HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-10-13, Page 8FINE NOTE PAPER
Wo are finding a steadily increasing demand for the
better grades of Note Paper. This is no doubt due to
fact that one derives great satisfaction in using "good"
Stationery in their correspondence. Our stook offers
a splendid choice and we take great pains to get any-
thing in this line. Best of all the prices are exceed-
ingly low.
Twenty-five sheets of this with the same number of
Envelopes to match we sell for 25c. This comes in
all the desirable shades, ineluding White, Dove, Bis
cult, Grey and Heliotrope. We also have other kinds
of Paper at 10o. per quire which is of specially good
quality. In addition we carry a very attractive line
of boxed Stationery.
S Al I T
Trains leave Brunets Station, North
and South, me follows;
Goma HoriTTI Goma Noses.
Mail 7:15 sae Mixed 9:00 axe
Mixed 12.90 a.m Mail 1:20 p.m
Express 8:98 p.m Express ..._ SO p.m
rout Pixfs Items.
ohiel's among ye te,kie ' notes,
Anfaith he'll prent i.
WEATHER leeks very Fall like.
Rename bunting now attracts our sports.
Bosom Board Friday evening of thie
A PROBABLE change or two ia business
in Bruesele is binted.
TEE POST Letter Box may be found on
page 4 in tbie week's issue.
MINUTES ef Brunets Connell may be
read on page 5 of this week's hm.
Die. Bunn, the specialist, will be at
the American Hotel, Brussels, Werines.
day of net week.
THE tax rate tbie year in town will be
22 mills on the dollar. This is an
ioorease of 2 mins over last year.
A RIMER of Brunelitee went to Wing -
ham Thursday of last week to hear R.
L. Borden, Opposition Leader. There
Was a large attendance at the meeting.
Ovals 700 baskets of grapee oame to
town Wednesday of last week for the
local grooera to supply the Fall Fair
demand. A large consignment deem:Mee
were also brought in.
THE body of the late Mre. Jae Dron
arrived at Brussels. last Saturday a. m.
sod was taken to the residence of jamas
MeDonald, decimated's brother, 'Let 1,
Con. 16 Grey, from whence interment
was made on Sunday afternoon to Brus•
eels cemetery,
LAURIER AT Witearima.—Monday of next
week Sir Wilfrid Laurier will speak in
Wingbam while en route to a Liberal
demonstration at Luoknow. He will
arrive at 11.10 a, �, and leave at 1.43
p. m. No doubt a bomber from tbie
locality will avail tbemselves of the
opportunity of hearing him.
ANOTHER Das or °owe —F. S. Boott,
anotioneer, has been instructed by M. J.
Williame to sell 26 milah aowe at bhe
Central Rotel, Brussels, on Saturday
afternoon of this week, commencing at 2
o'clock. Tbe cows some from Ingersoll
locality, one of the beet dairying eeatione.
Bale will be without reeerve with 10
months credit.
Tax Atwood Bee of last week says :—
"W. H. MoOraaken, of Brnesele, has
sammeded in earrying off the following
number of prizee :—At Seeforth, 40 ; at
Listowel, 44 ; at Fordwiob, 28 ; • and at
Atwood, 84. W. R. knows a thing or
two about raising vegenblee."—"Mise
Laoehlin, of Brussels, aoted ae anent.
poniet at the Fall Fair concert in her
usual flniehed style."
CROSSING THE BAR —Lad Sunday the
mother of Gavin Wileon, Ent Wawa•
nosh, paid Nature% debt, aged 70 years.—
L. B. Jetoobs, near Blyth, an old and
well known resident of the locality, pan-
ed that bourne from whence no traveller
returne on Sabbath laet, at the advanoed
age of 86 years. The remains were
forwarded from Blyth G. T. R. depot on
Tuesday to Wellington, Prince Edward
Co., for interment.
ANOTHER PoTATO Tion.—Elaranel Reg.
gard teeted two varieties of three pounds
of Empire State ant into 66 pines and
planted in a row 99 feet long. They all
grew and yielded 154 pounds. The
Amerioan Wonder, 8 pounde one into
66 piedes and 64 grew. They were
planted the eame time, June 13th, and
yielded 122 pounde. The Empire State
gave a yield of 464 timbale per awe with
the rows 38 inches apart and the seta 18
inobee in the row. Tbere were 10 Ibe.
