HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-10-13, Page 1Vol. 38. No. 14
W. H. KERR, Frop,
New Advertisements.
Looal—Tne Pon,
Millinery—Misses Habkirlr,
Bargain eounter--.Halsey & Oo,
Stone for sale—John Molntosb,
Boar for eervioe—Wm. Schnook,
Anotion eale—Ales. Thos, Calder.
More new goods—McKinnon & 0o.
Llt+tl:o wel.
The funeral of Alfred Porter Look
place, Sunday, Oot, 9, to Fairview
cemetery, Deceased was an honored
end treated employee of the Listowel
Gine and Rieoerie Light 0o, He was
taken very ill n week ago and died on
Friday morning, Blood poisoning is
eaid to be the cause of bis death. He
was sixty years old and leaves e wife and
family of emelt children.
PIANO FACTORY HST.—A violent thunder
storm passed over this plane on Someday
afternoon, during which the lightning
tore a bole in the roof of the Morrie
piano [eatery. The building is egaipped
with ite own electric lighting eyetem and
the bolt was carried by the wires through
the entire feotory, down to the eugine
room and dynamo. Robb. W aketord wan
the only portion in the room where the
lightning entered. He was severely,
though notdangorou,ly ehooked. Other
employees, eepeeially those in the top
flat, felt the effeote of the shook. The
damage ie slight, some fine petiole and a
few abler artielee in the finishing room
being destroyed, and the ligbtiu;; eervioe
crippled. Had it not been for the
electric wiring the result would doubt.
lees ban been disestrono,
.7rt.m/3eltu Su.
Milton ;MoEwen, of St. George, stns
visiting relatives here last week. Ile is
it manhunt and ie doing well we are
glad to bear.
James Outb'e auction sale will be held
ou Friday afternoon of next week. Ae
he has leased hie farm the Bale will be
without reserve,
Owing to the heavy rain last Sunday
evening the usual eervioe was not held in
the Hall here. Next Sabbath the
Brethren are in charge.
The 100 sore farm of P. J. McDonald
has been leased to 13. Payne for a term of
yeare. Mr. MoDouald will probably re•
move to Brueeele and give np hie whole
time to barn building aid dement work
in which he does a large busingee. We
will be sorry to lose the family from this
Acornzwr•—Thoe. Smith, who was in-
jured at Wm. McKelvey'e threebing by
falling through the seeffold on to the
machine and then to the floor, in all 14
feat, ie able to get about a little. A
broken rib and an injured ebonlder was
the reeulte of the fall but we hope he
will soon be es welt ae ever.
James Paulin jr., ie in Simone this
Genres Calder left for Hamilton on
Mies Carrie Laurie is the guest of
relatives in Wiugham.
Mies M. Howe, of Brussels, is visiting
her father, G. Howe, here.
Mre. Robert Bleak has returned Iron
a month's visit at London.
Mre. Wm. Rthinn er has gone to
Aylmer for a 9 menthe' vieit.'
13. H, Towneend is aseieting in the
Blyth nowopaperomee this week.
Waldo Miller left tact week for Toronto
where he hes eeoared a position.
Mre. Weliwaod, of Oakville, ie the guest
of her daughter, Mies E. Wellwood.
John McNeil has returned from Clinton
where he has been working for the poet
six weeks.
Orwin Smith and Norman Harris are
,spending a week with friends at Obeeley
nd Wiarton.
The Jubilee Singers, under the anepieee
of the Hetbodiet oburah, will give an
entertainment in the 'Town Hall next
Wednesday evening.
The anneal meeting of the Bible
Society was held iu the Presbyterian
oharob Sunday evening. Owing to the
very heavy rain at the appointed hour
to oommenoe there were not ae many
present, tie otherwise would have been.
Short addresses were given by Rev. L.
Perrin and the President, W. 0. Reale
wood, while Rev. Mr. Oaterhout spoke
for half an hour taking ea hie theme
"The Book."
r +'
r/Straightened Free
Misshapens ectacles
neo nt only a die.
fipurement, but fro-
'quently destroy the
beneficial effects of
the lenses
We and ploasnre-l6
etratghtonind specie.{
;cies. War make. no.
(,...t , Alf{'
I¢vs. T. FIntc;her
Scientific need
t amiinato Clintioi,aua
Maruxntournn,—A gold wedding took
place at the home of David Martin on
Wednesday morning at eix o'eiook when
hie daughter, Miss Annie, wag married to
Merles Sanderson, a popular young
busineee man of this plane. Rev, Louis
Perrin condeated the ceremony which
was witnessed by a few immediate
relatives and Mende. After the weddieg
breakfaet the young oouple left on the
7.15 train torn short trip to Toronto and
Hamiltou. The bride's going away gown
was of navy bine broedoloth with large
blue bat to match.
