HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-9-22, Page 1•
Vol. i33. Na. 11
W. H. KERR,, , Prop.
New Advertisements,
Denge—Jas. Fox,
Looal—Mise Little.
Loonl-11. WiMameon,
Looal—Hutch Johnston,
Kuplen—.Soot( & Wercvielc.
Cattle for sale—R:boa Sink'.
Loanle—R. Leetherdale & Son.
Court of Revision -Wm. (lark.
Notice to debtors—nog 'Pollan.
Moo new goodie—McKinnon & Oo.
Nobioe to creditors—A. B. Maodonald.
iBiShU.t 03S,
About 176 students are in attendanoo
at the Collegiate Institute.
. A petition ,woe simulated, and exten-
sively Biped, in favor of the amalgama.
Mon of the Public school and,High School
Trustee Boarde and the election of a
Board of Tdnoation en provided by the
Amb of 1904 in this respect.
A howling riulc of "Jima" played a rink
of "Freda," the "Freda" winning by'a
rood maigitt, The players were ; Jas. L,
Killoran, Was, Yawn, Jae. H. Tiger(, Jug,
D, O'Connell (ship) ; Fred. 23. Hohnes,
Fred. J. Pridham, G, Fred. Blair, bred,
Davie (skip).
W. L. ttioGregor, of the MoGregor,
Banwell Fence Oo., Walkerville, ryas ire
town last week and closed a o0ntraot with
M. A. Pigott, tho Guelph & Goderioh
Railway ooutraoter, for righty miles of
Ideal wire fencing. This le tor the whole
of Mr. Pigott's section of the line, forty
miles, on both aide of the treok,
A eaeffolding at kIu'obfaon s new hones
on Piston street broke and Robt, Doak, e
bricklayer, fell to the ground, a distance
of about eighteen feet, a plank falling
upon him, A'Ir. Doak was sate to get up
soon after the accident but complained of
pains in the lower part of the body. A-•
pother workman on the soaffold caught
hold of a ladder and no 'notepad thinly.
.a.t.r.tao ye• el .
Jong Blietell NOMINATED.—At a largely
attended meetiug et North Perth Liberate
held at Listowel on Tuesday, John 13rowa,
ex•M, P. P., wet onanimonaly renomin•
k eel, for the Logielature. The nomin•
Atkin ' made by Walter Murray, of
E'me seoouiled by Nelson Hay, of
rel and n motion f
oo J.•0.8te art
' 00w
Liato ,
bd Baetba a was made unanimous
Of POT p , d ft mOnB
by a standing vote, amid loud oheere.
Mr. Brown aooepted to n speech, in which
he expressed the utmost aonfidanoe in re•
covering the riding. Stirring speeches
were Mitre by Hon. Mr. Ballantyne and
J, P. Mattie, K. 0.
A SNA0o SToi ,--James Johnston, n
well-kuoln citizen living on Lot No. 80,
80 Dwaine -lett of WailaoE, lane an odd
i story. Jo Saturday afternoon Met while
i;b,av'S atilt light, he went to the bol
peelers field for his cattle. He was
skirting the there of the lake, wbioh the
field adjoins and was watching the effect
of the higb wind in driving the water up
a narrow bay when he heard a meek and
eaw a detdbem'ook stub about twenty
feet high, fall to the ground. The stub
was on a point directly noose the hay,
not more than 100 yards away. Juet
before the stub reached the ground some
hind of an animal sprangfrom it, spread
out a pair of wings and rising over a bank
df reeds, p'unged into the marshy waters
of the lake. Mr.'Ju ention bad a good
view of the strange creature in the air
and he el:Smo es its length at between
7 and 8 -fret, midi: tip mostly of neok ted
tell. Thee' ,were about two Naha ))tisk,
hutwideued. towards the .body,. whiob
was not more than 5 or 6 inches at its
heaviest point. Tbe wings were ot some
membraneous materinl'and did not seem
is BOW at the stables of
his owners,
Scott Warwick
Where he will stand for Service
for the balance of the season.
Our Glasses
satisfy because
`' ',they are right.
'Spectacle r eton,t Is no
does. worlt,with gas.
caro eparta In
remedying nil eye de.l
,Wo guarantee antis.
r lam ldtlr. raged •
Cerneltxtv.te &Ar,tfial'anta
to leave a wide spread, though they mov.
ed rapidly. The akin wee ennoble, of a
dull greyish polar and did not appear to
have toales or feathers, Mr. Johnston
could net tell whether it had foot or not,
It seems to have been sitting mobionless
elm to the tree with its tail down the
trunk and Ito neck i k:eking out like a
dead limb, and Mr. Johnston Foote sore
(brit had thy wind nob blown the tree
over he would never have noticed it,
'Phare ie no s ign of a limb ot any kind ou
the stub. The ohmage animal sailed
granefnlly enough through the air, tieing
its long tail to' balance itself and guide
its flight, It seemed to glide rattler than
splash into the water and did not again
Beler raa.ve.
