HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-9-29, Page 4t;%e Wgrusstto ostt .'1'X, URSUAY, SEPT, 29, 1.904. Tnvntomr, Nov. 19th has been ap• pointed rte Thanksgiving Day and there will be ample reason for iia observance in this broad Dominion thio year. Gonne! town is being canvassed with the ellen of presenting a petition to the Connell asking that a vote be taken on a Local Option By•law at the next Muni. cipal oleoticn. The campaign ie extend- ing and other plaoee will likely pursue the same oouree as Clinton and the Co. town. . Waeo a level beaded woman lender. taloa to carry out a prejeot she generally enooeede. Ae proof ot tbia several young ladies of Galt, Penton and Heopeler undertook to take charge of the eleotrio railway tanntng to those towue one day, the ptooeede to be applied to the Hoepital Fund. The reealte were that about $500 was received for this charit- able purpose. .A ToLxendra deepatoh eaye abet Vesta - vine is active. Why don't the people of Naples collar and harness the orator eo that it might become a vehicle for eon. veying heat to their homes ? If Veeui. vitae were Imbed in the 'United States some enterprising Yank, would utilize it or drown it one. Oanucks are not eo red hot to venture too mach in epeoalatioo and berme have made no bide. Imes :L Oonveutiune are announced for in South Perth to be held at Mitchell, on Wedneeday, Ootober 6th, next and for South Huron at Bengali on Tnee• day, Oct, 11th. D. K. Erb, M. P„ has declined to be a candidate again in Perth s'1 a new mat will have to be chosen. Wbe'bet Geo. MoEwma, M. P., for South Huron, will be in the field again or not we have not beard, Tarr Couservativee tat North Middlesex for the Legislature have pieced 0. 0. Hodgine, of Lucio, in the field. Con. veution was held at Aire& Craig Iaet Friday. In the absence of Jno. Sherritt, M. P., who is in the Weet, the naminating of a candidate for the Commons was left over until another date. By the last redistribution part of Mr. Bberritt'e riding hes been retored to Huron Co. to which it geograpbieeely belongs. Is eaboolteaahere desire to preotically illustrate their interest in Nature Study they should eneourege their pupils to compete for Speolal prizee offered at Boat Huron Fall Fair for best arrangement of leaves tram Canadian trees. Poetmaetet Farrow off Is prizes for the three beat addressed envelopes, Particulars may be obtained tram a Fair Prize list, No eutranee fee charged for either com- petitions, Wm are pleased to nee that write have been issued againeb the workers of orookeduesein the lest Soo election. It le to be looped they will he made smart for their folly and thereby prove a lesson to themseives and sound a note of warn- ing to other feliowe ao to whet they may expect if they don't mend their ways. There has been too maoh winking by the Courts in the past over similar trans. ereeeions and leniency has been taken advantage of by emboldened programa of fisgrant violations. Hort. Mn. DAvre has been unseated in North York for the Legislature, owing to a man named Robertson, of Meaford, working in bis ooaetitnenoy, he having b'en oe the "reported list" from the Motion of 1902 in North Grey. Such eervieee are contrary to law and as a conaequenee the seat is vacant. North York gave Hon, Mr. Davie over 200 majirity. Tnie ties the pertie0 in the Harms taking the Speaker out. It is ex. legated that bye•eleotione will be held in the three vacant constituenaiee with strong probabilities of the return of Liberals again Tag ffnanoial airoometanoee in whioh the eleotorate is fonnd at the time of an Moraine oampaign, either in thio Dentin. lou or any other country, has a good deal to do with the results. If the pre. seeding years have been marked by un• mistakeable progress ; if manufacturers are crowded ith w workand reedit9 find sale for their output ; it farmers find larger markets and at better prion { if the working man seoueee steady employ went at better pay ; if the wage earner is sought after by more people than be 020 serve and as a oonaegneooa of tole Main of progressive a souse of general prosperity and enmity ie felt, it i0 likely to take mote than a platform oration to prove that the Opposition should sup, plant the ruling power, Politioe is e peculiar game or rather we should coil it a science and in