HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-9-29, Page 501,
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TOMS Op0118 April 11111, 15)04
Two Ooureoe-
Oomulorolat and. Shorthand.
Bend for College Journal.
A, L. MOINTYltE, Manager.
cent, F.B, BOOTT, Brussels,
Y • Issuer of Marriage Limiest*. Of -
nee at Grocery, Turnberry Meet, Brussela,
11 DHRBI0N1(D lea Revoral good Forma for
sale and to rant, easy terms in Townships
of Morrie and Gray. F S. SbUTT,Brueeel
C. O. 1l'.
Court Priu mess Alexandria, No,24, 0, 0. F.,
Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room lllae•
hill 2loo2, on tho Mud and last Tuesdays of
each month, 018 o'clock. Visiting brethren
alwayswelcomo, JAS. BURGESS, 0,10.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
-'Tel ACHE 11 02 -
BR•rJBrn17-12.,, O1V'T,
Osice over Hurstey'a Drug Sturm,
Nov, ard, 1002. 80.0(0 2x000110,
Wellington Mutual
Fire insurance Co.,
1teTenraenIn 1840
Insurance taken on the Dash and premium
note eyetem atourrent rates. Before inenr•
Dm elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent
of too Comp GEORGE ROGERS, Brunie.
• ORB, will sell for better prices, to
butter men in leas time and less chargee
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
be wont charge anything. Datee and orders
can always be arranged at this offioe or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the °Aloe of Ton Poem, Brussels. 2219
tr • Honer Gra,hno,e of the Ontario Vet.
erinary College,•i s prepared to treat all die•
ewe of domesticated auimnle in a coronet.
eatManner. Pat Voider attention psid Eo
Veterinary Deutletry. Calls promptly at.
tended to. 00oe and Il1Brmary-Four doors
North of bridge, Tnrnberry st., Brn0'el0.
•Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Buoe0eaor to to, F. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard Bunk, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Be*
V1' • Barrister Solloitor, ioouveyaneer,
Notary Public, deo. Offoe-Stewart's Block
Q door North of Central Rotel.
Solloitor for the Standard Bak.
PUBW. Pno1Dlroom,a. F, SLAIR E. 0, •HAY°
nos -Those raerorty occupied by Mosaics
Offi Cameron d: Bolt,
401D1tItI00, ONTARIO.
111, 1t,, C. M.,
Trinity University, F'e11ow Trinity Medical
College, H0mb01 Collage of Physieinn0 and
Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal. Col-
lege of
Surgeons, ape Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh, tea -Telephone 20.14,
Resi'denee-'111 street, Bluesele,
O1' in . R. I01. , FE11„0.
f Arai.;_ it11NTIST
agCt'aduatp of .the Royal ()allege of Dental
t:chl11.,eone of Ontario and 8'lrot elaes Honor
eVO,lnate. of 100100te Urdver8ity. 011100
',tlt pjt,to llrewor'e Photograph Gallery,
deepest', BIEUSB1aLS,
eecinir _
•, no sy
App. 7'11 t
"�tilnat�l9 argent and Best ri
do nt0lo•
Western Ontario
A '•lf-ir k
T11tia popular inetltutioh Ian an elf"
centrist re 8000981l tor' strictly high
grade World Our
groat dented.naivethea'n101i
Wo the undorol nod ren o 1 t
prion of iwroo•Bhooing toy Hie. for Rotting
and 00e. for new ahneo, owing to the m11'0.u00
in the
fume onrMonday. Aloies. of ie al131ua10J1 Is goon eosin
Signed by
EWAN & 0o„ ado. W Port,ARD,
1'. /Mo'xv, Ii OM1 nnIRB & NON,
S. T. l'1,Unt, 21,1 Alol,Auc1u, 1,
TnaB. Poonocn, (0110 E0aletlta,
Ju110 20100081, Jena Soloman.
t trtzt
Howiok Mutual Fire Ineuranoe Co.
mot on Saturday,
W. D, Wdllame, of Baton Reugo La.,
is spending a week with bio family in
Jae, and Mrs. Beewitheriok have
arrived Mame from their trip to Mani•
A gang of (J. P. R. workmen were
repairing the water tank here. They
raised 11 np about raven feet.
Mies hiiunio Bowyer left on Monday
morning 10r Meitta where 0110 hag
seamed a lucrative position.