Empire State under ln inobee and 13
Ibe, of Araerioan Weeder. Both were
planted on the level.
Emma. — The Brandon (Kam)
Daily SEM of Oot, 6th, nye :—At 7.30
leek night, at St. Matthewei ohoroh there
were joined together in holy matrimoby,
Samuel Ingram Efalliday, of the Asylum
staff, late of Brunel°, Ont., to Min
Lydia Annie Tweddell, also formerly of
tbe Asylum Mali, late of Mold and
Queensferry in Flintshlre, North Wales,
The oeremony wee performed by 'Ibe
notor, Rev. Dir, DePenoler. The bride.
groom was iodated by D. G. Gallagher,
While the bride was attended by Mies M.
Rolland, wbo WAS peettil) attired. The
bride, wbo wore a lovely and becoming
gown tend mem hat with oetriob feather
and epraye of orange bloeeome, was given
away by her brother, R. Nelson Tweddell,
of Brandon, There were quite a number
of the membere Of the 116ylu20 staff pres.
901, arming the many speotaton who
went to see the tying of elle nuptial knot.
After the ceremony tbe bridal party and
'amber of friends went to the house of
tbe newly wedded rumple and p8010011 of
their hospitality OMR the small been of
the meting. The wedding gate Were
POrrierOna and °only, Mt, and Mai.
Halliday will opined their honeettante at
Portage IP Prairie,
BETTE Fair was held on Tuesday and
Wedneeday of this week.
Eionmen's Exontsion tiokets will be sold
on the reilways from Oat. 27 to Nov. 3, at
single ;fare, good to return up to Deo. 10
THE Pon for the bolanoe of the year
free to uew subseribers for 1906 who pay
in advance. This is s new oinoh on the
D. Ewe & Oo made a tiptop exhibit
of buggies and cutters at the Fall Fair at
Blyth taking three first prizes and one
AN AT Holz was given in Brussels
Town Hall on Monday evening by the
young people of the Sharp family, of the
5th line Morrie,
W. B, MoOnenza is away at Blyth
and Daegannon this week attending tbe
Fall Fairs ae an exhibitor. Mae. has
great record for prize winning.
THE ara Division Court was eo large
on Wedneeday that Judge Holt had to
continue it over luta Thursday forenoon.
A. synopeis will be given next week.
Mts. Thomson and Mre. Dodds are
expected home in a few daye. The ,visit
much iinproved the lettere health and
elm added 16 ponnde to her avoirdapoiee.
SINGLE fare ticketo will be issued on
Monday, good to return on Tenthly to all
desiring to hear Sir Wilfrid Laurier at
Laoknow. Paeeengere will go and re-
turn by regular trains,
Tits Methodist Sabbath School elase
of girls taught by I. Parker, of whiob
Miss Edna Sperain ie a member, was
entertained at the home of the latter on
Taeeday evening and an enjoyable time
DR. BUTLER 00111110.—Dr. Butler,
specialist, will make a professional visit
to Brussels on Wedneeday, Oot. 19. He
ie making a epeoialty of diseaseo of the
Ear, Nose and Throat and may be (mo-
uthed at the Atnerioan Hotel on above
mentioned date.
ACOMENTS —Edward Garvin, of town,
thrown out of a rig on the 4th line of
Morrie on Tneeday, while going to paok
apples, sod was oonsiderably shaken
up.—Wedneeday Jno. Gardner, of Blue
vale, was apeet oat ot his buggy while
driving to Bloevale while driving to
to Bluevale station with the mail end
was It/junta Dar. Gardiner ie the fatber
of Dire. Fred. MoOraoken, of Brunelle.
We hope both men will soon be ae well
ae ever.
SHIPPING NOTES.—This week the ship.
mute from the Grand Trunk were :—
Oar of hoge by W. P. Vanatone ; 2 oare
heading by MoDonald Bros. ; oar of oats
by R. Orobam ; 4 Cara baled bay and a
oar of wheat by A. Baehr ; oar cattle by
Black & Barr ; nar apples for export by
R. Thomson ; oar cattle and 2 oars
lambs, one of them for export, by A. O.
