HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-8-11, Page 1Vol. 03. No. g 1c.n,a BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1904 New Advertisements. A snap—Teta PoRr, ExonreIon-0. P. It, Pin lost—Tufa POST. Ring lost—Ten POW. Strayed —Geo. Johnston. Voters' Lint—Wm, Clark. Great sale,—McKinnon & Oce Teacher wanted—Jae. A. Edgar, Estrict Leben JtLLneNto -own . Mather Robbie MoOoob, of Pine Rine, ie spending a few days with his grand. pimento, John and Mrs. Strachan. Mrs. P, MoDougell and relatives had a private pio•nio last Wednesday on Mait. land bank on the farm Mr. MaDougell bought a short. time ago from the Miller estate, Morrie boundary. -t. 171iinton. Rev. Dr. Oook and Mists Alta Lind are holidaying at Ripley and Kincardine. Wednesday of this week Kincardine lacrosse team played a match with the looale on the park here. The local optiou movement hoe stirred ) up quite en interest whioh will likely i increase between now and the let of next . January. fav! George Oeborue, of this plane, the only [eon and support of a widowed mother, ca„ t�wae drowned in the Buyfie'd river at ,Bayfield Saturday morning. He ie sop. - S*''}poeed to have taken uratnps,.. The de. g lraoaeed was regood tteinilene. Niolerwewortlt. The operation apnn George Wod'e leg was euooeeefully performed by the eurgeone ou Wedueedny of last week. We are glad to report Mr. Woods programs. ing-ninety. Last Snoday was quarterly eervioe in the Methodist ohuroh here. The pastor preached from II Pet. 1;8 and a delight• fel love Least followed after which many partook of the Lord's Supper. A good attendance showed the interest of the members of the cherub iu this most im• portant moans of Grams, PnasRNTd0ION.—On Thursday evening of last week a huge number of 0, 01. Leppard'a friends, who have beers go long aseooiated with him iu his work in the Methodist ohuroh in its various departmentsmet at the nom. modioue home of finny Armstrong to do honor to Mr. and Mre, Leppnrd, who were the guests of the evening. Rev. T,ffin being called to the chair explained the purpose of the gathering and called on Mr. Armstrong who read s very ep preoiative address end Hugh Spence presented Mr, Leppnrd with a handsome gold watch chain and charm. Mr. Lep- pard feelingly replied on behalt of Mrs. Leppard and himself. The chairman ad. ded a few words of loving regard and called upon Geo. Spence, W. T. McKee, H, Armstrong, H. R. Spenoe, E. A. Mu Furan Laborer se Wanted FARM LBEOREP ' EXCURSIONI Will be ran to stations on Llan. Pao. in Mau - Reba and Aedhdboia. West,rlouth-west so North-west of Winnipeg, as fax as MOOSE JAW ESTEVAN ce $1 YORKTON From all stations on 0. P.R., Toronto City, Mendowvale, Guelph City and North, and Harstation aiand North, esoeetiT. ng North of Card Card- well Juno., and North of Toronto on North Bay section on AU/IUST lard. Oneway tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold but each person purchasing will be furnished with te coupon, on whioh after eueh person has been hired at Winnipeg to wont as a farm laborer, but not later than August 3101,1004, free transportation will be given the bolder from Winnipeg to any Oan- adieu Paeiflostation iu Manitoba or Armin - thole, West or Bouthwaet or Northwest of Winnipeg, but not beyond Moore Jaw,De- tuvan or Yorkton. Por patop1ablot and all particulars and tickets empty to any Canadian Paoitio Agt. A. 01. N,OTMAN, Asst. Gen. rase. Agent, Toronto. 1' �^r1 _% Glasses that" rte, Fit. ao . We succeed because our lasses giveper. �' d d �, Pet 'Irene ht. ✓ ra fte ro c sols tom• o!. m o lrIng t, each Sys , ( 'oohing through the centre, of the lomle the whole becomin h d 1 to the wearer. q_� Y 3.V21,93. T., F' laotrrl:aer feceesY eielin and teidatin0rttev 'Orotlninate �Bi1.7EB:.