HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-10-20, Page 41'be 'Roods zst, THURSDAY, OOT 20, 1904. Rasta is still getting the worst of it in Manoharia and the wily jape are out- maeceuvring them at every turn. It it a tremendous sacrifice ot life all baoau9e of the all•ooneamiag greed ot the Ozer, and the powers have eufiloient evidence of the horrors of war to do their best in calling a belt, The poor old Bear has learned a lesson it will not forget fer many a day. Tna Pon is always well pleased to see or hear of public meetings at which the leaders of the two great politioal parties in Canada speak attended by throngs of electors. It speaks well tor the growing intelligence of the people when they desire to hear for themselves the dis- content) of the questions of the day. It may be a heavy strain on public men to carry through encb a tour or series of meetitge bat the advantages of following this oouree are neither few nor of light Importance. The more light the elector- ate receive the more capable are they to break away from political' Indio: lee and express their opinion at the ballot box in a manner that beat appeals to their jadg• ment in the intereete of a great and growing country. Canada, with wise government and the bleesiag of a kind Providence, hag a great future to look forward to and the young people of this greet Dominion have maty reasons for congratulating themselves on their lot being out in snob a goodly heritage. It ebonid be the desire of every Canadian to promote the beet interests of the land and thereby add to the golden opinions already fairly won, HURON Co. is in battle array for the doming eleotion. In East Huron Dr. MacDonald, Deputy Speaker in the last House, and Dr. Chisholm, as Conser- vative etandard•bearer, both of Wing - ham, are in the field ; Waet Huron bae Robert Holmes, of (Minton, the doughty M. P., in the poet Parliament, and E. N. Lewis, the Mayor of Goderiob, up- holding the Grit and Tory banners ; South Heron will enter the eonteat.with two new men, Tboe. Fraser, of Bruoefield, will be the Liberal candidate and Co. Councillor B. B. Gunn, of Seafortb, the Conservative representative. At the South Huron Liberal Convention held at Refloat' on Tneeday of last week. Hon. C. S. Hyman, of London, was present and delivered a abort address. The oaudidatee on the drat ballot were :— Thome Fraser, Brnoefleld, 60 ; George McBwan, Henault, 58 ; M. Y. McLean, Seatorth, 47. Oa the last ballot :— Framer 84 ; MoEwan, 73. Mr. Fraser was declared the unanimous oboioa of the Convention. A meeting of the Comer. vetiver( of South Haran was held at Repeal! on Thureday of last week, a large and very enthusiastic representation be- ing preeent. H, Eilber, M. P. Pk, made a abort adrirese. Only one sand i ate B. B. Goon, of Saaforth, was in the field, and he woe the noauimoas oboiaa of the Convention. Win Many Prizes at St. Louis, Canadian exhibitors of sheep and swine at the St. Louie Exposition have made a splendid record. In almost every aloes in which they enter they have taken the big money prizes and championship diplomas. All went to the Exposition at their own expense, no Government aid of any kind being given. It will be remembered, however, that the Dominion Government decided to dopli• nate the prize money won, so that a Canadian exbibitor gets in reality just double the amount he wing at the Ex. position. A. P. Westervelt, Beoretary of the Live Stook Association, who has been ependin_ some time at the Fair, returned to his office at the Parliament buildings last Friday, and gave the following partial liet of Oanedian saooeeses, the moneys mentioned being those given by the Ex. position :— Shropshire eheep — John Uampball, Woodville, $1,654 Hie prizes include grand eharopionehip for a ram, 1 other ohampionehip nineteen finite, seventeen eeoonde, and several minor prizes. Mr. Campbell was the only Canadian exhibit. or in (bie olasa; and Ibe Amerioao oom• petition wag partloalarly strong. Dorset sheep—Col. J. A. McGillivray, Toronto, $1,000 ; 1i• H. Harding, Thorn• dale, $500, teamster eheep—E. W. Smith, Maple Lodge ; Whitelaw Bros., Guelph, and Hosting Beoa., Crone Hill, divide the beat of the prime. Lineoln eheep—The bast prizes are divided between John Gibson, Denfield ; Graham Walker, Denfield ; Patrick Bens., Ilderton. Oxford sheep—Henry Arkell, did well. Cotswold sheep — Most of the prizes carried off by Hardy Shore, Glanwortb ; E. Park, Bargeeeville, and J. 0, Rose, Jarvis. Bouthdown ebeep — Telfer Broa„ of Perin, won many prizes; Piaex swine — Joe. Featherstone, Streeteville, good prizes. Yorkshire pigs —47, E. Brethonr, of Batford, won $1,200, including the them pionehip for a barrow over six and ander twelve yeare. Tamworth pigs—T. Douglas, Mitchell, won $800. All the competitors above named are Ontario named. Their exhibits are chiefly of the market elating of sheep and swine, and the rosette mentioned show the fine quality of the stook they are raiaiug, Alfred Bordeau, an employee of Pin• combo & Donaldeon'a sawmill, mat with a very painful aoaident Strathroy, Friday morning, by which he lost hie left arm, • Fie was engaged in hauling loge from the yard to the mill, and in tomo way hie left baud was oaughtbetween the abate and the pulley, terribly mangling and twiet. log' hie wrist, until it beams 'levered. He prooeaded immediately to .Dr, Me. Gabe, who dressed the mangled member, and later found it neoeaeary to amputate the arm above the elbow, Bordeau le a single man, and fres been a reaideut of that town for Immo time. -- CO. COUNCIL AOT. Tha Mnuioipal World for °etpher de. vides that the County Omitted meat {woe a Bylaw iu 1904 and that a vote of the eleotore ahall be taken 01 the munieipal elaotioue in January, 1906. The World in its legal column Gaye : Clause ib) of gob section 1. of section 3 of chapter 22 of the Outariu Statutes, 1904, (The Municipal Amendment Aot, 1904) provides that "the By-law 'hall be eubmitted to the eleotore at the time fixed by law for holding a pill at the eleotion of the Counoil of each local munioipality for the year next preceding the year in whish polliug for a general eleation of County Ooanoillore would take place under this Aot," If the oounoile of a majority of the local municipalities in the oounty file the resolution mentioned in eub•seetion 1 with the oounty Olerit, prior to the lit of October of the present year, the Bylaw motioned in this eab.eeotion cannot be eubmitted to the eleotore of the oounty autil the municipal eleotion to be held. in Janoary, 1906, If this By-law to carried by the eleotore, the Comity Connell for the year following that In which the vote ie taken, and thereafter, shell be nom• posed of the Reeves of all townshipa and villages in the aonnty, and the mayors of all towns not separated from the oounty for mnuioipal parposee. (See clause (b) of sub section 2 at section 1 of the above Aot.) PRESBYTERY OF HURON. Huron Presbytery met in Clinton to ooneider and dirpoee of a pall fromLoam• ington Preebyterian Obaroh to Rev. J. A. Hamilton, of Loodeeboro. Repro eentativee of the &aerobes interested were heard, the vitt was placed io the hands of Mr. Hamilton, who after referring to thediftaulty of severing ties which bad bound him for twelve years with a oord of love yet thought it hie duty to• accept the oall. The releaee and transfer were agreed to and Meters. Larkin and (Shaw were appointed to draw up a suitable minute respecting Mr, Hamilton. Dr, Stewart deolered tbe polpita of Hallett and L ,ndeeboro vacant on the 16113. The attention of the Presbytery was called to the death of Rev. Mr. Acheson, former pastor of Be. Andrew's Charoh Iiippen. R•ve. Shaw and McLennan were ap- pointed to draw up a letter of eympethy and forward it to the bereaved widow and family. Autumn Care of The Dairy Cow. A Critical Period,—Yroteetion. From In- clemeat Weather. At this eeaaoe of the year when farm• ere are extremely buoy preparing for Winter, the dairy outs are apt to bo negleoted. Frequently they are left to pick a eosuty living from bare paetaree and (enoe corners of grain fields exposed to all the inolemenoies of the Autumn weather. The highly organized dairy vow ie very eenaittve to endden and extreme