HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-9-22, Page 5) 0 TRAIN UP A CHILD AUd when m stoQUel 1.1m or hsr to L/STOWt.L Tem opens April lith, 1904 . Two quuroos— Oommerolal and Shorthand. Bond for College Jour»al, IN TY1 A. L. MOINTYiilt, Manager. BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER -UM oeut, F.B, SCOTT, Brussels, 1,1T 11. MaORACKEN— 9 Y m Isouer of Miu'riage Licensee, Cf - Ace at Groeory,Turnborry street, Brussels, IiAR1S FOR SALE -TRE UN- nnne10NP.D has several good harms or sale and to rout, easy temps ffi Townships el Msrrle and Grev. P B, St10T'1'.Brussel id. O. 36'. DOOrt Primrose Aiexn❑drio, No. 24, 0.0.N., 1lruosols moots iu their Lodge Room, Blas• hill Bieck, ou the 2nd and last Tuesdays of earth mouth, at o'olook. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAS. 13U1tUI0SB, 0.It. A. I,. MELLISH, B. S. M. MOlRRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licerises, WALTON. ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCIIuw, —T]OAOHr1R OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, aaRVBs=x..s, 011'T, ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI IN0nAANCA, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, J. LEO KJ.E, — LIFE AND FIRM INSURANCIE, LOAN AND REAL !v`S'1AVI AG14NT, Office over Hu00101,s Drug lei'(), ' Nov, 3rd.1001. so•81u Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire insurance Co.,. AeTA1101001133 1ad0 Inonranae taken on 1110 cash and premium inlellte insur- ing elsewhere m gaon hundersigne13, d Agent Agent of the Oompan*214� 010010 B0G13RB,Bruee0ls. AUCTIONEERS. COTT AS AN AUCTION-. will sell for hotter prices, to in less time and lose charges her Auctioneer in Nast Hnrou or rge anything. Dates and orders 3e arranged at this Moe or by ,plioatl0n. O,BT. N. GARNISS BLUIOVALPu -, OST, tuctioneer for Huron County. Tonne reneooable, Sales arranged for .0 the oflloo of tat. Poa', Brussels. . MU VETERINARY. D. WARWlOB— . Amor enahmee of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - eases of d0me0tloatetlaoimd.' in a oompet- mit.manner. Pnrtimilar attention paid to veterinary Dentistry. OallO promptly at- tended 40, 01noo Dud Intirmary—Four doors North of bridge,'141rnbel'ry ot„ Brastele. l,ESAL Alb"I Cil VEYANCINt. A.B. MACDONALD— Banister, 1olioltor, Notary, Rte. Summer to 11 F. Blair. Oiilee ovor.Stau- darcl Bank, Brasootn, Solicitor for Metro- politandteek, ��_ M SINCLAIR—. m "'liouiotor, Soholtor,+0onveyanoor, Notary 1ubl10, &o. OIDoo—S towart's .310011 door North of Oeutra) °tel. Bolleitorfor the 8ta and Bank, pROTIDFOOT, HATS. & BLAIR BARRIST1;Re�U73 U.. rnR , N0TABID8 • W. PnounvooT,10.0, "' It. 0. Rave .6. N. Bram. Otoes—Those formerly 000upled by Messrs Oam0rou Sr Holt, 60111101011, 002011000. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGNTON, 01, 110, 41, kr., liette°ole!Mshege,hwbnr(odf Trinity Medical od Burgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal 001• Lege of lhyeieians and Lloentiate of Mid- wliery 0dlnbor"h. ins Tolophone No.14. Reokie:M t—Millotroet, Brueools, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEiLD, ' aaet rmy Graduate of 'the Royal Oolloge of Dental Surgeonsof Ontario and O'ire .01x00 Honor Gra,tuate of Toronto Vniverelty, Oftloo next to Brow.m"s Photograph Gallery, latIISeAT s, 14 Largeste and Best dn Western Ontario CENTRAL $TBATFORD, ONT. This popular institution has all 0110• o0110ut reputation for atrially high grade. wortc. Our lradnato0 aro 1n great demand. 1tut0r 11110 lnonth po(seb10. Icatalogue ,it Priuoipele, t'kv ,G =• fel z e6& NOT/CE we, filo nudorninno 1 ogres to raise the priori of borne -shooing to 121', ler ootlIog and SW. for now oleos owing to the ouvauoe 111 the price of motet ll Ota• This goes Into tomo on Dlumhty. Jane 18110, if1JL Signed by I'/WAN Jd00„ (33to. W. Ponr,Ann, V.1100'11), Htuasiuttno ,ksow, K T. Pn1+er. 801,, AICI,AU011LIN, Tnua, I'lrli.nA, 1340. lament1,18, ,lone 2UIUIOOP, Je,110. 1.'c,r2,1.08, ir4 rStk' .t 4•,etDs, A Iargo number from thio motion left on 111e Ma,dtob1 exuiretou 0n Tuesday of lust wes/lt. James Lyons bee returned from n pleasant .two month's visit to his WWU'O elioep ranch t1otjcIrvine, Assinabole, J. J. Donnelly, of Greenoois, Causer• vattve onndidato for South Bruce, was in Lucknnev.on Tuesday of feet week ()ailing on friends.' The many Wends of the family will regret' to learn of the death of Mrs. John Treleaven, of Pilot Mound, Monitoba, and , formerly of Leeknosv, which tools p'aoe on Saturday, Sept. 10t11. Deceased wee the mother of Meg, W, H. Smith, of this oiling°, and wee in her 00th year, QROrttort (lir. Nearly all the clement blooke required for the oloak factory are ready on the ground for its building. T. T. Leckie, wl.o