HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-8-11, Page 4P 11 Al 1i 13 U t3 1V .iii L k3 P O ii T
THURSDAY, AUG. 11, 1904,
To the Editor ot Ipso Foga
ate land cd faae IpnX and tbe bear ; of
tlaj bars anti 080 trout ; of rushing
brooks and foaming 0ae0adee. The laud
or mineral end precious aones whoa)
hit h are strou and
lea ase i0haet a
F F y g,
wbioh only need human intelligence and
indcetry to make the fame of their
ealth rl ide. be valley:: of Al.
w wo dw T 9
game are am her bills. The eoil at these
valleyshave aGh possibitibies of growth
as Heaven only gives to ber moat favored
laude. Her vegetable prodootione are we
large au grow under the sun and ae deli•
mete and sweet as the most fastidious
epicure oou'd demand or relish. Her
grains are wall nouriabed, plump and
beantilnl as are the maidene in the
homes of her dwellers. No need for
ooametloe in *hie land where the air is so
pure that Nature unaided wan givetothe
oheeke of her daughters that delioate tint
of rose, at once so beautiful and muob
desired. The air of thio land beare on ile
every wing life•giving ozone, without any
admixture of soot or dust t a or P
bacteria. Its odors are as sweet as if
wafted from the garden of Eden and in
every breath there iahealth and life.
1'hf land is ea t to the North that
ooneom tion le namely kaowu, and the
fevers of namely hotter climes never aome. So
far to the North, that her long Summer
deem, are always followed by cool, pleas.
tint nights making sleep a luxury.
This land is so far to the South that the
ordinary prodootione of the temperate
zone ripen ander her hot Sommer sane.
This le a land of beautiful lakes, where
dark bine waves kine the ragged eborea as
lovingly as groom ever kissed bis bride.
Lakes, into whose depths, the olumeiest
angler Pay east his line, without a doubt
as to b;9 enaoeed. T+Lie is a land of far
weighing forest, grated with the grand•
eared trees whoa Migi*linearly tomb* the
hanging olonde and rioh in wealth of
timber-aaoh as no figures Gen tell.
Algoma, the natural home of the
menufaotnrer, for whom a thousand
rapid streams are waiting, wasting that
wonderfulP ower which oh harnessed to
maohtnerY would drive with ease e
million wheels, cranks and spindles,
waters laughing all the while they work
and when the work is done, be not
eon:mioae they have lord any of their
strength en their toil. Begoma'e waters
areae sweet and pare as sunlight ever•
jewelled or as man aver drank.Her
H r
cascades and rapids are orowned with a
oaecede of foam so white and beautiful
the o
* neta Horse the streams moat have
flowed from the oryetal sea before the
throne of God.
What portraits of domestic, peaoe and
joy Ile in the homes of New Onteria I
Whet offer. of wealth she makes to every
mawfor himself 1 How she weloomee
every industrious toiler and amply re
wards him tor hie labor.
Algoma, the wide world knows thee
not. Thy treasure° are as mid treasures,
Thy wealth ie wealth of heart rather
than of face or form. Bot men will hear
of thee, and strong men of brawny arms
and clear heads will come and see thee,
they will learn to love time, they will wed
thee and veal any, Algoma thou art mine
forever. The Dominiou Abell have no
fairer bride, and God will say, what 1
have joined together let no maw pat
W. G. Howeoe,
Fruit Crop Report for July.
A very Cult return for July baa been
obtained by the Fruit Division, Ottawa,
with reference to the fruit atop of the
Dividing the apple prop into Fall and
Winter varieties, the reporte show a
medium to fall crop of the former. In
the apple emotions, from whish the balk
of the Winter fruit will be obtained for
export, the crop is not as large ae last
year bat may be Maned es light to
medium. A very clear distinction must
be made between Fall apples and good
storing stook. The reports from Great
Britain and Europe generally ebow a very
large crop of fruit that will acme into
direct oompetitioa with oar Fall varieties
and may slightly affeet the market for
Winter fruit; but up to the present time
Earopean fruit has not oompeted eerione•
ly with our beet keeping Winter varieties,
The apple orop in Canada appears to be
singularly free this year from the attacks
of ineeote and fungous diseases. It is
quite probable that the codling moth will
not be a various pest but there are lo.
dioatioue that the spot my yet develop to
R alight, if not a sortona, degree.