In the Meth diet °burgh, Belgrave, at
g p. rn„ Tuesday evening, Sept. 27th the
celebrated Jahn R, Olathe will take
you with bio "To and Fro in London"
in oratory, mimicry, notion and song
for two hours. Admission 16 onto.
Lead bear ee.
Wm, McEwen, of Stratford, le visiting
friends on the Boundary and 14tH line,
Thos. Daviaean woe Beverly injured by
a team of born tramping on him a fsw
clays ago,
Alexander Brothereon, commercial
traveller, i5 showing et tine line of goods
for the Fall trade,
Jobu Crozier is coming on his farm
again on this line. Mr. Jaokeon, the
present tenant, pneposoe going West.
Aliso Alioe Decides has returned )tome
from Manitoba where she has been Visit
ing friendsfor the past two months,
Mrs. Edgerton Roe had a oumb,r of
her neighbors at au apple paring bee one
night last week. They did a fins lot of
work for her. After work a ooaple of
hours were spent by the young people
very pleasantly. Jae, Dudley, of Brace•
els, who woe present delighted all by a
well rendered recitation "Where's my
Umbrella ?"
Mibohell & Itennings sbipped a one of
apples last weak.
W. and Mee. 0nrbould, of Wingbam,
were in the village on Saturday.
John Brethauer 89501 a few days of
last week with We -retiree relatives,
Mee. A, U. Moffitt ]tae returned from
t nwberath
A o b a has Den
vieitin for
b g
a weak.
Mise Laura Lewie hasreturned after
a month's visit with friends at Kiener
dine and Ripley.
Tbe annual bhenksgivlmg tea of the
W: F. M. S. of the Presbyterian chetah
was )held last Thnoeday afternoon, "'
On Saturday Hamilton & Roberbsoe
shipped a oar of export cattle and on
Monday a oar of hoge and one of mettle.
A few who attended the London Fair
from here were R. Harris, 0. Raise, G.
Imelda, R. and Mrs. Bleak and Mra. S.
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
the Beth) teem °horoh on Tneeday
morning. Ill the afternoon a You.
People's Presbyterial 0.nvention was
Rev. L. Perrin preached the aunt,
vereary sermon in the Salem Methodist
Oburalt on Sunday afternoon. A Tea -
meeting in commotion with the Flame was
held Monday evening.
dement Iuglie, one of the leading
photographers of Mimeo, who met with
a aeon aooident abont a month ago
wbiia experimenting with a new light in
connection with 'photography, on Sun-
day auoonmbed to hie injuriae. Mr.
Inglis was in days gone by wolf known in
this vicinity. He was a brother of Mrs.
John Sanderson, of thin village.
l')l It el.
Emit Huron Fall Fair, at Brunetti, Oot,
6 and 7..
David Milne was attending London
Fair last week.
Hugh Onnninehnea shipped a oar of
Iambs .Wednesday.
Charles I'Iansuld who hes had, typboid
fever, is ivaproving slowly,
Aire. Rowe, of Ilderten,,is visiting her
daughter, Mrs, F. F. Freeman.
Mies A, J. Hanna is visiting friends at
Guelph. She had been to the Toronto
Bxldbibion previously.
George Besb shipped a car of hoge from
here on Tneeday and a'oar of lambs of
Wednesday of this week.
Mega Nellie Laird is laid up with
Typhoid fever we are sorry to abate but
hope ebe will ebon be better.
Fleet IInron. Fall Fair will lee the next
Fair on the program foe people in Mile
locality. It will beheld on Oct. 6 and 7.
Thee. BOwoe, 7th Cote, Grey, sold a
load of new wheat to our mill here oe
Tuesday that tented 60 )bo to the boobs].
I. M, Henry net a consignment of flour
to Belgrave, Myth, and Atwood that week,
He also received a oar of Manitoba
Muses and Me. Bpenoe, of Ethel, were
at "Union" ohnroh last Monday evening
assisting in the Meioal exorcises of the
Harvest Home.
'Robert McGregor and Mies Ada Imlay,,
of Sarnia, :were visiting the tatter's
parents Geo, and Mrs, Imlay fro a few
days last week,
O. Eokmiel• intends potting gravel Ott
the roade instead of ranking guy more
gement make with the money he hee lett
from those who paid their Mettle, labor.
Next Sabbath Rev, B, Miliyard, of
Luoknew, will preach. hi the Metbodiet
ehurob here, mornieg and edoning.
1'bauk•offering will be taken at mob
eervioe. Bev, Mr. Millyard reunite with
the beet pulpit men of the London Oon•
framer: so thud biose who want bo hear a
line mermen ehould Weed,
'felt REavor.—Voters Liet Oourt was
held here for Grey township, before Judge
Doyle, on Tneeday, Tho Liberals en-
tered 58 appeals and the Coneervetiv°g
70 and the reenit of the Court was se
followe 1—Llberale added 81 nod Struck
off 8 and the Cdnneorvativee pub on 19 and
knookocl off 0, Notwithstanding the
ebatemente made by the person lootting,
atter the Coneervntive appeals that A.
