and set by T. MoGrrgor, Mill street, Braesele. 500000LY used Mason Binh piano for Bale, n octave, worth 9450 but will be mid considerably below that if taken at ease. Eagaire at Tao Poet Publishing Howie. BLACK Collie dog, with white tech and lege came to the home of G. A. Deadman, Brussels. Tbe oweer is requested to prove property, pay for tbie :ooiee and take It away. G. A. DEADMAN. TEAT Drees Goode Sale :--Nevar wee there offered to the Ladies of Heron and Broca Pooh an opportunity. Slaughter. ing the moat fashionable of Drees Goode right now. It you want 1, 3 or 6 droeeea it will pay you to drive 25 miles to King's. Eggs still 20o. G. B. lama, Wingbam. Hartley, H, Dewart, K. C., was semis.. cited by South Toronto Liberal, Hammond Dodds was accidentally shot and killed at Alton while booting. The Battle Creek Health Pood Corn• pauy'e factory at London was burned. Lose, $10,000. The ten -year-old son of William Sones, of Delos° Mines, was burned to death in a fire that destroyed his father's barn. A live stook train and o freight collided on the 0. P. R. near Murillo Station. Brakeman Forman wee probably fatally scalded, Fireman Molnnes badly beret and a large number of cattle killed. BLAeniLL,—In Ypsilanti, Mioh., on Sept. 1241], to Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Blasi]. ill, 8 eon. Ooi0LEY—MANNING.—In Morrie, at the residence of the bride':parente, on Oot. 19t11, by Rev, I. M, Webb, of Brussels, Mr. Wm, D. Ooutlay, of .Stratford, to Mies Mary E , daughter of Mr, and Mre. John Manning, Morrie, lsaso- ANeT—At Clifford, on Oot. 12, Elizabeth Bradwell, beloved wife of Wm. Anet, aged 88 years, 4 mouths and 12 days. BARan,—In Oranbrook .on Oot. 191b, Adam Baker, aged 42 years and 5 days. Formas.—A0 Rathwell, Manitoba, on Ooh, 12th, George Forbes, Formerly of Morrie towosbip, father to Mre. Neil MaLauohlio, Brneeele, aged 78 years, MOFinseat: At Lauder, Mn.,aon Oot. 2nd, p'lorence, daughter of Wm, and Mra. MoPadr8an, fortnerly of Btuo• sole, aged 1 year and 11 months. FRIDAY, OCT, 21.—Farm 01ook, Imple- ments, etc, Lot 8, Oon. 1 Grey, Sate unreserved at 1 p. m. JAe, OUT; Prop., P, 8, Scott, Ano. 70001399, cT,20.— a , O 5 Fnrm, ['arm stank, implements, &o. Lot 7, don. 5, Grey. Sale unroeorved, at 1 p.m, 11o»T, 3. Bos, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ano, TunsnaY, Nov, lea',—Farm stook, ihn. plemente, MoeLot16, Oen, 0, Howiolr, boundary of 13owiokand Grey. Sale 110. re00000d, 0.0 12 °'oleo&. Lemuel J. Jack. lin, Prop. F S. Scott, Ano. I't1E0DAY, Nov. 8n1.= -Form, farm stoic, fmplemente, ate, Lot 12; Con, 4, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook p, m, 10, MoQaarrie, Prop, F, 8, Soots, Ago. F.1 •Ct•:9 .':FL:>. .::.A.1:00::a✓'9'S, Fall Wheat 100 1 00 Barley 87 40 Pepe 60 60 Otte 26 80 Butter, tube and rolls18 14 Eggs per dozen 17 18 Hay per ton 5 00 6 00 Flonr, par cwt 5 60 6 00 Potatoes per line 60 60 Appleo (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. PRIZE PAYING. — THE Treasurer will be =spared to pay the prizee in connection with East Enron Pall Fair ou Frlday, Oct, 21st, front 30 o'clock a. in. toe p, m., at his aloe, Tna Poe Publish- ing Hausa. W, H. KERB, Treasurer. T- EICESTERS FOR SALE, t either sex or any age. This, flock lute been very suceesetul at the local Blume. Have also for sale a priza.winning young Durham )3o11, Apply at Lob 10, Con. 16, Grey, or 0. 