Dan, Brioltman hoe moved hie stook
of olof00tionery and bakery bueineea to
larger premises and he now ooeupte0 the
eters Due door South of his old stand,
Rich, poen was appointed tax Cotten.
or for the Western Division and Albert
E. Cooper for the Eastern Division, their
enmities beteg eatisfaotory to Lowick
Heneall's rate of taxation for the gree
ant year i0 fixed at 12 mills.
Geo. M0Ewen has been in the Weet for
a ample of weeks, en business.
H. J. D, Oook and the Misses Sbirray
have retareed after ependiug two menthe
visiting ptttoea of interest in England,
Ireland sod Sootlaod. Oa the return
trip they encountered very severe
The by-law granting a loan of $6000 to
William Kelehon to estate belt a an engine
and machine shop 10 the village of Hen•
sail, watt voted on, on Monday of last
week and carried by a good majority. At
the close of the poll the vote stood 152 for
and 10 agaiuet or a legal majority of 32
13. 0. Hocken, of the editorial staff of
the News, Toronto, gave the Heaton
Observer a call when on his way to St.
J.sepb to study out the possibilities and
ImpessibititiOO of Cantina's undertakings,
Some time ago Cantina sued the News
for libel bat tha action has been lying
dormant for some time but 4000(1tiy
another move bee been made,
IA, clan aeye .
Fail Fair will be held at Luaknow on
Ootober 4 11 and 5th.
Of the 25 Model School etedente in
Brune this year, there are 8 young men
and 17 young 'adieu.
There are seven aohoole in the
inapeotorate of Week Brune naw without
teachers. The lowest eatery offered by
any of them is $300, bat there are no
The many Mende of the family in thie
onion will regret to learn that Abner
Ackert, of Holyrood, met with a serious
aaoident, near Virden, Manitoba, while
out duck 11aating. In a letter received
from Mr. Ackert Ile lays he is doing as
well as sun be expected. The Virden
Advance, referring to the accident nays :
"The first serious gunning 0ooident fn
this district, so far this noon, happened
to a 0o08in1 of G. Sparrow ou Monday
evening. It appears Mr. Sparrow and
the unfortunate young man AI00r Ackert,
were out shooting drake when in some
unaouountable way Mr. Sparrow's gun
wall accidentally discharged, the shot
penetrating bit cousin's leg, inflicting a
serious, although not fatal wound. It ie
expeoted that in a ebort time he will bo
able to resume work."
D. A, Forrester 19), over 30 dares of
splendid looking ann.
Friday, Sept, 8012, le the day set for
the bolding of Field day in connotation
with our Collegiate,
Dr, Frank Bates, who xeoently under-
went an eperatioo in the hospital here for
appendiuitis„1100 almost fully recovered
from th8.effeote thereof, and looke well,
The Strathoona Lacrosse Olnb i8 now
out of the rano for junior championship.
It was to have gone to Elora last Friday
to play the return math' -0th that town
but defaulted.
The little eon of J. Maoguire, Lunn,
who has been vi0itieg with his grand-
parents, A. 0. and Mrs. Pattison, tad
the mieforinue to.fall aft of a,,°radio
awing while in motion,. Saturday noon,
and sustained a severe fleet, wound to his
left foot.
While Mr. Stevenson, of the Hloolrio
Light Om was working al the top of a
pole, hie open faced silver wa'ob fell from
bis pocket to the Gement walk. He
climbed down, expecting to find the
watch a wreck, but. to his ourprise it wee
still going, and uninjured beyond the fact
that the bank had beenhnoa1840 off. It
is a sienna given to him by hie father 22
years ago, and during that time.bae-not
Dost him snore than adollsr for repairs.
AN Anna WaDDINo.-Amidst the muei-
aal strains of the Loheugrin and Men-
deleoohn wadding mar0hee, played by
Prof. Hawkino, of Brussels, Mise M.
Maude Goodwin and_ W, Glenn Oampbell
bowed to the alter of love on Wednesday
of last ween at high noon, being united in
the holy bunds of matrimony by Rev.
Dr. Stewart. The 00ene transpired at
the home of the bride's pinnate, A., H.
and Mee, Goodwin, R4tbeubnry street,
the rooms being tnetily decorated in green
and white, anent being profusely dis-
tributed throdahont, The. bride wore a
gown of white Brenda net over white
taffeta silk, and carried white oaruatione.