Dames ; car mettle by Geo. Beet ; oar
salt by J. & T. Ranetord. Inward there
was a oar of oement for the 0. P. R. at
Walton and 2 oars coat for Ranetord
Brom or PARALYSIS.—Last Sabbath
morning Dire. 0. W. Coons, of Trow•
bridge, was strioken with a stroke of
paralysis while sitting at the breakfaet
table. She is io a very weakly condition
and her bent motion is the omen of
anxiety by the doctors, Mr. Omens has
been laid up for about a month with
actiatiaa and was recovering nicely. Bun.
day morning he was ap for the first
time and while eating with bie wife at
the table his life partner was strioken.
Messeegers were at once dispatched to
Listowel for phyeioiane and to Brussels
to apprise Rev. T, W. Octane of the sad
situation. The reverend gentleman,
accompanied by Dirs. Comae and son,
left at 2 °Woolf for Trowbridge.
WITH Tali Knernia—The Aberdeen
(Soothed) Evening Express, of Sept.
28th, pabliehed by a brother of Mre.
George Thomson, Brussels, who with
her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Dodds, bas
been visiting there says :--"An incident
that afforded muoh pleasure to the
Canadian al:Kitties" on their arrival at
the Joint Station yeaterdea, was the
thoughtful and enterprising presents.
tion of oupiee of the ',Journal's" "Royal
Deeside" by tbs. George Thomson, a
Boon Oanadian lady at present adoing"
the old °wintry. Both Mr. Power and
Mr. Griffith, the manager and owner of
the baud respeotively, were delighted to
find that the album ontained not only a
picture of Balmoral Oseteas but of the
Ballroom where they were to perform
before the King, They expensed tbem
salvo ae being highly grateful at tbe
honour done to tbe band, and at the
oompliment paid to the Dominion by the
Royal oowmand received, and looked
forward to the visit with untumal beau.
MRs. T. H. Powitor, PAWED Away
SUDDENEY.—The subjent of tblg notice
was tattoo ill two weeks ago with typhoid
lever but was recovering eo nicely that
the doctor in hie vita last Sunday
thottgbt hie oontinning his ottlie ute,
necemeary. The num was aleo to be
allowed to go. Shortly after the dootor
left heart failare aeserted heelf and
death f011owed speedily. It was a sad
eurprise to the family and neighbothood.
Demand was about 46 pane of age and
her maiden Nenle was Mary Ann Ntue.
grove, she being a Meter to A. EL, atm
and Robert Ainegron, of Wingham and
'rarnberry respectively and Mre. 'Robert
Pennon, Of Grey LOWnehig, She wan
THIS 11110131313ELt3 POOT
Standard Bank of Canada
nms.a,..a.x=37...xceisx=az D.E372,
TOTAL A139111T6 OVER 10,000020
OM:loyal lelte Anima: Kitt sin ea mei TrflUl9LLCOIOS1
—DnPosims OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on whioh
is added to nomuts every Mx monthe and beaomes prineipal.
—MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any person.
only for which no oharge is made.
TOUR BUSINESS will receive oar careful and oorateone attention.
A. 0. 61A0FARLANE, Manna
stepmother to F. E. Powell, wbo supplied
St. Johns Meanie pulpit, Brunetti, dur•
lug the past Summer. Their home le
in Tarnberry township, about 6 rutin
from Wingham. Dire. Powell wag a line
type of Christian womanhood, eoolable,
generous and highly esteemed by all who
knew ben The funeral took plan on
Tuesday afternoon and woe • largely
attended. Sincere sympathy will be
a000rded the bereaved.
Business Locals.
APPRENTICE wanted to learn barbering,
either boy or young man,
W. E. DUNCAN, Barber, Brunets,
A FREE smooth, true, fast and easy
out oau be made when saws aro gummed,
Bled end set by T. McGregor, Mill street,
SLIGHTLY used Mason Rieob piano for
gale, 7* octave, worth 9460 bot will be
sold considerably below that if taken at
onoe. Enquire at Tan Poor Publishing
TnkT Dress Goods Sale :—Never wao
there offered to the Doilies of Huron and
Bruoe pooh an opportunity. Slanehter
ing the moat fasbionable of Drase Goode
right now. If you want 1 3 or 5 drones
it will pay you to drive 25 miles to
Xing's, Eggs etill 20o. '
G. E. BING, Wingbam.
cin Reit WWI hei.
Rev. Prof. Burgess, of Rum College,
London, took the servioes in St. John's
°Imola here last Sunday with mutat
Rev. Jno, Ross, B. A., preahhed in the
Ethel Presbyteriau Meanie last Sabbath
afternoon. Rev. Mr, McRae was away
for his holidaye.
