HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-9-15, Page 8.�Y TIME is hero again and if we can judge this year by the last couple of Autumns the flies will be much more numerous for the next five or six weeks than at any time during the Summer. Start how and rid your house of them at once by employing— Tangietoot 4 sheets 6a• Wilson's Fly Pads 10e. Lightning Fly Pada 5o. I .l.V PICKLING If you are looking for the best results and want to have nicely seasoned Pickles bo sure you get your Spices from us. We keep a full line of the Whole and Ground Spices. Our stock is fresh, spec- ially strong and prices are low. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. soma/me EXTENSION W. e, &n. Traine leave Brueeele Station, Nortb and South, ea followe : Gomm Scam Goma Norma. stall 0:10 a,m I Mixed 000 am Mixed........15.00 man I Mail 1:20 p.m Express S:v8 p.mExpress ...... 8196 p,m .oral Rekes Jtem: , A ohiel's among ye tattle' notes, An' faitb he'll prent f 1. FROSTY nights. Tan leaves ;begin to turn. THE Pon gives the news, Ice cream has loet its grip, Busmen; ie livening up atter the rush of harvest, Ease Huron Fair Oct. 6 & 7. You can't afford to miee it. Own stoves are on the trek. Jack Frost ie responeible for opening the campaign so early. Tan Supreme Court will open at Ot• taws on Oot. 4th. Appeal in Brunets sewer male will be on the docket. RIVERSIDE Hiyg, No. 815, will meet in regular review on `Monday evening, Sept. 191h, at 8 o'olook. E. McGeeRR, L. 0. GRAIN is coming to Brussels market, Several farmers ere delivering last year's Fall wheat crop. $1.00 a bushel ie being paid. Banns farmer who has a good driver should make au entry at Brueeele Fall Fair for Dr. MaNeughton'e epeoial prizes. The let is $8 and the 2nd prize O. THE Wingham Advance hae jogged along past another journalietie birthday. It grows more vigorous with the passing years and we hope it may continue to flourish. THE lady's belt advertised in last week's ieeue was in the hands of the owner before 7 p. ne, People who don't read Tan Poem, even it they borrow it, are oertoini e behind the times. e. THURSDAY afternoon e noon of next week F. S. Soots, atm lemm, will offer 27 miloh oowe for sale by public auction at the Central Hotel, Brueeele, at 2 o'olock. They are being brought from Oxford County by M. J. Williams wbo has had oar loade in this Co. an previous years. Oue thanks are due to Mee. Robert Menarey, 9th oon,, Grey, for the present. ation of a dozen turkey eggs last week. We trust ebe may never want for either turkeys or eggs. Tall corn stalks or long hay is not in it with a choice lot of eggs, even in a newspaper ofhoe. Tan September number of the Cos. mopolitan is devoted to the World's Fair. The articles are well written and pro. freely illaetrated, for there are 200 illne- trations. The magazine is indeed a most exoelleut one, and the pries 10 ote„ is so wonderfully low, that every person wbo has the least desire to know something of the great Fair should secure a copy of the Cosmopolitan for September, ae a soca venir, Go. PRESS AeaOOrATIoN.—A meeting of the newspaper men of Huron Go. is called for Friday of tbie week, at the Connell Chamber, Clhiton, to ooneider the advisability of forming an Aseooia. tion for this County. Dieonesion on various topics of interest and importance to the quill drivers will be in order. A. E. Bradwiu, of the Blyth Standard, has taken a very aotive interest in the prelim. teary arrangements for the gathering. IalwnovEAtatiTs.-3, D. Warwiok, V. S., will put down a dement walk to bis reeidenoe,—It is said Inepeotor Robb, who recently purchased the Norton Ter- race, will ooneiderably improve the property, --Angus Campbell's and George Lott's dwellings, Mill street, are ranch improved by a new dress of paint. --The uew verandah sets off the floe home of Jno. Grainger. He hes a aoey place.— B. Gerry is doing some overhauling at his residence, lie will enlarge the cellar, put in a ooal barnacle and make other °bangle. Ease UuaoN FALL FAIR.