increasing intelligence of our people, from their study of the public issue 00 the day, they depend more today on what they know, by the beet ofproof, then what may be acid In the heat of a politioef fight. There is often a lot ,of ".chaff" given by the °rebore on the stump bat the proof of the pudding is iu tite eating thereof and the people of Canada have rea800 ko pen. gratulate themeeleee, irrespective of ,pi lines, Chet the passing Vine bays bead a g ro well supplied with neoeeaariee and luxuries. We certainly have been hay ing a "growing time" and better than that we are having it yet. There le little doubt but when the Dominion ele0tione come along that the people of this Dominion will re•inetate the Liberal party for another term at] they have capably and wisely managed the ship of state and deserre another opportunity of oantinniugthe advooaoy and extension of the course pursued in the fitereete of our land, Continuation • Classes. The reports received at the Education Department show the eteady growth of oontiDnatiou otaeeee in numbers and in efflaieuoy, There are four grades of these institution, and they are eeteb. tithed oily in municipalities having no High eohools, The lost report shawl : 60 o0ntinaetion °laeees in grade "A.," 45 aentinttttion Manes in grade "13," 110 continuation classes in grade "0," 189 oontiquation otaeeee in grade "D". In order that a eobool be pinned in grade "A" the prinoipal must have at Inst a first cleat. oertifioete, end give regular instruction only to pupils doing fifth form or higher work. Scbools in grade "B" mast have at least two teaoh• ere, and a ulna in regular attendance of at least ten pupils who have passed the High school entrance examination. Sohoola in grade "0" most have at lea -t five, and in grade "D" et least three who have passed the High eoho!l entrant! examination. The principals of ooboole in grade "A" are in many oases nnivers• ity graduate°, The Government grants bo the four grades of continuation otaeeee are re• apeotively 9100, 950, 025, mid 915. By Statute the County Connell must pay at least an equivalent. In many places the County Counaiito their oredit oontribute more then the minimum required. Sixteen eohoole iu grade "A" employ two teacbere, giving their time exert eively to oontinuatioa clues work. They are the following:—Alliston, Beaton, Stayner, Tottenham ; No. 5, Esea, Mi1. ton, Shelburne, Dnrbam, Paisley, Wing. ham, Brussels, Wallenberg ; No. 4, Til. bury W., ; Amberetbnrg, Alvineton, Parry Sound. Two eaboofe employ three teaobere iu nab nee, viz,—Oheeley and Exeter, When two or more teachers are employed in grade "A" the Govetument paye a oorreepondingly inoreased grant, the County Council contributing the egaive.leut. It is satisfactory to notice that in the development of oontinnatiou Manes, eev- °ret of them have already become Iigh Soboolo. This is shown by the repent eatablimbment of High Bahoole at Bat Portage, .Cort William, Sault Ste Maria, North Bap, East Toronto, Ohestey and Midland. Stripe are aivo heiog taken to open a, High School at Plantagenet. Con- tinuation otaeeee are eabetantially doing High Bohool work, and the revised regi lations make these schools which are in grade "A" aabjeat in game respects to the enme examination provisions ae the High Soboole and Collegiate Institutes, Fighting The White Plague. Rev. P. Chilton Parker, M. A., of Tor. onto, Otto travelling Secretary ot the Mee. koka Free Hospital forooneampbioo, gave en address La the Town Hall, Brussels, on Thursday eveuiog of last week on the "Fight against the dreaded (linage of consumption." mfr. Parker, who bas been pastor of one of the !argent Baptist churches in Toronto for nearly 14 years, has left hie paatorote for the purpose of trying to rouse public) sentiment against buberantoeie and to induce the various mnoittipalittem to undertake more of a praotioal aharaoter in eari0g for con• sampbive poor. He showed how con- sumption was one of the most infectious diseases to which we are eabjsot. That every fourth paean who died between the ages of 14 and 45 died of this disease. That during the month of July in the Proviuoe of Ontario while 224 persona died of the seven infectious dteeaeee 178 of thio number died from consumption, that ie over three times more than all the other via inlet:emus diseases