changes in the weather, and nothing oon,d be more detrimeutal to monomial milk production. The flow ofmilkis often so materially lessened that it oannot be brought baok to the normal standard during the Winter. Expoeare to storms and lying on the cold, damp ground at night not only lead to a decreased flow of milk but they are very apt to cause udder troubles, rhea• matiem and other diseases, and in some oaeee even death. It is, therefore, advisable to see that the vows get a sufficient supply of suitable food. during this critical period, and that they are proteoted from storms during the day and comfortably stabled at eight. That eninent dairy authority, Prof. Haeoker of the Miuueeota Eaperimeutal Station, has given ooneiderable attention to this eubjeat, and some of Lie experiments and oonclueione are well wortby ot ooneider• anion by owners ot oowe. In the oouree of an article on the Fall care of oowe be Bays :— One night or even n few Inure of cold rain oaueee au enormous shrinkage of milk. Food, aomfurt and contentment are the prime factors in e000eesfnl dairying, and it is not too math to say that comfort le the primeet factor. To feed well bat disregard the bodily oom• fort of the sow is to court and insure dteappointmeut, A sow will fail to elaborate a full mesa 0f milk if she is wet or shivering from cold, no matter how onerously she le fed. Autumn ie a more critical period for a euw fresh in milk than Winter. Oold rains and raw winds are fruitful pauses of decreasing milk. The first mokea inactive the musoular eyetem, while the letter so disturbs the nervone system that It Nils to perform its work. Cows ebould therefore not be exposed to Fall. rains, left out during cold aigbta, or confined in muddy or wet yards at any time, The proof of Ibis theory was clearly demonstrated by the Minnesota Station herd two years ago. Some changes were being made in the oow barn which made it- ioobnvenient to stable the ouwe for a few days, and just then a cold, rainy spell set 10, to which the oows were ex. posed. There wee not only a very mark. ed ebriakage in milk and butter fat at 000e, but they failed to recover during the Witter, though the feed was liberal end the bare the beet that could be given. The cows gave 1611 lbs. of milk and .8 lb, batter tat a day during the Winter. It wag known when the shrinkage took p'aoe and why, but the attempt to re 10000 it failed. The next your such an experienoe was guarded againet, and the same herd gave a daily average of 28 4 ibe, milk and 12 the. fat. It may be asked what the oowe did with their food, since they were fed liberally during the Winter. They made beef or fat with it, for eaoh gained an average of nearly half a pound a day, a gain that did neither the vows nor the owner any good. Dating the two Watters the herd wag oompoaed of the time vows, fed the same rations and reooived in every way the same oftretal attention, and yet"beoauee of that mita bap hid herd tai ed by jest fifty per omit Of doing ite normal or possible Work. Ploaes think of this, and do not luso money by needlessly exposing vows iu the autumn. tMlitttort. The family of Rev. Mr. Dunlop lane moved to Bpringfeld, Elgin Conn. y. Rawest E. Hurting will be Fivanciel Agent of R. Holmes, in Oonneblton with the owning eleotion. Mrs, Burton, of Stapleton, met with a misfortune on Tuesday evening of het week when by it fall aha sustained to brakeu mist, 3. B. Bumbull wag etrioken with par• alyeis'Wednesday of host week is in a vary oritionl condition. One aide is paralyzed, but wt hope fee the beet, Mies Clara Soot, of Toronto, formerly of Olintou, (grand•daughter of S. Plan. mer) is the soprano soloist in Bond St., Congregational obnrob, in that oity, Israel Taylor has aecepted the position of dittrtot managership of the Imperial Life Ioeurnnoe Company, for the oouoli,e of Middlesex and Huron with beadquartere at London. While ane of hie employees at the Hausa of Refuge woe breaking a atone, a splinter etruok Contractor Cooper on the forehead and out a little artery which bled quite freely for a time. Tt e eleation of officers for the Clinton Board of