The Brussels Post, 1904-10-20, Page 1Vol. 88. No, 18
W. H. K.ERR, Prop.
New Advertisements.
Ribber goods -Sea. F,•x.
Local. -John Cunningham.
Overooat taken -A. MoKay.
Farm for sale-Eneas Oriob.
Dog found- G. A. Deadman,
Cutters -John Caber & Sone.
Underwear -McKinnon & Oo,
Leicester's for sale -O. Turnbull,
Salta and overooete-A, Straahan.
Ladies' fine shoes -I. 0. Riohatat.
Druggist apprentioe-H. A. Crooke,
Mislaid Revs,
Miee Maggie McAllister, of Hillegreen,
ie again in our midst,
A. MoEwen has rammed hie duties at
school atter an enforced holiday.
Geo. and Mre. McDonald and Oameton
were vieibore at Molesworth this weak.
' Miee Wilma Biohle, of Hamilton,' Wag
renewing old aoquaintauoee in Blnevale
this week.
Glasses Perfect
for 'heals
and far
inconvenience of
Yep to largos for,
reading and distance
1s avoided by our
double vision glossae.
'which afford perfect
eight for neer work
and for seeing afar.
Airs. T. Fletcher
Scier-tific and
Graduate Optician
Our stoek is now large' and
very complete in all lines and we
' are prepared to show you Styles,
Qualities and Prices which are
certainly in favor of the buyer.
• •• If you require a suit of Clothes or
an .Overcoat you snake no mis-
take in coming direct to our
Clothing Department.
We would especially direct
the attention of the Ladies to our
splendid display of Fine Furs.
Astrachan Jackets this season
are very choice and prices are no
higher but rather lower than last
season for the same qualities.
We also have an excellent assort-
ment of Scarfs Ruffs, Storm
Collars, Muffs, gauntlets and
P .
Don't forget our Ready-made
hin and Fur Departments
all i ��ht.
They are a. Right.
No. Panay Prices, Everything Cheap,
Jack and Mre, Glidden, of Morrie,
visited Jaok and Meg, Jobnaton thie
Fred, and Mre. MoOraaken and child•
ren, of Brue+els, visited at John Gardin.
er'e this week.
Joseph Bargees, little Mtee Evelyn
and Maker Harold, of Woodatook, spent
Sunday at John Bargee's'.
Miee Mary Thornton has returned to
Wingham after spending some wake
with her grandmother, Mra. John
John Gardiner, oar mail Carrier, bad
the misfortune to be knocked out of hie
rig one day laet week. He lighted upon
the hard gravel in front of the hotel
having his faoe and body badly bruised.
He was un000soioas for a while but is
now doing nioely,
W roar e tor .
Mrs. Wellwood returned to Oakville on
Waldo Miller returned from Toronto on
B. H.. Townsend and family have
moved to Blyth.
B, F. Derr visited at hie home in Tor:
onto over Sunday.
Miee Mary Sanderson tae gone to
Hamilton to visit relatives.
H. and Mrs. Davie, of Wingham, spent
Sunday with Mre. Wm. Sanderson.
Mise Jennie Andiron, of Gerrie, is the
guest of her sister, Mre. R. J. Motels,
0. F. and Mre. Edwarde spent Sunday
in Fordwieh visiting the former's parents.
Miee Jean Devideon entertained a large
number of her lady Mende to tea Friday
A. large number from this vicinity went
to Wingham on Monday to hear Sir
Wilfrid Laurier.
Mise J,•eate Robertson returned on
Monday from a few weeks' aleft with
Kincardine friends.
The revival meetings whioh have been
held in the Methodist ohuroh for the last
three weeks oloeed on Friday evening.
Chas. and Mre. Sanderson returned
from their wedding trip on Monday, after
having visited relatives at Toronto,
Hamilton and Lindsay,
Editor Palmer'e wile and family ar-
rived from St. Marys laet week and will
reside in their reeidenoe on Main street,
lately purchased from F. V. Dickson.
Friday evening of neat week a political
meeting will be held here to be addressed
by Dr. MaoDonald and others, The
Opposition candidate le invited to be
presentitnd speak.
Mise Harris, of Wroxeter, was a visitor
at R. H. Fergueon'e last week.
Robt. Praiser and family have removed
to the house formerly oomapied by Wm.
Men and teams are working steadily on
the new 0. P. R. line on both aides of
Wm. Emigh has had a ooal fnrnaoe
installed in hie hotel by Meeore. Wilton
& Turnbull, o1 Braesel9.
Thursday eveniog at 7.30 o'olook, the
27th inet., Dr. MacDonald will speak at a
public meeting to be held in Welton.
Dr. Chisholm, or some one repreeeoting
him, i0 invited and will beg iven time to
address the electors.
