HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-9-15, Page 1Vol. OB. No, 10
New Advertisements,
For sale -Dr, Irviug.
Fly tines --F. It, Smith,
Looal-Thou, MoGregor.
Watoh foetid -Tint Pose.
Wanted -a. R. Pitaaeigge,
Lunation sale-Govenlook Bros.
Steven and =gee -Wilton tt Ternbell.
New Deems Goode -J. Foremen ea 0o.
Reedy.towear Hats -Roche da Hay.
geee./taz tereetele„
Several from Ibis locality are attending
the London Fair,
Boy wanted to learn the blaoltsmitbing.
Apply to JOHN P011itafiT,
Misses Agnes and Minnie Montle are
holidaying in the Queen Oily.
Men and Teams
for work on the Guelph and (Dederick
Wages $.150 to $1.75 per day
for Igen, and
$3,50 for Teams
migrytoei the onloo of the undereigned ab
J. R. McQuigge,
10.201 OONTRAOTolt,
Auction Sale
Govenlock Bros.
will sell by Public Auction at their nrem•
lees, Winthrop, LOT 20, 0010. 7, Man,
LOP, fear miles North of Beaforth,
mostly steers rifling 2 and 8 years old, Alan
sot double harness nearly now. Bale will
eommetwe at one 0 (neck sharp on
Tuesday, Sept, 27th
T20300. -Twelve months' credit will be
given ou furnfebing approved joint notes ;
a dioaount cd 5 per cent, per annum will bo
allowed Mr for emu.
• T. BROWN, Auctioneer.
Glasses that
111 kgestrain jerodenee
that worn, • worried4
distontentdd appear
'otherwise'. beavtiftt
ri tdr.viT:vreeiTotvrinni2 1k4)
e 'evrtnale dIsapkar.
k___INEliginit~ 11.1110111,1111.S
Mrs. T. Fletcher
Sit lorntlie azare
(r. raeae:t* Optician
The residenee of Ohne, Seel has been
brightened up by (110 painters' brunt,
Next Tuesday Postmaster McNair, an
old arid 11151117 respected reeidcmt of this
locality, will oefebrete hie 79th birthday,
Ere retains hie vigor remerliebly well and
le found every,dey behind the 000nter in
hie Ettore here.
Oongratolatione aro extended to W. P.
and Moe Ritchie, now of Portage
Prairie, Mau., over the (Arrival of a son
end heir. The young lad will have an
opportunity of growing up with the
(auntry, M. Ritohie wee evidently wise
in moving West whore big farms are the
Mns. It13100' isbietelnir Dzozeszn,-The
People's Journal, of elittegow, &attend,
under Clete of August 27, uptake as follows
of the A893180 of a nephew of Mrs.
Walter Imes, of Jamestown :-George
Lawoon, gamekeeper, Forge, wee drowned
on Loch ()alder on the 4111 inet. Mr.
Lawson was tbe eldest son of W. E. Law•
son, gamekeeper to Lady Sieolair, Atilt
voiedale, Deuearted was our of the most
popular young men in the parish. He
was only 27 years of ago, The muse of
acteicient 0(101 neve,: be fully made oat,
only it is &imposed that owing to BM
extreme 11901 (1,08089(1 had taken it faint
and fallen over the boat. The body was
reoovered on Thursday 24th inn, end
the fennel book place] on Satnrday,
was the largest ever Been in the parish,
The Remy Volunteer Company, of which
deceased was a member, turned out in
uniform, end the military funeral was a
mot impogiug one. The company were
in °berg° of Captain Dunnet and Lieut.
enent J. F. Movrison. There were 13
wreaths on the coffin, as well as the bon.
net, belt and bayonet belonging to de.
owed. The cortege milked oll the way
to the Reap oburebyertl, where, after
service at the grave wee Geminated by
Rev. Mr. McDonald, three volleys were
fired over the grave by a firing party
under imminent! of Gelour•Sergeent etan•
eon. Tho cleepeet sympathy is felt for
the sorrowing parents and other members
of the family, who mourn the toes of one
of the bravest and kindest of men,
Min Lama Spence ttrelved home this
week from u roLit to Toronto.
Samuel Ames keeps quite poorly bat
we hope be will soon be better.
Voters' List Otani for Grey Townehip
will be held here on Tneaday nI next week.
Menu Gorty Ross and Bella Hender-
son, of Brunetti, were visitors here Ian
Among Sumo who are at London tile
week Are Meese Nellie Leirci, and R.
