The Brussels Post, 1904-9-15, Page 5Sm. 14, 1904 li -t s ttaS't'' ii TRAIN UP A CHID And whoa hoc ftp Val him or L/S70, 44 ll G Yorks 9peng April 11th, 1904, Two courmoe— commoroial and Shorthand. Send for College Journal. A. It. Afol V1'YIRE, Manager, fl'$Fk�r=t4 {YS;ttef2c'2Jt' BUSINESS CARDS. lk/rONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER cent. F.13, 8QU1`T, Bru0eele, H. MoORAOKEN— v v • Issner of Marriage Lioousos, 01. floe at Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels, HARMS FOR SALE—THE UN• na tszonnD has several good Varma f or sale and to rent, easy tonne, !n Townehipo of Morris and Grey. F S. SSOTT,Bru01ol c. 0. re. Court Prt000se Alexandria, No, 24, 0.0.11., B ruooeto meets to their Lodge Room Bias - hill Bloolr on e 2nd and last Tuoodave of each Mouth, th h, a18 &Clock. Visiting brethren always welcome, JAS. BUIIGL88, C. R,. WALTER SMITH, 18. 8. M. MMO'RRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS NOTICE I We, the uudureigue I, agree to ratio 61/0 prion of horno'olwuing to 121u. for setting , and 800, for now shorts, owing to the Wynne° In the p1loo of material, etc. This goes foto I torn on Muuday. Jilin) 1801, 10.(1. 240201 by EtYAN & Otl., them W. V0LL01M 0. 80012' ItMPH lHILLO t0 H00, 11.1111, I'1.1 01 ol,A'intim/4, T11 ,0. 101,1.000. (1140 11101010 1111, 110101 .Po1uu40'0, 110101 4501111180. M CBi:rirt lam iw iemlo4• i;lr. Dr. M, O'Oareoli ilea decided to locate In Seaford). G. 1';. Henderson officiated as starter at the Mtivertou ranee, Jobe Olulf wan unfortunate In getting his hand badly out by a bund saw at the Suively & Suuvey have deoided bo Clone ono their business bole by the 17th feet , and will remove the remainder of their stook to WO1lacearg, Town Oak innate reports t110 tax• payers aro taking advoutage of the 8 per Dant. diaoouut 011 all taxes paid during September, About $1,000 has beau paid in up to the filet of the week. Guy .Jones, son of Robert Jones, re. torted home on 'Tuesday of heat week, after an absence of three years in the Hodoon Bay dtetriot, He reports the 0ounbry to •be very good in spots and heavily timbered with pine. Tkere is an immense quantity of timber being floated down the river at this season of 1•he your. The cold season eats in very early there, Motet October, and there will be very little doing until next May. Mr. Jones JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, was engaged io purveying and nays there fn 000sidernblo mining being done. —TE4,081ER OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 87iZVSS1017-,S, =TT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM' INBDaAN0D, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. J. L.ECK/E, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE A0111VT, Office over Koroley's Drug Store, Nov. Sod,1902. 30.302 Brunets. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., n0TABLI0H14D 1840 1ns00ano0 taken on the cash and premium Dote system (itcm'rent rates. Before Maur - Ing olsowbero oall on the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROGERS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. TF1 B. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- A: • Den, will sell for better prices, to better mew in less time and lase °bargee than any ether Auctioneer In East Boron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at thla office or by p er00naf spplioatiou. ROBT. H. GARNiSS IBLUEVALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the °Mae of Tun POUT, Brussels. 22t! VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— (' • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Tot- erinary college, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals .in a oowpet- entmanner. Parti^ulat attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. flails promptly at- tended to. Office and lo0rmary-Four doors North of bridge, Tornberry 0t., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A• B. MACDONALD— Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta, 8000ee0orto G. P. Blair, Moe overStan- dnrd Bunk. Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Beak, VVM. SINULAIR- • Barrister, Solicitor, tOouveyancer, Notary Public, &e, Office—Stewart's Blook 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard 13auk, ptiOUDFOOT, HAYS & BL6IR- BARRISTERS, 80LIOIi'(1%S, NOTARIES PUBLIO,. ATO. W. PnouDn000T, K. O. R, 0, HATS G. F. Brain. Offices—Those formerly occupied by Metiers Cameron Bt Holt, Gonnn100, 0020100, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. It„ el. M., Trinity 'University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal()ot- iose of Pbysiofane and Licentiate of Mld- wifery`Edinburtgh, i1t"1'elepheue No.14, IResidence—Mill street, Boueoeho, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, 12ENT15T Graduate of the Royal college of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Pirat•olaeo Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuiverefty, OBloo next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRU88ELS. = Vt-- 1 B Largest and Best E in Western Ontario B STRATFORD. ONT. f1 This popular fuetitution hae an ex - Ci cellen8 ;reputation for strictly high M' 4'f aradu work, Our grtdnatoe are 111 V'F 1P great demand, Tinter Ole mouth it lG possible. Magnificent catalogue free, ELL101T & MoLAOHLAN, by Prinelpalo, 94 Yom. +i8C"Qit EOxetev, Jae. Bagshaw, of the 8rd Con. of Stephen, i0 striation to his bed with en athaoll of appendioitie. Olive Millie Hyndman, who hag been suffering from au attack of appendicitis has suffieieutly recovered as to be able to be cat around again. D. J. and Mre, Speakman and daughter, Mise Stella, left for San Francisco, Ont., where Mr. Spaceman will attend the Soy. Feign Grand Lodge meeting of I. 0. O. John Greenway, who hae been visiting at the home of Dr, Ratline, returned to his home in Oryotal City, going by way of Mingo where he intended remaining a few days, Word wits received here of the illness from typhoid fever of S. M, Sanders in the Winnipeg hospital. Mrs. 820110rs left for Winnipeg to be in abtondnuoe on her husband, F. E. Karn had the mfofortnne io have hie antomobibe burned ou Sunday, Ang. 28th, daring his absents° in Toronto. 0oanor Bros, had the machine oat 10 the country near Ohieelhoret when by some mean! it caught fire from Ibe fire box and was in a abort time burned, there being no friendly pond of water wibb whioh to extingoioh the Mom It was totally de. etroyed, but was partially covered by in• 0ura000, QRoeter•iCta. Wilfred H. Bell has resigned his poei. lion as teacher of S. S. No. 6 Goderioh township as he iutende to pursue h'e studies, -The Point Farm Summer resort has Closed for the 8020011 and Proprietor J. T. Goldthorpe wiehre to thank the people of Goderioh for their very liberal patronage during the Sommer. G. W. Welker, who has been in town the past two weeks io the interests of 0onrt Goderioh, No. 82, 0. 0. F., initiated over twenty crew members, mail. ing a total for the looel lodge of over 140 members in good standing. The runnel county oonvontiou of the W. 0, T. U. will be held in the Temper- ature Mall, Godoriob, on 'Tuesday and Wednesday, September 20813 end 2let. Mre. McKee, of Barrie, president of the Proviuoial Union, will be pretreat and will give au address. Contractor Battles, pie of the members of the firm who have the contract for the oueelde breakwater, was in town. The firm is likely to emote a large amount of the lumber from the Goderieb Lumber 00. for the work, and tbeframing of the orib work will be pushed ahead this Winter. Thomas Tilt has reoeived word of the death of a brother, Isaac 0. Tilt, which occurred Monday morning of last week at Winnipeg, The deoeseed was sixty years of age and leaves his wife and two sone, one of whom lives at Winnipeg and the other at St, Louie, He had been living the last three or four years with Wilson at Winnipeg. When a young men about thirty years ago, Mr. Tilt was for a time the publisher of the Listowel Banner. .42.1:`.'8' 0001. Tho truotGen of the Poblfo Sobhol have pnrohased a new Pease (unarm. , 0. H, McFarlane