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The Brussels Post, 1904-9-15, Page 7
is as Fashion ....Talk ,n vela a a,a. esee a .,dale lea a ehaat n FOR EARLY AUTUMN. Rich fabrics, line laces, exquisite needlework anti, above all, the sk111' of the twilit in cutting and finishing aro required for the new modes, which aro developments of the Dirue- toiro models, Buys The 'Delineator for September, Self trimmings e,re very much In evidence in all fashionable wardrobes, 'Tucks, plaits, ahlrrings, and puffs are introduced on waists, skirts and sleeves in seeming con- fusion, and very elective, too, are these ornamental features In the soft, pliable materials that are no much used. Skirts aro extremely varied as to style, width and lengtif, Their width grows, especially around the bottom, Little wrapo made of every material that is modish ere worn, Tile neweet wrap is a novel alTair showing a semi -fitted cape forming sleeves not unlike the kimono, Tho blouse continues to Bold its own, in spite of changing styles and con- tinual prophecies that its day is leaning. The dressiest of those gar- ments are termed "lunobeon" or "matinee" blouses and are particul- arly suited to semi -formal occasions. The softest silks aro fashionable for these dressy blouses, sgch as taffeta, having a silvery sheen and soft weave, or crepe-finislied silks in pale calors, elle dark shades being used for blouses to accompany the street costume of voile, cloth or mixed stuffs. For between -season hats, those of straw braids, and also those of tulle and lace are seasonable as to the shapes, Although there aro innum- erable largo lints, the small one is, perhaps, smarter. There are many variations upon the tricor'ne and the turban with the projecting front, but there are also any number of small - brim fiats, Hats of mixed braid, showing red among the dull shades of blue, green or brown, and oven black, have a Suggestion of autumn. These ere usually in the turban or small sailor shape and aro rattier simply trimmed. The Directoiro bat with its sweeping bird of paradise feather bus returned to favor. Fruit trimmings will adorn the late summer hat, and among these there is none more effective than ber- ries, which are frequently seen in many shades of light blue. mauves and green clus'.dred together upon one hat. Flowers, too, will trim the between -season hat, ';specially smart are the roses and oast blossoms that shade from the rloep brawn through tans, orange and yellow. Os- trich plumes in white, black and green and in shaded effects are a popular though expensive trirllaning for the dressy hat, whilo for tho se- vere or tailored headgear there aro quilts, wings and cockados to ho used in association with ribbon and velvet. Among the now millinery ornaments are tlioso that show iridescent of- fects-buckles, pins and cabochons and bottles' wings. ABOUT GIRDLE'S, With trio passing of the baggy blouse, and the coming of the smaller waist, the High girdle is inevitable, The girdle has huen designed to give good linos to the slender figure. It is a high crushed girdle, narrow at tho sides, and graduating to a point back and front. The girdle, for Which a pattern can be obtained, may be made of either soft silk, satin, or velvet. It is draped over a fitted foundation of crinoline, each seam of which is stif- fened with featherbono. In the direct front the girdle mea- sures seven inches -five inches above the waist, and two incites below it. Sn the back it is six inches high -five inches above and one inch below the waist. A long buckle may 'decorate the front. of the girdle, covering where it fastens, or it may be trim- Ineel in front with little graduated bows. Girdles of. plaited 'lace are also a fad with the fashionable girl. They look charming indeed with an even- ing gown of soft silk or chiffon. A lace like Cluny is generally used, and the painting is done with water col- ors, After the lace is painted, the colors aro fixed with a solution of ammonia and the white of egg, which will prevent them from fading. Of course, when the painted lace is used for the high girdle, the foundation of the girdle is first covered with silk, and then trio lace tightly drawn over it 8o that the painted design will plainly show. TUE MATTER OF FURS. Sable is ar'st. Persian lamb is ane. Big sleeves are seen, Eine mink le always good, • Snug sleeves are in tailory coats. Ermine trims black baht' lamb per.. fatly. Wit'if the vogue of brown, seal will lie "it.'0 Jaliny;y little coats are with or without