HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-8-11, Page 8SUMMER
.Foot Rest Powder
Foot EZ772
Citrate of Maj nesia
Phosphate of Soda
Tartaric agcid
Talcum, Powder
.Florida Water
'ra.0 itR08t31CLN po6T
NEEDS Standard Bank of Canada
Essence of .Rennet
Path Sponges
Ta12.¢Ze foot
.Fly Pads
Insect Powder
Q,i CYJ 9
If got at Smith's you can depend upon them being good.
ORANO TRU RAILWAY. MESSRS BARR &Beam shipped a oar of
hogs on Wednesday.
THE POST waote to publish the names
of your visitors. Send or hand thorn in
at this office.
OARETAxER MOLenoweret removed the
aoonmuletion from the sewer catch
basins thie week.
Therm are Goma Splendid vegetable
gardens iu Brussels and very few of them
expel Jno, G. Skene's.
BEDSSEL0 Fat( Fair will be held on
Thursday and Friday, Oat, 6 and 7. It
will be a boomer this year.
BRUSSELS Baud is billed to play at a
Garden party to be held on the lawn at
the Methodist parsonage, Walton, next
Monday evening,
A LADY'S brooch was found on Milt
street, The owner may have it by prov-
ing property and paying for this natioe
by catling at THE Poem.
Tea Iroquois Hotel, at Winnipeg, own•
ed by Messrs. O'Leary & Roche formerly
of Brussels, was damaged by tire last.
weep we hear. Pattionlare are not to
IN inward freight this week there was
a car of tile for Ronald MaNanghton and
a oar of bridge iron for Mr. Vanes, who
has a oonbraot ou the 12th coo, of Grey
FARAr Demeans' Esonreion will be run
to Manitoba and the Northwest on Tues-
day, Augese 28rd. The tare is 912.00.
Tickets are gond ae far ea Moose Jaw,
Estevan and Yorkton,
THE Brueeele Foot Ball beam ie arrang•
ing for a game with the Galt seniors for
Labor Day and if Ibis is eettled a day of
sports will likely be held on Victoria
Park bete, Watch out for further Far-
A pew from this locality paid Blyth a
visit on Wednesday the day set apart for
the Maio holiday of our neighbor. The
appearaooe of rain deterred othere who
were contemplating spending the after.
noon there.
Tins week W, H. MoOraoken and W.
Martin are away at Toronto attending
the Grand }lodge of Odd Fellows, as
representatives of Western Star Lodge,
Brands, No. 149 They are old members
of the 8
link fraternity yet continue to
manifest no email interest in the work of
the Order.
Tam POST reoetved this week the
prospectus of the Dover, New Hampshire
Benneee College of which eloIutoeh Bros.
are proprietors, One of the firm is E, D.
Molntoab who formerly taught public
school in this locality. We wish them
e000Bea In their field and from what we
have beard they are doing a good work,
FINED, -Last week Jas. Kerby, of
College are a veritable (gold mine 'for the Belmore, was fined $20 tine ousts for
Grand Trunk during the month of Jane, violabiou of the Statute in selling liquor
on Sunday. Roth. Rose, J. P., of Gorrie,
was the elagietrate. Io,peobor Miller
was the proaeonbor and be ie now after
the bait dozen who are oharged with
being violators on the same occasion by
Thirty members of Western Star
Lodge I. 0. 0. Ie„ Brussels, attended the
tonere! of M. Roberteou, of Wingham,
0o Sunday afternoon, He was killed on
Friday. Mr. Robertson was a brother.
iu•law,fof Mrs. R. Mainprize, of Brost
eels, and was a member of Wingham
Odd Fellows' Lodge. Es had attended
the annual decoration of graves of Oddt
Fellows in Wingham 0emetelry on Thure•
day evening.
Two rinks of Brussels bowlers are ab
Goderioh this week attending their
second annual tournament, Cue rink is
oompoeed of T. Farrow, A. Coseley, H.