.Reymann, the Wall known teseooeat1 bad
the focally of loading up the Aesesement
roll with young men under 21, they
failed to giriko one of them off before
Judge Doyle. Barrister Maodonald, of
firuenette, and Barrister llorpley, of Lis.
towel, were the regal ougineere. The
Liberals gained 14 votes by the Court,
W er.t con.
Wm. Emigb, er, of Blyth was a visitor
to our burg on Sunday,
Robert Hemphries has returned to
Toronto to pursue hie studio.
Mies Lottie Oampbell, bas returned
from an-onjoyable vleit to Loudon,
Thos. MoLaugblin and John Brown,
spent Sunday with friends in Blyth,
John McDonald is having a cellar ex•
oavated on the site of the new house,
A new gang of 0. P. R. workmen
huge oommeneed work on Jae. Mnrooy'e
Some oft the young men are talking
about taking a trip to the Bruce Mines
thea Fall,
Mies Maud Fraser, of Sparerib, is visit.
ing her parents in Walton this week. We
are peeped to mea her book,
Alias Baby Mason, who hag been visit.
lag at R. M. Cummings' for the past two
months, returned to Roobester ou Mon•
Our genial host of the Walton Hotel
has added a livery department to his bus.
Mose. Title la velem/ale Howe to our olt•
Nolte, who have felt the need of a livery
for a long time.
An motion sale of honaehold furniture
is aunonnoed by airs. R. M. Cummings,
to tape place on Saturday afternoon of
next week, Out. 1st, F. S. Boob(, of
Braeaele, will be tho auctioneer,
Harvest Homo servicewee held in
Bt. George's church on Sabbath last,,
The ohnroh was beautifully demoted,
and was orowded to the doors with an
attentive congregation who enjoyed the
sermon delivered by Mr. Powell The
presence of the inoumbent, Rev. I. M.
Webb, was also a source of pleasure to
hie many friends,
eietaxa a gr to wax .
'Miss Rattan, .1 Lakelet, is visiting
relatives and friends in thea looality.
The scenes of youth in Belleville
locality are being visited by Bennett and
Leonard Rattan.
Arrangements are being made to hold
the anneal Bibleoie
S t meeting at
Yiotorin Hall in thiolane.
Mr. Rattan er., who is a wall known
resident of this locality, is in his 89th
year but is ae smart ae scores of men 20
years hie junior.
Mies Nellie Martin, of Burlington, is
the teacher in Union S. S. No. 1, Turu•
berry. We weionme her to this looality
and wisb her anomie.
A'valuable roadster Dolt, 8 months old,.
the property of John D. Miller, broke its
leg in some way on Thursday of last
weep and had to be kilted.
DIED —Monday of this week William,
son of John and Mrs. White, Lot 18',
Con. 1, Grey, passed away from earthly
eoetes at the early age of 28 years, and
.10 months. He had been in poor health
for some time and his demise was not an
unexpeoted event. The funeral took
plane on Wadneaday afternoon, interment
being made at - Brugeele ocmetary.
Sympathy is expressed for the bereaved
permits in the toes of their eon..
It mune as a little surprise to the;
people of this looelity the news that
Jamee Gutb had purchased the grocery
of George Powell, a well' established
business in Blyth. Re will remove with
hie family abort the let of November
and will rent bis farm near here. An
aeration sale will be held next month.
While sorry bo lose old and highly esteem•
ed reeideuts fromthe locality we wish
them every anooese and believe they will
do well.
Dion raw.
Brunets Fail Fair, Oat. 6 & 7.
Townehip Donnell minutes may be
rend on pare 4 of tbis issue.
F. G. Bennett, of Detroit, returned
home on Tuesday of last weep.
George Brewer is vieibing at Seaforbb
for s time. We hope the abitmge will
benefit bis health.
Joeepb Clegg, 5th line, hes about 80
well bred 2 year old- eteers that be is off•
eying for sale on terms to edit purobaaer,
Mrs. D. Eokmier, of Clinton, is visit-
ing L. Deltmier. 2nd line, who bag been
111 with typhoid fever, He is making
favorable progress.
The Mlesoa and Milton Sharp, 5th line,
took part in the program at the Hemet
Home lest Monday evening at Union
ohnroh, 12th Don., Grey:
A H, °oohrans, of Waterloo, was re•
nowing old friendships in Morrie during
the pest week. Mr. Ooohrerne hag
developed into a shrewd, wide awake
business mat,
Juo. Petah, 6th line, bet been bothered
with a light tamale ot blood poisoning on
Itis right wrist. Wm, Thnall of the some
line, also had a eligin acquaintance with
the same trouble,
The root crop in different paarta dt
Morris i5 epiandtd, There Mhnuld"be a
good many entries for the prizee offered
In oonneotion with the field toot Dom•
petition under the direction of Had
Huron AgriottiburalSoeiety,
Warden Bowman was at Goderioh
Thursday of last week attending: the
initial meeting of theselectors of jurors
this year. • Hs will have a week ace put in
later in this work. The Go. Judge, 00.