` Ree and W. R. Belden, who each spoke appropriate words, A very delightful evening was spent and the company dia. period with beet wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Leppard and their little eon, Eugene, who go to Gerrie where Mr. Leppert will continue in the teaohlug profession, On Monday the Quarterly Board of the Trowbridge oirouit met here. The buss hese was transacted io.a very harmonious spirit, Geo.. Spence, of Ibis appoint. meat and G. N. liiutohiueon, of Trow• bridge, wore appointed representatives to the Pinanoial Dietriot meeting whioh will convene in Stratford. The fineness of the oirouit were found to be In a most eatielaotory oondition and the Board decided unanimauely to increase the pesters salary $100. Very kind words of regard and appreciation of Mr. Tiffin and hie work were expressed by the Board and he cheerfully returned thanks for their kind words and the substantial In• crease in salary which is now plaoed at $800, it otterioh. John Ohriatie, partner of George F Hammond In the robbery of the North Coast Limited near Bsarmoatb, has been held lu $80,000 bonds in lieu of whioh he wee taken to jail. Ohrietie's early life was spent in the vicinity of Toronto, Ont., bat he hos been in Montana and North Dakota for several years. Ohrietie has uo criminal record in this country, and so far as the Toronto polios know hail none in the Hutted Steles. Inepentor Stark Saye Cbrietie oomes from Huron county, and his parrots now live near Goderioh. A Northern Paoiflo passenger train was blown up on Jane 10.11 last by two masked men, and a big lot of dia• monde bring parried by the express company wee taken. The police arrested George F. Hammond, one of the pair, who confessed, end implioatad Christie. He stated that $3,600 in money and about 400 small dialnoude were taken from the train. Hie shrc,of the booty was $1,600 of money and all tlfa, diamonds. Ham mond allowed the pollee his osobe near Coeur d'Alene Oity, Montana, lust Bun• day, and they deg np 360 diemoode and $225. In another plane near Hillyard, Montana, $169 was found. Earn evale. Mise Mina Haney is visiting with relulivee nt Toronto, Perot and Willie Paterson are home from New York for the holidays. Mre. John McIntosh is visiting her Parente, Thos. and Mre. Ooultee. Mies Wilson, of Ottawa, was the guest of Mre. Bailey for a. few days laet week Little Miss A. King, of Goderioh, ie vieiting her aunt, Mre. George Mo Donald. Mr, Menziee and son, Tommy, of Moleswnrtb, 'deiced at George Mo. Dnneld'e thie week. Quite a number from Binevale attend• ed the Entertainment at Vietoria Hall, Jamestown, last Wednesday evening and report having a good time. (Intended for last week.) R. N. and Mrs. Daft were visitors to Listowel thle week. W. Manning, of Minneapolis, is visiting Thos. and Mre. Ooolten. Charles Coulter, of Listowel, is spend- ing hie holidays at home. Mre. Howe, of Clinton, has been visit• ing her broiler, Robert Mason. Oharles Roberteoo, of Boieeevaia, Man., woe visiting relabivea here thie week. Mrs. F. Paterson, of Wingham, was vieiting Mre. A. Patereou on Tuesday. Misses Shedden, of Sanehine, spent a few &eye with Mies Eva Paterson this week. Mies Jeanie Robertson, of Wroxeter, visited her eider, Mre. Robert Bleck, this week. Jno. and Mrq. Elliott and ohildreu, of East Wawanonh, visited Mre. Audeteon thio week. 6;tltel. Mies Ella Hersuld ie visiting friends in Jamestown. Mine Ransom, of Detroit, is visiting her parents here. Mise Spence was visiting at Brussels during the past week. R. 0. Davies & Oo, have. laid a new hard maple floor in their .bore. S. S. Cole shipped out several oars of lumber daring bbe last week or two. Mre. Geo. Laird, of Winthrop, is visit. ing st the home of J• and Mre, Laird here. Mrs. Jefferson and two children, of Toronto, are visiting at Jno. and Mre. MoAllom'e. Mre, Lena, ;of 0arriok, visited at the home of her pergola 0. and Mrs, Raynard this week. Mier Amelia MoIeuee, of Oranbrook, visited her cousin Mies Lizzie McInnes a few Jaye this week. Some of oar villagers should read the Towrtsliip By Laws ebartiog at page four. teen and take weaning. Miens Lid and Edith Milne are R in Kincardine 'thie week attending the Epwortli Dengue Convention held there, Mise Lyda MoAllum, our well known soprano Binger, led the oiler in the Methodist chetah last Bundey ab the quarterly 00581005. Rev. C. P. Welle i0 on the program for the topic, "Sunday Sohool Suooeen," at the Sommer Sohool being held at Rin• (maths. thio week. 0 e ever village ie full f etran r Our ng o g Y day pio•nioking at Dilworth's grove. Pio Ma parties have been hero this week from LietoWol, Btonkton and Atwood. L M. Henry is sending oub lots of flour these days. Wheat in this eeotiot is not mush (good this year end eom9 farmer; have laid in their year's 'apply. Any wheat that hue been brought to the mill ae yet had to be shopped am it was too light and no