Their only attendant wao little Ruth
Hoover, youngoet daughter of Mayor
Hoover, who made a sweet and pretty
little flower girl, After the aeremeny
the wedding party repaired to the house'
heat door, which the groom hoe furnish.
ed as ahamo for hie bride, and here
luncheon was 'served, the tables being
lighted by oandlea, here they enjoyed
thinnutlet a until train time, when thg
happy aoupla left on a hanaymoon trip,
to Detroit, amidst the beet o1 wlehee end
the uanai shower of rite. They will be at
Isom@ tg tlreiy friende atter the 15111 of
October, Tun tete pride was wolf and
favorably known wee evidenced by the
dumber of Otte that 0100 reeeient, tPillle
choir gave theta a dlook and' the Prtteteo
3lard a Bible, On `Tuesday 0400194
about fifty of the brile'.I friends look the
t t , her
h°nee b alarm, end elm goad h t 00I h
;mush kitchen 1 4 .110, •tv ,t
to start
housekeeping with
€1Ottr+r'l (911.
Tian Goderioh Organ Ou, made a ship•
112,11 10 Australia,
A I,naal Otninn campaign ie to be
undertaken in town.
Among diose Galled to the bar reeelttly
at Osgeed° Hall was W. Stuart Lane, eon
of Oounty Clerk Wm, lime,
The lumber dealt is pow fairly covered
with piled lumber, and there 90 only room
for nue Gr two mere oargooe.
The repair's on the North pier are pre.
grassing, and it Io0ke me though the job
will lest till the snow aomem.
Daring Wednesday night Rome one
stole nearly a dozen fine geraniums from
the flower bade at the Court Hoene,
Etre. R. Henderoon, wbo has bean visit-
ing for some weeks at Wingham, has
gone to Guelph hospital for treatment.
Postmaster John Galt woe in Sand•
wibh attending the funeral of his aunt,
Mre, Wilkinson, who died at Windsor,
Jonathan Miller has disposed of hie
hotel bueineea in Seaforth and he and
Mee. Miller hove again become residents
of out town.
The trees around the main streets are
being trimmed, owing to their inter.
ferenoe with the wires, with the effect of
admitting light more freely to the Bide•
The Bowiok Fall Fair will be held on
Saturday, Oat 1st,
The Arlington block has been very
neatly painted and present! a fine ap
praranoe now.
John Argue has purchased the house
and lot, 000npied by Wm. Wallace, from
Thos. Strong, fur a handsome figure,
At a Voatry meeting of Trinity ohuroh
it we; decided to put in a new furnace
this Fall. The work wI1l be proceeded
with at On0e, .
The annual 11119e99 Thanksgiving eer-
vi0ee were held to Trinity church on Sun-
day. Rev, Mr. Buokland; of Listowel,
was in charge. Tho church was suitably
L. Mahood bronght the largest pear to
the Record Mike last week that the
editor ever caw It weighed 10,} onnoes
and measured 10# inobea in circumference
and 11 inehe8 around by Oa nein,
J. 3, Montgomery moved his hauebold
effeete to Owen Sound where he has leased
it house and will reside. 13e will go ex-
teueively into stook baying, and also into
the lumbering on some 800 acres of
timber land ba owns in Koppel Tp, M.
Sharpin and G. Trout have taken the
minutia of clearing some of this bah
land for him.
VVfeaail toen-
H, Davie has been suffering for the
past three weeks wish an 104 lured leg.
For nine days he was ooufined to hie bed,
Thos. and Mrs.Boott and Mimi Roe re.
turned from an enjoyable trip to St. Louis,
where they took in the eights of the
World', Fair. They also attended the
wedding of a niece of Mr. Saobt's in Clay
()musty, Kenna.
The Committee for the annual Union
Sunday School exeureion from Wingham
reoaived the relnrne from the G. '1'. R..
of the rebate on the fares paid that day,
and there falls to the Sunday Salmis of
town the sum of $250 85.
John Rogers' horse took a wild run
on Sunday 11th, lust, along the river bank,
and plunged fearleeely into the water,
until it was over its head.