Attorney, the Sheriff and the TLetearer
are the other members.
An nuotion sale is announced by 13arey
liirkIy, Log Dan, ,Morrie, for Friday
afternoon of next week, Mr, Kirkly
intends giving tip terming and will
probably attend the Ontario V terittary
College, Toronto, with the intention of
being tt V. S. We wish him saooeue.
harvest Homo 05rmonewill be preach,
ed next Sabbath et Downtown by Rev.
Mr, Owens, of Breseelb, forenoon and
afternoon, and Rev. Air. West, of MM.vele, in the e$ening. ie. mueioel and
titormry program will be renaeted on
letnnday evening instead of theenatetimey
tea meeting, On Sabbath an envelope
',Chunk -offering will be taken;
Minces Rowell, of Sanehiee, hove one
nu a holiday trip to relativea at Bay
City, tobiug advantage of the Weoteru
hxourniou. We wish them an enjoyable
Jas. (Mennen, Mee Til:iu (Mennen and
Master Olebee anent several clays of abs
past week in Detroit. They returned
horns on Toed fey s000mpanied by Mre,
(Aeolian whotn we are pleased to leen he
improving after her operation.
Judge Doyle has named Thursday,
Oob. 0th as the date for holding ebe
manna) Voters' List Court for Morris,
It will behold in Brueeete Tows Hatt
instead of the Township Hail Last
year itnesembled in Blyth. There are
60 or 70 appeal( to be dealt with.
4...)4.41 111 brook..
The Cameron eider mill ie now ready
for business.
Boy wanted to learn the blankemibhiog,
Apply bo JouN FORREST.
Tuesday of (•hie week Rev. D. B. Mo.
Rae attended the meeting of Maitland
Presbytery at Wroxeter.
Henry Bann and family, of Mattoon,
Menlo, are visiting at hip mother's, Mrs.
James Bann, Oranbrook,
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr.
Baker, of Bluevale, will prssoh in the
Methndiet,ohuroh here. He wee s form-
er pester a number of years ago.
MAmntuoNlAn,—On Wadneaday of this
week. George Campbell Reymann, son of
A. and Mo. Reymann, of Oranbrook,
entered the married relation with Miss
Josephine, danghter of Peter and Mrs.
Duret, of D98 Vermont et., Detroit. The
oeremony toolr plane at Y p. en. and a re.
o,•ptfon was held from 8 to 10 o'aloak.
There was a goodly attendance of gamete
and a large number of splendid presents.
Mr, and Mrs, Reymann will visit bare
before bskiog opbouee•keeping at London,
Ont. The mnuy old frionde of the groom
in tbis loonlity will be a nnit iu wishing
the happy maple many years of heppi.
nese and prosperity.
Several farmers will take a leant/ With
their teams at working on the new 0. P.
R tine,
Mies Belle McDonald, who is an attend.
ant at Hamilton asylum, is vleiting her
sister, Mrs. Joeepb Shaw.
Leet Sabbath morning Mx. Mille took
abergo of the eerviaa at
Rae's ohnroh.
The pastor was et Tiverton.
Mrs. E. Hollinger, who baa been visit.
ing relatives and frienae here, left for her
home at Woc'eley, Man., last week.
Those who are oompabeut to judge say
a good job was done on the two steel
bridges built this season on the 12th non.
Blank olotb jacket lost ou the 9611 con.
lest Saturday. The owner will be great-
ly obliged it it is left for her at Toe
Ernest Bozell, 10th coo , tetends going
to Wingbam to take up the ophotetering
bueinebs in Olegg & Walker's 1001007,
He ehoold make a competent hand.
Lyle Riebardeon,eon of N. M.Riohard-
eon, who moved to Manor, in the West,
last Spring, has gone to the home of his
parents where he will also lake up his
On Wednesday, 7.h )net , Miea Bath -
arty of the 60) oon., Grey, was noited in
marriage. to,. Wm. Belrnes, oon. 14,
Logan. Rev. Mr. Carrie, of Mookton,
formerly of Ethel, performed the cere-
Out of anriosity a visitor at Union
church Harvest Home last Monday even-
ing counted the riga lined by the fence and
dieaovered tbat the enutneration reach
ed 107, This did not Malaria a large
cumber taken to neighboring stables and
usual grand and extensive preparations
were made for the anniversary at
"Union," 12th Con., held loaf Sabbath
and Monday, Chortle was iaviehly bat
bastefolly decorated for tine doaasiou
with evergreens, flags, flowers'
&o, all
very neatly arranged and looked magnifi•
oent. Sunday iuteresbing and profitable
Booboo were oonduotod by Rev. E. W.