Trade resulted ae follows :—• Preaident, John Ransford ; Vice. W. W. Ferran ; Beoretary, William Jackson ; Troaeurer, F. R. Hodgeue. R. Fitz,mone baa some flue epeoimene of can flowers on display in hie window. The largest one Measures to chamfer. enoe 49 iuohee and weighs 5j; lbs. He has four others (leo that go over 40 in, Joe. Holmes, eon of Rev. J, W. Holmes and brother of Dr. Holmes, of Own, left for Saskatoon where he enter% the jourualietio field on an independent paper. He visited hie brother in .town last week, Forel vele lo. The abutments of the uew bridge have been oompleted. Thos. Wakeford bae gold hie .50 acre farm on the end eon., Howiok, to W. 0. Montgomery. John Wailaoe, sr., bae purchased the house (coupled by G, W. Mapletoft for about 31500, and will get possession on May let, 1905. There is a great df mend for saleable or rentable hooses in town' bat the supply ie eoaroe and the price asked is high, eo the seekers atter property say. Dr. MacDonald, H. P., will address a political meeting in the Forester's' Hall, Fordwiob, on Tuesday evening, Oct, 25th, on the political questions of the day. R. McCallum has moved bie bakery and restaurant to tbe Arlington block and is fixing it up in flret•clase style. G. W. Mapletoft is moving into the old bakery and Welkey Broe. have taken pos. Reaction of the vacant part of the Downey block fora furuitere wareroom. The Howiok Fair was a great eeooeea this year. There ere 108 members for 1904 and 68 for 1905,a gain of 17 over the figuree for 1903. There wire 79 exkibit ore making about 900 entries, Mre. Hele, of Wiugbam, making 44, the largest number. The total reoeipte will be close to $400 of which 3380 75 will be paid to prize money, S. Johnaton & Sone re oeived the largest amoont,$18 75, James Downey beige eeoond, reoeiviug 317 20. Mr, and Mre. Oook, when down at Barrie attended the anniversary 0f the 60th year of the marriage ot Joseph W. Cook and his partner in life, the a deet brother in the family, who le now in his 82nd year and hie wife about the eame age, both of whom are exceedingly smart for (inch au age. All their family were present except one, and a goodly number of old neighbors also present, joined with the family in making preeente and von• gratulatione to the old and reepeoted couple on attaining their 60th year of married life. A neat and short addreae wee read by the Presbyterian minieter, and a short epeeoh by the Englieh church minister, and after a neat reply by Mr. Cook and a pleasant evening spent the happy old couple were permitted to retire to bed. Perth County. • Wm. Puehelbarg hae Bold hie 75 sore farm in Logan to Geo. Hilderbriahit for 35,800. Mre. John Loogeway, of Logan, left for Michigan, to visit a daughter who was eerionaly i11. Leslie Hooper, of Mitchell, left for Hamilton to take a oouree in the pada. gogery eohool there. A. Loraine Thomson, of Mitobell, left for Toronto, where he will take a oouree at University Oollege. H. Kleber, of Monkton, late owner of the hotel in that plane, intende taking up a farm if he oat purchase one. The South Perth Conservatives met at Miteltell on Oat. 6, and ahem Dr. Steele as their aandidete for the Commona. C. M. Passmore late organist of Knox church Mitchell, hae been engaged as or. ganiet of the Methodist church, Guelph, et an annual salary of $450. F. W. Schaefer, of Oartbage, hae die• posed of hie store and will move from there in a week or ao, The store will be looked after in future by S. Whaley, of Owen Sound. Master Ueoll, the eix.year-old son of Chas. MOOann, Osborne township, was enddealy etrioken with paralysis of the limbo on ".'huroday, September 28, and died on the following Sunday. Exactly five weeks ago Mire, S. R Stuart, of Mitchell, wag eummoned to Toronto to attend her motber'e funeral. Leet week the same lady was again caned to the Bink bed of be fatter, who passed away on Friday. At the Conservative oonvontion of South Perth, Jobe Benneweie, Logan, was appointed president ; David Bonito reeve of Blonobard, and vice do, ; and J. W. Thompson 8rd do. , treasurer, S, Freloigb, and J. W. Graham, amore - Lary. john Berne, aprominent farmer on the tenth oonoeeeion of Wallace and for lomieyears a member at the Township Coanoit, died at hie home re000tly from typhoid fever. Mr. Borne was a leading member of the Presbyterian ahuroh at Palmerston, and of the Paimeretoe A. 0. 