oombioed. That 8000 per year in Oho Province and over 8000 per year in the Dominion euaeumbed to this dreadful dimmers every year, and there was not a hospital in the whole country would Dare for the eon- ,aumptive apart from the Muskoka Hospital and this wag so email it wee only touahiug the fringe of the disease. The old idea that consumption wee hereditary wag abandoned. It ie not hereditary, it is paraeetio and could . be cured if taken hold of in the inoipieot or beginning stages. Wo have hospitals galore foe every other kind of disease, and yet no provieion wee made fur the w'irsb of alt dieeeaes. He le trying to get the various towne and cities to help in the maiutenanoe of the Muskoka Hospi- tal, so that it could be enlarged eofli- oiently to meet ail the nooeoeitiee of the Province. $300 per annum endows a bid to which the patient tient from the oontrihnting municipality has first call, Everyone of the town which estebliehed o branch gave a ourety of enlargement and meaenreof provision for their own 00na0mptiv8 poor, Consumption oa0 be aired, as 000 of 1200 patients in elaeleoka hoepiOels 74 per cent have been eared ae to he abletot eke up their dntiee in lite, es the infection was in the system. Mr, Parker nrgod the mnniaipalitiee to pat up aien0 asking people not to spit on the oidswalko, He also urged upon the lem tatiott of the disease and t'te disinleobion of homes where co0snmption had been prevalent. The opening of windows and letting in freeb air, and the g00ti0g of all the sunlight possible as they are all neeeesary to health, Atter Mr. Parker had taken his seat Rev, John Rose, B. A, and Rev. I. M. Webb, epoke a few nommendat0ry words relative to the hamauity of the object and the deserving obarttoter of the work, A branch organization, founded some yearn ago, was reeoecitatad with the following offices :—President, J. H. Monroe ; Secretary, Jae. Pox ; Treas. urn, W. H. Kerr ; Committee, Revels. Dieners. Rose, Cohens end Webb and J. Cober, to whloh a lady representative from each oongregatfon will be added. The local Board will meet shortly and map out a plan of work. Bruesele and loaatityhaa responded an variou0 0008,810110 to this charity throngb burobes, Sabbath Sbhoole, lndgee, eta„ d it le hoped that those rendering 001000009 eyjtl fits 00 through the organ, ization se that the proper oredit may be given, Any same handed over to the Treasurer will be forwarded to the proper authorities, The attondanoe wee miserably email ou Thnraday evauing, There was not a member of the town Omni! oe the Board of Health present. W. H.leerr oeoupi„ d the chair. Rev. Mr. Parker PM !hooked for hie addreee and in r''epontlitig retttreed thanks for the past genero8ity and teethed the branch Bungee as in aiding others Brussels was helping itself in the fight to uproot the fell destroyer. The reverend gentl man is a free, enoy speaker and Ilea mat with epleudtd eu008ae in hie cum. peign. Lea .olbnrv. MoKirnor Oooaoin —Township Council met in Oitrie1opber Whito'e, Leadbury, on Tuesday, Sept, 13th. Members of Oonnnil eh present. Minutes of termer meeting read mod adopted. element° were pees 'd and paid, amounting to 0810 55, The Uoliettor'e heeds were received and 000epted. 05 00 wee paid to Walton Library. A number or persona attending meeting regaoated Oouuni, to urge o'n(rmatore to have (Janda 0o, drain completed in South part of town. 01119, Corrospondeuoe from 0antra000r showed Ito was going at the work. Mov. by John. S. Brown, emended by JohnM. Goveulook that the Reeve take Pigeon boucle in the Winthrop drain to some competent Solioitor for advice and let this Council be guided by what snob Solioitor says. Ooancil adjourned to meet at Leadbury on Wednesday the 12th day of ()Mob r. JNo. 0. Monnrsee, Clerk. T A•o wb r til:; e. Mrs. Weber, of Glenollen, Le visiting Mrm. Ftetoher Ooaens. Rev. H. E Kelltngton is aseieting Rev. S. Currie, Of lliooktan, io special eervieee. John (Meter; is at preeeut ill with sp. pendicitis. We hope be may Boon be around again. R. J. AloOormiok, 13. A , epen0 Sunday on his old oirouit, Joauettee Creek, preaohing anniversary setmone. Rev. R. H. Barnby, of Milverton, occupied the pu'pit here Sabbath morn• ing and evening. Rev. A. 0. Tan supplied the work at Milverton. The Ladies' Aid of thio place held an experience social Tuesday evening in the basement of tee Meech. Leach 0000 served and a varied and iobereetiug pro- gram wag given. Our very enterprising aheeaemeker, R. H. Green, was eunoeesful in obtaining three prizes et Loudon Fair, let, special and Brd, We extend our congratulations. 