James and D. 0, Rees, skip and the other
of C. H. Broadfoot, A, B. MacDonald,
Dr. Field and Jac), Fergasoa, skip,
Tournament opened on Tuesday with
thirty four rinks on the lawn and was a
deoided aaooesa,
me ae a
little nuttiness surprise on Weduseday the
foot that Ben. Dark had disposed of hie
livery baro and entire outfit to George L.
Walker, bores dealer of this town. The
purobaser took poeeeeaion on Wedoeeday.
Mr. Dark was a very agreeable gentleman
to deal with and the people of Brunie
will be pleased if he seee hie way clear to
remain iu town, Mr. Walker has bad a
wide acgaaintanoe with horse -flesh and
will no doubt keep everything in the
same tidy order oharaoterietio of Mr.
Dark. THN Pass: wishes him snooees,
Teeing leave Brunie Station, North
ani South, as follows
GOING Solna •GoIgo Noreen.
Mall one mm 1 Mixed 9:90 a,m
Maxed 1210 a.m Mail.. ......1:20 pan
Express 818 p.m Express - 8:35 p.m
rural Reivs Items.
A ohiel'e amang ye bakir' notes,
Ant faith he'll prenti4.
Tag Poem gives the news.
PECULIAR SuarAIER weather.
OAT harvest is abont ready.
Samoa Board Friday evening,
BUELL Public eoboole reopen next
Fttos, Monday night but not numb
damage done.
Ramon Gaye a wedding ie on the pro
gram in Bruesele.
Font oars of Balt were shipped this
week from Braseele,,
25 GENTS in advaooe gets Tan Poem to
Jao, let, 1905. Don't borrow any more.
A age of bogs and 2 care at cattle have
been sent to the market this week by A.
0. Dames.
Typo is the great medium between
buyer sad seller. Use it liberally and
prelate will be oorreepondingly great.
Tag Toronto papers say that the
results of the matriealation and leaving.
ezeminatione need not be expected until
the end of August.
A GOODLY number of Brnaeelitee have
served tbeir apprentioeehip during the
past few weeks in raspberry pinking.
The Drop was bountiful in a good many
We wall give Tns Bausemte Pose and
Weekly Globe the balance of the year to
New subscribers for 45 oents, Tbie ie one
of the beat otubbing uffere Tug Poem has
eves aivertiaod.
In the Base bell match at Blyth, on
da between
Y.W tram and ea
Detroit team the latter won in a -aloes
contest by one run. Wingham held the
lead until the 9th innings,
Tag returns are to hand for the
Farmers' Excursion along the W. G. &
B. to the Model Farm 'net Jerre. There
were 981 adult passengers and 72 child.
ren took the trip, 1058 in all. The G. T.
R. gob 91001 85 as their share and the
soobeliee interested 9262 60. Tbese ex-
cursions- to the Ontario Agrionitural
The outing to a popular one nobwithetand•
tag the faot that the inauguration took
plates a good many years ago.
BAND GARDEN PARTY -A very imamate
fol Garden Party was held on the fine
and well kept lawn at the (tome of Jno,
Mooney, West of Brawls, on Tuesday
evening last. The following program
wee rendered :-Band eebeotion ; solo, J.
Leslie Harr; solo, Mies Hiugston ; Band
eele0tion ; solo, Blies Spence ; solo, R.
J. MoLauoblin ; solo, Mise Cardiff ; Band
eeteation ; eoio, Mies Ocoper ; refresh.
menta ; Band 0000ert. Oheir was cm
espied by M. H. Moore. The flnanaiai
proceeds were about 925,00, The Band
lake this opportunity of expressing their
thanks to Mr. and Mre. Mooney for the
ase of their lawn, &a., and also thank all
who took part in the program or assisted
in any way.
Hvxgasaen.-Al the home of the bride's
Lather, Lueknow, on Wednesday fore•
noon of this week, the matrimonial bow
WAS lied between J. F. Greenway, a well.
to-do grain merchant Of Crystal City,
Manitoba, nephew to Mre. (Rev.) Holmes,
of Blyth,
and Mies ea Gil
, Belle, o e
an et
daughter of Traemag Smith, formerly of
Grey township, The ceremony was
performed by Rev, W. A. Smith, B. D
of Luoknow, aesisted by Rev. E, V.