17. W. Thorned; Cann, a well•known and highly rnepeoted retidont of the town• Alp of Ugborne, met with a very eeriote aooldent on Friday, Oot, 7, Mr, Cann Wag tip in a tree pioking apples whoa, by some meane, he fell, fraotarfng hie spine. The whole of the lower pant of hie body ie paralyzed, and although he may linger a long time, hie reoovoty 10 doubtful. l31t Ut3rlf>11L 20fidT POLITICAL MEETINGS ELECTORS Como and hear the gneetiona of the day d emoted. Dr. Macdonald the Liberal aandidete in Beet Huron, has arranged to hold meetings daring the campaign ae follows : Cranbrook Thursday, Oot. 20 Town Hall, Morrie Friday, Oot. 21 Belgrave Saturday, Oot. 22 Lakelet Monday, Oot. 24 Fordwiob Tuesday, Oot.25 Ethel „..,.Wedneedsq, Oot. 26 Brunetti, (nomination, afternoon) ..Thursday, Oct. 27 Walton Thuredaz, Oct. 27 Wroxeter Friday, Oot.,,28 13loevale Saturday, Oot. 29 Bol more Monday, Oot, 81 Wingham Tuesday, Nov. 1 Gerrie.... Wednesday, Nov. 2 Dr. Maodonald the candidate and others will address these oo eetinge. The Ooneervative oandldete or any one in hie behalf will be given an opportunity to speak at the meetings. All meetings will commence et 7,30 p. m., sharp. . Ladies are respeotfolly invited to be present. G01) SAVE THE KING. The potatoes around Hessen are altnoet all rotten and the .greater part will not be lifted. The people of Mt. Pleasant are holding epeoial services at the present time. They are being oouduoted by Revs. Knowles and Madden. E. W. Harding, of St. Marys, has sold out his law preotioe to J. A. Donald. On account of ill•healtb Mr. Hardiug was obliged to retire from active life. R. W. Dillon, editor of the St. Marys Argun, hae been enrolled on the list of campaign orators at the Liberal head- quarters, Toronto. He speaks in Nipie• ging this week. The heavy storm, with very severe lightning end thunder, which passed over Mitchell on Saturday 8th Inst, did ooneiderable damage aroma' town. The barn of Watton Broe., Logan, which was used ae a driving shed, was streak and totally destroyed, and some of the telegraph poles on the Huron road, Weet of the town, were split to atoms. The annual meeting, of the county organization of the W. 0. T. U. for the eleotion of officers was held in the board room of Stratford city hall on Tuesday afternoon' of Gast week, Delegotee were. iu attendance frim Mitchell, ae well es the local anion. The oMgera elected for the year are : President, Mrs. Coppin, Mitchell ; toe preeideut, Mre. Dier• lamm, Stratford ; nonresponding aeure• Lary, Mrs. Dent, Mitchell ; according rtoretary, lure Llsele, Stratford ; Incrn• ever, Mee Soot,, Slratfurd. Mee, Dier lamtn was appointed delegate float the oounty to the meeting of the Provincial union in Botvmanvilie mat 111o1.1h, The Mikhail Advonate says;—A lady is the Whet Word was perambulating to front of her 110010 on Saturday eveuh g last waiting for the Patent of her huebaud. Aa the et eatrio ligbto were tint totup', and the night being dark, she mistook a stranger for her mieaiug one, ani giving him a panels on the brevet with blotted hand, she wale( mad Ma return. '1'he mistake woe soon apparent, and we need eoaroely say she gulolily got into her house, feeling much chagrined. Haetiuge Broe., of Croeebill, sheep fanoiere, have had unprecedented eaoaere at the World's Foie, St. Louie, whet a they are exhibiting some of their vheep, In three days they won four }irate, jive monde and three thirds, besides many smaller prizes, equivalent to 3800 In oath. For every dollar won they oleo receive one dollar from the Canadian Government. This ie indeed a vary oreditab'e ehowiog and their friends will be pleased to hear of their eucoeeo. Tommy Barnett, of Slaolt's livery, Mitchell, while up Trent Oracle hunting, ,espied a large ben hawk, and brought it to the ground by wounding it in one of its wioge, and managed to capture