—At a meeting of the Direotore of tbe Fall Fair judges were selected for the various departments and the following direotots were appoint- ed to accompany them in their work Heavy horses, R. McDonald { Light horses, George Johnston • Cattle, Alex. Stewart ; Sheep, Robb. Nbohol • Hogs, Oliver Turnbull ; Poultry, J. Leckie ; Implemente, J. Wollioott ; Grain, Jae. Ferguson ; Fruit, A. Stewet { Roots and Vegetables, 11. Nio11o1 ; Deity, Jae. Spelt ; lalanufaetnree, Geo. Thomson Ladies' work, Geo. Robb and Thee, Archibald ; Fine Arts and Flowers, W. Fl, MoOtaoken, A mneioal and literary program will be given in the "0yyetal Palace" on the fine evening of the Fair and the annual big Consent in the Town Hall on the Friday evening. Many enquiries are being received for prize lists and the probabilities are that the Bet . of eneeiee Will be largely in exoese of any former year if Old Probe, will entire upon ug in fine Weather. The neoeesary reifminer-preparations are bail] made dt the Agrtoltnal Park and sevetai Itri• revetments that will add to the oomtort and pleasure of those attending. Get an exhibit ready. lieeerFeat W. H, MaOnaanma will open hie Fal campaign next week by attendance at Seaforth Agricultural Show. Maas GRIFFIN is taking a few weeke holidays at London hence her vocal pupils here are having a vacation also. Ram interfered with the Rifle Almada- tion praatioe shooting thio week and the regular contest has not yet aommenoed. G. A.. DEADMAN ehipped a oar of honey to Winnipeg last week and left on Tues. day for the same point to look after its dieposal. Re takes a great interest in hie apiary. PRizee Foe Boss AND GICLO. Phere are sevorel epeoial prizes lffered in oonneotioe witb East Huron Fall Fair in which boys and girls may take part. Take a look over the specials and get ready to win one of the prizes. Tazn have a 12 pound baby girl at George Barkley'e, Her birthday, as long as she has them, will be August 31st, '1'ne POST welaomee Miee Barkley to ono of the tidiest towns in Ontario. Tan choir of Brussels Methodist ohuroh and otbere will assist at the Harvest Home at Ebenezer rhumb, 2nd line, Morrie, oo Monday 20th inst. Rev. Mr, Casette preaches there at two earvicee on the previous Sabbath. H. R. BREWER, artist, baa disposed of bis photo. gallery at Blyth to Baxter eloArthor, who hae had charge of it. Mr. MOArthnr is a competent hand and will do well. Ernest Miller, of Brussels, ie his oapab'e assistant. De. BUTLER OOHING AGAIN,—Thursday, Sept. 29th is the date set for the second professional visit of Dr. Butler, London to Brussels. He is a epeolallet in ail- ments of the eye or ear and may be ooh salted at the American Hotel on the above date. TEE 100 aore farm of the &Maxwell estate, 7th line, Morris, and several pieces of property in Eraetele, will be offered for Bale by public auction, at the Amer- ican Hotel, Brueeele, on Saturday, Oat. 1, at 2 o'clock. There ie a minable lot of bush on the farm. Further particulars may be read in this issue. AT the teat meeting of Brussels A. 0. U. W. Lodge Past Master Farrow gave an extra good address on "Love." Violin selections were rendered by 'Tonne Beaker, the Recorder presiding at the ° organ, Neat meeting will be Friday evening of this week when a splendid program will be given. Members are invited to attend. Some owners of lawns and gardens have fire in their eyes over the foot•priote of oowe and horses on their grounds. They are asking where the Pound in eo that owners may known where to find "bossy" and "Maud S." A great deal of damage oan be done to lawns et this season of the year and people don't enjoy seeing their Summer's work thus destroy- ed by the carelessness of otbere. WE notice, by the Clinton New Era, that Robert Holmes, M. P., the well known editor of that paper, has parches. ed a fine new reeidenoe and its offering "a flret•olaes baby carriage for Bale, good as new, with new rubber tires, a bargain." Even editors aheald not do retch things like this. 11 may be all right to buy a hoose bat why eaoriflce that fleet class baby carriage, Bro. Holmes 2 It will be sure to go when