Smith, of Stockwell, Indiana, brothers of
the bride, and Rev. R. Millyard, of Luok.
now. After hearty congratulations had
been tendered luncheon wee served and
the happy twain left on the afternoon
train for a wedding tone to St Louie and
other American cities; before going to
their home in Manitoba. The many old
friends Of the bride in this locality will
be a unit in extending good wishes for a BRUSSELS LEADS. -A wall oontested
happy and prosperous future, game of Tennia was played here lust
MAcotRExe.-The Supreme Tent of the Friday afternoon against Wingham.
Maooabese, in session at Detroit, have Brussels won 4 and lost 2 events. The
Fettled the rate question. By the new following is the esore :-Cameron and
plan the present members can remain ae Mellish, Bruseele, won from Doyle sod
DOW without obarge until they are 54 Wilson, Wingham, 7-9, 6-4, 6-8 ; Fax
yeare of age, when they take a level rate and Sinclair, Bruasele, won from Conway
of 98 per month for life, oe they can on and MoGuire, Windham, 6-4, 6-2 ; Oam•
application be planed on a full life rate Bron won from Doyle, 6-4, 0-6, 6-11 t
made from the fraternal oo0grese tables Siuelair won from MoGnirs, 6-2, 6-1 ;
50 the ate of entering, The two Mellish lost to Wilson, 4-6, 4-61 Fox
Optiouo are batted on the same experience lost to Conway, 6-4, 1-6, 0-2, A return
And are reoommended by eminent seta, mato% was played in Wingbam on Tues.
arias e9 ade`quate for all time. Under day afternoon. After a very hard game
*hie arrangement no member will be re- the match reanitad in a draw, 8 to 8.
goired to pay in expose of $8 a month The score wag l -Cameron and Mellish
rate, and all old members San take as won from Doyle and Wilson, 5-7, 6-4,
meob lower rate ae their age of entry will 6-8 i Fox and Sinclair won from Conway
entitle them to. This plan was adopted and Gifford, 6-8, 6-8 ; Oanmeon won
practically antnimottsly The Motion from Doyle, 5-7, 7-5, -2 ; Fox lost to
of of$0ere book place and D. P. IMtarkey Conway, 1-6, 6-1, 4-6 ; Sinelaie loot to
Was nnaoimoaely re•eleatod Soprame Gifford; 5-7, 6-8 ; Mellish lost to Wilson,
Oommander, '17r. L. E Sigler, of Akron, 8-6, 8-6. The Brnoeele players speak in
4, Nae elemed Bemeeme Bettor(' Beeper, the highest tome of the kindneei shown
lie will reside in Pokt Haeob, them by the Wingbam Blab.
f7,=-'AS72.ixS23aa 1.1372
TOTAx. ASSETS OVER l0,oto,o00
A. 0. eau earaf 13 anat. lea air Ila el tklue:rwe GreeetesF4a tested.
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on whioh
ie added to emanate every six months and beoomee prinoipal.
-MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposita without the intervention of any person,
only for which leo charge is made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oareful and courteous attention,
DAN. FULTON ie off duty this week ow•
ing to the development of a felon upon
the thumb of hie left hand. We hope he
will soon be 0. k, '
THE dog poisoner ie at work again in
Bruasele and oadines belonging to D. A.
Lowry, Thoe, Neweome, J. U. Took and
others were the viotlms.
THE tool and lorry house in connection
with the G. T. R„ Braeaela section, will
be removed from its preeeat Zonation to
bbe Eastern end of the yard.
WAi. FORREST handed Tax . PosIr a
eample stalk of Irish nate, the seed 0f
which he brought from the Old Oountry
last Fall. 1,5 measured 51 feet.
MARaIxo.-A few weeks ago Rev. John
Roes, B, A., tied the matrimonial knot
between Thomae Ballantyne and Pare.
John Grewar, both old residents of Brae.
eels. They will make their home at Mr.
Balieobyne'e residence, attach street.