it. It fought desperately to get away from its napier. It measured 4 ft. 8 inches from kip to tip of the wings and ie of a light gray color. Tommy has it in Wu keeping in a oage. Donald Bala, wile Ileum a short distance from where it was captured, recognized it as the hawk that was a frequent visitor to hie chicken coop. The hawk has apparently re- covered from.tbe effeote of he mend ae it ebowe fight when any one goes near its nage. School Inepeolor W. 3, Carton died suddenly at London. Ald. Sbeppard, of Toronto, hae pro- poeid that at street crossings vehicles going North and South bare right of way. The Court; of Appeal distniesed the mo- tion in the North Renfrew eleotion vase to commit to jail the editor of the Toron. to Globe. The Government have awarded another ooatraotfor 10 000 tone of steel rails to the Ooneolidated Lake Superior Oom• pany. Malcolm C. Cameron, of Godericb, has been appointed a member of the oom• mission for the revision and consolidation of the Statutes. Garfield Maley, whose parents live in Toronto, was fatally injured by the berat- ing of a moulding machine no J. S. Fin - lay's mill at °wen Bound. Bir Rioltard Oartwrigbt started for Winnipeg Friday, but a hot box made it neceaeary to send his oar beck to Ottawa and the trip was delayed for a day. At the Railway Commission, Mr. Blair warned the railway oompaniee that aooidaute must be stopped, and intimated that the Board word 0000 suggest some drastic remedies for present conditions. The poetomoe at Milton was robbed of 3200 in stamps and tomo malt change, and the G. T. R. agent's riffles Watt also robbed of a small smounb. The burglars blew up the postoldea safe and (timoet wrecked the buildiug. THS <<i1 SES HA3KIRK FTER a very successful Opening we are bet- ter than ever prepared to fill the wants of our many patrons, and we invite an inspection of our large stock of Trimmed Hats and Ready -to - wears As usual we are m (king a specialty of Mourning Goods. First-class Goods at Popular Prices. The Misses Habkirk. BUGGIES ! B BUG -G -IES vi IS THE BEST Beware of Imitators and Imitations. Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods. Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would- be competitors distanced in numbers. We have still a few of these '10ld Reliablies" in and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure certainly interest you. Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices, We have a number of other makes to show you, including the "Platteville," "Palmerston" and "Guelphs' Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other makes, for sale at low prices, up-to-date Finish to call 59 we can n,.,uelnFu''Ie'telLNd'bN,'h,'h,'hr'Id'hmr N. la.�. A ate. �► IMiPOFRTANT NOTICES LIb1AD 0)? YEAR OL -1) an ie, I0 g"od oouditlon, for sale, Apply at lout 10, von. 0, Gray, for if by letter is i(tb el a. O. 11.0 110113iRT 13LAIn, CTIi•AXE3) ON TUE PREM– k...7 letCeof the uuderaigned, Lot 15, Con. 4. W000. on crabout au uta 20th, a year old gray bailor, Owner fe requested to prove properly, pay (miasmata nail taro her away. wm, J. JaO1CLIN, 0.11 Ethel Y. O. \ ANTED.— SPEEOIAL REP– YU C' lmaau'rATlvla to thle comity and ad• joining torriteriee, to represent and adver- tise en old established nuttiness house of solid lluunolol standing. Salary 5,21 weekly, with expenses advnnood vault Monday by cheek direct from headquarters, Horse and buggy furnished when ueoessary ; noei- tian)+urate Hent. Address a slow Bros, & 00„ Rocco 010 ,110500 Bldg„ Ohioago, Ill, REAL ESTATE. till® AORE FARM FOR SALE FJ being Lots 00 .and 67, let Oon., `Ouruberry. Good brick louse, bank barn, CO acres heavy timber. Apply to S. A, SNELL, Jamestown, Out. 111 rARM FOR SALE.— GOOD homestead -100 Bores—in the Town- ship of Morrie, Duran oanuty, For partic- ulars apply to J IIFNNRIP. 8 tf 800 Bathurst St. Toronto, VOR . SALE OR TO RENT. A. The undersigned offers the 100 acre farm, being Lot 20, Don. 7, Grey, for sale or to rent. Comfortable House, bank barn, or. ehard,;wells, &o. Thera ore 80 euros bu grass, 10 emu of Fall Wheat will be put in and 20 acres of Fall plowing done. Farm is only mile from the thriving village of Ethel. For Petihor Particulars ae ,to price, terms, &e., apply to 61090 SPERM), Ethel P.O. TrAR11r FOR SALE.