HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-10-13, Page 4wee Znisstio Dist. THURSDAY. OCT. 18, 1904. EAST HURON FALL FAIR, PRIZE LIST. Horses, Heavy Draught -Stallion over three yore, Bobt MoDonaid, Tilos MoLaueh• lin; Mahlon ander three yore, Joseph Engler ; brood mare having raised foal in 1904, Jae Speir ; two year old filly, Wm Elatou, J Broadfoot & Son, Jno MoOol• tom ; two year ald gelding, R Nichol, W Bryans, Jae Spate ; yearling filly, Jae Ferguson, J Broadfoot & Son, Jae Far. guean ; yearling gelding, J Broadfoot & Son, R. Nichol, Oliver & Ireland ; heavy drnnghe team, Dickson Bros, I 2doGavin, Juo E Pelle ; beet gelding or mare in Blase, Diokeon Bros. Agricultural - Brood mare having rained a foal in 1904, Wm Sholdioe, 0 Eokmier ; horse oust, Wm Sholdioe, J Bolger ; two year old filly, J. W. Hogg, Geo Kerr, Jno Bolger ; two year old geld• fog, W Beipe, J 8 Smith, Jae Bargees ; one year old filly, W. Elston 1 & 2, W J Remmiagwsy ; one year old gelding, W Sholdioe, Geo Xerr ; span of agriooltural home, 1 Denbolm, J McCall, Jno Mo - Kinnon ; .best gelding or mare any age, W Sholdioe. Judge -W H Cruickshank, Wingham. Roadsters -Stallion, with 4 of his progeny, Scott & Warwick 1 & 2 ; brood mare, foal in 1904, A Bpeir, H Blaok, D Cook ; horse or mare oolt, Harry Stewart, 0 Eokmier, A Speir ; two year old Ally or gelding, W Forrest, A Beaker, A Speir ; one year old filly or gelding, A Beaker, J B Smith, W Holman ; buggy horse, 15} heads high and over, J T Robetteou, B MoOormiek, J Schaefer ; boggy horse, under 15e• hands high, Scott & Warwick, J Shooter, W Dal - mage ; roadeler team, J Sparrow, Beattie Bros ; beet gelding mare any age in °lase, W Forrest. Carriage -Brood mare, 16 hands high, foal in 1904, Jae Speir ; two year old filly or gelding, W Holman ; one year old filly or gelding, W Holman, H Bleak, Jno Bolger ; borne or mare colt, Jae 8 Smith, Jaa Speir ; carriage epan, 16 Mods high, A McLennan ; beat gelding or mare, any age in olaes, W Holman. Judges -0 Johnelou and Dr Shaw, Clinton, Jos pb Carter, Blyth. Cattle. Durbeme-Bull 8 years and over, A. Hislop, D Robertson ; bull one year old, Jas Speir, D Roberteon, J 8 Smith ; miloh Dow, 4 yea or over, D Robertson 1 &2. R Corley ; miloh oaw, under 4 yrs, R Corley, T Davidson ; two year old heifer, D Robertson, R Corley D Robert• son ; one vearold heifer, D Robertson, R Corley, R Harrison ; oueyear old jun- ior heifer, R Corley, D Roberteon 2 & 3 ; buil calf, J MoOail, R Harris- on, 0 Turnbull • heifer calf, D Cook, T Davidson,) Robertson ; ball calf, D Robertson, J Bennet, Jno McCall; heifer calf, R Corley, D Cook ; hard of darbame, D Robertson. R Corley. Jerseys- Bali over two years, G A Deadman ; milob sow, 4 yea or over, W Armetreng, G A Deadmoa ; milah cow, auder 4 yrs, G A Deadman ; two year old heifer, \V Armstrong ; yearling hgif. er, W Armstrong. Grade Cattle -Cow, R Harrison 1•& 2, Jno Broadtcot & Son ; two year old heifer, W Helps, R Corley H Black ; one year o'd heifer, T Davideoe, W Helps, R Horrieon ; two year old steer, D Robert- son, D Cook, T Davidson ; one year old steer, T Davideoa 1 & 2, le Harrigan ; steer °elf, T Davidson, R Harrison, Jae Shedden ; heifer calf, D Scott, R Har. risou 2 & 8 ; tat atw or heifer, D Boort, Jno M.oKinuon, D Cook ; fat ox or steer, R Hdrrieon, T Davidson 2 & 3. Judges -S Johnston and A Johnston, Fordwiah. Sheep. Leiaeetera.