A BROKEN HEART eo0ial will be held in
the School room of Brussels Methodist
oburoh on Mouday evening, 22nd inet„,
under the aaspioes of the Epworth
League. Arrangements are being made
for a ob"ice mueioal and literary pro
gram of which further particulars will be
given next week,
Rens BnoxsN.-Wednesday afternoon
as a Dumber of sightseers were taking in
the bee° ball match at Blyth and stand•
ing in a dangerone position behind the
catcher, R. N. Barrett, of Wiogham, re.
oeived a oraok from the ball that damaged
a couple of hie ribs. We nope he will
soon be o, k.
J. B. Lama, Provincial Auditor of
munioipal a000nnte, states that 100 in.
epeotions have been made already this
year, He does not think that this reoord
indicates any increase in dishonesty
among muuioipal treaearere or even an
increase of enepioion against them, but
merely indioatee that the councillors are
getting more oareful.
A GREAT Somoot.-The attendance at
the Central Business College of Stratford,
Ont., bas been greater this year that
ever before and the good work of plaoiog
a large number of students in good
positions sash year goee on auooessfully,
W. J. Elliott is Preeidenb of the oellege
and D. A. MoLaoblan is the Principal.
Write to the college fora oabalogne. The
Fall term opens Bept. 8th.
STALLION PDaoaseen.-Tho
Laughlin, the well known loos; h
has parohaeed Monbar, the we n
road t 1 '
stet e a lion from John oh Bateman,
Mount Brydgee, at a good t
The horse is blank in oolor and i e
of some fast ones. Alfred Bee d
hie Kaplan oolt to Mr. Batemar s
purchased two likely colts from.
Lauoblin. "Monbar" was broughto
Bruasele on Thuraday of this wee
Wrnoatu Rkso.-The annual
of races on the track in Wingham1
take plane on Wednesday and
of next week. First day there w
2 40 trot or pane ; a 2,25 trot or
a 2 19 trot or pane, On Thera e
card will show three events, a 2 2
and 2.15 trot or pane. Trott
allowed 4 eeooade. Hobbles
Robert Beattie ie the President a .
E. Sing the Seoretary.
A o0LRnnswxn physician on bei
viewed said, "The market is flood
'forced' fruit, and I attribute. the
Moralise in cholera morbus to t
bination of bot weather, toe water
other fruit artifioially ripened.
abed oases the freah vegetables
blamed, but a great majo"'rity of tl
oao be traded to indiscretion in di
particular reference to fruit and
exoeee105 rise Of 10e water,
ehould be extremely carate' in
oversight of what children eat an
in Sommer. In 'delta who are
to long continued mental or
strain, diarrhoea is a very serious
ter and may readily prove' fatal.
is comfort aud safety in a eons
mac Me
11 know
all prce
e the sire
Beaker sol
l add has
Mr. Mc
will be a
pane and
Therm -lay th
28, 2 2
ere are
and Geo
ng inter
ed with
the nom
In iso!•
may be
the Dass(
et with
to the
d drink
mat -
POST is pleased to report that the Bros.
eels bowline rink skipped by the well
D. O. Rose
was 51100005.fel in landing beTrophy at the Guderiob
tournament this week. The winning
quartette ME made np of T. Farrow, A,
0ouetey, H. James and D. 0. Roes. In
the first day's play they beat Charlie
Kdeohtel's rink, of Wingham, and the
Bert rink, of Soatorth, Nesb day, the
genial O'Oonosll'e trundlers, of Goderieh,
had to step down and oab and Dr,
Hunter's rink of the same town also met
with diameter, For the final battle R. B.
Rays, of Beaforth, was direotor of sere.
monies against our viotore but the men
of the North asserted their prowese and
took the trophy with flying colors, The
prize oonsiets of 4 opera glasses valued
at 912 each. Whether the elating will
be worn on the wateb•gnarde of the
vietore we have not learned but the bowl-
ers not able to visit the Co. town Were
gratified at the result. Our other rink
did not fare so well as after wincing a
few gamee they had to take a boob seat.
