The Brussels Post, 1904-10-20, Page 5OCT. 20, 1904
TEL BR 17k18E.tL8 POST
cfx8'sr Q k1, ' 4if80
And when=
scud hint or
1 'fern opens April lith, 1004
Two Courses—
Oolnmorolul and Shorthand,
Send for College Journal,
A, L. ltolN'11000, Manager,
Dont. Ifs SOOT'[, Brussels,
Y 1' • Leaner of hiarriago. Licenses, Of.
Dee at Gregory, Turnberry street, Bruteole,
DHItBIuNnn 1.1n0 several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy term% in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. 2' S. S50TT,Bruesel
0. O. Xt'.—.__�
Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0.0.10.,
Brussels, meets in their Lodgo Room, Blas -
hill Bleak, on the Jud and hist Tuesdays of
iamb month, et l ceding. V2Brtng brethren
always welcome. JAB, BU10G10BS, 0, B.
A. 01, MLLL'IBLI, R, 0.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
k3R T02e�J• LS, OBrz',
—rl,A0131illt OL'—
Wilco over Bur'elav's Dl'ttg store,
Nov. 1r21,1000. 80-8m Brussels.
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance tip.,
1%921011102192 1840
Ineieranoe taken on the cash and premium
note eyatem at current nates. Before Insur-
ing eleewhore eall
i 0.0100where„all on tba undersigned A emit
of the OnmpG0RGp1 I10GRIa8, Brussels.
JL' • Rnn, w111 8011 for better prices, to
bettor men In lees time and lose °barges
than any other Auutloneer In Fast Hexon or
lie won't charge anything. Date% and orders
eau always be arranged at this offtoe Or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
et the oillee of THE Pon, Brussels, silt
ti • Honor Gradnnce of the Ontario Vet-
erinary 0011pge, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animsas .in a commit.
cut manner. Parti^,alar attention paid to
tended i1, 010ooiandinermaryp Fouxtdoors
North of bridge, Vurnherry ut., Brussels.
• Barrister, Bolieitor, Notary, Rte.
Suosee0or to G. F. Blair. OlOoe over Stan-
dard Bank. Brussels, Solicitor far Metro-
polltan Bank,
m Barrister, Solicitor, IOonvoyaneer,
Notary Public, &o. 01110e—Stewart's Blooit
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Bolloitortor the Standard Bank.
W. P110D13Jr009,
G. F. BLAIn. 1t. 0. HAY%
OIDoes-Those formerly °coupled by Messrs
Calderon et Bolt,
GoDitnron, • • Ox0Anio.
M. u., o, NE,
Trinity University, bellow Trinity Medical
College, 0uom1Or Ou11ega of lrhyetelen0 and
Burgeons, Out. Liooutiato of the Royal (lel-
lege or 1byteelagne and Licentiate of Mid -
trot al: u1,-01BI str� Brusselss, No.14,
r --
Graduate of the Royal Oollego of Dental
Sm'geoneof Ontario and Flydt•elae0 Bonar
eradluato of 'Toronto Ilnivc•0ity. °Mee
neat In lirewur'e Photograph Gallery,
t :e i.=a 116. s
Largest and Best ii
r._ONTARIO, IN \VtaS't'1,RY VN
1l far as weoau 1001'11u1, Bn0fne4a •
0ollege fn Canada emanates no tunny
andat the same time shell a Iar'o per-
centage as duos the
ent is
u ago 1,Y ire Btu
Our 00111.100 ate 119.00•dato, merrier- Q�
ore expeeioaoed end 1ncilltioe miser. A4
carni a
t any q
1 nt ma y
toe 1 Sttdn e Y
to tam. 6Q
time. w131 for free aitch ,
RLL10'rrr & Alol.,ACNLAN,
Prin0ipa18. le
f llAf t"3l 13 11 i =St ak1
Wo the n eoreigJ
nn 1.03 123 to rnige the
priand flO0 hor now shoo on lg0,to for getting
and a pile()
tory shoos, etc.
to rho see into
to the poen el material, 1 oto. 01,la gone luta
tomo m1 AlotWay, Julio Mtn, 1001.