The Listowel Standard of Ian week
says,—Rev, J. Oliver, ot town, and Rev.
T. W. Oosens, of Bruesele, exchanged
servioes on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Cos.
ens' able, discourses were mutate appre.
oiated by all who heard them,
Rev. aft& Rosser, B. D., of Fordwioh,
will marry tbe Metbodiet chareh pulpit
in this place next Babbatb. Hie
evening &abject will be "Ohriskian
Stewordehip." The Rev, gel:Memel
bas been appointed by the Wing.
ham District Epworth League to
promote this department of work. 3Rev.
Mr. Ooaene will preach on Fordwiob
0100011, a former charge of bis.
"The noose of apparent failure" was
Rev. T. W. Gonne' eubjeot last Suuday
morning in the Methodism church. Bey.
Robert Maunders preaohed in the evening
owing to Rev. Mr, Cones being gammon.
ed to Trowbridge owing to bie motherat
illness. His topio was oDaniel'e purpose"
from which be deduced profitable lessons.
Dr. Fred. Gilpin, of Michigan City Ind
hum, sang "Tin Lord'e my Shepherd"
in good voiee.
Laet Saturday afternoon in connect.
tion with Melville Munch Communion,
Rev. lidr, Doom of Whitechurob, gave a
Hoe mammon on "Mystery and Common
sense." Rev. Jno. Ross, the pastor,
000nuied the pulpit Sabbath morning and
evening, bie morning text being Gal. 3
and. 1, "Before whose eyee Jeans Christ
bath been evidently set forth, crucified
among yon." The theme in the evening
was "A. dieoiple indeed." Several new
membere' names were added to the roll
and there was a large attendance at the
morning sorvioe the rain interfering with
the evening congregation, Rev. J. J.
Hastier, of Belgrave, preached on "Christ
inn Steacifoetnese" at Monday morning's
thankegiving eervioe.
Alex. Walker is back to town from bie
outing to the West,
Dire. John Wynn has gone 10 Port
Qum to visit relatives and old friends.
Mies Florenoe Mainprize enjoyed a few
holidays at Wingham during; tbe past
George Man bas gone to Stratford
where he has work with a oement eide•
walk gang.
Dam McDonald, of Stratford, wag
renewing old frieudehips in town for a
few days.
Wilber and bits, Baker and eon, of
Gornto°, are visiting et Mrs. 3'. Oliver%
William street.
Donnan Mealtirtin, wife and daughter,
of Heneall, were calling on old friends in
Beason last week.
Miss Thum Gerry is visiting her sig.
ter, Mrs, W. H. Willie, Seaforth, who has
been on the eiok list we are sorry to hear.
Jno. Hewitt was able to get down town
oo Tuesday for a while With the aid of
walking stick and will eoon be o, la we
Mieo Maggie Roee, of Nfoffillop, and
Mee A. McDonald, from Seotladd, aro
visiting with Dire. Jno, Sloolair, Queen
Mre. A, EL Douglas and the Mines
Douglas are enjoyiog a holiday visit
With relatives and friends at Palmer.
don, Rarrieton mid Teviotdale,
Mimi Maggie Scott, of London, ie enjoy,
ing a well earned holiday with her sister,
adre. P. Watson, Queen fined, and many
Old friends in Beaseele and Morrie.
A. and Mrs. Onrrie are bat* to their
home • in Brussele Biter an enjayable
vieit of a few months with reletIvee and
friende in Manitoba and tbe Noel hweet,
X. Molienzie, of Portage•la Pride's,
Man., le a vitiator with Mende in Drug.
nip and Ideelity, Hie Maher and
bother, wbo were ill With typhoid fever,
are doing nicely,
0. R. sod Mrs. Bartliff, of Clinton,
were welcome visitors in Brussels and
locality for a few days daring the past
w eek.
Loeb week G. A, Madman arrived
home from a business run to Winnipeg
and other Westerly pointe, He disposed
of a oar of houey while away.
It ie rumored that William Blashill
and faily, now in Ypeitanti, Miab„ will
shortly room° reeidenoe in Brunie.
We will do no kicking about it.
R. and Miee Pearl Leatherdnie are ex.
peated home from their extended tour in
a few days. They have been vieiting
relativee and Weeds between Winnipeg
aud Brussels while en route.