left for' Toronto where he will attend the Toronto Oollege of Pharmaoy. Dr. Laugrill is now recovered from his recant Oev0110 attack of eeptfoaemia on the thumb of hie right hand, Special Anniveragry eervioee were held in the Atwood Mothodiot Church on Suodtty. Rev. 0. P. Well, B. A., B.. De of Ethel, preoohed, A epeoial tbankoffering of $225 was asked for by the trustees. Quite a large gang of mew are em• ployed on the work of o0n0truoting the railway t0 the gravel beds. The line had been laid to within a abort dietauoe of the 10th Oon„ and Ibis week will see the m0j"r portion of the work of laying the ties and ratio completed. After that the ballaeting of the road will 0000 be finished. The annanl meetings of the Atwood Auxiliary of the W, M. S. and of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Obut'oh were hold in the 0hereh on Thursday afternoon, September lot, when both 000ieeiee eleoted their oflioere for the evening year. The [Omelet; 010 the (fate I—Womau'e Misoionaey Hooiety —President, Mre, Penhall; Vioo'Preoi• dent, Mre, Turnbull t,Recording Seers. tory, Mrs, S. Love ; Oorreopobding Seto. rotary, Mre, J. A. Molbaie ; 'Treasurer, Mho Parker ; Orgeniet, Niro. J. Love ; "Outlook" Solicitor, Mrs, R. M. Beller). tyuo ; Auditors, Mre.' Turnbull and Mre. J. A, • i4loBain, Ladies' Aid Society— Preeidotlt, Mrs. Croons ; V3oo.Presidont, Mrs. Boyd ; lInoording•Seorotary, Mrs. 'Purnbtlll ; Tre200101, Mrs, Humphrey ; Organist, 1Ire, J. Love; Auditors, Mre, etetteseeowyetereelleet 11. M. Ballantyne aryl Alien Parker. At theoloee of he evil 1 ' the Jodie,' t nt re, t I, die were delightfully 0011 et Wined at a finny tenoheon given in the ohnrrlh by Moa, J. A. MOBain. '0 ... elms oe vv .1+1, Mayen Milling Do, has been inoorpor. Mod, 114, McGillivray hae 0old ole 1111 b.003. 0eee Go J. 11. Great es Go, T.riotowol Bethune college opened last week wish good proopooto for a anu000elui term. Miso Moletyre of Owen Sound wi'l be an nooiotant teacher in the college Otte term, An option wee taken and has been aoceptod by J. 0. Hay and My Bross, for the purchase of the Listowel foundry, whioh up to the present hae been run by Messrs. Gillico & Martin. Rev. J, H, Oliver left for three weeks' holitiaye, whioh he will opeud at Toronto, Uxbridge and other pointe. Rev. 13. E. 18ollington, of Trowbridge wi l eolld0ot the eervioee in the Mothodiot dogrel' during Mr, Oliver's aheonoe. Stretford Diotriot Bpworth League held n very euooeaefnl 000V00 WOO 111 t110 Methodist oliurdh here, on Monday and Tuesday of loot week. The gathering wee a representative into, delegated being present frorn moat of the Leagues in the district, The program was Curried out iu full, Mrs. F. 0. Stephenson, of 'Toronto, and Rev. Dr, Ewan, late of Ohina, were the prinoi• pet speakers, and oontributod largely to the interne and oouoese of the tome vention. Following aro Ole oflioere for the ensuing year ; Hon. Pres., Rev, Dr. Langford, Stratford ; President, J. W. Ward, Stratford ; 1st Vine Pres., Miss Penhell, Atwood ; 2nd Vice, ((*1300 For. man, Stratford; 8rd Vioe, Mies Facey, Wellborn ; 4oh Vico, Rev. Millyard, Em• bro ; 5th Vico, Bliss M. Selvedge, 81, Marys ; $eo'y, Mies M. Hotohioon, Lie. towel ; Trete,, B. Mo0ormiok, Trow. bridge ;0 ,nfer000e Rlpresentativ e, Rev. J. W, Hibbeet, Kintore. NV in=eaetlee. T. T. Field hae been laid aside with a threatened attack al fever. Wm. Armour has retnr'ned from hie trip morose the ANanbio, after an abeenoe of five weeks. On 000008t of ill health, Waiter Taylor hae resigned Ilia position a0 care. taker of the whore. W. Inglis, an ex. Mayor of Wiugham, purposes leaving town to take np his reelde000 in Unolo bam'e clam 'ins. The Direotore of the Agrioultural Society have engaged a Vaudeville 0o. of 8 artiste to give a Oan2ert in the Town Hall on the evening of the second day of the Fall Fair. Harvest Thanksgiving eervioee will be held in St. Paned ohurob, W)ngham, 00 Sunday, Sept. 25th. The Rev, Maurine Fitzmorrie, M. D , late of Ireland, and naw Rector of Glencoe, will preach