Signed by
00wex ft Oo., Gro W. POrr,1,110,
P. goes' ilu1r0nn0R0 ,2 Sox,
ft T. 11,10[, 101,1 11401,AU013rrN,
Tnaa prni+nou, lino 10010111311,
002100 1'1,1131109, JMar 1eouttln%
lotx1:.ct gam
19111 ovate),
Aeomurae.—An l'fortUOate a001deut
happened on Monday et last week at
Geo. Walker's raising on the B. litre, It
will be remembered Witt Mr. Walker's
been was destroyed byfire 1,a sed b
y u
lightning during the peat Summer. The
framen one of a new n was being erected on
Monday, and as the work was nearing
oompletlon, one of the purlins plates fell
down, striking several of the men. Mr.
Walker received injuries to Due aboelder,
and one wrist, but James Fowler receive
ed very serious injury, one of his lege
being broken, near the thigh. Tbe day
was wet and timbers slippery, and it is
fortunate that more were not injured.
Mr. Fowler will be laid aside for some
151epi Oh.
Mise Em me Moser hon taken a pooition
ae saleslady in E, Bender's store.
W. I, MoLeau, 13. A , who has spent
the past Summer in Manitol,a, ie Melting
at the home of his tether, Rev. Dr. Ma.
Mico Erelka Hamilton, who was taken
ill while visiting in Steffe, has eo far
rewarmed 00 to be able to be broagbt
The young eon of Joseph Johnston, of
East Wewonoeh, while working in Col.
woll'e saw mill had the miefortnne to est
bis band very severely out with a saw.
The band wag almost ant in two.
Present stuff of teachers are re-engaged
for 1905 at the following salaries
Sommers, prioolpal, 9050 ; Mies Annie
Hamilton, first assistant, 9350 ; Mies J.
B, Kirkby, mond a0ei0tant, $325 ; Miee
Georgia! Murray, third assistant, $800.
1t:tonic ton.
The brick and the yards nee done mak.
ing for tbie season, although there is
much burning yet to do.
.Che Severeten Bank of Canada, Lille
opened a breech iu Monition under the
dirvntioo of Manager Raney,
Cecil Bannerman, eon of Andrew
Bannerman, 14111 Son , Logan, who
broke his arm by Ealiiug from a house, is
doing nicely.
Gordon Mallory, engineer on the Mook-
ten motion of the 0. P. R, who was
palled home on account of the death or
hie father, Dr. Mallory, M. P. P., of
Oohourg, has returned to the village.
Mre. Alex. Campbell, of the boundary
Weal, died on Bentley evening 9th inst.,
at 5 o'clock. Sbo was in comparatively
good health until Friday afternoon, when
she was taken suddenly ill and died an
above stated. Mrs. Campbell was a life-
long member of the Presbyterian Ohara'.
The funeral took place on Toeoday atter
130011 to Harvey's Cemetery and vane
conducted by Bev. Mr. Abrey.
jfairito wail.
Guy Eroma gave an entertainment in
town 0u Tuesday evening.
Mre. R. 11. Hay, also Mrs, G. 8 Kidd
and Mies Sutherland, are in. St, Louie,
seeing the World's Fair.
The 0008101 of the Perth Teaahero
Ocuvention, will be held in the filmic
ball, Listowel, on Thursday and Friday
of this week.
Mies 1MIcKellar, returned missionary
from Neemuob, India, delivered an
address in Knox Church on Sunday even-
ing on her trork in the East.