The 100 are farm of alr0. Tilos,
Oakley, Boundary of MoKillop, was sold
on Wedneaday afternoon by F. S. Scott,
auctioneer, to Jas. H. Brown, of Grey,
for the sum of $5,500. The stook,
implements, &a., sold totalled about
ANNIVEneenn - The Anniversary
Sevices of Duff's ohuroh will take pities
on Sabbath next, 28rd inet., and will be
oondnoted by Rev. M. 0. MacLennan, of
Kippen, Special collections will be taken
for the ordinary funds of the church.
On Monday night a Tea Meeting will be
bead when addressee will be delivered by
Revs, M. 0. McLennan, D. B. McRae,
and1R. S. Baker and W. H. Kerr.. Mn -ie
will be farniehed by the Imperial Male
Quartette of Seaforth, and Min Alice
Dundee. Tea will be served trona 6 p. m.
to 8 p. m,
Ie Miasma oar VI01009 E. CoMran.-
',Tlrere is no death 1 What seems so is
Tbis life of mortal breath [transition,
Is but a suburb of the life Ielyeiau,
Whose portal we oall death,"
"She is not dead -bot gone before,"
With gad hearts we laid to reef one great
ly beloved in our midst and one whom
youth gave promise of a bright future.
Viokey wee a clever student taking her
Primary certificate while in the public
eohool nod her Junior Leaving the follow-
ing year, atter whioh she attended Madel
andt hen taught two and a halt years.
She then attended Toronto Normal
S I 0
School. Her bright and genial matinee
won for her many friends. She was a
lover et all that was pure and good hay
ing given ben heart to the Metter when
quite young but her bright hopes were
laid low, when within a few weeks of
completing ber Normal amine, that
dread disease Consumption- claimed
her ae a viotim. All that medioal skill
and loving handl oould do was done. She
fought the (ileum bravely, never mur-
muring or aompiaining and for a time we
thought obs would gain the mastery but
God willed olheewiee and after an ilineee
ofeight and ane halt years ehe passed
sway on Friday, 7th inet.
Iu the sold moist earth we laid her,
When the forest oast the leaf,
Aad we wept that Duo so loyely
should have a life eo britt,
Darling viceroy I Thou haat left us
And our hearts with grief are eon,
nutin heaven we hope to greet thee,
Where all parting will bo e'er.
Than want always mild and lovely.
And so fall of life and jay,
That to know thee was to love thee,
And to tom thee grieves us sore,
A large eoneouree of fribnde gathered to
pay their parting tribute and follow her
remains to their last resting plasm on
Sunday afternoon, Alter the fnnerol a
memorial oorvioe was held in the Meth.
edict chnroh of whioh deceased was a
faithful and oonaletent member, The
paotot', Rev. J. Hunger, spoke words of
ootnfort and awe to the bereaved ones
and timely words of advice and warning
to the large oongrogation present, pubis.
ularly to the young, Ren, A, 0. Tiffin,
of Trowbridge, aaeloted in the eervioo.
Mine Cooper WAS a meter of Mre. (Dr,) J,
M. Armstrong, of Harrieton, formerly of
Walton, and ehe spent malt time in
Walton daring the nret years of her
.]<1t911 els to♦Y ll.
Bleotiou matters are ineroaoing in in.
tereet in this legality.
The auotion sale of Jamas Cutt will
be held on Friday afternoon of thie week,
at Lot 8, Coo. 1, Grey. He will move to
Blyth shortly after.
The Brethren bold the meeting in
Victoria Hall last Sunday night. B.
Gerry, 13russele, fa to speak in the Hall
next Sunday evening.
Wm. Brydoe, nt Morden, Mae., who
returned last week from the West, was
taken ill with typhoid Lever and was
taken to London hospital on Thursday,
We hope he will soon be o. k.
There will be a meeting held in the
Hall next Saturday night at 8 o'olook to
settle ap the traneaations belonging to
the Jamestown Beef ring and oleo to re-
organize for next year's work. Parties
wishing to get up another ring should
try and get as many as would form the
mooed ring, ae a few gaming will not be
of any age unless the whole number oan
be got. A 1 the members of the present
ring should attend this meeting.
W. Innis' peddler's wagon will be
going Re rounds next week for the last
time Ghia season. It has done the largest
oeaeon'etrade slue° going on the road.
Mr, Innis thanks those who dealt with
him and Bays he hopes to meet you all
again. We are going to pay for next
week 15o for 1 Ib prints of butter and
190 far eggs. We will keep the prides all
Winter just as higb as oily markets will
afford. Come and we will treat you o. k.
Mrs. Peter Baker is on the eioll list.
Mre. John Switzer has been ander the
dootor'a oare clueing the past week.