advertised in the New Era, Tam Olintoo paper epeake of a former Braeaelite ae follows :—"Weeley Yeo, of Btnartburn, Man., son of W. Y80, G-0138. riot township, be down on a visit, atter an abeenoe of eleven years, He carries on an extensive business at that plane and ie also the government land agent there. He ie right in the midst of a settlement of about five thousand Galfoiane, and speaks in the very bigheeb terms of them, saying they are first-class settlers in every request, Mr. Yeo does not think the injury to grain by met will turn out as bed ae anticipated." Mr. Yeo could get free board and lodging in this locality for a week or so among hie many old friends if he had time at hie disposal. Werame—MoORAawoN.—A pretty hones wedding took place in the morning et the reeidenee of T. G. M00racken,901 Prin• sees avenue, London, when hie only daughter, Edna, wee united in marriage to James H. Wilkey, oe Chatham, eon of E r.Ald. John Wilkey, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. A. R. Going, of the Centennial Methodist Ohnrob, on Wednesday of last week. The bridal party entered the prettlydeoorated draw• ing room to the strains of Mendeleeobn'e Wedding March, ae played Sy Miee Wilkey, aster of the groom. The bride wore her going -away gown of navy blue broadoloth, with blouse of white Silk and chiffon, while her bridesmaid, Mise Marie' Aust, was gowned in white serge. The groom's gift to the groomsman, Bert. Brooke, was a pair of gold cuff linke, to the bridesmaid, a pearl ring, and to the bride, a pearl brooch. An interesting feature of the wedding breakfast was the tutting of the wedding sake with the groom's bayonet, which be used all through the South African war, as a member of the StrathOona Horse, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkey will reside on Delaware avenue, Chatham, and will be at home to their friends after the let of October. The bride is a neige to W. H, MoOraolieo, of Brnesele, and was a former resident here. Miss Amande ialo0rasken, of town, attended the wedding. 'Tan Pose exteede oengratuletioue. DU $3 23 dJ 6fit.tiLe1:37' 1'r' 06',f Standard Bank of Canada T" -E AST,A,2dT I00 OE2a 103.72 8131WLU9, 011 RRSFIIVIS FUND 5 1,000,000 TOTAL A88ETI5 OVER ., 10,000,00U A General. Aitteeklaixt „' 1littaititle'r:ra Tl`a•rtlltttctfacl --"'"NS A VINGS BAIVKi" v'- -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on which INTEREST IS ALLOWED FR011 DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANE BATE. AOCRUED INTEREST be added to nog mute every six menthe and becomes prinoipal, MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposite without the intervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE, SALE NOTES CASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only far which no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our maul and oonrteoue attention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. A TRAVELLING window sign writer Was in town this week and left evidences of his handiwork AUCTION sale of young cattle at Win. throp on Sept. 27th. See the advt. in Tem PosT tbis week. VOTRRS' List Court will be held in Brussels next Wednesday before Judge Doyle. There are 46 appeale. No business was trauseeted at the ad. journed ]meeting of the town Connell last Monday evening and it will meet on Thnreday evening of this weak. THE annual Western Exoureione to Detroit, Chicago, &n., will be run on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week, 22nd, 23rd and 24th irate. Tickets good to return until Oot. 10th. KAPLAN, the fleet footed pacing stallion owned by Mears. Scott & Warwiok, Brnneele, ie to start in the 2,12 pane at Reedville, Maas„ on Friday of this week. Be ie expaoted home next week. Soars boys visited a pertain garden on Queen street, on a Sunday afternoon and stole all the plume on a tree. As their names are known unless they pay for them the Reeve will likely have a Magis- trate's case, BneeennaL,—Wednesday of this week Geo. N. MoLaren, a former merchant of Brussels, was united in marriage to Mies Berrie