The Brussels Post, 1904-9-22, Page 4THURSDAY, 8EP2'. 22, 1904.
Pr is geed that Thibet will be asked to
plank down the aum of $2,500,000 es
indemnity to Britain inside of the next
three pare a1Td until (hie is done
British troops will be quartered there.
Great Britain mint also be ooneulted in
foreign treaty making, &o,
Tom is a rumor that iuterveotion
may take pito° by the powers In the
Japanese -Russian oonfliob and endeavor
to arrange terms of peace. In the mean.
time the Jape are preening on to Mnkden,
the Manchurian oapital, and another
battle, o11 a large male, ie rxpeated in the
near future. Russia will have to eat
bumble pie no matter how 11 goes ae the
future existence of Japan depends on the
maintenance of her rights. Tbey have
fought a good fight eo far and the large
proportion of the world hope to see them
win out.
Bx statistical returns the fact looms up
that before many years, unless a obange
comes to pees, the male sohool teacher
will be almost an extinot speoiee. At the
opening of the Normal .School, Toronto,
the other day out of an attendanoe of 142
there are 189 females. No fault can be
found with the gentler sex in their land
able ambition to promote and excel, nor
oan their neefniueee ae inetruotore be
gainseyed but the disappearance of the
masculine teacher opens up a question of
deep importanoe for which a remedy will
have to be sought.
PEOPLE attending the big Fair at Tor.
onto ae oaeoal visitors wonid have dim.
oulty to approximating the aggregate
attendance during its oontinnanoe. From
an amharative source we learn that half
a million people paid admission to the
Fair and this number would be largely
augmented by the oomplimentary tiokete.
There were 65 ticket aellere. With eaob
a gathering of people a better type of
performance should be put oo "the Pike"
than that preeeoted ae the Punch and
Judy performance, plug others nob ae
good, ars hardly up•to•date and should be
placed on the superannuated list. Some•
thiug that would amuse and interest the
eiehtseere and yet have some measure of
instruction should be secured and the
Direebore are capable enough to arrange
for It if they set about it,
Tea Shalt Ste. Marie oonetitneooy is
vaoaht rendered eo by the unseating of 0.
N. Smith, M. P. P., for corrupt praotioee
oo the part of his friends. A portion of
the evidence was not by any means
oreditable to those concerned. Ode of
the Judges strongly urged the greater
respect for the franchise and the necessity
for oompulsory voting and abolition of
canvassing. We believe if every outsider
were excluded from the varione ridings
during an election campaign there would
In a great good done in purifying the
proceedings. Candidates and Aeeooi•
atione are a great deal to blame in meet-
ing the preaenoe of men with an unsavory
name if nothing more. The pot can't
call the kettle bleak in this hied of work
ae far as either party is concerned, past
history reveals ohaptere most discredit-
able to loth. If the eleotorate gay so they
have the Dare io their hands. Election
trials are in progress in Bruce and Ren-
frew againet Oooeervativea and North
Grey against a Liberal. Hon. G. W.
Rose' majority ie whittled down to 1 at
the present. It looks a good deal as if
Provinoiai election in Ontario might soon
be on the program.
Morris Oouneil 1VCeeting.
At the Condi room, Morrie, the Con,,
ell met on Sept. 12th, according to
adj mrnmeut. Members all present, the
Reevein the chair. Minutes of 1a0t
meeting read- and confirmed. A oom•
mnnioatioo wan received from Mrs. A
Cameron reepeoting the uueatiefaotory
condition of award drain at lots 20 and
151, nu. 5 and 6. On motiou of Shaw
and Taylor the Clerk was inetruoted to
notify the engineer to have eaid drain
completed a000rding to Lerma of the
award. The Clark wee instructed to
forward a oopy of the following resolution
to the Oouoty Clerk before the let of
Ootoher next. Moved by Taylor, snood.
el by Jackson and resolved that this
Coutlail require the Council of the
County of Moron to enbmit a By-law to
the vote of the electors of said County in
accordance with the provision of sea. 8 of
the Municipal Amendment Aot, 1904,
declaring that thereafter the Council of
Raid County shall be composed of the
`Reeves of Townebipe and villages and
Mayogeof towns not separated from the
County. Accounts were ordered to be
paid as follows ;-MoRfanon Broe,, tiding
on West Boundary, $7 25 ; 0. McCrea,
nepeating on Weet Boundary, 91.00 ;
Jae, Nicholson, repairing 41b line bridge,
$5 00 ; W. Corbett, drawing tile $1.00
D, Barkley, balanoe on drain, $5,60 ; S.
