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The Brussels Post, 1904-10-13, Page 3
y.: IlEALTII 4. dF4g,44" ,4' ,.3'.p't''+''f+%F+"'it,+ fi'i' HEALTH lea A HIIU.1IT. Health iii really a habit. Tho Habit of living light. We, tiro about nine - tenths Wilt anyhow, and 1f we gut into right habits of living wo shall' have little trouble In keeping our- selves in prisms condition, physically and mentally. It may Ile a little hard at first, re- (mir'ing some soli -denim to break up bad habits mid to got started right, but after tho good Habits aro once establisher) the benefit from. then] will bo so delightful that there will be no temptation to fall bats( into the old habits. 13 you get into the habit of going without breakfast, or eating just a light, wholesome breakfast of cereals and fruit, or soft, -boiled eggs and whale wheat bread and butter, you will 1111(1 ' yourself feeling so much better that you will no longer crave a horrid breakfast of but biscuit and bacon, pancakes and syrup, o1' fried potatoes and sausage. You will wonder how you over thought such a breakfast was nice at all, and you will really crave the wholesome food instead of the former indigestible breakfast. So you will find it for dinner and supper. After you form the habit of eating only clean, di- gestible food you will have no de- sire for the other, and will feel so full of vitality and good nature that you will never want to go back to tho old, bad 'habits of eating. Bathing is a Habit, too. If 'you only take a bath once a week you will not think a doily bath neces- sary because you don't know any thing about it. You will not miss it because you are not in tho habit of taking it. But just commence to take a bath every morning or every evening end you will soon find that it would be a great deprivation to go without it. A cold bah in the morning followed by a quick towel run will make you feel so good, so wide awake and so full of life, that you will find it just as 0e1108Sary to your comfort as eating or sleeping. The morning bath will soon become just as much a lillhit as putting on Your clothes, combing your hair, or washing your Farre. Covet into the Habit of breathing properly. It is just as easy to l;reatI1e deeply, using the diaphragm, as it is to uso•only the chest. Ex- pand UM lungs and 311 them full of air every rimming, and every time through the clay you think of it. You will like to do it after a While, ftyou will be breathing finally deeply all the time without giving the matte:' very mulch attention. Your lungs will be so much stronger and your blood so much purer. But good physical habits are not all, The mental Habits must also bo regulated. If you are in the ha- bit of talking about every little 111, pain or ache, stop it right off, and talk health instead. Speak kindly of your body, think that every or- gan is in perfect order doing its work naturally. Don't think you have to tell somebody every time your head aches, or your heart pal- pitates, or your stomach refuses to digest 80010 go•rid food you have forced upon it. There are so many other things' to talk about, Just leave your little complaints and aches out of the conversation. It is just a habit you have fallen into of talking about yourself, and you tan form the habit of talking about mora interesting and cheerful Pilings if you want to, and you will be a far more 'delightful person to talk with, It ought not be necessary to toll any one that they should not allow themselves to become angry or envi- ous or jealous or bitter. Nevar en- tertain thoughts of hatred or revenge toward any one. It will hurt you more then any one Digo. THa body cannot be healthy ifthe mind is fill- ed with fear and worry, auger or malice, morbid or gloomy thoughts. Oct into the Habit of looking on the sunshiny side of life. There is a bright side to everything if you are determined to find it. Cleanliness has a powerful influence on the health and' preservation of the body. Cleanliness of person, as well as in ow' garments and dwel- lings, prevents the pe'nieioue effects of dampness, of bad smells, and of contagious vapors arising from sub- stances abandoned to putrefy; clone- lines keeps up a free perspiration, renews the nit', refreshes the blood, and 0V011 animated anis enlivens the mind. Wo readily see that 3erse 115 attentive to the cleanliness of their persons and habitats aro trio morn healthy, and loss oxpesod to dis- eases than diose who live in •11111) end dirtiness, and it may be noted that cleanliness brings