-Aged ram, J J Wooloott ; aborting ram, 3 8 Cowan, J J Wooloott, MoDonteld re Turnbull ; ram lamb, Mo Donald & Turobah, J 8 Cowan, d & Jno Barr ; ewe, J J Woolaott, MD Ooael Turnbull, 3 8 Cowan ; eheorliog ewe, 3 S Cowen, McDonald & Turnbull, J J Woolcott ; ewe lamb, McDonald & Turu• bull, J 8 Cowan, J Barr ; pen of leioeeter sheep, 3 3 Wooloott, J 8 ()Owen, McDon- ald & Turnbull. Dowao and their Grades. -Aged ram, ram lamb, ewe, having raised lamb in 1904, ehearling ewe, ewe lamb, and pen, A Stevenson 1 & 2. Lincoln and Ootewold -Aged ram, R Corley ; ram lamb, R Corley 1 & 2 ; ewe, R Corley 1. & 2, Jno Barr ; ebearliog ewe, J Barr, B, Corley 2 & 9 ; ewe Iamb, R Corley 1 & 2 ; pen, R Corley 1 & 2. Jadge-Wm Roy, Bornholm. Piga, Berkehire-Boar, 1 year and over, boar, under 1 year, sow, 1 year and over, Bow, ander 1 year, J 8 Cowan 1 & 2. Yorkshire -Boar, 1 year and over, boar, under 1 year, R Niohol ; oaw, 1 year and over, Bow, ander 1 year, R Niohol 1 & 2. Tamworth -Sow, 1 year and over, W Armstrong ; beet pen of plg0, any age or breed, R Niobrl. Judges --A W and R R Sloan, Blyth. rooftree Guinea fowl, J MoKinnon 1 & 2 ; dark brahmae, G W Irwin ; light brohmoo, barred rooks, G W Irwio 1 & 2 ; while rooks, Jno MoKinnon, R Corley ; Fo• lands, G W Irwin 1& 2; Bantams, G W Irwin, Jno McKinnon ; dorkioe, oohing, wyandottee, blank minoraae, turkeys, G W Iewin 1 & 2 ; geese, 0 Turnbull ; rotten ducks, R Niohoi, ti W Irwin ; game fowl, fowl any other named breed, G W Irwin 1&2, Judge, Jae Henderson, Wingham. entpleutente. Patent arm wagon, J Oober & Sone, J E 8peiraa ; one horse covered buggy, D Ewan, JlOober & Sone • otter, D Ewan, 3 Cotter & Sone ; eat doabletreee and Neoltyoke, J Cober & Sone ; Farm Gate, It Close wheelbarrow, J E Speiren, J Oober & Sone. ladge0-T L Jobb, Wingham ; T Hemphill, Wroxeter. 4lraln White tali wheat, 3 K Wise, 8 Wise, Jas Burgess ; red tall *beat, J K Wise, 8 Wise, D Taylor ; barley 4 or 6 rowed, S Wise, 3 '113 Wise, 3 Broadfoot & Son ; black oats, J K Wise, 8 Wise; white oats, S Wise, J K Wise, Geo Kerr ; small pearl, S Wise, J K Witte, Geo Karr; large pose, Jaa Speir, 8 Wise, 3 K Wise ; timothy seed, 3 I{ Wise, Jae Speir, D Taylor. Judge -R Graham, Brummels, Fruit Balciwine, R Corley, Goo Kerr ; f,mi- uess, Geo Kerr, le Corley 1 king of temp, kips co, 3 K Wise, Jaa Evans; mann, Joe Speir, A Stewart ; northern epics, Jae Speir, Jas Burgess ; le I Greeniuga, Was Evan'', Jae Spate ; golden russets, R Corley, J W Edgar ; epitzenburg, Jae, Spelt ; blenbaim pippins, D Taylor, Jar' Spelt ; tohnan sweets, W Armstrong, Geo Kerr ; Ontario, W Armstrong, Tao. Broadfoot & Bou ; wealthy, Jae Spare, 300 Broadtoot & Son ; ribabon pippins, Jos Evau9, Alex Stewart ; colverte, Juo MOICiunon, Thor, Davidson ; roxbury russets, Mrs 1: Stewart, Rev Jno Ross ; Canada red, Jae Speir, Geo Johnston ; stark, Juo McKinnon ; fallawater, Jno &IoKinuon, Juo 30 Fells; geaveuseeire Grace M Stowell, (riot known) ; maiden's blush, Grace M Stewart, Alex Stewart ; phoenix, Geo Johnston ; peewaukee, Jno Broadfoot & Son, Juo MoKiunon ; ben davis, Jno McKinnon, Jae Evaus ; 6 varieties of winter apples, Jaa Evaus, Jae Speir ; 6 varieties of fall Apples, Jas Speir, Genoa M Stewart ; fall pears, Grace M Stewart, Jaa Speir ; winter pears, Joe Speir, Juo E Fella ; plums, W Armstrong, Mre J 1t Smith ; clustate of grapes, Jno E Fells, Alex Stewart ; oraba, Mrs E Stewart, J K Wise ; apples, any variety not in list, Jesse Wilbee, A, Cousley ; varieties of plums, W H Mc- Cracken ; gninoe, Jno E Fells, Judge -A Sheen, Blyth. Roo18 and Hoed Crepe Early potatoes, R Close, Jas Burgess ; )ate potatoes, A Speir, Jno Moliiunon, Jae Evaoe, D Taylor ; collection of potatoes, W H McCracken, A Speir ; Swede turnips, R Corley, Jae Burgess ; turnips, Geo