won second prize iu the bowling toern0mont last week, is now the holder of the magnifioeut album presented to the Ooderioh Bowling Club by the Walkers of Walkerville. The advisability of initiating a 0010• ptign for 100%1 option in .Goderioh has been discussed informally several times by ro cls i,t tive(s I the temperance pt e a o 1 emperanc soviet• fes in this seott00, and us a result of the discuss/bin n meetigg was bald. on Mon• day evening, stn insprotion of the buildings on the Agricultural Park by the Fall Fair board reveals the foot that vandeliem and wanton deetruotion have caused the breaking of over 80 panes/ of glees in the windows+, end a great deal of smashing and general damage to that pub io property.• Ernest, the two and a half year old son of Harry'Videan,ou Sunday evening of last week disappear,d and for several hones there was great anxiety ae to the child's safety, The little fellow' had fallen ueleep in the house, unawares to Mr. Videan; who was reading a n0ws. paper, Lilt the great auxioty was at last relieved. Theredoy afternoon of last week on the invitation of Ooutraator Pigott, oft ;zees representing the Board of 'Trade and Town Connell witnessed the nom- mer/Gement of work by the steam shovel Meng the North bank of the Maitland. The big me0hine scooped out the eat th by wagon loads, end gave a good idea of how railroad work fs done. Bellows pboto0d the crowd, no that the omission might go down in the townie history, lePovd.wic t. P. Doig took 10 the Harvest Txauraion, going to Estonia, Amu. Mina Norma Oook is the gued2of her eietor, Mrs/. (Dr ) Daolop, at Shallow Lake. The annual exhibition of the Howiok Agricultural grounds, Porde/tali, on Sot• arcing, Out. tat. Wm. Allen bas pnrohaeod the fifty eon farm, now crumpled by E. Sotborau, er,, from B,. S. Cook. A horse kinked the yonngeet ()Hid of Cine. Harris cm Monday of last week and. split the child's upper Lip open. %6 Postmaster Gibson w in London ou Tuesday and Wedneeday' of last week at• tending the Pdetmoeters'-Oonvention. W. A. Ildworde left for Crandall, Man., where his son Elmer ie very ill with typhoid fever, His 140eiilee0 will be 0arrlee1 on during lila ebeonco by hie eons. The Ladies' Aid of the Preobyberian church sett] give a Tea in the basement of. the obnrah on Fair night and the Royal Templaro will give an exoellent entertain. meet in the Vomiters' Hall the same night. The expert jedgos for the Fotll Fair in )!ordwioh are Geo. Grey,'Newoaetie, on. horeee ; W. G. Laidlaw, Wilton Grove,- on rove;on beet cattle and sheep and J. M. Mo- Oallnal, Sllalseep2are, on dairy cattle and The 'cattle that mimed the run off on the C. P. R. '.track near here were owned• by Alex. Montgomery, jr., of: Wroxeter. He had a hard otforty cattle paetttring at Jae, L. Walkom'0- on the '0.h von. On Monday morning they bruise out on the road and and bad, been running at large all wools, The, herd had, been abased off the traolc at the Newbridge armlet( on Wednesday. Hfe lose will be about 0240. JtDxetet'. Several motile loving oitizene went to London to hear the Black Watch Band, Bev. Dr. Hannon, who hoe been on an extended trip through the 0aultilien Northwest during the past two months, hes returned. Ed. Powell. who hag been holidaying at Exeter and Grand Bond, left on his return trip to Detroit, travelling by means of his antomr'btlo. He was a000mpanied pert way by Mise Cora Powell. One of the buildings belonging to the Sutherland•Inui0 Company was par• chased by W. G. Mesett, who hod it moved to the heals of bia livery bard, Els will 0000000 the building into a granary. Al petition wits oiraulated among the Luanne men of the town, with the Cur• poeo of requesting the Council to appoint a night watchmen. The immediate cause was a recent attempt to rob the till of one of the stores, Clyde, the little sou of W. J. and Mrs, Heaman, 000 day;laot week experienced a little longer tumble than comets to the average little fellow, he having ing fat' en down n long flight of slntle in hie home, Ete was badly bruised about the faoe, but ie now almost well again, Eddie, the eon of Geo. and tllfro. Ander• son, bed the mlef0rtnne to bo bitten below the tinkle by a pig, It took: piaoe ip the absence of his parents nota wee not attended to for some days atter. In the mehnlima the ankle and toot boom ewollon to an alarming extent, and on n dootdr being nailed in he found the Huey ao Revere that he feared that lock. law or blood p0dtonfng wotdld result. pooh. wag not t182 0ae0, however, the swelling has been'redudod and the lad is MAV mole 10 hove abonj', Gen, AUtueen, at to -11, met with a severe and poJnfui ,00,..01.1 811110 00.1'4• in0 to build n 11011 ,, hl Matlillivroy, from some onus" 