Oran er ro oil.
Mise Lizzie HoRae was visiting nt
B1'ne0010 for a few days,
The new assistant with Jno. Forrest,
blaohemith, is John McKay, from Mon-
arieff locality.
Before returning to hie home oo the
PeniSo Jno. ?donee paid a visit to the
Fair at St. Louis,
Some people in tbie locality talk of
90100 to Wingham next Monday to hear
Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
Rev. D. B. MoRae attended the indna•
tion of Rev. Mr. Barnett et Molesworth
lad Tuesday afternoon.
It ie said a Oranbrook young lady will
enter the matrimonial lists ere long and
take up ber residence in Brueeele,
We regret to hear that Mn. George
Reymann, who Dame here with her hue.
band on their wedding trip is ill with
appendicitis, but we hope she will Boon
be all right.
'rhe nunual meeting of the Oranbrook
Beef Ring Aeeoaiation will be held in
Long's Hall on Saturday evening of this
week, 15th inst. Ail interested are
asked to attend se arrangements will be
made for next season's supply.
A pntitinal meeting in the interests ob
Dr. MacDonald, the Liberal candidate,
will be held is Long's Ha,' in this place
on Theredey evening of next week, oom•
menoing at 7 80 ebnrp. There will no
donbt be a large attendance.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr.
Hassey, B. D,, of Fordwiob, will preach
in the Methodist eberoh here. Elia sub•
jest will be "Ohrietien Stewardship."
Laet Sunday Rev. T. W. Coeene wae
°ailed to Trowbridge owing to the illness
at hie mother and Mr. Maandore eeppiied
in his etead giving a thoughtful address,
alVsal Coat.
W. M. and Mrs. Smith were entertain.
Mg friends for a few days last week.
Mies Jean Ferguson returned last week
from a visit to friends in Seelortb.
A goodly number from this locality
attended Brussels and Blyth Fell Faire.
The continued wet weather has greatly
hindered operations in the moving of the
Methodist church.
The turning of the beading stook is
aimost completed. Mr. McDonald is to
be congratulated on a good eeaeon'e run.
Anniversary services in Doff's church
oo Sabbath 23rd and Tea meeting Mon
day evening following. Rev. M. 0.
MoLenuan, of Kippen, will be the preach.
Prateeeor Burgess, of London, preaohed
in St, George's ahorah, leek Sabbath.
We are sorry to state that Rev. Mr.
Webb'e health hate not improved ae
rapidly es hie many friends would desire.
A number of loaal Conservatives at-
tended the Liberal•0oneervative non.
vention iu Brueeele on Tuesday, at which
Dr. Chisholm wee obooen ae standard-
bearer for the party in East Huron in the
coming contest.
Don't forget the auction Bale .of the
farm of the late Thos. Oakley, MaKillop
boundary, on Wednesday afbern000 of
next week. There will oleo be an un-
reserved Bale of farm stook, implements,
oto., wbioh will no doubt attract a large
crowd, P. S. Beott, of Brunets, will be
the auctioneer,
Last Sabbath eommonion was observ-
ed in. Duff's abnroh ben, Rev. Mr.
Whaley, of St. Helens, preaohed on the
Wednesday afternoon previoae and the
paetor pave a floe diseouree from Peaim
85 and 8 on Sabbath morning. There
were 82 members received, maleiug e roll
of 161.
Mao. DoON PASSES Awas.—Thursday of
last week Mre. Jamee Dron, who has
made her home in Detroit for some years,
died at Deokervilie, Minh., where she was
visiting relatives, Her husband pre.
deoeaoed her a year Or more ago. A eon
and daughter survive, Deceased's maid•
en name was Bella MoDonald, being a
daughter of the late Peter MnDonald, a
former resident of Grey township, and a
sister to James and Mise Maggie MoDon-
aid. The funeral took plane from her
brother's reeidenaa to Brunetti oemetery
on Bewley afternoon, The subject of
thio notias wee highty esteemed by all
who had the pleasure of ber acquaintance.
VI b i c e.
I. M. Henry received another ear of
coal this weep.
A natnber from bere attended the Fair
and Concert in Brunets last Friday.
William Kreuter, wifeand obildren
were visiting Mende in Walton thie
Auotion Bale of stook et Thos. David.
eon's, East of Ethel, next Teeedsy atter.
ItMre, A. M. McKay, of Brueeele, epent
few days with Mre. (Dr,) Ferguson
this week.
Some of the farmers have started
takingop that eager beets for ehipmentnt
to Berlin.