basgnes. Sable tails falling over yellow lace are bean,tiful. Either two or folly buttons ear each side is enough 011 most coats.. es As a rule, trimming fur with vet - vet of the sante shado is a failure, Lace frills are in the big sleeves of ono just arrived bolero of sable. ! russet leather gilot is planned for the renovation of one sealskin. A coat sleeve in one seal coat shows tevo gilt buttens on caohplain cuff, r Tight, or rather snug, cuffs to the elbow distinguish the puff sleeves of One fur blouse. Taupe i being made into pretty garments. It combines well with 1,- 0'y -white baby lamb. A narrow band ei 'embroidered white cloth, fa raced to border the. collar and r61sigz isd A sola, SNOOP BE FEB ON GOLD' STARTLING TALE TOLD BY A LONDON PAPER. ,Death of SheepFrom the Anti - poles Said to be Coated With Gold. The London Daily Malt published the following remarkable story: - Somewhere on the vast grazing plains of Australia or New Zealand farmer's aro feeding their Boake of sheep on printer(' so auriferous that the very animals /Mow traces of the outcrop of geld in their teeth, That, at least, seems to bo the inference to be derived from evidence which comes not from the Antipodes in tho news of a fresh "strike" of gold, but from that vast centre of teeming popula- tion in the Last End of 1london known as Bethnal Green, In Bethnal Gaon sheep's heads aro a luxury, even though they invariably are froz- en imports from Australia end New Zealand, To a medical man, Mr, R. O. Style, practising in the .Boman road, Beth- nal Green, is due tho credit of mak- ing the discovery. A few days ago be was In the house of a friend, a member of the local Council, when ho picked up the jawbone of a sheep which liad been picked clean by the Councillor's dog. It was only an idle aet to tease the flog, but the doctor noticed a hull gleam of a bronze color on the teeth, ASSAYED AS GOLD. "Wiry, that looks like gold," he sold, after examining the teeth close- ly. They glistened dully with a coat- ing of metallic substance 'which shone above the blackening caused by the saliva. The Councillor, who Basi enjoyed the sheep's head for sup- per the previous night, was genially sceptical, But the doctor removed the teeth, which Had been loosened) by the dog, took them to his sur - gory and tested the deposit of coat- ing with aqua fortis. That gave the result as pure gold. Next the teeth were taken to a Jeweler, who scraped off the metal and submitted it to all tests lcnown. The substance was then guaranteed Lo be pure, fine gold. The place of origin of trio sheep's head was easily traced -to a contin- ent, at any rate, It was purchased of a local butcher, who bought it with many other's in Smithfield Mar- ket, They had come in a frozen state, from Australia or New Zea - lend. Even in Smithfield it is diffi- cult to trace the exact country of origin, for the heads come over sep- arately from the frozen carcases and aro collected from vast areas. Other cheeps' heads were' purchased at random from Bethnal Green pur- veyors, end some of them exhibited traces of gold deposit on the teeth in east • tho same way, They had all arrived from tele Antipodes. English and Scottish sheeps' heads were ob- tained, but -there was no trace of any auriferous deposit. Dre Style's theory is that some- where 111 the Antipodes sheep are hang grazed on soil so rich in al- luvial gold that in short -cropping the grass their teeth, by constantly coming in contact with the outcrop, gradually receive a deposit of pure gold. EVERYBODY IIOUGHT, In its issue of the 10111 inst. Tile Daily Mail says that as a result of its announcement of the previous day Bethnal Green woke to a desperate longing for sheeps' heads. It would have tltem•at almost any price. The butchers were astonished at this sud- den development of taste. "What's it all mean?? asked one perplexed meat purveyor. who, it turned out, shares with Mr. Balfour the distinct tion of net )catling the papers. "I've stone nothing but serve jimmies' all the morning," this being the affec- tionate ffecttionate diminutive of the sheep's head in circles where it is appreciat- ed. Another hitcher waxed humorous. "Now, ladies,"• ho shouted, "who says one of my gold-plated jimmies, guaranteed 18 -carat, and chock-full of it?" Not only in Bethnal Green. but in Old Fora, Hackney, Shore- ditch and Victoria Park there was such a run cm slienps' heads that tho Central ',Meat Market was rung up for new supplies. .Round the stalls there, and in the cold -storage, groups could