Poetmaeter McNair ham been on the
oiok list thie past week. We hope be will
soon be o. k.
John Knight, a former resident East
of here, is renewing old friendships in
this locality.
Tbareday evening of ibis week Dr.
MacDonald, Liberal Oandidate for East
Huron, will speak in Long's Hall. Op-
position speaker invited.
Mre. A. Reymann, who took quite ill
last week, wag operated upon by four
phyeioione for appendioitio and a blamer
disoovered on the appendix. She mune
through the operation all right and is
making as favorable progress as mold be
eapeotl. We hope ehe will soon be
fully restored to good health.
A Sen DEATII.-It came as a matter of
tied surprise lent Wednesday morning the
report of the demiee of Adam Baker, a
well knowu resident of Oranbrook. In
working with hie threshing machine at
0, Barrette, gab Con., Grey, on Monday
of lust week he bad the misfortune to
have a finger taken off. Blood poisoning
th thereafter superseded
set in a few days a pe d
by lockjaw and despite all that could be
done he died ae above elated. He was
42 years and 5 days of age. Mr. Baker
is survived d byhie ife and two ohildren
who will be large sharers in the sympathy
of the oommunity in their Budden
bereavement. The funeral will take
plane Friday morning to Seaforth where
interment will be made in the R. 0.
Last week I. and Mre. Kingswood and
eon, of Ingersoll ; Jno. Sharp, of St.
Thomas ; and Mra. Will. Lowry, of Lon-
don, were vieitiug at Jambe Sharp's, 5th
A abort time ago the root of Arthur
Cantlon's house took fire from the stove-
pipe and before it was got out about $20
damage was done. Mr: Oantlon lost a
suit of clothes by the fire. There was no
Mre, Jackson, mother to Mre. James
Duncan, died at Lindsay last week, at a
good old age. Mr. Jackson predeceased
her some years, being killed while deletes
home from town, hie horse getting fright -
sad by a dog.
James Evans is book from a 3 menthe'
trip to Manitoba and the Nortbweeb. He
epent moat of his time in Mediaiue Hat
and Saekatohewan. He visited relatives
and friends. among the latter woe Wm.
MoArter formerly of Morrie,
Oscar Sharp, who bac made his borne
with hie grandparents einoe hie mother
died, returned to Toledo with his father
lab weak. We don't know whether the
young lad or the grandfather will be the
more lonesome overthe separation.
Dr.Mao Donald the Liberal nominee
Will address a meeting of the Wootenin
the Township Hall, Morrie, on Friday
evening of this week, 21ot inst„ nom,
mending at 7.80 o'olook. Oppoeition
candidate or his representative is in-
This week Milton Sharp left for Lon.
don and St. Thomas and after a holiday
be exposits to locate in either of these
cities and take op the undertaking baai•
nese. Mr. Sharp is a clever, alert young
man who abonld make his way up the
ladder. The choir and Sunday School of
Brussels Methodist church will miss him.
His many Mende wish him success.
PnaTTx WIsDDINo.-At high noon the
home of. Jno. and Mre. Manning, bah
line, Morrie, saw a joyous company of
relatives and intimate friends' assembled
to witness the marriage of Wm. D.
Ooueley, a maobinist in the G. T. It.
ehopo.'Streatord, and eon of John Cone.
ley, Brussels, and Min Mary 15 , the
estimable daughter of the boot and Met -
ass. The parlor, where the oeremony
waa performed by Rev, I. M, Webb, in.
combat of Sb, John's ohutob, Brants,
was suitably decorated for the occasion
with evergreens, dowers, eta. The fair
bride wag given away by her brother,
George, and wee attended by her sister,
Min Sarah, of London. Jno. Oousley,
brother of the gloom wag the groomsman,
Little Miss Uinta Lever, of Fleohetto0,
performed her part as flower girl very
neatly. The wedding march 'Was Well
played by MMM. Hugh Molntoeb, of
MoKillop, cousin to the bride. A becom-
ing costume of brown satin WAS worn by
the bride end ber attendant wore a dress
of brown Ladies' cloth. After hearty
congratulations the company eat down to
an elegant spread after which Rev. Mr.
Webb proposed the health ot the bride to
a very pleasing and complimentary
manner. Among the pate in attend.
ante from a dietonoe were Miee Alma
and Harry Shuttleworth, of Woodatook ;
Miee Manning, of Hartley ; Mr. and MIs.
Matheson and Mr. end Mrs, Leaven, of
Fleeherton, and Mies Gertrude Webb, of
Lucas. The wedding gifts were namer-
000 useful and valuable betokening the
high esteem in whioh the bride is he'd.