However we can't have the earth we
eoppose, A few of the bowlers arrived
borne on Wedoeedny night while the
others remained to take a band at the
doubles and singles, There watch 84
rinks, or 186 players in attendance and,
burring the weather for part of Wednee.
day, all had a good time, London,
Stratford, Guelph, Galt, Mitchell, Sea.
forth, (Muerte, Exeter, Wingham, Rene.
eels and Goderiob were among the planes
repreeenbed Upon the green, The
MoDouggall rink, winner of the 'Trophy t
at the LOnden tournament was repro. d
earned by its skip, Another year we p
hope to gee a tadrnament held', town,
DON'T Mo'ILATo SoLvxn,-A few weeks
ago au order was issued from Ottawa
disoontinuing the redemption of any
matrleted silver coin, or coin worn
smooth, or coin that had aooidentally
been injured. In Toronto the otber day
a man offered a eilvor half dollar with
three lettere etempad on one side, ae
legal tender, but 000u the departmental
stores turned op their noses at it. There
is no legislation for the redemption of
silver ooin. In England they make an
appropriation wben required for the re•
deneption of worn coin, but when once it
is issued in Oanada it is the property of
the publbo and the government be not
further reeponeibls for it, Silver ie only
legal tender for 910, and it is a felony to
deface the coin, and a taigdemeanor to
oiroulete.it when 80 defaced. Any one
found doing So is liable to floe and im•
prix:ament. 'ries only redress you can
get is to have the person arrested who
gave you the ooin. If you try to pave it
you are liable to prosecution. All paper
money is redeemable, no matter how
dirty or wore or tattered it may he se
long as the number is on it.
Business Locals.
A NotsaEo of second hand organa for
sale Or t0 rent. LEATnEaDALE & Sol,
Hameoxe for Bale, also oombined hay
and stock rnoke with double box, Call
and see them. Ewatt & Co.; Braeaela.
To THE PDario.-If you wieh to have
lawn mowers put in first olaes order you
sae have same done at a reasonable flNora
by T. MoGregor, eiii1 street, Brueeele.
Oneonta pin with pearls and opal
setting, lost Saturday evening in Brae.
sole. Finder will greatly ob,ige by leav
ing it at THE PcoT as early as possible.
Goan ring lost at Kincardine on the
day of the S, S. excursion at the pavilion
on the Park. It has 7 stone eebtiogs.
The owner will be greatly obliged if it is
retarded to THE PoST,
BLAUGHTEn BALE. -We are positively
slaughtering many desirable waist and
dross lengths enitable for street and
evening wear. Ask any of the ladies who
nava been here from the surrounding
!owns it they are not just as above.
G. E. KING, Wiogham•
People We Talk About.
Obsel:e Zilliax, of Listowel, is visiting
in town.
Harvey Willis, of Seaforbh, is visiting
at B. Gerry'a.
B, les Su 1', of Pelmerstoo, spans
Sunnite in town.
Ubae. Broadfoot was visiting in Sea.
forth for a few days.
Mise Merie Gerry• If Blyth, le visiting
relatives1iVee in
Robert and Mrs. Henderson spent
Sunday io Wiagbnm.
B. sod Mrs. Gerry were visitors in
Blyth on Wednesday.
Roy Toughen, of Trowbridge, is visit.
ing with Harry Moore.
Mre. R. N, Barrett, of Wingbam was
visiting her mother iu Bresnan.
Mrs.•Waiter Jaokson is making a visit
with old friends at St, Marys.
Frank Stratton, of Belgrave, ie holt.
laying with friends at Broseele.
Robert Oliver is renewing old friend•
ships at Stratford and Shakespeare,
Mies Ada Gardiner, of Mo$illop, is
visiting with Mee Eva Gitpiu thie week,
Mrs. E, 0, Lowry is visiting relatives
at London and Port Huron for a few
Mies end Blaster Adams, of Strattord,
are holidaying at le, Adame, their uncle,
Mill street.