Niaboleon, drawing tile for Weet Bound.
ary, 9 1.50 , D. Sommerville, gravel,
97.20 ; A. Oloakey, gravel, $158 ; Jae.
Uotolougb, gravel, $12 92 ; J. Bradlee.
Ake, gravel, $182 ; W. A. Mines, gravel,
$6 80 ; A. Shaw, gravel, • $5 00 ; D. Agar,
gravel, $2 80 ;'A. 0antelon, digging ditch,
$80.00 ; A. Howlett, tile drain and one.
Mug hill, $15.00 ; Geo, Birkby, oontreot
of gravelling and inepeotion ;$32.75 ; Wm.
Taylor, gravel, $12 11 ; Geo. White,
drawing tile, 98.60 ; hoe, Laidlaw,
feneeviewer'e ooete, $200 ; Jae. Gibson,
4enseviewer'e mete, $2 00 ; Wm. Pollock,
4enoeviewer'e abets, $2 00 ; Wm, Koro,
,gravel, $1.88 ; A Proctor, gravel, 98.78 ;
tVm. Gray, gravel, $1.051 Wm, Denbow,
gravelling pn ,tent Boundary, $20 00 ;
,3no, MoMtilgn1 gravel, 911,44. ; Thu.
Rattly, Oravei, $7 70 1 Jlia. Laieliawre.
pairing manta, 91.09 I Jae,-Jeokeou,
repairing road and oul,vert, 98 00 ; Ino.
epeoMing Geo. Mete culvert,70ThoeClk,repeiriug bridge, $2 001 AoKinnon
gravelling on North Boundary, $8445 ;
Ohae. Hendereon, inepeoting on Attires
Boundary, $225 ; Mee. MoBnrney,
damaged, re soeident on Turuberry
Boundary, $25.00 ; D. Irvine, gravel,
94.42; E. Blemal), gravel, 42 ore, ; L.
Jewitt, epikee, 90 ote; D, Jewitt, gravel,
and damages, 98 52 i Mee. A. Oamerou,
ditch re Begiuoer award, $4 09 ; Geo.
Kerr, gravel, $4 83 1 Jae. Hall, gravel,
96 90 ; Ohae, Polled( gravelling on Beet
Boundary, $48,46 ; Jae. Bolger, inspect -
lug an East Boundary, $3 18 ; N Brand.
on, hauling lumber and repairing ottl•'
vert, $9.00 ; W. Olark, service on Rail
way By.1aw, $15.00 ; Wm. Iebister, ear•
elves on Railway Bylaw, $2,00. On
motion of Code and Taylor, Bylewe,
Nos, 13 and 14 were duly read and passed.
Connil then adjourned to meet again on
October 171h.
W. CLAsx, Clerk.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Council met pnrenant to order in
the Township Sall, Ethel, Monday Sept.
12,1, at 10 a, m. Reeve in the chair and
other members present. Minutes of last
meeting read and approved. Petition of
Riebard Cox and 13 other ratepayers, for
a Municipal Drain presented. Moved by
Adam Turnbull, ee000ded by William
Frasier that the petition be approved, as
there is a majority of the ratepayere
interested on said petition and that John
Rigs-, Ontario Land So veyorlbe appoint
led to make an examination of the area
to be drained and prepare a report, plane,
epecifioatione and estimates and make an
aedeeement of the lands and roade within
said area to be benefitted and of any
othee laude and roade liable to be assessed
for eaid drainage,-Oarried. James Karr
made applioation to have a tile drain pat
in opposite Lot 29, Oon. 8, on Concession
Road. Moved by William Prelim, seo•
onded by John Grant that Adam Turn-
bull attend to same. -Carried. Tenders
for the 000etraotlon of cement abutments
for Campbell's bridge at Lot 27, Oon. 2,
reoeived,ae follows
Peter McDonald ....$4 90 per cubist yd.