Jno. Walker ie bsok from a tour of
Manitoba and the Northwest, He wag
well pleased with his outing and may
reeurn. Mr. Walker wae pushing the
piano business at the big Faire op there.
Will. Elliott, while wheeling on the
half mile track Thursday afternoon of
lest week, along with some cam youths,
had the misfortune to get a dump. He
sprained hie right hand but will soon be
all tight we hope.
J. J. and Mre. Gilpin were at Owen
Sound flan week attendina the mntrioge
of their only eon, Dr. A. W. L Gilpin,
of Michigan Oity, Iudianns, to Min
Initial McKenzie, one of Owen Bound's
fairest daughters. Tem POST Editor tate
added a neioe to its list of relatives over
which there are no regrets.
Dire. Thos. Stephenson, of Port Huron,
Web., is here assisting in waiting on her
mother, Airs, George McKay, Queen
street, an old and highly respected reei•
dent of Brownie, who tate been quite 111
for the peat three weeks, Willie Step.
benne, grandson to Mrs. McKay, is oleo
here. We hope oonvalenenoe will speed
ily ensue. It is 14 years since Mrs.
Stephenson was here.
CAPITAL—Paid Op 91e000,000
RE:SERVE FUND e • $1.000,000
Ban, a. 01, WallUDN, D.
The most enooessful Fall and Winter
Millinery Openiug took plan on Wed
nesday, Thursday and Friday of last
week. Favorable weather and upto date
goods, resulted in eplendid sales and well
pleased austornere. Mies Little wishes
to thank the ladies for their appreciation
and patronage. Among the new ehad,
are Obainpagne, Burnt Orange, Brown
and Hunter's Greeu. Shapes are eligin
ly sonnet than lam season, the comfort.
able,toque being again popular. Ready.
to•wear hate were much admired and
sales were very numerous. In the trirm
med hat department Miss Li L'e was
bighly complimented aa etylo 8010 tnefal.
nen were oombined. A haudeome
Geineboroagh had shirred underk rim end
edged with blaok obemille. Large back
plumes with aigrette oompneed the only
trimming. Brown plush ehape with
triangular crown and facing of shirred
white ink was greatly admired, a • large
white bird, wing') tipped with brown,
rested on rim. Navy blue and white
were prettily nombined in a large rolling
bat of blue velvet with white moss trine.
ming on the upper brim. A. white plume
with aigrette graoefully trimmed the
uplifted rim. One whiab was much nd
mired wae a platten hat of white plueb
with folded Bilk taping. Two Dachau
plumes fell gracefully along the left side
to the book. Pearl ornaments with
towhee ,.f beret orange velvet oomplet•
ed a most shylieh model.
• This firm held their Openings on Oola
Oth and 7th. The • wouderfnl color
schemes in the bate this season is the
most important quotation, brilliancy and
yet depth ot tous enhancing the Fall
Millinery to a greater extent than ever
abown before. The most prominent and
certainly the coon 00008000008 aoiore are
the flaming orange or mine de realm
ebadee. Then Immo the rich warm reds
and dull pinks which are a000rded the
position of honor on the color card, The
coloring running aloug the shades border.
lug on brown, tawny end vivid oranges,
brick roan, terra Gotta and mahogany,
blending into dud greene, all have very
Hob effects. There is a matted favor
'shown for fancy feathers. Mach para.
dise le worn. Oaque feathers are well
thought of nett for dreeey hate, There
le a strong tendency toward the high
crown and it eeems reasonable to eupporte
that they will be shown even more ex
tensively as the season advances. Tur.
bane ere mob broader One than of
Met season. The hitt' are, again large,
the really small hate are the exception.
There is, however, a vast mown of
difference in the chap -s tbie year as the
majority of the hate eot well forward on
the head, A epeoial exbibit being made
in brown it wart hard to make a (Mice
but one of the favorites was a broad
turbau effeot with a slight point in front
and brim rolling alightly off face. Itioh
brown chiffon velvee wae need in tbie
model, the (lorded Parting, being releived
by a cluster of °gator °Wien folds and
a band of rich arcane applique. The top
of hat was draped to carry out the plaint.
ed effeot of Mina and was finished with
brown Laisene ribbon and Vrenob gilt
buckled, A rioh brown bird and para.
