HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-9-22, Page 8•
is here again and if we
can judge this year by the
last couple of Autumns
the flies will be much more
numerous for the next five
or six weeks than at any
time during the Summer.
Start now and rid your
house of them at once by
Tangletoot........ 4 sheets 5o.
Wileon'e Fly Pade 10a.
Lightning Fly Pade 5o.
If ybu are looking for
the best results and
want to have nicely
seasoned Pickles be sure
you get your Spices
from us, We keep a
full line of the Whole
and Ground Spices.
Our stock is fresh, spec-
ially strong and prices
are low.
I .11
Trains leave Braesele Station, North
and South, as f ollows :
Mail 7:05 a.m [Mixed 9:00 a.m
Mixed 12:80 a,mMail .. pan.....1:20 p
Express 8:73p.m I Express ...... 8:35 p.m
rnf1 ,leis t.CTl'ia
A ohiel'e among ye teak' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
Coon weather.
RAnnIT hooting is on deck.
WEATnu i has a Fall like appearance.
Tam Pose Bubeoripbion list continues to
BAST Riding Fall Fair, at Brussels,
Out. 6 -and 7.
COURT Princess AlexandriaNo. 24
0, 0. F., will meet on Tuesday evening
of next week.
THURSDAY of this week Alex, Gardiner,
of Leadbury, left Tas Poet a strawberry
plant with 9 at 10 strawberriee, eeoond
Drop for thie season.
A RUSH of freight on this line ie often
relieved by the running of special etook
train.. One went through Monday
afternoon with Oonduotor Frank MODon•
THE apple evaporating factory oom•
meaoed work last Monday fur the Fall
campaign and Proprietor Cunningham is
marking oat a busy season. 21 bands
are employed.
A e5.00,bill was dropped on the street
last Friday by J. J. Gilpin. T.te finder
was Mrs. Ino. Meadows jr., who brought
it to Tam Eon where the owner looated
it on Saturday.
Doan. -On Friday morning last Har-
riett Loretta, twin daughter of David and
lura. Jamieson, Bruseele, died aged 6
weeks. She was buried on Saturday.
The other little girl ie getting along all
AN A 1 program will be presented at
the Fall Fair Concert in Bruesele on Fri.
day evening, Oot. 7th. Pian of Hall
opens Friday of next week at Fox's Drug
store. We tole out for a program.
DmoEAsmn•-Wedneeday A, 0. Dames
received word from Detroit that hie
brother Augaet, bad passed away. De-
ceased was 46 years of aye and had been
a resident of Detroit for the peat 12 ot 14
yeare. He is survived by his wife and
one eon. Mr. Dames went to the funeral.
Mre. Zimmer, of Brunets, is a sister.
VOTERS' LIST COURT. - Judge Doylel
held Voters' List Court in Brussels on
Wednesday forenoon. W.M. Sinclair, of
town, appeared in behalf of the Liberals
and Dudley Holmes, of Wingham, for the
Conservatives. 25 appeale were entered
by the Liberate and 20 by the Conser-
vatives. Result of the Court, the former
struck off 15 and added 12 end the Oon•
serve -fives struck off 2 and added 8, giving
a gain of 15 to the Liberals on the total,
20TH ANNivoife ne-The china wed•
ding of D. 0. and Mrs. Roes, of Brussels,
was duly celebrated on Friday of laet
weak, A tea was ou the program for the
ladies, the majority of whom were nob
aware of that being the anniversary of
so important event until their 'arrival at
the home. The hostess was made the
recipient of (several pieoee of china and a
number of friends did Clemselvee the
pressen of presentatione to Mre. Roes
later. Tam Poem joins with their many
friends in hearty congratulations and
bopee that Mr, and Mre, Roes may have
the opportunity of celebrating the 505h,
or Golden Wedding.
DID Berme on THE LEvnn.-During the
past season Edward Garvin, ot Bruesele,
who is quite a gardener, made an experi•
mental teat of planting potatoes in hills
and on the level. 14 feet equate were
given to each plot, the Beed was planted
on May 22nd and the potatoes lifted Sept.
16, Early Empire State was the variety,
The following ie the result which will be
of interest :-On the level 65 sets grew,
yielding 70 the. and 2i lbs. were ander 1,1
inches. In the hill 66 seta grew, return•
ing 68 lbs. with it !be• under 1 inches.