Roger & Ratoliffa „$000 00
Hemsworth &Cole... 4 75
Denbow & McKey,... 6 00 'a
Robert MoMillen .... 9 00 " "
Moved by Adam Tarnbuil, seconded by
William Fraser that the tender of Roger
& Ratcliffe be accepted, also if there
ehonld be Any extra excavation the same
ie not to exceed 40 cents a oubio yard and
that the abutments shall be completed
not later than October 20ab 1904. -Carr•
fed. Moved by John Grant, eeoonded by
Lorenzo Frain, that William Fraser be
Inepeotor on cement abutments to be
built at Lot 27, Ooo, 2.-Oarried, Tend.
ere for superstructure of Campbell's bridge
reoeived es under;
Stratford Bridge Co. $540 00
Mitchell Bridge Co, 699 00
Hamilton Bridge 00..... 569 00
Moved by Adam Turnbull, seconded by
John Grant that the tender of the Hamil-
ton Bridge Co. be aoaepted. - Oarried.
On motion of John Grant seconded by
William Fraser, the following accounts
were ordered to ba paid ;-
James A. Vanoe, Calder bridge
enperatrnotnre $1525 00
Alex. Hill, Betz bridge 0aper.
structure 2175 00
Robert Close, gravel 5 60
W. Denbow, filling approaohee
Oalder bridge 89 00
W. Denbow, extras at Calder
bridge epproaehee 3'60
W. Denbow, on gravelling
centred Grey & Morrie buy30 00
John Hamilton, gravel 8 68
F. S. Scott, Iuepeator Calder
bridge abutmente 4 00
Philip Amenb, lumber for Oalder
& Betz bridges • 7 62
Joe. Hemsworth, p'aoiog support
under Ethel bridge 5 00
Andrew Hislop, on contraot
Lamont Municipal drain1020 00
Longeway & MoOarthy on con
tract 6th Oen. Man, drain., 675 00
Thos. Chapman, burying two
dead doge 1 00
Donnelly se Water°, ou oonorae1
Whitfield Menioipel drain.. 180 00
'Thea. & Henry Alaook, on eon•
tract Hialop drain 150 00
Wm.Thomp.on, Award drain,
Lot 81,.Oan• 7 5 00
Thos. Al000k, filling approaohee
Betz bridge 63 00
Thos. Al000k, drawing gravel
for B az bridge abutments., 3 00
George Riohardeon, repairing
culvert Lot 17, fon. 176 50
Charles Pollard, gravel 16 40
John McCarthy, filling in ocivert
Lot 19, Con. 7 5 00
John Matthaei, gravel 0 64
Grand Trunk Railway, culvert
Lamont drain, Tp Morrie,. 25
A, Smith, repairing °elverb and
drawing gravel S R 1, Oon, 6 5 00
William Hoy, repairing culvert
& drawing t'b'r Lot 5, Coa.5 5 60
R Lang onivart, en Award drain
Lot 23, Oon. 7 8 00
Jae MoOeethy, repairing oolvert
Lot 20, Coo, 8 1 00
Thor, Cntnming, repairing bridge
drawing gravel, removing
old timber 7 50
Stewart Bros , Medical atteud-
anee to David Partridge.,50 00
John MoEwan, gravel 20 66
D. McDonald, part pay of eon-
treat filling in Kiog'e bridge
George Clark, gravel .........
George Kerr, gravel.
George Speiran, gravel
80 00
19 00
5 69
George Sporran, repairing out
vert Lot 28, Ooo, 14 1 00
Henry Al000k, bal, of contract
Calder bridge abutments,. 88 00
Robt. W. Livingston, expenses to
Gederioh, Farrand trial..,, 4 25
Edward Coats, gravel 4 40
W. H. Kerr, drainage verde,.,1 60
Moved,eeoonded and earried that the
Conseil do now adjourn to meet op Mow
day, October lOti1, at 10 a, m.