John- ston, W Armstrong ; white field oarrote, Jno McKinnon, Jaa Burgess; alteingham carrots, Jaa Evans, W H MoOraolten ; scarlet oautee, Jae Evans, E Garvin ; early horn carrots, Jesse Wilbae, A. Speir ; long blood beets, Geo Johnston, Jae Evans ; blood turnip beets, Geo Johnston, Jae Evans ; white sugar beets, W H McCracken ; white sugar beets for factory, Jno Broadfoat & Son, JABEvans ; parsnips, Jaa Burgess, W H McCracken ; maogel warza)s, long red, W H MoOraak- en ; yellow globe mangels, W H McCracken ; red globe mangels, W H McCracken ; long yellow mangels, W H MaCraaken ; winter radishes, W H Mc- Cracken. 'Vegetables Onions, from seed, rad, Mre Hale, W H McCracken ; onions, from seed, yellow, Mrs Bele W H McCracken ; onions from seed, giant room, W H McCracken ; onions from top sets, W H McCracken onions, from dutch sets, W H MaCraok- en, Mrs E Sellers ; one quart top onions, W H MoOraaken ; ono quart dutch seta, W H McCracken ; one gallon potato onions, W Robb, W 1[ Mo0rack- en ; ooru, yellow Canada, J K Wise ; corn, white flint, no let, W H McCrack- en ; corn, yellow dent, no let,W H Mc- Cracken ; collection of corn, named varieties, winter cabbage, curled savoy and red piokling cabbage, %V H Mc- Crsoke° ; cauliflower, Mies Kelly, W H McCracken ; pumpkin, yellow field, W H MoOraoken, E Garvin ; mammoth pumpkin, squash, and collection, W H McCracken ; large tomatoes, Mies Kelly, W H MoOraoken ; plum or cherry toma- toes, no let, W H McCracken ; butter beans, Jesse Wilbee, Jae Evans ; wkite beans, E Garvin, Jesse Wilbee; beaus of any variety, E Garvin, W H McCracken ; striped citrons, eV H McCracken ; long Californian citron, Jas Evans ; water- melons and muskmelons, W H McCrack- en ; cucumbers, Jas Evans, 1? 5 Scott ; white and pink celery, W H McCracken ; sunflower, Jae Evans. Judge -T 0 Graham, Wingham, Dairy Produce Home made tub butter, Wm Arm- strong, W Wilkinson J W Edgar ; table butter, Wm Armstrong, G A Deadman, W Wilkinson, Juo E Fells, Jesse Wilbae ; colored faotory cheese, W B Thomson, J K Brown ; home made cheese, S Wise, J K Wise. Judge -W M Robinson, Wroxeter. Deniealie Manufactures Flannel, Mre Zoliner, Mre Geo Notb ; blankets, Mrs E Stewart, Mrs Geo Nott ; rag carpet, with woolen wrap, J W Ed- gar ; counterpane, Mrs Geo Nott, Mre E Stewart ; home spun yarn, W H McCracken, Mra Geo Nott ; specimen of daruiug, Mrs Geo Nott, Mre Zollner ; maple sugar, W H McCracken, D Tay- lor ; maple molasses, Mre E Sellers, W Wilkinson ; honey, comb, G AHeadman ; strained or extracted honey, G A Dead- man, W Armstrong; grape wine, W H MoCraoken, Mre W Wilbae ; rhubarb wine, Mre Bele, P Scott ; atrawberry wine, W H McCracken ; tomato wine, W H McCracken, Mre Hale • elderberry wine, Mrs W Wilbae, Mre Hale; tomato catsup, P Scott, Mre W Wilbae ; apple jelly, Jae Evans, W Armstrong ; rhu- barb jelly, Mre E Sellers ; raspbery jelly, Mre E Stewart, Mrs W Wilbae ; jelly from any fruit, named, Armstrong, Jae Evans ; loaf home made bread, white, 300 McKinnon, J W Edgar, W Wilkinson ; loaf of home made brown bread, Jas Evane, W Arm- strong, J W Edgar ; fruit oake, W Arm- strong, JW Edgar ; jelly oaks, J W Ed- gar, Jno McKinnon ; oatmeal cakes, Jno McKinnon, J W Edgar ; short bread, D Taylor, Jae Evans ; collection of canned fruits, W H lylo0racken. eianaiitetnrea Set of double faun harness, Jno Don- aldson ; single buggy harness, Jno Donaldson, B F Carr ; axe boodle, Dun- can Taylor, Geo Johnston, Judge -Chas Kuechtel, Wingham, Ladies' Work Applique work, Mre E Stewart, L B Fisher ; fauoy tea nosy, Mre Zollener, Mrs Hele ; five o'olock