flour in it, all killed out by the rest, The tenure delivered last week in the Methodist ohuroh here by Rev, Joseph Philp, 13, D,, on "Jerusalem and it; environe" was a most exoellent one and g y J than was read eb'oycd by bome w bo had the good fortune a e tohear it. Ib was ander the auspices of the rifethodiet chetah abet. Mr, Longeway and hie men have now got the tile laid aurora the 8th oonroad for the big drain. Those going to Bruen eels had to go by bbe Oth oon. for a ooupte of days. Trow breffuse. The farmers are very buoy with the her vest. Deaooneea Collins and her sister and Mise Oode ere atteudiog the Summer Sohool at Kinoardine thie week. We regret to hear that Greta, the little daughter of Rev. A. C. Trifle le laid np with a Tight attack of typhoid fever but we hope ohs will soon be quite well again, Last Sabbath evening Rev, H. E. Ketliegbou, B. A., 000upled the pulpit of the Mothodiet aburob and gave a most eaeeltent eermon. In the moruing a goodly number attended the quarterly eervioe whish was held at Molesworth, the pastor, Rev. A. 0. Tiffin being in obarge. (711.41.111111, rt*o Ir. Public school re-opene next Monday. Miss Mary Ritchie, of the MoFaul 00, $eafnrth, to holidaying here. Geo, Ballard and wife, of Listowel, opera a few days at the manse, Mre. Cameron, of Ohio, is visiting her brother, John Rann, of thio pleoe. Tuts POST gives the news. 25o in ad- vunae pays for it until Jan. 1st 1905. Mies Amelia Mulnnee was a visitor at her snore's, A• Matinee', in Ethel, last week. Jno. Calder, who is employed in e Seruia drug store, was borne for e. short vacation. Tbe Oalder bridge will soon be ready as Contractor Vauoe is at work with a good gang of men, Mien Jean Campbell, of Logan, has been a visitor at her uncle's, A. Reymann's, for the past week. Mre, J. W. Switzer and Miaa Maggie have returned from London where they have been renewing old aogaainbanoes. Lust Sabbath afternoon H. R. Brewer, of Breese's, took- the -sanies id the Methodist ohuroh in this plane. Rev. Mr. Ooeeoe was away at Durham. Adam Balzer and Otto Berfeltz are putting tbeir threshing outfit into prime condition before starting the eeason'e work. They expect to do e. hustling trade as both are well known residents, A. Reymann has added a planer to hie maohiuery whioh has been planed in poeitiou and eat in motion by machinist Wm. Siemon, who is a good hand. Par- ties wanting surface planing, water tanks or windmille should oall at the Oran - brook Shope. The following are goeetn at River. aide this week :— Mies Margaret Deane, Galt ; Minn Oarrie Gowan and Jean Celden, Jaok' Oalder and John Ooweu, K. 0., Sarnia ; Jae. Gowan and daughter, Mary, of geatorth • H. 0 Babhirk, late of London, England, en route for Winnipeg. Messrs. Reymann, Cameron, and Spar. ling hove reoently pot up windmills for George and Hartwell Speiran, of cone. 14 and 10, respectively, also one for Ohae. Dulmage, of MaKillop, and will put up one for John Craig, of Morrie, in the near future. They are the Marvel mill mann• featured at Woodetoak, Out. W roxet.er. Mise Mary Sauderson-visited in Gerrie over Sunday. Mies Lulu Hemphill returned from Heneall on Saturday. Hugh McLeod ie learning, the baking basiueee with Mr. Lewis. Mies 0. Cook and child, of Heneall, are visiting at T. Hemphill'.. B. F. Garr, the new harneeemaker, opened up his shop this week. Sam. Barlow and his staff of clement men left on Tuesday for Moorefield. 11, T. Miller, of Toronto.Junabion, is visiting old friends in this vioinity. Quarterly meeting was held in the Methodist ohuroh Sunday morning. Gilbert Gillespie, of the Northwest Territories, is visiting his mother here. Mise Latish& Morrison hos gone to Luoknow where alas will spend a month. Alvin Hemphill, of Hamilton, ie spend. ing a week's holidays with hie parents here. Geo. Paulin is in Toronto this week attending the Grand Lodge of the I. 0 0. F. Henry and Miss Grace Stewart, of Brussels, visited Mende here on Bator. day. W. Oorboald, of the Bauk of Hamilton, Wingham, was in the village on Wed. needay. Geo. Trench and family have moved into Mre. Brown's ootbage on Howiok street. Rev. Jae. Edgar, of Brantford, 000upied the pulpit in the Presbyterian ohuroh on Sunday. Chao. Robertson, of Boiesevain, Men„ le the guest of bin pereubel J. and Mrs. Reber teen. William Wright ie vieiting his