Spence, Mrs. Ftaser, Mrs. (Dr.) Lid,
Mrs. Reid and 0. Davies.
The Counoil pnt in a busy day last
Monday and paid out a more than ordin.
R03 large ;mount of money, new bridpea
and drainage work corning into the
Lan Sableath evening Eli Smith, from
near Brnseele, took charge of the service
in the Methodist obaroh. Rein inter.
fared with the attendance, The pastor
avas at Atwood.
Williara Freeman has one to Goderieh
to attend the Model Salmi with the
intention of qualifying ea a, teacher. We
wish h'm p011. Title l000lity has not
few represeutatives in the birch wielders'
The temonanaodation of the pablio has
been ootteitierably improved in the poet.
office here es Mise Spatula Mtn put in
net of look bosom They rent at the
nominal figure of 0100 a year while the
regent): b.x ig platted at 25 cants. The
public will no doubt appreciate the eon
sole/tat afforded by promptly securing a
look box.
R. Miller ig in Toronto this week.
Tee Star take its anneal holiday next
Mrs. A. A. 13ety is spendieg a few days
in Detroit,
Mice Lizzie Thompson, of Brussels, is
the guest of Miss Mary Smith.
Miss Nettie 111 311013, of Gerrie, was the
guest of Mrs R. Metal) last week.
Oliver and Mrs. Smith hove returned
from a visit with Galt and Hamilton
While working upon a new ice-hottee
which is being erected tor A. A. Esty,
Wm, Kaalte had the miefortune to fall
from the roof but eloped without any
serione injury,
Tasty and Fashionable Millinery
A Choice Stock of
Ready -to -*ear Hats
Just opened out to an inspection of which.
we invite the Ladies of' Brussels and sur16
rojtuding country. Good Goods and at
Moderate Prices, If you need a Hat call
and see us,
tWateli out kr dato of our Fall Millinery Opening,
tWOliefgerene epprentioee wanted at canoe
The Mime Milburn mod BrIebin'of
Listowel, viaited hire. W. Laokie last
Lightning notate the reeidenee of jolan
Smith last Wedmedey but did 110 anima
Min Jennie Yogt returned to Detroit
last week after spending e. few holidays
at her borne bere.
Mre. Taylor 11120 08100130(1 to her home
in Turnberry after epending tome deye
with biro. 13. J. Bann,
W. C. Beklowood le looking after the
harnese bminese i» the absence of B. T.
Carr who is in Toronto.
Peter MoTavigh and Donald Fisher
returned on Monday from a week's vieit
with friend° at Sault Ste. Marie.
'Klee Nellie Bleak n000mpanied Mra.
M. 1110Lena11 911 her return to London
where sbe p111 attend High School,
Anent:oh those who attended the Tor•
onto Exhibition from here hurt week
were, A. and Mre, McLean, Misses Mary
and Canis Herrin, G. Sanderson, S.
Robinson, R. Pdatoh, I. Gibb, W. Ourry,
8. Black, T. and lire. Hemphill, G.
Trench, J. Sauderaoo, B, T. Oar, le.
Rano and J. Patterson.
Mrs. Robt. Frahm P108 visiting friends
in the Nortb lest week.
Miss Lottie Campbell is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Ridley, in London.
11209001 1(0100 services will be held in
St. George's thumb next Sabbath berm
A. timber of our eitizans have been
"doiug" Teionto and L01008 Exbibi-
Kate Telfer ie attending the Model
School at Goderioh. She ehould malts
exotallent school ma'am.
Mrs Oran McTaggart is in Belleville,
visiting her mother, who is Buffering
from 0 broken hip, the result of a fall
Contranors are pushing the work of
oonstreatleu 0( 1130 new C. P. R. line,
several 100500 1101013 at work no tbio sect.
Bon 0, new initial; West of here.
We notice by the annonneement that
Mrs, (Rev.) Balser has been invited to
012(3 23 the Harvest Home of Brussels
Methodist church on Monday evening.
Oot, 3td.feWalton always keeps op with
the beat going.
Will. and Mrs. Ounarninge, of Roobest.
er, are visiting ab Mrs. R. M. Cummings',
M. Oummings reoently lost the eight of
one eye, thtough 0. piece of steel pieroin,g
tbe eyeball, while he was working in tbe
B. R. dr. P. elope in Rochester, and is
making use of hie enforced holidaye to
pay a visit to friends here,
A. meeting of the Methodiet thumb
Board was held in the Pareonage on
Thursday of last week, when the project
of moving the oberoh on the gravel to
Walton wag dimmed. The decision of
the meeting 3988 that the ohnroh be mov-
ed to the Parsonage grouede and it is
expected that a few weeks will see the
moving oompleted.