1110 ur m tr0 brick8 fell lentil the seoond et a'ey aeaff0l't owl one of them strnok hint en the head, iufliot. tug a nasty out. lie woo atunn0ti by the blow but soon raaovered, eve'.Ort0i, John 1001110) 10 040ilned to bed with en ett.tolrot typhoid fever. Allen Mie 11anoon, Murray Dials/ion and L'waen goutier Nava begun a autres iu the Listowel lfigh Subool. Klee Ida P0nheli lett on Monday et last week for St. Thomne where elle will'tttend Alma Ladies' Oollego, Wo WWI her it euooveefel career at anllege. Lsntnsl Pelton bee ()odd hie property, formerly 000npled by hie son, to Robt. Ford, of Donegal, for the tidy sum of $1,400. Mr. Ford will not 000upy the bones till next Meech and will meantime tent it, Nelson MaDain, of Ven000ver, B. C., is spending a short holiday with his parents, J. W. and Mre, MoBnio. It ie quite 1t number of years 01000 be left for the West, and his Mende are plotteed to see him oboe more. Oar enterprising looal druggist, J. A. Mitchell, has, lu company with 0, 1I. Mo2arlone Bud Samuel Petrie, of Done- gal, purobased the Drug business of J. Torrance; of !Milverton, Mr Mitchell has baht up a splendid baeioees here, and hie ex;]erie0oe auci advice elhottid prove a valuable meet to the young gentlemen who are in the company with him. Mr. MuT'arlane is at present attending the Ontario College of Pbormney at Toronto. Fxxwrcx-110KAY.-W. N. McKay man ager of the Bank of Hamilton, was married on Tuesday September 6111, to Mise Flora Fenwick, The welding took plane at tip/ home of the bride's sister, Mrs. James R Henderson, 118 William ore Kingston, at eleven o'oloak to the morning, end after lnnoheon the honeymoon trip was taken down the St. Lawrence and np the Saguenay River in Quebec. Atter a two weeks' honeymoon Mr, and Mre. McKay will take up honoe• keeping in the Bank apartments, Pttert.tortit. It is expected work will commando on the new Methodist Parsonage this week. Messrs. Town & Ooss oxpoot to start their evaporating (notary the first of thio week. A successful season is anticipated. Lorne Porter left on Saturday for Venoonver, where he will take a good position in a wholesale boot and shoe store. Bradhagan ie to have a braes band in the near future. Their instruments have been ordered and iu the 00)1000 of a mouth they will be praotising. B. B. (Inn has sold hie residence on William ()treat to James Shortreed, a prooperouo farmer of Marris township, who will shortly move to town. Dan MoLeod, of Stratford, wee married on Wednesday of last week, at Mitchell, to Miss D4Iia Williams. The groom's many Seafortb friends extend °engratu lotions. On Tuesday evening of last week Norman Henderson ()tipped nn the pave. meet in front of E. telonnul's, atone and in falling broke 1,1s right arm near the wrist. The break woe a painful one but ha is now getting along nicely. 11 tj 0 .a!/ It 1?' Arthur For1,0e, 00 Detroit, visited Iola parente in t'wn the $ tit purl) of loot weak. Ile Inas tt flood pcait,ot u, f,nrt. elan of the no. Wren e1 ,hi 111 '•higan 'I alepbone Co. .1 W, rostne has mooed his Cashion ea buok•lteopor 0.1 the OaOada Furniture Factory end will likely leave for the West. lis position ie being filled by Mr. S4'1)1 -id, of Toronto. The Bett Foundry Co, shipped a 20 h. p. traction engine and a MOnaroll separator to Wooloely, Assa , lest week and a 20 h. p. traction engine and Daoker separator to Winnipeg. The voting on the Eleatrt0 Light by. late tools pleas an Mon:lay, 12th Inst„ with the remit of three of a majority for the puraheee of the plant, 267 votes were polled out of poeaibly 450, who were entitled to vote. 4111ttt..ttl, Mm. Orio'1, Albert street, is lying seri• ()ugly ill, at her home with heart trouble. Mre. A. H. Manning, together with ben son, and mother, Mrs, Coate, leave apart. Iy for Creatable, Ohio, *bore they will spend the Winter. The frieudo of Percy G'ffltd, of Mil. 'wnnkee, eon of Rev. Dr. Gifford, formerly of town, will congratulate him on hie marriage to a young lady of that oily. We regret to learn that n. B. Hodgens, of the firm of Hodgens Bros., who is ino13- ing after their branob store at Goderioh, is confined to hie bed, ab iia home in tbot town, with what the dooloro think is typhoid fever. Oarpenters and painters have been busy getting the atom in the new Kiug Edward building ready for occopanoy. It is to be aged ae a billiard and pool room, end will be onndootett, under the bylaws of the town, by W. L. Galbraith. At a meeting of the Publio School Board to consider the applivatione for the position ae teacher for Mtge M. O'Neit's roomoia t e unanimous choice a fell on another of Olioton'e daughters, Mies Grace Shepherd, who has been teaohing for /some time at Lambeth, Clinton Collegiate