Edwarde, B. A. 13, D., of Tiverton. Da
the morning hie text wee Matt. 17:2
"And Jena was transfigured before
them." In the afternoon maoe meeting of
the Sabbath School 'was addreseed by
Rev. Mr. Edwards from the verse "Let
your light so shine before men that they
may see your good works and glorify your
Father whish is in Heaven." Ilia ideas
were clearly ilinetrated by the nee til two
tamps with thus were clearly iwproesed
on the minds of the children. In the
evening the reverend gentleman )based
his remarks on John 12:22 "Sir we would
See Jesus." The energy, eernestoeea
and Christian oiteertulneae which mark•
ed both dfsoourees were greatly rep•
preoiated by the large oo0grsgatiooe and
all will be pleated to hear Mr. Edwards
again, The choir rendered exoetlent
eoleotions at both eervioes, Ou Monday
evening, the weather being all that could
be desired, a very large crowd gathered
for the Harvest Home. From 7 to 9 a
enmptupue supper was served in elegant
style by the ladies of the congregation,
altet whloh-the people crowded into the
ohnrob, although many were compelled.
to remain outside. The following pro•
gram was well rendered, with Rev, 0. P.
Welie, i3, D„ ably cfflaiating 'as choir.
man :—Doxology, choir ; prayer, Rev.
E. W. Edwards ; soieotion by ober ; in•
sbruneental, Will. Spence; solo,' Prof.
Hawkins ; dost(, Misees.Lily and .Pearl
Sharpe ; uddroee, Rev. I:7. W. Edwards ;
instrumental ou muolowl glasses, Prof,
Dawkttee ; solo, Mae R, Spence 1 read.
ing 'Prof. Hawkins ; gala, Milton Sbarpe;
instrumental, Will Spsnae; solo, Prof.
I3avekine ; selection by aboir ; instra.
mental, Prof, Hawkins ; solo, Mies le.
Spence; instrumental Ott mueioai glue.
es, Peet, Hawking; dealt, the Magma
Sharpe ; aeleation by chair; "God save
the 3ing," Acaompaniete were Mee L.
Spence and Mrs. Will. Michel, the
ch 11 oh organibt, who did theft part
well, 4 ha, ty vote of thanks wag ten.
doted those who took pari, in the pro.
gram, The prooeede of the evening were
ovor$100 whish is more then that of
apy 9reoeding year.
TOO Ill JOIl 1103611 YORK,
To the editor of Ton Pon
Deo lint,—In regard to our eohool we
have a good staff of teaehere and they
receive good ealariee for beaching the
obiiclren six hours every day, 1 think
this should be sufficient witlteub laying a
harden on them for home work every
evening of the week, Yours &o.,
A Newsy Letter From
Ft. Leethordale,
To oho Editor of Tug Boer :
DUE But, —I am hone from my tr.
Week and bays a little more leisure bba
I have been having so will give you
description o5.ur journey.
We lett Brnssele, as you know, Job
191b, and had 0. delightful trip to Ma
eley. The scenery around Lake Saperi
is beautiful. I was on the platform of Ih
Inst oar for (waive hours getting f
benefit of the posing soeuery. It
wonderful with what speed we wer
parried around short curves. Seldom
mile of straight ran and very beau
grade, bat nob ao wonderful where we no
the great engines that they ran her
Arrived in Winnipeg, oar Natstoppin
plane, July 21et, We remaiuded her
during Exhibition and met many peopl
from the East. Winnipeg is a very bus
city, people always in a hurry. If the
fall down they don't have time to get up
A.11 hustle here, Sunday ie just the op
posile, a'l quietness, no street aura, Thi
le a great ohurab. going city. Fiv
onarohee within five minutes walk fro
our stopping pane.