Peare, except in British Columbia will
be a light orop. There will be very few
for export but *be quality of those will
be good.
09001181 AND PL0318.
Peaobee and plume are almost an
absolute failure. There ars, however, a
few favored sections where the Winter
did not materially affeot these two fruits
and in such orobarde the Drop will be
Tbe grape crop will be fairly good, but
in the large prodooiog dietriote of the
Niagara Peninsula bleak rot hae shown to
eerioae extent and it is impossible to pre•
dial the extent to which the Drop will be
curtailed by *hie peat.
SMALL 080108.
Strawberriee have been very maven.
'Where they were not Winter killed the
atop bee been good, but the Winter killing
was so general that the yield has been a
Small one.
Itvepberriee were ciao a light orop.
eannu ne.
Cherries in Bri*ieh Columbia have
been a full Drop, bat a light Drop through.
out Ontario, lo the rest of Canada,
wberever grown, they have been ligbt to
Black aarrante are a full crop. Red
000018le not quite so good but etill a
large orep.
1088009 AND 0090I,
Only one or two dietriote report geckos
depredations of lneeote and she indicae
tions at present are that trait growers
Will he little troubled this year by either
inmate or tangote poets.
MCKIM 0009011r80.
The repute from the United Stales,
partittnlarly thole partione thud oompete
with Caneda,iudioate a large but not an
exlraordivary wrap of fruit, The iudi-
oatione in Eoglaud, France, Germany,
Holland and Belgium point to a crop
somewhat above toe average,
08NICRAL 008119190,
The export trade for Canadian and
Amertoen Fall apples will be somewhat
reatrioted, but owing to the better quality
of our apples they will etill have the
preference in the European markete,
There will be rhe neooselty, however, of
rigidly exolndbrg all :mooed quality fruit.
Fall fi c t
ru G of flra gleesnaht will 111 all
probability bring a fair pride, but it ie aI-
moeb certain that second quality fruit
will nob bring meet, [(Anything, over the
Dost 01 marketing, The supply of good
Winter 9 r oto a
k of a Ise e i
pp tabs a for the
British market during the :maths of
Jeuaary, February and Maruti le uo*
ex00001ve, and 11 eeem0 roaennable to
expeot Hist the demand will be almost
equal to that of last year,
81t1,8001019 Or mTRA0090140 PLANTS.
A striking illustration of, the valve of
plant and heed selection, ae advocated by
Prof. Rabert>ou, is ropoe*ed in the "Mari.
lime Farmer" of July 190b, by a New
Brunswick correspondent. He says:—
".a few days ago while visiting a neighbor,
the conversation tamed to berries, and
then he showed me hie patab, It Ina
email, but they were planta to be proud
of. His plan le ae follows :—He tells hie
children, when they are pinking, to carry
along :Iowa little eEiake Pte
cea 'of lathe
and when they b y Sud an Astra strong plea*
with a good fruit stem and plenty of
berries, to put a stink down aloogeide it.
After the berries
are picked he takes up
these plants and seta them out in a bed,
tettrug them throw out runners le all
directions. In the Spring he hae some
fine planta to set, and his berries are im•
proving e
P g ever y year."
Huron County Council.
Speoial meeting of Council was hell on
Friday of last week in Goderash to deal
with the building a dew bridge at Zet•
land on tbe b boundary or East Wawauoeb
and Tarnberry and to hear the claim for
damages made by John Bartter for Ions
of horse by detective bridge, and any
other matters that might come up for
All the members werexee t
on ,
A letter from W. Proudfoot K. 0., was
read relating to aotion being taken by the
township of Ashfield to compel the
Ooanty to assume a share of the damage
paused by washout at Port Albert,
Moved by Mr. Caoteloo and air. E'er.
peon that in the event of a writ is iseued
by the Township of Aebfield against this
County for lose sustained by waeboot at
Port Albert last Spring, that we retain
the eervioee of Mears. Diokeoeon &
Garrow to defend this County ageing
enoh aotion, Carried.