Institute Football Olub, holders of the Hough Onp, has re• organized with the following offioore :— Hon. Pres., W. J. Lonaheed, M. A., ; Preo., D. L. Cranston, B. A. ; Seo •Treae , M, Aikenhead ; Manager E. M. MoLean ; Captain, O, McKinnon, 13, A. ; Curator, D. McLean ; Exeontive oomntittee, J. Cameron, J. T. Mnatard, *E, Badour ; field committee, E, Seale, T. Ranee, J. l:%umball. Alex. Onamore, who is employed at the Organ factory, was seriously injured by being hit :across the tight4aide of the ab- domen with a board which he was ripping. In some nna0000ntable way, the teeth of the 0002 caught some slivers or other bard enbsttiune, and jerked the board ant of his hands. In its 0100810 the board came in oontaot with young Oudmore, making a serious ant in the flash as well ae laying him out for a time. Albert Morrell had e, new 20 hares power traotion engine delivered to him. He wee working on the 5th oou., of Hal lett on Saturday, and passed over the road in safety in the morning but in re. turning at uighb, went through a culvert near Jaa. Oarbert'e, headfirst which for. tunntely saved the driver from injury. A gage of men were at work nearly all of. the next deg getting the engine out, which was found to have passed through ire e Ne w ress Goods Plain Colors and Neat Tweed Effects will have first call for Fa11 and Winter Suitings, The first shipments • are now on our counters. From the lowest to the highest grade qualities are everything` they should' be 'and the de- signs and colorings Buell .as will appeal to all particular people. These are a few of the many lines— Plain Cloths at 50c. —Plain Cloth Saitings, ell pure wool, clear, bright finish, will make etylieh end serviceable Ouetemee, in Brown, Navy, Cardinal and Black, very special, at per yard 50o Tweed Effects at 60c. —Panay Tweed Effects, suitable for Fall Suite or Beparate Skirts, neat, email designs, in Green, Brown and Blue, 44 hieing wide, worth 760, extra epeoial, at per yard OOa French J?inet Laine Waistings at 50c. —Pitney Pinot Laine Waislinge, the finest assortment of choice deeigno we have ever shown ; teeny handsome color combinations, cloth best duality we ova buy, epeoial at per yard 6Oo Fancy Suitings at 65c. —Panay Battings, neat, small patterns, imitable for Shirt Waist Suits or Separate Skirts, dark colors, very stylish, at per yard 550 Plain Suitings at $1.00 and $1.25 —Pine llrondolotb for Ladies' Saito. This Cloth 10 London shrunk and hno a rich satiny finial. It ie made from pure wool and gives exeetlen0 80110 ; Bleak, Brown, Green end Navy, nt per yard 0100, $126 and $1,60 Fancy Tweed at 85c. —Fanny Tweed "Blots, medium and dark oolor combinations, will make hand• dome and stylfeh Snits or Separate Skirts, epeoial,'per yard 85o and 0100 Mantle Ds rt t eve been loin little so far bo - In thepa mon w g n nil Bbut Saturday cause of the Tato arrival of our German 14Ia e , y we 11 be ready to show you a good assortment of the new Garments— New Styles—here now, the most up-to-date to be found in Canada and prices the lowest anywhere. Examine our goods and .compare prices. 1v'h,'IJ410101 11,4".1n4o'hlgA'1 er uson 4.0 • 0 Li T • angle experlen00 with very 1,1I'e ,'am', e clone. 131v CIS` 0 , '• h:"tg loft for Saskatoon, h'tel,u.t ,...:au, where he Will viiit his son, 2bse tax rate for the village of Blyth . for 1904 to 20 Mille, 5% added after Deo. 14. Mies Amelia J. McLean left for Lon- don, where she will take a nonree at the Normal e0hool, Mien Pearl Mellow went to London volt ie now a student in the Forest Oity B21iueoe College in that oily. Mien Idtelka Hamilton, who went to Staffs to visit friends a Chart time ago, woe taken suddenly ill shortly after her arrival with inflammation of the bowels and bite oin00 been a very aids young lady. Her mother bag left to attend her and we are pteeeed to learn that the sick ()Deis improving. Richard Somers was appointed reboot• or of Woe for the corporation of Blyth open furnishing two eeooritieo, along with himself, eatietaolory to the council ; He is aloe appointed ooustable of this village, weigh master, end to perform all other duties ea regoired by the lOunoil ; and for the carrying out of all hie dutiee, inoluding member of Blyth fire brigade, be receive a (salary et $80 per month. Sates Petrie Slate-, who has been the very effloient and popular erg/mist of Blyth Mothodiet church far the peat two years], was the reoipieut of a well worded address and It purse containing 026 in gold at the aloes of the prayer meeting, Nitta Slater recently resigned her poet• tion ae organist and on Monday after. noon of last week, left for St. Thome, where she will attend Alma Ladies' Ooliege. The annual meeting et the Women's Missionary eociaty