HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-8-11, Page 5d
AUG. 11, 1904
And when up Ira 121m or
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a— '
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T01•til opens April 11th, 1904
Two Coarses—
0omm0roial and Bhorthaud.
6endfor0ullege Journal.
A. L. Mo1N ?YliE, Manager,
oeut, F. R. SCOTT, Brussels.
Y Y • Ieener of Marriage Lioenaoo. 01-
1100 at Grocery, Turnberry succi, Aruseols,
J— nnnel0NED has several good Farms for
Dale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F S. BCOTT,Brassel
0. O. W.
Court Prinaene AlexaUdria, No.24, C.C. F.,
Bruneo's meets iu their Lodge Room, Blas -
hill Block, on the Sud mod last Tuesdays of
each month, at8 o'oloak. Visiting brethren
always welcome, JAB. 131.71OGLr88. 0. It,
Issuer of' Marriage Licenses,
a>zvssazs, ONT.
Offioa over Hot•sley's Drug Btaroru,
Nov, Ord, 1902. 30.3m Ben°l8.
Wellington Mutullil
Fire Insurance Co.,
XBTADL1000D 1840
Insurance taken on the cash and premium
1h Maur -
00 elsewhere, ccurrent
ll ou thrates.
un ersigned Agent
of the Company. -
G11:011011 ROGERS, Brussels.
• Ban, win sell for better prl000, to
better men in lees time and loss chargee
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
ho won't oharge anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Rales arranged for
at the office of Tea POST, Brussels. 221f
• Honor 0raluam of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, i8 prepared to treat all 410 -
eases of domesticated animals in a oompet-
eatmanner. Partimrlar attention paid to
Veterinary lleutletry. Calla promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et., 1(teasels.
8arrieter, Solicitor, Notary, Eto.
Sneemeor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan-
. dard B auk, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro.
polite!' Back.
V • Barrister, Solicitor,+Conveyancer,.
NotaryPublic, &o. Office—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
psounroOT, HAYS & BLAIR---
W. P1000Dx00T,111. .. Bum.. 0. Mom
Of loee—Those formerly oeospiod by Mama
Cameron & Holt,
001111101011, ONTAItI0.
M. la, C. M.,
Trinity University,Fellow Trinity Medioal
College, Member College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal 001•
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery, Edinburgh, tarTolephoue No.14,
Reeilienoe—M111 street, Brussels.
DR. R. P. FEIf:.D,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and Firet•elaes Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. 00108
.next 00 Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Fall on Torm oSept.6th -
. , Ps Ss tP
)%fly CEN RAL
LIt pays to get a business odu,lation 71
, and 11 pay° to get it in our oohool, W
Out attendance this year has been theg largest iu Ebb history of this college.
We have placed more 06(140nte fn
9oeltions Mile year than in any prey- r
00110 year. Write for maguiltoont q
W,1., Elliott, President. a
L. A. McLachlan, Principal, it
Wo, the undersigned, agree to raise oho
('110001 hor0o.ohne1ug to 124o, for 0ottlue
and Ole, for now oboes, owing to the advance]
in the 1(x1010 01 material, eta, Thl, gees luto
farce ou Monday. Juno lath, 1041,
g by
P 0T.
1?,, Roommates 1l NON,
R- t I'1,ntf. E1,1 M°1,90102, N,
'lune, PLLL,'0x, Uzo. Eamnun,
Joon Ponnr;dr, Jens Eon sena.
ii)t5trIrt , e) h. •
Pees -ova ortis.
About 80 pbo000 were burned out in
town 110 0130 result of a recent storm.
G. B. Soott, more familiarly known as
"Grogan," is removing from Toronto to
Ohiongo, where he will reside in future.
Mies Kate Broadtoot, of Stratford,
a000mpanied by Jack, Annie and Mar.
guret Pringle is vieitiue Mre. J. H.
Mies Beatrioe Scott, who ie home from
Brandon for holiday°, had the misfortune
to sprain her ankle one day recently. We
are pleased to say she ie reooverly nicely,
Dr. MuKay, Geo. Baldwin and A. D,
Sutherland have returned atter a pleas
out tHp to Now Ontario. They were
greatly pinged with the new country and
report all old Soaforthitee ale doing well,
The !tell Engine Co. last weep shipped
a 20 horse power trsotion engine to New
Hamburg ; a similar one to Waterloo,
and delivered an 18 horee power traction
engine and separator to the Murray
Byndloate, North of Seatorth.