morn. ing and evening. At high noon on Wednesday, Sept. 7111, a gniet bat very pretty wedding grimed the residence of ''Thos. and Mre. Gregory, on ()entre street, when their eldest daughter, Mase Miriam Evelyn, became the bride of Wm. A. Campbell, of Winni• peg. Rev. Dr. Gaudy performed the interesting ceremony. On Sunday of last week a very painful wound was inflicted on O. M. Walker's little boy, aged about five years. He was playing with a small brae° tube, and had it in hie month squirting water. A0. other little boy, though considerably larger, kicked the tube while it was fn the child's month, driving the tube through the roof of hie mouth, and up near to the nose. He 000 ine. mediately taken to a doctor end while under the infiuenoe of chloroform the. wound was stitohed, A aeooud operation wag necessary. The little boy is doing nicely now, bat it was a very painful wound. 7Kivft.. A passenger poach is being fitted op for a temporary Grand Trunk station at Blyth. The Council appointed Riobard Somere oonetable and tax uolleotor. Salary 880 per month. Mies Hood has returned to this village and la merlin inchargeof Messrs, MCKinn• en de 0O'e millinery department. lythe Allis Bennett returned to Wiarton on Tuesday morning of last week, after spending a ple00ant holiday et the home of her parents here. Mise Mamie Livingston left on Monday aftenoon for Exeter, where she will runtime her former position of milliner la a large dry goods store. John Barr, the well.known breeder of Hnll.tt, eold five Leicester sheep to John Walden, of Rosebush, Michigan. The Hook consisted of two ohearlinge and three lambs and were shipped by express from Blyth station, They were all floe animate and will be shown at the Michigan state foie, whioh will be held at Pontiac next week, and from there will go to the great world's fair at St. Louis. 13 ,1t t7 1l ti R f i 0 ll T Dr. W, R. Oarr, of Kirkton, brother e6 t, BIM 7 e' Netter, 3 h r Ir R .lt !7 t of rol ul I1 b 1 1 Is ulianrr line It few days'4 0 831101011'.•,dills; a horse whit t mire lo 1, n .'..t h'e c,har b,ne broken by Ula 11.a0e hitting him 101111 IL's f o:. T, 13, bloArter hue purchaood the Blyth photo gallery from B, le, Brewer and le now in fall ;Marge, He has retained the 0erv3000 of J. 1d. Miller 110 ansidlant, Mr. AIOAr1eris a good photographer and we join with hie many fl tendo in wishing him 0000008111 1110 40116000, Henry Wettlaafet', who wee a treated and popular clerk with dieeer0, Main. non & Co. for three yours past, left on Muoday afternoou of loot heels for Stratford, where he wilt who a mix months' comes 10 the central Bosineeo College. Ad a token of ee1n.nl and re• entice, the Mo1iuooa it Go, staff pre. panted him with a handooma gold wat0li uharm before hie departure. Mot e,.% WO t• A large number from ronud here went to the Toronto Exhibition kat weed, We are sorry eo hoer that John Sher. pin lost his trading horse last week. It got its leg broken and had to be put out of his misery. Nice, Roberteen, or., who reoidee with her onu, Geo. Robertson, ileac here, we are sorry to hear, eueta3ned another otroke of apoplexy het week and is now in a law 0004111 n, (*meter Wm. Elliott, son o! Thomao E lion, of Grey township, while up the windmill with hie father on Monday evening of Inst week, slipped and fell a distance of about 40 feet, enatainiug a fracture of the 011011 end a bad out ,peer the eye. Mr. E,liott, in his hurry to get down jempod, and severely sprained hie ankle, Both will be laid up eon10 time, but we hope for no serious results. Stewart Bros, with their traction threshiug engine seems to have a spite against the old rotten bridges of thin vicinity and again ou MOndty evening of last week went through another one. While crossing the bridge over the old creek bed at Geo, Roberteon'e on the side road 80, flowiok, the bridge broke down and the engine went into the Creek bed. Fortunately no one was here, and after a few midnight hours work carrying rails from the fence and Moulting up the engine it was got oat little the Norge