During the past week Obarlee Turnbull
took a run here to Agit hie mother end
other friends, He bad come to Toronto
from Sturgeon Valle to see the Fair so
ociatinued fie trip, Mr. Turnbull has
been away from Welton for 2 years and
le employed in connection with the Tin.
pedal Paper mill Go. Ideated at Sturgeon
Falls. They employ' 450 men between
the faotory and hub haute, 180 being in
the former. The mill rune day and
night and converts about 600 cords ot
pulp word into paper eaoh day. The
reserve is abont 22 miles from the mill
and it ie expected to have an eleotrio
railway running before long, Some
03,000,000 capital will bo invested When
the exteneione to the mill ere oempleted.
Stergeou Falls has grown very rapidly
and now bee 10 popnlations of 2600.
There is hoe sport in hehing pike and
sturgeon in the river.
RTMEN248.-The marriage et Mies
Sara Alioe, daughter of Dr. and Mre. A.
E. Harvey to Rev. Raymond Smith Bak-
er, M. A., of Walton, wits celebrated in
the Presbyterian church, Wyoming, Ont.,
on Aug. 17313 at high noon. The care -
nanny MS performed by Rev. R. Hobbs,
President of tbe London Conferenee,
assign! by Rev. Geo, Gilmore, B. A..,
Presbyterian minister of Bleubeina, and
Pew. G. W. Andrews, B. A., Methodist
milliner of Centralia, The beide entered
the (thumb to the stritine of the Bridal
Chorea from Lohengrin, leaning upon
the arm of her father. She looked very
pretty in oretun peau -de 8010 with appli•
gem and chiffon trimming over taffeta
and won a bridal veil with orange
Mamma end meld( a bouquet of white
roses Bilge Elizabeth L. Baker, of
Toronto, eister of the groom acted as
bridesmaid and was becomingly &Woad
in meant albatroce, trimmed with rich
applique and medallions and wore a
fertoy hat of white net and Moe, She
carried a bouquet of pink TOM. The
groom was Maly supported by the beide's
brother, Ametin B. Harvey. Little Miee
Jean Harvey made a dainty flower girl,
She was droned in white dimity with
insertion and tucks and oarried a basket
of sweet pene and myrtle in whish the
ring wee renmealed. The ushers were
Dr. J. Armstrong, of Oil Springe, end J.
W. A0(100000) of Gtonlaelie ; Fmk,
Anderson and Robt. (logien, Wyoming.
The invited guests occupied the (Antra
of the church but the whole banding wag
completely filled with intereeted Maude
em both the young people are well known
and very pophlar. Rev. Smith Baker is
ie native of Halifax, N.33., a graduate of
Victoria Mt, Allison University and
poet gracitutte of Viotorie Unleash)+,
Toronto, and was recently ordained by
the London Methodist Conferebee. Mre,
Harvey, the mother of the bride, was
dressed in bleak taffeta trimmed with
jet ornamente, Ber hat was of bleak
chiffon with large plume. Mies Rem
Harvey watt in pale geten voile with deep
yoke of all 0700 Moe end blank plumed
hat, The groom'e gift to the bride wee
a beautiful pearl est necklace with pettel
star pendant ; to the lariciegmeid,
gold obain set with pearls and rubiee ;
to Mies Root Betray, orgettiet, 8 gold
arm pin with pearl getting ; and to the
flower girl, an opal sot ring. After the
eeremony 0 recieption was held et the
residenoe of the brulttle parente after
Which l buffet Innolteon Wee eerved,
Both bride and groom were the reolpients
of many beautitol and oottly elite among
which was a Smith Premier type writer
from the groom'e unlit, Rev. 3. Balfour
Smith, New York ; a large out gime
salad bowl ; Axmineter reg ; and ellen
aftedelabra. Rev. aud Mem 13al1er left
oil the 248 for their future home in
Walton. The bride, who baa spout e
large part of her life in Wyoming, win
be greatly mimed. Sbe ie well known
through her ooneert work and received
her vocal training from aladame Owl]
rano, Montour De Vries and the Toronto
anti Detroit Coneervatories,
eel le et
The tax collectors will soon be on
their monde.
Dire. femellzer, of Lneknow, spent ft
few days with her deughter, Mrs. J. R.
This week Sno. Blake, 14t12 clone re.
term to 3)510111 30 regume 1310 studies in
Mrs James Sharp, of Morrie, was a
visitor at Councillor Fraitt'a during a
portion of laab week.
