HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-8-4, Page 8Tltdit DECO 1:5 11.4 k 0 8 T BUMMER NEEDS Standard Bank of Canada Foot Rest Powder' .Foot Elm Citrate of JlMagnesica Phosphate of Soda Tartaric .�1 cid Talcum Powder Florida Water Essence of Rennet Perfumes Bath. Sponges Tanlefoot Fly Pads Insect Powder "4a 'eta cQi If got at Smith's you can depend upon them being good. Fe R. SMIT DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. IMAM MN ME SU MOS 1➢ra • URANU TRUNK RAILWAY. 000808RN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Goma Bo083 GOING Noncm. Mail 7:10 a.m 1 Mixed 9:00 am Mrxed.........12:00 a.m; 21a11 1:20 p.m Expreao 8:98p.m Express 8:89 p.m goad Baas Puts. A ohiel'e amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll preny i9. AUaDST. TENNIS is popular in town thio Beason. Soa000 Board Friday evening of next week. JNo. Grainger shipped a oar of oattle to Toronto. THREE care of salt were ebipped by the Salt Works this week. GEORGE Bun shipped a oar of hogs to the Ingersoll peeking house. J. OLEGG sent a oar of oattle bo Mont- real since last publication of Tax Pose. Ties old time game of quoits, so popular a few'yeare ago, is being revived in town. R. GRAHAM forwarded a oar of barley to Palmerston and a oar of wheat to Tilaonburg. Twice daughters were born at the home of David Jamieson, Taroberry street, Brussels, lase Sunday. RURAL public 80110018 will reopen on Monday, 15th inst. Town and village eohoole resume operations in September. RASPBERRY pioking hue been a very attractive and profitable pastime during the past week. The crop is a good one. A LOAD of Braseele Odd Fellows went to Wingham on Thareday afternoon to attend the annual decoration services of Odd Fellow's graves. WM. DARE received a new separator and onifit this week and with hie new traotiou engine will be well able to look after the threshing business thin season. Tion ooal business has been booming this week no lees than 8 oars arriving. Five were for Wilton & Turnbull ; two for R. Henderson ; and one for Jno. Oober, Fames of this week a epeoial session of Huron Go, Connell will be held at Gode. rich. Warden Bowman and Co, Council. for Herr, representatives from this District, will attend. A NINBERfrom town went to James', town on Wednesday evening to the anniversary entertainment in Victoria Hall. James Fax, the bamoriet vooalist, was one of the attractions. IT is probable that two rinks from Brueeele will take part in the Bowling 100rnement at Goderioh oommenoing next Tuesday. The Co, town people are putting on a great program. UNCLE TOMB CABIN ebow wail here on Tuesday and gave a performance in their tent on Viotoria Park. The expression of opinion by a number who attended could hardly be ooneidered a gilt edged oommendation of the old and time honor- ed production. A YOUTH bad the nerve to help himself at the till in J. H. Kerney's grocery recently. The right party was spotted but allowed to go unpunished on agreeing to make good the amount purloined. He may be vary thankful tbat Mr. Kerney was so lenient ea till tapping is a danger- ous roll to play. IMPROVEMENTS. - Metatlia roofs have been put on the residences of N. F. Gerry and M. H. Moore -W. F. Stewart is having a cement walk pub in from the eidewalk to the front door of hie reeidenoe. -A new dress of paint has been given to the dwellings of Jno. Coates end Wm, Buena on Mill and Elizabeth streets. - The oarpentere are pushing the work on the new home for Thee. Nicholls and family. DEOOneeme. Last week we omitted making mention of the anneal decoration of the graves of deoeaeed Odd Fellows and immediate friends whiah took plaoe ea Brneaele cemetery on Friday evening of the previone week. The rain during the afternoon and the; threatening ap. pearanoe of other showers interfered with the attendance and yet the turn oat wag very good. Headed by the K. 0. T. M. Babd the members marched to the silent city of the dead and after a few words of introduction the following graves were visited ;-Mre. Albert Crooks, Mrs. J. M. O'Connor, Wm, Spence, Rev, J. L. Kerr, Mre. Jas. Stewart, Geo. and Mrs. Hayoeoft, Jae. Wilson, Mies Addie Beet, T. Fletcher, Mies Lizzie heather. dale, Mrs. Ben. Dark, Adam Good, Geo. Baeker, W. Roddick, A. Hamilton, 13, A. Bmale, A. Webster, P. and Mrs. Thomp. e on, Jno. Mooney and Mre. Mooney and Mre, W. Mooney. While the floral wreathe and bogoete were being die. tributed the Band played a number of very suitable eeleotione enoh as "Nearer My God to' Thee," "Lead li:indly Light' "Sweet by and bye," &o. A Meade was then formed, representative of the ant broken chain of whiah Friendship, Love and Tenth are three of the links, a brief prayer Wag °Rated and the prootoeton and marched beck t reformed0 t own, This is a ceremony that ebould be per. petuated for many teething. Six oars of stook were sent to Toronto this week by Jno. Boot*. 