Moved by Meeers; Specimen end Oon•
nolly that Mr. Kerr be appointed to in.
terview the Hunter Bridge Co., of Kin•
cardiae, regarding their bridge (metre: de
with this county..
Messrs. Gladman and Banner waited on
Gouuoil to 00pport Maim of Mr. Bartner
for lose of horse through defective bridge.
The matter was finally settled by paying
Mr. Bartner $276.00 in fall of elan.
Moved by Mr. Kerr amended by Mr,
Oautelou, tint tenders be aeked for in the
rebuilding or Zetland, bridge with steel
soperetraot0re with 0on0re1 abutments,
be opened by the Road and Bridge Oom•
mittee and contract let ou condition that
eatiefaatory offers are made and proper
security pteeented. Tbe work to be
done this Fall if poeeible. Carried.
Moved by Mr, MoNeu1hton by Mr.
Spaoktnao, that the tenders for Black
Greek bridge be opened by Reed and
Bridge Oommittee and oontraot let for
tbe construction es moon as poeeible.
Moved by Mr. Hiller eeoonded by Mr.
Connolly that the contra:dor tendering
for the concrete abutments that are now
being tendered for in that County, said
000tra0tor or oontraotarsfurnish security
by mocked cheque to the amount of 10%
of the oontraot price. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Oonnotly seconded by
Mr. Speakman, that this Donnell employ
Mr, Patterson to aseiet Mr. Ansley in the
performaooe of his work for the balanoe
of thin season, and that be be paid 92.00
per day mud expenses ea assistant oom•
miesioneor when employed by Mr.
Ansley. Oatried.
Council then adjourned.
Morris Council Meeting.
The Council met according to adjourn.
meet in Council room, Morrie, on Aug,
let. Members all present, the Reeve in
the chair, Minutes of last meeting were
read and confirmed. Wm, Kearney re•
eigoed the poeition of operator of road
grader and on motion of Code and Jaok.
eon, Wm, Thuell was appointed opetabor
to be paid two dollars per day when
employed. On motion of Taylor and
Code, John Roger, of Mibahell, was ap-
pointed engineer for the towusbip of
Morrie, under the provisions of the Ditoh
and Water Connote Ant. A petition was
preeent81 by Michael Kelly and others
asking for the 00081000lida of a drain
through a portion of the 7th, 8th, Otb con-
cessions under the provieioue of the
Municipal Drainage Act. Co motion of
Taylor and Code the prayer of said pati•
tion was granted and the olerk ioetruoted
to notify the township engineer to aot on
the same. The Treasurer banded in his
half yearly statement and on motion of
Shaw and Jackson wag accepted ae satle.
factory. A notice was received from T.
MoLanohlin claiming 960 damagee on
a000uot of Mae being Wand 10 a cal.
vett. On motion of Code and Shaw no
motion was taken. On motion et Taylor
and Code, R. Proctor was appoieoted
oolieotor for the warrent year at a salary
of $85.00. Oa molThn of Jackson and
Bbaw the Raa,e aud'Preasurer were in.
etreoted to borrow 9500,00 to meet our
rent expenses. On motion of Jaokeoo
and Shaw the township rate was fixed at
1 5/10 mllle coo the $. Bylaws No, 9, 10,
11 ea 12 were duly read and pegged.
Accounts were ordered to be paid ae
follows :—W, H, Knox balanoe on gravel
91.08 ; P. Kelly, green' $5 53 ; H. Fear,
gravelling $60 00 ; J. 80011, repairing
onlvorts 912.00 ; Geo, Pierce, tile $1.60 ;
T. Healy, underbrroehing 93 00 ; D,
Irvine, gravel 92 64 ; Jae, Golly, gravel
and damage $5,90 ; W. J. Bouao, gravel
$4 68 ; El. Bosman, gravel 9106 ; D.
