HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-10-13, Page 5•
Oc'm, I'A, 1904
And wbou llor up Btoaut hiW or
gdOeis OG-G
'Perm °pens April illi{, 10114
iV Two Course e-
oommorolnl and
11% Send forCollege;NOP/lel.
A.. 1.
. MoI1,11'1(I4E, Muu0.gor,
=t] g4tfl
r zea .'4r V'r
1081 cent, F.S.S00'1'1', leruseals,
Y 7 o lessor of Mnroiago Lioonsoe, 01-
1900 u1. Grocery, Turnberry 9tr001, Brn0e0)6,
DEnOIONan has several good Farms for
Bale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F B, SOOTT,Brussel
C. O. F.
Court ',rimless Alexandria, No. 24, 0. 0, V.,
Brussels, meets 1n their Lodge Room, 1310,0-
hi11810ok, on the Ind and last Tuesdays Of
coon mouth, 01,8 o'clock. Vietting brethren
always weloomo, JAS. BURGESS, O. B.
A. 10, MELLISH, 1B. B,
M. MORRiS®t1,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
-TEAC11Eli OF-
meintst 0E,
J. LECd':IE,
Oatoe over 190r01e0'0 Drug Btora,
Nov. end, 1802, 30.808 lIrnoe01a.
Wellington Mutual
Fire insurance Co.,
09141M111ND 1810
Insurance taken on the cash and premium
nolo system at om ennt rates. B eforo tusur-
ing elsewhere call cu thounderetgned Agent
of the Company.
GEORGE 11001:109, Druesel0.
• EER, will sell for better prices, to
better men, in lase time and lees chargee
t other
than charge anything. ng Daandode
can always be arranged at this offioo or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Te1m0 I'eaeonable, Sales arranged for
at 1118 00100 of Tan P0e0, Brussels. 22tf
LI • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
orlunry Oollego, In prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domeotlonted animals in a compet-
ent manner. Partionlar attention paid to
Veterinary Deutietry, Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four door'
North of bridge, Tare berry et., Brossela.
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta,
Suo00esor to l*. F. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard Bank, i300010le, Solicitor for Metro-
politan Bank,
e Barrister, Bollaitor,'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, dao. Office-Stowert'e Blook
1.do0r North of central Hotel. •
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
W. Pnoon1f00T, K. G.F. B. 0.
Sum. 116610
offices -Those fonrrr e10()coupledy on dsneoupled by Messrs
000E11I00, 001411I0.
M. U., (l. T1.,
Trinity Uutverel1.y,Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Momper college of Physiclane and
Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of ase Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Lloentiato of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. est -Telephone No.14,
Reeille0o0-14111 etre°t, Drueeels,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and ['irott•olaee Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. OSa0e
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
d Rest Ay
Largest and g
So far as we eau learn leo Business -
0011ngo In Clematis, emanates et] illauy
and at the same time'ehoh it largo nor.
(tentage of its Ancients as does the
4Q f Our oour88e aro np•to-llato, Matreat.
la oreexporioneed and h1011(1ie8 monis-
87 pained, Students may enter at any
d,b time, Wr1Et11t O11011 & WoI,A0i1LAN',
T.11,11 BAD 8fdEL$ POf3 '
- rmra rn•m•..
f'r0uilg1tri1ngpiceohouitongtokin.forand See. for now shoos, owing t', the catmint.)
in the price of materiel, etc, This goes into
force on Monday, .1 un 12th, le'l.
Signed by
EWAN d5 00n .14Po. w 1 r r.LARD,
1 800,re, lru,rrrnal x S 000,
F r. PLUM, P,r.1 11 All(:1S1,SN,
Taos, t0I.Ln('x, lino 1 0X9(1149,
WIN 19'010109'1, Jelin l.catrltin.
'tri co) L,
:$L cm'00>11.
The gate reeeipte and baptise at the
Fall Fair totalled $203,
J. A. Klurnp had ,four eheop badly
worried by doge on a recent night.
Wo are sorry to report that Robert
Oampboll to i0 from an alta0li of typhoid
Dr. Kidd has removed hie office from
the rear of the Bee bonding to hie new
The anniversary 0ervhoe8 of the Pres•
byteri,n Church will be held on Sunday,
Ootober 26th, when Rev. Mr. Sawyers, ill
Brnoefre'd, will preaolI. There will be
no Monday night meeting.