8. W. Walter, of the firm ot Walter
Bros., has returned to tow3 after spend•
ing several menthe in the West, Meriting,
bio brothers in Spokane and San Franoie-
eo. He also spent acme time at Seattle,
Portland, Lae Angles and other Western
Through the leaving of a tap open in
one of the rooms over Gray, Bernie &
Oo'e More 00 Wednesday night of last
week, a portion of the store was flooded,
and a large lot, of ladies' dreee goods,
which were piled on tables in the oentre
of the otore,;were completely water soak.
ed. Tbe, tap was running all night, and
the off•tako pipe having heoome olooed,
the water name through the upper floor,
(musing much damage.
aka -ay trO(t.
Atwood wants a leek up.
Elma'o venerable tax collector, Jae.
Duncan, i8 »OW On his rounds.
Barrioter Mabee, Liberal candidate,
will address a publio meeting here next
Tuesday evening.
Anniversary 80rvioes of the Presby
terian church were held Sunday, Oot,
16111, when Rev, Mr. Sawyers, Brumfield,
A E. Richmond, city editor ot the
Buffalo Commeroiai, is spending a few
well earned holidays with relatives ie
ilia viainity. He loolte hale and hearty,
Misses Aline Hammond, Jennie Mof•
fact and Jennie Peeblee were in Toronto
ea delegittee from the local 0, E. Conven•
tion held in that city. They report a
000aee00110 Convention.
Harry Webster, tinemil11 for W. J.
Marehall, had the misfortune to injure'
his hand lest week and has been cont•
polled to quit work. He i0 spending a
few •bye at hitt home in Elora,
Robt. Forrest heft returned home tram
St, Louie, where he spent six weeks
viewing the grand eights of the Woeid'e
Fair. Mr, Potent speaks in words of
highest prelim of the wonderful Fair.
After the meeting in theBnptieteharob
on'Tueedtty evening of last week a local
organization of the National Sanitarium
Ase0oit0ion woe formed with the follow-
ing admire 1—Pros„ 1)..A., Kidd ; Soo.,
D. f4, Anderson ; Treas., J. J, Hammond.
Tlteee are to select a bonimittee'from the.
member0 of the different churches to
solioit enbeariptio»e and to petition the
Ooknoil to make a grant to the Moeda.
Hon. -
Typhoid fever seems to baee quite a
grip Co our village. llobt, Campbell and
big three year old eon( John, Were seized
with the dieettee and haat week Wesley
Unndler was 1,0
Dfiuod to bed with an,
attach of the same tli0eaeo.
All are
deaorving of .eymkiathy and eepeoinlly
Mr. Compbul)i whoee wife is but recently
(mama from the eame 4098083, For.
tunatoly it le not a err Meet type of the
dinette, but in any 01120 it is bad enough,
TA•ar'wkreta Are,
Mre, Immo Raven', of Manitoulin, le
visiting !Mende Iu that viainity.
Thursday of tbie week J. P. Mabee
od r 0eeu the aleutars isVine's Hail.
Rev, air, T:ftie !attracted the funerei of
Mies Vrotoria Ouoper, of the 2nd con.,
We regret to report the illno80 of 'rhos.
Code, Slight hopes aro entertafued for
hie recovery,
Mico Ma0ormiok and her friend Mioe
Jackson, of Peel, !Jaye returned Irene a
very onjiyuble visit with Wends in
Sarnia end Detroit.
The citizens of our village were very
sorry to learn that Mrs, ()hag. Oeeeno
wee tying vary ill, the result of a per.
alytie otroke• She is et the time of
writing in tl very orllionl condition.
The Haman Engine and Repair Shop
will soon be in operation.
Hugh Buohanau left to take a position
on the staff of the Daily Rotund, Niagara
Geo. Joynt is thinking of erecting a
ooupleof nine reeidenoes to rent or eell
next Spring.
G. Copeland to giving up hie muafo More
here, whioh he Ilse run for about a year.