Samuel Caution end eon William, are
diepoeing of their dwelling and intend
going West 000n.
Mre, Frannie Bedtime, North East of
here, hue boon quite ill but is improving
now we ate pleased to state,
John MnDonatd ie having his hones
painted wbioh will improve the appear.
anoo ooueiderably. foe IIomeworth has
the job.
Mica Nellie Laird, who has been ill
with typhoid fever for the pant three
weelte, is able to be about again we are
pleased to hear.
Our hardware firm Of Kreuter &
Ritohfe, ie running a gang ot five men
this week, fanning and putting on aiding.
The weather lathe gloomy ma the work
mutt be done before stove flies.
Obeid, and Mre, Seel, of Oadilao,
Mloh„ were repewing old friendships io
this locality,
William Niohole, of Monkton, hue
moved into the house lately vacated by
John McLeod.
The workmen have started their oper-
etione in connection with repairing M0-
Dooald'e store, in the Simpeon Weak.
Tire meeting of the Woman's Iuetitnte
will be held at the home of Mre.Ohrietian
Eakmier, in Ethel, on 'Thursday, Oot.
A Liberal organization meeting woe
held in the Township Hall on Tueeday
evening but on amount of the rain the
attendance was not very large.
We are sorry 10 hear that J.iB.. Brown,
of the cheese factory, is on the sink list
but we hope he will Boon be convalescent.
Fever of a typhoid type is the ailment,
A political meeting will be held ill the
Townehip Hall here on Wednesday even-
ing, 26th int., at 7,80 p. m, to be ad,
dressed by Dr. MacDonald and others.
Rev. John Rose, of Brueeele, preaohed
in the Presbyterian ohurob here, last
Sunday. The meter, Rev. D. 8. MoRae,
will resume his work next Sabbath after
a well earned holiday.
Ernest Baal' wae home from Wing.
ham over Sunday.
Dan. Shine arrived bank from the
West on Wednesday of this week.
Mre. Duncan McNair tae returned
from an enjoyable visit with her dough.
ter at Detroit.
Mr, Blaoketook, of Oollingwood, was a
visitor with the McNair families during
the past week.
Lawrence Wheeler, has about 150
ooloniee of bees but this season's orop of
honey was light,
H. and Mre. Cunningham, of
Drayton, were visitors at their eon
Hugh's, last week, and also took in the
rnesele Fall Fair.
There wee a big crowd from Grey at
Brueeele Fall Fair and not a few of the
beet prizes came to thie township which
proves the good judgment of the judges,
Mies Annie Menziee has returned
home from Birks Falls alterhaving a
most enjoyable time. It ie evident that
more then the lake breezes have agreed
with her.
AIIOTION BALE. — Thursday afternoon
of next week ie the date of Mre. Thos.
Oalder'e notion Bale. The farm has
been void to Mr.Tyermon so the Bale will
be without reserve. There ie a lot of
good etook.
Oa Tueeday, 25th inst., R. J. Hoy, lot
7, Oon. 5, will hold an auction sale of farm
etook, implements, &a. He will also offer
the farm for Bale ae he intende going into
the butchering bneineee in a Northern
town associated with his brother. F. S.
Scott will wield the hammer.
Sermon Barone.—•The following is the
report of S. 8. No. 8, for the months of
August and September t
Class IV Ir. Aug. Sept.
Sandy Barron 94 162
}Kenneth MaLeae 77 175
Johnny Sakti 0 201
Olaee III,
Lizzie Hooton 87 174
Olaee II Sr.
Lewis Whitfield 216 660
John Outdo 126 384
Claes II Jr.
Annie McLean 247 592
Part IC Jr.
MlllirlOneio 210 408
Part I.
Nellie Carmichael 160 176
Tnannea BwITzeR, Teaober.
A Morrie wedding is on the tapir,
Towoehip Council will be bald next
Mise Hardy has resumed her duties as
teacher at Browntown eohool.
Morrie Branch Fell Fair wee held ab
Blyth on Tueeday and Wednesday of this
A boil ou the right wriet of W. H.
Maunders proved rather a troableeome
oompenion. '
8. S. No. 8 ie asking for a nether for
next year. R. Montgomery, the present
teacher, ie leaving.
Several from Morrie attended the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. T. K. Pppweft, of
rTernberry,on Tueeday afternodn.
Last Tueeday Mre. James Duman, 4th
line, left for Lindsay owing to the illness
of her mother, Mtg. Jackson, who le in
ber eigbtioo.
Last week George Kelly, 8th line, got a
barley beard in hie lett eye while tbreeh•
ing that has bothered bim owing to
inflammation eetting in.