Mr. and Mre, Ooneley left Brussels on
the afternoon train for their home in
Stratford amidst the expreseio0e of many
good wishes for their prosperity and
happiness. They oommenoe hones -
keeping under anepionoas oironmotanaos.
Toe POST joins very heartily in the con.
Fontan Nonnza=TE PAeeua Awes. --
Quietly and peacefully Dame the closing
of this life to George Forbes, at Rath -
well, Man., lest Wednesday when in his
79th year he paused over to the Great
Beyond. He bad been in failing health
for some time and was oonfined to bed
for the paet 8 or 8 months, so that hie
demiee was not anexpeobed. Deceased
wee a native of Aberdeenshire, Scotland,
and Dame to Oaneda when abont 25 years
of age. After a sojourn in Wentworth
Co. he moved to Morrie 48 years ago and
took up the farm on the 3rd line now
owned by John Mason, upon wbiob he
resided until he went to Manitoba about
the year 1382. He was married twice,
Bret to Mies Jane Obieholm, who died
20 years ago, and than to Mre.
Smart, who departed this life last Spring.
The children are :-Mre, Neil MoLauoh•
lin, Brussels; Mrs. W. Anderson,
Obeeley ; Mre. Scarrow and Mre. Kin-
caid, and Adam, Thos., Robt., and Jae.,
of Rathwell, Manitoba. Mre. Willits,
another daughter, is deceased. Mr.
Forbes wag a fine, hearty speoiman of
manhood ; a kind husband, affeationate
father and a good neighbor. He watt a
Preebyterlan in ohnroh relationehip and
a staunch Liberal in politico. Many of
the older people in thio locality will re-
member the eubjeot of this notice with a
kindly reoolleotion.
Root lifting is on the program. The
prop is a good one.
Donald McNair hae been ill of late,
cramps of the stomach being the cause.
Mies Lily Sharp, of Brneeela, ie spend.
ing the week with Mende in Ethel
J. W. Hogg, 4th eon., took let prize at
Blyth Pair on his 2 year old agrioultnral
filly. She is a fine beast.
Dao. Shine, of Monkton, was calling on
relatives here last Monday. Monkton
locality appears to agree well with him.
Several Greyitee want to Wingbam en
Monday to see and hear Canada's much
eeteemed Premier -Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
We are sorry to hear that George E.
Speraio, 12th eon., hae been seriously i11
with pneumonia bat hope be will soon be
restored to good health.
Mrs. Took, of Clifford ,
Mrs. achec,0
and Jno, Miler,
of Drew, were visiting
their father, Francis Miller, who met
with an aooident in having his right leg
• Friday evening of Last week Dr. Ohio -
'holm, of Wingham, held an organization
meeting at Monarieff oohool hones. He
wae accompanied by A. Dolmage, of
Wingbam.,, J. Hanna occupied the chair.
Thomas and Mre. Lott will move from
the Garvin property, lith Con., to the
Ziegler farm, 9th Con., known ao the
Zimmer Int. Wm. Lawson will remove
to Mullett township. He bas been the
tenant on the Ziegler 40 acres.
A polities; meeting will be bald in
Monorieff Sobool house next Monday
evening, oommenciog at 7 90 o'olook.
Addreaoes will be given by A. Hislop, M,
P. P., and 0. Leckie: 0.ppoeition speaker
will be given time on the program.
The annual Bible Society meeting at
Roe's Church will be held on Salibath,
Nov.iStb, at 8 O'olook when addreeoee
will be given by A. M. MoKay and Eli
Smith. The ohair will be occupied by
Thos. Straahan and meek will be render-
ed by the obnreh choir.
Leet week Dan. Shine arrived home
from a trip to the Northwest. Hie train
was delayed 10 hours on the homeward
trip owing to the track being blocked
from a slide of rook. Mr. Shine bas
leased the homestead on the 12th Con.
for another term.
Charles Costing, who Bold his farm in
Grey loot Fall and removed to town, has
t Ii farm North of Pah
nrohased be Hill ,
sal in 8
mereton, eon g 0 same, , 12 of whioh
are in the oorporation. It i0 nioely
situated, with a cement sidewalk running
nearly to the gate. The prior paid was
$5,000. He takes persuasion the let of
January, 1904.
BABY Dzan.-On Sunday Oot. 2nd,
Floreuae, the youngest daughter of Wm,
and Mre. Mo]adzeaa, formerly of the
9th Con., Grey, now of Lauder, Man„
died of typhoid pneumonia, aged 1 year
and 11 mootlta. The funeral took plane
from the church on the Tuesday follow.
lug. Mrs, McFadzean hae been quite ill
as waa her daughter Elva. We hops
they wilLsoon be folly restored.