tea oloth worked in silk, Mrs Zollener, Mre Hale ; tray oloth, I1 B Fisher, Mre Zollener ; batten - burg work, Mre Geo Nott, Mre Hele ; fancy toilet set, Mre Geo Nott, Mra Zollener ; fancy pin million, L B Fisher, Mre E Stewart ; fancy bedroom slippers, L B Fisher, Mee Zollener ; whisk holder,, Mre Zollener, Mrs Geo Nott ; fancy foot stool, L 33 Fisher, Mrs Zollener ; mantle drape, L Ii Fiehar, Mre Nott ; picture scarf, Mrs Zollener, Mre Nott ; fauoy photo frame, Mre Zollener, Mrs E Stewart ; table centre plea°, Mre E Stewart, Mrs Note;set of doileya, ''Mre E Stewart, Mrs Zolener ; set of oroohet table mate, Mrs Bele, Mre E Stewart ; mat hooked, Mrs Halo, Mre Nott ; batten wreath, W H McCracken ; crochet work, cotton, Mre E Stewart, Mre Hale; crochet work, wool, L 13 Fisher, Mre llelo ; crochet in silk, M M Cardiff, Mrs E Stewart ; drawn work, Mre W Moe McKenzie, Mre Hele. embroidery, ootton or mualin, Mrs W McKenzie, Mre 17 -T!iX 11itU,`.3kirel1, POki'X' .... *,. 66•,,.,0..1...;,lm•••, • .,.. ,,.„".w.,, ,, _ - S,toware; embruidery on woreted, alrs ''ie ; embroidery on Bilk Hide, 131thri 1 Lav Mrs 11 ltetaare, ;ArZellouor ; 1100 ahirb, Mrs McKeuzle, Mre Ilale ; fauoy knitting in mitten, Ales E Stowurt, airs Nott ; fancy knitting in wool, L B Pieper, Mrs E Stewart; feather atituhing, L 13 r'iahst, Mee Zolleuer ; point lana, litre Hole, Mrs Zollener ; 11100, houiton, alre Zollener, L B Fisher ; fauoy glove, bendkerabie£ and Dollar and cuff oases, Mies (larder, Alm Zollener ; embroidery on bolting cloth, M111 Zolleuer, L 13 Fisher ; woolleu lofts, Mrs Zolleuor, Mrs Hole ; woollen gloves, Mre Zollener, L 13 Fisher ; netting, L B Fisher, Mrs McKenzie ; crochet quilt, Mrs J D Warwick, \V 1i MoOrackou ; patoliwork quilt, Mrs Nott, Mee Zollener, Mee Hale ; log cabin quilt, Mrs Nutt, W H MaOrockeu 1 fauoy quilt, 3 W Edgar, Mre Zollener ; knitted quilt, Mre Hole, Mrs Notb, Mre E Stewart ; rag mat, Mrs Bole, Mra Nott ; mount melliuk work, L 13 Fisher, Mrs Zolleuer ; rope silk, Mra Hale, Mra Le Stewart ; Ronnie embroid- ery, Mre Zolleuer, L 13 Fisher ; lamp screen, Mee Zullauer, Miss Carder; draw- ing room or Are screen, L B Fisher, Mrs Nott ; sofa pillow, embroidered, elm Zolleuer, Mrs Nett ; sofa pillow, patch work, Alias Carder, John MUKinnou ; woollen stookings, Mrs Hale, L B Fisher; cotton Mealtime, Mre E Stewart, Mrs MoKeuzie ; woollen socks, Mrs Nott, Mrs Zollener ; oottou seeks, ere McKenzie, Mrs Nott ; teneriffe lace, Mrs Zollener, Miss Fisher ; embroidered huckabaok oeutrepieon, Mise Carder, Mre Hele ; out- liue work, Mre Nott, Mrs Hale; collection of ladies' fauoy work, Mre Zolleuer, Mrs Note. Judges-Mre N Prendergast, Seaforth, and Mra W M Robinson, Wroxstor. Flue Arta Collection of amateur photographs, Rev 1John Roes ; pyrogapby, Mrs Hale 1 &11 ; pen and ink Bketchee, Mrs Bele, Mies Carder ; peuoil drawing, Miss Car- der, lire Hele ; water color landscape or marine, Mrs Tele, Miss Carder ; water oolor figures, Miss Carder 1 & 2 ; oil painting landscape or marine, Mre Xele, Miss Carder ; oil figures, Miss Carder ; black crayon drawing, Mrs Bele, Miss Miss Carder ; colored crayon drawing, Miss Carder, Mrs Bela ; painting 013 bolting oloth, Miea Carder, Mrs Bele; painting 00 pottery or ohiva, Miss Carder; painting on eiik or velvet, Mies Carder, Miss Hale ; painting ou placgaee or trays, Mies Carder, L B Fisher ; painting on glass in oil, Miss Carder, Mrs Hale ; painted china, Miss Carder, Mrs Hele ; boy's peomouehip, Mre JR, Smith ; girl's penmanship, Grace M Stewart, Mrs J R Smith. Flowers and plants Table boquet, Mre E Sellers ; hand boquet, not known, Jae Evans ; button hole or dress boquet, Grace M Stewart, Mies Kelly ; collection of out flowers, Mrs E Sellers, Miss Kelly ; colleotion of dahlias, nus E Sellers, W H McCracken ; pansies, Jae Evans, miss Kelly ; phlox drummoudi, Jas Evans, nus le'tellers ; asters, W H McCracken, Jas Evans ; stocks, errs E Sellers, Jas Enna ; petuu- iae, errs E Sellers, W H MoOrauken ; African marigolds, arra W Wilbee, erre B. Sellers ; french marigolds, Jae Evans ; dianthus, Grace er Stewart, W H Mc- Cracken ; gladiolus spikes, Blies Belly ; verbenas, Grace a Stewart, cru E Sellers ; ahryeauthemume, erre E Sellers, Jae Evans; pereuuial phlox, Grace rt r•tew- art, nue J R Smith ; double hollyhocks, Jae Evens, arra J R Smith ; 000kacombs, arra E Sellers ; oolleotion of ornamental grasses native, Grace u Stewart ; collec- tion of ornamental fruits, Thos David- son, ares J R Smith ; 6 varieties of out- door flowers, ales Kelly, erre J R Smith ; oolleotion of noxious weeds, G A Dead- man, Lizzie Chambers, Judges-Mre (Rev) Omens and J_ H Cameron. • Special 'prizes Standard Bank's special for butter, W Artnatroug ; W H Kerr, for bread, J W Edgar ; W H Kerr, for butter, W Arne. strong ; Postmaster Farrow, for address- ed envelope, Thos Davidson, G A Dead- man, Allan Speir ; for naming the largest number of varieties of apples on exhibi- tion, Glen Armstrong and Harold Speir tied for let and lad, Jas Armstrong, John Speir ; the Secretary's special for leaves, W Armstrong, Thos Dazideon ; A E Mellish, oolleotiun of Winter apples, R Corley, Grace M Stewart, 3 W Edgar ; Richards' Pure Soap Co'e apeciale-Nov- elty in ladies' work, Jae Evans; oolleotion of sofa pillows, Mrs Nott ; scones, Mre P Scott. Dr J A MoNaaghton, for best roadster, John Schaefer, W Dulmage; W H McCracken's speoial-Swede turnips, -W Armstrong, Jas Burgess ; long red mangels, W Armstrong ; yellow giant intermeiiate mangels, W Armstrong, Stratford'e aesentment gives a popula- tion of 12,241. A. B, Avleaworth bar ,cooeented to eon in Durham. London'a poiulatian has iuoreaeed 1,500 the pest year. The Contereuo of Charities and Corrections met at London, Norman Simpson has been appointed Crown Attorney for Algoma. R. E. McMilliame, independent ono• didote in Petarboro' West, has retired. Dr. W. H. Muldrew, of the Mnodonald Institute, 0. A. 0, Guelph, died euddan• lyA man named Mareball, from, Barrie, dropped dead wbi a eating dinner at Naw• markets At Terrebone, Qae„ burglars entered the Proviaoial ,Bank end obteioed $1,800 from the 'titre. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was bengdelled at Qaebe°, and atierwarda addressed a large meeting of electors. The yield of the wheat orop of Manito- ba and the Territories le now estimated at 65,000,000 bushels. Edward Slaughter wee eentonoed to be hanged at Sandwich on December 22 for the murder of John Rudder. The streamer Hiawatha oarried away two gotea in look No. 1 of the We land Oaaal and the notal will be oloeod for several daye for repairs. Watotloo ratepayers voted two by Iaw,e, one to loan $10,000 to the Canada For. Moire elanufltoturere, and the other for 620,000 to purohaee and enlarge the gag plant, Lleutr0uh Pellatt was in Ottawa and obtained permission of the Minister of Milian to take the Queen'd Own Regi- ment to Buffalo on the invitation of the 74th Regiment, National Goarde, Jonathan George, the colored man who was aooneed of murdering Mre, DIiza Williams, wboae dead body was foiled fu her home 04Bandwioh on April 5th loot, has been liberated b cause the wort held that the prosecution