parents near here, he ie home from Manitoba for a month's holidays. Miss Carrie Ardell left for London Saturday where she will attend the millinery openings. Misses Clara and Della Rutherford returned lest week from a short visit with relatives ut Harrieton. Mier Ada Morrieon and Master Gor. don Mordent refereed from a few day's holidays at Kenilworth. A load of Oddfeliowe attended the funeral of the late Michael Robertson, of Wingbem, On Sunday. Ely. E, Fein, of Kinoerdine, distriot manager of the Canada Life Iheuraeoe 00,, MIR in town on Monday. The Colon Base ball team encoeeded in defeating the Harrieton nine by a score of 10-14 in the Gorrie park Friday even. ing. Ch eater Edwards, of Fordwiob,.who Intety returned from New Ontario, visit. ed his brother, 0. T. Edwards, here last week, Robert and Mre, Rae lett for their 00 Tues. ,1i Flemming, N. W. T lams N homeine , 6. day followed by the beet wieheo of theft many friends here, lblieeee Agnea and Nellie Blaelt have returned from a montb'e 'felt with relatives at Galt and A.yr. Mre, A. Tbornpeon, of Guelph, is the guest of her father,Jobo Gotten, and other relatives here. Mr. Thompson and eon Goff. ere also here, Misses Lula Rutherford and Rosie Smith a000mpaoied the Misses Elliott en their return to Oheeley Iaet week and will visit there for eome time, Wgdneeday'e Toronto Globe sere of a former Wroxeterite :—Thus. W. Gibson, Director of the Ontario Bureau of Miuee, left yesterday for the North, where be will visit some of the mines, go over part of the nickel range with Dr. Coleman, who is now exploring that country, arid inspect a portion of A'gonquin Park, He will be away about two weeks. W 4111.O14. GORTON PdeTY,—A Garden Party, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Walton Metbodiet ohuroh, will be held on the Parsonage lawn, Walton, on Monday evening, Aug 15tle. There will be a mneioal and literary program. Brasses K. 0. T. I11 Band will furnish mesio during the evening. Refresb• meats will be served, Admiseion, 15 seats. It the weather is unfavorable the Garden party will be held the follow• ing evening. MATR1ttoNIAL —Tuesday evening of last week, at 7 o'eiook, Rev. Mr. Baker, Methodist minister, performed a marr• lege eeremony at the residence of Thome. Williamson, 18th Oon., when Hugh Ramsay, 17th Con„ and Mies Maggie Williamson were united in the holy estate of matrimony. Mies May Reid, of Wingbem, played the Wedding march and Mies Bessie Walker, nein. to the bride, performed her pert as flower girl very neatly. The wedding was a quiet one the immediate relatives and friends being the meta. Mr. and Mrs. Rameay will make their home on the groom's farm. Many hearty oongratnlatione are extended to Mr. Ramsay cad bride in whioh Tug Pose joins. P eo• J. D. Eagan end J. A. Fraser, of Galt, spent several days at M. Doll's, 6:h oon. This week S. B. Lamont is enjoying himself at the Summer Sohool at Kin- cardine. G, and Mre. Stevens were visitore with D. and Mre. Shines, 12th con„ teat Sunday. Alex, D. Lemont, who is in Eaton'' store, Toronto, is home for a few weeks' bolidaye. Alex. Youill has had hie residenoe raised and is putting in a new cellar and foundation. D. K. Livingetone'e bores that broke its leg bad to be killed. It will be quite a loge t0 the owner. Miss L. Plenty, and D. Hamilton, of Wingham, spent Triodes, last with Mr. and Mre. Huffman, of Grey. Barley outting is on end oats will not be long behind. Its some plane morn is a very good Drop bat in other notions it is nothing to brag about. The tax rate for the township of Grey for 1904 will be as follows :—Go. rate, 15)10 mills ; township rate 6 mills ; general Sohool rate, 1 2/10 milia. Robert McDonald bee the contract for filling approaches to King's bridge, 9th oon: at $140. Roadway is bo be 16 feet wide on top and filled in to wing walls. Road hae wino to be gravelled. Miel Ann Dron void off her household effects on Tuesday afternoon of last week and left for a visit with her sister at Mount Brydgee. She has been a reel• dent of Grey township for to good many yeast 1110 r r;m. Soboolre-opens next Monday. 