be seen all the morning, peer- ing anxiously into tiho mouths of sheep for signs of a gold Baine. Not all the teeth showed traces of any metallic deposit, which, it is suggested by a mining expert from Australia, could not bo gold, but is probably a discoloration of the en - nmol, such as is sometimes seen in pearls. ASSAYER'S REPORT. The gold found in the teeth of the sheep deco not seem to be in paying quantities, It will not wor'lt out at anything like an ouneo to the sheep, for instance, and the wool and the mutton will remain tate most profit- able parts of the animal. So nitlOh may be judged from the following letter from Messrs. Johnson, Mat- they & Co„ Limited, of 'Batton Garden, the eminent assayers and inciters to the Royal Iilint and trio Bank of England: - "Dear Sir, -Referring to the sheep's SOW which you left with us this morning, we have token the teeth (Weighing E0111, grains) from the same, and have crushed and reduced them. "We find as a result that they con- tain traces of gold, but not in suf' ficient quantity to be weighable. "Yours, etc., "Jelinson, Matthey do Co„ Ltd," This c ontainet1 aveor or ar six tooth. and ortion of Ibul been picked clean by a. dog, after whicli for soveral days it was in- spected and shipped at with knives bq curious people. Tao Emperor of Japan can tract his pedigree bade in an unbroken lino to the time of Nobricliszlnc'nzer, 066 11i Os A LT/Letf X 'WOMAN, ► CO1f1HUNrSN1 IN OANADA e Sow Good Health Came to Min. PROSPERITY 03f THE LOTTI O Desahesne After Much Suffering, BOBS I11 TSE WEST. Mrs. Abraham Deseltosno, wife of al well known fanner at St. Loon Ie Taking to Modern Ways -Trans - Grand, Que., considers herself a lucky woman. And she has good cause es the following interview will show : "1 was badly run down and A. special from Winnipeg to the very nervous. Trach day brought its Globo Brews attention to the pro - share of household duties, but 1 wee 'geese and prosperity of the Iioukho- too weak to perform them. My bots settled in the NorL1f-west, 'Their nerves were in a terrible condition. crops aro better and further advane- I could not sleep and the least sound cd Lhan any In the Saab region- They would startle me. 1 tried several Are buying the most improved }rn- medicines and tonic wines, but none plcments and maehlncry, 'I'Jmey now of them helped me. In fact 1 was own a 25 horse -power steam plough, continually glowing worm, and be- six engines, two .traction and four grin to despair of ever beingu'e11 movable tlireshi machines, and ria again. Ono day a friend called to , loss than four saw all 01 which see ale and strongly advised me to I tire, run by Doukhobor engineers, try Dr. Williams 'finis Pills, I (Ica; Their cid0cl to do so, and it was not long genius and energy is not de - before they began to help me. 1tic, but structural and inventive, gained in strength from day to day;Witlrout any knowledge of political my nerves becalne strong and quiet, ;!science wliatever, and with nothing and after using about a half ifozen-but their ]'fibres, they have worked boxes of the pills I was fully rester out a system of communism ed to my old time health and cheer- HOW T1II'EY TRADE. fulness, I now blink Dr, Williams There are 45 villages, each village Pink Pi11a an ideal medicine for with a population of about 200 and weak women," with 40 homesteads of land; that is, Dr, Williams Pink .'ills feed the there aro between 8,000 and 10,000 nerves with now, rich red blood, thus DoulJiobors altogether, settled 011 a strengthening and soothing them, solid block of six townships. leach and curing such nerve troubles 00 i o 18 a Tills neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, partial, 1; perfect community, by paralysis and locomotor ataxia, i itself. It has its blacksmithits Those pills cure also all troubles clue carpenter, its stables, its hennery, its to poor and watery blood, including. get etc. If a Doukhobor wishes to the special ailments of women, Get, got soma eggs he simply has to go Clio genuine with the full Hama, "Dr.' to 1110 women whose duty it is to Williams Pink pills for Pale People"' keep the chickens, and she will give CM 1110 wrapper around each box.�him his eggs for nothing. 