131v tea. Mise Addle Cardiff, of Brussels, was the guest of Miss Luella Holmes for a few days. Thorne Coulter, of Morrie, has sold hie span of ponies to 0. B. Oampbelt, One of the 0. P. R. contractors. Wm. and Mrs, Baokltt, of Hartsdale, were visitors at the borne of the former'° Metes, Mrs, Myles Young, during the past week. W. F. Tternay, who spent the past two months visiting at the home of hie brother, J. B. Tieruay, of East Wawa. noeb, left for his home in Malvern, Eng. A reading circle wee farmed in oonneo- tion with the Epworth League of Blyth Methodist ohuroh. The ofiioere elected were :—President, Mies Kirkby; set rotary, Albert Wilford. A 'ergs staff of workmen are making obangee in the Grand Trunk yard at Blyth. The Weetern switch has been moved farther Westward and the new etatio° house will be bails between it and the main meek, near the site of the old station house. George Powell disposed of his grocery and provieioo bueineee to Jamse Otttt, of Jamestown, who will taste poseeseio0 at once. Mr. Gott also purchased Mr. Powell's interest in the Pretoria bloats. It is not Mr. Powell'° intention to leave Blyth, we are glad to know, but bo will now have more time to devote to. his farm prod000 bueioeee, which has grown to extensive proportions daring the past few years, and which necessitates Mr. Powell being away from home a good deal of hie time. He will also give more attention to hie farm in East Womanish. It3el„ierave. Wm Gregg ie not getting better, but rather weaker, Wm. Geddes has shipped hieturning lathe to Hiawatha, Molt. Mrs. Jno. Elopper and eon Milton, of Ttteesalon, have returned home. Frank Wheeler and family left on Moa• day of last week for Vancouver, Mre, W. Watson and her father, David Geddes, have returned from Len. ark 0ounty. W, and Mrs. Wray took in the West. ern exoareion and will °pond a tempts of weeks in Chicago. The main street bee been improved by a heavy aunt of gravel, The efdowalke have received attentlnn. On Wednoaday, 14'b int., a quiet wedding took plaoe, when Wm. Praetor, eon of Geo, Proctor, of Morrie, was unit. ed in marriage to Mies Lizzie Naylor, of Belgrove. The marriage took price in Wiigliam, Rev. Dr. Gandy offioialfng, The young coup's are both well and fav drably known in Belgreve, and they have the beet wishes of their many friends for a long mod auooeeefal life, PaxotNTAT1oe.—•A very plea0ant and 000iable time was epeut in the Hall Fri• day evening, 10th inst., in connection with Frank and Mrs, Wheeler's depart - nee ter Vanaonver. There were about sixty preeoab, belonging to the 0, 0. F. and A, 0. U W. Mr, Sproat was ap- pointed Chairman and there were a nam bar of spicy addresses by Reeve Isbieter, G. Taylor, W. Wightman, D. Aliioott, W. Wray and others. Dlr. Wheeler wee pre. tented with a purse of money, and the following addreee wee read ;—DnAn Sra —In behalf of the 0. 0 Be and the A. 0. U. W. eooietiea and other friends not connoted with these 900iotine, we have met bare thio evening to Ivey goodbye to you and with yen it boundless amount of nooses and boppineae In your new home in the far West. We tan aaeure yen that it le with the deepest regret that we part with you at gale time, for you have always been a kind neighbor and obliging bosioeee man. To say that yea wilt bo Mined ie only to express the feeling of every citizen ot Soignee, and we cannot allow *hie evening to paha without giving you a email token of the high toteem in which you and your ramify are held by your friends here. Wo ask you to aaoept this puree of money, and hope you will Mein it in the spirit in whish it to 0 t ti illi !. 