26 Dente gets Tea Pon mail January let 1905. Township rate this year will be 1d mills On the dotter. Minutes of township Oounoil may be read on page 4 of this issue. Several farmers have threshed but the Fall wheat yield its nothing to brag aboob this year. The enlarged and remodelled residenoe of John Davie, 4th line, will soon be ready for 000upation. Miss Gracie Ferguson, 6th line, has been holidaying at the home of J. T. Pinkett, Westfield. Mre. Thomas Ainley, of Listowel, has returned from ben visit to Joseph and Mn. Olegg and family. Geo. and Will. Jordan and their dieter, Miss Jennie, spent Sunday with friends near Gowanebowo,Pereh 0o. Mrs. George Ueldbiok and Mre, W, Tarvey arrived here on Wednesday of this week for a holiday visit with; rela• tivee and friends. James Sharp, Rh line, is offering his 100 acre farm for sale and if sold will retire from aotive toil of farming. Mre. S. Irvine entertained a number of people toau ice cream social Lha. sun, young e at her home, on Thareday evening last. The Council made a good ohoioein the reappointment of R. Proctor as Tax Collector for 1904, Hie salary will be $85. Wm. Tbnell, 6th line, will how be in obarge of the road grader n5 W. Kearney resigned the job. 02.00 a day is the pay received, The exenreion to Kiooardine Tuesday of last week was well patronized by the people of Belgrave and surrounding vicinity. Mre, F. S. Baines, of Brussels, was vieiting her friend Mre. Jno, Clegg Inst week and eeeoowed old friendships around Bansbine, The Grand Trunk reoeived $185 for putting a oulvert in oonueation with the Lemont Municipal drain across their road bed, Min Mary R. Findlater, of the Wm mania Mediae' College, Philadelphia, Wee the gneet of her sister, Mos. Joe. Clegg, for a few dole deet week. Mre. J. 1. 0roefer end daughter of Buffalo, N. Y., are vioititrg the tonne's sisterr M M Cardiff. Mee, Umaher Wan a Me former resident of Brunie for several years cad 106 welcome visitor. The Coeaoit appointed John Roger, 0, le, S., of Mitchell, as township engin- eer, He also fills the Same position for Grey township and le a firet•oluee man. Thomas MoLanoblin, of Brussels, baa through bin Solicitor, pat in te o'aim for 500 damages maimed for injury to his horse by breaking through a culvert. The 00nnail deolined to assume reeponeibility at their recent meeting but whether it will end here or not remains to be aeon, WAR IN THE EAST. Wednesday's daily says :—On Satan day, July 80, the Japanese ocoupi d the Wolf Hills, a strong position noir six miles North of Port Arthur. This 'e ,the effect of an official despatch to St Peters- burg, via Vioeroy Alexieff at Maniere from General Btoeeeel, the commandant of the great fortress. It is a bami;iating confession for biro to be compelled to make after his despatoh declaring that on July 26, 27 and 28 he repulsed the enemy with enormous lessee, placing their oaenalitiee, on the atetemente of the Chinese, at 10,000. The attack at the point where they were beaten with the alleged terrible losses, it now appears, was only a feint, and when the real attack was made on the Wolf Hills by five divisions of Japanese," General Btoeeeel, in view of the enemy's "error• moue superiority," ordered his troops "to retire to the next positions without fighting," and thio, he Bays, woe affeoted in (template order. In other words, as at the Yalu River, Kioobow, Teliseu,Tatch ekiao, Bimuaoheng, they were onrfongbt and ontmauceovred, and thus compelled to abandon positiooe of great importance. General Btoeseel says the Japanese forces against him on July 26 and 27 consisted of seventy thousand men. The large number of Japanese operating against Port Arthur seems to stagger the General staff at St. Petersburg, whioh body ex• plaice that the Wolf Mlle, "consist of a long crest of hills offering a great ods vantage owing to their proximity to the fortrage." What has happened since July 80 2 Ohefoo despatches, whioh in fairness, it must be stated, asserted some days ago that the Japanese had taken the Wolf Hills have sloes antlered diet the Japanese have broeght their trenohee within two thirds of a mile of the main defenoee, and that as soon as the siege guns are monoted they will sweep the harbor and compel the Russian fleet to go out and give battle to Admiral Togo. This is not unlikely. The Japanese as yet have nothing to say reepeoting the operations, but the eorreepondent of the timer at Tokio learns on the hest author. Hy that there is no truth whatever in the Rnseian rumors of Japanese reverses with heavy losses. The despatch from . Viceroy Alexieff, published yesterday, embodying "tele- grams" from Port Arthur, asserting that a Japanese battleship was put oat of action, a cruiser sunk and a gunboat injured in a naval engagement on Any 26, is not worthy of credence. Reports from Admiral Togo, Covering evens up to August 5, on whioh day there was a lively fight between torpedo bone, have been published, and they mention no losses. In the past Admiral Togo bas not besitated to report naval digesters. The milking of the battleship Ilatsose and the ioniser Yoebino, off Port Arthur, and of a third•olese praiser in Tatienwan Bay were not held book by him and there is no reason to believe that be fa biding anything now. Tire sonroe of Alexieff's "telegrams" from Port Arthur is not clear. Judging by the difference be tweet the date of the events they deal with and their arrival at St. Petersburg, they travel by a circuitous route, Probably Ohitless and European refugees from the fortress start them ou their jonraey. There is no change, it is reported, in General Kuropatkin'`position. Grey Council Meeting. The Council met peening to adjourn. ment in the towoebip Hall Ethel, on Monday, August 8th, 1904, at 10 a. m, The Reeve in the chair and the other members all present. The minutes of Int meeting were rend and approved. Bylaw No, 226 fixing the rates for the onrrant year, County rate 1 5/10 mine ; Township tate 0 mills ; 5Geoeral school rate 1 2010 mills, was read three times and finally passed. By.law No. 226, to levylaud rein the amounts sent in by the trustees of the several sohool neo tions in the township wee read and pawn ed. Moved by William Fraser, eaaoaded by Adam Tomball that the Clerk notify the Engineer to restate the Hell Moni' oipal Drain so as to ba ready for the oontrautors,—Oarried. Petition of John Howard and othere for a Mnnioipal. Drain read. Moved by Adam Turnbull,aeoond. ed by William Fraser, that the petition be approved ae there is to majority of the ratepayers interested on same and that a BY •law be prepared appointing intiog John ' examine and re Roger as Engineer t o poft on same, Bylaw No. 229 appointing John Roger, re Howard Mnnioipal drain read 1st, 2nd and 3rd time and finally passed. Moved by John Grant,osoonded by Lorenzo Frain, that the premium obtained on the Beauchamp drain and ex. tension debentures and interest ou said premium be refunded to parties on Raid Beanohamp drain and extension this year in taxes.—Carried. Moved by Lorenzo Frain,e000nded by John Grant that the tender of Robert McDonald of 5140,00 for filling approaohee to King's bridge be aooepted ; said tender includes gravelling and Melting roadway 16 feet wide on top and filling in to fall w.dth of wing walls.—Carried. Moved by Adam Turnbull neoonded by William Prager that the Reeve and Treasurer be author• ized to borrow 53000, trone the Standard Bank for current gexpeusee until taxes are pald.—Carried. Moved by John Grant, seconded by Lorenzo Frain that the Trenenrer be inebruoted to forward cheque of $185,00 to G. T. R. autism agent at Blnevele for on1vert on Lamont Munioi 1 nal drain in Monis townehiP .— Carried. Moved by William Fraser, seconded by John Grant that the follow. W.H. KERR, Prop. ing ancients be paid, Carried, Thos. Davidson, gravel 014 40 ; Geo. Rioberd• eon, gravelling Lot 10, Oon, 17, $20 00; Wm, Onate, registering G. J. railway By- law, iylaw, $2 00 ; Geo. Hanley, digging ditch Lot 30, Con. 14, $2 00 ; Wm. Sohnook, repairing Grey & Elam Bdy„ $2 00 ; Ohae. ()abort', repairing culvert Grey & Ehna Bdy„ 60o ; Jahn W. Williamson, shovelling gravel, 52.60 ; Daniel Neabal, gravel, $26.80 ; Geo, Thos. Hislop, refund Hislop M. Drain, $7.20 ; Thos. Tomball, refund Hislop M. Drees, 521.60 ; Oliver Turnbull, refund Hislop, M. Drain, 630 40 ; George Jdrown, shovelling gravel, $1.00 t W. Pd. Sinolair, legal„ $2 00 ; Jae. D. DieNair, repairing oulvert 14th Oote, 52 60 I S. S. Cole, timber for Hanna M. Drain culvert, 526 78 ; S. S. Cole, timber for repairing onlverte, $20 22 ; John Mo• Intosb, preparing G. J. railway Bylaw, $15 00 ; Municipal World, birth, death and marriage register supplies, $5.75 ; Ira Taylor, gravel, $8.32 ; Andrew Hislop, bdy. bridge abutments and taking down old bridge, $895.00 ; Andrew Hislop, inepeotion on Ring's & Betz bridge abut. manta, $17.60 ; Andrew Hislop, widening