Agar, gravel 92 87 1 F. Wright, gravel
97 26 ; J. Sellers, repairing oulvert
910 00 ; Alex, Forreeb, repairing road
91.00; L, Peppers repairing oulvert 90,00 ;
0. G. Campbell, gravel 92 281 A. Camp•
boll, gravel $8 64 ; Geo, W. Praetor,
gravel $2.10 ; W. Gray, gravel $8 44 ;
John R. Bell, graved $4921 Wm. J.
Smith, travel 989 ; Enoolt Uriah. :travel
92 40 ; Geo, Pierce, gravel $9 78 1 D.
Walker, gravel 97.00 ; Joel Sellars, gravel
34 80 ; A. Button, ropairiug culvert
96 00 ; Wm, Taylor, building oulvert
916.00 ; Jno. Barr, gravel 910 24 ; Doff
& Stewart, repairing Martin's and Stone
Sabool bridges $238 02 ; 0. MoOrea, in
:meeting on West bunndta•y 914 88 ; Jnn.
McLean gravel , g eon West hanndarY b9 87
Jno. Duckett l,i • n
, Mang n !Vest boundary
99 8Q ; MoKionon Bros, gravelling on
Woet boundary 91.29.19 ; 11. Wsteuu,
gravel 60 ors ; 'r, (d, Brandon gravel and
damage 98 06 ; Tboe, ltueeell,ravel and
stone 97 00 ; Jno, So ,to, gravel 48 ole ;
A. W, Sloan, gravel 80 cote ; W. H. Kerr,
on printing aaot„ 915 00 ; W. R IIear
087 working road grader, 938 85 ; D,
Rarelay ditch on Wa•t boundary, 98 60 ;
D Rimeoy, tile drain, 92 75"'W. J.
Bomb cement oulvert, 93.00 ; 75; V.
Huron, registering Ia1
1wnY By lawra2.00.
On motion ot Taylor and Oode the
Connell then edjanrned to meet again ou
the 12 h Sept. next.
W. CLARK, Clerk.
year When last e the Ila Dominion Esoibi.
Men wee held in Toronto, people did not
hesitate to may that it would be difficult
to maintain the high standard then set.
Thma t•v
Es oa 1 e however, fully
graeped Eha Mutation, and, by liberal ex-
penditure in the right direction, have
succeeded in making each arrangements
Mit, as a matter of fact, the Exhibition
this year, which ban been named the
Canadian National Exhibition of Toros•
to, bide fair to exceed all others. Not
only is it already apparent that every
building will be filled to the utmost, bot
arraugemeute have been made for bring.
ing out from Great Britain the famous
Blaok Watch Band, wbioh will give three
000080th daily on the grounds ; for the
production of a magnifioeut ep^:Maple,
entitled "'Phe Siege of Lackuow" I for
the nppearanee in front of the grand
mend of the greatest array of talent ever
aeon out of doors. And tlleee are only a
few of the attractions, to see wbioh the
low prioe of admission, namely a quarter,
that hae always prevailed, will continue.
Lead bar •.
Council met at Leadbary on Saturday,
August 6th, as a Court of Revision on
drain, soder Bylaw 61. No appeals
were received in time and Bylaw was
finally passed and signed. One tender
was received but was too high for
estimated poet of work. The Clerk was
authorized to ask for tenders again to be
opened at next meeting. The following
accounts wereaid
p 1 on brtdgee and abut.
meets, 91985.00 ; repairing roads and
bridges 9293 00. A By-law for County
Rate Townehip expenditure and
Trustees requisitions was passed with
Drainage' expenditures and Railway
bonne to be raieed was signed and sealed,
Connell adjonru•+d to meet at Chris-
topher White's, L3adbury, on Tuesday,
Sept. 181M, 1904, at 1 o'clock.
Wednesday was Oivio holiday.
The town Connell streak the local rate
al 28 mills on the dollar for this year.
Mee, Wm. Stanbery underwent an
operation and had a tumor removed. She
is doing nicely,
J. W. Westgate, freight clerk, hae been
transferred to Elmira. Will Lyoee, who
Dame here from Londeeboro' some time
ago, is promoted to the above coalmen,
and Elmer Taylor, of Kincardine, will be
A very unfortunate aoeident befell
James Walker while at work in Cooper's
lumberyard. He wan paeeing a pile of
lumber when from some unforseen reason
it fell over ou him, snapping the bones of
his left leg below the knee, and otherwiae
injuring him.