Frank Sheller wee the viotim of a bad
0ooident at N. Oluff & Boneplaning mill.
While working he had the mietortuue to
have hie right hand caught in a rapidly
revolving circular saw. One of the
fingers was out completely cff and several
others badly out.
Mre. Wm. Doig and children left on
Tuesday morning of Met week for Barrie
to visit Mre. John Minoan before return.
ing to their home in Bt, John,
J. S. and Mre. Found and two danghtere
lett last week for a trip to Vancouver, 13.
0., where .they wilt spend soma time
Oohing Mrs. Found's sister, Mre. R. 0.
Mrs. Thos. Barry, Mrs. Jae. Barry and
daughter and T. and Mrs. Saye all of
Mooeejaw, N. W. T., are visiting John
Stewart and other Mende in Wig vicinity
at present.
Thos. Vittie, of town, parohooed the
100•sere farm of Henry Young, of the
12th con., for $8,400. He will take pee
8000100 011 Oct. let. Mr. Vittie diepoeed
of his property (0 town to Riohard
Mre. Matthew Hunter and daughter, of
Toronto, are at present the guests of R.
Deaehman end wife, Orange Hill. It will
be remembered shot Mr. Hunter formerly
000apied the farm now owned by John L
Wilton bot removed, several yeare ago, to
Poro 1Dlglu where he lived for eoveral
years and afterwards moved to Niagara.
on•the•lake where be purchased a large
fruit farm and having accumulated con•
sidereb'e wealth be purohaoed a fine
100(18009 in Toronto where he expecte to
end his days.
*Yen seta'.
Another effort will be made to start
the Band.
The Council voted $15 to sestet in
street watering.
T. Berry sent two horses for exhibition
at Brandon Fair, Man.
Maly. Stoneman left for Toronto, where
he hoe seoared a poeition,
A camber of Muncey Reserve Indians
arrived here to engage in flax pulling,
John Shepherd threshed hie wheat tbe
yield being at the rate of 25 boghele per
Ike Buchanan has returned to town
and has taken a poeition in Albert Mo.
Brien'° harness shop.
G. 0. Petty has di0poeed of hiobulober
ing bntinese to Mr. Shaffer, of Zurich,
who moved to !own on Tuesday and tools
up reeidenoe in the Petty Blook.
At the Donnell meeting a motion was
plumed by which that body is pledged to
a.nume the public library and make it it
tree one, provided the Board secure eufli
°lent funds to pay all indebtedueee up to
the end of the your.
The cellar be being dug for W. Oolwill'a
new residence on Oxford et. The cement
foundation of the Queen'e hotel ie being
pushed rapidly and almost oompleted.
The brickwork will be commenced im•
mediately. D. Urquhart is hauling the
material for the first story of hie store.
house. Mr. Taylor has not aommenoed
work oo hie new residence.
131 v elle.
Wednesday woo BIytb'e civic holiday.
Quarterly services woo oonduoted in
Blyth Methodist church on Sunday
There were 20 tickets Bold at Blyth
station for the Sunday aobool excursion
to Kinonrdine.
Dr, and Moe, N. J. Tait, of Ingersoll,
formerly of Blyth were visiting with
their many Blyth friende,
Milnes Medic and Evelyn Ritchie and
Master Scott Ritchie, children of 0. H.
Rltohie, K, C„ of Tomato,. are visiting at
the home of their uncle,''.. W. Scott,
Mies Margaret Hannah, of New York,
to visiting her mother and eider at
Trinity church rectory. Mies Hannah
has mado.a very eneeeeeful career for
boreoll ae a trained nnrae in New York
Judge Holt has given judgment in the
aim of Robert Oookerline, against John
Scott, dismieeing the claim brought
by the exeoatore of the innate of the late
W. M. Soots. The case wail tried at the
lest division 0ollrb in Blyth, when judg-
ment was reserved.
A. and Mre, Taylor have returned to
Blyth, . They wore about 10 mouths and
daring that time vieited all pointe of
interest ae far Weet ae Vancouver. Mr,
Taylor ie now getting his store on the
corner of Queen and Drummond streets
in eeadinosa for the oommenoement of the
grocery business' again. '•
John Greenway and daughter, ]klieg
Hilda, of Oryetal City, Manitoba, were
Visiting with Rev, and !lire, J. Holmes,
the tatter being a sister of Mr. Greenway.
The pulpit ut Blyth Mothodiet ahnroh
was occupied Oa Stlnday evening Slat
Manitoba, and hie plain talk proved hallo
interesting and profitable.