road at King's bridge abutments, $26 00 ; G. T. R. oulvert Lamont Manicured Drain Morrie township, $185.00 ; Henry and Thomas Al000k, on. contract Hislop M. Drain, $105 00, Moved, seconded carried that the commit do now adjourn to meet at the Township Hall, on Ston. day Sept„ 12th 1904 at 10 a. m. Jew; MoINTosa, Clerk. EDITORIAL NOTES. RUSSIA bad better say to Japan, as far as Port Arthur ie aonoerned anyway, I hereby present yon with this fortress as a mark of the high esteem in whioh you are held and hope you may long be spared to bold the keys. Dominion Pariianeent prorogued on Wednesday after a somewhat tedious see. Bion, Several important questions in- tended, to be dealt with were shelved until another assembling. The question now asked is wben will the eleotion be held 7 Some ray 11 will come off next Fall and other affirm that another session will be helti'before any ballot marking will be asked for. RAILWAY matters t are being pushed along in connection with the proposed 0. P. R. extension from Guelph to Gods - rich and aotive operations in grading and traoklaying will soon ensue. M. A, Pig. gott, of Hamilton, and D. B. Oampbell, of Strathroy, oontraotore, have signed oontraote to build eighty miles of the road and it is said a start will be made as soon as the rade of harvest ie past. FALL Fair Direction • tore getting ready for the annual exhibition. Every person should take a deeper interest in these k'airs. In a community such as oars there phould be twine as many members and exhibitors as there are and the farming aommunity should buckle into it and teed the way. As it ie tbere are snores of them whose names were never on the membership roll and who have never made even an attempt to aid in the line of exhibits. The well oonduoted Fall Fair bee a plane all right and might be made muoh more beneficial if all who mild and should would lend a helping hand. Now is the time to get ready and a general rally:would mean a great deal to the eaaeees of the Fair not only for 1904 but for the years to some. Tunno is quite an aw• akening in Tem. prams circles and an appare`bt purpose to campaign along the old lines. In a number of municipalities Local Option Bylaws will be eabmitted and municipal oandidates willooneegaently be brought into olose touoh with the movement. Ow• log to the great reduotion of hotels in enrol munioipalities, as compared with 25 yearn ago, the bugbear about lose of revenue doer not oat any figure 1n town. ;hips. The towne of Toronto Jnnotion and Blenheim have been pronlineotiy brought before the public on account of their passing Bylaws and tot a few nee. ful lessons have been learned by people on both aides of the question by the ex. perienaee of the above mentioned towns, Clinton has taken the initiative in Huron Countyand we are informed that other plane will also formulate plans in the game direotion. While there are op. ponents to Looal Option there is strong backing proffered also and bueioeee meth. oda moldered for meeting and over• miming emergenoies likely to arise or put forward as argument against the oarrying of saoh Bylowe. Voters' Leagnee are being organized nod it looks a good deal as if King Aloohol might get a blank eye before the engagement ende. Forest fires are still raging in the OCow'S NOM .Pave dietriot, Stretford City Couooil have commuted the taxes of the G. T, R. property in that city, at 58,000 a year, for the next ten years, and as a result the company have let the ooubreeb for the enlargement of the ebope. The ooniraot for the buildings, whioh will be of cement add steel, has been given to the Forest Oity Paving Oompany, the eonbeingabout 0120,000, In addition to thie the new machinery will one $ t 20, 000. The build. tugs are to be oomplated and the Medlin. ery installed by Deaelnber 15, The bntldingeinolode a tender shop, 826 by 102 ft. ; carpenter shop, 11:3 by 63 feet, end braes foundry, 70 by 43 feet. The present tender and bleeds/smith shop will be more than doubled in oapaoity, and the tender shop wilt be used as a wheel and toolfastory, talhltt.'il t'.)ll.01t1i. Word has been received from Rev, L M. Webb, who is at Stra;boone, Alberta. His many friends will be pleased to bear *bat he ie gradually regaining his strength and we hope he will Boon be oon valeseent. Last Sunday evening Miss Spenoe, of Ethel, favored the congregation of Si. John's church with the bountiful solo— Jennings Brownett'e, "Abide with me,". Miss Spence has a sweet, o:ear, vo,oe and her solo was much appreoiated by the ooegregation, who wilt be pleaeed to hear her again. Last Sabbath Mr. Ritchie, who is sup. plying Melville ohuroh, Braesnle, and M.r. MoKay, who ie rendering similar servioe at Lietowel, exchanged work. Mr. McKay epoke in the morning on "The surae of Meroz," and in the evening bis text was "I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, &o." FoarsTRas.