to oonueotion with Blyth Methodist ehuroh was held in the basement of the church on 'loeeday afternoon of last week, when the follow iog of6oern were eleoted ;—President, Mra. Holmes); fleet vine presiden', Moo. S. H. Gidley ; second vioe preoideot, Mre, W. H. McElroy ; recording more. tory, Mro, J, E. Coombs ; corresponding eeeretery, Mre. John Wilford ; treaenrer, Mre. 0. H. Beene ; organist, Mre. J. H. Chellew. Moe. Gidley wee elected delegate to attend the dietriot meeting to be held at Stratford in October. Gar or ri re, Mre, R. Knox was in Loddon leaf week taking in the Fair aad visiting her dauglt, ter Mae. A. A. Crawford has gone to Wawanesa, Man„ whore be has secured a lucrative position in a drng store, Leonard and Garnet Armstrong hove lett foe Toronto, where they will attend rho Sabool of Pharmeoy, J. B. and Mre. Found and family have returned home from tbeir trip to Van 000ver, B. 0. They report baviog had a very pleasant outing. R. J. Deeohmau, who has been en the staff of the Farmers' Advocate for the past three months, has been emending a few days with hie parents, at Orange Hill before resuming hie studies at the 0. A. 0. C. P. R. FREIGHT Dior. -0o Thors• day evening 8th feet„ about 7 80 when the 0. P. R. freight train was tanning shoat a mile and a half Emit of Ford• wioh it ran Into a bunoh of cattle that had strayed on the track, killing three of them and breaking the lege of three °there, while the mashie and throe oars took to the ditch. Driver McIuerary and fireman Newman both had very narrow escapee with their lives, the former being pinned beneath hie engine which was lying on its aide. All that saved his life wa0-one of the cattle being ander the eugtse and kept the weight off him, He received some bad bruises and was badly shaken up. The fireman was thrown clear of the engine oud received a broken ankle end ascent bad breieee. A wreck- ing Drew was aunt up from Toronto and had the brook ()tear for braille the next morning. They were buey till Saturday evening oleaniee up the wreok• age and replacing the engine. The even. fug express, whish was heavily loaded, eau as far ae Harrieton where the p2see0• gets were oared for at the hotels et the expense elite oompany and oonve}ed to their homes next morning. The Beene of the wreak was visited by many of our townspeople on Friday. The,oattle were owned by Alex, Montgomery, of Wrox' eter, andwere euppooed to be pasturing on a farm near- where the acoideht happened. Mr, Montgomery'e IMO will be a heavy one. 1L.f la to my e7 . J. W. Scott and Mies Sdolh have gone on a trip to the;Nortbweet. The datee of the Listowel and South Wallaoe Fall .Fair are Wednesday and Thnrodoy, Sept. 28 and 29. H. E. Landerkin, of the Southern P„o,flo head affirms, Ban Pranoitm0, was paying a visit to his father, Thomne Lan. death, last week. Mr. Landerkin spent a waists at the 152, Louie Fair on the way 02000. Dr, and Mrs. 'Percy Wilson are the gueete of Mrs. Petob, They left Cheoeole, hitch„a last week to spend a two we tk'e honeymoon visiting Canadian friends. The Dr. bee atwaye been one of Liatowel'o favorite young men. R. Dilworth, chartered a000nntant, of Toronto, woo in town last week making nu audit of the books of the Oauadian Bout Obair.. Oo. Mn Dilworlh was tortnerly n resident of Listowel, having for seam years held the position of Soy- ?Naas.' ecy'Ureas., of the Morrie, Feild, Boger° Piano 00, Previous to leaving for Galt last week, Miss Maggie Levau was presented with an addrees and a mahogany cabinet and rose bowl by mombereof the Lutheran ()beech and °heir, where she bete been organist for some time, Her dspartnre da Winch regretted by her many Mende in town. , Ravamae,D.Nctl Mpastor of Oen• oral Methodist °buroh, Bernie, and state. Diesel t h a rumpled e man of the Statilea a the invitation of the Mot*odiet obrah, Listowel, to beoome the peetor at the expiration of Rev. J. H. Oliver's term, next July. The reverend gentleman is a oomparative stranger in the London Con. ferenee, having bion tranetorred at the invitation of the Serbia Chords from Cobourg, in Bay of (Mnto Conference in July, 1901, and will therefore have oompletod big term of lour yearn with his oongrogatiou at the expiration et thio Oooferenoa year. MeV, J H, Oliver goes to Sarnia having aooepted the incitation of the Central Methodist oharols there 40 1110otn0 its next Image. lt/Nifil ktlfilfrM0WWdt1r •-�-•-�• . J `t', c,� � 1001 ,.m R; BPLY7Ft, 'fits Is Our Bill of Fore for This Week : New Drees Goode in the new shades and weaves, inoluding Harris' Ode - heated All• Wool Tweeds in light gray ahooke, mottled and) plain, which are now in great demand. New Wrapperetteo, in fanoyetripes end, floral designs, very spools', at 