He intends to make 8t, Marys hie home
James Beverly has disposed of hie in.
tercet in the furniture and undertaking
business in Brantford awl contemplates
Doming to IIeneall to reside through the
S.1, Webber and wife left on Monday
of tact week for their home at Houateo,
Texas. Mre, Webber has been visiting
her purent0, O. Eaorett and wife for earns
011 1113. Mr. Webber came more re-
Thomas Cann, near Emendate, while
pulling apples had the miefortuce to fa 1
from a tree sustaining very 08rione in-
jury. It ie 'feared that his spine ie 0o
badly fractured that recovery is almost
The Canada Farnitare Oo., shipped
one of their handsome roll top desks to
Oatboart, South Afrioa.
Joeeph Mullins, of Ciuoinnatti, is
viaiting big parents, Michael and Mre.
Hugh S. Welsh lett the first of the
week to re0ume hie studies at the Ham•
ilio» Business College.
Mre. Margaret Sproat has sold her
residential property en Goderiob street to
Dan. McGregor, for a aoueideratiou of
George Baldwin hes sold his handsome
residence on Market street to R. E. Coate,
00 Faint, Mich„ the price paid being
Harry Willie has lately installed a new
five horse power gasoline engine for ase
in the maout0oture of leggiage. Mr.
Willis has worked up a large bngiorea in
this line and now employe a large num
ber of bands. The new engine is a
"Tuerk” made in Berlin, and works very
The Bell Foundry Oa. shipped a 70
h. p. steel atatiouary boiler to McGregor
& Gourley, Galt, thus, so to epee. invad•
ing the enemy's Damp, as there are large
engine and boiler works in Galt. The
boiler juek shipped was 00 inohee i1,
di, meter, 14 foot Ione and weigh3 10.0
Ibe. It was LLenauraIlt 1,unutri(rt d bigh
phi settee Ane,
rhos° who have and. riakno lir• area
Oen of a few mutt in Soaferth title year are
meeting With some didleultles, The
tenders that have been received ere a
a tl .i it as ex to
rear cls ! higher lr J w 1,o d
they would be, The plane will have to be
changed aometvha1 to bring the oast
down to what the committee think they
ea» afford to spend.
Miee Mary A. Tom lett for Vanoouver,
13. 0., wears ehe will spend the Winter
visiting at the home of her. brother Greg-
ory E. Tem,
A, Q, Bobier and the largo number of
farmers of title section, who grew sugar
beets this year, are now busily engaged
taking them out of the ground and
hi in them to the beet faol r at
s PP g 1,y
Wal lanebore.
The home of Wellington and Mrs. Neil
was :reddened by the death of their little
twin boy and girl, as the result of severe
wide contracted some buys previous.
They were about six weeks old. One
little one died on Thureday and the other
early on Monday morning.
A lit a white 0teer, owned by Joseph
Davie, wag on Sunday of last week found
in a dying condition in the creek running
through hie pasture land on the 2nd Don•
cession of Stephen, It died the following
morning. The animal got into tbe water,
could not get out and got drowned,
Wm. White, London Read, North, bad
two valuable horses otruok and killed
by lightning on Monday of Met week
doting the heavy electrical storm that
passed over ibis rection. There were
three horses in the field at the time bat
one eeoaped. The lose f0 covered by
The bar room of the Mansion Hones
wee again entered by a meek thief on
Sunday evening last and somewhere be.
twee! $8 and 910 taken from the till.
The robbery took plane about 7 o'clock
in the evening, at whioh time the pro-
prietor and some friends were engaged
in conversation in the sitting room
normae the hall.
Mire. W. H. Olegg, of Sault Ste. Marie,
Mich., ie atpresent visiting her brother,
J. A. Strong, and other Mende i» tbie
neighbor hood.
A valuable Jersey Dow belonging to
Rev, E. A. Hall had her shoulder broken
in some unknown manner last week and
had to be killed.
A large potato weighing four ponode is
on exhibition at Dan Briokman'e 00008032
store, It is of the American Wonder
variety and was grown on the farm of
Thoe, 0. Johnston, South of Gerrie.