With oon-
eiderable diffioulty the horse was saved
by memo of a boat. The buggy -was
oempleteiy ander water,
W.F. Vauetone had his faoe severely
out and bruised by falling off a oar. He
wa8 shipping stook at Gerrie station, and
had climbed upon the aide of the oar to
oount the sheep. While he wag doing
thio, the engine bathed down to the oar,
and Mr. Vauotone jumped, bat in doing
00, fell with blatant on the iron rails.
'Hie Noe was eerlou0ly out and bruised,.
It woe fortunate he did not fall under the
moving oar.
For the past two months, the Presby,
terian obnab in town has been nutter.
going repairs, and last week the new
pipe organ was Metalled, fa a short
tithe, the work of renovation and im•
'pavements will be completed, and the
000gregetiou will worship in a beautiful
edifice. The date of the reopening
00(010ee has hien flied for Oabober 9th,
s4hen Rev, R. E. Knowles, of Galt, will
preaob, morning and evening,
Ou Tuesday evening of Mat week re-
presentatives of the. Town Sunday
Sohoole waited upon Dr. Towler, at his
renidenoe, and. 0preng a complete sur-
prise upon 11111. There were present 1-
Rev, Dr. Gundy and Mr. Fenian from
tbo Methodist, Mr, Ooeens from the
Bsptitt, Rev. Wm, Lowe and Alex.
Alderson from St. Paula sad Mr
Harold from the Presbyterian Sunday
School, On behalf of the Schools, they
presented him with a beautiful Silver
Tray, ineoribed, ae a reeognibion of hie
untiring efforts ate Secretary of the Com -
mines for several years in oonneotlon
with the annual Excursion,
Mr, Herrington, of Toronto, was here
endeavoring to interest our 10wtemen fn
the organization of a joint stook 0o. for
the monufaotnre 01 knitted underwear.
A mooting wag held in the Connell
0hambeu and Mr, J3erringtou preeeuted
figures thawing the poet of maohiuery,
eta. and profit on the goods, Machinery,
no., would ant $12,000, and $10,000
worsting capital would b1 required, so
that about $35,000 would bo required.
Filly females would be employed. 13e
figured that the petite yearly would be'
$12,000. Atter nuc 01110800' experience
with joint stook affeire, they seem rather
wary of investing their money in Buda a
In the Presbyterian Church, Wing•
hart, at 12 30 o'oloak, ou Wednesday of
MO week, wag consummated the mar.
fla40 of Claude L. Toting, manager of the
Bank of Hamilton at Berlin, son of the
late Rey. Dr, Laing, of Dnndae, Red
Mies Nellie Macdonald, yea°9�001 daugh-
too of Dr, Macdonald, M. P. East Huron.
The ohneoh was very prettily decorated
with bank() of ferns, and white asters,
beeidoe ot%fee planta and flowers in
profueien. At the appointed 11001, to
the taming of the wedding, noareh, play-
ad'dy ries, (Rev) J. J. Hestia,' of Mel.
grave, the Wedding party took their
posltione, the bride being given away by
1801 father. Rev. D. Perm, 00t4btd by
Itmv A A, Veins of If:10o
1 oton, 1)roi1tee
0f the groom, performed the ceremony.
The 10ride10 wedding attire was of Dream
Gbioeee eatiq, and she wore the euit0rit•
arq veil and vomited it bouquet of white '
I Jit it 1,1 13 t3 itJ X�
rosea, Mee Carolina Manlnnald, rioter
of theill41,411
br e b Ill 'rnarl1 L I7
1 U red vein 1 1 w r a'
t t fn 1f milt ha Mss, Amy
and Lelia Hersey, 1110 u ,i« 1150 „f the
bride, ectad ae malt of honer The
smote Wal 'supported by II, P. Taylor,
of Woodotook. Dr, 3. It. Macdonald,
and W. 0. Ferguson, of Loudon, noted
ns nether!, The 0Or'meny over, the
wedding party and ga00t0-rolativee of
the °entreating particle, quite a few of
whom were from a 1110anae-returned to
the home of the bride's patent's, where a
dainty wedding breakfast wan partaken
of. The bride wao the recipient of a
large number of ooetly and beautiful
presents, whioh evidenced the high
esteem in which she le held by many
friends. The happy couple left on the
afternoon C. P, R. train far a short trip
to Toronto and the Haat before taking
up tlielr reeidonoe in Berlin. The bride
bee been a lite -long rseident of Wingham,
and 000 of the moat popetar young iodise
of the town, and the groom woe formerly
connected with the local brunet] of the
Bank of [Camillo/1.
tlt> th.