E., daughter of J. R. and Mee. Morrow, at Sylvan Dale, Midland, Ont. That their joys may be many will be the wish of the groom's ninny friends here. S000E9sooL OPERATION, — Last week Mee. Wm. Turnbull, Brussels North, wan taken to London where she underwent a successful medical operation in the re- moved of a 12 pound tumor. We are pleased to state that she be making favorable progress and hope she will soon be able to return home, Mr, Turnbull, who ao0ampanied bis wife, is expaoted book on Saturday if the patient can• tiunee improving. TEE FINDER'S DDM—Under the erim- inal oode of Canada the finder of a lost artiote most take steps to discover the owner if be wishes to escape risk of indtotmsat for theft. A London young man has learned Ibis Meson at a some- what heavy expense, having been regale. ed to restore a pnrae and money, and pay seven dollars costa of prosecution. The beet way to reoover the owner is t0 ad• vertise in a newspaper, A BOWLING tournament is on the pro. gram of Brussels bowlers this week to decide the ownership of a gent's suit case, a donation from Postmeater Farrow who is one of the most enehuoia8 dmembers ma re of the olnb. As we go to prase the list is narrowed down to the following :—J. T. Ross and Geo. MoLaaoblin are to play A. Coualey and In Callan and the winners will try aonolusiona with D. 0. Rose and Dune. MaLaaoltlin. The final duet wilt have to play off for the prize offered. Tan Pon heard that T. A, Hawkins, of Brueeele, was going to attend a wed. ding next week and our editorial heart was in a flutter as to whether he was to be the happy groom but it slowed down to normal when we learned tint it was Prof. Glenn Campbell, of Clinton, who ie to wad Misa M. Gnodwio, of the same town, and our mneioal expert is 10 pre. side ab the piano for the Wedding March, Good ratlike may aoorae, however, by tbe event and T, A.'e baohelor days may soon oowe to an end, ODrmtnaas.—deturdey, Sept. 10th one of the pioneers of Western Ontario Jas. MoGili, er„ of East Wnwaooeb, exahang• ed time for eternity and paeeed away in erre and certain bops of a glorious resurrection. Deceased was born iu the Ooaoty of Oaven,Ireland, 001. 14th, 1834, and so had almost completed the allotted time of life. He Dame with his parents to Canada when but six months old where they settled in the township of Darlingtoo, a few miles North of Bow• manvilie, in what was then an unbroken forest. His father, Jas. McGill, was one of the "stalwarts" wbo helped to put down the MacKenzie rebellion and the old maaket and bayonet presented to him at that time, are still preserved as beir, looms in the family of the deceased, In 1860 be Dame to Eaet Wawanoeh, Huron Oo , where be followed the emanation of building oontraotor, and there are few farms in the neighboring townehipe that do not beer some evidence of hie hands• Draft. In 1885 he married Susanna Gourley, who with a family of two sone end three daughters, David, Jamee A,, Emma and Maggie at home, and Mre, P. Robinson, of Wingham, mourn the lose of a kind of and a very indulgent father. He was a man of etorline gnali• Bee of mind and heart and he seemed to have taken the Golden Rule as his life motto, as the wbnderfil esteem and sympathy of his neighbors during hie illness abundantly testified. He Wan taken ill last January with what appear• ed to be la grippe, which later developed' into oanoer of the stomach and despite all that medical skill eodld do, be passed away ae above stated. He was buried in the English ohuroh cemetery at Blyth, on Monday evening, Sept. 12th. The funeral serafooe were oondnoted by Rev. Mr, Edmnnde, of Blyth, who also attend. ed him daring hie Blom, Out of a family of eleven brothers and sisters, only four sarvfve bim viz :—.John, of Neepawa, Manitoba ; David on the old homestead, Eaet Wawanesh ; Eethee, of Blyth ; and Mrs, M. Bachman, of Brus. Bele. Standing by hie bedside we aould nob help reiterating the oft repeated prayer, "Let me die the death of the eighteens and let my last end be like his." Mrs. Buchanan, Mine Joele and Harvey Beahanan attended the funeral froth Benesale. T. P. SUUITE COAXING—On Wednesday 21st fust„ T. P. Smith, eye apeeieliet, will snake his regolar visit to Breasts and may be consulted at Fox's drug store without any expense. PRIER BDTTE11.