The opecial eervicee are still oontinuing
at Orange Hill and the congregation is
increasing and a greater interest is being
manifeebed and it ie to be leaped that
maoh good will be a000mplished.
MIND Do1LoNoaD.—On '1'horsday, Oct,
6th, our eitizene were somewhat amazed
to find out that Andy Ooatto, a resident
of town for a number of yeare, had be.
come insane and was making thing°
lively in town. He bad been in Harris•
ton for a oonple of days and was driven
here on Thureday morning. He hired a
livery from Ohas, Andrew and got him
to drive out to Thoe. Vittie'o on the 13th
On this Counter there are numerous
articles from a ''Needle to an Anchor."
Seeing is believing. Come and See.
From $5,00 to $15.00. We ask you to compare the
Quality and Price of our Guns with those advertised by
Simpson or Eaton.
We have THE Lamps and THE Prices. Come and see
Lamps from 26o. to $7.00. See also Eaton's catalogue
and compare.
Rogers' 12 dwt. The price on these is strictly confiden-
tial. You must coma to our Bargain Counter to capture
this prize. Bring Eaton's catalogue with yon for com-
A Quart of Ink for
A. 6 inch Butcher Knife and an 8 inch Steel for....,
A Tack Hammer and 2 Packages of Tacks for
A 12 oz. Bottle Nonsoueh Stove Pipe Varnish for .,
A. 6 oz. Bottle trine Sewing Machine O11 for
A. Two -keyed Padlock for......... . . ..........
11010., Stn.
1111liell,'e,'101i1.1101 dlne,aU"60a,
allay C
•li' M
(Jon, wit re he pr000eded to make things
livor' •n' brow some dfebee on the 11 Jar
and ,1i - Yittie immediate.y 8,ut 1or
lionr, X u who WAS in the barn and
he to i, " 0 away, and wanted lam 10
ride l0 I•„v:l with biro but he rhnlined
and walked in, when be seared the
Albion Hotel and tmathed several
ouspidors and £101110 wJdowwatee.
oleo threw a chair against the window
Dr. Whit'oy'o Ohm and broke three large
panes of glace. He then started down
1110 bank street by the Presbyterian shade
and ',rhos, Bradnook and Hugh Walker
captured bim and planed him in the
lookup, On Ftidey he was taken to
Clodericb by Oou.tabie McGrath and
Time. Bradnook where be wee platted in
the ()panty Jail to await au opening to
the London Asylum.
John Phillips hooked a bass in the
over tvbisb weighed 4f lire. This ie the
largest bees ought this season.
J. J. Tilley, P,ovinoial inspector of
model eohoole, made an °Meier visit to
Goderiob model school last week,
Geoffrey Holt has returned from his
European trip and has entered o» a
coarse In divinity at Trtntty UOilego,
Mr. Holt oleo ret0iue obarge of hie
ohurob organ.
An motion against Frederick Jenee, of
Colborne, for using grossly insulting
language to his wife was tried before
Magistrate Humber, A fine of 92 and
coats wa8 imposed.
The dredge Arooldi, tag Rerun and
sows arrived from Bayfield, The
dredge started working in the Nurth•
eastern portion of the harbor and tie now
at work outside the harbor enbran08.
Thesupply of water at the Spring
whish Contractor Pigott was making
nee of for mixing cement ie proving fo-
eu0ioient and preparations are being
made to pump water from the river.
Thomas MoGilliouddy, of Toronto,
who has been 100000ing at Montreal and
elsewhere in the interests of the Y. M. 0.
A., bite accepted a number of invitations
to epeok at various planes in Vermont,
and fe tow in that State.
Caretaker Watt i8 giving the trees i0
the Square a thorough trimming, whioh
will make a great improvement in the
appearance of the park next 0eaeon.
The old tenoe is being taken down and
will not likely be replaced.