At the annual meeting of Blyth Board
of Trade the (plowing()Diemwere gleet.
ed for the gunning year ;—Preeldeut, D.
13, McKinnon ; vhae•preeidogt,
Anderson ; 0eeretary, A, E. Bradwin
treasurer, J. S. Golden (menill, T. W.
Scott, N. H. Gidley, 0. H. Deese, J. G.
Moser, R. MoUummine, A. W Robinson,
E, Bender, Wm. Stine and D, Al. Mo.
AL!. 100' 00(1.
Jan. and Mrs. Molutyre left for their
home in Okotoke, N, W. T.
Hire. Stephen Pelton in ill with an
attack of typhoid fever at the home of
her eon. Jae. Pelton,
Erneet McLeod, eon of Rev. De, Mc•
Lead, had the misfortune to step on a
rusty nail and is now nursing a sore foot.
While playing on the lawn in front of
We hone° little Ennio° Knox, daughter of
John Knox, fell off a obair and broke her
arm at the elbow.
A meeting of all the oitizene of our
village and the fermate] of the surrounding
oocntry was held in Mitchell on Monday
evening to Mime the ereotion of a new
grist mill,
Mier] Belle Pelton has relnr0ed home
from a tour mouths' vieit to her (lister,
Mre. 0. H. Fullerton, of Winchester.
She returned by boat from Morrisbarg,
thus enjoying We trip through the
beeutifni Thousand Totemic
Niue oar load of steel mile have arriv-
ed et the station here to be need in the
000etrootiou nf the railway to the marl"
bade on the 12(11 and 14th oonoeeeious.
Mame. Greeesidos and MoKeozie have
made good progreae in the grading of the
road bed, and it will not be long before a
train of gravel pare will be hauling
gravel from the gravel bade for the eon-
strnotion of the work°. The work of
building will now go ahead rapidly.
Dr. Spence and two children were
visiting friends in Fordwioh, •
Rev. W. E. Treleaven and family, of
Drayton, have been visiting friends in
the village.
Mre. Moak and Mies Elsie, of Mon.
treat, are the gueete of Mre. (Rev.) W.
Smith of this village.
Rev. Viotor Smith and family, of
Indiana, are the gueete of Mr. Smith's
father in this village.
Jammu Hamilton and R. D. McLean
have purohased the butchering bueioeee
from Webster Bros. in this village.
John McGarry, of the McGarry House,
ham been suffering from a severe ottaok of
,heumatiam for the pant few weeks.
Thomas F. Oaio, of this village, has
rented hie hotel, the coin House, to F.at
Martin, of G.,d Valley, Mr. Martin
takes poseeeeion of the hotel on the 15th
of August.
During the thunder storm on Wednee•
day July 27th, Mre, James Lyons and bar
daughter Libbie and e',n James had a
very narrow escape from instant death,
They were engaged milking the mows in
their large barn when a bole of lightning
entered one of the open windows of the
stable, striking the atone wall on the
inside knocking a large pieoe out of the
solid m0eonry. The bolt passed quite
olose to Mre. Lyons and her children, all
of whom received a severe shook, while
one of the cloves and a horse in the stable
were knocked down by it. The anima]
soon recovered, however, but Mies Lyons
is Mill °offering from the shook and it
may be uomo ohne before elle le folly
recovered, Thome M1L.an's rovideeee
was «leo Amok during the storm and a
portion of the pIa0ter 1000 14110011-d rff the
wall, tut fortunately no other damage
wee done.
' 't'ovela oeml0J;•e.
Jae. and Mrs Mo0rae ore on a trip to
J. Ira 0030110, of Elora, Se holidaying
at home.
The men are Vanity getting the briok for
the new p0reonage•
Mies Phoebe Code left for abort visit
to friends at Monok.
Mre. Leant, of Seatortb,10 visiting her
sister, Mre Daniel Collin°.
E. Seaviee, from Los. Aoglog, Cali-
fornia, was the guest of Mr. MoOormiok.
Mre. A B. Parker, of Dundee, i0 visit•
ing her father and other relatives in
thie place. -
Will Proud, also Mre, Frank Proud,
of Winnipeg spent a few days with their
Haler Mre, (Bev ) Tithe.
a H
Nelvoutchison ie still in a very
serious condition. An operation was per-
formed which we bops may prove 000-
Mien Jennie Omens is spending a month
with her sister, DimHugh McCrea,
Durham, Master De Witt Cessna,
of Brunie a000mpanied her,
Sunday being quarterly meeting at
Molesworth, there was no eorvioe Isere
in the morning, but regular 0ervioe in the
evening. Rev. H. E Kellingtou 0000pied
the pulpit,
Thera wan a large attendance at
League ou Monday evening of last week.