Min Edna Pickard left to resume her
violin 0tud.ee at Sohneotedy, N. Y.,
A large number of looal Ooneorvativee
went to Stratford to beat R. L. Borden,
Frank L. Willie ie opening up his new
stook of gent's farniehings eta„ in Lea-
royd'B old stand.
The fitermini district meeting of the
Methodist ohuroh fur Goti0ri012 district
was held at Seaforth on T'aesday.
Will. Orloh pinked a monster mnehroon
on Main et, the other day, whin' weighed
one pound. It was of the light colored
Mrs. John Orioh, of this town, left for
Portage La Prairie, to attend at the bed•
aide of her Don Fred, who is dangerously
ill of fever.
John Haya, of Hayeville, i0 visiting
hie brother, Thos. E. Hays, Be is over
82 years of age and is remarkably smart
and active for his yearn.
A large amount of oheeee whioh has
been in cold 0torage at D. D. Wilson's,
was shipped from the local station to
Vancouver last week.
Rev.' T. Fagan, D. D„ and Rev. D. Mo
Donald, D. D., to mieeionariee of the
Order of the Holy Redeemer, oowmeneed
on Sept, 25th in the Oatbolin church,
Seaforth, 0 mission wh'uli will continue
until Oat. 20d, at 7 p. m. On week days
sermons will be preached in the morning
at9a.m.and 73091.m,
W. C. I,enrnyd left for Wimltpll, whets
1 h,, good C, ire
t., n acline t 2
f ar d i family will liken remain In
da10 u the Winter.
Aro' & Ondmore have pin (Mooed
a tb,'oi. ,be ,, old pacer from halve Beattie,
of Jiirktue, T11ts paver is a promising
ono and tools fleet prize In the 1.inners'
trot et Exeter,
D. D4t,nvem has returned from visiting
the fake 0b London and Toronto with
his team of heavy draft bargee, ,At Lon-
don he curried off both the fleet and the
sweepstake prizes iu the heavy draft
Man, and at Toronto took seoond prize.
A pleasant event took plane at St.
James' ohuroh, on Wednesday of last
week at 5 p. m., when J. W. Duncan, of
the Seaforth News, was quietly married
to Mies Marguerite Bell, of Lond„n, for-
merly of Exeter, ROY. Father C•,rooran
performed the oerinony the bride being
sepported by her sister, Mien Helen Bell,
whits Will. 1)mioan, brother of the groom,
Rated as best man. Mutio was furnished
by the olwle, ander the leadership of
Mra, P. J. Muloahy, while hire. Bullard
played the weddiug maroh, The eon.
tea0t3ng parties have taken aphawse-
in town and have the beet wishes
of a large oirole of [rioods,
t..l ezl.c>w Al.
The H'arvoet Thanksgiving Servide of
Ohriet (Mural will take plooe on Friday
evening, Sept. 90th, and the following
Henry Zinn, the noted horse bet eder 01
Wallace, who has for years won ant good
prizes at Toronto and Leaden, wao again
enaoeeeful. At London he parried off
three firsts and two seconds, first for
driver, first tor 8 year old Carriage, first
for colt, Carriage class, seamed for brood
mare, and wooed for 2 year old carriage
At the oloee of the prayer meeting in
Knox °berth an Wedneeduy evening,
Sept. 141h, Mies Lizzie Voigt, who is
severing her oonne0tion with the oburob
and leaving town, was presented with a
box containing a handsome ebony toilet
set, and oleo a very nice gold mounted
fountain pen for her deter, Mise Annie
Voigt, together with a kindly address
whioh was read by Mies Annie Flender.
Kirklon fair will be held on the Ot11 and
7t11 of Ootober.
Rev. 0, W. Brown, of Mitohell, hoe
aoaepted a call to Aylmer, on completion
of hie term at Mitohell.
Thursday and Friday, Octs 6 & 7
The Outlook Very Favorable.
East Huron Fall Fair has loon a front place among the County Agrionitural
Shows and has been growing in interest as the years have gone by. The Fair of
1904 will not be inferior to any of its predecessors and will 110 doubt attraot many
The Standard Bank, offers $5.00 for the best 15 pounds of roll bobber, the same to
become the property of donator.