Since our ex clerk, W. Coate has taken
nal hie residency in Goderioh, a committee
of citizens have been at work on a memor-
ial to be presented to him. It was suo-
oeeetally aaaompliebed, enough money
being eobsoribed to get an address, em
bellieoed on parchment of double pages
and bound in morocco, together with a
graodfather'e olook, which ban a
mahogany case, Mande eight feet high,
has braes trimmiogetoo illuminated dial
wbioh also shows the moon phaeee of the
month. The wording of the oddrese was
mattered over several pages being printed
in old English text letter, and appended
to it being 147 names. The presentation
took place Mouday evening ot laet week
after oounail meeting, only a few of the
citizens being prevent. Dr. Shaw was
spokesman for the 000aeloo and without
any unoetentation simply made him aware
that the gift was hie from the people of
Olinton. Mr. 0oa10 was as well pleased
witb the manner in wbioh he was made
the reoipent, ae he was of the gilt itself.
Perth County.
A colony of 43 Indians struck Mitchell
and pitched a tent near the fax mill,
They have been engaged by Wm. For-
rester to harvest the flax crop,
E. Clark, while aeoiebing R, Lash-
brook, butcher, Mitchell, in killing a
beef, slipped and fell while feeding the
beast, whioh then gave him s vigorous
kick on the forehead, auttiug him badly.
It required half a dozen etltabee to draw
tbe wound together.
A leading farmer, of Hibbert township,
reports that a good deal of damage hes
been done to the Fall wheat by rout in
that neighborhood. The same complaint
aome0 from other dietriote hereabouts.
Borne fields have been almost destroyed.
Judge Barron was in Mitobeil hearing
two appeals agal08t the aeaeeoment roll.
One wan against the action of the ase060.
or in lowering hie own a00esement but an
the 0onrt of Revision had already raised
the property 9200, Rig Honor felt dis•
inclined to interfere. The other was Ithe
request to strike 0100 off the Davis
terrane, Thiel wee done,
Ernest Hudson, eon of George Hamm,
of foe base Ileo, Blanebard, met with a
bad aooident. Re wap helping hie tether
to ebiogle the barn, when part of f.he
roof gave way and be tell through to the
fi,or below, .4. dootor was immediately
eummoned and neon examination it was
found that big Holler bone was broken,
He alto received a bad shaking op, but
i0 now on a fair way to recovery.
The plea0are of Btratford'0 aloin boli•
day was marred by a drowning aeoidettt,
whereby Alexander Ainewortb,10 machin -
let, employed in the Grand Trunk amps,
lost bit lite. Ainsworth, with two eom•
paoi.roa, wout in 9wintming lue the 01000,
and it ie eopp reed ha bmoame entangled
in the weeds. I1 wap an hour befure the
body ogald b' recovered. Dimeaaed had
been in the oonntry only a few weeks,
and ieavre it wife and child in Scotland.
!'homes Elliott, of Logan, who saw 90
years last April, le et moot renuerhable
Marti for lois aka, Ile Onj oyc the beet of
health, and spent Aunty day last week
hoeing ronle. it le eald he oast yob do 00
good a daj a worlt as moot young meta
The ohargs ogaioot aim. Jenuta Wil
eon of Mitohel
I, of uk
aEtem Si to poison
mune wattle belonging
to hor neighbors,
by cpriukling Para: groan, mixed with
east, an the roadway near her looaee,
West Ward, wee heard before County
lodge Barron. Mrs, Fred. Hodge swore
that Abe eaw the defendant sprinkle the
po as staff on the grass oEhere
testified that they eaw her move away
from the spot with one hand concealed by
her side, Mrs. Wilson swore that she
wee not guilty of the sob, and that she
had none of the poison in iter poeseeeion,
Her mother state that non
d A e had been
left over tram last year and that none
bad teen purobaeed Obis year. Hie
Honor found the defendant not guilty and
the cage was dismissed.