—THE TIN• mrtteroNnn offers ter sleben sue farm 1;oicg rij Lot 14, Oon.14, Meliillep township,. There are 5 acres of good hardwood bush and balance cleared. On the promisee is a comfortable brick bonito, hank barn, driv- ing shed and windmill, to rplylug water to both house and stables. Well fenced, well uudordraiood, young orobord, oro. Posses - 'sloe this Fall if desired, Feral is ono of the cleanest In the township, Only 5 mile from eobuol and 9 miles from Welton village, For further partioalare as to pride, terms, &o, apply on the premises to MRS, Vault, or Welton P. U. 0.01 WARMS FOR SALE. — 360 pores Bret-oluee land in the Tewusbip or Groy—Lot 10, Oou. 14, 100 ,cress; Lot 17, eon 14,100 acres ; and Wt Lot 18, Oou. 14, 60aeres-200acres, All iu excellent condi- tion with first-class buildlegt ; brick house with all modern oouvenionces, and large back barn, root bud straw w house, stables, &c. Well 'motored. From 80 to 40 cores of hardwoodgood bush. ,u,8,dttaielg 100 acres oOret-claoslaud,frame bowie and largo bank barn nearly new. The property can be sold in two or three pefiuel0 to suit perekaeele. Terms liberal, Also a commodious dwelling house and let in Brussels. For to ahem particu- lars apply to the owner on the promises, LLOOCOLIN li0 ales, or to J1.50. L1000I(018, Brussels. 21•tf OOT. L0, 1904. APLAN 18 DOW Int rho stables of his owners, Zoott Sr, Warwick BRUSSELS, Where ho will stand for Service for the balance of the season. WA N TED Men and Teams for work on the ldail Guelyph. and Goderleh wa, Wages $.150 to $L76 per day for Men, and $3, 50 for Teams Apply at the ethos 01 the uuderelgued at Milverton. J. R. MoQuigge, YO.2m GONT1tA0TOR, MTLYER'L'GN. ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY Royal T1ail Steamers Prom Montreal From Quebec Tuuisbtu Oct. 21, 0 a m. Oet. 21, 11 p.m IoviouOat. 28, 6.80 m. 001, 28, 9 p.m Bavarian Na. ov.9, 9 a.m. Nov. 4, 10 p.m Parisian Nov.11, 0 a.m. Nov. 11, 9,00 • BATES or PA60A00 First nabin-800 and upwards, according to etoumar end a000mmuda biota. Second oobio—Llvorpool & Londonderry —050 and $96, Loudon 92,00 extra. Third-olaes—Supenor accommodation, 910 to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast. Glasgow and Lo Thudcu.rough tickets to South AMU. Acott real to Glasgow Direct Pxetorlan Thurs., Oet. 20 (Daylight) b'cw York to Ctasgew Nnmitllau....i Thursday, Oct, 20, 11 a.m Low rates by obero Glasgow steamers on application to W. H. KERIR, Agent, Braeeele. FALL AN COOL 'FATHER le here again alai 000l weather makoe us think of Stowe and bow to keep warm in Winter. II you ere thinking of putohasitg a uew Stove or Range Ghia Fall call and see our linea of High olaee RANGES and STOVES AMONG THEM ARE THE Famous Pandora Range, Made by 6101l0tr ondou The Dockash and World's Favorite Ranges, The Silver King and Garland line of Stoves and Ranges— ALL COAL AND WOOD BURNERS. See our Lines of Base Burners and Air Tight Coal Stoves. Every Stove Guaranteed to work Perfect. Agents for the Famous "Queen" Air Tight Wood Heaters. le timatee on Furnace °entreats freely given. Prises Right, ilt COAL IN STOOK urabull HARDWARE AND STOVES. EWA�d : CQ. WE are now ready for 1904 with a larger stock of Buggies than ever we had and a walk through our Show Rooms will convince intending purchasers what our stook is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if good rigs will do it. We have added to our Buggy Tops this season a Spring to prevent the bolts and rivets from breaking. This has been a longfelt want, We have 4 styles of Axlee—Drat and Oil Proof, Long Dietanoe, 1000 Milers, and the Noleoleeo AxIeo, also a few of the old styles. All Steel Body Hangers and all trimmed with boot Leather, Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first -glass Factory Buggies. Our Wagons are all Oak with 27 and 8 inch tires ; Trucks acid Medium silo, We invite ev00y intending pur0haeer"to am us and Rave money, E WAN & Co., call Rod 13 Brussels,