The meeting was addreeoed by Mies M. J.
Oolline deaconess. Mr. Israel favored
the audience with a couple of well -ren-
dered Bolos,
Rev. Dr. Wilion;,hby now resides at
Samuel Oobblediok is recovering from
hie recent illneae.
Wm. Statham, who has for the pent
two years bad charge of J. T. O'Brien'e
bakery, last week porobased the business
and took poseeeeion.
Mre. James Moore, Exeter North, went
to London Hospital to undergo an °par•
ation for the removing of a turner whioh
wag performed and the patient is doing
se well 0e earl be expected.
Wm. Trevethiok, who bee been con•
ducting a grocery and general supply
store here for some time, has disposed of
hie property on Maio street to G. House,
harnessmaker, taking in exchange an
eighty sere farm in Goderinh township.
Mr. House will take poseesion November
let. Mr. Trevethiok, ie thinking of going
Morley, the ten.year.old eon of W. J.
Verity, of Brantford, who ie viefting hie
grandmother, Mre. Pickard, met with an
aeoident which will materially go to mar
hie vacation. While at his uncle's T. B.
Carling's he olimbed s tree in front of the
residence and whtla lowering himeelt by
aid of a limb, hie band slipped and hefell
to the ground, a dietanoe of several feet,
and alighting on the left arm it was
broken in two places at the wrist.
At a public meeting held in the Town
Hall, August let, it was decided to form
a league of the National Sanitarium
Aeeooiatioa for Consumptives, Dr.
Rollins and Rev. Clifton Parker both
spoke eloquently in favor of the Sanitar-
J.F. & CO.
Epeo!a11y Iuleresliu Items
Things that are worth looking at scattered all
through the store. Countless offerings, some of them al-
most too small to mention, here to -day and gone tomor-
row, and many of them representing extraordinary values.
We mention just a few of them, mostly small lois, that
are likely to be exhausted in short order :—
•h,'lir'111'hrh,eN ot,iih'Iieln °tela
—2 pieces 64 inch Cravanette in Oxford, Grey and Fawn .Q(]
worth regular $1.25, Clearing price ... ,.. vvtt -
—25 pieces Best Quality English Print regular price 12ic, .11
Clearing at
—15 pieces, Extra Heavy Print, 82 inches wide, worth reg-
ular 10c and Hie, Clearing at ...
—12 ends Ohambry, in stripes, cheeks and plain colors,
worth regular 12o and 15c, Clearing at
—6 ends Fancy Ribbon, three and four inches wide, worth
regular 15e and 20c, special price to clear
—8 only Ladies' Rain Coats, worth $8,50, for
—25 only Ladies' White Lawn Shirt Waists, slightly
soiled with handling, worth regular $1.50, $2.00
and $2.50, Clearing at ...
—8 pieces Fancy White Vesting, real value 50e, Clear-
ing Price ... ... .,. ,.. .., •••
—•15 please Beet Quality Dress Duck, all good patterns,
real value 15e, Clearing Price
Highest Price for Batter and Eggs.
nit,, by Mr. Greenway who to a former
Mothodiot minister and who milted from
01 'v inlet
le native o m ry 20 yours ego owing toPri
wink throat. Doting hie disoouroe,
0.10. G,oenree rrforred to early lite and, g
•10,1101s90,111 OJW'0
• 2
byte•-sp-sl, i t1 ahnroh week to 1011120(3 county and Mee in
Mtn and a'eo said it was the duty of every
' kind Meer rd portion to help td (Weak the
: awful rev ..tee of the "White Plague." as
00u.ann 1 .olio Walled, or g . Ov 9,000 die
utulu.,1 i in Ontario from this Mamma,
' and dull to can be °hooked. Toe follow•
ing o 1oomWOV0 eleotod r, u
Brea. • Joe. Senior, V1e Free. ; Roy. W.
Martin, Joe. Davie, Dr. D, A Anderson,
Committee ; N. Dyer 'Burden, Seo, Trese.
Work started again on Monday of last
week on the North pier, and the whole of
the old eoperetrpoture will be rebuilt.