11 ho de Sold by medicine dealers or by mail sires a pair of hoots, he can get them at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for from the "head man" of the village $2,50 from The Dr, Williams Medi- cine nothing.pew Co„ Brockville, Ont. act Business Without Money, TOO 0 00D TO 1311 TRUE. "I think your daughter intends to elope." The old tan looked at the neigh- bor who was always interfering in matters that did not concern him, and shook Itis head, "I can hardly believe it," ho said. "I have every reason to believe-" "Ilut that won't dol" interrupter] the old man. "You forget that this is a serious matter that ought not to be allowed to rest upon Hearsay evidence. When one man comes to House, he merely has to call in the village carpenters and tliey will build it for hire free. Money has no value in the Doukhobor settlements. A COMMON PTJRSE, The profits from the, year's crops, and even the individual earnings of Doukhobors working on the railways and elsewhere, go into a common purse, and with this money the sup- plies for the whole community are bought wholesale. The Doukiiobors always buy wholesale at Winnipeg, considering the middleman's profit to be mere robbery. The oversight of the year's business is annually de - another and tells him that his pitted to four commissioners, who do daughter is about to forsake. the all the buying and selling parental roof under cover of the h the organ - parental night, lie should be absolutely sure fang in accordance awse othm wishes what ho says. Rave you su.0ici- of the �no high. These the commission- of evidence to show that wHat you ors are the higher than the When their is true?„ boys a' the blacksmiths. When their "Well, e? I can't say that I term of office ceases -they return to have," replied the officious neighbor. the ]dough or the carpenter's bench, beginning to feel that purbaps he had wbero they came from. The success with which the system is WI ought is due to Peter Veregin, the Doukhobor leader, who spent 15 years in Siberia prisons. Zf0T )SAT PL1m,SII. THi-Doulthobors will not kill or eat any nnnnal, believing that to be the teaching of the Bible: Thou shalt not kill. Some of then' have gone When baby is well the mother is so far as to prcaeh that it is wrong happy, 1Vhen baby is cross, fretful, to use Horses and cattle for labor, feverish and cannot sleep, the mother or to shear sheep, or to wear boots is depressed, Worried and unhappy made of leather. It was in purse - Baby's Own Tablets make both once of this belief that they turned mother and baby happy, because their horses and cattle loose two they cure ell the 00011110n ailments years ago and started on their naked of infants and young children. They pilgrimage. It was titin belief that sweeten the stomach, cure colic, aid induced the women to Harness them- teotlrirlg children, cure constipation, selves to the plough and the men prevent diarrhoea, and promote to draw waggons of flour by hand. sound, healthy sleep. And you have The Donkliobors Have no marriage a solemn guarantee that the Tablets laws, but marry and =marry at contain no opiate or poisonous pleasure, according to the agree - "soothing" stuff. Mrs D. AI'cGill, (thinness of trio allianac. Ono is glad Blakeney, Ont., says: 'T ]lave used, Baby's Own Tablets and have found. to say that this license is not abused them the best medicine I have ever end most of them live and 'clic bad for the cure of the ailments the Husband of one wife. They will from which young children suffer. I not register births, marriages or shall always keep a box of Tablets deaths, considering that an unwar- in the house." Sold by, medicine; rentable interference with the Al - dealers everywhere or sunt by mail mighty. They will not "make sol- dier," as they say, bellowing war to be a machination of the devil. BUILDING FOOD. gone too far. "Just as I feared," returned the old man, '"This is the third time I've had my hopes needlessly raised by reports of this sort, and it is growing monotonous." MOTHER AND BABY. at 25 cents a box by writing The Or. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- viIle. Ont. A NEW FIELD GUN. • England May Adopt Ingenious and Very Mobile Weapon. • To Bring the Babies Around. When a little hruaan machine ;(or a The British War Office is believed largo one) goes wrong, nothing is so to be casting envious eyes at the important as the selection of food new deadly. Sold gun which interested which will always bring it around the Ring during his visit to Den- again. mark. 