At the Lietow01 Full Fair Mrs, Alex,
Simplon, gravel road, took first prlva for
beet putter in rolls, beet 5 lbs. of button,
best 15 Ibe. of butter in crook or firkin,
beet 20 the, of butter la tub, and beet
homemade bane.
Ivo rail lay Its Is.
A new foot bridge has been oouotruoted
over the dam.
Mrs. Geo. Driver had the misfortune to
break he thigh. She Blipped and fell oil
the grass with the above result.
A NV. D0rrnoh And family have moved
to Clifford. Me. Darroch hon oeoured a
position with Hazelwood Bros.
D. D. Fennell has diepo380 of hie donee
and lot to Wm. W011aoe for a good figure.
Mr. Wallace iotendo'to remain here.
Orlando Wade recently injured the i0•
dex linger of hie left hand. Blood poison•
ing hoe set in and he is suffering great
Tbo Royal Templar 00410002 ou Fair
sight wee well patronized. A.11ienjoyed
the program. The proceeds amounted to
$56 60.
The Fowl Sapper soder the aueploes of
the Preabytoriun Lattice' Aid on Fall
Fair eveuinu carte a great 8000088. Pro•
coeds over $85.
14031l011 -elle.
M1E1E100141 DIaTOIoo M0E1100.-00
Thursday Sept. 20th the finuu01161 meet•
ing of the Methodist 1110011189 of Gorier.
lob distriot watt held in Seafortb. The
attendance of ministers was good, that
of the laymen wart very small, bet the
business of the 000820)1 was traneaoted
with despatch under the direction of
Rev. H. M. Ramming, of Clinton, the
ohnirman of the distriot. Reports were
reoeived from the vari0ue oircuit0 re•
garding the Alma college fund and the
pruape0te ore that $150 will be realized
for this important oonnexional biotite
tion, 98hio1 is doing a splendid work for
young women, not only of Methodism,
but of all denominations. There being no
neiseion0 in the diatriot, the 0o ual boein•
888 of the meeting was very light from the
coueiderations involved, lent the other
melee of the work were carefully reviewed.
The Various 0Onnexieual - a11111ver0m'ie8
were left in charge of the different local
pastor)', who thug become responsible for
the presentation of these important
interests t0 their several congregations.
The importance of aggressive revical work
received some attention, but no definite
plan for the diatriot watt adopted. Fol-
lowing the diecuaeion of the revival work,
a resolution vette introduced in regard to
local option in the cartons muniolpalitiee ;
Reoolved,that in view of the feat that
local option is being widely agitated, and
believing, as we do, that this ie an oppor•
tune time, and that the people of this
oo0ntry should arouse themselves for the
work, we, the members of the Goderinh
dietriob of the Methodist church, in meet-
ing assembled, call upon all our oircuile
to aeour° the palling of this measure in
ea011 muciOipality. Atter some discussion
the reeolntiun was unanimously adopted,
The buei0000 of the session teas oonoluded
and after the closing devotional exercises
the meetieg adjourned.
Mrs. T. Hall and Miss Edith Hall are
spending a we, k or so with relatives in
Owen Sound.
The Western Foundry Co., can not
begin to keep no with the orders they
reoeive for their popular elms and
ranges. .
3, 3. Elliot, V. S. purposes spending
the Winter in a milder o1,mate than
Wingham 0011 furnish, and hence ha
givhug np business.
Dr. Macdonald has had a room on the
080001) floor of the Moodnuttld blook
neatly furnished which will be used by
the Liberale00 a committee room.
E. H. Kaiser and family, who have
been residents of Wiughmn for the pact
five years are moving to Oarggill, where
Mr. Kais,r hue souped a good 90021110
in the factory.
Colin A, and Mre. Oompbel4 left last
week fur Stratford, where they will reside
for the Winter, and In the Spring wilt
likely permanently make their borne in
Toronto, Mr, 0anlpbell, we eoderetand,
iptende representing a wholesale drug
house in Western Ontario,
900,1000 REWAnnOD.-A very pleae0nt
event took plaoe at the home of John and
Mre. Kerr, Patrick etreet, on Thursday
evening, Sept. 20th, when a number of
the members of the Methodist oharob
choir, and Mise Hattie Reid's aloes in the
Sunday School, and ether (Mende, gather-
ed to bid farewell to Mine Reid, who' he
leaving Wingham to take a oour08 at the
Dlanonese' Training School, Toronto.