Montreal and St. Thames papers an.
n0Unoe the marriage. at Montreal of
Taal Hngh Turnbull, eon of Rev. M..
Turnbull, rector of St. George's church,
Goderiob, to Alicia Beatriae Ermatinger,
of Chatham, daughter of the late Franoie
Edward Ertnatinger, of Bt. Thomas, and
Mem of Judge Ermatinger, of that city.
Ton FALL FAIR. --Speaking of the Fail
Fair the Star of last week says 1—The
director° who attended the meeting to
prepare for wilding up the year's Meta
nese left the room with mush more
smiting faces than on any similar
omission for come years pact. The finan-
cial statement showed that the reoeipte
from all scathes were about 91250, and
the note which has e0 long hampered the
management is se last out of the way,
let ue hope never to be repeated. The
prize list and working expenses will be
paid in lull, and with ihie good showing
the Board telt that they have a right to
ask Rhes Town Council to at once fulfil
tbe promise made in 1903, namely, that
if the Board would pay off the debt in
fall the Oonhoil would grant $100 to help
them place the show on a clear footing.
The Board will meet again on the 22nd,
on which date the treasurer will begin to
pay the prize money.
0V Ingtxttm.
Bible Society meeting in the Metho.
diet church Wednesday evening.
G, E. King carried off the two red
bidets with his drivioe oolt at the Tees.
water Fair.
Robb. Carrie, gr., and Thoe. H. Taylor,
8r., have retarned home after a ten day's
visit at the World's Fair in Bt. Louie.
Judge Doyle bold Court of Revision
here. The Conservatives added 31 and
struck off 21 ; the Liberals added 32 and
dtruok off 32.
Ooohrane et Johnston have pm:leased
A, H. Musgrove'% ebahla, and are having
it moved to their marble wotke on
Josephine street.
Joseph Doyle, for some time ledger.
keeper in the Bank of Hamilton bare,
has been promoted to the poeilton of
teller in the Dunnville braooh.
Jae. Mitobell received a nasty ent on
the top ot hie head on Monday of last
week, while et work in the Upholstering
factory, by a weight falling on trim, The
wound required several stitches.
John Leslie, formerly merobant tailor
of Wingham, is visiting friends in town.
Mr. Leslie has spot the Summer in Eng•
land and Bmotlaud, and reports a very
pleasant trip. He is now eighty•tbree
years of age, but says he i8 only a boy
A meeting wag held in the Town Hall
to reorganize the Wingham Hockey 010
for the coming seam». The following
officers were eleoted ; Eton, President, R,
Clegg ; Hon. Vice -President, Wm. Oor-
bould; President, 0. G. VanSione; Vim
President, T. D. Hepburn ; Searetary,
H, 0. Kent, Treasurer, D, D, Wilson ;
Manager, E. Moore • Managing 00113.mittee, D. D. Wileou, A. Fleming, H. H.
Fruit. --About 8 o'aloak Someday morn•
ing fire broke oat in the reeteuraut kept
by L. G. Kruse, opposite the National
Hotel. It was soon got under control,
but not until over $500 damage wee done
to the building and stook. It is only a
few months since the same platter was
gutted, with a lose estimated at 81,000.
The (rause of the Are le elated to have
been a defective chimney. Mr, Kruse
was a resident of Brueeeie for time.
A communication woe read at the loot
School Board' meeting from Mitre Corny!,
at the teaching staff, caking for reengage•
moat for neat year, and shoo for leave of
absence for six months from January let,
1905. On motion of Meeere, Griffin and
Moore, the request as ranted provided
Mao , 1 t w
a enitabie substitute be provide. Mies
MoLean tendered her resignation ae a
member of the staff to take effect at the
end of this year. Reeignatton wee e1,,
Wallaoebnrg suffered heavy lose by fire,
three 00 four buildings being destroyed.