0 1.',0 0 'X' given and not 1'r the amount which it oontaine, but benne it ie the only eon• voni-fit way at this time to show our good will to you, Blgued by Committee, P`11NltoT Gnnnns, fano, (UoNNFNatrAtr, lintl. Wunr/me ifSNltrouono INJgt11t,—Ag Rev. Mr, Sheer of the lf.ippen (lirontt wee etteuding to lila berth a few weeks sago he rolled that the nuhnet had got its foot entangled with tete Ole 00009 ond in endeavoring to Lee it the horse became excited throwing him down, tramping his fees and body. Air, Show hardly knows how he got oat of the stall and roaohed the hone. He wee found t0 be i» n bad ehepe with several outs on his fen and bead besides e'•vore bruises on the body, A doctor wee at once summoned and did ell in hie power to relieve the eafforer, Several of whose tenth were broken out. A ant jut above the nose caused eerione appreiten. sion. awing to its close proximity to the brain, but we fire pleased to state that the patient to doing nicely though it will be some time beton he will be able to teatime his pectoral duties. The warm sympathy of the euoire oommuuity is ex. leodod to Mr. Shaw, . .IC W0'UO<t. J, A. MaBeit left for Manitoba end B. 0., where he will represent a whole- sale house. Mise Aegis Ballantyne, daughter of R. S. Ballantyne, 8:11 Con., East, is very ill from an attack o0 typhoid fever. Samuel Watson tame the recipient of the sad intelligence of the death of hie brother John, of Willow Oity, North Dakota, The choir of the Baptist Oharoh 0000 entertained on Monday night of last week to a very dainty supper at the home of Mee, Juo. Switzer. Manager McKay was presented with a very handsome clock by the members of the Atwood and Lietowel brenohas of the Bails of Hamilton, on his return from his wedding trip, The drug loneineee which for the past eight years hes been carried on by J. A, Mitchell, will in future be oondnoted ander the name of The Public Drug Go., Limited. Olr. Mitchell will 000tinae at the head of the new company. W. N. and Mrs. McKay returned on Toeeday evening of tact weals from their honeymoon trip and are now oomfortably established in the Bank apartments, On Tuesday evening the buelnees men and other oitizane presented him with a handsome gold watoh as a alight token of esteem. The Bee says :—Work on the railway to the gravel beds bee been at a eland• still for the past few days, owing to the supply of bolts and !pikes leaving rim out, and the new supply not having arrived. The Cement Oompmny are mauufactnring damp oars to haul gravel from the beds to the works. The wheats and axles were oast at the Listowel foundry, and the wooden work is being done by Means. Greeusides and Mo. Kenzie. Perth County. Silvan pupils are attending Mitohell Model eobool. Chas. Bro'y, though it is his first sea eon on the green, last week won the ahampionehip for singles of the Mitchell club. Robert McNay, Mitchell, a student of S. A. H. dge's and who is now a full• fledged druggist, has gone to Begins, N. W. T. Grace oharoh, Millbank. have asked permission to take down the old church and erect a new one at a total met of about $5,000. Geo. Neil, of the Mitchell floor mills, received word that his nephew, Chester Ward, died enddeuly in Von000ver, 13, 0., at the age of 25 piste. Rev. Fattier Tobin, formerly pastor of St, Joseph's oharoit, Stratford, bus been named as assistant to Rev. Father Mo. Keown, rector of St. Mary's Mune, Lou. don. Ex mayor P. R. Jarvi; -showed the Stretford Beacon an apple et the eolvert variety, which measured 1Be inches in oiranmfereooe, both wave It was a den dy. It was pinked from one of Mr. Jar vie' own trees. Mime M. Kathleen Armstrong, of Mit. obeli, who tram completed her Normal School course in Toronto, ie now in GOelph taking the 'Teacher's Normal Coarse in Domestic Science at the Mao. donald InetiOute. John T. Wood, of St. Marys, served in the South African war 0e Bergt,•Meijer of the. Canadian Snouts, and dietingoiebed himsef with bravery, He was with Lord Roberts untilthe close of the war, and re0eived a 000(00a wound in nee of hie arms from a bullet. Two of the railwayto s ens ser are uow stationed at eionkton t0 oversee the building of the railroad thrnngh thin part. One of the sabetentruotore also pnrpooee living there while the road is being laid end eapeote to put a ging of men on this ween. The new building of the Stratford Y. M. O. A., which wait tweeted tide eeanon at anoutlay of over 920,000, will be opened title week, The main buds• leg ie of red pressed brick, 50 by 66 feet, with a large wing, 00 by 40 feet. The building ie sopplied with all modern accommodation and is one of the finest in Canada. The Stretford local and railway Y. M• 0. A. building 0000 opened mud dedi• Dated Friday afternoon. Amongst thee° who took net in the