Joins MoINToe1r, Clerk,
Lord Minto and party visited Edmon•
ton on Saturday.
W. F. Kerr lite been appointed Crown
Attorney foe Northumberland and
(pryer Stanley wee caught in athretb
ing inedible neer Ripley and eaetained
fro'jurjes tbst ft ie feared clay result fat.
*It, JCS+CiK3Li PIiS l' di' loosat'«3Sr'11Th4
•. .r _ lw*u!A.x�7Sww•r. .+.'flee'++=n...-.w•,y..!`e'r„i+' C2xv6'uneee a , a - ; .. ta-eeee.ete-e-,eeett tenet ie
• .. ler-rev-•�"^'�.;.�
The `,Valoato Rellway reaeipte for
Angu»t were 8229,611,75 of which the
vary rea,15011 $99,511,74.
Train robbers stopped the 0.,P. 16
Imperial limited near Mission Jlteetion
B. 0, and riot away with $5,000 or 96,000
from the express car nod the regietured
The Provincial Winter FRIT',
The pries lieb of the Ontario Prpvioolal
Winter Fair, which will beheld et Guelph
from December 0.b to Orli, 1004, has
lent hien received, A iter a careful re.
view of the raise and regulations es ern•
bodied In the prize lint, we notice that
the oaly important change is with refor-
mism, to tbe Dairy Teat. In former years
the test started on Monday of the week of
the. Show and ended on Wedueeday.
This neoeeeitated the O'001ng of the Dairy
Department to the pubiin un til tbo Fair
was halt over and owing to the large am•
oante of Marital work involved, the restate
of the teat oou'd sol he potted earlier
than Friday, The Management has worit-
ed in the interest of both exhibitors end
visitors by having the teat begin
on Saturday and end on Monday.
Visitor° will now have amoeee to the
Dairy Department during the full time
of the Chow, and the complete reenIte of
ebe teat oan be posted not later than
Wedueeday. Arrangements are being
made to have individual results posted
in front of eeoh cow, so that complete in-
formation will be available to vieitore et
the time they are examining the ooln-
peting aoimnle. A eubetantial inaroase
has been me le in the amount of the
prizae, the offering for regular and rpeoial
prime making a total value . of $8252 60.
Tilts amount. le apportioned to tbe
different departmenbs ae follows :-Beef
Cattle, $1922.00 ; Dairy Onttle, $1240 00 ;
Sheep, $1652 00 ; Swine and Simon Hogs,
$1526.00 ; Poultry, $1447 50 ; Pet Stock
and Dressed Poultry, $505.00 ; Total tun•
mint of prizes, $8252 50. It will be seen
from the above floras that exhibitors
who ennead in ebowing winning stook,
will receive ample reward foe their ef•
forts in dirnot oeeb returns. Besides
this, exhibits at the Winter Fair have
attained a standard for quality which
gives to exhibitors the maximam amount
of advertising value. Those who intend
entering should now be giving particular
attention to the fitting of their animele.
Best Collection of Fruit,
At the Provincial fruit, flower add
honey show, to be held in Toronto, Nov.
ember 8th to 1211,, special prizes of $25
and $10 will be awarded to the Agricnl.
total, or Horticultural eooiety, or Fruit
Growers' Association, exhibiting the beat
oolleotion of fruit. '!'hese exhibits should
be planed on the tab'ee by a member, or
members of the exhibiting Assopiaaion,
bet where this cannot be done the sec-
retary of the exhibition will arrange to
lookaf ter the fruit, This is a splendid op.
porioniby for Counties to show their
oapabilitiee ae fruit producing sections.
Transportation chargee to Toronto, on
all exhibits of fruit will be paid by tbe
Ontario Fruit Growers' Aeeooiation, with
the provision however, that all prize win-
oleg paoltages shall beoome the property
of the Aeeooiation. An exhibits for-
warded prior to the time of the exhibition
should be addressed to the Toronto Cold
Storge 00., oare of P. W. Hodgotte. Such
packages will be held in .cold storage free
of charge until respired.
Entry fees on all olaeeee are as fol-
lows :-Single entries up to 4, 25 oeote ;
5 entries 91.00 ; all additional eotriee 10
aerate. Entries oloee October 801h.