with it, throughout oughout every part of demesne discipline, habits of order and ar- rangement, which are among the first and best methods -and elements of happiness. BRILLIANT CLOCKS, 'Pilo mtetieipgllty of Berlin has de- ckled ecited to hang clocks, worked by el 'oeiri.elty and in bonneetion with 1110 Observatory, at all the principal, co'- 11er8 of the leading elevate, The dials of these clocks will be illumin- ated at right.. They will bo suspond- cd from the poles supporting tlic electric looms which light the streets. A beginning has been made with seventeen c101118, and should the experiment snceee(1 800 of these clocks will be scattered ever the city, A NATURAL, CONCCLiJSION, '130 you want to merry any dalgli- t( ," lou141110i the old genfl(z11na1. "1certainly do," replied 3!10 youth, ''Well, what a'O yon' prospects?'' i ers kiwi 1be old gentlemen. '•lTy ea le rair," replied the youth, "the )'respects cif any follow 13110 marries the daughter of it matt 1(5 19th rind influential as you a1'3 ought to be 0i(l(liltli(1,1" - CAPE TO CAIRO LINE. Being Pushed on, to Khartoum from the South. -lapid progress is now being mato with the construction of the Cane to (Jairo Railway, tend the route which the line will traverse towards Khartoum has been tentatively de- cided upon, At present, the line is in pregrets: of construction on the north' sl(le of \'irtoritt Fells, towards Kalman, while the work of erecting the huge bridge which will cross the falls is STRAINED DIS BACK Y'l.ILE LIFTING WAS IN A BAD WAY TILL HE USED 3IQDD'S KIDNEY PILLS, They Removed the Bad Effects and Now William Sharam is as Well as Ever Again. Hurray Harbor Smith, P PEI„ Oata pt'ieexling from either side The 1.0-(Spre!al).-•-liurt thrinigh St bridge is expected to be conipleteil by ing 11111 baek while lifting, Mr. the end of this ,veru, ural 11)11 nae- lyillinm Shaman, general stens tkecpe tion to Kalonto-100 miles in longus here, got so weak that the could n 1'1118 months later, scarcely hold up, To -clay he is en - 1t is hoped by the time the Kai- joying the hest of health once morn Onto lino is finished that (1120 11(0- and when asked stow ha got his 11001111 mends will have been (0,0o for 11x. Hack lie uulic.5it.ntangly aeswcrs, tending the eitIl vay another 251) "Dodd's Kidney fills." 1011(8 to the coI•per district north of. "I laving sprained my hack with the :Kafue river, and then the pro- heavy lifting," Mr. Shltram says in jest is to carry the line to Lake telling his story, "it brought on Ur- 1'ungunyika, inary and Kidney Trouble, I got so The railway will traverse the weak that I almost: fainted and could north of Eastern ithodegfa to the 80are0137 hold up. I was terribly south end of 1,e lake, 1t has not troubled with Having to get out of yet been decided whether the line will bed sv frequentiy to urinate. - follow the eastern shore of the wat- "After using many medicines with orway or whether steamers on the lake will be employed to continuo trio means of communication. The railway, however, will be join- ed with the Uganda line, and then pushed northwards past Ji'aslloda to Khartoum. Until the epuntl•y has been thor- n -uglily surveyed, however, tt is im- possible to estimate the length of time 11ece05tuy to provide direct overland caminunication between the Cape Ind Cairo. TITLED AND DEPRESSED. The Condition of Many Young Women in Shops and Offices. Thousands of young women have to depend -upon their own efforts to gain a livlihood, and to these, whe- ther behind the counter, in the office, the factory or the home, work means close confinement -often fn badly ven- tilated rooms. Thee 18 a strain on the nerves; the blood becomes im- Poverishad; the cheeks pale; utero are frequent headeolies; palpitation of the 110a•t and a constant tiredness. If the first symptoms are Neglected it may lead to a complete breakdown - perhaps consumption. What is need- ed to restore vim and energy and vitality is a tonic. and absolutely the best tonic in the world is .Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They actually make new blood, and bring health and cheerful energy to tired and de- pressed girls and women, Miss Viola Millett- Robinson's Corners, N. S., soys: "I was a great sufferer front mcadache5. Heart palpitation and troubles that afflict lily sex. 1,2y blood seemed almost to have turned to water, rind the least exertion left mo weak rind d'epr'essed. I used sev- en boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they have made a remarkable change in may condition. I can truly say that I feel like n now person, and I strongly recommend these pills to all weak, ailing girls." Tlieso pills cure all forms of blood and nerve troubles, but you must get the genuine with the 1,111 name Dr.