8o,10t and 120 ; eiediee' Underwear, 101 vests and drawers, 10 union and all -wool, et 1a, 25o, -80o, 60e, 754 $1; Men Shirts and Drawers, in fleece lined, union and ah•wool, at 260, 85o, 50e and Oho; Stanfield's Unshriokoble Shirts and Drawers, in nudism and heavy weights, in ail sizes, 01, 01.25 and 01.85 ; Ladies' Rain Coate, in all emu, in rubber lined, and Oravanette with ehoulder napes, with or without oollara, at $3, 04, 04 75, $O and $7.60 ; Men's Rain Cleats in all qualities and prides. We show a very special line in heavy cloth, stewed same, velvet manor and pert0otly waterproof, at $2.60, worth regular $3.50. HOSIER Y We show an immense stook of "Hosiery for men, women and children, bought direct from the manufaotnrero at very low prices, and will be sold at aloes prices, Ask to see our Men's AIL Wool Heavy Sox, worth 20o, 2 pair lor 25o ; Ladies' 00.ehmere Mose, very epeeist at 15e, 250, 85e and 50e ; Ladies' Heavy Bibbed Wool Ham at 253 and 85o. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is booming. Reedy.•to•wear hate ore going out rapidly. We have had to repeat some lines already. Two smart girlo wanted to learn Millinery. , BUGGIES ! BUGG-IES ! ,x f,,_ .S�.JhYfk� IS THE BEST Beware of Imitators and Imitations, 411'ty't''4 ho,,"0000,0llh,n, Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods. Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would- be competitors distanced in numbers. We have still a few of these "Old Reliables” in up-to'date Finish. and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call as we can certainly interest you. Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices. We have a number of other makes to show you, including the "Platteville,” "Palmerston" and "Guelph." Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other makes, for sale at low prices. m..mc'1hdhPid't'1t'y116N1 11„.400, N. S. Mc Awl Apples will be bought on and after Septem- ber 12th, at the BRUSSELS EV'AP Apples may be shaken off the trees. • Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will loot be taken. • JNO. CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR, EW WE are now ready for 1904 with a larger stock of Buggies than ever we had and a walk through our Show Rooms will convince intending purchasers what our stock is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if good rigs will do it. We have added to our Baggy Tops this season a Spring to prevent the bolts and rivets from breaking. This has been aloug felt n nt le Welf nve4et y e of Axles—Dago and Oil Proof, Long Dietanoe, 1000 Miles and the ' Ida!s aless+ Axial, also a few of the old sbyles, All Steel Body Hangers sad all trimmed witch beet Leather. Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first-class Factory Huggies. Our Wagons are all Oak with 2i and 8 inolt tires ; Trucks and IVIediunl size. We invite every intending parohaser to call anti BUY front a0 and save money, 'AN & Co., Brussels. R&Co1ReliableQualities, as Advertised JMP.&Co. e Ne w ress Goods Plain Colors and Neat Tweed Effects will have first call for Fa11 and Winter Suitings, The first shipments • are now on our counters. From the lowest to the highest grade qualities are everything` they should' be 'and the de- signs and colorings Buell .as will appeal to all particular people. These are a few of the many lines— Plain Cloths at 50c. —Plain Cloth Saitings, ell pure wool, clear, bright finish, will make etylieh end serviceable Ouetemee, in Brown, Navy, Cardinal and Black, very special, at per yard 50o Tweed Effects at 60c. —Panay Tweed Effects, suitable for Fall Suite or Beparate Skirts, neat, email designs, in Green, Brown and Blue, 44 hieing wide, worth 760, extra epeoial, at per yard OOa French J?inet Laine Waistings at 50c. —Pitney Pinot Laine Waislinge, the finest assortment of choice deeigno we have ever shown ; teeny handsome color combinations, cloth best duality we ova buy, epeoial at per yard 6Oo Fancy Suitings at 65c. —Panay Battings, neat, small patterns, imitable for Shirt Waist Suits or Separate Skirts, dark colors, very stylish, at per yard 550 Plain Suitings at $1.00 and $1.25 —Pine llrondolotb for Ladies' Saito. This Cloth 10 London shrunk and hno a rich satiny finial. It ie made from pure wool and gives exeetlen0 80110 ; Bleak, Brown, Green end Navy, nt per yard 0100, $126 and $1,60 Fancy Tweed at 85c. —Fanny Tweed "Blots, medium and dark oolor combinations, will make hand• dome and stylfeh Snits or Separate Skirts, epeoial,'per yard 85o and 0100 Mantle Ds rt t eve been loin little so far bo - In thepa mon w g n nil Bbut Saturday cause of the Tato arrival of our German 14Ia e , y we 11 be ready to show you a good assortment of the new Garments— New Styles—here now, the most up-to-date to be found in Canada and prices the lowest anywhere. Examine our goods and .compare prices. 