Farther information oouoerniug the
exhibition can be enured from the
Seoretary, H, B. Oowau, Parliament
Buildings, Toronto.
That enterprising and up to•date agri•
materiel journal the Farming World has
issued a moat valuable special exhibi•
Mon number, It is full of good things
for the farmer, In fact every one
interested in the development of Canada's
great agrianl'tural resonroee will profit by
reading it carefully. A particnlarly
valuable feature ie a aeries of articles by
experts showing the oondition and trend
of agriculture in the various provinces of
the Domiuien. If the views expressed
by these geotleh eu are correct, and we
believe they are, the future prosperity of
Canada is aeeured for many years to
come. A. Blue, Ohief of the Census
Oommieeion, Ottawa, oontribntes a
valuable paper showing the present status
of the farming industry in Canada, Face
giver figures to show that agriculture is
by all odds the most important of Oen.
seta's industries and that the- fatnre of
this oou0try depeode in a most marked
degree upon the progress and 01100000 of
our farmers, The praetioal matter on
live etoolc, dairying, poultry, eta , is of a
high order.
The illustrations and other mechanical
features are excellent. Iutendiug nub.
scribers are invited to pend to the Farm.
fog World, Toronto, Inc a free eample
copy of this number.
Wingham Fall Fair will be hold There -
day and Friday, September 29th and
25 tiakete were sold hire for the recent
exoureion to Detroit by the White Star
Mre. Jae. Haugh took advantage of the
Western exuurelon to visit rolativee in
North Dakota,
Jno, Gray has been appointed caretaker
of the Publio sohool as enooeeeor to W.
Taylor who resigned.
Rev, John Potts, of Toronto, will preaoh
Educational sermons in Wingllom Metho.
diet church the first Sunday in Outober.
Wm. Linkiater'e little daughter' had
the misfortune to break one of ber arms
while at play ea h r home Lower, Wing.
Opposition Treader Borden ie expected
to visit Wingham shortly in aonueotion
with hie political roar, A member of the
Liberal Cabinet will aleo be here, but not
on the same date of course.
The reopening smoke' in collimation
with the Wingham Presbyterian thumb
will be held on Suudny, October 0th.
The new pipe organ is now on the way to
Wingham and will be placed in poeitian
at 000a,
Alex, M, Stewart baa gone to Winnie
peg, where he will attend the Medical
College, Joe, D. Stewart, who has spent
the Summer in Alberta, will join his
brother at Winnipeg, and also attend the
Medical Oollege,
Oonduaher Quirk and Mtn, Quirk have
beeneujoyine nfew holiday° et Buffalo Notice to Credi'tgrs•
NIteara Falie, 1lolntltan and other
Harvoot Thanksgiving eervioee will be
held in Nt. Pane; Church, Wingham, on
Sunday, Sept. 25.Im. Ree, Maurloe Fitz•
eintmgnd, 11. A„ liele of Island, new
Rooter of Giouace, will 1500011 meriting
and evening.
D. Tamen, who woclte for Thee. Arm-
strong, (net with au aooideut that left
him with a very sore Bide. Ile wee 005150,
in.; to lower a furnace into the cellar of
Korr'n etoro, when the radiator Blipped
rll one of the etepe, striking him on the
aide, It is not thou:4bb that any bones
were broken, though some of hie ribs were
bent Jnwarde, and he is likely to feel the
effects for a few weeks.
Oce of Wingham'e prominent oitfzenie
W. T. A. Fiobleigh, hardware merchant,
puttied away on Sunday, Mr, Fiehleigh
had hurt his leg on a'etove in his store
about a month ago. Little was thought
of it at lbe time, but blood poisoning set
in 'ane at 5 0 010011 on Bentley rllornfhg
be passed peacefully away. Deoeesed
was 29 years of age and leaves a wife end
child to mourn his loss. Interment took
plane in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Lon.
don, on Tuesday.
Judgment has been reserved in the
Sunday oar prosecution at Kingston.
The Liberals, of Selkirk, Man., nomin-
ated S. 3, Jackson for the House of
The total re0eipte at the Toronto
Exhibition are estimated 81 $10,000 ,over
last year.