1V11NB17LL, 10-0L Walton P, 0, OVERCOAT TAKEN—ON THE second day of East Huron Pall Fair ray Overcoat, a black one with velvet collar, wee taken from the hall of the Queen's Bole'. Brussels, and another smaller Stoat left, The party who made the exab augo or took the coatis asked to kindly return It to the Queen's ab once, A. Moira V, 16•tL 3ett0rth. Teacher Wanted. Teacher wanted, male Or female, bolding Seeood Claes certificate. for U. B. B. No. 11, Morris. Grey and McSillop, (situated e0 Walton.) Duties to 80mmenoe Jun, 8rd, 1806, Applications, stating salary, received up to Oot.22ud. R.H. Pl61301UBO1i, 18.8 Seo„ Walton, Our. 20, 1904 :dot Water Bottles and Fountain Syringes and and other items in oar Rab. bar Stook are essential in every home. We guarantee 007' Queen Quality goods to give perfect satie• faotion but we also have the cheaper varletlee if desired. When yon respire a Hot Water Bottle there hi generally no time to lose. Now is the time to prepare for it. Bee our new goods at 7g S Drug Store DRU &GIST APPRENTICE WAN1310. Good opportunity for a young man with proper goollAoattieone, 16.1 r -Druggist, Paris, Ont. OAR FOR SERVICE.—THE oudorsigoed will keep for sorvloe a tboro'-bred Mester Boar oil Lot 83, Oen. 10 , Grey. Pedigree may be seen on Replica- tion. Terms,el t0,wtahprivilege of return.. 100 if neaoseary. WM, SOHNOO.K, 14 4 Proprietor. Stone For Sale.. Tenders will be received up to the 7111 day of Novan.ber, 1900, for the efonecon- tained iu the center pier of Bois bridge, at Lot 4, Oen,12, Gray township (said to be about 20 cords,) The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN MoINT08H, Clerk, Ethel. �( OOD FARIt7: FOR SALE.— The undersigned offer for sale ble farm , being Lot 1, Con. 18, G r ev. 1t le alt. noted on the Gravel road, 2 miles South of Brussels and contains 100 aures of good land, all cleared but12 aurae. There 1e a drat 01x00 brick 1101188 and kitchen, heated with 0000088 wood shed, artesian well with windmill and water is pumped to. barn, Baru le 88068 feet with atone stables. Bay barn 88x00 feet. Good orchard, farm well fenced ; pleasantly altnatod. Will be sold on easy terms. Apply on premises Or Brue- 9016 P, 0., ENBA8 CRI011, 16.00 £a'dfies' Fine hoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate worklnan- ship. Rliade to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy t i "'" • " comfort, very durable. When you discard them you want another " jt st like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying. i Here are a few:— Dongola Laced Heavy or Light Soles 91 25 Kid Laced, Goodyear Welt, Light or Heavy Soles 2 00. Kid Laced, beet of Stook and Workmanship 92 60 to 8 50- fa"'Shoee and Rnbbere promptly repaired. HARNESS DEPARTMENT • — Robes and Blankets, Wool and Plush Rugs. —Tronko and Satchels at prince to please your purse, —Single and Team IIernees, neat and durable, and the prices lowest possible where geed materiel and worltmanohip ie included. —Four Sete Second band Single Harness, price from 92.50 to 94 00 per set. — A oomloitable house and 8 Iota for sale; fruits of all kiade. X. aw it a AL D S. COBE3-C CAF F Ir'6GE 00. E can supply you at once with any, Buggy you may want but as the. time for purchasing CUTTERS has come we W would like to tell you that we are fully pre- pared to meet your every want in the Cut- ter as well as in the Sleigh Lite, We have the Finest and Most Up-to-date t lt,Bsortment of Cutters that can be found anywhere, ready for inspection, and would bep leased to have - call and d youn see them, Prices Right, TWO COWS' POR 8ALEt JOHN 00EER ONS.