dise osprey finiehed and gave height to
hat at left front. In Spite of tbe varied
and vivid aoloringe of many a beautiful
bleak panne velvet hat attracted tomb
attentionThe camps 0950 9 large
etraight ehape with large erowe. The
unaer brim was developed in taffeta
ehirred on oorde the top plain and
finiehed 06 edge with a ehirring ot bias
velvet. Two faehionoble aimed pitmen
5. 91001210,
Presfil opt. Viee-Preeident,
00. 7315000I09,W, V I A, 1110 11010011 0,001. 30, NOMINEE CLAIM, 00.0, 3). 30, 'IRIOM1011, E. 0,
4 i•
Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notee Diectounted.
ix em° az.zwx Digetannflmqv
interest at HIGREIST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of al and upwards
A, E. MELLISH Manager.
were fastened with a jet buckle on left
mown, and drooped toward the front.
The model wail finished with taffeta
ribbon and bandsome bead ornament on
cream. A stylish end very wearable
hat in red velvet wee made on a rolling
shims that was a little higher ou the left
aide, The brim Was made very full in
shirred Mlle and the bell crown to
math. The forting was of a Bilk that
went perfeatly with the velvet on which
considerable time bad been expended. A
bouquet effect in flowers aud red 'Mame
formed trimming 001 00000 and brim at
right and left side giving the broad
effeot that ie eo popular. The great
variety ha trimmioge shown makes it
possible to (toter to ever taste. We have
on hand n full aseortinent of latest ready
to wears and fashionable children's head
wear. Mineee Beattie & Hayorofe were
well pinged with the amount of business
done and orders taken and are figuring on
a busy season.
received the usual large number ot lady
visitors at their 'Replay of Fall Millinery
last week, oontinuing from Tenafly
until Friday. The show.room was
prettily decorated with palms an a
foliage and a feature whluh gave much
pleasure to visitors wae the piano, over
which the young lady friends of the firm
presided willingly and acceptably. In
shape and size the Winter We are very
similar to those of the Summer Beason,
the flat nape eleapes being moet popular
10 ready-tmwears. The turbans are
smaller than theme shown last season.
the Torpedo shape still being much worn.
Crowne are bigber, the dot -iron crown
appearing on 'nanny hats. In colors it
would be difficult to tell the favoring
bot greys, browns and greene appear to
be preferred, navy end Meek befog, of
omnee, ae good as ever. The tangerine
shadee are much used in trimming.
This ebade appears beautifully On a
stylish turban of brown silk velvet, with
shirred tarn crown and shirred edge, the
wires being wound wale brown satin
ribbon, a rosette of which appears on the
left front, with a tangerine Parodies
plume. A °beaming and very new de.
sign in turbans wee one in a torpedo
shape, faced and draped with black
taffeta. tbe mown and hrim bring of
blaok Pereian lamb. The new box.
pleated turban, in bleak teffeta, was also
a popular hat. For a y000g girl there
was shown a deeige the chief beauty of
whloh was its prefect simplicity, the
sbape being plainly covered with white
plush, wide white applique covering the
upper brine, the only deooretion being
loop of satiu ribbou and a white Para-
dise plume. The usual complete stook
of ready 1., wears, in fel, velvete and
pluab, is being shown, and again this
season Is., arm ie making a epeoialty of
drat class mourning goods. The Mane
&AIL+ are well satisfied with the re.
sults of their opening and their tunny
orders are uow being filled.
Norms Park Theatte, in Hamilton, was
destroyed by flee.
The Morris piano boilding at Listowel
was struck by lightning and considerably
Sneak alines took $7,000 worth of
jewellery from the home of Timothy
Eaton, Toronto.
James Van Every and Elgin Bieber
were killed by the explosion of a boiler
in Beverly township.
;Janne Martin, head Inane in the
Hamilton Asylum, was killed with an
axe by a patient named Lingwood.
Tendere for doublearnalting the Oan•
Ratan Pacific main line between Winni•
peg and Fort William have been onlled
The rode in Hartman's Bank at Clarks.
burg was blown open, bat the thieves got
lees than a dollar. Mr. Hahne exehang-
ed shots with them.
Abodt 2.45 Saturday morning fire
was disoovered in the driving sheds be.
longing to D 8. Brown, Laidlaw Meet
South, Ottimington, and in len thee one
hour everything was ooneurned. Mr.
Brown, hearing the alum, got up and
went to the door. When be sew the lire
he dropped dead. The buildings were
roiD;r4330 .