- Williams' r:Williams' Pink hills for Palo Peo- ple on the wrapper around each box. Ask your druggist for them or ,you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writ- ing the Dr. Williams Medicine Oo., Brockville, Ont. 1 CONSUMPTIVE WORKERS. Sanitoriuiu Will Provide Employ- ment for Patients. The National Committee for the Establishment of Sanatoria for Oon- sumptives in England proposes by means of subscribed funds to erect a first sanoboi'lum for the accommoda- tion of 201) patients. 'Phis sanator- ium is to be on a scale which is less expensive than anything hitherto at- tempted, although nothing essential to e0iciemey will be sacrificed, The sanatorium (having been erected, it is. intended to be self -maintaining, in allotting beds a strong preference will be given to patients 1)1 the earliest stages of the disease. Tho affiliated friendly so0ieties and trade unions will bo invited to endow beds at about 25s, per week for the use of their members. OUhee beds will bo supported .by 80101101' societies ro-- quiriag accnsiolf111 accommodation, and, if any bo not taken up, they may bo available for paying patients at a slightly' Inceeesod cost, A fea- ture of the scheme is the proposal that selected patients whose disease Is orreStcd shall perform a certain aliment of outdoor work, and that in time a properly equipped fame for the partial trnining of suitable cases in ngrieelbural and tidied pursuits may bo developed. It is Hoped that in this way they may be fitted for a return to wage-earning in dilbt'ent 0h'cumstelees from diose in which they accp11r01 lonslm1311on, nnti that regrettable relapses may thus be avoided - TITI?� TUNING -FORK, A very simple method of locating fractures in bones, particularly in 1011g ones, by the aid of a tuning - no good results, I tried Dodd's Kid- ney hills, I have used ton boxes in all and now I can sleep without being disturbed and my old trouble has van 1shed." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid- neys. Cured Kidneys cure numerous diseases, including 'Rheumatism, Drop- sy, and Bright's Disease, CURIOUS HIDING PLACES THREE MILLION FRANCS AS PETTICOAT LINING. Money Pound in Statuettes -Where a Hunchback Kept His Wealth. It was only a few weeks since M. Ilousslgue, a Parisian, discovered a nice little treasure concealed in one of the very last places where he would have expected to And it. 1:1e had inherited from an aunt a small statuette to which ho attached very little value, but which nevertheless 11e placed as an ornament in one of his rooms. As luck would !have it, his maid in dusting the sta'11llette one day dropped it on the floor and pres- to! out rolled from its hollow inter- ior a package which on examination proved to contain notes of the value of 31,000 francs, as well as 0 costly diamond ring. This is by no means the only oc- casion 011 which a statuo has been made to serve ilio purposes of a bank, A few years ago an art -col- lector of Kharkoff, in Russia, pur- chased a statue of the Apollo Belve- dere, of which he was very proud. Ono day, his children, when playing, upset the statue and broke it beyond all possibility of repair. The father, when he saw his prixcd statute in fragments, Was furious; but consola- tion came to hint in a most unexpected form, for on examining the fragments he found concealer in a hollow limb a roll of Rusvian bank -notes of the value of 8,000 roubles. With .the notes was a memorandum by a Che- valier 1'irolcheroff, dated 1.843, to the effect that the concealed money wri the fruit of gambling, and that it was Itis intention to use it in the BUILDING OP A CIIIIRCII. A still more (11140us hiding -place for treasure was that chosen 'by fere 'Antoine, a hunchback beggar who used to hong about the church doors of Paris soliciting altos. When the hualcllheok died, his nephew applied to the eutlto'itieS demanding that a post-mortem examination should be anode. Tho request was grunted, with the result that it tea8 fomes tiro hunch was false, and that in its I:aw ilant interior *ere stored the beggar's savings, amounting to 90,- 000 francs. Pere Antoine, it tans also discovered, was an ex -convict, who owed his freedom to the influ- ence of a well-known deputy. An iO,3i st held at a London cor- CAN DRINK TROUBLE. That's