'My little baby Ivy fifteen months Belli his Majesty and the Prince of old had pneumonia, then came brain Wales, as well as Lord Roberts, have fever, and no downer had he got been impressed with tho possibilities over these than he began to cut of the Danish invention, and now teeth and, being so weak, he was that the gun which the King saw has frequently thrown into convulsions," been acquired by tho Roxer Small says a Coloratlo mother. Arms Company, a British firm, ex- I decided a clinngo might help, so poriments are likely to be carried out tools him to Rsnsas. City for a visit. ill this country. When we got there he 180.8 So very The features which commend the weak when ho would cry he would gun aro its extreme mobility, its sink away and seemed like he would rate of fire, its lightness for use in die, the roughest country, 011(1 the fact "ll'hen I reached my sister's home that it run bo adopted by any arm she said imrncitlately that we most of the service. feed him Grape -Nuts and, although I Cavalry tactics in the Danish army had never use 1 the food, WO got are being revohltiotrized by the ociop- some and for a fete days gave him tion of the gun. The rate of fire just the juice of Grape -Nuts and is two hundred rounds per minute, mirk. Iie got stronger so quickly and the weapon is so light that it we worn 800(1 fee l'ug him the Grape - can bo taken anywhere over a man's Nuts itself end In a wonderfully shoulder or across a horse, short time he fattened right up anal It is a multiple single -barrelled gun beaaine strong and well. with an outer rifle tubo encased in a "That showed me something worth jacket. Its weight is under 15 knowing, and, when inter en my girl pounds, and 000 rounds can bo filed carne, T raised her on Grape -Nitta and before the barrel becomes Heated. she is a strong, healthy baby and Trio Danish cavalry have a gun ife- has berm. You will see from the tacltment of three mien to every little photograph T send you what a squadron. One horseman carries the strong, chubby youngster the boy is gun in a leather socket attached to now, but ]to didn't look anything like the saddle. Each man of the gun that before wo found this nourishing detachment carries anuntmition, and food, Grape -Nuts , nourished him leads a horse loaded with a reserve bank to strength when he was so supply. Wherever a horse can go weak he couldn't keep any other the gun can' go. food oe his stomach," Name given by Poston Co,, .rattle Creole, Mich. UNABLE TO COM.PA1II. All child'r'en eon be built to a Bel -"Miss Kitty, I've hoard it more sturdy ancf healthy condition said that, a kiss without a mous- upon Grape -Nuts and cream. The taelie is like as egg without salt, food eont•aius trio elomOnts nature Is that so?" demands, from which to make the She -°"Well, really, I don't know soft gray flltng in the nerve centres I can't tell. -for in my life I Doyen-." and brain. A well fed brain and '•'Now, now, M'ISs Kitty!" strong, stately nlrOOS absolutely in- "Hover ate an egg without salt," sure a healthy WAY', Look in each package for the hem; Ifnttatica may, bo oitlier flattery or efts Rifle boor., "The Road to Well- Saba". Wallvilla.". YOUNG LADIES MARRIED WOMEN MRS, JOHN' 6, HUFFMAN SPEARS TO YOU ALL. She Tells of Her Treuhles and Their Cure That Toe, Bley be Benefited, Napenee, Ont„ Sept. 12-bSpec1al) -There are many women in Canada who will yet write letters of thanks to Mrs, Jolie C. Ilullznan of this plata, Mrs. ]turfman suffered as they are suffering now, She dis- covered a euro in Doild's .Kidney .'ills; and she is breaking the law of socrory that binds the great ma- jority of womankind to let her suf- fering sisters know where they may find relief. Airs, ilidielnn enyS: "T Was troubled for about six years with Kidney disease and the pain w,ra so great I could bardly bear it, I could not entertain any convpnny. One night when I was feeling very miserable I read of some wonderful cures by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills and resolved to toy them. "At this time my urine was som,e- thing terrible and at tintes very dis- agreeable to pass, but Dodd's Kid- ney Fills soon brought me relief from all my troubles and by the time I had taken six bones I was com- pletely onpletely curedd. I ant making this statement to the public in the hope that it may help other young ladies or married women. '1 WARSHIPS TCO BIG. Experts Surprised at the Admir- alty Orders. Dockyard and naval circles at Ply- mouth, England, have received with astonishment the announcement of the Secretary to the Admiralty, in the 'louse of Commons that the new Lord Nelson battleships are to be of 10,500 tons displacement." "Too big," is the general criti- cism. So long ago as September, after the torpedo trials in connection with PLM.S, Bellisie, at Portsmouth, it was thought in high