During the past few weeks Eneae
Orioh, who lime about 2 miles Bath of
Brneeela, has been real poorly and hie
friends were quite anxioaa abont him.
Hemorthagee from the stomach was one
phage of hie illness but ae he is able to
get about now we hope he will soon be
oonvaleeoent. Ile le offering hie 100 acre
term for Bala and will take a rest from
hard work if a purobnoer le secured.
An auction gale of farm, form stook,
implements, &o., i0 annoanood by Hewer
MaQoarrie, Let 12, Oen. 4, for Tuesday,
Nov. Sib, The term is a good one upon
Whish Mt. MnQaarrio has spent a good
share of his lite, Misses MoQnarriehave
Made themselves very metal and helpful
in the °look at Roe's ahureh and will be
missed 15 they remove from Grey. Mr.
and Mra, MaQoarrio talk of taking a trip
to England next 9aaeon to visit their
Lap Bnoeow.-We are sorry to hear
that ap old and highly roopeoted reeh
dent of the 3rd Don„ to the person of
Frenoie Miller, had the misfortune to
have his right leg broken above the knee
on Monday of last week. He was armlet.
ing in getting a halter on a oolt when the
animal knocked him over and tramped
as him doing the damage reletred to.
Other injuries were slight. Mr. Mtller
has been a remarkably hearty man and
even it he ie 77 yeare of age we hope to
see him able to get about before long.
J tit 01.
Next Sabbath evening Rev. H. E,
Curry, ot Mooktou, a former pastor, will
preach in the Methodist church here.
George MoKay has purchased the Qom-
lortable home lately vacated by George
Dobson end will take possession. He
has been living on the 11th con, of Grey
Mae he Bold bis farm lest year. We
bid him and his family weloome to Ethel.
Tuesday evening Dr. Ohieholm held
hill political meeting in the Town Hall
here and Wednesday evening of neat
week Dr, MacDonald will address the
electors. The Opposition candidate or
his representative, ie invited to speak on
that 000aaion.
POLITICAL. -There was a public meet.
ing held in the Township Hall here on
Tuesday evening, Robert Barr was oalled
to the chair and addresses were given by
Dr. Chisholm, Ooneervative candidate,
and A, Ingram, of Elgin Go. J. Laokie,
of Brussel'', spoke fon a half hour as the
repreeentative of Dr. MaoDona'd, the
Liberal nominee, the latter being at
SPEC= MIiBIONARX Snnvaaes,-Special
Missionary eervioea will be held ou Ethel
oirooit Methodist Ohnrob Sunday, Mon.
day, Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 30th
and 81st and Nov. let and 2nd. On Son.
day, Oot. 30th Rev. Martin J. Wildon, B.
A., of Teeawater, will preach at Roe's
Obarch at 10,30 a, m. ; "Unica," at 3
p.m.; and Ethel at 7 p. m. Rev. Mr.
Wilson is an eloquent preacher. There
will be special mueio at these eervioee.
Following the Sunday eervioee thefoilow-
ing Missionary mase meetings will be
bold :-Monday, Oot. 31st at Ree'e, to be
addreseed by Rev. Jae. Elmer, 1. A,,
B. D., of Fordwieh 1 and Rev. John H.
Oeterhoat, B. A., B. D., of Wroxeter.
Tuesday, Nov. let at Ethel to be address-
ed by Rev. George Baker, of Blnevale ;
and Rev. Joseph W. Holmes, of Gerrie,
and Wednesday, Nov. 2nd at Union to be
addreseed by Rev. 0. R. Gandy, D. D., of
Wingham, and W. H. Kerr, of THE
POST, Brnssela. Special mnst0 will be
funnialled at eaoh of these meetings by
the oirouit choirs. • At each of the above
mase meetings G. E. Bradbrook, Tete of
London, England, will recite and sing.
W, R. Gaffe, also late of London, Eng-
land, will, with Mr. Bradbrook, render a
couple of duets. Come and hear them,
They are good musicians. The objeot of
these meetings is to disease the condition
and claims of those who do not enjoy the
bleeeiage of oar Obviation civilization and
Gospel privileges. You are invited to
ask questions and they will be .auowered
if possible. No admission fee will be
oharged. All oome and enjoy yourselves
and reoeive a blessing. • Rev. C. P. Wella,
is theP actor.
Wingham's Splendid Demon-
' •
stration Last Monday.
At Wingbam the aitizena turned ant
en masse to weloome the Premier. The
main street was decorated for the oa
oaeion with etreamere bearing mottoes.
Dr. Peter Macdonald, Deputy Speaker
in the last Parliament, who is again the
Liberal oaodidate in Hest Heron, met
the Premier and introduced the local
oommitbee. Among those who greeted
the Premier were Mayor R. Vanetone,
F. G. Sperling, H.. B. Elliott, Richard.
Clegg, Wm. Nioholson, Dr, 0. R. Mardon.
ald, J. D. Berne, Peter B. Doane, A.