At a meeting of the Stratford
Wholesale Grooery Company, Limited,
held ou Saturday, it was decided to
go into voluntary ' 1-
19 The
business had not be,v' a emcees for
various reasons, and Crave notion wee
decided upon to avert further Mee
to the oto kh d e
a of er . The liquidator
ie A, H ging and the inepentore J. 0.
Monteith, A Dempsey, J. P. Mabee and
George Ballantyne. The liquidator bee,
it is anderetood, an offer for the stook,
including the lease of the promisee, from
the Wholesale Grocers' Guild, and it will
likely be accepted. Only twenty•five per
cent, of the onbeoribed capital stook wan
paid in, and blue will cover the lose. The
beeinees may be aomioaed by the pnr-
08 et It <11041 191 e
Dr. Dawson, Ring's Printer at Ottawa,
Ms applied for superannuation.
3. D. Duuglae, enrveyor of customs,
hae applied for superannuation.
R L. Green and J. Bays were killed
by an eleotrio wire at Vancouver.
The faotor o1 illi
William m IIeledon at
King etou was wrecked by an I '
es. oe;nu
An nnkoo
wn man was founde I
d ac on
the G. T. R. track near Brook avenue,
The Stratford Wholesale Grocery
Company have decided to go into
voluntary liquidation.
A petition favoring the Remotion of
Toronto Junction to Toronto was with-
drawn by the former Goonoil.,
Hon. William Gibson, Senator, of
Beameville, sae married at Peterhead,
Scotland, to Mise Marparot McKie.
The curing ut Oo.nadian herring by the
Sootab process ie likely to result in great-
ly enhanced prides for the fisherman.
Mre. J. J. Oonnolly, of Jarvie street,
Toronto, died in the Jeffrey Hall Hos.
pihal, Quebec. She was ill on the voyage
aoroes ;he Atlaotio and died soon after
reaching Quebec.
Rev. Dr. Patriok, of Manitoba Oolleee,
takes the ground that tbe deoieion of the
House of Lords in the Scottish Free
Mural] temporaltiee ease is a bar to
church union in Canada.
Cornwall property owners peened by
lawe to exempt the Canadian Colored
Cotton Oompany'o new mill from toxa•
tion for 10 yearn, and to lend John B.
Atchison 917,600 to rebuild hie burned
It is announced that Major Buell Rose,
a well known Baottieh soldier, end the
senior toej or of the lemons "Blank
Watolo," till be in command of the
onekin0ent 'hat ,all visit the Toronto
Indite': ail Eanibition.
Jno. O'Hara of North Scranton hae won
the buttermilk drinking ohampionehip of
the State. Last week, in a spirited eon -
teat, he defeated William Jonea, of South
Soranton. The two men, who have re -
probations as buttermilk ooneumere, were
matched to drink eleven gleam each in
the faeteet possible time, Jones downed
hie in one minute and thirty eeeonds.
O'Hara, whom the betting favored, then
drank hie in fortyfive eeoonde, and was
in fine ebape at the finish.
The New York Tribune of August Ooh,
publishes the following despatch from
Morristown, N. J.:—Abbott Parker wee
struck by lightning here and the fire
burned a perfect arose, on which some
profess to trade the outlines of the tame
of Christ, on hie bank, The bolt appears
to have hit the young man well down in
the back and from this in a halt oirole
radiate the little red waves wbioh mark
most oases of being streak by lightning.
Up the spine Hoeg the meg. It is about
five Mattes long and the proportions of the
top part and the arms are almost per.
feat. Bo marked wan the arose and so
perfect tloot when Parker was taken into
a hospital the doctors bad a dieoaeeien
while working over him ae to wbetber it
was caused by the lightning or had been
tattooed in the fiesta and the lightning
had struck at ire foot. It developed later
that the baolt had been devoid of all
marks before the bolt bit the young man.