for its second dump this season, The old bridge ie a tote! wreak, 4aiel Lon. A voters' Het 000rt will be held here on Sept, 29. Local Option is hot here and it will Dome up for discuaeion at the October meeting of the council, Tile Now Era suffers the lova of a large pane of plate glass by it being broken with a atone thrown by a small child, Israel Taylor has given up his position as Secretary of Ewing Fryer Fish Co., at Selttirk, Man., and will remove to Ontario. The Gnu Olnb tournament to be held the first weep in Ootober, under the armpioae of the Olintou Gun Club, prom. NOS to be enooesoful. A mase meeting will be held in the Town Hall, ou Thursday evening, Sept. 15, when both aides may present their viewe on Local Option. Muoio will he provided. A few intimate Mende of Thne. Poole. eon, jr., entertained thin gentleman on Tuesday evening of lost week, prior to his departure on a lengthened trip to the Nettie comb. Rev. T. Albert Moore, Toronto, more. tary of the Lord's Day Alliance, will speak io Willie obnroh Sundoy a, m , fu the Ontario street Miura at 7 p. m. and in Wesley at 8 o'clock. George Swallow. formerly of town, has been appointed by the Fair's Aseoaia• tion, of Toronto, toe Judge on Poultry and Demonstrator in the same olaea, at all the Fall Fairs to be held in Lamblon county, Miss Maggie O'Neill, who hae been connected, as a teacher, with the sohools of Oliuton for about 25 years, and with the Model for at least 20 years, has tendered her resignation, whioh the Board has reluctantly aooepted. Mr. Bailey, who resided near the cemetery, but emne time ago Wal taken to the London asylum, esonped from that inattention and made hie way to the old home. The officiate were notified and an officer was sent here for Nim. R. Holmen M. P. has bomgbe the redid• enoeon High street of T. Jackson. er. This is one of the beet situated and limb sourest plaoee in town. Mr. Jackson gine poss;asioo in the middle of Ootober and will take up his abode in hie Hnron street reeidenoe, next R. Reneford'e, BURNED TO DEATH.—White engaged in thraehiug grain on the farm of Alexander 'Weer'in Goderioh township, Fletcher Ma0artney was burned to death on Sat. nrday Iaot. Fire caught in an old stook near the barn, and spread rapidly,. Nio• Cateney was the owner of the meobles, and was trying to honl it ont of the barn, 1t.y ew Fall Dress , o See We are now showing New Fall Dress Skirts that on inspection you cannot fail to admire. Our assortment is much larger than usual. The quality and val- ues are A 1 and styles the latest, and we can assure you a perfect fit. Prices range from $8,60 for a good serviceable, well made heavy Freize up to $4 00, $6.00, $6 00, $8 00 and $10,00 for a fine Broadcloth or Satin Vene- tian beautifully finished and trimmed, our Special Purchase of Black Satin Underskirts going at 85c. OttlirlitsiOirliehitliettasetlettirlo A. STRAC when the 11811300 rnobed in, re"-'op'rlg him ar I ii., rnoobino. The hero wee u rap .'eetroyed. MoGAttur;' Ivan in tire" ,8 J .red a good gazed family. (mint, V.,,vo.—Tho New I.'a 0,1y0 1 — Wol t r "y t0 03 µ10 khat Rtnp Ilou halt Worxa Cloned down ou Htlurtlay 1 evening, indefinitely, A number of i8000000 are assigned for this, one being that N,rgllrih Bait, wit oh oornoe in ;roe of citify, and much of whioh i0 brought over lie balsam fur ve-00:0, mm,opolizes the market, The Oanadiao salt prolnoore ere only able to oeoure about one third of the salt trade of the Daniinlon, though they Could easily supply it all. While the sarin on malt is the earns to•day as 11 has been ter a number of years, its weak• nese rebase oepeobtlly to Eog1io)i salt, Thio wag put on the tree list to be Deed exclmoively by the maritime flab,rmen. The salt monataaturere do not objtot to this, but what they do object to wµ0 a (Menge made in Dom; unoocotmtsble manner whereby the privitege wee ex tended to ail exit from British 5seems. ions, no matter for what purpose it i0 intended. Etforte have been made to remedy this, nod oonflno free en'ey to the original intention the Minieter of Finance virtually admitting that the door hae been opened wider than inlehd• ed, and it is not improbable this will be remedied at the next session, 'X'r evetvUrlciLe, Mise Jennie (keens has returned from Durham, Mr. Boothe, Bluovale, woo the geese of R. 13, Green. Mies Nellie Green io visiting her broth. or, R. H. Greco. Mies J. G. Sutton, milliner, bee i'aoept. ed a position in Beosall. 