2 Dens of baled hay were shipped by Alfred Backer to feed Toronto equines. Tann° will be a tennis match here Friday afternoon, Wingbam ve, Bennett'. kferi ilio BRos„ of Walton, ebipped two care of lumber sieve our last week's reporb. A cat of hogs was forwarded to Coiling wood by A. 0. Dames, and a oar of oattle to Toronto junction. ON Friday of tbie week a picked team of Ball players will go to Atwood to play an exhibition game with the Base Ball boya of that town. THERE bee been a vast improvement in the attention paid to lawns in Brussels during the past two years and the good work is being continued. Tam Ontario department of agrioal• tare reports that there will be praotioally no Drop of peaches in Eases, Rent and Beane ooantlee. The plum orop in the Dominion will he very light, ORANGE or BUSINESS -S. H. Jaokaon has bought out Thoa. Pollock and hue renamed business in the old stand at the bridge. Mr. Pollock hail :taken a situation at Milverton we aodergtand. Oval in Parie the bald -beaded men are putting their heads together and are making acme easy money. They sit in a row while au artist painte an advertise- ment on their unorow.ned pates. So much en inch is paid for the epaoe need, and the man with the big head gets the most money in bee morning. BY an amendment to the Municipal Act passed last session, oandidatee for the offices of mayor, reeve, oontroller, alderman, councillor, water•oommiseion• er and etreet-railway oommiseioner, in cities, towns and incorporated villagee are required to file deolaration of quali- fication by noon on day of nomination. As the season advances the proepeete for a reoord crop of sugar beets grows bright. The orop itself is good and le well advanced. The farmers are taking epeoial oath of the crop this year. They are learning to oare for them properly and thio a great feature. From preeent ap• prara0oe, it is cafe to say the orop will be double of last year. AT the Bowling Competition last week he London D. 0. Rosa won 8 games in singles and wag defeated by Mr. Baird, of Blenheim. Mr, Roes is 0 fine bowler. There were 79 rinks oompoeed of 816 bowlers taking part in the tournament. Postmaster Farrow took a hand at singles also. Oar players did not arrive home until Saturday. DAMAGE BY Lioarnnto.-The Inger- anoe Companies were bit hard in some sections by the results of last week's lightning. Howiok Mutual Go, that has been having very efooth sailing was caught along with the others, Claime resented to them will aggregate between 34000 and 95000, besides losses on cattle. List includes Andrew Longway'e barn, B line Howiok, 9600 ; Mr. Patterson, 2nd line, Howiok, barn ; Hobe. Jeokeoe, Min• to, settled at 91275 for barn ; J. Connor, Grey, barn ; a stable at Fordwich. Geo. Walker, B. Line, Turnberry, loot his barn but it wag in the Oulross Go. OEIT,-On Monday of last week Mre. William Howlett passed away to her re- ward, dying at the home of her Boo -in• law, Thomas Sherrington, at Elmira. Deceased had been ill for about 2 years with gangrene and natter and at times was a great sufferer, She wee in her 77th year. Mr. Howlett pre deoeaeed her by 13 or 14 years, Mrs. Howlett was a sister to Charles Howlett, of Brussels, and an aunt to Miss Pipe, of tbie town. 7 daughters and 2 sone survive. The Mama! took plane an Wednesday, the service being held in the Methodist thumb. Mr. Howlett and bis eon Albert, of Morris, attended, The eubjaot of tbie notioe was a fine spirited woman whose friende were many and her memory will long be perpetuated in the looality in which ebe resided. WEDDING BELLS. -At the home of the bride's parents, at Oran eville, a pretty wedding was solemnized on Wedneeday afternoon of last week, when Rev, Mr. Rix, of the above mentioned town, tied the matrimonial knot between Nelson E. Williamson, of Toronto, a former popular reeideut of Brueeele, and Mise Maud V, Leighton, To the joyful strains of the Wedding march, rendered by Mies Ethel Harebell, the prinoipal° took their places, the bride being given