The dilobing gang of Andrew Hislop
are working ou the Moses farm, Con. 2
in oonneation with the Lament drain.
Owing to wet weather the work goes
Mies Julia Sharp, nurse, Mise Bertha
Sharp, of London ; and Benedetti and
Jae. Sharp, of Toledo, Ohio, were
vieitore under the parental roof during
the past week.
Rev. Robert Manodere, who has been
in Manitoba during the Summer, acme
home last week but left on Tueeday for
Toronto wherebe will resume his wane
et Victoria University.
Friday evening of next week a publio
meeting will be held in the Township
Hall to be addressed by Dr, MacDonald,
tbe Liberal Oanaidate for Daet Huron,
and others on the question of the day.
A number of Morrie townebip Conger•
vativee ware at Brueeele last Tneeday
afternoon at the nomination of a cant -
dote for the forthoeming election to the
Commons. Dr. Obieholm, of Wingham,.
wae the oitndidate.
Monday morning of this week Harry
Kirkby left for Toronto where he in
attending the Ontario Veterinary College,
He thinks he oan melte an easier living
than on the form. We wieb him 0000005
In his studies,
Saturday evening of thie week, 15th
Met., a meeting of Liberate in Polling
eub-divielOn No, 4 will be held in the
Contrail Chamber, Brussel°, oomtneocing
at 7,80 O'oleo's, All Liberals in above
mentioned Midden are asked to attend.
Taeodey afternoon of this week the
annual meeting of Ent Huron Conway-
oneet•yalive Aeeoolation wee held in Braeeela
Town Hall. The following amners were
elected:—Preeident, Dudley Holmes,
Wingham ; let vide President, Mr. Wil.
ford Blyth ; 2nd vine Preeident, H. Dat -
ion, Braeeela ; Secretary, T. Hall, Wing -
ham ; Treasurer, W. M. Smith, Walton.
Municipal Chairmen were also ahoeen,
In the nomination of a candidate for the
Commons there was only one name
preeonted, viz that ot Dr. Chisholm, of
Wingham, who was propoeed by B.
Gerry, seconded by Jae. Stratton. A
general distension of the ooming cam•
paten was entered upon ore which opin-
ione were expressed by a goodly number,
A public) meeting wee held in the even.
ing at wbiulr B. Gerry preeided.
Addressee were given, at length by Dr.
Chieolm and Lieut.-Ool. Sam. Hughes,
of Lindsay. Mottoes addoraed the walla
snob as Weloome ; Adequate Protection ;
One Policy from ocean to ocean ; Keep
both bane ou tbe Union Jaok ; oto.
Presbytery of Maitland.
The Preebyteey of Maitland met at
Moleeworth, on Tueeday, 110) inet„ for
the purpoee of inducting Rev. John Bur.
nett, 13. A., into the pastoral charge of St.
Andrew's obaroh there. An excellent
sermon was preached by Rev. L. Perrin,
13. A., et Wroxeter, and the newly induct.
ed minister was very euitably and oar-
neetlyaddreeeed by Rev. John Roee, B.
A., of Brueeele, who although called
epee soddenly owing to the abeeaae of
Rev. D. Perrie, to perform thie duty, per.
formed it so well that it would be diffi.
oult to conceive of it beteg better done,
Rev. D. R. MoRae addressed the oon-
gregation on their dales toward their
minister, urging them to esteem bim for
his offioe sake and for his own Bake, and
to see to it that be woe sustained iu
every suitable way in his work. There
was a large congregation present to wel-
come Mr. Barnett and it halt of what is
reported of bim be true there are bright
and proeperone daye in store for the
Moieswortb congregation.
Clerk of Maitland Presbytery.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Council met pursuant to order in
the Township Hall, Ethel, on Monday,
October 10th, 0130 a. m., the Reeve in
the abair and other membere all present.
The minutes of last meeting were read
and approved. On motion of Fraser and
Grant, Bylaw No, 225 was read let, 2nd
and 3rd timee and finally passed for
borrowing $3,000 from the Standard
Bank to meet °anent expenses until
taxes are paid. Moved by Lorenzo
Frain, seconded by Adam Turnbull, that
the parties on the North Hislop drain be
notified to attend neat meeting of Council
wbeu Engineer's Report be read on said
drain. (ferried. Moved by John Grant,
%acceded by Adam Turnbull that tenders
be received for the Bale of the atone eon.
ninth in the centre pier of Betz bridge.