One Way to Get It. Although they won't admit it ninny people who suffer from sick headaches' encs other ails get them straight from the coffee they drink and it is easily proved if they're not afraid to leave it to a test as in the vaso of e. lady in Co nollsvillo. "I had been a sufferer from sick headaches for twenty-five years and anyone who has over had a bad sick headache lcnorvs what I suffered. Sometimes Dime clays in the week I tvoukl have to 1'emnin in bed, at other times I couldn't lie clown the pain would bo so great. My life was a torture and if I went away from home for a day I always came back more (lead than al110. "One (lay I was telling a woman may troubles and alio told me she knew that it wee probably coffee caused it. She said elle had been cured by stopping coffee and using I'os1018 Food Coffee and urged :no to try this food drink. "That's holy I came to send out and get 80111.0 Postuum and from that time I've never been without if for fork, is i1raetls0(1 by a well-known it suits my taste and 1108 entirely surgeon, A stethoscope is placed cured all of my old troubles, All I over the bone as nen' (3e 1)0812ible to did was to leave of the coffee and the p01111- of suspected fraeitn'e, enc. tea and drink well made 1'o5tuln in on the side whose 010 skirt is thi r- its place. 1310 change has dome No nest. Then. a vihral.ing tubing -fork more good than everything else put is 311130ed against the flesh near tlh) bone, but on the, other side of the Irma:ore if possible. If the bone is continuous, a distinct, clear sound will be heard h1 the stethoscope; but if the brealt is between the two, this 501nd will be feint and irregular, as the vibrations will not bo transmit- ted ]last the break, Cf course, this method depot:11s up- on the feet that snared bone 15 an ex- cellent condu0to' of vibrotioal, while tissue is not. Perhaps oven it more valuable applieati1n 0f.thfs idea 3.011113 lie in finding out when 11, break has knitted propOrly, for what t1(0 joining is again perfect the Sound 1Vill be hs clear ail that Of On Un- broken bo11t1, t0gotlte`. "Our ]house was like a drug store for my lnas1)11nd ballet avers:Oleg he board of to help 100 without do- ing n11,y good blit when -I begau on the 1>0Slun3 may lieaclacihes ceased rind tho,other troubles quickly disappear- ed. 111avo a friend who had a. ex- perience just like mine and Postunh cured her just es it did ate. "Postunl not - only ,cured the Ihead- eches but my general health has been improved and I an m(.11211 stronger that before, .T. note enjoy (101101011e I508tm111 more than I over clic. coffee." Na1n0 given by Postnm Co„ Rattle Creek, Mich. •'Tlleh'o's a ree8811," and it's worth finding out, oiler's court seine 11:11q ago on Wal- ter Sanlue1 Mul t revealed another teeasurn--a shall one, it is trues - concealed in a most remarkable place, Mott had a wooden leg, and an ex:0131801iol of this limb revealed ten eoverc'!gns eancealed in it. The Precaution was a very wise 0(1o, for it cause out in evl1One0 that for some weeks the deeealed had been rcurly enlete, and It 181)11,1(1 have fared ill with lils treasure if it had not been 140 artfully and ESN ROT APLY CONCI :A1,1'.D• Thera was considerable method in the parlsnemy of an old lady who, 3811001(001' she went, carried with her 811 old box, apparently full of odd pieces of s(rlliril'nn. The box wits a 5(3030121 of 'jest and 1'idinule among her neighbors; but the 0111 lady could afford to 0111110 nt their jokes, for it -W:14, in fart, tho most. vale- ' able box anywhere in the district. When she died the box was found in an outhouse, open to anyone who caroti to 111831ect it; end under the surface layer of old iron were found 8,000 golden sovereigns, the savings of a lifetime. In another case known to 1.110 writ- er, after the death of (11 old women 11) the North of 7h1i01and who had for years been hi receipt or outdoor re- lief from ilia parish, a sum of :0800 (120.13 101111(1 in a number of pincush- ions scattered about her one room. When Miss J-, a n0toelous De- vonshire miser, died, it tva5 found that her pillow contained securities and bank -notes of the value of over 414,000; while et an 01)ction sale of the emits of a Lewisham lady of miserly instincts, rho purchaser of her piano -stool found A. SMALL MINE'. OF COLD in clic horsehair stuffings and 0 g en- ticlnan who bought her bedstead dis- covered .1000 hidden away in ane of its hollow legs. A 5c11801ion was caused at ,Tassay, in Roumania, not long ago by the death of a