opening ceremonies were O. M. Oopetand, of Toronto, Pro- viooinl Seoretary; John P. Moore, tab New York, International Seorelary ; Frank Yelgh and W, D. Robb, euperin. tendent of motive power of the G. T. R. Many friends in Stratford will regret to hear that Mrs. E. B. Jalliffa, Daly avenue, met with a amine 000ofde00, hay- ing sprained both her anklets on Sept, 0, ie Toronto, where the hod been visiting. Sheis now aO the borne of her friend, Mrs, MoKsngie, and to doing 0e well se am be expected, but it will be severd weeks before she 0art be moved to her home in Stretford, and many mote before fb° will be able Io walk, The ogntraot for emoting the faotory of the fitrattord ()mileage Co, has been awarded to J. L. 'dung, of that city The building will front on Albert street and the cite will epibraoo Aebert, ;King and Bottnowiok etr00000 The mein build. int will bo 12404 feet, end the wing 6#x 54 feet. Behind the wing will be the hinitsniith shop, engine room and drying kiln. The entire plant will east about 955,000, of whidh about 024,000 will be expended on the building. An Indian woe arrested in Stretford Meetly for being drank and WKS Aged 05. Owing to the Meese of hie wife lin woto let go doter promise that be would remit 01a line, lie rode to the oily nn hie bleyole a distance of nbeitt forty milia, and presented hirnoelf be6rra the magi0traOo to pay ills tine. The nlogio trate oriented only 94. file Worship re. marked that aitch e, thing le very mire, Lie only remwnhoro of three in the past few seers, wit , httv0 ever remitted the Ono after promising to, The Stratford Beard of Works have commenced an °atennive oyetem of atortn sewerage with a vlow 00 lessening the tax 0t1 sewage dioposel works. At prom. ant nano)) of the dorm sewage enters the porifioatiot plant, overtaxing the latter, A feta years age en injanotion wam granted by the courts restraining the oily from 90110009 the Avon River, end the Board of Health of Downie have threat. enod on various oo0asione to 00(mee 01 e iniunotion, the latest threat being a few days ago. It ie understood, however, as the remit of the conference, that notion hail been postponed in view of the scheme now outlined by the Board of Worko. Lard and Lvdy Minto were given a bonny weloomo at Winnipeg. Eu S. Jarvis, J P., ol'rk of the ninth Division Court. died at London. The first oar of fall wheat over received in the Winnipeg market wee tnepeoted there Friday. It came arum Alberta. Aa agreement for lease of the Lindsey 13oboaygemt & Poutepool Railway to the (3. P. R. hag been eanotioued, by Olio Government. The killing room of the Park, Black- well Go. (Limited), Toronto wag burned oat Saturday morning. the damage being estimated at 985 000. A gruesome disoovery was made at Waterloo on Sunday afternoon at the !tome of an aged ample, Alex. and Mre, Janfeohoweki, Tho old man wag found dead in bed, having been dead for at least Six Jaye. The old couple had been in very straightened olroantstmooea for several years, and lately the old man had boon sick in bed. For the teat week oe eo the old lady, who ie slightly dement• ed, refaced to admit anyone into the old man's room. They had been subsisting on charity for mime time. When the diOoovery woo made the body was badly deoomp;sed. The remains were immtd. iotsly buried and all the bedalothtng burned, The old man was about 85 yeore old. The old lady sold the did not wish to be parted with her btlsbaud, so she refused to inform the neighbors, Following is a list of the dates of some of the Fall Faire which will be of interest to people in this district t— Lietowel Wingharn Fordwioh Atwood Lnoknow Bt0000 ro Blyth Dnnganuon Sept. 29 29-80 Oct. 1 8••4 " 4•.5 0-7 " 11-12 " 18-14 IMPORTANT NOTICES 22 HEAD OF YEAR OLD Cattle, in good condition, for sale. Apply at Lot 10, Con, 6, Grey, ,00 it by letter tuffitbelP,0. 11-tf ROBERT BLAIR, LADIE'S GOLD — WATCH found in Brunetti. The owner may have the same by proving property andpay- ing for this notioe by applying at THE Poem Publishing House. Notice to Debtors. All persona indebted to me for bleok- smithing are requested to call on Af. M, Cardiff, Brussels, and settle the same, THOS. POLLOCK, 11.2 Atwood P, 0. STRAYED. ON THE PREM— lens of the undersigned, Lot 15, 0ou. 4. Grey, on or about August 2001), a year old gray heifer. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenee0 and 00110 her away, WM. J. JAOKLIN, 0.01 EObel B, O, 'RANTED.— SPECIAL REP— lutaxxmevivtt to this oouoty and'ad. loining'territories, 'to repreeout •alit adver- tise an .old established business holmof solid finanalot etand.iug. Salary 921 weekly, with 'expenses:advtdluoed 0aeh Afauday by cheek direct from headquarters.' Horse and buggy faruisited when necessary ; posi- tion perm anent. Address blow Bros, & Co., Room 610 Monou 131dg., Chicago, 111. • Court of Revision, Notice is hereby given that it Court will be hold, pursuant to Oho °Wehrle Voters' Lint Act, by His Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at. the Town Hall, Bruseala, on the Oth day of October, 1004 at 0.80 o'clock a, m., to bear and determine the Several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters List of the Munfelt-mil ty of the Township of Morrie for 1004. All persona having bustno0e ab the Court are required to attend at the male time and photo, Dated Sept, 21st, 1004. WAM, CLARK, Clerk, EXE OUT.OR' S SALE OF FARM AND WOOD LANDS AND VILLAGE PRCrEl'rl.—Tho utdoriegnee hoe received instructions from Monera. Dugald McDonald and George Jeoltseu, 30o- eoutore of the last will of David i av d Ma n1 RN Y inner Village o B s t the I1 a o i rn of g a 'jaunty Buren, to pall by public auction on SAT - I:f1tDAY, the iST DAT of 001003030, A. D. 3004, 000 o'¢took in the atternoou, at the Amorioa" Hotel, in the Village of pressen!, the following valunbte term and villose property namely 1—Parcel No. 1—Being the South Halter Lot number Nineteen in the Seventh Concession of the Township of Morrie, iu rho County of Huron, bontaining one hundred acres of land more or lose. Sixty ecroe of rho said lauds orb cleared, The U4t41106 of about 85 or 40 noree being oxoellent liarowood bush of maple and booth, The son ie a clay loam ; there is a never failing spring creek on the ierm; thorn is one acre of good .orchard ; there is a frame barn on the tootle .40x00 feet. The faint .iswen situated, befog 5 relies from Brue0010 004 Walton and 7mttoe from Blyth, Parcel No, 0—feeing part of Lot 80 in the Village of Biuesote, 013 LUteabe0h street eontalning ou0-tiuoeOer of au acre of land. Ou thla Village 0,0 there 10 a frame hoes and a cod orchard. Parcel No. e--loefug. Iota 032 and 243, Prin0oeo street, and Leto 2(8 and 240, t'vt'nborry /street, Weathoreld'e Surcey,P; each lot containing ono Onirbor of an nom of land, Those aro imitable building lots, Th010 ltropertioe will bo 0h fermd oe ieraeely end melon to neooved Wars. '.'erns at Sale—Ton per 0000.00 the day pfHale mug the behave viable 1(000y day0 thereafter!, wheh popeeeelo0 w 11 be given thb a»y or nn bf the &lion. nrop'ort060, Ti nailer mutineers may be had from Ethg idxeol;tms or from, Otto uutter0lgu04. Dated at Itroseely, 00otit, Ord, 1 04. A,13. rlACDONA LD, F, e, 800101+ So1J0 Oo7 toriaxe0utorO, 400t d000r. 'A-(OTIOE TO CREDITORS AND ,1111 DEBTORS. In the Snrrogato Omni tat Ilia County of Huron, In the matter of the *Mate of Peter Rola .r'toon, late of the 'l'ownohip of Grey, in the County of Huron, termor, de0000ed. Notl.o is hereby givou, pursuant to Boyle. ed Statutes of Ontario, 1807, clap, 309, Son, 98, that all oroditoro and others having any claims against the estate of the said Petit' Roberton, W110 died on or about the cud day of Soptrmher, A, 13,1004, aro required on m' before the 100 duy at November, A. D„ 1001, to send by post pre -paid or deliver to A. 13, Ala0d0ua d, of the Village 01 13ruoeels in the Comity of Buren, solicitor Inc the Mullets. tinter of the said Peter Bohol then, their Obrletiau and surnames, addresses noel tles- erlptious,the 1011 irattlonlare of choir etalms, the statement of their Iwamoto and the nature of the securities, if any, held by thorn, and that atter tile said day the Ad- ministrator will 'Inwood 0o distribute the 000..teof Otto deceased among the parties entitled tberelo, baying regard only Lo the alaltue of which notice shall have been ghee, Aub further take notdoo that all Parties indebted to the said Potor Robertson are hereby notified to make payment 0100000 to A. 13, Idacdonold, aforesaid, on or before the talent!, day of N. vembor, 3004, Dated at Biu96e16, 0. p t 10tu 1904, 11.9 A. 13, MA(1LOIIA4D, SorlelOor ler Administrator. REAL ESTATE, TtAR11I FOR SALE,— GOOD LL�� liomostee'I—lO0 acres—lu the Town- ship of AIorrle, Huron county, For earth:. niers apply to J 010NN1001, O Of 550 Bathurst St, Toronto. 