Mies Belle Miller wee visiting bar Sie-
te?, tetra, Tnok, ()littera, and the latter
and her imbend were here this week,
Jae. J. Pearson lett on Monday of Met
week for Belleville, where be will attend
Albert College. Fle has the Methodist
ministry in view, We 'wish him 0000088.
Walnut Jaokson, 6th oon., who was
home for his vaaation, left this week for
e abort holiday with relatives before
renaming hie tnedioel coarse at Toronto,
8. very annoying delay is being experi•
aimed in the non arrival of the steel
bridge on the North Boundary, The
estnent abutments are aompleted. Thie
ie a Co. bridge and the contract is held by
the Hunter Go., of Kincardine.
Tim ormbraet for the new steel bridge,
2nd cone to replene the one smelled
down by the traotion eneine a few weeks
ago, has been let to the Hamilton Bridge
00. for,$5139. It will be 46 feet long.
Roger & Ratcliffe, of Atwood, bays the
job of puttiog le the oetnent abnimente
and the work is to be done ag non as
possible this Fall.
All who are acquainted with Peter 111a-
Dougell, formerly of lbs 8th con, will be
glad to hear of hie e00050& He bought
100 nom farm last Spring and already be
geenred a young Sootelarnan named Mo•
Dougall to genet in the manegetnent of
it, Be mune on Wednesday ot lan week
and is Pell pleased with the looality.
Pets gays there's no finer boy in two town-
Mum Ononon.-Hareesb Rome ;melees
will be held at Union Methodist church
Oon, 12, Grey, on Sunday and Monday
next, September 18th de 19313. On Sam
day Rev. E. W. Edwards, B. A.., B. D.,
of Tiverton, one of the brighten of the
rising young men of the Methodist
akinroh, will preach at 10 80 a. m. and
7.80 p. m. Speoial Thank.offeringe td
both aervieee. On Monday evening there
will 110 -13 sumptuous supper spread from
6 to 8 o'olook, after which there will be a
grand canoed and entertainment. The
inimitable T. A. Hawking, Hotter Grade -
ate of the Toronto Conservatory 0( 810710,
will give inserumental 000010 00 masieal
«1138805 00(1 sing "The future Mre. Bawk
ins" and "The Gran Vifirlower" in 1118
well known bnmorons way, besides other
embers that interest and please. Will,
Spence, klies B. Spence and O. Devise,
all of Ethel, will render solos, instrument-
al music and duets. Ren. Mr. Edwards
oleo give an address. Speoial mnsio
on each oimasion by the thumb attain
The ohureh will be beentifully deoortee.
3'. Whitfield ie tbe See. Treas., and Rev.
0, P. Wenn, B. D., the energetic pastor.
Stomme -They always have a big
time at the Harvest 1001110 Anniversary
113 Roe's °Introit and this year was no
eseeption, Sebbath morning Rev. Wm.
Penhall, of Atwood, Rove 0 eplendid
disoourse, moat imitable for tee ocangion,
from Roraima 12th chapter and blas 1st,
verse. The oboir sang ',Guide me 0
Thou Great Jehovah',end "Refuge ab the
Grose" in good style. Owing to the
downpour of rain in the evening at the
hem of serviee the intended meeting was
not bald. The ohnroh am; tast:iy decor
ated. Mooday evening Baw to large crowd
in attonclatme tor the annual supper.
Tabfert were set In the ;had, well laden
with the good things of the land and it
any wont away hungry it was not for
lank of choke provieions and the prompt
attention of the courteone weitere. The
program wag to have been given outside
owing to the large attendimee but ;be the
weather turned cool a euctoeseful c, effort
P05 made to get the major portion of the
oompitey in the obtirob. After the
opening exeralsee W. H. Ilert wag asked
to take the (hair and the /ong, well
remleted program was entered open and
it was not until after midnight that it was
concluded by the National Antbena and
Ole betiedietion. T11098 who took pert
Currie, Plankton ; Tiffin, Ilellinglon and
McCormick, of Trowbridge in addreasee
ceir. Maunders declining owing to the
lemmas of the hour) ; Miss MoCormiek,'
mid Minn Sharp end J. &whom M.
Sharp, 0. bevies and the ointrob oboir in
vooal numbers ; Mies Let Bryans, Ulnae
Hogg and Frain in inetrennentelg ; and
Mines El, Pearson,I. Colo and 11/. John.
stow with reditations. The audience wee
tile/mead to heartily encore but owing to
the length of program responsetervere not
given. Rev, Mr. Welle, the highly rem
teemed patter, proposed « nioely worded
vote of thanks to all who land assisted
after which this enjoyable evening's pro
ociedinge wore brought to a oonolueion.