Parker is reeoveriog and will probably be
alt right in a day 00 go, Parker was
AUG. 11, 11904
paeeing a house on North Central x90000
when hit, The bolt seemed to explode in
the air in front of the house, filled the
neighborhood with electricity and affeotod
a dozen persona. A painter, was
stunned for fifteen minutes, hal revived,
Notice to Creditors.
Il I Surrogate Li file SI g Ir 0aurt of the I)onnty or
Huron, t
n 1t 1 he mutter o the es t
! 1 e Ile n[
David Maxwell, late of the V,
of Brussels, in the OOuutY of !loran
retired farmer, deoeaeed.
Notice is hereby given, nurouant to movie -
ea Statutes of Ontario, 18107, Chap, 120, See.
88, that all emitters and others having aupp
olaime against the estate 01 David Maxwell,
late of the V)nage of Brussels, iu the
Bald Comity, retiredrfarmer, deceased, who
died on or about the 20th day of July, A, D,
1004, at Brussels, lu eald County, are
hereby required d to sendby poet. prepaid,or
oto deliver to George a Jno ,, or !ecuRold
f Don mid, atW lllBrusselsnU„ the Eof the said
of the teat well and Testament B. D the ea01
David Maxtvell or to A B a
A.B. M coon, 00 r
000 Villagee(oot Bdaye01 September. their btoltor, ou 1
thea re the let dal• 10 eoee au A. riptio e
their full mmol, rs of addressee and claims
Dam the
and full 0 their
ee of their olaime and the
nature of their eeeurities (1f any) held by
And notice iehoreby given that after the
said last mentioned date,.the;eaid Exeoutoro
Kill Drain/0d to distribute the assets of the
deceased umouget the pereous entitled
uieo shall
ll loav onlyeto the olaime e
ehatl have been givenrsw 11 above
required,and the a808 Executors will not b-
reeponeible for the tweets, or any part there -
01, e0 dietriboebed, to nuY person of whose
elLLim nOti00 shall not have been reoetved
at the time of soon dtattlbuMon.
Dated at Brussels, July Nth, 190f. 4.3
Solicitor for Executors,
amA and upright boiler for eale whoap
as a 08001100 engine ie being substituted.
For further partioulara enquire at Tun POST
Publishing House.
t.J sows, 4 months old, for sale, Will be
sold reasonable to quick buyers, JAMES
BBUBRlE, Mapla Grove Farm, Lot 20, 4th
Line, Morrie, Brussels P. 0.1 48
000EwrATtvo In this comity and ad-
i gtoedr
represent and
P adver-
tise an old earn
d business house of
solid finOxpncialensel sta: adva oa Beach Mo weekly,
with a threetf from each 1sf. R by
obeeto8 b threat furnish hendqueceesa Horne
and buggy furnished when necessary ; noet-
tion 610Mtoot, AddressblowIIll. &Oo.,
Room 010 Monou Bldg„ OLioago, Ill.
Prize Winning Short
Kerns for Sale.
Eight young Bulls from Imported and
home bred wows got by Imported Biro, Also
flows and Heifers of different ages.
A Sew pure bred Berkshire Pigs, 10 weeks
old, for sale.
Have a quantityof Seed Peasthe Early
June variety, to dispose of. It ie a medium
sized white pea and were grown from Beed
from near North Bay and yielded over 97
bushels to the sore, free of bogs.
Will oleo sell a good aged working and
driving horse.
90'af D. MILNE d. SON, Ethel.
undersigned will keep for service, on
Lot 2, Oon. 10,Grey, a thoro' bred Yorkshire
boar,- Terme, 70e, to bo paid at time of ser-
vice with privilege of returning if neces-
47- Proprietor,
Undersigned will keep for aerobia a
thorn' bred Durham bull, on his farm ad-
joinieg Brueeele, Terms, $1 00 with privi•
lege ofreturning if necessary.
0E0. BUBB, Proprietor,
L homestead -100 sores—fa the Town-
ship of Morris, Huron county, For partici.
Mars apply to
8 tf 600 Bathurst Bt. Toronto.