—Mra, Wiltfam Arm• etroug, who lives Beet of Brussels, took two 2nd prizes at the Western Fair, Loudon, on butter and was only a few points ehv for the let prize. She alai received' 3rd at the Toronto Fair. ttlr. Armstrong was at London Fair and Mrs, Armstrong and Miee Jennie et Tot. out +. A Munroe BANir—The following is taken front the Toronto News of the 18th 1,155:—The Metropolitan Bank Hend Wale is 110W located in 11e new premises in the Canada Life Building, King street Weal. The new quarters of the bank 00. oupy the entire ground floor of the East. ern wing of the building, and they have been fitted ep in a000rdanoe with the most modern ideas. BADE GUEseaa.—Tho Dominion election will be on in November.—L'ruseole Fall Fair will be a eweepee this year.—Sohool casaba's ealariee will advance, — The overcoat bnaiceee will begin to battle if the weather oontinaes as cool ae ab preeent.—Manitoba and the Northwest will thresh out a great crop of on fine wheat as usual,—Tea POST well eonti0ne to grow in popular favor with the public. OONDOLENOE.—At a meeting of Grey Branch Agricultural Sooiety Directors, held in Brueeele, on the 3rd inst„ the following reaolation of sympathy was adopted in reference to the deaeaoe of Peter Robertson, oar brother Director ; Mrs. T. I?olartroti and Fancily: DEAR FnlalvDs.—•We, the Direo/ors of Grey Brandi Agricultural Society, desire t0 express our 'sympathy with you in the demise of son and brother in the person 61 P. Robertson, To our meeting with bim we found hima willing, careful work, er, always' honorable and with agood word for everybody. He will be greatly missed, eo doubt at his home and we will mise him from our Board. The memory of bis life and death will live long and we trust that when each of ne say "Good - Bye" to the earthly that we will meat the loved once gone on before. JAanos 'Sons, Preeidenb W. H. Kerr Secretary. Brunets, Sept„ 10, 1904, People We Know. W. H. and Mrs, Batter are visiting at London. Mica Raeel Crone- is holidaying at London. Barrister Sinclair was in Toronto for a few dean. Mia. McClure, ot NoKillop, ie visiting Mrs, David Roes in town. Miss Mabel Colvin bas gone to her millinery situation at Crediton. Jno, Simmons is laid up with a deme bank. We hope be will Boon be o. lt, Mrs. Farrow and Mire. J. Cardiff are in London taking in the Fair tbie week, Editor end Dire. Bradwin, of Blyth, were vieitore at F. 8, Sontt'e last Friday. Mrs. Edward Cash, of Seaforth, is visiting Dire. A. Corrie, Elizabeth street, Brueeele, Dr, T. G. and Mrs. Holmes, of Detroit, were visitors with G. and Mrs. Rogers last Seterday. Mrs. Jnc. Wilford, of Biyih, was the guest of Mrs. Baines, Tnrnberry street, last week. Mrs. H. L. Jackson and Lloyd were visitors with Hamilton relatives during the past week, Mrs. W.F. Stewart and Mrs, N. F. Gerry were in Detroit for a few days during the past week. Mise Kilgour and Dila Rogers have returned to Mount Foreet after holiday ing rn Brussela and Toronto. Misses Maggie and Jennie Leckie, ot Kinoardine, have been the guests of Dirs. Joe. Leckie during the past week. Dire. Annie Campbell and little daugh. ter, Marjory, are visiting the tatters sister's Miesea Ethel and Nellie, at Lon. don, Poetmaeter Farrow was in London this week attending the meeting of the Postmaatere' Aeeooiatioo, He is Vice. President. Mies Pearl Lowry bag taken a situation in London. She will likely attend the Ooneervatory of Magic before coming back to nemesis. Mrs. J. Rogerson, of Bradford, Panna sylvania, who was visiting het sister, Mre. F, 5, Baines, left for her home loot Saturday morning. Mine Maggie MoNaughton is visiting at Mitchell before returning to Khmer. dine. Miee Minnie MoNaughton has returned from her holiday in Michigan. George flirt has been off work this week suffering .from something like a earbnnole or abeoese on