away by her father, D. A. Walsh, of Toronto, was grooms. man and Mise Fidella Leighton, sister to the bride, was bridesmaid. The bride was very becomingly attired in white Bilk and her neater ware a neat costume of blue voille. Little Mise Gertrude Jack. eon, a nefce, performed her duties as flower girl very prettily, She was dress' ed in white Bilk. White and pink oarna• tions ' were carried. Hearty mngrate- latione were followed by a well thrived luncheon after wbioh the happy pair took train on a wedding trip with relatives at Wingbam, Brueeele and other places, after whin% they will reside in Toronto where the groom has already spent 8 years. The wedding gine were well ahoeon and were 00meron8 and vainable, Mr, and Mre, Willfameon 00emen06 married life under auepioioae otrcam• stances and weoioe the sentiments o v t not a few when we wish them many yeare of happy and prosperous borne making, MIST -01.3192.,033== 1873 'TOTAL ASSETS USPHS R FUND $160 OOOI A. General. 13ankieog 1-3uninaef40e Transacted "SAV/NQS BANK:u''e- -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reactive(' on whielt INTEREST 18 ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE. ACCRUED INTEREST is added to aco•uln*e every nix months end b000mee prinoipal. -MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposits withont the intervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, GOLLb70TED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for wbioh no oharge ie made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar careful and 000rteoue sttention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. IP 1131111{16. AIIIIMMtuti WWI GARDEN PARTY. -Brussels Band has arranged' to hold a Garden Party on the fine lawn at John Mooney's, 5th line of Morrie on Tuesday evening. A good pro• grarn will be presented and an enjoyable time is aoenred all who attend. Dwain or Rev. T. E. HARRISON -The news was reoeived with profound regret of the sadden and altogether anexpeoted death of Rev. T. E. Harrison, former. pastor of the Empreee Avenue Methodist obarob, in 'Wet London, at his home io Dresden, Ont. Some three months since. Mr. Harrieon'e health failed perceptibly, bot he did not leave London notll a month ago, when he was appointed by the 000feretoe to a charge in Dresden. At that time hie health wee Snell as to prevent his aotive participation in church work, and after scouring a olergyman to 1111 his plane,' he :decided on a mouth's holidays, Friday last be complained to. his wife that he was feeling very poorly, and rhe prevailed on him to consult a couple of physicians. The dootore, after a consultation agreed that he should be placed in a hospital in Chatham 10 re- cuperate, and he was to have gone to Chatham thio week. Monday morning he ar0ee as oath], and was partaking of breakfast with his wife when he suddenly became unaoasaioue, and died in her arms shortly after 7 o'olook. The late Mr, Harrison was a man in whom were embodied all the traits whiah go to make op the successful and reepeated olergy man. He was indefatigable in his labors, eooeieteut in hie life, and numbered amongst his friends and admirers those of all denominations. In London the news of hie death created intense sorrow among bis old parishioners, with all of whom be was favorite. Mach sympathy is also expressed for Mrs. Harrison in her bereavement. The deoeaeed, who was about 43 years of age, isenrvivecl by e widow and two sone Earl, aged 13, end Granton, aged 6. He had been 4 years pastor of Empreee Avenge Methodist ohuroh, and was also atone time pastor of the old Elizabeth street church in East London. The funeral was held at Dresden ea Wednesday morning, services being thud -rioted at 9 o'olook, after wbioh the body was planed on the 9.40 train, and oonveyed to Alliston, where deceased was born, for interment, GONE Hotoo, The passing away of Mre. Thee. Hall, last Sabbath evening, at the home of Mre. Jao Meadows er, in whose oare she bad been for a good share of the past year, was not a matter of mooh surprise to those intimately acquainted with the facto of the thee as the old lady had been in failing health for some time and the paralytic strokes at her advanced age, in her 90th year, precluded any probability of a further extension of lease of life. About 6 p, m. the call name end the olay tenement was vacated. Mre. Hall was a native of Ireland and o0 ooming to this country, made her borne for a time at William