The demonstration ie in favor of the level
planting as 10} Ibe, of totted potatoes
were taken from the hills and 57be, from
the level cultivation, Mr. Garvin attrib.
Wes the decay to the water being retain.
ed in the bilge.
Desi. of Taos, Houma -Thomas
Holmes, the last of the editorial staff of
The Coloniet, Toronto's $ret daily COWS -
paper, died Betarday, et his reeidenoe in
Wingbam, in his 82nd year. As a young
mac (teenaged wee 'connected with the
editorial staffs of The ooloniet, The
Leader, and The Montreal Gazette. He
'wag among the early setters in bbe
Bounty of Huron. For the past thirty
years or mare be resided in Wingham,
bolding valuable property and ooadaoting
a, large and very eaaaeeefaldaanolal and
Segal bueineet, He also maintained his
,00nneOtion With jonrnaliem, being a
efrequeut and talented editorial contrib.
,ntor to many, leading newepepers and
eaablioationy. lie is survived by two sone
Or, W. L., of Bruesol,er and Bartitter
•$lohard, of Wingham,
Else Huron Fair Oot. 6 & 7. Yon
can't afford to mise it.
Mounts township Voters' List Court
will be held in the Town Hall, Braesele,
on Thursday, Oat. 8th at 9 80 o'olook
a. m. There are 80 or 70 appeals enter-
HOLD YOUR APPLES -Owing to the rush
of fruit to Bruesele Evaporator, Mr,
0unningh'em says he will not buy any
mote until Wednesday of next week the
28th inst.
ANNUAL Western Bxonreione are being
run on Tbnreday, Friday and Saturday
of this week, good to oome bath on Oat..
10th. The return tickets are Bold at
single fare ratee and from Brussels will
ba :-Port Huron, $8,90 ; Detroit, $5 40 ;
Chicago, $11.20 t Bay City, $6 80;
Cleveland, $7 90 ; Grand Rapids, $8.15 ;
Saginaw, $6.20.
OoorcnAINT ie made of certain parties
making the river bank a damping ground
for refadtilrsm their yards and gardens,
This is not permiseable, at least within
the corporation and the attention of the
Board of Health has been palled to the
practice. The town is paying for a
dumping ground for this purpose hence
there4te no necessity nor excuse for any
other place being made use of to the
diesatiefaction of those living near by.
PASSED AwsY,-Mies Catharine Mo.
Anter, daughter of the late John and
Margaret MoArter, of Morrie, crossed the
river of death last Tuesday at London,
in her 40th year. The remains will be
brought to Bruesele Thursday evening
and the funeral will leave the home of
James MoArterThome street, noole to
deceased, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Service at 150 p. m. Interment will be
made in the family plot at Sunshine
(Thnreday) evening a public meeting
will be held in the Town Hallin the
interests of stamping out consumption.
Rev. P. Olyton Parker, M. A., of Toron-
to, will give an addressee "Fighting the
White Plague." Mr. Parker, who has
been pastor of one of the leading Baptist
oharohee in Toronto, for the past 14
years, has been taking a leading part in
trying to curtail the ravages, of the dread.
ed disease oonenmption and this preached
and spoken in many of the °;ties and
larger towns iu the Province on thie
Ian, the fine roadster Mallioo owned by
Masers. Soott & Warwick, of Brussels,
has been on the turf this eeaeon and has
been proving hie speed and staying quail
ties with the Sleet footed goers in the
Eastern States. Last Friday at Reed-
ville, Mase , he started with 7 oompetitore
in the 212 pane, mile heats, 3 in 5. It
was a hard rape, 6 beats being necessary
to decide. Edgar Boy won the let heat
in 2 09 but was diets -need in the 6th.
Kaplan took the tad beat in 2 08i, ehe
beet time in the raoe, was 2nd sod 3rd in
the other heate taking 3rd money, He
was not placed in expert's hands until
Stratford races, havingbeen always
driven by leis owners, so that he was
oomparatively a green horse. He worked
a mile at, Stratford in 2 16i and at San•
one, Maes., be made 2,17 ; Rochester,
N. H., 2.181 on a e mile track and then at
Reedville where Ise got his beat mark.