Tenders received up to the 7th of
November, 1904 at 2 p. m. Carried. Ou
motion of Lorenzo Frain, seconded by
William Framer, the following amounts
were ordered to be paid :—
Phillip Anent, lumber for Oat -
der & Botz bridges $ 8 36
Alexander Fraser, gravel 5 10
James Armstrong, gravelling lot 8
con. 9 ,... 43 20
John Govenlook, tile for Bruce
award drain 14 46
Somas' Wright, gravelling Hen
fryn road, Grey's there 13 44
D. McKenzie, digging twp. por-
tion Bruce award and drains
ab lot 14, non. 17 16 00
Enoch Clark, tile and digging
drain, lot 16, con. 17 8 00
John Hanna, repairing °elvers, '
Grey & Elms B'd'y Grey's
share 1 85
Weeley Young, J. K. Baker sward
drain, townebip portions 6 00
Mark Cardiff, gravel.......,.,,2 56
Thoe. and Harry Al000k, on con -
trod Hislop drain 105 00
Jae, Pearson, drawing timber and
culvert, lob 20, oon. 4 10 00
Jae. Pearson, gravel r 6 80
William McKelvey, gravel 8 48
W. H. Jaoklin, drawing gravel, S.
1i. 8, con. 4, lot 14 1 50
John Huffman, gravel 64
Wm. Riley, impeding gravelling,
Grey and Morrie B'd'), 2 60
Wm, Riley, contract gravelling
Grey and Morrie B'd'y 50 00
Charles Hanna, repairing culvert,
B. R. 6, ton. 12 1 00
Walter Nioholeon, omen plpee,
Whitfield drain 2812
Jam,Fergusen,gravel, 48 12
Wm. Printer, 'meeting gement
abutments, Campbell bridge
con. 2 12 00
Inc. E. Hanna, removing dumps
Grey and Elmo B'd'y, Gray's
abate 75
Albert Whitfield, tile and drain,
lot 26, eon, 13 4 25
Roger & Ratcliffe, on centred
clement abahmente Oanepbell'e
bridge, eon. 2 440 00
Roger & Ratoliffe, Bement......,2 00
Moved, eeeouded and parried that the
Donnell do now adjourn to meet on dn.
day, November 7th, at the To w p
Hall, lithe!.
Clerk. Clerk.
G. H. Gooderhant hag definitely de.
alined to be the Conservative oandidete
in Booth Toronto,
Sir Richard Oartwright'e speech in
Winnipeg will be given on Monday night
The Mioieter will only spend one day in
the West.
A young Italian navy, Guido d'Angelo
is claiming $5,000 from the Grand Trunk
Railway Company for frostbite, alleged
to be due to the company's negligence to
provide proper a000mmodation for him
and his oomradee lent Winter,
At Kingston Police Court Thomae
O'Neill was sentenced to eix months in
the Central Prison for kidnapping a boy
named Frank Evans from the Barnacle
Home, Toronto.
The storm in Biddu'pb on Monday
evening levelled the barns of Thomas
Abbott, together with six aoree of bash,
Bono of the trees were carried twenty
rode. William 'Toohey'a abode and
Dennis Beenaa'e orobard were deetroyed,
tied miles of fame torn op,
The two armies must be al"sely iu
touch et all pointe, if not tonally en.
gaged in deadly etteggle, but there are
few particulars from either aide. In
military eirolee at St, Petersburg it is
°oeeidered that the final struggle will
take plane when they meet in the triangle
formed by Liaoyang, Yentas and Syk•
wantuu, This is the natural barrier for
the protection of the Japanese liaee of
oommanioatiou to the Booth during the
Winter, The port of Yinkow on . the
West will Boon be oloeed, and the
aveooeo of approach for supplies must
be by way of Taleneban and Aping on
the Soatheaet, The Japaneee have been
for some weeks in poeeeeeion of that
triangle, are reported to have strongly
fortified it, and are now probably falling
Melt on it.
A remarkable story ie sent from
Bhaaghai by Bennett Burleigh. It ie to
the effeot that ?Jezebel Oyama nearly
made a mese of the fight at Liaoyang
and is to be recalled, Burleigh is no
doubt prejudioed, because be was order-
ed by the Jape to leave the field of aper.
atione. His own paper, the Telegraph,
does not believe the story.
The only news about Port Arthur is
that the Japanese gunboat Hai Yen
sank a mine in Pigeon Bay on Septem-
ber 18 and Bank with nearly all be orew
of 800.
The Baltic fleet bee not yet Bailed, and
Rueeien expert opinion eerioaely die.
aoaute the optimietio view of lie effi
An iotereeting letter written by our
old friend Li Hung Chang has been nn•
earthed by The Times. Iu it he explain
to one of the advieere of the Dowager
Empress bow Manchuria may be pre.
served to China from both Rueeia and
Japan, He adds that ae none of the
powers is likely to take action in reaped
of Manchuria Chins mast look out for
herself, .