Dr, Towler, Superintendent of the Sun•
clay Sehoul, preehded, and an impromptu
program of short epeeohee, mneio, eta.,
was given, during tablet 3, A. Morton,
leader of the choir, woe called upon for a
reading. Mr. Morton responded with a
very nicely worded addreso to Mien Reid,
expreeeod opprooiatien of her valued ear•
viooe, and Miss Lilian Kerr and Mies
Mollie Hammond, on behalf of the choir
and the Sunday School Mame, presented
bee with it very handsome eilvor tea our.
Vico. Mies ltoid tnitebly and feelingly
replied, and short addreeees were given
by RAV. De, Gundy cud Dr, Towler.
Lunolt teas served during the evening and
a very enjoyable time wits spent by those
present. Mies Reid wee also presented
With a gold watob by the members Of the
Junior Epworth
of whistr x
i n t wn 1+ v r(li,:isul.
has for soma t ru r 11 ory
Seperinte0dent. She lino prayers!' herself
it most va11131410 toucher in the ohuroh,
and these preuent,tion4 are but a fittlo9
tribute to her z al o,d energy ht the
noble work in whi021 her barefoot]
wore 90 freely given,
.L,iwt•(e w' ('ll.
3, W. Scott ie hums from a businere
trip to Winnipeg,
Aaron lting'er hue bought out the
liquor More from H. Rapp, and is now in
1tev, Dr. Patio, General Secretary of
Edueatlonal Soolety of the klethodie(
Chureb, preached Eduoatioual semitone
in the hlethndlet (thumb on Sunday.
Fred. Z,1Iia0 has -returned to town
after u trip to Manitoba, vioitieg hie
daughter at Carberry and taking iu some
of the sighte of barVeet time in that laud
of plenty.
Samuel Forbes, oontrnotor for build.
ing the 800008te plena at Ibe Bismarck
Street bridge, has hni.hed ilia work and
to all uppearanoee hate made an oxoellent
E. E. Goghlin hoe purohosed the widow
Gordon farm on the Wallace boundary,
for $3,400. Mr. Ooghlin he .one of the
moat euooveeful farmers in this district,
and now owns 400 acres, 200 in W0tlaoe
and 200 a0roee the rood In Elmo.,
A. E. (Jammer, who hoe been aeeisting
Rev. 0. H. Rockland, rector of Christ
(Thumb, as lay reader for acme months
putt, ie leaving for Pickering, where he
tvi11 have charge of the Angliaan emigre.
nation until next year, us probationer,
when be purposes taking a theological
coarse at Trinaty University.
Mo. Watson, a director of the Bent
Chair Cu., reported to the town 00110011
that he woe negotiating for the sale of
the business to an experienced mans
faoturer who had oapilal and who would
put an addition to the factory of 100x45
feet, would employ fifty men Bud would
pay taxes. He had recently built a large
addition to his pwn factory and was in a
position toren the buoiuese to advantage
from the start.
Engineer Davie was in town and made
n teat of the new pumps, which was set
in motion and worsted eatiefaotorily.
Oonoeotion having as yet been made
with only 0410 well, the water supply
proved by uo means sufficient fur the
oapaoity of the pump. Until the other
well is completed and the water tower
ready, the new waterworks eau scarcely
be depended upon for all purposes.
(.x0(101 rix; le.
C. A. Reid and Co. ore putting an
engine house addition to the Doty CO's,
engine works on Brook street,
Four small railway engines for the
C. P. R. construction work have been
taken down the hill and are now across
the river.
Wm. Warnock, bee another reoord to
squash growing for 1904, hie Mammoth,
whhoh teas shipped away to St, Louie
Fair turning the scale at 403 lbs.
Another steam shovel arrived at the
depot, for Contractor Pigott. It is nom.
ed Buoyrue, and came from Philadelphia,
Penn. It weighs 65 tone, and with ile
tender must weigh nearly 120 tone, and
he passing down the hill road and aoroee
the river to Duolop'e Hill will be ;an
interesting engineering feat, The mach.
ine is apparently a new one.