The aeoompanIsts were Melee Cessna
Bryens, Davis and Miller. 011 (11(1 well.
The oaeh procieecis was about it60. We
are sorry that eci pleeting a gathering
thould moire a foot note not so eathe
faotoey but oertain partieS made free
with eneak thieving while the program
was in progress and Whips and a shawl
were taker; from buggies end proviciong
table belongings eta, disappeared ftotn
the abed. Snepition testa epee eertain
per8on0 and 11 tbe goods are not retnrned
an example 5027 1)8 made of the offend.
ere. The Trusteee odor a reward for 9118
roof to have enstitte meted out to the
offenders and if 811008501121 a trip to
W. H.KERR, Props
Goderloh may be In Woofer those who
mated se 4101100001p. Boob oondnob
wee not expected in 1310.1 oommunity
ocumequently 00 opeoial vsatob est. Who.
ever 30341 engaged in the shabby intsinees
have nothing to he petted tit tte 11 can
only benalled by one emus.
Iltit 1.
Townehip Council met on Monday.
Mies Daymann, ot Olinton, le heliday.
ing at Geo. Turvey's,
Emit Heron Fall Fair at Bruseelo on
Oat. 6 and 7. Aral be a dandy.
Jae. Moses is visiting relatives Min
Craig and will Oahe in the W89461 11 Fair.
Quite a number of Morrisites are tak
ing in the Western Pair at Lotman this
Luther Pepper, Mre, Eli Bellera And
Mien 131 Turvvy visited the Toronto
Moe. W. FL Moundera and DUN Mao.
caret were visitors with relaeives al
Ripley durieg tba past week.
Mrs, Will, Tervey and eon retorted to
their home Friday in Toronto after
spending 0. month at 8. Caldbiok'e, Mrs,
Turvey's father,
Work has been commenood in gradiog
the roadbed for the new 0. P. R. line in
Sale eeetima and this Fall will vee oon
siderable work done if the weather tempo
Jute, and Mrs. Sherrie, of ifforrie, were
guests of ed. and Mrs, Flimb, at Clinton,
They were atmorapanied by Muter Oar.
aim Finoh, who enjoyed life on the farm
for ten weeks with Mr. and Mra.
le is reported that two yonng men on
the 81.11 Con„ Morris, intend taking a
trip to the Brace PellieBUID. this Fall,
They have both been there several times
before and say it, is a fine place to go for
no enjoyable outing. Of oonne they
have Wendt] there.
We are sorry to hear of the death of
Margaret Marie, only daughter nE John
and ilennah Healey, of &minim, Mich.,
which took plane on Thursday of last
week. She was 34 menthe old. Mr.
Healey was a former resident of thie
amnia Home -Sanday and Monday,
Sept. 25th and 26th are the dates set
apert for the Harvest Home exeroSee al
Ebenezer ohurob at Browntown. Rev.
T. W. Oooeno, of Brunelle will preach et
10.80 a. 111. and 2.80 p. nb. and Bev.
W. J. West, M. A , of Motivate, will
occupy the pulpit at 7 30 o'clock. A
Thank•offering will be taken for which
envelopes ere being distributed. Monday
evening instead of the usual Tea meeting
a muelcal and literary program will be
rendered in which addressee will bt given
by several ministers. Bruseele Meth°.
diet church oboir will take pan, Euter•
ealument will begin at 8 o'olook and a
good time ie expected.
A80rDENT.-A peouliar %evident own,
red a short time ago that 'might easily
have bad fatal results Jas. Bolger and
bis two sons had been at work on the
eon's farm and in the evening deoided
they would take a boggy home. It was
attaobed babied one of tbe wagons and
Mc, Bolger, sr, got in (1 10 have (8 more
comfortable ride than he would have in
the wagon. While a gate was being
alerted in the field the second team attach
el to n wagon also, ran away and dashed
into the baggy. The tougue of the wagon
etruok Mr. Bolger and forced bine
against tha rack of the rig aheed like a.
flash and tbings looked serious for a
time, By a prompt movement the mina
way equines were grabbed by the team.
Etter rend further clanger arrested. Mr.