Perth County.
SUICIDE NEAR MmvxnmoN• — About I1
o'oiook Tuesday =ruing, while hunting
in No. 9 swamp, about'two mile9 aid a
half from Milverton, Menke. Noll and
Berger, of Milvertoo, found tbe badly de•
oompoeed body of a man named Gambia,
who disappeared about two weeks ago
from Wm. Soott'a. Poole, where he had
been staying for some time. There was
a gunshot wound in the body, and a
string tied to the trigger of the ebot gun
which lay by his aide, This oiroometanoe
°enpled with tbefadt that the deceased
wae tbonghl to be in a rather unsound
state of mind previous to his disappear.
anoe, makee the theory of eaioide seem
most reasonable. Gamble formerly was
n resident of thio district, but for the pad
twenty peers hoe been in Manitoba. He
returned reoently and lived with Mr,
Boots. That gentleman notiotd him act.
ing in a strange manner several timee,
and tried to parenade bim from going
into the bush to hint. His efforts did
not, however, avatl. Gambia - took the
gnu one morning,etruek off for the bash,
and that was the last heard of him. The
deceased wae between 45 and 60 years of
age. Dr. Parket decided that an inquest
was nnneeeesary.
Since the outbreak of typhoid in Lon.
don there have been 142 oases and 9
Sherman'e Theatre at Nona Park,
Hamilton, wan•struak by lightning and
deetroyed by tire.
There ie a strike in the varnish depart.
mens of the Palmer Piano Clampany
(Limited,) Toronto.
Mrs. William Dee, of Salford village,
ie under arrest on suspicion of having
poieooed ber hneband.
Mre. Jane McDougall was found dead
in bed at ber home, 868 Wilton avenue,
Toronto Tueeday morning.
A gasoline engine at the 81. Thomae
waterworks pumping station blew up,
wreaking a oenirifngat pump.
The dead body of a man was found
near Brunner, with a gun betide it, every
surrounding indioating eaioide.
Hon. L. P. Brodeur, Miniettr of
Inland Ravenna, will not return to
Ottawe nett' after the elections are over.
The Baiman block and the Ashdown
Hardware Company'sbuilding at Winni-
peg wart burned Taeeday. The leas le
about $800,000.
A. P, Low and hie comrades who
have been in the Hndeon Bay region for
over a year, returned to Halifax tbie
morning all well.
Brantford will have a tbree•oorneeed
contest at the Federal election, Mayor
Halloran having aooepted the nomination
of the Independent Labor party.
Peter Lyall, one of the latgeat eon -
traders en Montreal, hoe retired from
baeizasa baying enepted the Liberal
nomination for 8h. Antsin a division.
The Toronto Street Railway Company
with to have a 0ommieeion appointed to
poIleat information comparing the work.
ingof oar fenders in other lanae with
tbee in Toronto. p
Howard Riohardeon, aged 19 yeare, of
Markham, Ont., ie al the Emer enoy
Hospital, Toronto, in a eerioho condition
se the reedit of being poisoned by gas at
the Albion Hotel.'
The town of Ingersoll has paid to the
executor of Geo. Craig, late fire chief of
Ingersoll, $1,500 in settlement of an
notion for damages, Oraig died as a
Malt of iajariee received while going to
and fighting a fire. The widorl• gets
$500 of this money and the haled to is
paid into court for the benefft of bet
intent nbiid.
Receipts in Advance of
Last Year.
Fine Weather and Splendid show.—Tice
Concert Drew u Packed Mull.
Past Heron Annual Fall Fair, which
wae held on Thursday and Friday of last
week, was a most encomia' one outdoing
last year in the number of entriee, attend-
ance and financial reeulte. The Director.
ate melee an honest effort to deal fairly
with everybody and banked cm by a tip•
top prize liet, which be not excelled to the
County, the Fair has oontioued to develop
and ootetripped the reoorde of the past.
The entries this year were an follows :
Heavy Draught 24
Agricultural 28
Roadster 51.
Carriege 13
Durham 89
Jereeye 6
Grade 62
........... 36
Downs & GrarlVe10
Cotswolds 12
Berkehire 8
Yorkshire 6
Tamworth 8
Poultry 42
Dairy Produce 19
Grains & Seede 37
Roots & Hoed Crops 61
Fruits & Vegetables 207
Implements & Manntaotaree 138
Pine Arte 50
Ladies' Work 215
Flowers and Plants 116
Total 1182
Tbaredaylthe wind blew very bleak and
the sky wag overoaet yet the exhibite
came with a rash to the "Palette" and by
1 o'olook the venom departmente were
well filled. There was a falling off in a
few °lasses but the others were in exeese
of laet year. The Ladies' department
was well worthy of a more pretentiooe
Pair and under tbe careful guidance of
Misses Annie B. Rose and Lizzie Down-
ing the exhibit was well placed and the
work of the jddgee greatly facilitated.