Mine. Balsch, whose ec- centricities haat for years been the gossip of the town. Altha:ugli it Was 1nm'0 tlia.n suspected that she was a deli woman, she had lived in the most sor'cllct and miserable man - net', and was generally regarded as a. 101801'. When her few belongings worn examined after her death not n trace could bo found of her supposed wealth, until, of going through her articles of clothing, it was discover- ed that ono of her petticoats seemed stiff, as if Heavily lines, The petti- coat was ripped open and revealed notes of the value of 200,000 francs 8011,0d ander the lining. This discovery naturally stimulat- ed the zeal of the searclinr5. further petticoats were examined and in all large suets, in notes, were found con- cealed. The total amount of the treasure which had served as lining for 111010. Balsch's petticoats was no less than, 8,000,000 francs. CRYING BABIES. Babies do not cry 011100s there is some good reason for it. Tho eryr of a baby is natur'e's warning signal that there is something wrong. If the fretfulness and crying are not caused by exterior sources, it is con- clusive evidence that the crying baby is ill. The only safe and judicious thing to do is to give Baby's Own Tablets without delay. For indiges- tion, colic, teething troubles, cot. stipation, diarrhoea, worms and sim- ple fever's, these marvellous little Tablets have given relief in thou- sands of cases and saved many pre- dolls ro-efolls lives. They are guaranteed to contain no harmful drug. Mrs..Tolla Dobie, Sr, Andrew's East, Quo., says : "Baby's Own Tablets ore a splendid medicine for the euro of constipation and other ills that af- flict children. I consider it my duty to recommend them to all who have little ones." The Tablets aro sold at 35 cents a box by all druggists, or may be had by remail by writing The Dr. William's Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. 4 1101 00)3) IN A FOREST. A new kind of school is about to bo started by the authorities of Oharlottenburg, Germany, for the benefit of children who, though hot exactly ill, ars so weakly that they aro very liable to be attacked by disease, more especially tuberculosis. Tho school is to be built in the depths of the 13unfevlheido Woods, near Berlin, and tlio children will re- main there time whole day, special ar- rangements being made to supply therm with their 21100114. They are on- ly to receive from two to three .fours' instruction daily, and are to spend the rest of the day in taking healthy exercise in tho forest, A flirt is a girl who is afraid she will be left at the post. • Heart relief In half an hour: - A lady In New York VLato, writing of her cure by Dr. Agnew's Cure for tho .Heart, says:."I feel like ono brought beck from the dead, so great was my seaming from heart trouble and so al- most miraculous my recovery through the agency of this Tamotsu]. treatment, I owe my life to it."-iO "According to the doctors, most people eat too marsh," said the nig- gardly landlady. "You wouldn't bo so uncomplimentary as to any that could possibly b0 true of any of your lodgers, vanilla you, Mrs. Irons?" asked one of Hien. Ads Liniment Cures naodrutt' Miss Joyce -"Yes, Jack and I are to become partners for life." Miss Means -"And you will bo the sauiet' partner. Hove nicel" Death or lunacy seemed the only alter. (10tive for• a well-known and highly re- sp0a1011 lady et Wiltghan, Ont., tvh0 had tr0vello1 over two continents in a vain scorch for a :cure for 1(8130 is 11e- lhjlf1y mid dyspepsia. A friend term*, mended South A m01100.n Nervine. Ono bottle holvped, six betties cured, and her nwll 10111011 testimony closes with these Words: "1t has saved my life,- 1311 There are very few cleans- ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advant- age. It makes the home bright and clean. 113 REMARIKA11LE 14A'J'CIHMIAKING, 131. Leroy, a Parisian rlockmalrer, has just achieved a triumph in watches, He has been at work 8illee 1807 upon a chronometer which he has just completed. ' 1t contains 075 pieces, and has cost, $4,000. On the ease are the sighs of 1110 Zodiac, and on the 11111111 dial, besides hours, illhlutes, a11(1 ser.0nd1.1, are numerous computations of time in years, months, and Boys, the phases and age of the noon, the seasons, sols - tics, (11111 equinoxes, and ('13(1ous time records. 