N a!{ re'
The Orangemen of G oriob ar
g p
I l i ' 1 'are )per an
r r srurdd r r eq d
pal t 1 t
erlkrtuinmeut• in 'heir hat on Hamilton
street, to be held on )e, ,y . venting, Nov,
At. meeting of the Plorenee Nightie.
gale obepter, Daughters; of 1.210 E119200
ten dollen was voted u0 their oontribu.
tion to the Rued et fighting the white
The Godorioh Lumber Mill 00,
have completed the eut1111g of the 300,
000 feet of lumber they ere nutting for
Battle and Oonnell, the oontruotore for
the outeide breakwater.
Alex, Robinson, the Newgate street
livery matt, bate started u bee from town
to Saliford for the oouvenionoe of work-'
man employed at the C. 1'. R. work in
that village. It !sauce town et 6 30 a, m.
and Stratford 141 6 p. m., and already le
well patronized.
1 A. Saunders, manager of the Goderioh
Organ Oo,, hue 080860ed word ot hila
ele0tiop as a member of tate Dominion
council of the Canadian Mennfaoturere'
Aesooiation. This ie the (1X000tive 80m.
mutes of the Association, ire member.
ship representiog all parte of the
Dominion, and it i0 quite a distinction to
be ohoeen as is member of this body,
At the tax Bale on Monday ot last week
ton Iota only were eold, six of the adver.
tisedonee having been redeemed pre
viuuely. Moet of the Iota were sold to
representative' of the owners and in
only one ogee 0800 there any ones
bidding, and in that a bidder offered to
take one inch of the lot and pay the
tuxe8, 576.16, at Ile rate of $913.92 per
Farming Notes.
FRUIT TRAN0POITI1ION 0116642009 118000001.
It will be an00000ed in the October
issue of the Hortioultnriet, that as a re.
suit of the evidenoe eiveo recently before
the Railway Ocmmieeion, by repre
eentativ0e of the fruit interests the Rail.
way Oompnny hoe voluntarily made
some material oonceeeioue. A redootion
has been made in the rate of mixed oar
lots of fruit, from the principal shipping
dietriote to the larger oentres of diatribe.
Mon, each a0 Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa,
Qcebeo, and Winnipeg. A special rate
for one halt oar Iota, or 10,000 lbs. or
Over, hag oleo been made. In addition
the Clot rete for icing care, deetinod for
Manitoba, has been abolished, and here.
after shippers will only be oherged for
the Retool amount of ice oopplied.
While these oonoes010ne are by no
mane all that the fruit i11.ereete auk
for, they are, however, considered to be a
considerable measure of relief to a very
serious situation.
An a result of reports reoeived from
all parte of the Province, the Oauadian
Hortioultnriet will annonue0 in Re
October loeue that the apple orop of the
Province thio year is not nearly as large
ate last, and that the 80.018 is true through.
on* the United States generally. There
is little renews for the bearieb reports of
buyers oonoeruiog the large crops.
While there is a large amount of poor
fruit throughout Ontario the general
report is Brod, and growers should real-
iz, better prices then are being offer-
ed. For No. 1 and good No. 2 growers
should not aooept hese than 75 oente to
$1 00 per barrel on the trees, where
1 N
On this Counter there are numerous
articles from a ((Needle to an Anchor."
Seeing is believing. Come and See.
G L/ N
From $5.00 to $15.00. We ask you to
Quality and Price of our Guns with those
Simpson or Eaton.
compare the
advertised by
We have THE Lamps and THE Prices. Come and see
Lamps from 25e. to $17.00. Seo also Eaton's catalogue
and compare.
Rogers' 12 dwt. The price on these is strictly confiden-
tial. You must come to our Bargain Counter to capture
this prize. Bring Eaton's catalogue with you for com-
A Quart of Ink for
A 6 inch Butcher Knife and an 1.l inch Steel for......
A Tack Hammer and 2 Packages of Tacks for......,,.
A 12 oz. Bottle Nominal Stove Pipe Varnish for
A 6 oz. Bottle Fine Sewing Machine Oil for
A Two -keyed Padlock for - -
&0., &e.