This is not the beet Kaplan can do a8 in
trials he has done } miles in 2 2a or a
2 05i clip and tbie withcnt habntee or
any other gear. The 8 beats at Reedville
were all done under 2 12j: This eteliion
now bolds the cooed for the fastest time
is Western Ontario without bobbles and
8 eecoude ahead of the race record of
any horse in Huron Oo. The speedy son
of Kremlin, will arrive home this week
and will stand for service at tie own
stable for the balance of (be season.
Coates leaves thio week on the return trip
10 Idabo to bis sheep ranching. He toe
over 7,000 head and has bad a good year.
They are looated in the Wood River
Diatriot, in the South Eastern part of the
State. Tbere has been a peen demand
this year and oousequently a good mar,
ket. Chicago ie the leading market and
the freight poste $205 pet oar in which
320 lambs oan be carried. The average
weight of a Western iamb is 65 lbs. The
shearing ie done by regular gangs, some.
thing like our thresheee, and from 25 to
85 men will constitute the gang. Sheep
are rounded op into a corral and shorn.
An average day's work is 100 llama but
eome extra good hande will sometimes
run near doable that. The shearing ie
done at the rate of 7 cents a head. Buy
ere come to the tenches and buy and sort
the wool which is tied up in fleece Iota
and then put in big stoke et the shearing.
Market 95105 this year wee 14 cents per
pound. Mr. Goatee bas been 7 yeare in
the West and le well pleased with tbe
retains, The State law hae been changed
considerably in the past few years as it
relates sheep rauohing but the old beads
know bovi to manage so as to keep the
balance on the rigbt side of the ledger,
Ranchers live largely with thele dooke
and utllze a covered wagon with the
n°oeeeery housekeeping ontatso as to be
able to conveniently change their quarter°
ae the neoeseity of their Hook demands,
Some maidens in thio locality have ex.
preened a willingnese to go West acrd help
Mr, 13o•Peep to oars for hie sheep but
the resulet aro not yet made public)
7l:'fe a f .14 tt 14 Li
Standard Bank of Canada
�STAOa-,ZXMI-1M 17 187M
A G-enea'n,L Iiiaeeteing, Unsi11mww Traruteaetecl
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and epwarde received on which
le added to aesthete every six mouths and becomes principal,
-MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS mey make and withdraw
Deposita without the intervention of any person,
ouly.for which no charge is made. -
YOUR BUSINBSS will receive our careful and oonrteoue attention.
THERE were 1.19 notate Sold at Bruen
els G. T. R. depot for Toronto during the
Fair and 28 to London.
A short magical and literary program
well be rendered at the "Palace" on the
first evening of East Enloe Fall Fair,
THERE is some talk of the tennis club
bringing Harold Jarvis and others early
in December. If so, the pablio may ex.
peat a good evening's entertainment.
D. 0. Bose WINS IT. -The local bowl•
ing contest for the suit case offered by
Postmaster Farrow has Dome to a fiuieb
with D. C. Rose as winner. Sines last
week's issue of Tnz POST J.'1'. Rose and
Geo. McLaoohlin defeated A, Oouslsy
and L Callan by 15-13, and the winners
lost 50 D. 0. Roes and Deuce McLaoablin
by 18-12. In the playoff for the case
Mr. Rase won .from bis compauien by
15-14. Mr, MoLanublin had a handioap
of 5 pointe, being one of the juniorplayere,
There are not many bowlers in the county
who would be likely to beat D. 0. in
singles. He playa Avery steady game.
Co. Panes AeeoaramroN.-In response to
a oall from Editor Bradwin, of Blyth,
noting in behalf of the Ontario Press
Aeeooiation, a meeting of oonnty news.
paper men was held in the Town Hall,
Clinton, last Friday. Mr. Bradwin was
celled to the chair and Mr. Hilton sated
ae Secretary. On motion it was decided
to organize a Oo., Aseooiation open to all
newspaper men with a membership fee
of $1.00 per annum. The following
officiate were elected :-Preeident, W. H.
Kerr, Brussels ; Viae Pres., 0. II. San-
ders, Exeter ; Seo.•Treas , A. E. Brad -
win, Blyth ; Executive Oommittee, J. W.
Vanabter, Goderich • W. D. McLean;
Seaforlh •,J. Mitchell, Olinton ' H. B.