1v'h,'IJ410101 11,4".1n4o'hlgA'1 er uson 4.0 • 0 Li T • angle experlen00 with very 1,1I'e ,'am', e clone. 131v CIS` 0 , '• h:"tg loft for Saskatoon, h'tel,u.t ,...:au, where he Will viiit his son, 2bse tax rate for the village of Blyth . for 1904 to 20 Mille, 5% added after Deo. 14. Mies Amelia J. McLean left for Lon- don, where she will take a nonree at the Normal e0hool, Mien Pearl Mellow went to London volt ie now a student in the Forest Oity B21iueoe College in that oily. Mien Idtelka Hamilton, who went to Staffs to visit friends a Chart time ago, woe taken suddenly ill shortly after her arrival with inflammation of the bowels and bite oin00 been a very aids young lady. Her mother bag left to attend her and we are pteeeed to learn that the sick ()Deis improving. Richard Somers was appointed reboot• or of Woe for the corporation of Blyth open furnishing two eeooritieo, along with himself, eatietaolory to the council ; He is aloe appointed ooustable of this village, weigh master, end to perform all other duties ea regoired by the lOunoil ; and for the carrying out of all hie dutiee, inoluding member of Blyth fire brigade, be receive a (salary et $80 per month. Sates Petrie Slate-, who has been the very effloient and popular erg/mist of Blyth Mothodiet church far the peat two years], was the reoipieut of a well worded address and It purse containing 026 in gold at the aloes of the prayer meeting, Nitta Slater recently resigned her poet• tion ae organist and on Monday after. noon of last week, left for St. Thome, where she will attend Alma Ladies' Ooliege. The annual meeting et the Women's Missionary eociaty to oonueotion with Blyth Methodist ehuroh was held in the basement of the church on 'loeeday afternoon of last week, when the follow iog of6oern were eleoted ;—President, Mra. Holmes); fleet vine presiden', Moo. S. H. Gidley ; second vioe preoideot, Mre, W. H. McElroy ; recording more. tory, Mro, J, E. Coombs ; corresponding eeeretery, Mre. John Wilford ; treaenrer, Mre. 0. H. Beene ; organist, Mre. J. H. Chellew. Moe. Gidley wee elected delegate to attend the dietriot meeting to be held at Stratford in October. Gar or ri re, Mre, R. Knox was in Loddon leaf week taking in the Fair aad visiting her dauglt, ter Mae. A. A. Crawford has gone to Wawanesa, Man„ whore be has secured a lucrative position in a drng store, Leonard and Garnet Armstrong hove lett foe Toronto, where they will attend rho Sabool of Pharmeoy, J. B. and Mre. Found and family have returned home from tbeir trip to Van 000ver, B. 0. They report baviog had a very pleasant outing. R. J. Deeohmau, who has been en the staff of the Farmers' Advocate for the past three months, has been emending a few days with hie parents, at Orange Hill before resuming hie studies at the 0. A. 0. C. P. R. FREIGHT Dior. -0o Thors• day evening 8th feet„ about 7 80 when the 0. P. R. freight train was tanning shoat a mile and a half Emit of Ford• wioh it ran Into a bunoh of cattle that had strayed on the track, killing three of them and breaking the lege of three °there, while the mashie and throe oars took to the ditch. Driver McIuerary and fireman Newman both had very narrow escapee with their lives, the former being pinned beneath hie engine which was lying on its aide. All that saved his life wa0-one of the cattle being ander the eugtse and kept the weight off him, He received some bad bruises and was badly shaken up. The fireman was thrown clear of the engine oud received a broken ankle end ascent bad breieee. A wreck- ing Drew was aunt up from Toronto and had the brook ()tear for braille the next morning. They were buey till Saturday evening oleaniee up the wreok• age and replacing the engine. The even. fug express, whish was heavily loaded, eau as far ae Harrieton where the p2see0• gets were oared for at the hotels et the expense elite oompany and oonve}ed to their homes next morning. The Beene of the wreak was visited by many of our townspeople on Friday. The,oattle were owned by Alex, Montgomery, of Wrox' eter, andwere euppooed to be pasturing on a farm near- where the acoideht happened. Mr, Montgomery'e IMO will be a heavy one. 1L.f la to my e7 . J. W. Scott and Mies Sdolh have gone on a trip to the;Nortbweet. The datee of the Listowel and South Wallaoe Fall .Fair are Wednesday and Thnrodoy, Sept. 28 and 29. H. E. Landerkin, of the Southern P„o,flo head affirms, Ban Pranoitm0, was paying a visit to his father, Thomne Lan. death, last week. Mr. Landerkin spent a waists at the 152, Louie Fair on the way 02000. Dr, and Mrs. 