Bolger was quite wariottely bruieed and
still feels the result of the aolffaion. We
aongratnlate him on his esoapa from
more scrims injury,
Alexander Findley, of Sault Ste, Marie,
was a visitor with relatives and friends
10 11210 looality during the pan week, It
is 39 pearl] since he moved from Morris
when gnite ia lad. Mr. Findlay ie a nep.
have to TIMMS Miller, an old and well
known resident of the 5111 line. The
father of the visitor, Alex. Findlay, lived
on the same line, He was Townehip
Clerk for 9 yearn and on his removal in
1865 the following recommendation was
heeded to bine by the Connell :
"Ootmoil Chamber, Morro,
26t11 Om., 1865,
"We, the Municipal Connell at tbe
township of,;Morrie, have numb pleasure
in recommending Alex. Findlay, the
bearer of this note, as a good honest and
straightforweed Man, He Mae been
our Oink of the Above 7,townehip for the
Ian 9 years and has always been found a
good and faithful servant. We have
810011 pleesure in yenning for hie
O. Whitehead, Reeve,
Alfred Brown,
Jno, Malmo, on„momo
Thos. Kelly,
/no. Perdue,
The original testimonial is reteined by
were Reeds. kissers. Bun, jeordwieh • tbe son es a matador of the olden tleys,
toady 40 years ego,
The Kamloops eawmille, inmber and
logs, wore burned. Loss, 060,009.
The oereent etelk through a portion of
Dublin village is now laid as fae as in-
tended, and 15 10 greet iinprovement.
Walter Thornton, Milthell, lett for
TeXita, where he will spend a month
visiting his eons, Dr. Fred and William,
Albert Goebel, of Mitehell, one of the
«natant Cooker Spaniel dog fanoiere 111
eximas, exhibited four of the little quad.
papule et the Toronto Exhibitioe and ell
were considered worthy of a prize. He
won mond in the Pup elan ; third in
Unlit class ; third in Open and tiled in
the Naylor, class.
Bev. L. 31. Kirby, who before hie
ordination, lived it Mitolaell, and Mar-
ried the oldest danlater of the late John
Rieke, has won a signal victory 0.115 the
wardens of AltSainte' oburob, Cloning.
wood, of which he was motor for matte;
yeters. There vette (dation between the
oongregation and pagtoe, and the letter
tofueed te resign until 13 claim for repairs
made by him on the reetory w. 0 paid.
In consideration of Mr. Kirkby coating
the reetership, the wardens eni eed to
Mognize int; Mahn and a beetd of
arbitrators eettled the emonnt at 01,500.
Me, Kirkby left the parish, but the
sward Wee never (mid. The curse woe
carried to the High wort, whiob has
)net clsolded that the award meet be paid
111 full,
BrItOlielti School Dottrel.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Pablio Bohol' Board was held in the
Board room on Friday evening. Pam.
bare present, D, 0. Roes, 3. G. Skein, W.
101. leinolair and Jae. Turnbull. The
minutes of the July regular meeting were
read aud paesed.
Au mount of 03 00 for printing was
premeted by Hy. Delion and it was
moved by J. G. 'Rene, emended by W.
M. Sinolair that it be paid. Carried.
ommaniestion from Miss Kate
Wilson was read asking for an increase
of 02e.00 in her eatery and it was moved
by W. M. Sinclair, seoonded by James
Turnbull that ?Aloe Wilson's salary be
ineremed by 025.00 p00000010 beginning
at Jan, In, 1906. Oerried.
Moved by 3. G. Slone, sec:coded by W.
Sinelair that the Board request the
Menial* Council of the Vi1111e 04
Brunets to provide by assortment the
sem of 01900 to pey the expeoses of the
wheel for the year 1904. Carried.
Moved by W. M. seconded
by jas. Turnbull that the Board borrow
0700.00 from the Standard Bank
for three mouths to pay present note and
salaries tor the quarter. Carried.
The Board then adjourned.
Construotion work on the Godertols
extension ig going merrily on. At El-
mira Mr. Piggott bee a large gang of
men and many 1013308 0! horses engaged
in grading and they are making setiefea.
tory promos. Ten mileo above Elmira
another gang of men are ab work with
pinks and steam shovels, and the con-
tractors are loaing no time. The work in
and around Guelph will start in a short
time. At the Goderich end of the line
operations are being carried on more
naively than elsewhere. The steam
shovel is now praetieelly at the spot
where digging operations will be started,
after a fortnight spent in taking it norm
the river and along the bank on the North
aide and e gang of men are engaged in
cutting out trees and burning oat heath,
etrimpe, no., on the bank along the pro.