3. M. McEvoy, of London, has Motion.
tinned hie Blander action egafnet R. R.
Gamey, el. P, P.
A. M. Rose, of Brendon, has been
arrested on a obarge of obtaining money
by false pretenoee.
R L. Bordeu and Sir John Murray,
were the guests of the Women Fail di"
motors at Landon.
The 0. P, R. boileemaltere end boiler -
washers kt Winnipeg and Fort William
era on strike for higber pay.
Fred, T. Thompson was found dead in
the warehouse, 5 Wellington etreet. West,
Toronto, with all gas jets torned`oo.
Sir Charles Howard Vicomte, of Lon-
don, founder of the United Empire Trade
League, addreeaed the Winnipeg Board
of Trade.
George Bishop, poetmaeter at Coalfield,
N. W, T., anoidentaly ehot himself while
out bunting, and died while being taken
into the village.
The Western wheat prop ie turning out
eon* better than antioipated. The rust
has apparently done very -little damage
io the Canadian Northwest,
An order in Council haft been passed
setting apart pertain townships in the
vicinity of Swift Current, in the dietriat
of Aeeiniboia, fora Mennonite colony,
Owing to the unsatisfactory progress,
the 0anadian Northern Railway has
cancelled a oontreot for rail•laying West
of Kameaok, awarded to a St, Louie man,
Burglars stole $100 from the Brook•
villa, Westport & Northwestern Railway
Oo'e station at Brookville. The handle
of the vault door wan knocked off with an
axe and a charge of dynamite inserted,
Judgment woe given in the Sault Ste.
Marie election one unseating O. I1.
Smith, Liberal member, in connection
with the Minnie M. chargee. The
personal chargee and the prose petition
were both withdrawn.
have the
1-4 ims yr1 Brussels.The
property sol
ing for this nonce by applying 85 THE Peel'
Publishing Home,
eiNls and upright boiler for sale cheap
as a 00,miue engine is 1,0109 suhstiteted,
For further pj1articularo enquire at Tan Poste
Publishing Home.
reEeoitheundersigned, Lot 15, Con. 4,
Grey, on or about August 20th, a year old
gray heifer, Owner is requested to prove
property, pay 0xpenee9 and take her away.
9.15 Ethel 1, 0.
ISES of the undersigned, Lot 27, Con.
16, Grey, on Or about the 18111 of July, one
red two-year-old heifer. Owner is request-
ed to prove propertg,ppay oxppenees and take
her away, D. 05, LIVINGSTONE,
7 4 Monarieff•
ItEOENTATrvn In (hie county and ad-
joining territories, to represent and adver-
tise an. old established business . hone°' of
solid financial eteuding. Salary 821 weekly,
with exttaonees' advanced earth Monday by
cheek d,reet from headquarters, Horse
and balmy itlrulsbed when necessary ; nodi.
tion permanent, AddressillewBroa,&00„
Born 810 Xenon. Bldg., Chiang°, I11,
Auction Sale
T L P�
Govenlock Bros.
W.uthrep if LOTl 20, 0O00,their
MoR l, -
LOP, four miles North of Seaforth,
meetly °(vote Tieing 2 and 8 years old, Also
set double heelless nearly new. Sale will
ootumonoe at one O'clock sharp on
Tuesday, Sept, 27th
T1tnu0,--Twelve months' credit will be
013,00 on furnishing approved joint notes;
a disoourt of 5 per oeut, per annuls will be
allowed off for 0001].
T, BROWN, Auctioneer.
Men and Teams
for work on the Guelph and lodeeloh
Wages $.150 to $1,76 per .day
/or Men, and
$3,60 fox Teams
MApul apt the oi8o1 of the auder0lgoed at
J. R. NIcQuigge,
10.2ne CONTb,00T01I, MILVliB4017,
Ie Surrogate Overt of the 11, ,.te of
;Jacob Kell =r, Isle of the 1'owuship at,
Gtoy, in the County of Puree, hu•m-
01, decreased.