&S R U S S L a
n'rnaidernhle quantities of bait 0031 be 1
she fl to onto rroelve by
iron Muer, i d
.11e 11 , reeitnrfet phew that bayrre are
I lien e^ !t in 25 to 75 oento per barrel
fur buil,
Dam or Mee, CI.EAyaa.-''aero died
Thursday, -Sept, 2901, Mre, l0iahard
()leaver, 12.b con , Orey, al the good age
01'74 years. Mrs. Uleaser had uut been
in good health for years, bat her moot
i11ten00 sufferings lasted for ahoet five
weeks, till death relieved her of pain.
The deeea880 was boru in B,aatf0rd in
1830, when the now pope oils city was
only at email hamlet, She ase the
daughter of David and Limy Dewar and
iu compaoy with her husband she came
to Elmo. iu 1800. She was married to
her firet buebaud, Wm. Peet, in 1817, and
Ove children were born to tbenl, viz:
Marshall, Wm , Mre. George Schram, of
Brantford ; Mrs. MaEwee, of Arthur ;
and Mre Boyles, of Grey, Her hnobaod.
died in 1806. Some time afterward she
married Riobard Cleaver i0 Brantford,
and with him returned to Elmo.. Two
children were boru to them, viz: Mrs Ira
Taylor and Charles, all of the 12th
sou,, Grey. The funeral on Saturday
waelargoly attended. Thus are we ever
reminded how ehort is oar time here
upon the turtle. Her sorrowing relatives
have the sympathy of many friends in
their sorrow.
Brussels Council.
Council met in the Oounoil Chemper
on Monday evening of last week. All
members present. The minutes of last
000eion were read and adopted,
On motion of Baelter and Henderson
the following a000auts were paeeed and
ordered to be paid :-
A. MaLeooblin, [salary $ 25 00
W. Deobow, work on streets and
gravel 85 60
D. Deomnn, work on .streets..,3 00
8. T. Plum, repairing grader76
Eleotrio Light Works 101 25
Seafortb Engine & Machine
Works 7 90
H. Jamee, Ore department 16 25
W, Df. Sinolair, legal 839 24
Bylaw No. 1, providing for the levying
of the yearly rates was rend first, second
and third time and passed. Tae rate
elruols is 22 mills on the dollar and
provides for the following :-
county purpose 298,86
Looal 1620 00
Consolidated Loan Fund 2228 90
Lookridge By law 116.00
General Frontage Rates 826 00
General School Rate 2018.09
School Loan 422.15
Council then adjourned.
Cauti(15au Newco.
The steamer St. Lawrence is aground
in Pentecost River,
Six railway employees were eaffooated
20 Sarnia humid.
William Bongben was struck by a train
at Ingersoll and killed.
Mrs Sarah Wilson, of West London,
woe killed by Walling tree.
Au unknown man died suddenly at a
Queen street Weet barber shop, Toronto.
Mies F. Harvey, of Hamilton, retained
the title of lady golf obompion of Can-
The steamer Midland Qneen and Ottawa
were damaged in collfaion in Lake
S uperine.
Belleville a100800re' report allows that
the city's population increased 346 during
the year, and the assessment increased
el. E. Minns, 0918008 master of the
Barrie 0o114iale for the past twelve
years, has resigned to scoop a preition
as principal of Tileonburg High
Criminal action is to be taken against
the Soo election workers whose actions
became known through the emotion
trial. Summonses were leaned by Ohan.
pallor Boyd at the instance of Mr , Da
The Poet•offios Department shows a
surplus for the year ended June 30 last
of $804,771, after paying the entire ooet
of waietainiog the iervhoe throughant all
Canada, including the Yukon and Arlin
Provincial Det,otive Rogers reports
that hoboes are very scarce In the West-
ern part of the Province. Be has just
returned from a visit to the frontier
tawne, and Dude that few are oomiog
over to Canadian Boil, although there are
very many at present in the United
Frank Nelson, sporting editor of the
Toronto Globe, iutende to retire from
that paper at the beginning of the year
and go to Washington, D. U. where he
bee contracted to judge turf races for the
next ten years, agreeing to judge 200 days
per year at a salary of $50 per day or
510,000 per year.
Roy Dempsey, a brakeman on Ibe 0.