3, A. Russell, Cathcart, spent a few days renewing old Aoqunintauoee. . Quite a number of our Leagoero at, tel.ded the Oouventian held in L",towel. Mre. W. MoOormiolr, acoompaeied by her eon, R. J. Mc0ormiok, spent Hannay et the home of Rev. J, Robinson Daugon• non. Master Warren Porter, Listowel, with his sisters, Mimes Heima and Rite, spent a few days visiting at the home of 0. (Benne. Misses Edith and Terme Jaokeou, of Brampton, 080 epeuding a ooeple of weoke withtheir sister, Mre. W. I4, Code. Y ordvviC1t. The potatoes are rotting in this sere tion. Great hopes eco entertained that Mre, (Rev.) Hall will regain her eyesight, Anuiversary services will be ,old et Mayne Sunday and Monday, S&I,..18th and 19th. Mr. pastels r00ently dog 27 good sized 511µt000 from one bill, There were also 00m0 smaller ones. L. Blake Gook left for Toronto where ba will attend the Pharmaoy College dui. ing the Fall term. Perry Dobson left on 'Tuesday morning of last week for Mt. Forest where he will atteud Mode! Sobool this Fail. Mr, Hill started work on the new bridge on Wedueaday of last week. The weather being favorable it will take Mr. Hill about twenty days at the aim. merge. While unloading peas will elms Jae. Downey reosived a kiok from a horse whioh knouked him about ten feet. No ribs were broken although Mr. Downey feels quite sore from the shook. Mrs. Geo. Wilkey left last week for Toronto where she will visit her awe John end then proceed to Sandridge, Mug• koka, where she will epend a month with her brother. She was accompanied by Mien Grant and Mrs. Aintay, of Harris - ton. 1-31ueva,lo. 'TuownaaiX 0ODN20L,—Minutes of Conn. oil meeting held Sept. 5111, 1904, Mem. here of Oonnoil all present, Reeve in ohoir. The minutes of last and special meeting read and adopted. D. Iiplmee applied to Council to have mnuioipal Drain on Coo. 12 lots 24 and 28, cleaned out to original depth. ,'dr. Campbell also applied to Oonnoil to have the said drain 012 'cite 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 c'eane,f out to origiuel depth, Kelly—MOedrove, Th it Reeve nee the parties interested and try to have them Olean out drain and gave expense of bringing an dngl.eer.-- Carried. Rutherford—Coapleud, that the Clerk he inotruoted to cotify ;}losers. Lott and Webb to Olean out Mnriicipal drain on their farms to its original depth.—carried. Oouplaud—liable that Bylaw No. 10 1904 be ptosed to provide for the General Expenditure of the Municipality by levying a rate of one and three quarter mine on the dollar of the last revised aesesernent of the Municipal. ity.—Oarried. Rntherlord — Mesgrovo that Bylaw No, 11 1904 be permed for the appointment of Patel Powell to the office of Tax Collector for the unmet year,—Oarried. Ooupbaud—Kelly, that Bylaw No. 12, 1904 -be passed to pro• videtfor mumeipal grant to public sohoo's by a levy of one and a fourteenth of hem died mills on the dollar of the last revised 00sessment of the Munioipelity, —0artied. 0oupland—Rntbertord, (that the Olerk be instructed to forward to the County Mark before the let of Oalober next the following re;o'utiou 1—R0,olved that the County Coonoil of the Comity of Huron be requested to imbue it a 11v•law 10 the electors of the county of I?uron, re the elections of Ooanly Donuoill,s me provided by the Municipal Amendment Aot, 1904.