—Next danday evening the annual sermon will be preached to the members of Oucrt Prinoeee Alexandria 0. 0.F,, Brussels, by Mr. Powell, in St. Johne ohuroh at 7 o'oiook, The brethren are asked to aes.mble at their Hall, Blasbili block, at 6 80 so ail to be ready to marsh to the ohuroh. Visiting brethren are invited to the service. Rev. J. W. Hodgine, of Seafortb, will take charge of the services at St. John's ohuroh next Sunday. Holy Oommtmion will be admiuiatered at the close of the morning prayer also at Weston in the afternoon. In the evening Mr, Hodgine will preach to the 0. 0. F., Brussels, of whioh Order he is a member. Mr., Powell will take Mr. Hedging' work at Beatorth. At a meeting of Stratford Presbytery Tuesday a call to Rev. Dr. MoLeod, of Atwood, to Truro, N. S., was *netained. The Atwood congregation will be an. nounoed vacant on Sept, 4th. Toseday afternoon Lev. Mr, gton, of Wyevale, was inducted into the pastoral charge of North Eaethope and Hampstead. Rev. M. L. Leitob, who bas reaigued from the pastorate of Knox ohurck Stratford, has been voted a retiring allowance of $1,000 by the congregation, Rev. J. E• Hunter was the preaoher in Brussels Methodist chetah last Sabbath. His text in the morning was (sboeen from Phil. 2 and 5, "Let this mind be in yea whieb was also in Christ." The subject was developed along three linea as chars aoteristio of the Master viz (1) Humility; (2) Sincerity ; (3) Simplicity. In the evening the diseoaree was based on Phil, 4 and 4, "Rejoice in the Lord always, &o," from whioh au interesting and instructive sermoe was given. Mr. Hunter has a good command of language, be is a Meer thinker and an euergetio worker. He is away this week taking part in the program of the Summer Sohool at Kincardine. In oonneotion with the Summer Sohool held at iifnoardiue the following iuterest., ing fade have been brought oat oon. darning Wingham Diebriat FACTS d0000 w1NeeAII DISTRICT, 1908-04. There aro 18 oirouit.. There are 60 Marches. There are 31 Leagues.. There are 4661 Oburob Members. There are 1630 Leaguers. The Morale raised for Minions $2956 00 Tbe W. M, S. " 452 68 The League " 1144 08 Total $4051 61 Tbs0huroh averaged 64ao per member. The League averaged 42 1f10o 004111101IIT10NS OP CIRCUITS FOR FORWARD 110VIOt0NT, 1908 04 Wingbam ...,$102 82 Bruseele 104 65 Ripley 67 48 Bervie 64 47 Bsthel 87 00 Fordwioh 85 80 W hiteobnroh 30 09 Lhoknow 28 18 T.eeatvater 26 66 Kincardine 24 84 Salem 20 65 Gerrie 14 04 Wroxeter 12 40 Belgrave 11 50 Ethel 9 86 Tiverton 6 45 Total ..$644 08 The labor alien bill was smothered in the Senate. Stratford Horse Show will be held September 22 to 24. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Companyat Montreal with . was organized M. Have ail preerdeut, George Strafford fell trona the top r 1 a barn head first into a tbraehing maolrine, neer Kettleby, and was killed. George Miller, bookkeeper in the freight offices of the 0. P. R. at Wtuni• peg, died irons the effeote of a does of oarbolio aoid, taken by mistake from en unlabelled bottle, The prinotpal's depatment of the Sebringville lie nblia eobaol will not openet on Monday owing to the neeeesary re- pairs being unfinished, It will Spon however, on Monday, August 29, The junior department opens on the doming Monday, August 16,. Wm. Butter, of Motherwell, was the viotim of a painful Resident, sue that might easily have been fatal. It appears that be was unloading grain fn the barn by menus of tentage, when the strain on the pulley at the gable cud of the bund• ing broke the rafter on whioh it wee fixed,, a pisoe of whioh Wes burled With ire. mandate forge towable the front ,of the, mow. It Amok Mr. Butter on the head i e and rendered him trnooneo nu foe Rome bee, imbe mound. 10 Ho le uo w 'able to had a narrow e50ape.