FISOFIER.—In Grey, on 001, let, to Inr.
Mrs. Inc. Eieober, a daughter,
Itiorae.—In Grey, on Oot. 4th, to Mr. and
Mrs. 'rhos. Inglis, a daughter.
Menem—In Saginew, at 802 Atwater
street on 006, 7th, to Dir. and Mrs.
Fred, Marsh, a son.
EAMIDAY—TWEDDiux —In Bt. Matthew's
°Imola Brandon, on Oot. 5, by Rev,
Me. DePenoist, Mr. Stunuel I. Haiti
day, fotmerly of Bruseele, to Mies
Lydia Annie Tweddell, late of
Quesnat Perry, North Wes, all of
Dao.—Io Deokerville, Miele., on 001. 6,
1904, Bells MaDonald, eeliot of the
late James Dana of Detroit, former.
ly of Bruesele.
POWELL,—In Taenberry, on Oat. 9th,
Mary Atm Maegrove, beloved wife of
T, II. Powell, aged 40 genre.
Ttlatiner, OoT. 18.—C/We and pigs,
Lot 28, Oen, 8, Grey. Sale, unregereed,
at 1 o'olook. Tama Dealosos, Prop,
la B. SCOTT, Axle,
SATURDAY, Oar, 15.—Oentrel Rotel,
Brunetti, 25 Milob Crowe. Stele at 2 p, m.
111, J. Williams, Prop, Boott,
WEDNENDAY, 00T. 19.—Farm stook,
irnpleatente, &a, lee Lot 14, Con. 14, Ine-
Ei,lop. Bale unreserved at 1 p. m.
BIBS. THOS. CURLEW, Proprietress, F. S.
Taonsmo, OCT 20,—Farrn Mock, im•
plea:lents, 'tee, Lot 9, Oon, 12, Grey.
Sale niireserved, at 1 p. as. Mae. T.
Calder, Proprietrees, EL Scott, Ano.
FRIDAY, 00T. 21 —Farm elook, iraple.
lemon, dm, Lot 8, Con, 1 Grey. Sale
unreserved at 1 p, m. JAS, CUTT, Prop.,
P. S. Scott, Ano,
TUMMY, OCT. 25'—Form, Farm stook, Teacher Wanted.
nup.emente, eto. Lot 7, Oen, 5, Grey.
Bale unreserved, at 1 p.m, Boor. J. Eloy, Teacher wanted, male or female, holding
Prop. I?, S. Soon, Auo. tat000ro,uh, dCal ikoe ys certificate. for U. 8. S. No.11.
and McItillop, (situated at
Walton.) Duties to commence Jan. Brd,
1005, Applications, stating eatery, reoelvod
up to not. 2and. 01,10. PERM:IRON,
18.8 See., Walton.
Oom. 13, 19U4
Be Sure
Never take a dose 00 Mediaine
without OM onefully reading
Ibe label. 10 16 beats our name
you are doubly safe. A Medicine
bearing mu label is goarauteed
to be rightly prepared, absolutely
pure and thoroughly reliable.
YOU may be sure no errors have
occurred. We take the greaten
possible eon in filling all mix.
turn. We will be glad to fill
you re.
Drug Store
Z9100 'U'209191Z110as.er..A.2001XET20,
Pall Wheat 1 00 1 00
Barley 86 40
Peas 60 60
28 30
12 18
17 18
500 600
400 500
40 60
1 00 125
1 00 70
5 40 6 60
17 18
Butter, Mho and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Hay per tou
Floor, per ewe
Potatoes per bus
Avian (per Meta
fie. 6, per 1311„ retail
)loge, Live
LI undersigned will keep for service e.
thore'-bred Chester 00000 00 Lot BB, Con. 16,
Cray, Pedigree may be seen on applica-
tion. Terms, 81.0O3with privilege of return -
Mg if necessary, WM. SCE NO CR ,
344 Proprietor.
Stone For Sale.
Tenders will bo received up to the Oth
day of Noveuber, 1900, for the stone con-
tained in the center pier of Bate thiamin
Lot 4, elon.12, aree, township, (said to be
ahtut 20 cords.) The highest or any tender
not necessarily 00000104
3301000AloIN TOSE,
Clerk, Ethel.