01. Sto'uce tuelet i! lit mama., 10017,101iap.1 0, See,
88, that all ol•odltere and 0then having any
claim,. against the eaten of the eaid Jeeeb
15, lice, who dir d on or about the 1911, ,ley of
Jane, A. A .10"4, ore required nn or before
the NM day of September, A. D„ 1001, to
iiend by post Imre-pull or deliver to W. at
inclnir, of the Vitae° of B. aesola, in mo
Couuty of Num), solicitor for P, ler 15, icer
and Aaron leafier, the lxeou torn of the Met
1511l and T,,etam leafier,
of the Bald deo01aod,
their Christian end surnames, addressee
and rleseriptioue, the lull pat maniere of
their ulaime, the statement 0f their moments
and the nature of the aeourltles, if any, boll
by them.
And notice le hereby given that after the
Said laeb mentioned date, the odd Executers
will proceed to ,lletribnte the easels of the
dooeased amongst the persaoe entitisd
thereto, having regard only to the claim of
which notice shall have been given ae above
required, aad the said Executers will not be
reepo0slble for the assets, or any part there-
of, eo distributed, to any Per00u. of whose
claim notdoo shall not have boon received
at the thno of snob distribution.1Dated at I3russele, Sept. god 1001. 00.
Duran, in the mailer of ilo es ate 01
Solicitor for Exeoutore.
Vl LLAFele
ill :fro
PTIIPY-The nine's' cd
llres renelyed-ilI00000tjOne fralo Mesal',
Duguid b(0Danald and George Jackson, Ex-
ecutors of the last will of David Maxwell,
late of the Village of Bru.selo,in the County
ef10505, to sell by public auatiou 00 SAT-
URDAY, the 1ST DAY of .0010000110, A. D.
1901, at 2 o'clock Ju the nt tornn,n, at the
American H 0101, in the VlhJage of Bruaeele,
the following valuable farm and village
property namely: Parcel No. 1 -Suing the
0011th Balk)? Lot number Ninateou in. the
SOveuth 0onoessiou et the Township of
County of
laud iole01orilase
Sixty acres of the said lambs m'0 cleared.
The balance of about 85 or 40 (lore() being
excellent barowood bush of maple and
heeoh, The evil Js a clay 1110 ; there ie a
never failing eprifg oraor on the term;
there is cue aero of goad orchard ; there is
a frame barn on the Janda 90000. feat, The
farm lswell )(healed, being 5'"utiles from
Brussels and Walton and 7miloe from Blyth,
Parcel No. 2 -Being part of Lot e5 hi the
Village off Butete10 on Elizabeth etreet
On this Village lot there 01oama frame (house
and a good orchard, Parcel No, 8 -Being
Lots 092 and 240, Prio°ee, street, nod Lolo
48 and 249, Turnbei•rt' street, Weatherald'e
Survey, P; each lot containing one quarter
of an acre of Saud. These are suitable
huildiuglMee, Tbe,e prourrtiae will be of-
fered separately and subject to reserved
bide, Terme of Sale -Ten per Dent. on the
day of sale mud the balance within thirty
days thereafter, when possession will be
given to any or all of the above properties.
Further particulars may be had from the
Executors or from the undersigned.
Dated at Brussel., Oepte.ard, 1904.
Solicitor forExeoutors, Auntie:loor,
thorn' brei Durhnn bull, keep for
joining Brueeele." Terme, 01 00. with privi..
lege of returning if ueaessary.
6E0, lbOSB, Proprietor.
homestead -100 moos -in the Town-
elllp of Morrie, Enron county. For north).
Mars apply to
8 tf 550 Bathurst St. Toronto.
The undersigned offers the 100 aore
farm, being Lot 20, 000, 7, Grey, for Bale or
to rant, Comfortable house, bank barn,or-
obard,;welle, &0. There are 80 moos iu grass,
10 acres of Fall Wheat w111 be put in and 20
acres of Fall plowing dope. l'arm Is only ).
mild from the thriving village of Ethel.
For further particulars as Ito prior), tame,
&0„ apply to M116 SPENOE, Ethel P.O.
DnnereHnD Off ere for sale her fine farm
being Nt Lot 14, Con, 14, b1o0illop township.