Elliott, Wingham t and W. Watters,
Fordwich ; Auditors, Messrs. Apploford,
of Seaforth, and Hilton, of Clinton, A
committe consisting of Meters. McLean
and Bradwin were deputized to prepare
Constitution and By-laws, whioh were
adopted on presentation. Disquasion of
onlside advertising contracts and Club•
bing with oity papers evened and several
queetions concerning the latter were
nettled. Meeting adjourned to meet at
Olinton on Fridsy, Nov. 25th, at 10 a.' m.
A resolution of tbauks ,was passed to
Mr. Bradwin for the interest he had
taken in the preliminary work of the
organization to wbioh he reepouded in
suitable terms. In the near future a
Committee will meet at Seaforth to
arrange for the coming eeeaten of the
Aeeooiation. All the editors in the Co.,
18 in all, have been teen and expres,ed
themselves ae favorable to organization
with the purpooe of promoting a more
fraternal spirit and at the same time
adopting rules and regulatione emissary
to suit the changing timee.
Business Locals.
SEE our assortment of largerage, all
Blase. LEeenrenDALE & BON.
BROOD sow with 9 pigs 4 weeke old for
sale. Also a dry cow, GEo, Roan,
• ' Brussels.
WHETHER you bay or not we consider
it no trouble to show you our goods.
LxsrneoDALE & SON.
WOMAN wanted to assist in Laundry
work. Apply at once to R. WILLIA:IsMN,
Brnaeele Laundry. 11 2-
A LARGER variety than ever in Ingrains,
Tapestry aed Brussels Oarpete. •
QUANTITY of jointere for kindling wood
for sale. Apply to' J. OUNNINGHAII,
Alexander street, Brussels.
IN furniture we carry a large stook in
all lines and at price the very.loweet.
BTRAYEM.-From my premisee, a dark -
bay, Indian pony., Reward to finder,
HUGH JoniteroN, Wingham P. 0.
Lrxoxnunle and Oil clothe, Ono, two and
tons yarde wide, and prises to suit the
Cow for sale, will onmo In middle of
next month. Also 5 young oattle from
1� yearn down.
Tnoe, Monona, Bruseele.
IP you intend purchasing a new oarpot
this Fall °all and see oar many lines,
It will pay yon, LEATREODALE & SON.
A Fees smooth, true, feet and easy
oat eau be made when eawe are gummed,
filed and eet by T, MoGregor, Mill street,
FALL MILLINm0Y.-We are prepared to
give the newest styles in readyto•wear
bate at most moderate prices. , Some of
the meet popular ehapee are the Rialto,
Vassar, St. Regis and Melrose.
THAT Deese Goode Sale :-Nevar was
there offered to the Ladies of Huron and
Bettie (nob an oppnrtanity. Slauebter•
tag the most fashionable of Drees Goode
right now. If yon want 1, 8 or 6 &asset
it will pay you to drive 25 miles to
King's. Dego still 200.
G. E. KING, Wingham. .
The Canadian, eteamer Arabian bag
been; forbidden to carry pasaengoro from
T. 0. Deals, M. P„ban retired in Bag,
katohewan, and a oonvention is called to
Wine It Liberal candidate.
The following offltere were eleoted in
connection with the Mitohell branch of
the Lord's Day Alliance t --Pres„ Nev. A.
itloAnlay ; Vico Pres., RSV. Mr, Brown ;
2ed Viee•Pree„ Rev. Porton ; 3rd Vide.
Pres,, J. Rankin; See,, Nev, J, Renner 1
Treas., A. Dant ; Ex. Committee, Dr.
Smith, A. J. Biowee, Trinity oberoh ; R.
Babb, A, Bnrritt, Methodist ohurob ; J.
Ferguson, W. Sykes, Knox °berth.
Mies Jean Forbes is home from the
Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, was in town
on Sunday,
Wyman Sperling has been on the eisk
list this week.
Mise Carrie Milhaneen was visiting
Mies Maud Qaerin.
Mrs. Thos, Pepper is back from a
visit with her danehter at Henenll.
Mrs, Smith, of Watford, is visiting her
daughter, Mee. Potter, King street.
Miss Beeeis Moore was holidaying at
London with her Meter, Mise Minnie.