Cousins, T. A. Mille, Wm. Showers and
J. D. Haines.
Mre. Macdonald, Mre. Horsey, Miee
Maggie Macdonald, Mra. Clegg, Mra.
Burns and Mies Mackenzie oonett,uted a
committee to weloome Lady Laurier on
behalf of the ladies of the town,
A prooeseion was formed, headed by
the Wingham Citizene' Band, and
marched to the Town Hall, whioh was
orowded to its nbmost capacity, large
numbers flnding,tt absolutely impossible
to secure admission.
Ae the Premier and Lady Laurier en•
tered the hall the choir of the Presby-
terian church, led by Prof. Olins, sang
"God save the King" and "Rale Britan•
nie," and tit a later stage "The Maple
Dr Maodonald, who resided intro.
dnaed the PrenfieP , r as the great leader of
the great Liberal patty, Who had sap.
plied a polioy whioh would develop the
regattas of the country from ea ocean
to the other.
Mayor R, Vonetone presented to the
Premier an address of weloome and of
approval of the polioy he has formulat-
ed, The Premier and Lady Leerier
were presented, amid oheere ftom the
audience, with handsome bouquets by
three charming little girls, Misses Lena
Horsey, Cecilia Homuth and Arno 131e -
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, whose address was
pnaetnated throughout by vigoron Masers,
said it was altogether an unexpeobed
pleasure, and, therefore, peehape none
the less welcome, to meet the oil'zene of
Wingham. When aloft London he knew
be bed ,been booked to go to LuokuoW, and
had not expected to be intoroepted by hie
friend, Dr, MeoDonald, to receive an
address and meet so many friends from
the riding of Bet Heron. He had in.
deed been forbanate to day. He wanted
to see obis famous oonnty of Enron, this
famous section of Ontario, for•famed
beyond the limits of the Province 0e per.
hape the garden of Cando. 1t bad been
his privilege to viait some of the fairest
lands on the face of the earth. He bad
visited England, Scotland, Ireland and
the lend of his ammeters, but, niter all,
be had found in ne land anywhere under
the faoe of the sun a nose or more fertile
statuary than Wig emotion of Wingbam
and vicinity. He bad been favored
espeofally on this visit. Nothing oould
Kaye been more aaepiaaoue than the day,
with its glorious sunshine. He asked
the audience not to imagine that his
stook of good look would be exhausted
when the eon went down at tbo ploee of
the day ; it would oontinue until Nov. 3.
TIIE n0ILOAX 000109.
Ae Mr, Borden bad on his recent visit
to Wingbam dealt with the question of a
Transcontinental Railway Sir Wilfrid
took up the Dame subject, and although
he had only a brief period at hie disposal,
refuted to the eatiefuation of the audience
what Mr. Borden had said, explaining
the terms .of the agreement .with the
Grand Trunk rectifies and eontraeting
them with the 0. P. R. contract. Amid
oheere and laughter Sir Wilfrid said ft
was not the ehade of Sir John Macdonald,
a great Canadian, that was reigning over
the Coneervative party, it was that of his
triad, W. le. Maclean, of Torooto. He
was the man that was now bossing the
party and giving it its polioy. The peer
pie of Eat Huron in the last Parliament
had Dr. Macdonald ae their mambar, and
the Politica thought they were eatiefed
with biro ; if they were not they were
vary difficult to please, because he and
hie oolleagoes of the party ware satisfied
with him at Ottawa. ' If the electors
aoald Bend him book again he would eek
for no better man than Dr. Macdonald.
In eonolaaion Sir Wiltrid said be came to
the elsotore of Baron and Brae and of
Coterie as a Canadian, The limits of
his ooantry were not the limits of hie
own Province, the limite of bis ooantry
were the oeeane on the East and on the
West, and hie country waa wherever
the British flag fioote upon the continent
of America. It was with these words
'be left his fellow countrymen, "Canada
first, Canada last, Canada always."
The patriotic, words with whioh the
Premier Mooed his epeeob ware the eigoal
fora great outburst of cheering.
000. O. Om13000, x. o.
George 0. Gibbous, H. 0., London,
also addressed the meeting for fifteen
minute's. Hs devoted the greater portion
of hie speech to references to the work
that Sir Wilfrid Laurier had done for
the empire in conceiving and inaugurating
the preferential polioy
The meeting closed with oheere, and
the premier and Lady Laurier were
assorted bank to the station by the
msjority of the audience.
A epeoial ooaoh woe attached to the
regular train to accommodate the orowd
who followed the Premier to Laoknow.