had felled to establiab a ogee against him, tA,wc got gclivikt pox Is Leal Option workable in advanoiug the (Imo el '1.'emperaooe ? To the Etlitmr o1 Tnic r'oa'r: Dean ern, --Hering your gentian )Bade nee tv nut:; eat au at.awer. The fleet idea that etr,ltte me is what do you mean by the word Tomperanoe 1 1)o you mean thereby true Temperance, which as 1 take it is derived from the Latin Tampere, Temperore, to regalsle, to fn's properly, to temper, hence nmoderatio, ; or the prvetituted nee of the word heartoday, meaning Prohibition, No matter wbiolt nteauing ie token my answer lvunid be emphetioaily No 1 Tour readers will an• donbtedly nay, Why? This le a big question to answer In a smell ammo, and therefore I oanaot e,eborale. Briefly it may be put something like this :- There is a attbetente known ae alcohol whish forma the intoxioaliog principle in n variety of beverages. The moderate nee of these, the wise use, thelproper nae, the legitimate use, the ueoeeeery nee, is eaoatioued both by God, and all sensible people, The immoderate, toolieb, im• proper, ualawftie need:nee use le on. demued both by God and all sensible people. It orn only, therefore, be with reepeot to the mooed alums that your gnestion pertains. Therefore is narrows heed down to this. Will Local Option help 10 the 0ae0 of the man who drinks to exoese? Again Ieay, No 1 'rheauewer? Beoanee Local Option means eipipiy the closing up (it the law ie enforced) of the bars. In other words the ael,ng of what is 0 dtmger to the extensive- drlukor in small goautttiee is utttmptsd to he stopped but the selling of the name cutlets to the earns men In larger goattbi tiea goe0 on, We hear en all sults by Prohibitionists of "the slavery of drink." Do y. le think Ha man ie a slave to drink, that it he cannot buy a gill he ie going to tree himself from hie slavery when he oan buy a galiou ? It is aboard the very thought. But experieuoe proves you minuet or do not, put it how you please, Diose the bare eftentuelly, therefore you will .have under Loatl Option the illicit eeliiug of small quantities and tate legal selling of larger. Again, under Local Option, you will hove places adjacent seeing smaller quantities legally and the slave naturally, sometimes at le -at, will wend his way thither. It le tits old, old story of righteoosneee by law, a Memel faiinre ever eiuce the days 01 Monet Bivai. Law never made a man sober or moral, or never will. Law reveals to a man hie otter inability to it. 'Ibare ie one thing only Ihet will 00 031 OV r make I�i��9t1� rib ROTIGES n men Bober, the emu,' of elect, and 1110 fry Uf it is the,. were, numbers of so °shad mtnletere of the Goep'l, went teeny meeting amide a0 neelese the Keit( hin0 of the Gospel to stem therewith t1n- 1110 of lutein prranoe ; and enbati luting Ihot eters o human (1ovlae debt ie las enworltttble Ito it id u, In', wda if put int> force, Yours, Jany IlANernali O,i,tbon, Oa. , 7, 1904. POLITICAL MEETINGS ELECTORS Come and hear the questions of the day dieeuased. Dr0 Macdonald the Liberal candidate in Dist Huron, hoe arranged to hold meetings during the campaign us follows : Whitechurch Monday, Opt. 17 Blyth .., Tuesday, Wt. 18 Hnover'e Sohool, E. Wawanosh ...,Wednesday, Oot. 19 Oranbrook Thursday, Oot. 20 Town Hall, Morrie Friday, Cot. 21 Belgrave Saturday, Oot. 22 Lekelet Monday, Oat. 24 Fordwioh 'ruseday, Out. 25 Ethel Wednesday, Oct. 26 Brussels, (uomioation, afternoon) Thursday, Qat. 27 Walton Tbureday, Oct. 27 Wroxeter Friday, Oot, 28 Bluevale Saturday, Out. 29 Belmore atouday, Oot. 31 Wiugham Tuesday, Nov. 1 Gerrie