the beak oe hie nook, We hope be will goon be all right, Dire, S. H. Jaolteon took suddenly ill Saturday evening from heart failnrs and was very low for Immo time. A De, Wee quickly ailed and else is now improving nicely, Rev, end Mrs, Buggin, of 'Thotlford, were calling on old blonde in Brussels While es route Northward to vitae eela- tiven. Tho reverend gentleman wee a former pastor at Blyth, Edward Fiohleigh, who is now a G. T. R. Conductor, Wan a visitor with B, and. hire. Gerry last Sunday, Conductor Fiahleigh in a eon of W. A. B. Fielefgh, e F f rmerl of Br ossein who removed some 20 years or eo from town. The eieitor wee relieving Gondoobor Quirk on the L, II. & B , so drove over to hie birthplace MI Sunday. EIR We' C,►f t'AL—Paid up $1,000,000 101$1111Y1s FrIND • • 9;1,000,0011 1urerbss'n 1IEV, 11, 11. WalIOL)N, A, 1)„ 8. J, 1100111'), Proehlent, Vteo-Pros1dont. T 03, ItRAn91IAw, P I.A, HIS HONOR era. 00, a1On'larloa MLA1110, 00,0, n, 1t, 0110010011, X. 0. HEAD OFFICE... TORONTO eV, U, 1000e - - SENTUTAL MANAGIIti A G +NERAL 13AN1°ING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Dieoounted. Inleresb at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all some of 61 end upwards A, E, MELLISH, Manager. A K J. Leckie is expected home this week from his Westward trip. Mise Thema Gerry is siso an the homewerel journey. Percy Richards has gone to reroute where bo le filling aposition in one of the leading shoe dtoree of that city. He has had a good foundation laid in hie service fu hie father's store here, We wish him e000ese. A welcome visitor to Brueaeln is airs. Jno. Notre of Clay Centre, Kansas, who removed from town 17 years ago. The peeping years have dealt very generously with Mrs. Nott, MG is a edgier to Mrs. Jno. Tait and Mrs. T. T. Thomson, of Brueeele, and will spend a month or so in town and locality. George Coates; of Idaho, who is aotive• ly eugaged in sheep remelting, 10 mum, ing old friendehipe fn Brussela and loealty. His father, who wise visiting flim, is back borne Oleo. Robert E. Coates, wife aid eon, of Flint, Miob., were visiting here and returned to their home this week. We do not know whether George is going to take a house. keeper home with him or not this time. Business Locals. Bnoon sow with 9 pigs 4 weeks old for sale. Aleo a dry cow. Goo, Rene, Brussels. QUANTITY of jointers for kindling wood for eats. Apply to J. CUNNINGHAM, Alexander street, Brussels. Cow for sale, will come in middle of nest month. Also 5 young cattle from 1, years down. Tnoe. NlaaoLLs, Brussels. A Enna smooth, true, fast and eaey out eau be made when saws are gummed, filed and set by T. MoGrrgor, Mill street, Brussels. THAT Dress Goods Sale :—Never was there offered to tbe Ladies of Baron arid Brace such an opportunity. Slaughter• ing the moat taehiouable of Dress Goode right now. If you want 1, 3 or 5 dram s it will pay you to drive 25 miles to King's. Egge still 20o. G. E. KIND, Wingham. 730Tv V - BARRLaY,—In Brussels, on August 31st, to Mr. and Mee, George Barkley, a daughter, EDwARDS.—In Wroxeter on Sept. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Edwards, a son. MODongALL— Il I Morris on Sept. th to Mr. and alar McDougall, � p 7� Pun. eo RIToa1E.—ln Portage la Prairie, Mao,, on Sept. 9th, to Mr. and Dire, Wm, Bitable, formerly of Grey township, a eon SAFe. 8291''. .—'-•.•.-..`. FINDI/ATER—Rom, — In Newbridge, on Sept. 7t1s, by Rev. Jas. Musser, M. A., B. D., Mr, Jae, H. Findlater, of Bolmore, to Mies Carrie Roe, of Newbridge. ADZ1 D. HRa.io .—In Saginaw, Mialt,, on Sept, 7th, Margaret lvfarie, only daughter of John and Hannah Healey, aged 3 months and 17 days. h'{o(dino.—In That Wawanoeb, on Sept. ember 10th, James McGill, brother to Mrs, M. Buchanan, Brussels, in his 70th year. AVCTSO'N SA21.70. Twvnsnar, Sapo, 220d,-27 riloh oowe, from Oxford Oo. Sale without reserve at 2 p, m„ ab Oentral Hotel, Brnssele. Di J. Williams, prop, ; 1. S. Scott, auo. FASTS, F'A2Xes. Following is a liet of the dates of some of the Fall Fairs wbioll will be of interest to people in this distriot Western, Loudon Sept. Hamilton 1 Exeter Palmerston Guelph lVlitcheli (Mosley Eurioh Harrielon Seaforth Stratford Treewater Goderioh Ripley Listowel Wingbam Ford w toll Atwood Laaknow Baueeor, Blyth Dungannon Oob. " 9-17 15-17 19 21 20-22 20-21 21-•22 21.