-Oaeried unanimously. The following accts. were passed and ohegneo hamar—Mrs M. MoBurny,.damog, 0 Mor. He boundary, $25, ; amounts for gravel and damages—J. J, Moffatt $0 88, Alex. McDonald $288, James Anderson $0.44, Samuel Vtuuetoes $9.80, J. T. Wylie $11.08, J. W. King $2 40 ; H. B. Elliott, 19 50, printing ; 0, A. Jones, $18, drainage, Weir drain ; J, Burgess, $2, drainage, Weir drain ; R. Sharpie, 42, work on road ; Wm. Eagleson, 45, re. pairing culvert ; Wm. Oarrn4here, $1, repairing oulvert ; Duff & Stewart, 4197.50, 0ontraol, Elliott drain ; Duff t@ Stewart, $850, B lino bridge ; Joseph Rigging, 48, Higgins drain; Oliunoil adjourned, to moat in the Clerk's efftoe, Binevale, on Monday, October 8rd, at 10 o'clock a, m. 30112 Bnuouss, Olerk. The new boiler for Mitchell eleotrio tight station, made by the Stratford Mill Building Oo., has arrived and is being plaited in position fn the new power honed. It fs the largest boiler ever. seen in Mitoholl, being 10 feet long, and d feet in diameter, with 80 line holes. It i0 a high pronto boiler of 128 horse power, ■ and woigb0 about eight tone, r ciiirmon & BLY7f-/, The Fall Trade 'is Zooming And w0 are fully prepared for it. Never in the history of thin etoro have we ohown such a largo and varied stook of New Fall Goode. Daring 010 last four menthe we hove been buoy selecting goods for a big Fall trade. We do not ooulno our001006 to Any one wholesale bowie, bet we boy for spot flash wherever we 000 get the beet value, quality being the first consideration with 110, then the prioe, We show special voiles in the following linea 1-- —New Dress Goode, in all the latest designs at elm prieee, in broadcloths, voiles, vonetfans, vicunas, zebelinee, Otte goods, homeepowe, amines, etc, —New MAntlea, Jaokete and Capes, in all the new styles in black and Dolor. 0d frieze, homeepn0, vicuna, venetian, kereey 010th, Oto„ from 48 50 to 415. —Misses and Ohildren'o coats a speoioity, from $1 75 up, — Our Millinery Department le in full swing, where we thew all the latent novelties in Paris and New 'York Millinery, Roedyto Wear and Out. ing Hate a ipeuially, from 96o to 48 —Ladies' Fine Furs, in Eleotric Seal, Astrachan and Greenland Beal Jaokete, also Oaperinae, Ruffs, Boas, Seeds, Eto., in groat variety. —Now Wrapperebtes, in new patterns, worth 12 1 2o for 10o. — New Linoleum, two and four yards wide, at 87 1.2o, 46e and 500 per square yard. —New Oerpete, in great variety, in union, wool, tapestry and hemp, at popular prions. BUGGIES ! BUGGIES ! u- OKt � `� LL B. .. IS THE BEST Beware of Imitators and Imitations. 'erlp'Ir8d9rer0,'e)trspn'tt'hA, Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods. Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would- be competitors distanced in numbers. We have still a few of these "Old Reliables" in up-to-date Finish and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you 1' If so"be sure to call as we can certainly interest you. Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices. We have a number of other makes to show you, including the "Platteville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph." Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other makes, for sale at low prices. ....4,11,9101,010.10,6.606.11,06.169,06+6. N. S c •eo NIZZIMBIONETBEEneeneeutenzemmAEHMHEMEGEOHEn AP ' LES WANT ,.D Apples will be bought on and after ,Soptem- ber 12th, at the BRUSSELS EVRPFRA34R Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will not be taken. JNO. CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR. EWA WE aro now ready for 190.1 with a larger stock of Buggies than ever we had and a walk through our Show Rooms will convince intending purchasers what our stools is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if good rigs will do it. We have added to our Buggy Tops this season a Spring to prevent the. bolts end rivets from breaking, This has been a long felt want. We have 4 styles of Axlee—Dueb and 011 Proof, Long Distance, 1000 Miles, and the Noiseless Asko, also a few of 111e old styles, All Steel Body Hanger; and all trimmed with beet Leather. Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first-class Factory Buggies. Our Wagons are all Oak with 2 and 8 inch tires ; Trucks and Medium size. We invite every intending purchaser to oast and Buy from us and 00,830 mo10y, EWAN & Co, Brussels.