Wednesday, Nov. 2 Dr, Macdonald the candidate and others will address these meetiuge. The Conservative oendidate or anyone in hie behalf will be given au opporunity to speak at the meetings. e All meetings will oommeooe at 7.30 9. to., sharp. Ladies are respeotfully invited to be present. GOD SAVE THE KING. )fen's 'Walking Shoes. •••• Good solid wear, and real comfort in our men's heavy street shoes. Built to wear and stand *the walking which you will certainly feel like doing when you wear them. All the best makes, in all shapes, sizes and widths, are here. •Easy to get a fit -easy shoes to wear, and hard to wear out. If you buy from us you carry home money which you expected to spend. How do these prices strike you :- Men's Shoes $1.25 to $400 L'adiee' Shoes from, ,,.$ 100 to 68.50 Ohildren'e Shoes at all priee0. HARNESS DEPARTMENT , A tine 0toolt of Plush and Wool Rugs at lowest prices, Also Rubber Ruga. Hermes, both Heavy and Light, all our own make and workmanship guttrauteed. A oomfortablo home and e• area land for sale 1 !Mite of all kinds. ini...4111@aa.•ae..••••.,s BUGGIES ! BUGGIES ! IS THE BEST Beware of Imitators and Imitations. .101011'10.1040,101101101101011011011 Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods. Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would - he competitors distanced in numbers. We have still a few of these "Old Reliablos" in up-to-date Finish and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call as We can oortainly interest you. Best Goods Procurable at Mose Prices. We have a number of other makes to show you, including the "Platteville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph." Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other makes, for sale at low prices. N. a ch ,in I t HEAD OF YEAR. 01.1) rattle, h, gond condition, for sale. App)ytit f1o• 10, 0011 0, Gray, 10011 by letter to1011111', (>, 1t0151011'r BLAIIC. .- QTRAYED O NTHE PRE1 E- 0,0 IJ 3.100%01°1! ruen ne 1 °Ir ths,tlttldAncnstersigu°1410.1,111,01‘t 125. 11,130110,n80, 00100,.0ol4d. ebo gray boiler, Owner Is rtq,urated to prove property, pay expellant and take her away, 11:1. J. JAOICLIN, 0-tf , Ethel N, 0, 't� ANTED.- SPECIAL REP'-'Y� 3110aOrrrATI00 in this county and ad- joining territories, to represent and nava - doe au old aatablielod business honor, of salad Uunooe,l shutting. Salary $21 weakly, with expe,see ndvsuu°d each Monday by Meek d root front headtlunrtere. Horse anti buggy furnished when neooeeary ; posi- tion permanent, Address blew Area, 3r, 00„ Ito:m 010 Monett Bldg., Chicago, 111. ZEAL ESTATE. 200 Awn FARM F010 SALE being Lots .50 and 07, 151 Con., Toruberry, Good brisk Rooms. bunk baro, 00 acres heavy bother. Apply to 11. A. SNELL, Jau,esbowu, Out. 18 1 1ARD'Ioinret 0131 o SALE.- (+00]) Town- ship oI Oft refs, Huron °aunty. For garblo- ulars apply to J BENNETT. 8 11 550 Bathurst et, Toronto. A.v0R Sm -,P OR TO RENT.- The undersigned offers the 100 non farm, being Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, for sato or to rout. (:cmlortnbla brne0, bank barn, or- ol,ard; walia, &5. Ther° aro 00 antes to geese, 10 acres of Fall Wheat will he lint iu and 20 acres of Fall plowing dope. harm is only 1 mile from tbu tbrivii g village of Ethel, For farther particulars me .10 3rleo, terms, &o„ apply to MISS SPENCE, EthelP.O. 