Io awarding the prizes for bread and
batter the Judge said the olaesee were
very evenly belanoed and proved the
ability of the fair en to be able to attend
properly to these two boneehold neoee.
eitiee. Some very attractive displays of
leaves and weede were made. Fred. Mo.
°rattan had a neatly arranged display
of wall papers that wae favorably oom-
meoted upon. Sewing machines were
shown by T. Moore and masioal inetrum.
ante by Moore Bros, W. F. Stratton bad
a ebow ogee with watches and jewelry.
Friday was a delightful day and ex.
hihitore and sightseers were early astir.
By dinner time the most dubious knew
that moans was written on the Fair.
Oober & Sons, Carriage Faotory made a
large and fine exhibit of boggiee, matters,
wagons, sleighs, &a. ; D. Ewan & Oo.,
had a neat and up to•date dieplay end J.
E. Bperain and N, 8. MaLaaohiin oleo
exhibited riga. Brueeele leads all the
fairs in this line.
Competition was keen in the live stook
°lessee. There were many splendid
animals in the horse line ; an A 1 show
of nettle and sheep but the entries in the
moneymaking hog were not 0e many as
usual although tboee on exhibition were
o. k, the prizes going largely to R. Nichol,
of Kerrie, and J. S. Odeon, of Elena. G.
W. Irwin, et Beatorth, had a fine lot of
To afford entertainment for the large
number of epeotatore there was Highland
piping by Piper McDonald, of Wingham,
while hie agile and petite young daughter,
Mies Mabel tripped the dances of Aald
Bootie on a platform erected for the
purpose. The nbildreu'e foot races were
in charge of N. F. Gerry and the winners
were as follows :-100 yards, boye under
18 years, W. Forrest, N. MoNaughb, A.
Barr ; Boy's race, ander 14 years, J.
Elliott, T. Sanded, T. Dark ; Girlie
ram, under 14 years, E. Wilton, F. Mo.
Kenzie, M. Thompson ; Girl's rase, under
8 years, Mabel Thomeou, F. Lowry, P,
There were three speeding events in
addition to Dr. J. A. MoNaaghton'e
epooial for farmers' drivers that alta
Dr. MoNenghton's epeoial—let, John
Schaefer; 2nd, Wm. Dalmage.
Gentleman's Road speeding — let
"Topsy" d, Galbraith, Winthrop ; 2nd,
"Mao," 2t. J. MoLe,uablin, Brussels,
2.30 Paoe-$let "Ettie Ferguson" J.
Passmore, Teesweter; 2nd, "Don. J.
Kelly," Beattie Bros„ Wingham ; Srd
"Amelia," F. Kling, Seatorth.
2 40 Trot -let, 'Little Harry," 3.
Daley, Beatonih , and, "Joe," Beattie
Bros., Wingham; 8rd, "Bessie B.," 7. A.
During the pacing
raga Ame
lia e
sulke Wheel and "Rale Far sod s"
atone together in the fleet heat the
ran away hat wee stopped after the
vehicle bad been Well ehaken np, In a
later heat the name mare fell and tarried
a aomereanit damaging the outfit to
which she was attached. The driver
oaten through both e.,oapadee without
serious injury, There Were flue entries
in the 2,40 trot, The jadeite were Chas
Kneobtel, of Wingham ; Robe. Wilson,
of Soatorth ; and A. O. ames, of Ben -
eels. Some of the events were very doge.
Tbnreday evening a short mneioal pro.
gram was given in the "Palace" in which
the Miesae Mabel and Edith Adams, H.
Hemet and A. Taylor took part, blies
Beatrice Harris reoited in bar neu'tl
taking manner ; othere who agreed to tale
part failed to put in an appearance,
an o0N0Ef'r.
Friday evening the annual O000ert was
held in the Town Hall. The building
was peaked to the doore and same wore
suable to gain admittance before the
doore were alneed. Program wag an
excellent oue opening with a piano pro•
lude is which five young ladiee of Ben.
sale l000lity took part in a moat aredital io
manner and amidst hearty applause.
They were Miens Lizzie Bowmen,
Bertha Armstrong, Marjorie Strachan,
Jessie McLauoblio and Ina Bryana.