naval 7circles that the important lessons taught by these experiments would lead to the production of smaller battleships. When the latest leviatbaa plans were voted, it 1858 known that Mr. Phillip Watts, the Director of Naval Construction, had received instruc- tions nstructtions to keep down naval displace- ment as low as possible, consistent with the attainment of the stan- dard of fighting value he was called upon to realize. Among members of the construction staff it is considered that Air, Philip Watts has not justified increased size by increased •fighting value. IIs, has sacrificed half a knot speed as against the King Edward class, and although he has mounted more 9.2 - inch guns, this has been aceomplisbed by suppressing the useful battery of ten ti -inch quick -firers, which the Edward carry. The armor distribution upon the broadside is about the same in both classes, but the present war has taught us that armor is futile againet torpedo attack. The belief in Davenport dockyard is that the designs of the ships will be modified to reduce their displacement before they aro laid down. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable For a great many years doctors pre- Uncoc tt re local disease 5(111 proscrhb- ed local remedies, and by cnnstan,.ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. S]onco b+s proven catarrh to bo a constitutional disease and therefore requires cons,,cn- tionul treatment. I1al1's Catarrh Cure, nm.aufactured by P. J. Cheney & do., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitution- al euro on the market. It is taken In- tcrnal]y in doses tram 10 drops to a teaspoonful, 11 acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of uho rye - tem. They offer ono hundred demurs for any talo it fails to cure. Send for Circulars and testimonials. Address: P. J. 0 11E010 tt^ CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75e. Tarte Ball's Family Pills for consti- pation. "Johnny," said the teacher, "a lie can be acted as well as told. Now, if your father was to put sand in his sugar and sell it, ho would bo acting a ]ie, and doing very wrong." "That's wlint mother told Mtn," said Johnny. impetuously, "but he said he didn't care." Jfinard's Liniment Relieves Pleuralgia Busynaon-"Irow's your daughter getting on now?" Musieu1-"Ori, fine) Sire's busy at Beethoven's works," llusynianr-" Where' s their place? What do they make?" inaid's Liniment for sale everyvthers 110510 CHARGED EXTRA, Housewife (to now doinesticX- "There is ono thing 1 wish to say to you. The Lest girl had a habit of coming into the drawing -room and playing the piano occasionally. You never play the piano, iio you?" New Donicstie-"VeS, mum, I ploys; but 1'11 hev to charge ler one dollar a wee% aixtry if I'm to ferhish music for the family." Neglect a tough and contract consumption. C ,rasu S1•)tnon % CureTho Lur1g Tonic Corea consumption, but don't': leave it too long, Try' it now. Your money back ie it doesn't bandit you. Prices, S, t;, Watts, co, eel Ifo Sec. $1 Lereey, N, Y„ Tot/Ado, Can, . e47Vikek . Cts' e, 4:c .'vy'sfiw TRADE /HARM USE— `'ISLAND CITY" HOUSE AND FL001l PAINTS WiII Dry in 8 Houra. 4 pn Sale at all Hardware roamers P. ©. Doll S & GO., Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Potatoes,Apples Eggs, Butter, R es Let ea have your consignment of any of these articles and W. will get you good prices. THE DAVIMON COMMISSION CO, Limited P Cor. Woo* Market and 00113a.no Ota, TORONTO, ?? ?? Who knows anything about " BANNIGER"? All Buyers, Sellers and Users of EDDY'S IMPERVIOUS SHEATHING PAPER Are interested in this question P ? 7 7 P 7 P Will every reade rot this enquiry " Who tInows Anything About Sanafger " Please dl op a line on the subject to The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, HULL., CANADA ??i ?? L500 BIDDEN IN STOCKINGS. Occupied until recently by, two ec- centric brothers, one of whom has died, while the other's mind has be- come 0nhigncd, a house at Brierly Bill, Staffordshire, England, has been the scene of a veritable treasure hunt. Rooms which had been In darkness for thirty years were forced open, and upwards of L500 was found in old stockings and other cur - 10115 receptacles. Some time ago the brothers paid off in five shillings pieces a morigage of £220. To prove tri yon that She Chase's Ointment is a certain and absolute euro for wait and every form of itching. blcediouand protruding piles, Iha manufacturers have guaranteed it. Bootee. lmonials in the daily press and ask your