8. &Mt, auctioneer, has received instruc-
tions front the undersigned to sell by nubile
sociion Lot 0, Oon, 12, Gray, on TEURE-
DAY. 00T. 20, at 1 &Mock, the followlug
valuable property, vle r-1 brood mare. 1
driving mare 0 years old, 1 'Costumer' tilly 1
year old, 1 tanking Didion 00000 yrs.
old, 01011010 cows suppoesd in calf, 1 farrow
cow, 1 heifer in OM I, 1 otosrl year old, 2
bettors 1y000 old, 40910001 0 months old, 4
calves 2 months o14, 100013991 bull with
registered pedigreele mouths old, 1 Durham
now with registered pedigree 5 years old, 1
:Durham heifer with registered pedigree
rising 2 yeara, 1 Durham bull 4 menthe old,
1 Durham calf 2 mouths old, 1 sow with lit.
tor, 1 Money -0 ante binder, 1 new Macon
peed drill. 1 new McCormick bay Wider, 1
Noxon disci harrow.1 hay rake, 1 pug plow,
1 kangaroo plow, 1 No, 'Bleary plow, 1
Cooksbute plow, 1 sot of harrows, 1 drilling
plow, 2 bay racks, 1 wagon with boa, 1 demo -
at at, 1 single buggy, 1 wood rank, 1 pea M:L-
eber, 1 set of sleight:nearly new, 1 Toronto
fanning in111, 1 turnip pulper, 1201 double
harness, 1 ten-borse power, 1 straw cutter
with (terrier, 1 grinder, 1 speed jack and
other articles too numerous to mention.
Salo will be without rosary° as tbe farm has
been sold. Terms—All sum of Es and un-
der oaell, over that amount 9 months' ome-
n will be given ou furnishing approved
joint notes 01,51 cent, per annum allowed
cif fox cash on credit amouots. MEE.
THOS. CALDER , Proprietress ; P. S. Somm,
t aa
FTER a very successful Opening we are bet-
ter than ever prepared to fill the wants of
our many patrons, and we invite an inspection of
our large stock of Trimmed. Hats and Ready -to -
wears. As usual we are making a specialty of
Mourning Goods.
First-class Goods at Popular Prices.
The Misses Habkirk.
090110' 0i5725PZ5.5--01543:50
/21 ' 0 " INNON & GoK
H le 1-_, Y- 21 Tri. 371
161 10 week we have reeeived and pained into atook a large ammeter:tent
of new geode in the following lams, whioli were Imuglit at eery close grins,
whioh vill be foetid worthy of the attentiou of olose nob ivent-
-Homespun Dine Goode, in light and heavy welghte, 54 to 58 inohes
nide, in brown, Oxtord and Grey, al 35a, 60e, 750 erd $1 00.
—Broadelothe, in colon of black, brown, glean .1.0 grey, as 41 00.
—Bleak Venetinne, 64 to 60 inohes wide, at al 00, $1.25 and 9150.
—Woistiege, in all the mat, leei,oe, at 86o, 50i mid 75o,
e—Drees Skirts, in blaok and oolore, from $1 25 to $7 50.
;1,1101( Sienna Undertkirte, foom 890 to 02 26.
—Ladiee' Goff Jaakete, in different styles', from 91.25 to 98,00,
—Bell Beatrice, in oxidized, bleats, gilt and ateel, 26o, 86o and 60o,
—Ladies' Bette, in great vadety, from 25o to 41 75.
—Ladieu. Waief Seat, in pearl, ivory and gilt, ft, m 100 to 06o.
.--Ladiee' Skirt Ineproven, something new, 51 250 and 80e.
—.Bort' Salto, in all eine, at, very low pewee.
—Ken's Top Shirte, In new panne, at 50a, 75o and al 00,
—Menai Heavy Wool Sooke, very apnea), eat 160, 20a and 2310.
—Men% Cardigan &Mote, plain and fanay, at 750 and 41,00.
—Linoleum 2 and 4 92045 Wide, in block and floral ntterne, at 370, 46o
and do per square yard,
—Floor Oil °loth, in all widths, at lowest orlon,
—Looe Curtains, in groat vrtriaty, from 60e to 411,
—Table Linen, 54 to 72 inohes, from 250 to $1.
—Table Napkin°, 10 all sine, at $1, 025, $1 60.42 and 42,76 per dozen,
a/C:Ile:CX=3:=CXX xx.nor.n.cac2iencxx,0
1 1.
ti 1