I left here for the West on August 1O6
and remelted Calgary the following night
Met alnamber of Benese'ibet here, the
Ferguson boyo, Geo, Orooks, Wm. Belli
day, a son of Hngb R, Elliott, South
Braeaele, and last bat not least tb
worthy Chief of Polies, Thomq as English
He is the same Tom Eogliefrof 20 year
ago, only that much older. They are al
doing well. I was driven around tb
country to a ooneideeable extent and ea
some beautiful ranobing laude, also
field of Fall nvheak that will averag
about 25 bushels to the acre but there i
little farming done here, it is all raoab
log. It poets little or nobbieg to raise
stook here a the r 0t
a an o Winter so
Summer. Calgaryisa beaotifol an
very busy city with a delightful climate
It is a good baeiness phos. I think there
is more obaooes to make money here then
in 50y other plana in the West. Its
population ie about 9000 and bee doubled
iu the fast two years. It is priaaipafy a
railroad town. Hare I met Eph, Oober
and left on the 15th for Banff. We re
maenad here till the 17th. 'Tie residue
for me to tell you anything about Banff
as I see J. Leckie and R. Psaraon have
given you a good account of it, I might
give you an item of interest that bappen•
ed here. We were attending at oar hotel
waiting for a 'bus seeing, a grip in the
hall with a 0• P, R. hotel stinker on the
side of it, I asked the proprietor how it
roam bo be there. He says there woe e,
fetlaw got cif' the train the (that day and
took the 0, P. R. 'bus to the hotel when
he got there he melted the porter for one
of the best rooms. He wan taken up to it
and asked whet aoocmmodetion he
wanted, on enquiring the terms the porter
told him 917 per day. I said, what bat
that to do with the grip ? He said it
took his breath 0o quickly that they had
to call a doctor ams when he mune to he
walked, grip in hand, 8,} miles, to a hotel
with more reasonable rates. He said the
0. P. R. don't forget to charge in this
The nosh pleas of note ie Laggen, here
he lake in the ofonde is roaoberi but et
we bad done eo Much olimbing at Banff
we did not feel inolined to °limb to the
donde0o we went on. Stephen oomse
next, here the railroad roads the base of
Mt. Stephen and Drosses the deep gorge
of Kinking•Boree•aed skirbe the beautiful
lake of Wafea. Here we are at the
Great Divide and the highest point we
ranch in the mountain. The altitude le
6,296 feet, here. At this lake (whiob
is fed by tittle streams of melted anew
from the.higher peaka) Dao be use" small
streams flowing from opposite sides of
the lake, one emptying into the Paoifio
ocean and one into the Atlantic. They
now pat on an observation oar and we get
a beautiful view the remainder of the
way. Passing on we find onreelvoa at
another little Summer resort, Field, from
Laggon to here is 16 bailee and this is the
eteopeet grade in the mountains, fee rasa
18 1206 feet in that diatanoe. Coming from
Weed to East four of those munetroue
engines were required to posh and pull
our train of eleven oars np this grade.
The nrxb plans is Golden, which is es•
peolally noted for its beentilal eoeuery,
Jnet beyond Golden the railway ontere
Ktokiug Horse canyon, Into thisohaem
goes the railroad owning the river from
aide to Ride 10 ledges out out of the solid
rook and every minute or two plunges
tbrough tannate and projeoting angles of
rook which seem toy aloes the way with
the towering ollffo alma shut:iag out
the sunlight and the roar of the ewes and
rain le inoreaeed one hundred fold by the
echoing walls, The panting through thin
gorge will never be forgotten. Here we
are at Bear Gook, on the left tide of the
river, where we are uotohed into the
ebsep mountain side hundreds of feet
above the river wbioh appears lino a
(breed. The tops of the tress in the
valley below looks like mase on a rook
bottom, Right here we ()roar the river
again over a bridge 800 feet high. It is
one of the loftiest railway bridges in the
World and is called Mountain Creek
bridge, The rate of speed along here is
about 16 or 20 miles an hour. We went
through a allow slide that had recently
'slid down the side of the mountain and
landed on the took, There was about 8
feet of snOw nn each side of us. blare we
tan 11110 collet of Snoweheds, theme are
built of heavy etfuare cedar Meth. r, dove.
tailed and bolted to
o d gather, backed with
by rook and fitted into the side of the
tgonnteitt fn onset a manner ria to hid
Wanda 10 rho ipOet ter1fflo llvslgughea,
Twelve melee farther on we Dome to
(Mulct another Bummer resort, The
station is within 80 minutes walk of the
great glaoler, on the left of thio is a great
peak to the height of If miles above the
railroad. It is named Sir Donald, after
Bir Donald Smith (now Lord Strabboons)
one of the obis( promoters of the 0. P. R.
There is another Summer 0, P. R. hotel
hero which serves not only as a dining
station but a beautiful etopping pleas for
tourists ; a stream from the glaofer bas
been oaugbt here whiob furnishes water
for the lountsine around the hotel. Rolle
Peak ie the next stop and between here
and Glacier is where the railway forme
the great doable loop, like the letter 0.
Here yoa'will travel for one boar and then.
come book to where you were an boar
previous only one hundred het higher.
Travelling on w5 Dome to Revelstoke.
It is the Northern gateway to the great
Kootenay mining Damps. lea population
is 1600 and it iu the largest place in the
Rookies. Thirty melee farther on we
come to 1Nalskawa. Here the last spike
was driven on the Canadian Peetfia Rail,
way on November 7, 1885 and the rails
from West and tett mob. We brevet on
until we come to Snlmoo Arm, Andy
Currie ie ticket agent here. H0 is a son.
in law of Walter Smith, of Breese's.