P. R , Lamson, was painfully injured
at Woodetobk Saturday morning, He
was engaged in making a coupling when
his toot beonme caught between the
buffers, and the instep was badly sgneezed
and some of the bones broken. He was
removed to London Victoria Hospital,
where the doctor in attendance hes borne
hopes of 004ieg the foot,
• Essex county has yielded an immeaee
grape crop this aeaeon. The largeet ship.
went ever sent out of this distrust was
made last week by the MoPheroon Fruit
Company of Winnipeg, Twenty•five
oorloade of 000201(2 grapeestarted for the
Prairie Province and the Territories.
They are earlier by two weeks than the
Niagara grapes, The fruit 9800 available
for the Western market beoauee of 1te
being a very early orop.
William Sippett, a young Englishman,
who !or the past six year& had Leen em.
ployed by farmers around lift. Brydgee
went to a hotel there on Wedneeday ager-
noon of last week, and was drinking non.
siderabiy. In the evening be was pat in
a benne room to sleep off the effeote of
the liquor, and fastened in for the night.
Int the morning when the hotel employees
went 1.0 amine Shppett, he was found to
be dead, The Crown authorities have
taken the matter op,
The result of the election protest
Male last week by wbioh I]. A. Dun.
lop, Uoueervotiv0, reeigne hie neat in
North Renfrew at] a rendition of the
protest agahnet him being dismissed, and
E. A. Little, Liberal, consented to
the voiding or the eleotione as a conoe.
(menu of the proving of 011(1 charge out
of the 600 odd, givee rise to a teohmg in
the two OOnetitnellciee that to quiet "eow
off" was arranged. The politicians on
both sides, however, deny that encu was
2230 84680.
ra c NOTI
IE it pays to push an article it pays to push it to 901100 purpose
and to push it more with an object of gaining permanent trade
than of temporary profit. Many people think at impossible le to -
find a first-class General Store in a town this size.
If you are not prejudiced and are open to conviction you can
be convinced that there is one here by calling at Jamestown P. 0.
and General Store where you will find a fine and modern stock of
Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
Prints, 'Srarns, Crasi,9 Notions
and Groceries always Fresh,
We buy direct from the largest Jobbing Houses and Manu-
facturers in the country and by so doing we are always sure of
obtaining first-class goods, and as we are not paying enormous ex-
penses in rent, clerk hire, city taxes, &c., we can seIl goods at the
most reasonable prices.
We have now some ends in Prints, Dress goods, Wrap-
perettes which will be sold regardless of Bost, also some lines in
Shoes will have to go. We do not wish to carry, if possible, Goods
out of Season.
We are just loading up for Fall and Winter trade with a
fine stock of newest Styles in our different departments.
We now handle best grade of Manitoba Flour and find it
getting a ready sale.
Family trade is especially solicited as your patronage is
always appreciated no matter how small your purchases. You
may rest assured it will be our constant aim to sell you the hest
goods that can be obtained and at reasonable prices.
We are very grateful to those who have dealt with our wagon
on the road so very liberally this Summer and those who can see
their way clear to come to the store, we will make it profitable for
them as we always try and keep up Farm Produce to the highest
Try us on Dried apples, Butter, loose or in tubs, Eggs, Lard,
Tallow, Potatoes, and Fowl of all kinds as soon as weather will be
cool enough for shipping as we ship direct.
1.'1.1'11011„ 11.111, td1.At01.1111,11 v
Walter Ione
Apples will be bought on and after Septem-
ber 12th, at the
Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind-
falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the
Highest Market Price.
Small or Soft Apples will not be taken.
WE are now ready for 1901
with a larger stock of Buggies
than ever we had and a walk.
through our Show Rooms will
convince intending purchasers
what our stock is. We have kept the Lead and intend to do so if
good rigs will do it.
We have added to oar Bnggy Tops this amnion a Spring to prevent the
bolts and rivets from breaking. Thie has been a long felt want.
We have 4 styles of Axleo-Dust and 011 Proof, Long Diotenbe, 1000
Miles, and the Noiseless Axles, also a few of the old styles.
All Steel Body Hangers and all trimmed with best Leather.
Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first-class
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 21 and 3 inch tires ; Trucks and
Medium size.
Wo invite every intending pnrehater to onll and nay
ftottl us and eaVe money,
EWAN & Co., Brussels.