There are 0 cares of good hardwood bush
end balance °leered. On the promisee Is
a eOmfgt'table be1011 house, bauk barn, driv-
ing abed and wielmlll, supplying water to
Loth house and stables. Well feeeed, well
uuderdraiued, young orchard, &a, Posses-
sion this Fall if desired. Farm Is ono of the
cleanest in the township, Only 9 mile Iron
school and 8 wiles from Welton village,
For further' particular's as to 1,1'Ice, terms,
&o„ apply on the premises to M118. 101308,
OAR1.14Y, or Walton P. 0. 0.11'
aures Bret -class laud in the 1oweship
of Grey -Lot 18, 0on, 14,' 100 acres ; Lot17,
Con. 19, 100 mores; and WI Lot 18; Cow 14,
50 acres -000 acme. A11 in excellent edndi•
tion w1E111Jrst•elase buildings ; triol, ]louse
with all
ono dern convenience,, and large
banal barn, root and straw house, stables,
&e. Well watered. From 85 to40 acres oi
1 tai iugod a105 wood bush.
first-ohms'Oland, good
frame house and largo bank barn nearly,
now. 1The property can be Bold in two or
liberal, Also a commodious dwelling house
app`lot lnyy to the towner1 one lthelprenlisee;
LAUGHLIN MoNNIL, or: to JNO, L14005116,
Brussels. 21.01
Royal .IEail Steamers
Tugiaiau Sept 1e11 OOn et. Sera ep, Leant Quebec
Ionise ,,, 0091. 10,5 am, Sept 00,510,nt
un 001.14, 5 801 men, q t, 14, 11 pen
BAwao oa Penson
Vint 001,111-800 and Upwards, 0000981ng
10 steamer aid a0onmmod0 tion.
Snood °able -Liverpool de l:oudondorry
-880. and 485. Londol 90,00 extra.
to Liv rpool I y, O1101feAt accommodation,
Through 1151(0ts to South AMOR,
Montreal lo Glasgow lutea(
Corintlllao Thliren Sept, 20 (Daylight)
New 'Yard le dilaajioty
Menge/Ian Theroday, Sept, 20, 11 am
Low rates by 'above Glasgow Memnon on
npplloatlon to
W. 11. KE16R,
Agent Br I
ew Fall
res l ,a} ods
We Etre DOW showing New Fall Dress
Skirts that on inspection you cannot
fail to adtnire. Our assortivent'is much
larger than usual. The quality and vttl-
nes are A 1 and styles the latest, and we
can assure you tt perfect fit, Prices range
from $3.50 for a good serviee.oble, well made
heavy0Freize up to ,$4 00, $5,00, $6 00, $8 00
and $10,00 for a fine Broadcloth or Satin Vene-
tian beautifully finished and trimmed
See our Special Purchase of Black Satin
Underskirts going at 85c.
.tele'll,"I,ea lteiebrdtt„(Mtol,
is here again and cook weather makes 118 think of Stoves and how to
creep warm in Winter. If you are thinking of purchasing a new
Stove or Range this Fall cell and see our tibee of Hig't elan
Famous Pandora Range, mad”' Mo0ot1Loudon
The Dockash and World's Favorite Ranges,
The Silver King and Garland line of Stoves and Ranges-
See our Lines of Base Bu1'netE
and Air Tight Coal Stoves.
Agents for the Famous Every Stove Guars
"Queen" Air Tight Wood Heaters. to work Perfect.
le•timatee on Fnroaee Contrnote freely given.
Prices Right.
n & ur b
HILE we have had a splendid season in selling
Buggies and Wagons we have still quite a
number on hand, the Best and most up-to-date that
can be got anywhere. If you require a Buggy or Wag-
on don't miss. calling on the old reliable Cober Cttrriage
Works that bas been in _constant operation for fifty
years and given the best of satisfaction to the number •
less customers during all those years. We are more ,,
fully than ever prepared to Meet the' requirements of
the public in our line of business in style, tluafity and'
price, y
�(�'� /'�
POST 13?3E.
Stock of Wire Whoole for Wagon° to supply
Customers on land,