Mrs. Norton, of North Bay, was boli•
daying with Mrs. Wm, Wilton last
Mre. Proctor bee been on the siols Net
but we hope she will soon be convales-
Wm. MoLeed and family have return•
ed to Winnipeg after an enjoyable eon -
day here.
Jno. and Mre. Heist and children, of
Blaevale, spent Sunday with relativee in
T. A. Hawkins attended the Campbell
-Goodwin wedding ab Clinton on Wed.
Wm. end Mrs. Martin left on Thoth -
day for a holiday outing With relativee in
Mrs. Harry James baa returned from
an enjoyable visit with relatives at
Alex. and Mre. Bird and little daughter
Hazel, of Wingham epent Sunday witb
James Cooper.
Mies Eva Oantelon hoe a sore left hand,
occasioned by a felon. We hope ehe will
woe be o. k.
Jno. and Mre. Harkness and children,
of Teeewater, were visiting Robert Hark.
nags and family.
Robert and Mrs. McIntosh, of Moles•
worth, were visitors with W. and Mre.
Oster, of Brussels.
J. Leckie arrived home from hie trip
to the $°ciao Coast on Thursday even-
ing of last week.
Mre. Flatoher Sparling is at Carling
ford where tee sister, Mrs. T. Stacey, is
lying dangercnely ill.
Robert MasFarlaneer., was the guest of
his son, A. 0. Maoloarlane, of the Stan•
dard Bank, Brussels.
Miss Maggie Beattie, of Wiorton, form -
arty of Brass, le, has taken a position in
the Beton store, Toronto,
Tuesday evsniog'e train brought Mise
Thtlr•aGerry beak to her Home after an
erj i}'t:tt'u vSeit.co the a;et,, ..•
Mrs. George Miller, Mise Raby Plum
and Mise Orma Gerry bave bean bother
ed with attacks of quinsy.
Mies Vern Danford has accepted a
millinery position in Toronto and will
not be home until the eeaeon closes.
Roger Deadman bee gone to Woodstock
to take a term at the Business college in
that plane. He's a level headed youth.
Mr. and Mre. Moffatt'aud baby, of
Seafartb, were visitors with Principal
and Mrs, Oameron, in town, last Satur-
Mte, D. Kenny, of Detroit, and her
neioe, Kathrine neuter, daughter of
James Hunter formerly of Brussels, . are
visitors in town.
Cyril, the 3 months old eon of Station
Agent Henry, has been quite poorly der•
ing the pant week but we hope he will
soon be as hearty am ever.
Will. Grieve to borne from Brantford
for a' short venation. He has recently
bad an attack of typhoid fever but Dame
through it iu good shape.
Mise Flo. Garvey, of Toronto, who
has been visiting Mies Lottie Brown lett
for Gerrie where the will visit for a while
before returning to her home.
George and Mre, Robb and Mies Faity
ere away en a holiday outing with relit•
tines et Guelph, Brantford, Toronto and
other pointe far n few weeks.
Rev, J. L. Hunter will leave on Saler•
day to resume . tie studies et Victoria
Univereitp, Toronto, We wish him a
pleasant and euooeeeful term.
Harry Lowick, who has been vieiting
under the parental roof for the past few
weeps, left for Loudon on Monday where
be will visit while an route to Chicago,
Chas end Mre, Ritchie bays gone on
a holiday outing for a few weoke with
relatives in Michigan. We hope the trip
will prove beeeeeiel to Mre, Ritehie's
A.ntooy Bample left for Ponstan•
guiebene this week where be will work at
the oarrialte and cotter painting for a
month or eo. Tony ie a good hand. Ho
line been at See -falls of late.
Mins Edith Adams, daughter of Fred.
Adi,me, t1I111 street, hag been' bothered
with ber bath and the doctors pronounce
it carVature of the thine, We hope the•
treatment ehe is receiving will be produc-
tive of a complete; cure and 'speedily et
Bro. Bug11 Clark, M. P. P., and Editor
of the Kincardine Review, Brno Co,.
wits ,sunbathed.in bis seat at the election
trial this week and received a tiptop
reoommend from the Judge for good ton
51101. These 4th eetete codgers are
generally the"real stuff "
Samuel Pardy, foemerly Warden of
(lo, of Middlesex, and hie daughter, Miss
Hazel, ere gnseie at Poetmseter and
Mts. Farrow, Mr. Pardy is Mre,
Farrow'e brother, His health has not
been very ragged of late bob We bops hie
visit in Bruseele will tend to hie Invigora.