'then there are large and small gongs, and a little carillon of three notes for sounding purposes. On the lesser minute dial are 226 stars of the 13oreal and 200 of the Southern hemisphere, time at, 125 different cities of the world, timed of sunrise and sunset, and a ther- 1001110t0r•, a hydrometer, and a bar- ometer. south American Kidney Cure is the only kidney treatment that has proven equal to correct all the evils that are likely t0 befall these physics.. regulao- tors. Hundreds of testimonials to prove the curative 1neri is of this liquid k13ney specific in cases of Bright's dis- ease, diabetes, irritation of the bladder. inflammation, dropsical tendency. Don't delay. --'0 "They say a carrier pigeon will go further time any other bird," salfl 1110 boarder, between bites. "33'ell. I'll have to try one," said the land- lady; "I notice a fowl doesn't go far.' Stanstead Junction, P. Q., 1201 Aug., 1893. Messrs. C. C. Richard's & Co. Gentlemen, -I fell from the bridge leading from a platform to a load- ed car while assisting my lean in unionding a load of grain. 'The bridge went down as well as the load on may beet: and I struck on the ends of the sleepe's, causing a serious In- jury to my leg. Only for its being very fleshy would Have broken it. In an hods eotild not walls a step. Com- menced using MINA11D'S LINIMENT and the third clay went to Montreal .nearly well. I can sincerely recom- on business and got about well by the use of a cane. in ten days was mend it as the best Liniment that I know of in use. Yours truly, C. H. 0011110N. "The first duty of an attorney," said the eminent lawyer to his new student, "is to see that justice is done," "IL'ml" said the student. "And I Hope you will excuse me if I remark that I have noticed that tho 1003'Or 133)1) can succeed in doing her tho oitenest generally gots the biggest fee. piles Cured in 3 to S nights.- One ap- plication gives relief. Dr. Agnew's Oint- ment is a boon for Itching Pile Blind, Bleeding Plies. It relieves quiok- ly and permanently. In sk hl eruptions it stands without a rival. 'thousands of testimonials if you want evidence. 30 cents, -113 The world is too busy to hand the chronic grumbler w'hnt ho deserves. To Starve la a Fallaoy.-The dictum to stop eating because .you have indi- gestion has long since been exploded. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets in- troduce a new era 1)1 the treaWpent of stomach troubles. It has proved that one may eat his fill of eVerything and everything be relishes, and one tablet token after the meal will aid the stem-. itch in doing its work, 00 in a box, 80 cents. • Some people forgive and forget and others forget to forgive. For Over Sixty Veers Kea tth8stow's 8001mxa BYaur hes been nae 1-0 (,4111m,e0f mothers for thus! children 50115 teething. henolhos the child, softens tteegums, nllayepain, enrol wind collo regulates thostained% and bowels, malts the bcs(romedy for Ulnrrhwn. T,e0tp•nve54.11, n bottle 8001 lagdntggia(s throughmtt the world, rte aura and Choler" Alm,W1x(L05'e8008lt1.t•0 BY y," 01-40 Visitor -I suppose you long to get out? Striped Party -Not exactly, mum, I'm in fur bigamy an' dare's t'roe of 'em. fYltl�5 Iaard's Liniment Bellees Neuralgia The man who has to ask ]tis wife for car fare every morning has no use for a mother-in-Inw, To prove to you that Chase'sOintment r a1 and absolute 1re Mr coo . and every? form1itching. blecdtugnnd protruding pilots (he manufsctnroi-+ have guaranteed it. See Les. Iinon(als in the daisy press and ask your neigh, tors what they blink oflr Yen can use it and retsour money buck if not cured. See fi box, al 4.1111t dealer» or items:sec11,DATres S.;Co., eront1( Or. 4..e haze's !'; Int`t6t ens JAP:AN's NEWSPAPERS. Nowhere else in tho world lies the "progress of the Press" been so ra- pid as in Japan. The first "daily" made its appearance in 187:1. In 1890 there wore alreaity 116 jour- nals of 0110 Innes or another, with a circulation of won over 2,000,000, figures which have been vory largely Increased since then. The increase of ail kinds of printed matter is -feci- lttated by the prevalent low Wages o pof r', The mm�11111.31bevtriof hooks 0110a0f1(080 all 1(indspapeis also 0Xeeedhhgly high, an average 03 near- ly 24;,000 hoeing appeared between 1805 and 1800. 3S;Eit 3 $10.4tj l•- 04� .a.vr.�.W..Or m -e-4 4.. 4,fa»tgy 4 4' waaagewssarraguralunsaarmogeamemassrarauacurraaarswetranuaresemavemsoneutommeamm TRAWL MAP.ir P. O. 0003 & CO., Montreal, USG-- t'0SLA D CITY" IOUs FLOOR PA 1 C:, TS Will Dry hi S Hours. rn Sale at all Hardware 00005rl Toronto, Vancouver, T _ eaearwF:mrdlezt easernua:, Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us have your consignment of any of these articlea end we will get you good prices. THE DAWtiON COMMISSION CO, Limited Cor, Want Market and tlotboano eta., TORONTO, Nt LOWER -n.is'r s7f5 . BETTER CAN ea MAO I11! Pails, Wash Basins, MR Pam, & Any First -Clans Gro0or Oan Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING E©33i1'S. ,Rion 5'1(1. ,J 45... 