There is a beantital lake here with trout
streams fi,wiog into it but we did not
stop to try our iaok. Speeding on we
Dome to Kamloops anda numberof other
email stations. Here a quicksilver
mine has been diem/erect wbioh is
tbougbt to be of great value. The next
plane is Lyoott where the first gold was
dieaovered in 1857, here we are getting
through the mountains and nothing more
of any s000nett until we reach Vancouver
wbioh I will tell you about later.
Yours very truly,
Winnipeg, Man„ Sept. 15, 1904.
01iUlt011 0111,{1I1I
A load of young people from town at.
tended the Young People's Convention in
oonneotion with Maitland Presbytery, at
Wroxeter, on Tuesday.
The W. M,. S. auxiliary of Brussels
Methodist ohurab will pay a visit to their
Belgrave Missionary Meters on Wednes.
day afternoon of next week.
Rev, Jno. Roes and Rev. T. W. Ooeens
exohaoged pulpits last Sabbath evening,
Both oonre ation0a eared to
,g g pp be well
suited with the neighboring pastor.
Next Sabbath morning Rev. George
Baker, of Duval°, will prssoh in the
Methodist ohnroh here. The pastor will -
prenob Harvest Home sermons at Ebe.
nezer ohurab, Bluevale Moult, but will
be in his own pulpit in the evening.
MessroNAax,—Braeaele Breach of Wo•
mews Missionary Society -in oonneotion
with the Metbodiet oburab held its annuoi
meeting op Sept. 8th, at the home of Airs.
E. Sperain, Thomas street. Follow
ing cllkoeea were Wailed for the current
Year :—Preeident, Mrs, J. L. Kerr ; 1st
Vice Prep, Mrs. (Rev.) T. W. Cosigns ;
tad Vice, liars. R. Paul ; Reo: Seo., Mrs.
Jno. Tait ; Treere, Mrs. W. F. Stewart ;
Oor,•Seo., Mrs. A. J. Lowry. Total
receipts for past year 95418 an increase
of $4.17 over the previous year. Seven
new members were added to the roll.
Soaoioerrm.—The Harvest Home sera
vices in Bt. Johne' Church, Braeaele, last
Beadily were of a very interesting and
enooesefal oharaoter. Mr. Powell, the
student in charge, extolled himself. In
abs morning hie text was Is. 9-6 "They
joy before them 0ocording to the joy of
harvest." Equally appropriate was the
evening discourse based upon Jeremiab's
words "Be reaerveth unto us the appoinb.
ed weeks of the harvest:' The choir
rendered extra good service, Church was
neatly and appropriately demented with
products of the field, oraltard and garden.
No small pleasure was evidenced at the
appearance of the popular inonmbenb,
Rev. I. M. Webb, who took part in the
evening.servioe. He recently returned
from his visit to the West and while
mush Improved hie physioian does .not
appear to think it would be wise to
undertake the duties of hie °barge for a
time at least. We hope the reverend
gentleman will soon be restored to his
old time vigor. If good wishes avail he
should soon be convalescent.
Perth County.
The potato orop is a failure in Monkton
Bootie°, many people considering them
nob worth taking op,
T. II. Roos, of Mitchell, has returned
to St. Louie to aseuene hie duties as
Canadian Commissioner.
Mise Dot Larkwortby and Mite Gotha
Willa, of Mitchell, are attending the
Normal Sobool at Toronto.
His Honor Judge Barron is now Dome
pletely recovered from his repent illness,
and is attending to his duties.
Wm. Johnebon, of Blanchard township,
ie mentioned as Conservative candidate
tot the Commons in South Pertb,
The trial of Henry Moir, of 8t. Mary's!,
charged with embezzling tondo of the
Dominion Expreee Company, bag been
fixed for September 271h,
Mies Lila Gladden Oolo, of Rneseldafe,
has jot returned from eppreotative re-
oepbione of her exaetlent entertainment,
"Mrs. Wiggs, of the Cabbage Patellas' on:
Sarnia, London, Eaton and Bence bran.
obey of the G. T. R.
The man referred to me being serionely
ill at the county jail, Stratford, died at.
the age of about 78 yore. He was John
W. Moore, a resident of ,this county for
a groat many years, A0 requited by law.
Coroner Rankin held an inquest at the
The Stratford fire bell rang about 1;46
Saturday afternoon, hut it proved to be
an nuneoeseary pall, The barn of Thee.
Townsend, who lives atthe extreme Beet.
etre end of Marningbon street took fire
about neon, and before the blaze was
notioed it Was' too far gone to be saved,
and, ooneegtently, Mr. Townsend did net
bother sending in an fitment. Ocher
parties saw it ata dietano0 and phoned
to the hall. Mr, Toveneend's lose will he
rather heavy he the barn was a atra5ttire
88 x 25 and oontained the eaesoh't Orap
01 hay. .5
ib•-at*t.S32teiEBS :5-' 1
Iglke est titter ox
Question :—Should w043011 with the
neaeeeary property qualitioation have a
Parliamentary vote ?