CAPITAL-I°nitl np
;1.15551; WE FUND -
AN 13 11
REV, lt, n. WARDEN, D. 1 „ S. J. A1001110,Pre ;dent. Vloe•Preekleut,
7 08. 1311AD8nAW, P r.A, n a HONOR IDR W. 10010012:En 00A010,11.0.. D. E. T1100550N, H, 0,
W, D. 10088 - - GENERAL MANAGJOli
Drafts Bought and; Suld. Farmers' Notes Ditoounted,
' B ING'S' Mama' Bard zea tro..vr
Internet at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed ou all some of $1. and npwarde
.IarriF'e5°A`t° Sse5° f1.AI'NOM
A. E. HELLISH, Manager.
Miss Eapbemia MoMillau, who has
spent tome time at Shoshone, Idaho, is
now visiting relatives and friends in
Hallett and locality. Mrs. Albert
Coates, of Constance, is her steles. She
will be ]fere for a few months,
Robert McKenzie, who has been in the
employ ot A. Oousley, Express - Agent,
Bruesele, went to flemilton on Wednee•
day where be takes a good position with
the same Oompany. We wish him enc -
cess in the oily and expeot to hear of his
doing well.
James Smith, an old time Brnesolite,
and his sou, Harland, the well known
horse dealer'of Toronto, were renewing
old friendships in Bruseele and tonality
daring the past week. It is about 80
yeare einoe they left town. 14tr. Smith
jr„ has made quite a name for himself in
the horse world and has splendid p'ein•
ices in the Queen City. The Welsh
family in Grey are relativee.
THE Pose was pleased to have a pall
from Alfred Town, of Winnipeg, a
former well known Bruseelite of years
ego, who went to the Manitoba metro-
polis 22 ysere ago. He is manager of
the Hoover Manufaatoring Go., of that
city, who employ from 76 to 100 hande in
their factory in tnrniug out alines, over.
ails, tweed pante, &o' Mr. •Town has
prospered in the West and looks as if the
pei.ple were good to him. He cveut from
here to Buffalo, N. Y., to vitt his father,
Thos. Town, an old resident of town in
the bygones.
Philip and Mre. Seel, of Cadillac,.
Michigan, former residents of Brussels,
are here for a holiday visit with relit.
Noes and friends. Itis13 years einoe
they removed from town but they bave
been visiting here on different onoaeione.
Mr. Seel gays tnolo ees is very good in
their airy, the chief industries being
factories and mills and 8 railways. Ile
linde employment with the latter.
Tbere are said to be no less then 10
millionaires in Cadillac. Two mall
lakes, known as Cadillac and Mitohell,
afford oppnrtanity for a Summer resort
and considerable attention is given to
this. The Previdential election is not
sousing the usual stir bet Mr. Seel think°
President Roosevelt will be given another
Back From The West.
Mr. teatime dmnnutrizea Ma Trip.
To the Editor of THE Poem:
Dun Stn,-Juet returned from my trip
West which I enjoyed very moot.
Dropped off at all the principal pointe on
the way back, first at Oaigery where I
bed the satisfaction of seeing an Amgrioan
outfit of 8 or 9' Prairie schooners" mov-
ing , as many families from Idaho to
Carstairs N, W. T. I ;ale° had a look at
the commencement of the big 0. P. R.
irrigation ditch, 10 feet in depth snit' 60
feet wide at the bottom, 19 miles of wbioh
is to be finished this year and the mien•
Non is to carry it through 1,11 Modicioe
Hat. That plain needs eomst.hing,- '00'
witb lite exemption of a few branoltee,
there are no more Gigue of cultivation
after you get 80 miles c.rso .Deet 01
Calgary than there was 20 yenta ego.
This will ohango, however, when the
Saskatchewan -valley becomes Settled up.
as much of the land is, good enough for
settlement whether the irrigationdibah
proven a'euooees or not, Spent a day in
the wheat fields at Mooeejaw ; mope good
where land is properly cultivated and no
rust to oaume any injury . to the. grain.
Crops a little late but most of the cutting
world be done before the honey froet of
lbs early' part of this week. At Rehina
the atop ie also good. Saw tbe finest half
section of wheat, about Sons miles from
Regina, just ready to out two weeks ago.