Mise Rabat= Spence, of Ethel, wag a
visitor with Mise Jean MoLanohlin for a
few days
8. Y, Taylor, Mrs. Taylor and children,
of Paris, are visitors with Gee. Crooke
and fumily,
Ca hilt arrived home lost
from a trip to Calgary where be hoe a
eon residing.
N. B., Mrs. Gerry and daughbere, of
Blyth, were calling ou relatives io Bru-
nie last Sunday.
Joseph Carter, wife and family, of
Goderioh, ware vieitiog Jno. and Mre.
Carter for a few days.
John and Mre. Oarter are beck from a
8 weeks' visit with 'Vetiver; and friends
at Auburn and Goderioh.
Mrs. Hoerao and Mrs. Cornish, of
Mitobell, are here on a visit, They visit.
ed a4 Bluevale on Monday.
Reeve and Mre, Ferguson, of Teee•
weber, are enjoying a holiday with
relatives and friends iu Beagoele and
J. Letitia Kerr, of (his town, will be
one of the vooaiiets at a 0000ert to be
held in Kincardine Friday evening of
this week.
Olaronoe,Beeped son of Harvey and
Mrs, Ham, of Looknow, formerly o!
Weenie, bail taken a positionin the
Siddle bank in I,uoknow,
Garfield Busker is home from Toronto
for a few woeke' holidave before entering
Nupon his 0oaree in the Ootarie College of
atmaoy. He ehoeld do well.
Mre, PI, B, Oreigilton, Mre. W, H.
Kerr, Mies Carrie Hingeton, Rev. J. E.
Hunter end others are at Kincardine Elie
week attending the Bummer School.
James 7lernbdil has been taking en.
oroed holidays owing to a partially
'Babied leg that has bothered him on
revi0ne o00atione. We hope be Will
con be folly restored,
1.):LE mET
Ai70. 11, 1VO4
PoLernrt AK Luxurjous
CAPITA f. -Pi id up $1,000,000
IIEoSIERYki FUND e e $1,000,000 40
REV, R. E. WARDEN, D. D, S. J, M00100,
Preafeent, Viee•Preeident,
T 08, BRADSHAov, 1 LA, ma notion AIR. w, nommen GLARE, 31.0, D. x, a'NOAreort, at, 0.
W, D, ).1089 - - GENERAL MANAGER
Drafts Bought and Sold, T'artners' Notes Disaonnted,
Sarixt s Owes' iPa aierrt4'I,ti`J47T
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all some of 91 and apwarde
A. B. HELLISH, Manager.
Mies Orme Gerry is visiting at Wi
Mies Annie Gordon bas been holidaying
at Seaforth,
Mee. F. Bailee, spent laeb week with
Sunshine friends,
Mies Cora Ball is away for a holiday
with friends at Atwood.
James Stewart, of Woodstook, was a
visitor at W. F. Stewart's,
(Oise Kate Gaynor, who was away for a
visit, has returned home.
Mise Minnie MoOall was visiting at
Blyth during the past week.
Norman MoGuire is home from Paris
for a holiday of a week or ate.
Mee. W. W. Harris and obildren are
visiting at Rothsay and other points.
Miss Mildred Soots and mule were
visitors with Sealortb friends last week.
Thos. MoLauohlinand Alfred Backer
were at London on Wednesday of thie
Mise Hattie Rogers is visiting under
the parental roof, She holds a position
in Toronto,
Mre. J. H. Crocker and daughter, of
Buffalo, N. Y., are visitors with relatives
nod friends here.
G. L., Mrs. Walker and son Harvey
were away to Riveredale oombiniog bald-
ness and pleasure,
Mre. Robert Fox and Mise Nellie left
on Wednesday afternoon on a holiday
outing with Galt friende,
Mrs. Joseph Jamieson, of Egmondville,
and children are visitors with George and
Mrs. Miller, Tarnbnry street.
Mrs. Fletcher Sperling and Wyman
are vieitieg relatives and Mende at Carl•
ingford, St. Marys nod other places.
Mica Nina Rogers and Mies Kilgcnr, of
Monet Forest, are visitors sr George
Bogen', Frederick street, Bruasele.