'Percy Wilson are the gueete of Mrs. Petob, They left Cheoeole, hitch„a last week to spend a two we tk'e honeymoon visiting Canadian friends. The Dr. bee atwaye been one of Liatowel'o favorite young men. R. Dilworth, chartered a000nntant, of Toronto, woo in town last week making nu audit of the books of the Oauadian Bout Obair.. Oo. Mn Dilworlh was tortnerly n resident of Listowel, having for seam years held the position of Soy- ?Naas.' ecy'Ureas., of the Morrie, Feild, Boger° Piano 00, Previous to leaving for Galt last week, Miss Maggie Levau was presented with an addrees and a mahogany cabinet and rose bowl by mombereof the Lutheran ()beech and °heir, where she bete been organist for some time, Her dspartnre da Winch regretted by her many Mende in town. , Ravamae,D.Nctl Mpastor of Oen• oral Methodist °buroh, Bernie, and state. Diesel t h a rumpled e man of the Statilea a the invitation of the Mot*odiet obrah, Listowel, to beoome the peetor at the expiration of Rev. J. H. Oliver's term, next July. The reverend gentleman is a oomparative stranger in the London Con. ferenee, having bion tranetorred at the invitation of the Serbia Chords from Cobourg, in Bay of (Mnto Conference in July, 1901, and will therefore have oompletod big term of lour yearn with his oongrogatiou at the expiration et thio Oooferenoa year. MeV, J H, Oliver goes to Sarnia having aooepted the incitation of the Central Methodist oharols there 40 1110otn0 its next Image. lt/Nifil ktlfilfrM0WWdt1r •-�-•-�• . J `t', c,� � 1001 ,.m R; BPLY7Ft, 'fits Is Our Bill of Fore for This Week : New Drees Goode in the new shades and weaves, inoluding Harris' Ode - heated All• Wool Tweeds in light gray ahooke, mottled and) plain, which are now in great demand. New Wrapperetteo, in fanoyetripes end, floral designs, very spools', at 8o,10t and 120 ; eiediee' Underwear, 101 vests and drawers, 10 union and all -wool, et 1a, 25o, -80o, 60e, 754 $1; Men Shirts and Drawers, in fleece lined, union and ah•wool, at 260, 85o, 50e and Oho; Stanfield's Unshriokoble Shirts and Drawers, in nudism and heavy weights, in ail sizes, 01, 01.25 and 01.85 ; Ladies' Rain Coate, in all emu, in rubber lined, and Oravanette with ehoulder napes, with or without oollara, at $3, 04, 04 75, $O and $7.60 ; Men's Rain Cleats in all qualities and prides. We show a very special line in heavy cloth, stewed same, velvet manor and pert0otly waterproof, at $2.60, worth regular $3.50. HOSIER Y We show an immense stook of "Hosiery for men, women and children, bought direct from the manufaotnrero at very low prices, and will be sold at aloes prices, Ask to see our Men's AIL Wool Heavy Sox, worth 20o, 2 pair lor 25o ; Ladies' 00.ehmere Mose, very epeeist at 15e, 250, 85e and 50e ; Ladies' Heavy Bibbed Wool Ham at 253 and 85o. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is booming. Reedy.•to•wear hate ore going out rapidly. We have had to repeat some lines already. Two smart girlo wanted to learn Millinery. , BUGGIES ! BUGG-IES ! ,x f,,_ .S�.JhYfk� IS THE BEST Beware of Imitators and Imitations, 411'ty't''4 ho,,"0000,0llh,n, Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods. Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would- be competitors distanced in numbers. We have still a few of these "Old Reliables” in up-to'date Finish. and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call as we can certainly interest you. Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices. We have a number of other makes to show you, including the "Platteville,” "Palmerston" and "Guelph." Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other makes, for sale at low prices. m..mc'1hdhPid't'1t'y116N1 11„.400, N. S. Mc Awl Apples will be bought on and after Septem- ber 12th, at the BRUSSELS EV'AP Apples may be shaken off the trees. • Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will loot be taken. • JNO. CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR, EW WE are now ready for 1904 with a larger stock of Buggies than ever we had and a walk through our Show Rooms will convince intending purchasers what our stock is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if good rigs will do it. We have added to our Baggy Tops this season a Spring to prevent the bolts and rivets from breaking. This has been aloug felt n nt le Welf nve4et y e of Axles—Dago and Oil Proof, Long Dietanoe, 1000 Miles and the ' Ida!s aless+ Axial, also a few of the old sbyles, All Steel Body Hangers sad all trimmed witch beet Leather. Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first-class Factory Huggies. Our Wagons are all Oak with 2i and 8 inolt tires ; Trucks and IVIediunl size. We invite every intending parohaser to call anti BUY front a0 and save money, 'AN & Co., Brussels.