It would yield 80 to 85 bnehele to the
acre. Crop good at Indian Head,
Siotaluta and Woolelsy, a little earlier
than Regina and Mooeejaw and buoy
nutting two weeks ago. •
Spent Ie. days in the Brandon wheat
fields with nn old Brussels friend, J. E.
Smith. We drove neer 60 miles one day
and inopecied thoneands at mores of
wheat. Tbere is some that there bob
nothing to damage either quantity or
quality 'seriously, not more than 10% and
the average will be 18 to 20 bnehole per
acre. Wheat on Portage platen is in
moth the same condition as at Brandon,
Taking it altogether I think an estimated
average of 18 to 20 bnehels per acre ie a
eafe one and nt the prices they are going
to get this year itis safe to say that the
people of Manitoba end the Territories
are going to realize from 15 to 20% more
teem this year's crop then they ever did
before. I -regret to learn that wet weather
and front tan done some damage singe I
left wbioh may somewhat rednoe their
average profits •bat not to any serious
extent ae all the best wheat was out and
in the Stook a went or 10 daysago and
not sufficient to stop the rush of iminlgra,
tion from ;tie U. S. next, amnion.
I mat Americana everywhere spying
out the cannery and estimating its wheat
raiaing gualltlee and theunivereal opinion
eeproeeed by them le that it is the great-
est herd wheat raising country on earth,
and that the influx Iron their country is
only beginning 5; that the emigration
will be three times greater next season
than ever before. Utley don't neem
to mind the change of flag so long no they
tan raise hard wheat and plenty of P.
A° a national rosttlt of the great in•
mese in popolation, all the older towns
and cities are growing rapidly and dozens
of new towns end villages springing up
all over the country. Winnipeg is still
the "hub" and will remain 50 no she
holds tho control of the entrance to the
Greet 'Vest and has the established
iuetitutious, such as Barden,wholeea'e
houses, edaoati,nal inetibl bions, &s., with
which to do it, Vancouver is the city of
the Oust and will likely remain so, ex-
cept the Grand Trunk Pecific le able to
bullet up a competitor but this is a
question of the enure.
I don't want to iutroduoe pe itioe here
but I think thee even allying trip through
that ooantry abould be euaicient to eon.
view the m,at elleptisel of the neoeseity
of another trans 000tinentel railway and
probably a third before the G. T, P. is
completed. I can't resist saying that I
think the thee's( of Grit and Tory alike,
over this Dominion, are due to the Hon.
Olifford Sifton for the able and energebio
business metbode he adopted and is carry-
ing out to fill up the great West. The
average Manitoba Tory will not agree
with this statement, but politics are very
hot there, and he has a right to hie
opinion, bat no doubt this is the key
note of the preeent prosperity to that
country and it is likely to continue.
In (lasing these rambling notes I would
say Ibat Horace Greoly's advice, "Go
Wast young man" still holds good. It is
certainly the country for young men who
are willing to work and not a bad country
for older men, ifthey hove something to
do. 'There aro -drawbacks and inoon-
venienuee to be met'with that are net
appreciated by "tenderfeet" bat these are
mot with everywhere. Tbere are nom.
forte and conveniences in old Outeerio
that the West will never bave and the
men who ie well off and hue a good home
in Centric ehoald stay here bat the young
matt luoking foe a home should go West.
Yours truly,
J. Le0E1E,
Bruesele, Sept., 10111, 1904.
MILLER. -In Mottle, on Sept. 15th, to
Mr. and Mre. Richard Miller, a
HAI(sT.-In Bruesele, on Sept, 18th, to
a1r. and Mre. Henry Heist, aeon.
Dense -In Detroit, on Sept 2lst, Aag•
net Damee, eget 40 years.
,JAisooso1e.-In Brussels, .cn Sept. lath,
Rerriett Loretta, twin daughter of
Diehl and Mrs, Jamieson, aged 0
MOA( con -At London, on Sept. 201h,
Oatharine, daughter of the late John
and Margaret MoArter, ob Morrie,
in her 40th your.