Mrs, T. Farrow aaoompanied Hr.
Farrow to Goderioh this week and is
enjoying a holiday visit in the 00, town.
Mrs, Robert Roee and children, of Sim
oardine, are holidaying with relatives
and friends in Brussels and locality.
Mr. Roes ie attending the Odd Fellows'
Grand Lodge at Toronto as the repre-
sentative from Kincardine Lodge.
Mrs, P. D. McKinnon and daughters
Florence and Genioe, of Winnipeg, and
Mies Pauline McEwen of Tbesealoo,
Algoma, arrived in town on Thuraday
morning They Dame by boat to
$inoardine Weduesday evening and will
spend a week or so here,
Mrs. Joe. Ritchie and daughter, Mise
Margaret, of Deokerville, Michigan, are
visiting 0. and Mrs. 3itobie, Brunetti,
and other friends. Mrs, Ritchie has
not been here for 25 years although a
former resident of Morrie township. Mr.
Ritchie ie a brother to Mr. Ribobie, of
John street.
n- D6.A.R.RI D,
GsEoNway-BAirrff -Io Lecknow, at lbs
borne of the bride's father, by Rev.
W. A. Smith, B, D., waisted by the
Rev. E. V, Smith, of Stockwell,
Iudbano, Mr. J. F. Greenwayof
Crystal City, Mau., to Mies Belle,
youngest daughter of Mr. Trueman
Smith, formerly of Grey township,
RAAI500-WILLIAArooN -In Grey, on
Angost 2nd, by Rev. Mr. Baker, Mr,
Hogb Ramsay to Mimi Eliza, dough.
ter o1 Mr. Thinner' Williameon, all of
Grey township.
Monday afternoon of this weal( James
Onthill, of Brueeele, left for lMIontreal,
where be took the Allan steamer, Pre.
torian, for Glegow an Wednesday. He
was tioketed by W. H. Kerr, the loom'
agent. Mr. Outhill will be away for a
few menthe and will visiterelativee and
Mende in the home land. We wish him
an enjoyable time.
The Blyth Standard says :-Rev, J.
Holmes has been granted a month's
vexation by the offloinl board of the Blyth
Methodiet (limit, The venation will be
anent at pointe in eonth western Ontario.
Next Sunday and the Sunday following
the pulpit of Blyth Methodist oburob
will be 000apbed by Rev. W. E. Kerr,
pastor of Blenheim Mebhodiet ebneob.
The emall•pox epidemic in the Tornio.
kaming district is etamped out.
Three barbendere on lake eteamehips
were fined 9100 each for illegal selling.
Ald. D, el. Ferguson, of Stratford, re.
turned Thursday night from hie anneal
trip to Europe. He was absent seven
weeks amending most of the time in Eng.
land. He wig in Germany, however, ten
days, the longest visit be ever made in
that aoantry. He had a most profitable
beakless trip, which left him little time
for eigbb•seeing. He sbatee. that times
are not at all good in England. They
ver bard but
for comments
Japan. The hard times, howevee,
are very good for buyers, who can almost
make their own prices. Is thinks Eng-
land is farther from the preferential
polios of Chamberlain than she wag
twelve montbe ago, Ald, Ferguson was
in England at the sinking of the Knight
Ommander, The excitement there watt
very great. He says that Canadians,
however, are taking a keener interest in
the war in the Beet than either Beitiehere
orrmane and that there ie more spade
give it in the Canadian press esu more
dismission on it, Perhaps tea most pleas.
ant part of bis trip was the return voyage
which was made on ibe B. Baltic,
White Star line, the largest steamship in
the world ne it is about one eighth of a
mile in length. Among those on board
were Charlee M. Schwab, late president
of United Staten steel trust. Mr. Fer-
guson found him a very pleasant
enameling man, The voyage Iron
days. ngtown Aid. to
Fe guson rwent York n threatd eight
Muskoka, where bis family are Bumbler.
Ing, tbenoe to Stbablord,
APlORa,7 -
ALLA1,-At Wroxeter on Ang, 8rd, bo
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Allan, a eon.