1OR SALE OR TO RENT. The uu008)0(ued niters the 200 acre farm, being Lot 20, Oou. 7, Grey, for sale or to rent, Comfortable honoo, bank barn, or- chard; wens &o. There are 80 acres in grass, 10 aoree of Fall Wheat will be put In and 20 acres of Fall plowlug done. farm -is only i mile from the thrivicg village of Etbei. Por further particulars as totrios, ter'me, &c., apply to MISS 02=0E, Ethel P.O. VARA,' FOR SALE.—TUE TTN• ntaitsraxrtn odors for sale her flue farm befog Ni Lot 14, Con. 14, McKillop township. There are 6 acres of good hardwood bush ape balauoo cleared. Oa the promisee is a comfortable brick house, bank barn, driv- ing shed cud wiodmtll, supplying water to both house and etableo. Well fenced, well undetermined, young orchard, do. Foeaes- aloe tine ball If desired, Farm to out Of the cleanest in the township, Only 9 mile from school and 9 miles from Walton. village, For further par0ioolare as to price, terms, &o, apply on rho premises to MRS. THUS. OAKLEY, or Walton 1%0. 6•tf 1 1ARMS FOR SALE. — 350 aorta Bret -class laud iu the Township of Gray—Lot 16, Cou. 14, 100 nares ; Lot 17, Con, 14.,100 acres ; and Wt Lot 18, Con. 14, 60 aere0-260 acres. Ail 00 excellent oondi- tiou with Il ee.claso buntlines ; brick house With all modorn couvenieuoes, and large bank born, root and straw hoose, stables. Jam Well watered. From 86 to 40 aore0 of good hardwood busb. Let 10,Con, 18,00n- taining 100 aures of fhwt-olese land, good frame house and largo bank barn nearly new, The property can be eo100 in two or three parcels to snit p000hae010. Terme liberal. Also a commodious dweltlog house aid lot in Bittenels. For Author particu- lars atm 10p to the owner au the premises, LAIIOBLIN MoNr11L, or to JNO. L17O1IIie, Brussels. 21.tt ell. 29, :_)ul APLAN 2,CI8 is now at the stables of hie Owners, Scott Sy Warwick BRUSSELS, Where be will stand for Service for the balance of the season, WANTED Men and Teams for work on the Guelph and Goderteh hallway, Wages $.150 to $1.75 per day for Men, and $3 50 for Teams Apply at the Milos of Oho undersigned at 001lver0on. J'. R. McQuigge, 10.2m CONTRACTOR, MILVJRTON, ilk' ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY Rloyall Yail Steamers. From Montreal From Quebec Ionian Rept. 80,5 n tn. Sop. 90,8 80 p,m. Bavarian Oat. 7, 0 a.m. Oot. 7, 8108.00 Parisian Out. 14, 0 80 a.m. 000.14, 4 Tunisian 0130.21, 0 a.m. 000. 21,11 p.m Rams 000 PassAOn First cabin -050 and upwards, wording to etoamer cud ucoommedettot, Reoond cabin—Liverpool ea Londonderry —080 and 886. London 82,50 extra. Third-class—Superior aoonmmodattoo, 815 to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow and Loudon, Through tiokete t0 South Africa, Montreal to tihtog;orr Direct Corinthian Thurs., Sept. 20 (Daylight) New York to Glasgow Mongolian ....,..,..,,Thnreday, Sept. 09, 11 a,m Low rates by above Glasgow steamers on application to W. Et. KERR, Agent, Brussels, FALL AND COOL WEATHER is here again and 000l weather makes n0 thick of Stoves aid how to keep warm in Winter. If you are thinking of purchasing a new Stove or Range this Fall call and 0ee our lines of Sigh close RANG1IS and STOVES AMONG THEM ARE TDB Famous Pandora Range, Meda by m°(n }' of Landon The Doekash and World's Favorite Ranges, The Silver King and Garland line of Stoves and Ranges -- ALL COAL AND WOOD BURNERS, See our Lines of Baso Burners and Air (Tight Coal Stoves, Agents for the Famous "Queen" Air Tight Wood Heaters. to work Perfect. .E'timato on Fnruaae Contracts freely given. Smash Right. Every Stove Guaranteed Wilton COAL IN STOCK urnbull HARDWARE AND STOVES. AROAUS MIES HTLE we have had a splendid season in selling Buggies and Wagons we have still quite a number on hand, the Best and most up-to-date that can be got anywhere. If you require a Buggy or Wag• on don't mss calling on the old reliable Oobe r Carrie Works that bas been in constant operation for fit years and given the best of satisfaction to the numb tees customers during all those years. We are fully than ever prepared to meet the requil'eDle the public in our line of business in t. 1 style, quart PPP. 01. .. . a A v r AxA C]3'AOAR'f 3ZjJSSE�+St.