The Wingham Citizens' Band also went
along to assist in the demonstration at
People We Talk About.
Brine Boost, of Palmerston, was home
over Sunday.
MieeFlo. Harvey, of Toronto, is visiting
the Misses Brown.
Miee Sadie Lindsay was visiting rela-
tive0 in Wingham. a
Miee Winnie MoGaire was visiting
Wingham relatives.
Mre. Henry and Cyril are visiting
relatives at Gorrie.
Mre. E. 0. Lowry and eon Will„ will
renew old friendebips at Guelph.
F. J. abd Mre. Sebiek, of Toronto, are
visiting Mrs. Jno. Wynn.
Mrs. H. Metcalf, of Toronto, to a visitor
with ber ester, Mre. J. L. Kerr.
Mre. D. 0. Roes was a visitor in Wing-
bam with Mrs. Robert Johnston.
Mies Mand Dolphin, of Tiverton, io
a visitor with Mies Core, Lowick, King
F. 0. Wolfe, of Toronto, waa visiting
hie brother Rex Wolfe, of the Standard
Bank, Brueeele.
0. A. Mitchell, wife and baby, of
Holstein, who were visiting with Station
g Meir home,
ra 0. Lnt aokireturned have e andMrs. J. HLCameron
were in Stratford for a few days thie
Miee Barbara McKelvey and young
lady friends of Seaforth, were in town
blies Gertie Webb, of Laoan, slater
to Rev. I, M. Webb, is the guest of Mre.
Jas. Jones.
Mre, W. B. Thomeon and Mtg. W. W.
Barrie were visitors at the Nile daring
the past week.
Cline Scott hae had to take a holiday
owing to him spraining his right arm on
Friday afternoon.
E, Late, of Holmesville, wae here for a
few days viaitiog with Jno, and Mre,
Hill, Queen street.
Mre. Jno. Barnhill,
of Hentr is
visiting M D re. r andn old
D. B. Moore other y ,
friends in Brueeele,
Geo, Thomson, of the Metropolitton
Bank, was in Toronto tor a few days
during the past week,
Mita Jo. Roes is visiting at Co. Coun-
cillor Miliaria'
Wroxeter, She will re-
turn to Toronto shortly.
P. and Mre. /latent were visiting
friends in Seatorth on Tuesday and
Wednesday of thie week.
Chas. Richards spent a few days in the
Qneen City. He will attend Brussels
Pnblio School thio term.
W. H. and Mrs. Willis and sone, of
Seaforth, were visitors in Brussels on
Wedoeeday of this week.
0, M. Thompson, of the Fergus Beard,
and W. 0. Thompson, of Wingbam, spent
Sunday with relatives in Brateels.
Dr. G. L. Bell, of Toronto, and 0, 0,
Bali, of Wingham, were visitors' with
Jno. and Mre. Tait, Queen abreet, last
Miss Orme. Gerry has been bothered
with blood poieoning oto ber lett band
tint we hope no aeriuue consequences will
Ore. Ales. MoL000nen, of the American
Hotel, bee beau very seriously ill during
the peat week. We hope for a speedy
Mre. George Thomson and Mrs, Chas.
Dodde arrived home on Tustnp everting
from a moat tnjoyable trip to Bootland.
They ,were 'absent 19 Woke. Me. Dodds
met the tadioe in Toronto,
Jar. Muir, of Guelph, ort•:ani10or for the
A. O. 1;I. W , ie in town.
Mrs. Be N. Barrett and Mica Roth, of
Wingbam, are vieitiug relatives in town,
Joe, Cooley, of 'Toronto, Was here this
week attending tee woodtng of his
brother, W. D., of Stratford, and Miee
Mary Yenning.
Robert MoOraokoo, who bas spent
several neonate in itlaoitoba, is bank to
Ontario and has taken a position in
St. Oatbarinee.
B. G. llggleeton and A.H. Mohtgomery
were at Wingham on 11"riday evening
attending ac, assembly given by the
young people of that town,
We uottee by the Harriston 'Tribune
that Mra, Ohm. Ainlay, formerly of ars
locality, hats been on the molt list bat we
hope ehe will soon beeouvaleeoent.
T. and Mre. Bradwell, from • Dour
Clifford, were in town on Tuesday mail.
fag on old friends, Tau Poo among the
number, They stand the paeoieg years
remarkably well.
Mrs. Jno. Nott, of Clay Centre, Katt-
ade, who has been renewing old friend-
ships in Brnseele and locality, left for
her home on Tuesday She intended
visiting et Detroit while eu route and
perhaps take is the Exposition at St.