-22 22-23 22-28 22.28 27-28 27-28 27-28 29 29-80 1 8.4 4-5 6-7 11-12 13-14 THE PEOPLE'S BOUM . T ADIE's GOLD WATCE found in Brussels. The owner may have the same by proving property and tray Jug for 0110m tfoo by ' applying at Tan foam Publishing Boum, 14'015 SAL:P,— ONE "BUCK" Wood Atlantic Pomace, In Bret -claw condition, Ileaaon for disposal, ehangiug. to coal fuonase, Apply to AIL. 1ItVINO, 10.1 Walton, QTISAYED ON TJ3111 PRIM - DIES 01 1130 undersigned, 0,0110, Coo. 4- Grey, on or shout August 2001, a. year old grey defter, Owner 10 requested to prove property, pay expanses and taste bey away, 3.11 WM• J. JA.ORDIN, Ethel 1', 0, Fall Wheat 75 100 Barley 87 40 Peas 65 (10 Oats 30 32 Batter, tube and colla.,12 13 Eggs per dozen 10 17 Hay per ton 33 00 0 00 Floor, per OWt 4 00 5 00 Potatoes per hue ..... •,50 50 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25 Bat, per bbl„ retail 1 00 70 Hoge, Live 5 40 5 50 SEPT, 15, 191)4 COMING I COMING! T. P. 8 1TH EYE SPECIALIST, Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and Toronto Optioat Colleges, will be at Drug Store ONE DAY ONLY Wednesday, Sept. 21st Cala early and avail yourself of his valuable servioee. EXAMINATION Gttl0011. (F. Li AD 0001 WEATFEF is here again and pool weather makes us thinly of Stovers and how to keep warmiu Winter. If you ere thinking of pnrrhasing a uew Stove or ltango this Fall omit and see our lines of High class RANGES and. STOVES AMONG TEEM ARE THE Famous Pandora Range, Made by MaCoirLondou The Dockash and World's Favorite Ranges, The Silver King and Garland line of Stoves and Rangeb— ALL COAL AND WOOD BURNERS. See our Lines of Base Burners and Air Tight Coll Stoves. Every Stove Guaranteed to work Perfect., - • Estimates on Furnace Contracts freely given. Prices Right, Agents for the Famous -"Queen" Air Tight Wood floaters. w GOAL IN STOOK u r n kr . HARDWARE AND STOVES. j.go. Reliable Qualities. Everything Sold as Advertised New r e s G Plain Colors and Neat Tweed Effects will have first call for Fall and Winter Suitings. The first shipments are now on our counters. From the lowest to the highest grade qualities are everything they should be and the de- signs and colorings such as will appeal to all particular people. These are a few of the many lines— Plain Cloths at 50c. — Plain Cloth Suitings, all pare wool, clear, bright finish, will make stylish and serviceable Goetnmee, in Brown, Navy, Cardinal and Black, very epooial, at per yard 50o Tweed Effects at 00e. — Panay 'Tweed Rilecte, suitable for Fall Suite or Separate Sldrto, noat, email designs, in Green, Brown end Blue, 44 Mabee wide, worth 76o, extra epeoial, at per yard 00a French 1±'inet Laine Waistiilgs R,t' 50c. — Ftasey Fleet Leine Waietiugs, the finest aosortmetit of ahoioe designs we have ever shown ; many bandeome color eombinatione, cloth beet quality eve oan buy, specie( at per yard 50o Fancy Suitings lit 55c. —Fanny Soitinge, neat, email patterno, editable for Shirt Waieb Suite or Separate Skirts, dark aolore, very stylish, at par yard 56e Plain Suitings at $1.00 and 01.25 —Fine Broadolotb for Lediee' Suite. This Cloth re Loudon shrunk and bee a rich eatioy finish. It is made from pure wool and gives excellent wear ; Bleak, Brown, Green atld Navy, at per yard $1 00, 61.25 and 61,50 .fancy Tweed at 85c. —Fanoy Tweed Effeote, medium and dark color °embinations, will make handl Bono and stylish Suite or Separate Skirt's, speoial, per yard 85o and $1.00 In the Mantle Department we've been doing little so far be- cause of the.late arrival of our German Mantles, but Saturday We'll be ready to show you a good assortment of the new Garments—. Now Stylus—here now, the most up -to -elate to be found in' Canada and prions the lowest anywhere. Examine our goods and compare prices, ‘1010111'11V11,114114101101010101 Plat