neinh' cors what they think of it Yon can use it and cot Tour rooter back if not cured. sea a box, al al dealers 00 East t(soir,Barse &c Co.. moronta Oro Chase's Ohrtmeril -.i 1I am amazed, sir, that you should propose to my daughter. You have not known her a week." "True, madam, but I have known you for some time, and everybody says your daughter takes after you." He got the girl. Mlnard's Liniment GureS gala Thorvert.on Church, Devon, Eng- land, was recently used as a store- house for whisky which had been taken from the village inn during a are. Per Over Sixty Years Mss. wins, 09", SsoTlnNa SMUT bas hash anal')/ mfllios, of mothers for their children while teething. Itaoothea the child, softens the gums, allays pilo euros Wind collo regulates thestomach end boatels, mulls the brat remedy tor for niarrhma. Twenty-two cent. a bottle Sold Lydroggists throughout Lite work. Be sure and ale1e,' dad. WnraLow'eSUOTInr t B5 It 211—I0 Judge (wlio is bald-iieaded)-"If what the witnesses testify against you be true, your conscience must be as blank as your hair," Prisoner -"If a man's conscience is regulated by his ]'nit', then your honor hasn't got any conscience at all." I was Cured of Itliountatic Gout by SIMARD'S LTNIi1UI}leT. ANDREW KING. Halifax. I was CurrocT of Acute Bronchitis by MINAR,D'S LINTi1•II11NT. Lt. -Col. 0, CREWE READ. Sussex. 0 I was Cured of Acute 1R1fuumstism by MINAILD'S LINIMENT, 0. 5, leT1;,TJNG, Markham, Ont. U N ANIr'1OUS. "Now, boys," seid tho teacher, "I need not tell you anything further of trio duty of cultivatlag a kindly dis- position; `hut I will Loll you a little story or two dogs. "George had a nice little dog that was ri5 gentle a5 a lamb. .Ire would sit by Gcoego's side quietly for an ]four at a time. I:Io would not berlt at posers -by nor at strange dogs, and would never bite anybody or anything. 'l']ronras's dog, en tho. contrary, was aimays lighting other` dogs, end would sometimes tear therm cruelly, Ifo would nine fly at the hears and cats in the neighbor- hood, and on eevoral occasions loan' been known to seize n cow by the 00111418 and throw her. He barked at all the strange then 01101 camp along, and would bite them, unless somebody iuterfored. Now, boys, which is the dog yeti would like to own, George's or '1'homafee?" xhotantly entree rho -answer in One eager shout: "Tliomas'sl,'t St. Margaret's College, Toronto. Re -open Sept. 12th, A high-class residential and dos, school for girls. Modern equipment. Specialists of European training and of the highest academie and profes- sional standing in every department! of work. Foe booklet apply to MRS. GEORGE DICKSON, Lady Princi- pal; GEORGE 'DICKSON, M.A., Di- rector (late Principal Upper Canada; College). Dominion Line Steamships MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. 6a]' Moderate Rate Service. in Second cabin paleaegem berthed in boot accommo• (,tion on she scoemer at rho low tato of 940 to Liverpool. tr 541.x0 to Lon ]on. Tmird 0(005 to LForpoel, tendon, Glasgow or Quoennt mut $13. 03. For all particulars apply to 10001 agents, or TO/ONION LIN. OFFICES, 41 Stag St. 10., T„ reale, 17 St, Sacrament St., It/entree YOUR OVERCOATS tf 0ras ie roar tcsnl,lni10 dire 0r tyootre,t nos ]dA BRITISH AMERIDAN DYEING 00. SETTLERS LOW HATES WEST Via the Chicago and North Western Railway, every day from Sept. 15tH to Oct. 15th, settlers ono way second class tickets at very Iow rates from Chicago to points in Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California, also to Victoria, Van- couver, New Westminster, Rossland and other points }n the Kootenay District. Correspondingly low rates from all points in Canada. Full particulars from nearest ticket agent or B. 11. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East Ring Street, Toronto, Ont. "So you belong to a glee club?"" "Well," answered the youth with' longish hair, "that's what we call it; but no one seems very joyous when we sing!" Lifebuoy Soap -disinfectant - 1s strongly recommended by the medi- cal profession as a safeguard 4poiasli infectious diseases, Wicks -"Your wife doesn't look 'a minute older than she did ten years ago," Hicks -"According to hes statistics, she isn't'" illinurd's Liniment Cures Burns, et The woman was 'doing her shop- ping. The assistant handed her at package, and she slowly turned away. "Do I need anything else? she abvent-lniitdodly asked. "You have just bought some lawn," ven- tured the facetious sliopman. ''Don't! you think you will need come hose?•" Wfl3OE S FLY PAM ISS'U> Nqt,