Ira Gerry it leaving Fort William and
going to Indian Head, N. W. T., where
he meanies a position in tiie hardware
store of hie brother Albert, a former
Bruaaelite, who ie doing well in the
West. Mrs. Albert Gorey is a daughter
of Geo. and Mre. Crooks, of Brunets.
R. E. Coates, formerly of this looality,
but recently of Flint, Mich., was iu town
for a few days. He has purchased a
residence in Seaforth where. Mrs. Goatee
and children will reside while he goes
beak to Idaho for a while to resume sheep
reaching in whioh he is largely ioter•
eeted. lll;p• Coates' mother will live
with her in Seafarth.
This week Ernest S. Palm, of Van-
couver, B. 0., leaves for the West atter a
holiday ofsix or eight weeks. He is a
brother of Oonnoiiler Platt, of Braseels,
and was a former resident, baying Bold
many a yard of dry goods over the count.
er in the Garfield Hones in years gone by.
It is 9 years since Mr. Pium was here.
We were advising him to fereake baohel.
orbood and go into "double harness" but
he did not say be would. We trust the
sunshine of prosperity will illuminate
hie pathway tbrougb life.
Demean MoLauohlin left on Monday
afternoon to take a position in Thee.
Ross' tailoring establishment in Cheeley.
Duna. is a flret.rate ooatmaker and will
do well wherever he goes. 'Hie many
friends in town, both lady and gent, wish
him every 0000005. Mao. has always
taken a prominent part in sports here
especially in Foot ball, Baee ball and
hockey. In the former be has been
manager for the past 3 yews and did no
small share in aiding the boys to get into
the finale 3 years ago and win the Inter-
mediate Cup in 1908 and 1904. The
juniors also landed the cup in 1903 when
be was manager of that team also. Mr.
Mo&auobiin was a faithful member of
the K. 0. T. M. Band and hie removal
will be regretted, He was deservedly
petioles and the Cheeley people will fled
him worthy ortb of their beet treatment. ment Tan
Poen wishes him prosperity.
Fourth Division, Court.
Hie Honor Judge Holt held Divieion
Court at Braesele on .Wednesday end
Thursday of last week, the first day nob
being sufficient to complete the docket.
The following oases were tried :-
Erb ve. Wolfe, an notion for damages
ander a farm lease. The plaintiff's
olaim was dlemiesed with code. F. R.
Blewetb, Listowel, for Plaintiff ; A. B.
Moadonald, Bruasele, for Delendaot.
Mo0nitam vs. Forbes. -This was a sail
for $1 by the plaintiff against Sam.
Forbes, both parties residents of Ma.
Killop, Mr. Forbes claimed 06 damages
for the nutting of a tree at or near the
line fence between the pastier:; Plaintiff's
claim allowed t and Defendant's claim
diemioeod. A. B. Macdonald for Plaintiff,
J. M, Beat, Seaforth, for Defendant.
MoLanablio ve. Morrie Township. -An
notion by the plaintiff for injuries meek,
ed by his horse by going through a bridge
io the Township of Morrie. Judgment,
by concent, for $40. A. B. Maodanaid
for plaintiff ; R, Vanetone for defendant.
Wright vs, Bawtinheimer.-This action
WAS for $60 damages for breach of war.
ranty on the sale of cattle. Judgment
for $80 and tents. H. Morphy, Listowel,
for plaintiff ; A. B. Maodonald for de.
Mines ve. Bowman. -An action for the
poo a
ri of heifer which Mr. Minae olaim.
se ion of . Bo lean.
ed as in the o nes Mr w
w p
Plaintiff's claims diemieaod, R, Vac.
stone for plainttff ; H, Jlorphy dor
Judge 'Holt was compelled to delay
Wingbam Court to Thursday afternoon.
owing to the extraordinary length of the
Court here,
Samuel Henry, of Milverton, reneived
word by telegram on Sunday evenirg
that bis brother, William, bad been kill.
ed in Bay City, Mioh., on Saturday alters
noon. How the fatality warred tete
telegram did not etate, en no particulars
are obtainable. The deceased was forty
years of age and Was born in Elma, being
the son of the late Wm. Henry, of, . that
township, About eighteen years apo he
tett his home and went to Michigan.
For several yeare be vine brakeman and
latterly oondaotor running between Bad
Axe tend Saginaw. While in the latter
capacity he bad partof his hand taken
off end Was appointed to the position of
switchman at Bay City. The Iasi time
he visited in this country, els years ago,
he wag still in that employment.
Whether or not he still faltoeved the
same cremation it not known by his
family. Both big perento ate dead, but
a family of roar brothers sad five seaters
enrvive. Those residing In this vloiniby'
are Samuel, Milverton ; jomee,AbWood
David, Borne ; Alex„ Glen Wiliiamsi
Mra. Eli Lamb and Miele Fanny Henry,