The undersigned offers the 100 aoro
farm, being Lot 20, (Jon. 7, Grey, for Bale or
to rent. Comfortable house, bank barn, or.
ohard,;welle &o. There aro 80 acres Iu g+•aae,
10 acres of Fall Wheat will be put in and 20
soros of Fall plowing done, l'arm ie only i
mile from the thriving village of Ethel.
For further particulars as Ito price, torme,
&o„ apply to MISS SPENCE, Ethel 2,0.
I.i1ARMS FOR SALE. — 350
acreellrot-olase land in the Townehip
of Grey—Lot 10, con. 14, 100 sores ; Lot 17,
Con. 14,100 mores ; and WI Lot 18, Con. 14,
60 nares -260 sores. All In excellent condi-
tion with Aret•olaes buildings ; brick house
with all modern conveniences, and large
bank baro, root and straw house, stables,
Jos, Well watered, From 88 to 40 00000 of
good hardwood bush. Lot 19, Oon. 18, eon.
taming 100 acres of first -elan Sand, good
10,0008 house and large bank barn nearly
new. .The property can be sold in two or
throe parcels to Ault purchasers. Terme
Liberal, Aleo a commodious dwelling house
and lot in Brunelle. For further particu-
lars app ly to the owner on the promisee,
LAUGHL1N MCNh1IL, or 10 JNO. 0)12016011,
Bruseele. 21•tf
London, Sept. 9th to 17th, 1904
2NT110889 CLOS k elh SEPTEMBER
Ali a,'Ia't,Wio.t moltdlt,nt m, •
Improvements all along the line. Exhibits unsurpassed.
ATTRACTIONS THE BEST YET. I{itamura's Celebrated
Jap Troupe of 10 People, The Flying Banvards, and the best Gym-
nasts, Acrobats and other specialties that money can procure.
Five Evenings of Fireworks, concluding each evening with a
realistic representation of the
"gaNiklat acaawr o,* Poe' dfirov,
A holiday outing none rhonld mica• Special e00arei0ne over all linea of travel.
For all information, pries )iota, &o , address,
1.11'..COL. '1'f.. 91. IAlt'l YORE, J. A. Nlr1,t ib ,
8^4 President, Seorotary.
. ..
wExp:ppliC2rrCy YXaa.5CX xXrpxxd gpddEPCX
EllHilg ill BliiitE
AVING purchased the Fur- I
niture Business carried on
desire to
call the attention of the public to
', the same and ask for a share of Z
public Patronage. B
a E
(6ii I
4h E
a Ba
Night Calls for Undertaking
will be promptly attended to by
calling at the residence of George
Cardiff, or
Moore Bros.' boarding
house, MRS. A. HUNTER'S resi-
dence, Thomas street
Cardif & Moore
xxxxxxX XXXX' xx xx xxxxxx
Royal Steamers
Ftom Montreal From Quebec,
Bavarian Aug, 12, 4 a.m. Aag. 12, 2 p m
Pariaiau Aug.19, 8 Aug 19, 7 '
Tunisian Ang. 26, 4 a in. Aug, 26, 2 p.m
Ionian Sept. 2, 8 a m. Sept. 2, O p.m
Rama or PAa0Aou
First cabin -880 and upwards, 800001ing
to steamer and accommodation.
Second cabin—Liverpool & Londonderry
—$90.00 and 440 Loudon $2.80 extra.
Third-olase—Sepertor accommodation, 315
to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow and
Through tickets to South Africa.
Montreal to <linegow Direct
Pretorian Wed.,Aug.10 (Daylight)
New York to Glasgow
Numinian Thursday, Aug, 11, 10 a,m
Low rates by above Glasgow steamers ou
application to
Agent, Brussels.
While we are not given much
to pining up our business in the
public print we desire to thank
our numerous customers for the
hearty support accorded us in
1903, and to state that we are
still in the old stand ready to
attend to their wants.
Wood work repairs promptly
attended to and all departments
of blacksmithing, with a specialty
made of horse -shoeing and Job-
bing. As we have spent 18 years
in Brussels we think we are com-
petent to understand the wishes
of the public to a good extent.
Call and see us.
Thomas street,
Stook of Wire Wheels for Wagons to imply
Customer° on hand,