W. H. Kerr will give The POST for a year for the beet 2 loaves of home made
bread ; and Tun Poor for a year for the beet 5 pounds of batter, both articles
to become his property.
W. H. McOraoken offers to purchasers of seed from him as follows :-5 Swede
Turnips, 1st, 50e. •,' 2ut1, 25o. ; 5 Long Red Mongols, 1st, 500. ; 2n1, 250. ; 6
Yellow Giant Intermediate Mangela, let, 50o.; 2nd, 25c,
Oil Painting, Original Sketch, not lees than 15x20 in., from spot enacted by the
Secretary, to be limited by motes and bounds. Intending competitors may
get full information from the Secretary. 1st, $8.00 ; 2nd, $2.00.
Postmaster Farrow offers prizes for the three beet addressed envelopes, by pupils
of Pubiio Sahoole. One envelope to boar address of a person in the Old
Country ; one to the United States and one in Ontario, let prize, 50e. ; 2nd
prize, 500. ; 3rd prize, 500. Foshan stamped envelopes must be used.
One person may take the three awards if the judges so decide.
Four prizes will be awarded by the Society to boyo and girls under 16 ye0re of
age who can name the largest number of varieties of apples on exbibiti„n at
the Fair. 1st, $1.50 ; 2nd, $1.00 ; 8rd, 76°. ; 4th, 50a. Competition takes place
at 4.30 p. m. on the first afternoon of Fair. No entrance fee.
Best half Dore of Mangels, let, $2.50, donated by Geo. Thomson ; 2nd, $1.50 by W.
H, MoOracken ; 8rd, $1,00. There must be four entries or no oompe0ition.
Entrance fee of 500, to be made at the time of making entries. Entries to
be made before Show day and prizes t0 be awarded not later than Oot, 21.
Best half acre of turnips, let, $2.50, donated by Geo. Thomson 1 2nd, $1,501 3rd,
$1.00. Must be four entries or n0 competition. Entrance fee of 50o, to be
made at the time of making entries. Entries to be made before Show day and
prizes to be awarded nut later than Oat. 21.
Dr. J. A, McNaughton offers $5.00 for best roadster, horse or mare, owned and
driven by a farmer. Style and speed to be -taken into consideration. 1st,
$3.00; 211d, $2.00.
TheSeoretary will present a box of Croquet, for the largest assortment and nicest
arrangement ofleavesof Canadian woods, the same to be attac1 041 to a card
not, exceeding 24x00 inobea, by a Pubiio School pupil ; 2nd prize, Photo
A. E. Mellish, of the Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, will give three prizes, viz, 101,
$3.00 ; 2nd, $2,00 ; 8rd, $1.00, for the three beet (solleotions of Winter apples
Richards' Pure Soap Oo,,
the well known manufaoturere at Woodotook, offer the following prizes :-Beat
Novelty in Ladies' Work, $1.00 worth of Richards' Soap ; best hand painting
on 8 China Cups and Sano010, $1.00 worth of Rioh0rde' Soap ; best Collection
of Soft Pillows, nob lase than 4 in collection, $1.00 worth of Richards' Soap l
best 8 Scones, $1.00 worth of Richards' Soap,
Additional thatrlea mast be made with the secretary
rev lye Above Special Prizes.
To provide a program of interesting featnrea for the 2nd day of the Fair has
been the endeavor of the Direabors and that they have succeeded is beyond gime.
lion. This year the card will show ;-
FOOT RACE, 100 yards, boyo under 18 years. 1st, $1.00 ; and, 500. ; 3rd, 25e,
BOYS' RA.011, under 14 years, 100 yards, let, 75o ; 2nd, 500; 31(1, 25o ; 4912, 26o.
GIRLS' RAOE, under 14 years, 50 jande, lot, 75o ; 2nd, 50o ; Brd, 25n ; 4111, 25o,
BOYS' RACE, ander 8 years, 50 yards. let, 50e ; 2nd, 25e ; 8rd, 260,
GIRLS' RADE, under 8 years, 50 yards. let, 500 ; 2nd, 25e ; 8rd, 25o,
OBSTACLE RA013, 100 yead0, for boys under 18 years. 1st, $1.00 ; 2nd, 500
3rd, 20n.