Mre. Willit m Dee, et Salford, charged
With the merdor of her husband, is alleg.
ed to have pur0010eed etryotminen in an
Ingereoli drug More on Angnat 5,
Sottotrouble hoe b on onito d et
aloe byProt. Pike Dint in Prot. John
Marshall not being a Po
Both are mombero of Queen's University
fot'+'(=xxxxxxxxx. x 0 MoKINNoiv
.1,3 If/
Those chilly winds and frooty nights remind � people that sold weather
is epproaohing and they begin to think of warm Uaderolothiog and where
to get the beet assortment to choose from, As a rale our Mammoth 000)1
Store ie uppermost io everyone's mind, knowing, art they do, that our stook
ie mooed to in the county. We auntrol the oeleb aced tan •aid's
n o t ayr $ f1
Unehrinlsshle Underwearfor Blyth.The
Dan onlybe
had a
this eters. We hove them for men and women in all aiz0a. We guatan•
tee every garment, wash them ea you like and if they ebriok bring 1ht m
book and get your money refunded. Beware of imitationo, pone aro
genuine 812091 they are stamped "Btanfield'e Unebrinkable.” We (tarry
a full range of other Underwear at prime etated below ;-
- Men's Uoion Shirts and Drawers, plain or ribbed, ab 25o,
— Men's Fancy Stripe Sbirte and Drawers, heavy weight, sof tfioieb, in all
eine, at 85o and 40o,
— Meu'a AII•Wool Plain Sootob Knit or Ribbed Shirts end Drawers,
heavy and warm, at 60o.
—Boyo' Shirts and Drawers, in meat variety, at 250, 300, 85o and 45o.
—Men's Sanitary Wool-Floeoed Underwear, regular 60o, for 500.
— Stanfield's Uuehrinkable Underwear, for men and women, made of fine
Nova Bootie, wool, soft and warm, In medium and heavy weights, at
91 00, 1 25 and 1.35.
xe"i e++bxxxxxx x' xxxxe,tT ' xxx „8
et,ernptiatieeeite noit'4,tAn
IF it pays to push an article it pays to push it to some pt*poso
and to push it more with an object of gaining permanent trade
than of temporary profit. Many people think it impossible to
find a first-class General Store in a town this size.
If you are not prejudiced and are open to conviction you can
be convinced that there is one here by calling at Jamestown P. 0.
and General Store where you will find a fine and modern stock of
Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
Prints, .Tames, Crash, [Notions
agd, Groceries always Fresh.
We buy direct from the largest Jobbing Houses and Manu-
facturers in the country and by so doing we are always sure of
obtaining first-class goods, and as we are not paying enormous ex-
penses in rent, clerk hire, city taxes, etc., we can sell goods at the
most reasonable prices.
We have now some ends in Prints, Dress goods, "Wrap-
perettes which will be sold regardless of cost, also some lines in
Shoes will have to go. We do not wish to carry, if possible, Goods
out of Season, We are just loading up for Fall and Winter trade with a
fine stock of newest Styles in our different departments.
We now handle best grade of Manitoba Flour and find it
getting a ready sale.
Family trade is especially solicited as your patronage is
always appreciated no matter how small your purchases. You
may rest assured it will be our constant aim to sell you the best .
goods that can be obtained and at reasonable prices.
We are very grateful to those who have dealt with our wagon
on the road so very liberally this Summer and those who .can see.
their way clear to come to the store, we will make it profitable for
them as we always try and keep up Farm Produceto the highest
Try us on Dried apples, Butter, loose or in tubs, Eggs, Lard,
Tallow, Potatoes, and Fowl of all kinds as soon as weather will be
cool enough for_shipping as we ship direct.
la..1,0 ' 0.00t,leA,' iewh imi
Walter In e
Apples will bo bought on and after Septem-
ber 12th, at the
Apples may be shaken oil` the trees. -Wind-
falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the
Highest Market Price.
Small or Soft Apples will not be taken.
2130 10145311 10014.