Charlie Turnbull heads the list for the
largest base oaaght in 1904, one he pulled
in weighed four ponnde and 000 00000,
The Sunday aobool of North attest
Methodist ohuroh will hold Ste annual
picnic ou Friday, August 12th, at Point
Commercial Oohing ie n"t a fortune -
making imminent these times, the two
tugs running from this port just making
paying lifts,
M. 0, Johnston, a lawyer, was elected
town c'erk, 01 000eeor to Wm. Mitchell,
deceased. There were 10 eppll0ante eo
everybody is not suited.
A barrel oontaining abont 84 gallons of
moloeeee eaetamed a fracture in tru.,t of
P. T. Dean's store ae it was being n,oved,
end 1130 contents were lost.
The oentrel school alterations are pro.
graining satisfactorily, says Arohirect
Fowler, and he antioipatoa all will be
finished in time for aobool opening.
The guests et the St. Lawrence had a
e'en roast on the beach on the evening of
the Oivic holiday. Harold Wilson, of
Detroit, engiueered the roael, and from
start to finish popping mod laughter
echoed over Lake Huron.
At high noon on Tneoday of last week
the redid°non of Dr. Whitely, Elgin
avenue, was the eaene of a pretty wedding,
the contracting partioe being Mies Roe°.
pha Fisher, Meter of Mre. Whitely, and
William Watson Smith, of Battle Oreek,
Mioh., ,formerly of the Bank of Oom•
marcs here.
Wm. Ervin°, light in weight and small
in stature, unloaded for William Lee on
Taeeday morning of last week twenty
three and a half tone of lump coal in two
hours and a half, He shovelled the whole
lot himself, a reoord which would be hard
to beat. He made a fraotion over 05
wants an hour.
TV inch tt. rxl .
The tax rate in Wingbam thio year will
be 2 ciente on the $.
Wingbam horse races on Wednesday
and Thursday, August 17th and 18,6.
Rev. Wm. Lowe is away for a few
holidays, which he will spend at Glencoe
and Wardeviile, his former parieboo.
Judge Doyle set °aide the aseseement of
Tunberry township against the Eteotrio
Light$10,Co000., of tbie town. The aeecs0ment
Mrs. H. 13. Elliott and Mies Grace
Greer left for Manitoba, where they will
epeod a few weeks with friends in Bran-
don and Hartney.
Will. Pearson, who has been foreman
in Welker & Clegg's factory for Rome
time left for Stratford, where be will take
a similar poeition in Mr. Oliue's factory.
F. Paterson, with hie workmen leave
Wingbam thio week for Patrolia, where
the Forest City Paving Co. ha, it large
contract of laying granolithic sidewalk°.
A number of Winghamitea are at Kin.
oardine this week attending the Epworth
League Summer Schaal. Rev. Dr.
Gundy and W. 0. Thompson were on the
Wingham Epworth League won the
large map of the Dominion of Canada,
offered by the District to the League
averaging the beet missionary aontri•
bulking for the year. 'Their (;ivinge for
missionary parposee amonuted to $162 36,
Sunday the congregation of the Wing.
ham Presbyterian church bald the
oervioee in the Town Hall, owing to the
ahnroh being re decorated and otherwise
repaired. Bev. Mr. Aitchison, of Dar•
noob, Grey County, oondnoted the
Several of the Grand Tenni( Railway
officiate visited Wingham on bnaic.eee in
oonoeation with the new station and
freight sheds that are to be built here.
Memeuremente were taken and it is ex.
peoted that an goon es plane have been
prepared the work will be oommenced.
Duncan MoKenz30, V. B„ who Spent
several months in Wingham with John
Wilson, V. B. twine Rix yeas ago, wee
calling on old friends in town for a few
days during the week. Sino° Mr. Mo•
Kenzie left Wingham he has made a
complete trip around the world, and
spent some three years in Manila, in the
Philippine blonde, wbero he wee master
veterinary surgeon in the 11. B. army
and bad oharge of all the horee°.
FATAL AoornnNT,—A terrible accident
happened at Walker & Olegg'e new up.
holstering taotory on Friday. Michael
Robinson, an elderly man, had charge of
the installation of the new e0giue. It
bad almoot been oompleted and the fly
wheel was abort to be lowered into
position, when the stays supporting it
slipped and the shaft fell upon Mr Robin-
son. He was drawn forward on to some
bolts ready to bolt it securely, These
bolts penetrated the man's lunge, while
the weight of the wheel oraehed hie lite
oat, Mediae! aid was epoodily at hand
but of 130 avail. Coroner Towler did not
deem it ne0ee0ary to hold an inquet. The
amend leaves a widow and nevem'
obildren. He wag about 60 years old.