08!-.0,7'4. 0Fs.3(10034•8(38 ',,'1*t60, =SIM CLEANING LADIES'.. s WALKIPL$ OR OUTING SUITS 080 be done perfectly by our !Preach Proem, Try It 85131114 81(ee10814 0Y8(140 00. tMONTn91f. 80801180, OTTAWA A q01t1390 There is no end to the trouble in a family that has two heads. Lifebuoy Soap - disinfectant - is strongly recommended by ythe medical p1'01050100 as a safeguard against in- fectious diseases_ 22 A11' poor people ore more or less persecuted by society at large, Mind's Liniment Cures Burns; etc WASTED REGRETS. Do not waste time and vital forces in continual regret. There is noth- ing so exhausting to mind and body as regret. "If I only ]lad not done this or said that -if 1 could go hack -if 1. could live that clay over again!" What folly it is to indulge in weak repiningS of that nature! No human being ever did go hack; on lips were ever allowed to unsay words; no feet ever permitted to un - tread steps once taken. It is useless to plead with lifo to let you unlive the past. Take your lesson, and go on into a wiser fu- ture. Let your i•esolutions become a part of your character, making it strong• er and braver. Let your error's mal(0 u kfnde•. 1?accyouse you ha1:e been weak, be• cause you have suffered through weakness, lot your .human sympathy be great, and your charity broad. Be a guide and a. counsellor to others who are tempted, if they will listen to you. DOWN WITI3.DIPI0ICULTII;S• You will and that the habit of mi- nimising annoyances or difficulties. of slaking the hest of everything that 0011108 to you, of magnifying the pleasant and the agreeable, and re- ducing t0 the least possible impor- tance everything that is disagreeable an; unpleasant, will help you won- derfully -not only in ,your work, but alio in your attainment of .happi- neItss. transforms the disagreeable into the agreeable, takes the drudgery out o1' distasteful tasks, eases the jolts of life wonderfully, and it is worth 101011tcly more them money, The sunny, buoyant, cheerful soul Meninges, without losing His equili- brium, to glide over difficulties and annoyances which throw others off their balance and 1nn.ke theta miser- able and disagreeable, sly Lilo al- chemy of serenity he exl.rnts from the annoying rocks in hi8 path the precious mein], which enables him to do something worth while, 's Liniment for sale eeer nera �[inard W 9 "How islet women hates mo," "Ilut she spoke nicely enough," "Yes; but that was just done for effect If ,you remember, she didn't turn and look et may new dress." When yon think you have cured a cough or cold, but find a dry, hacking cough remains, there is danger. Take Sh.i1C) gs ti.n u ptio ClairTho Lung , "Tonic at once. ' It will strengthen tho lungs and stop the cough. Uriote: 8. C. Wean & Co, MS 25e See $1. ILoltoy,ld,lr.,'Corento,C;nn, Dominion Line Steamships MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. 13112 Moderate Rate Service. 18* Second cabal paeaongcrs borthud in host ncconuno claim on the twatner nt the env raw of 410 to Lt,,epees. o• 041.00 to London. third elan. w L!vere"nl,tonrino, Glasgow or Quem -,vq'$13.J1. ror all put feelers apply to locnlagente, or 31000(3(1020 Lldlt 03781080, 4111210881.11., T..ron.o, 13 101. 8aorament86., Mantrosl ST ERE 6185, 00:3111=2M2t=t4 THE ARNO'1'T INSTITUTE, 13ERI.1N, ONT. For the treatment of all forms of 8PEEC11 DEFECTS. We trent the came, nut simply the habit, and thcrelnrc produce nnatral speech, Write for particulars, ' -Saar Made big enough for a big man to work in with comfort. Has more material in it than any other brand of shirt in Canada. Made on the H.B.K. scale it requires 36% to 42 yards per dozen, whereas common shirts have only 32 to 33 yards. That's 1130 reason why the H.B.K. "Big" Shirt never chafes the armpits, is never tight at the neck or wrist- bands, is always loose, full and comfortable and wears well. Each shirt bears a tiny book that tells the whole history of the "Big" Shirt, and also contains• a notarial declaration that the H.B.K. "133g " Shirt contains 39na to 42 yards of material per dozen, Sold at all dealers but only with this brand: HUDSON KAY. KNITTING CO. Mofltro#1 l'Viilolpog- Dllwsoo lltama virsr,+isstrV' : g•m,,xsentmensinasem