DEAR Eprxoa,—Should :women have - a
Parliamentary vote is your gooey ? l soy
No and with a capital N, If they io,d
the franohiee the next thing they would
be looking for would beet seat in Pallia.
mentand If they gob to Toronto or Ottsoa
the sessions would last a year instead of
from 6 to 0 menthe as at present.
Society at the oapitale is run ab hi;;ir
pressure now in the 6 o'clock teas, ren„
without adding it coterie of women 'ra p.
DoAn Bra.—Io my opinion women wilt
neoeeoary property quelidoation shen'd ..
have a Parliamentary vote,
1. Because -women are subject to the
legislation of Parliament.
2. Boosnes they are equally intelligent
with men where their opportanitiee and
advantages aro equal.
8. Because the tnfiuenao of intelligent
women] bee bee always been for the tetter.
went of humanity. ,
yours truly,
MR Poer—I rather line your Letter
Box idea. Certainly women should have
the tranohise, If they are level -heeded -
enough to have a Municipal vote—and o0
one seems to think that wrong—why
should they not be aeoorded the larger'
privilege. "Equal rights an$'uo epecial
privileges" is my motto and I waold
tenet a woman to be right as often ae a
man, Many women are better posted
than the majority of men on pobifo isms
and giving them a parliamentary vote. -
would purify present day polities, Lot
them vote. -
Mr, EDIxoR—'
Yau ask should women
haves vote 7 Why not? She is man's eq,
nal mentally, morally and pltysinally,
Professionally, she bag enaoeeded in all
the walks of life. In. Law, in Medicine, int
Dentierr , itf
Teaobing.kn Business life
and even in thefai tr
M e y. She has
proved herself nbnndantly man's equal,
then why not give her the iranabise?
In several of the church aoarte the has
been admitted as man's equal. In one,
et least, of the Australian Provinces etre
has been given the iranobise. That for.
reaching, mettle legislator, the late Rev.
E. Ryerson, the father and founder of
our School system, gave her the voting
privilege in cahoot matters, and I heard
him say when on one, and I think the
last of hie vieitetiono, that be was proud
he bad acknowledged her fitneeet and
ability. Iu Euglieb bietory from the lltlt
oentory to the 20th oenbory there i0
notbing equal to Queen Viotoria'e reign
—all give her praise. We are persuaded
that if the franchise wag given to women,
oar politics would be elevated end
purified. elle would vote on moral ovn.-
eideralione, for that would be good, wise,
and 'pare. The Temperance queetiun
would soon be diepueed of and the saloon
beaome a thing ot the past. If it be true
that "the hand that rooks the macho
rules the world," then you peed not fear
bo give her the game privilege that the
men have—the Franchise.
Erna, RIe/ars,
DEAR 130.—In your isone of last wok
you invite a disonssion on the question
"Sbonld women with the neoeggary
property goalifloatiou have a Perliamon.
tory vote ?"
I eek permission to use a small part of
your 5pao5 to state merely two rea0oes
out of many for borieving that women
sbonld not have the frnneblee given to
Fireb.—Is case of married women who
are living in harmonioae marital rata.
(lone with - their husbands, it would
simply mean the - giving .to a married
man two votes as bo an unmarried man'e-
one, thus violating the Liberal prinoiple
of "one man one vote" beaanee the wife
would naturally take her -polities from
her husband'e oo'Vereatian and his news.
paper. In the ease of other married
people it would introduce an additional
remise for discord and would not matte
for pesos.
Beoond.—It is only necessary to visit m
church and prayer meeting to gee that
the majority of people present are
females and an examination of titin
majority would show that the lupe
half are nnmmreied fbmales-•,widows and
splendors. These would naturally have
the same polities as their minister or
would try to vote to gain hie approval.
Be1100 we would have in an aggravated
form the aurae' of Canadian polities—
the warp:mote vote. In religion and
morals the minister is a safe and proper
guide but in polities history teaches ug
that he is too narrow to be a safe lender.
Very truly,
G. X.
"Whiah ooaupiee the mote prominent,
plane today, naiad or muscle 7 Give
reasons." ,
Gedrge Pepper, formerly :of Mitchell,
the well'known looted horn owner, Dashed
his Megan) foe $1,200 ptiza money woe at
the National Exhibition, Toronto.
While oxo •Lot ng in the Higtt Scii- nl
gymnasium at Mitchell, John Skinner., jr
tell horn a high bar, oauiog bhe fracture
of It email bout) in one of hie acme.
Joseph Burns, et Dublin, met wtth re
painted kaofdent, It apposes to eating
wood the 0005 glaneed off, (tutting bbrorqu
hie boot and bearing an ugly gotta iu bra.
R. W. Davis, of Mitchell, hag bade./
to smbsrk in the Grooery anti °rookery
business, About Oobober 1st he will
wooed W. Stoneman ire the "Bed
front," and open with en entire 110W