The funeral took piton on Sunday after-
noon and wee largely attended. It wee
ander the direction of the Odd Fellows.
Alex, Lumoden, ex M. P. P., dropped
dead at Ottawa.
H. Sloan's planing mill at Tilbury wan
burned. Loss $7.600.
The Dominion Exhibition, a moat enc.
oeeafnt fair, closed at Winnipeg.
James Wodiok was fatally injured while
tearing down an old building at Sn1em.
A good part of the bneineee petition of
Dresdon was ewept by fire. Lose 820,000.
A. J. de Oorriveau, of Montreal, wag
fatally injured by beinglalruck by a streak
George Osborne, aged eighteen yeare, of
Clinton, was drowned while tryleg to
swim morose the river Bayfield.
J. Gold wag killed in a shooting «aliery
at the Winnipeg Exhibition by n ehot
from a revolver in the hands of a boy.
Robert Dale's barn` near 13x1 tnpten
was burned With 1,200 buehel'e of wheat
and the eeaeon'e hay; Drop. Joseph
Sheard lest a tlirne1iug outfit,
A. Price, 0, P. R. eeperintendent at
Fort William formerly of Toronto, has
been appointed euperiutendent of trans.
port8lien of the Western linea, with head,.
%carters at Winnipeg.
BLY 7 H,
The Third Week of Du Great Salle.
The baying public have learned by experience that our advortieemente
are reliable, and when we advertise anything epeeist they know we have
the goods to hack it op.
This week we reoeived four large oases of new goods, which were
bought below regular prioee, and to make our eale more interesting we will
fooled° the new geode i° our great clearing sale.
This week we do some deep outting in prioee to clear out Summer
—Ladies' Blaok Cashmere Hose, new goods, 0eam'080 feet, elms 8}, 9 inti
9} very epeoial, worth 26o, for 15a.—Ladies' Black Cotton Muse, goad
value at 20o, 2 pair for 25o,—Ladies' Silk Chiffon Collar Forme, in
blank and white, in all sizes, We new style, regular 10o, sale pride 50:—
Prints, fast oolore, i0olnding Orum's Celebrated Guaranteed Prints,
regular 121io, for 10o.—White Muslim', in spote and stripes, worth 80,
for 6o.—White cotton, good width, very special, worth 80, for 5e.—
Grey Cotton, 81 inebee wide, good value at 7o, for So.—Fancy Stripe
Flannelette, wide width, worth 8o, for 6o.—Men's Fancy Waeh Nook -
ties, in a variety of patterns, new good., very apeeial, worth 10o, and
1'2 o, for 5o.—Imported Flannelettes, wide width, soft Huish, new
geode, good value at 127io, Bale prioe 100.-11nohing, in black and white,
worth 124a, for 10o.—Ladies' Large Looe Cohere, now shapes, jut in,
regular priae $2, sale prioe $1 50 —Table Linen, 64 in. wide, worth 85a,
sale prioe 26o.—Wool Tweeds, for bogs' suite, good value at 35o, for 25o.
Beware of Imitators and Imitations.
Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods.
Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would-
be competitors distanced in numbers.
We have still a few of these "Old Reliables" in up -to -data Finish
and Design to show you.
Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call! as we Caa
certainly interest you.
Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices.
We have a number of other makes to show you, including the
"Platteville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph."
Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other
makes, for sale at low prices.
' .•'nai,.'W'lo'Id'tlq,nl I 'h,qu'la'helder
a e [ i
Are You Going
to do any Fencing ?
It is all No. 9 Hard Steel Wire and is the
Strongest Fence made. The Railways and
Electric Roads are erecting it.
Call and get our Prices.
lv'104a4,011, ' 10401010.1 eh' IA
T rnb'ill
what our stock is. We have kept
good rigs will do it.
We have aadoa to our Baggy Tops ibis 0eaeon a Spring to peevent the
belie and rivet] from breaking, This bat been a long felt want.
We have 4 elyl'ea of Axles—Duet and 011 Proof, Long Distenoe, 1000
Mile°, and the Noioelees Axles, alio a few of the old ()tyles.
All Steel Body Hangers and all trimmed with beet Leather.
Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first-class
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 21 and 8 inch tiros ; Trucks and
Medium Bile. -
We invite every intending purchaeor to o411 and Buy
horn un aria]ave money,
WE are now ready for 1904
with a larger stock of Buggies
than ever we had and a walk
through our Show Rooms will
convince intending purchasers
the .lead and intend to do so if
SWAN & Coat Brussels.