Ginsom,-At Wroxeter on Jaby 804h, to
Mr, and Mre, John Gibeon, a eon.
KAINIt-In Whibeobttrob,on Aug. 7, to
Rev, 0. 0, and Mrs. Klino, a dangle.
Satan, -In Lnoknow, on July 271h, to
Rev, W, A, and tike. Smith, a
_MAW TA' ^-'ST• cam. ;-.%oo _'r.'T T'_S
Fall Wheat 87 88
Barley 85 87
Peas 55 60
Oats 25 80
Butter, tube and rolls.,,, 12 19
Eggs per dozen 14 16
Rayper ton 0 00 0 00
Flo, per cwt 4 00 5 00
Potatoes per bus 60 60
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25
Salt, per bbl., retell 1 00 70
Hoge, Live 6 25 5 25
Wool 17 18
S. 8. No.1, Turuborry ; male or frmnlo
bolding First or Second Oleos aertiHaute ;
references requested. Duties to eommenoe
August leth if possible.
5.1 Wroxoter, Seo,.Treas.
kJ rens of the undersigned, Lot 1.9,00n 1.
Grey, on or about August 9th, three white
pigs. Owner is requested to prove proper-
ty, pay expenses and bake them away.
ORO, J1111NB1'ON,
54 Jameetewa.P.o•
BALK. -It consists of aPouloss Separ-
ator, a New Hamburg Regina `and a Maple
Leaf grinder. All :in good repair, Terms
easy Jur a quick sale. For further particle.
lure as to price, &c., apply to ELIJAH
PRASE, Lot 9, Con. 9, Morrie, Sunshine
P.O. 4.2
You will appreciate a good
Hammock those days and'i
there are a lob of I'Iafnmoclf
days yet to come. We have
a very nice variety of them,
ranging in price from 75e.
to $'2,50.
Drug Store
J red In actor, with white spot on tel'
side behind shoulder; horns aro a ltttl:
course, Strayed from Lot 29, 000 9, Me'
rip, on Tgesday evening. July 5th. Any In..
formation loading to its recovery will bo
thankfully roaoived,
TRUE, H. BOLGER, Walton P, 0,
Lot 21, (Ion. 5, Morris, 0ouubv of Hur-
on. Goodfarm ; brick house with 9 rooms •
bank taro ; stone stable; good orchard of
applo, plum and oharryy trees; plenty of
water, 1 wells at the building(' and spring
creek across the eonter of lot • wood for a
number 0f years; forma cedar and wire ;
'Serrate of tile drain ; good garden • 40 acres
of grass. Peris 1} miles West of Braseele.
Would take a house stud 10t du payment If
worth 4000 or 51000, Reason for selling old
ago. Por price and terms apply to JAMES
8HARP, laments P.O. 441
Voters' List, 1904.
einnlulpnllly of the Township of Morrie. '
Notice is hereby given that 'have trans.
witted or delivered to the persons mention.
ed iu sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters'
List Act, the copies required by such section
bo bo so tranemlttod or delivered, of the Hat,
made pursuant to gate Act, of all persons
appearing by the last revised Aeeooemeut
Roll of the said Municipality to be ontitled
to vote in the said MuolelpPal,ty at eloobious
for womb's' s of the Legislative Amiably,
and at afm:folpal . Elections, and that the
said list wan first posted uo in my office, at
Morris, on the 8th day of Augoat, 1804, and
romaine them for lnspaotiou. Electors are
milled upon to examine the Bald list, and 11
any omissions or any other errors are found
therein, to take Immediate prooeedbuge to
have the said errors corrected according to
law. WM. OLARR,
Dated at Morrie, Auau<t 8th, 1904.
"The Pesti,
will be sent to New Sub-.
scribers on a Trial Trip
from now until January
lst, 1905, for the small
sum of
The Postand the Weekly Globe
will be combined for the
same period for 45 Cents.
The earlier you take advantage of
these offers the bigger the Bargain you
receive, hence the prominence we give to
the announcement,
Reduced rates also for other leading.,
paper's. Call'or Write
W. H. E