'fi'ARiO FOR SALE. -TILE unman -Pan offers offers for solo her clue fano beteg N1 Lot 14, Oo,, 14, NeKIllop township. There aro 6 acres of good hardwood bush and balance :neared. Ou the promises to a comfortable brick house, bank barn, driv- ing shed and windmill, supplying water to both house and stables. Well feuoed, wall uudordrained, young orchard, &a, Posses- sion this Fall if desired, Parra Is ase of the Meanest in the township. Only 2 mile from school u,.1 3 miles from Walton village, For further particulars as to price, terms, &e., apply ou the promisee to 51110. TIS OS. OAIKL EY, or Walton P.O. 04f T4'ARIES FOR SALE, - 330 awns Bret-olasa laud in the Tawumble of Groy-bot 10, Co,. 14. Ill/Beret ; Lot 17, Con 11, 100 acres ; and Wl Lot 18, Oan, 14, 50 acres -200 acres A11 iu excellent condi- tine with Oreb.chaes buildings; brick house with all modern couvouteneee, and largo bank barn, root and straw Boase, stables, &o. Well watered. Front 85 to 40 acres of good hurdtvuoll bush. 1,01 10, Cuu, 18, cou- tuinlut 100 nares of 1i1'at-chins land, good frame house and large bank baro nearly now. The property eau be sold In two or three 11areale t0 suit parebaaela. Terme liberal. Also a commodious dwelllug house and lot in R,ussels, For Dottier particu- lars apply to the owner on the promises, LAI:WOLIN AloN1411, or to JNO, L1(0311E, Brussels. 21•tf Om'r, 111, 1904 A L A N 2 , 0 S z is now at the stables of his owners, Scott & "Waz'w clk BRUSSELS, 1'Slhero he will stand for Service for the balance of the season. WANTED Men and Teams for work on Cho Guelph and Godorloh Railway, Wages $.150 to $175 per day for tdau, aid $350 for Teams Apply at rho ogles of the undersigned at Milverton. 5. R. McQuigge, 10.202 CONTRACTOR, MILVE1tTON, ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY Royal hail Steamers Prom Montreal From Qnabeo Ionian Sept. t'0.0 a.w. Sep, 80.8 80 p.m Bavarian Oct, 7, 0 a.m. 001. 7, 11 pm Parisian ...,001.14, 880 a.m. 0ot.14, 4 Tunisian Oct 21. 0 a rn. Oot. 21, 11 p.m BATHS 00 PA99A011 First cabin -$50 and upwards, according to steamer and aoc,.m mode bleu. Second enbio-Liverpool & I,oudot:derry -S80 and $$85. Louaou $1.50 extra. 19d rd-clave-Suportur aosmum0datiou, 815 to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow and Louden. Through tickets to South Africa. Montreal. to Glasgow 1)11.0ct 0oriitbiau 'Tours., Sept. 20 (Daylight) Neer Toror 10 (;ltl,getr Mongolian Thursday, Sept, 20, 11 a.m Low rates by abovo Glasgow steamers ou application to W. Q. KERR, Agent, Brussels. FALL AND DO rL ,+EAT9iER is bare again end cool weather makes us think of Stevie end how to keep warm in Winter. It you ere think;ug of purebaeiug a new Stove or Rouge this Fall call end see our lines of Htgd aloes RANGES and STOVES AMONG THE1I ARE THE Mede btry, Famous Pandora Range, by MoOof Lpndou The Dockash and. World's Favorite manges, The Silver King and Garland line of Stoves and Ranges - ALL COAL AND WOOD BURNERS. See our Lines of Base Burners and Air Tight Coal Stoves. Agents for the Famous Every Stove Guaranteed "Queen" Air Tight Wood Heaters. to wont Perfect, 34 timatr•e on Fnruaee Contracts freely given. Prices ltlght. Ilton COAL Ile STOOK nbull HARDWARE AND STOVES. Y ARCMS lilt WHILE we have had", splendid season in selling Buggies and Wagons we have still quite a number on hand, the Best and most alp -to -date that can be got anywhere. If you require a Buggy or Wag- on don't miss calling on the old reliable °ober Carriage Works that has been in constant operation for fifty years and given the best of satisfaction to the number- less customers during all those years. 'We are more fully than ever prepared to meet the requirements of the public in our line of business in style, duality and price. J. COBER & SONS CARRIAGE FACTORY, - BRUSSELS. Aratotrommair i• N • • Ap: 4