*bed rotate of the 0. 1'. R. A. large
building, to be used as a blaokamith ebop,
tool room and nom room, has been put
op in a leeld on the bank and reagens,
oarts, etc., are there ready for use. Two
more steam shovels, a temple of pony
l000motives and fifty or Bixby oars have
been brought from Ottawa. About thee
dozen men are at preemat employed on
the work and by this time next week
double that number will probably be at
work. Major Joseph Beek it actively
engaged in looking atter the interests of
0011908.0900 Pigott, at the Goderiob end,
and is jest the wan for the job. Archie
Brander, of Elora'is foreman of the
grading gangs. Oontractor Pigott is now
settled at the "Maples," the Goderith
home of the late M. 0. Oanattron, 10
speaking of the diffienalties in starting, he
said that the railway engines, care and
additional steam shovels mnst arrive
amen the river before meth of the great
week aan be naked. The plant for the
work for the Goderieb end of the line is
worth over 070 000.
Back From Northern Ontario,
Tuesday of lest week S. R. Omar, 9th
Con., Grey, arrived home from a trip of
nearly three menthe as 0. member of a
earveying party in Northern Ontario,
There were 17 in the eompaoy, of which
W. H. Fairobild, Oivil Engineer, of Sim'
000, was Chief, hie two anietants being
Mr. Orerar and E. W. Walker, the latter of
Oaynga, Heedimand Go„ and their work
was the sub -dividing of the townships of
Gowan and German, From North Bay
they went West 150 miles to kletagama
from theetae by canoe op the Spanish
river, over the height of land and by the
Moore and Porcupine rivers to Night.
hawk Ince, the journey 0(over 200 ranee
oocupying 3 weeks, owing to porteges and
lugging of provisions, tents, &o. They
had a, peek with them and a good supply
of food wee eerved. Mosquitoes were
very annoying but black Aim were not as
industrious as 119118).
The land ie oovered very largely with
pulp wood which will simply the paper
0111)9 500 many a year. Son le noue too
good for 'agrioulturel purposes, rather
fiet and wimpy exoepting along the
eivere where it is good. Mr. Orem Bays
they did not see a white mem extlepb jag.
Miller, a Bootoltau, who 10 1-0 charge of
the Hudson Bay trading poet at Port
43.Iattagami, where he bag spent the pan
83 years His wife died long ago Red
he martini a egnaw. They have 15
children, They are 60 milee from any
white settlere. Mr. Millet oanoes his
store nook 80 miles end,doee quite a trade
with the Indians in fere, &e. Fort
Frederiok, on Home Lake, VMS eletted0c1-
ed some yeere einem The rivers are not
navigable exeepting for small netts It
is expected that the North Bay branob of
railway to top the Grand TIMM Patiflo
will run through this country and open it
Op to settlement, The road will bo
about 260 milee long.
There are a fete red deer in these wilds
with nutterotts moon, oariboo and beer,
Partridge, wild duck :and splendid fish
are to be found in abendanee. Pike is
the beet deli &engin there. Theta te
utuletbrneh of ettall growth that rather
interfered with inaking the travelling Very
eatry. There ie tittle rook to intet•
fere. The iterveyiug party had six tents
008 0! which was Utilized as Mahon,.
Beall man bad 1800 111(01(11038 and elept on
brush or browee. They did not reoeive
0003' (11011 03001300 until they got book 10
Fort Mattagami,
Mr. Orem enjoyed his outing although
he says so much paddling and portaging
in the early stage ot the trip vine tether
glxe goot gettv sox
By way of adding to the intermit of Out
weekly visite of 7'1111 POST 19 the vare int
bonaes we putout, for a few mettle, 31
ask the opinions 0( 1118 people on topieg
of interest. We solicit poet oard rtpuos,
not round the bush diseuselens hat unuo,
sheep ball's eye hitting respoidme t•f 1131)
to 200 wordo-the latter the otveHe limit.
The 2500 10 the writer wilt be itt 030:11.
oily &thong!) a nein de plume will 1.'o
accepted as a signature to the opinion
expressed. Will you take a hand 7
Qaestion 3-812ould women with the
necieseary property qualifieetion have a
Parliamentary vote 7
tiresome until they got their Muscle on.
"0 1 ;tentacle where are thy value 3"
would have been a very suitable (pout.
tion to open any deede proceedings whi.a
up there. The weather WAN flue during
their stay, however, eo that little time
was lost from aotive wok.
This Fall Mr. Omar will go bitok to
the Sobool of Seiencw, Toronto, and take
(031000 graduate amuse mad expeete to
graduate from the Univeratty next
Spring. 100021 Pose wiettes lahn 0000000
and hopes his bighest ambition will be
Presbytery of Maitlaud will meet next
Tuesday in Wiogham.