Mine Ethel Powell, soprano, of Toronto,
Bang eplendidiy. She has a olear, moeiwl
voice, agreeable manner and good looitiug
face and ie always heard with pleasure.
She gave three fine eeloe and took part in
a daet and encore with James Fax. Mate
Grape Metre, a rieina young eloontieniet,
from the Queen City, made her first
appearance before a Brueeele audience
and won golden opinions, She gave
"Collin' the Ptoanniniee," "An Irish-
woman's first experience on ekatee," and
"She liked him rale weal". Mise Merry
will bold her own with the beet eioontion
ary talent. Jas. Fax ie always fell of
humor and Friday evening be greatly
pinged the large audience. Hie songs,
eoatnmee and drollery are not enrpneeed
by anybody. Mise Mabel McDonald
danced the Highland Fling, Sheen
Treece and an Irieh jig and was equally at
home in all, elioitiog hearty encores.
She tae won many; medals for her skill
and will always be welo'tme here. Her
a000mpanimeote were well playedfon the
pipes by ber father who oleo appeared in
Highland costume. Mies Jean Mo.
Lauohlin was the pianist and did, ae she
always does, exoellently', The total
proceeds were over $168, out of wbioh the
Fall Fele Direotore cleared something
over $102. A larger Hall is badly needed
for there popular Fall Fair oonoerte.
East Huron leads the ven.
Some additional lensing is needed at
the Park. '
The prize list may be read on page 4
of this issue.
Every judge was in their plane at the
proper time.
A patent dog power attracted a good
deal of attention,
Jack Frost shot off some of the intend.
ed floral exhibits.
It would be difficult to find a better
exhibit of apples.
Horseman say the } mile treok was in
dandy condition.
Already plane of improvement for next
year's Fair are being evolved.
The question of a new Hall and Skat-
ing rink combined is one more mooted.
The Treasurer received the Grey
Brand .. overoment grant the other day
amounting to $180.
There were 6 entries for Dr. MoNan;t•
ton's special for beet roadetere owned
and driven by farmers.
The gate receipts would have been more
if tboee who eueaked in had paid.
Some people salt themselves at a very low
Among the visitors were Dr. MacDon-
ald the Liberal candidate, of East
Huron ; A. Hislop, M. P. P., and War.
den Bowman.
W. J. MoOraoleen and J. H. Kerney,
catered to the wants of the public in the
refreshment line. Mr. Evans, an out -
aider, void grapes, eto.
1! we bad been ordering the weather
for Friday we could not have suggested
many improvements. East Heron
Society woe highly favored.
The changes and improvemante in the
grand stand were appreciated bot the
weather was a trifle pool to enjoy the
luxury of a comfortable seat.
There are four entries for the field root
competition in both turnips and man-
eolde. The judge will be W. H. Mo-
Oraoken who will visit the various plots.
W. D. McLean, of the Huron Expoeitor,
and H. B. Elliot, of the Wingham Times,
were in attendanoe at the Fair in addition 1' '
to the looal repreeeotativee of the preen.
James Hendereon'e aooaetomed exhibit
of roots and vegetables, etc., was mieeed
thie year. Owing to a sodding accident
to hie little child he was unable to get
here on Thursday.
A meeting of the Direotore will be held
on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'elook in the
Council Chamber, Brussels, and the
Treasurer will commence paying the
prizes on Friday, 21st inst., at 10 O'olook
a. In.
The receipts were nearly $600 without
the $102 profit of the Cloned and the
membership fees end donatione of over
$150 will give a total of over $800 leasing
a tidy earplug when ex eusean
d prima
are paid.
There wee no exhibit that attracted
more attention in the "Paine" than
that of Dr. MoNuughton, Onunoillor
Thomson and Jno. Walker in whip)) were
shown Indian curios, fanny hunting ftp
pliancee, &o. They were shown in a.
large glace one and were worth non•
siderable win.
The apple -naming aonteei, open to
young people and enangurated at last
year's Fair, 'wee one of the features of
Thursday afternoon, There Were 23
varieties of applee
handed out to eaah
boy as hie turn came with the following
reetelt :—
Glenn Armstrong named...,22
Harold B " air .27�
Jae, Armstrong " , , 20
Jno. Speir
Thee. Armstrong"
Sydney Armstrong v ..;.18
Thee. Dark " ..,11
It the gine wonid take held of these can,
Leets tie well as the boys a new interest
Would be added. They should do as well
at the boys,
tb le' A
A creditor ot the Osnada Wbo a Mille
Company ie seeping to net Beide the
Bale of the oompany'e assets to W, D.
Long, of Hamilton, on the ground that
the price being $200,000, 10 too low,