CANDLE RA019, 100 yards. let, $1,00 ; 2nd, 500 ; 3rd, 250,
FAT WOMAN'S RA0E, 50 yards, oonteetants must weigh at least 200 lbs, let,
$2.00 ; 2nd, $1.00 ; 31d, 50o.
SPEEDING, -The Committee is arranging for a few speeding events one of
which will be open to single drivers attached to buggies,
A HIGHLAND PIPER will be in attendance and Sottish danoing performed by
local and foreign talent.
FOOT 1?AOE$ AT 3 P. M.
THE 00140E1bT,
Already arrangements are well advanced for the big Concert always given on
the Friday evening of the Fair. Among the talent secured is Sas. Fax, the well
known and Rlwaye welcome 1nn•maker of Toronto; Mise Ethel Powell, the fine
soprano, of the same pity, and Miss Grate Merry, of Toronto, a rising young
eloontioniet, who with piano soloists of this locality will present a program that
l so
and inetrtlob
ii amu0e ea
r 1
y ,
„ ,,
q,`hnreday evoniug 9111 Palace w111 be open to view the interior department
of the Fnir. A Musical and Literary program will be given. Admission will only
be 10 cents,
Anybody desiring a copy of the prize Hat will have one forwarded by return
Mail by writing the Seorstary) W. H. Kerr, Brussels, The dates of the Fab; ii40
Thereby and Friday, ()debar Oh mud 7th,
Dan ' c.•4.5 wU r ac4q,�''�WG+ cJtm,l:o> 51«"te'avu�r.'ti't 1:?
te CO,
Oar Millinery Department le now the great °entre of attraction, It be
filled to overflnving with all the newaol thione in up 0o.date goods, iuelud-
ins the latest designs in Paris and New York Reedy.to•wear, Outing and
Drage Rale. Our ealee in this department hove exceeded our most Dan'
gnine expectations and severalliueo have had to be repeated already thie
season. A cordial invitation ie extended to the ladies to visit our millinery
parlore now while the stook ie at its best
New Dress Goods,
We ra0elv891 a large shipment of New Drees Goode thio week, which
puts oar stock in great 'shape for the Fall trade.
We allow great value in light, medium and dark, plain, mottled and
v, flecked Homeepun, something new, at 50e, 75o, and $1. -Barris' 0o'o-
bre.ted Homeepuue, in new cohere and designs, guaranteed all wool, 58
inches wide, at $1. -Vieques,is b'aok and brown, navy and green, very
e Baiala
t 1.-Vsnatiun Drees
Goode, in black and navy, at $1, 1 25 and
1 50.-Homeepana, in all actors, 45 and 50 inobea wide, suitable for girls'
school dresses, at 26o, 85o and 50a,
New Mantles.
We have received our second shipment of New Mantles, which makes
our stook complete in all the latest styles. We show everything that is
new in Children's, Mieseo and Ladies' Mantles et very close prices.
9nr `lid' x 2c 4 X2C2CXX =`PY'
BUG -G -IE S !
Beware of Imitators and Imitations,
Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods.
Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would-
be competitors distanced in numbers.
We have still a few of these "Old Beliables” in up-to-date Finish
and Design to show you.
Does Quality count with you 4 If so be sure to call as we can
certainly interest you.
Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices,
We have a number of other makes to show you, including the
"Platteville,” "Palmerston" and "Guelph."
Also a number of comparatively new Seeond•haud Rigs, of other
makes, for sale at low prices.
N. S. Mc Lauc li .
Apples will be bought on and after Septem-
ber 12th, at the
Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind-
falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the
Highest Market Price.
Small or Soft Apples will not be taken.
what our stock is. We have kept
good rigs will do it.
We have added to our Buggy Tope this season a Spring to prevent the
bolts and rivets from breaking. Thee has been a long felt want.
We have 4 Otylos of Axles -Duet and 011 Proof, Long Distance, 1.000
Miles, and the Noieolese Axles, also a few of the old otylee.
.6.11 Steel Body Hanger, and all trimmed with beet Leather.
Along with our own Buggies we Mante'l's a number of first -angel
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 2,1 and 3 inch tires ; Trucks anti
Medium size,
We invite every intending purchaser to
Deli and Buy
from Oe and 00v0 money,
WE are now ready for 1904
with a larger stock of Buggies
than ever we had and a walk
through our Show Rooms will
convince intending purchasers
the lead and intend to do so if
A T & 00., Brussels.