Next Sabbath evening Rev. john Roes,
aniclpitlev. T. W. Casette will exchange
More than one million pupils are en-
rolled in the Wesleyan Sunday golumle
of England,
Thursday evening of the week the
topic at the A. Y. 1'. A, of St. Joheei
church will be "The Good Shapberd."
Animal Harvest Home gerneee will be
held in St. John's church, Brasoele, next
Sunday at the metal boor. 0.00025013108
bas the work of deporating in hand.
Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., gave a Mission•
erg sermon in Melville ohurolt, Sabbath
morning last and selected preach•
ing in Samaria and the desert" itt the
night serviee.
"Burden Beariog" seas the theme 01
Rev. T. W. Conine Mt Sabbath morning
in the Methodist thumb and in the even-
ngof Oben 9" The disoourses were
pi etnhdei text e
thm was "What think e
The rain sterna last Sunday evening
militated aonsiderably against the mumm-
ery attendance at thumb. Peeple could
possibly have got oat ae meal had it been
a week day but 11 11 senameloat different;
on Sonday,
Every item of the report of the
statistioal Seoretary of the Presbyterian
Church in Unite/1 States shows advanee-
meat for the 31001 00020, The total number
of churches 10 7,683 ; of rainiatere, 7,762 ;
of 01,000 135000112000, 1,094,608. The con.
tribations !moaned to 017,706,718.
The offeriege for Oonnexional Furth/
in the Methodist eiburehee at 13rneetle
and Granbrook last Sunday 'mounted to
nearly 0100.00. TM amonnt will be
eapplemented by some who were abseet
from the evening service on tumonnt of
the rain so that the nun desired by the
Board shonid be attejnetl.
The union of the General and the Free-
will Baptists of the Maritime Provinces
having been simpted by tbe larger body,
there is a little don& of its 50000102.
03)300 at an ev.rly date. The oeneus givee
the total membership of the Baptist
bodies in tbe Province as 150,000, about
25,000 len then the Preebyteriane and
46,000 more than the Methodiets. Of
them the Free Baptrets number about
13neals Methodist olitiroh Heaven
11o300 08050008 will bo preached on Sab-
bath, at. 2nd, by Rev. a. 11. Oliver, nf
Listowel. The reverend gentleeian tea
deliver hie mob praised petriotio Lem
tare, entitled "MOM for the Flag or how
Britain saved the world," on Monday
evening tenoning. Bolos will 100 51080 I y
Mrs. (Rev.) Smith Baker, of Walton, amt
Mies Esteele Griffin, of Wingbam, and
patriotio 0110511900 by the choir.
A sohool for girls in Palestine hes
been carried on tor fifteen years at Rom-
allak, under the direation of the New
England Booiety of Friends. The pupils
are taken at the ege of eight and tee and
are taught in Arabic and English, and in
housekeeping, and also a oontee of
simple Bible training is given. The
school boa &bent forty pupils, and grad-
aatee nearly a dozen 00807 7800. AEI 11 10
found that the girls are setting in ad-
vance of tbe eohool, an effort is ting
made to organise a emitter gottool far
Atiangemente are being made for the
annual Bible Society campaign, A. union
tervioe will be held in Melville oburolt on
Sabbeth evening, Oet. 23rd, Rev, T. W.
Omens will give an address end Rev. Jno.
Ross and Mo. Powell will also helm put,
The meal servion in Ste John's oherth
tad the Methodist ohneoh will be with-
drawn that evening, Meetings will 9.190
be held at jenrestown, Roe's, Grenbrook
and Bethel at which addressee will he
given on the work of this great Society.
Due annenitoement will be made when
the dates ate Wiled upon and the list of
ettlada. BrItbeeilee
Society 10 well Worked, heartily supported
by the people mad ag 8 reenit is stemmed
by few.
A generator wait burned out at the
Toronto Railway Co'epowee•housta. Tim
1008 10 estimated et 040,000.
Ernest Gsrtung, the.defaulting organ's.
er for the Canadian Order of Voresterv,
was arreeted at 13rantfo0d,
The special committee of the Brent.
ford City Ootinotl deolded to reeenumpt
the constroation of a rouniolptut telephone
aystetn, at an estimated coat Of 087,000.
Private Joseph Tweenlev, 00 deportee
from Weleley Barraelte, London, Ont.,
'wag helmeted at Harrow. Ito admits
stealing Ttee horses and buggies in West.,
ern Ontario.