WInze.-Ill Grey, en Sept. 19, Wm, amt
of John and Mre. White, aged 28
years, 10 months and 1 day.
eeeerc'rxci v
THUIy5DAY, SEPT 22nd 27 Inilob eow8,,
from Oxford On. Sole without reserve at
2 p. m., ab Genteel Hotel,Brussels. 113,
.,'Williams, plop. ; F. S. Soutt;'the.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 80: -Farm Stook and
implements, Nit Lot 17,. Con. 8, Moi'tia.
Sale unreserved, at 1 o'oleek, H. Kum.
BY, Prop., C. HAMILTON, Auu.
PATUEnsx,0ox.1.=Household furniture,
Walton, ab 2 p. m , Mre, R. M. Cum.
mines, Proprietress, le. S. Scott, Auo
aem•rrs2_:ta'., . 74.1. cl . ..-.-:'C:,
Fell Wheat 75 1 00
Barley 07 ; 40
Peas 55 60
Oats 80 82
Butter, tube anti rolls-18 14
Eggs per death16
Hay per lou 6 00
Flour, per cwt 4 00
Potatoee per bee '50
Apple° (per bbl.) 1 00
Salt, per bbl., reboil 1 00
Hogs, Live 5 40
Wool 17
5 00
1 25
5 50
1>ctiah. $ii, 1904
Drug Store
F.42.,TJ FA2ZZs.
Following to a list of the data of Some
of the Fall Fairs whin; will be of tutored
to people inthisdistrict :-
Harrietoa Sept. 22-23
Beaforth " 22-23
Stratford " 22-28
Teeswater " 27-28
Goderich II 27-28
Ripley II 27-28
Lietowel " 29
Wingham 't 20-30
Fordwieh Oat, 1
Cattle, in rood condition, for eaio.
Apply at Lot 10, Con 0, Grey, .or if by letter
to Ethel P. 0,
11-tf 100BE102 BLAIR.
Notice to Debtor
All persons indebted to met'
=Rhine � aro requested to Gail.
Oardiff,Bruseele, and settle bhp
-Court of Rev
Notice is hereby .given that at'$,O.VES•
be held pursuant to the Ontario '5a�
List Aott, by His ]loner, the Judge de...
Oouoty Court of the oouuty. of Burn
the Town Ball, Brussels, nu the 6th il'a,t
Ootober,106E,.at 0,510 o'clock a. m„ to 1i+
and determtue. the several oomplahlte
errors and omissions in the Voters' List
the Municipality of the Township of Mot
for 1004. A11 persons having busiuess at t,
Court are required to attend at tho ea
time and place,
Dated Sept, 31st, 1001.
WM. (MARS, Clerk.
DEBTOIRS.' -Iu the Surrogate
Court of the Oonuty of Huron. In tbe
metier of the estate of Peter Robertson,
late of the T•twuship of Grey, in *the
of Huron, farmer, deceased.
Notice le hereby given, pursuant to Revis-
ed Statutes of Ontario, 1697, Chap. 120, 500.
88, that all aredibnrs and others having any
olaime against the estate of the said Peter
Robertson, who died on or about the 2nd day
of September, A. .1).,1004, are required on or
before the 1st day of. November, A. D„ 1904,
to send by post pre -paid or deliver,to A. B.
Macdonald of the Village of Btuseele in the
County of Huron, Solicitor for the Adminis-
trator of the said Pater Robertson, their
Christian and surnames, addressee and des.
oriptioue, the lull poo titulars of their eluding,
the statement of their a0ooents and the
,nature or the seetirities, if any, held by
thein, and that -atter the said day tile Ad-
ministrator will proceed .to distributethe
assets of the deoeaeod among the parting
entitled thereto haying. regard only to the
claims :of whioh notice 'shall have been
Aud further take notice that .allparties
indebted bo the said Peter Roberton are
beseby notified to make payment of same
to A, 13 , Macdonald, aforesaid, on or before
tbo said 1st day of November,1004.
Dated at Brussels, Sept 19th, 1604. 11.8
Soltoitor for Administrator.
Tasty and Fashionable .1JIi1linery
A Choice Stock of
Ready-to-wear Hats
Just opened out to an inspection of which
we invite the tadieii'of Brussels and
rounding couniay. Good Goods and at
Moderate Prices. If you need a Hat call
and Bee us,
%'Watch out for date of our Fall Millinery Opening.
fF MI o,mnoso
apprentice wanted at onor,