Al000k'e, a former well koowo resident of the 14th eon. of Grey. Her maiden then was Jane Blokely' was was often called into requisition as a nurse and not a few of the residents of this looality hod their first wardrobe plaoed upon them by the now departed. After her marriage to the late Thomas Hall, about 44 years ago, they lived on the latter's farm, eon. 12, Grey, and then bought a property in Brueeele and continued to roeide there for a good many veers. The old gentle. an dropped dead of hie own gate 17 years ago and Mre. Hall lived io the old home until last Winter when ebe woe persuaded after many ioeffeotual efforts, to make her home with Mre. Meadows who gave the old lady her very beet attention. For many years the neigh. bora and friende looked oarefully after Mre. Hall'e neoeeeities and saw that she wanted for nothing. Deceased was eaoenttle yet kindly and generous and` will long be remembered. She was a member of the Methodieb oharob and when able to attend her that wag very seldom vacant. The fetters] service ,took plane on Tuesday afternoon, 'Rev. T. W. Coming speaking appropriately from "Set thy house in order for thou shalt die and not live." A number of ohoioe bogaete were platted upon the casket, one bearing the signature of the Methodist ohuroh. The peel bearers were W, H. MoOraoken, T. Ferrow, Joe. Hill, Ohm, Howlett, Jno, Budd and W. H, Kerr. Several menthe ego B, Gerry, acting as agent for Mre. Hall, sold bet home end lot to Robert Holmee and the old lady's board awl attendance has been paid ant of monies tbue received. Business Locals. CONVENIENT dwelling rooms to let over Downing Bros. and Carrie's Stores. Ap. ply to I, 0. BloaeeDs. Goon miloh oow for sale. Also 2 young pigs 3 months old, SIMON Gann, Brueeele. A 300:02R of eeoond hand organa for male or t0 rent. LEATHERDALN & BON, Brussels. HAYoeooe for gale, aleo combined hay and stools rooks with double box. Gall and see them, Ewen & Co., Brueeele, To Tam Pnnwro,-•If you wish to have lawn mowers put in iiret•olaee order you oan have same done at areasonable Agate by T. MoGregor, Mill etreet, Brussels. SLAUGHTER BALE. -We ere positively slaughtering many desirable welet and dross leng1he suitable for street end y an, wear, evening g Ask of the Mien who bane been here from the °urroaudia toif they are not ink ae above, g twine; 0, E. KIND, Wingham. PERSONAE, PARAGRAPHS. Harry Moore is visiting at Trowbridge, Bert. Gerry, of Listowel, Sundayed in town. Mrs. Jae, Fox awl ohildreu were visit• ing at Lnoknow. Mies Vinnie Edwards is visiting at Listowel for a week. Mies Loretta Beneath f t visiting in Toronto this week. A. R, Smith, of Wingharu was in Brussels on Tneeday. Mies Bessie Bone has taken a position in Brussels poetoffioe. Mrs. I. 0. Rioharde is visiting Mre. Walter Innes at Jamestown, Misaee Elsie Good and Alice Tbomeon viei:ed at Ethel on Thursday. Mrs, Johnston, of Seatorth, is the poet of Mrs. Jno. Tllomeoo. Mies Lizzie lnuee, of Jamedtown, was visiting Mise Isabel Straohan. Mise Pearl Watson, et Listowel, is a visitor with Mies Mated Qnerin, Mre, Little le spending a few weeks visiting in Milton and Toronto, Mier Edna Pugh is holidaying at Walk. erten and other Northern pointe. Gordon and Gladys Roes, of Kinoar• dine, ere visiting relatives in Braseele. Hilton Hillis, of St, Thomas, ie visiting hie grandparente, S. and Mee. Crawford. Peter and 0. Smith and Allan Rae, of Wroxeter were visitors in tows ort San. day. Mrs. Liviugoton and Mre, Whitfield, of Ethel, were visiting io town on Weduee• day. Mies Thompson, of Hensall, is holiday. tog with Mies Mabel Z'mmer, Mary street. Charlie and Harold Rioharde and Willie Stem:hen are holidaying at Bayfield. Mise Minnie M -Naughton hail gone to Miobigan where she will enjoy an outing for a while. Mre. Delmage end children, of Win. throp, were visitors at F, Sparling'e and W. Ainlay'e. Herb. Williamson, of Ripley, was in town for a while this week. He likes the Ripley people. Mica Edith Inman, of Guelph, is holi- daying with her mother and other rola. tivee and friends, Rex. Wolfe, of the Standard Bank, is enjoying a holidaying at Brantford and other places of interest. Thee, and Mre. Bredwell, of Howiok, were here on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Jane Hall. T. A. Hawkins reports hie father can• siderobly improved in health with favor. able prospects for recovery. Mre. ;log . Howard hag been a prisoner to the h nee the. week from sciatica. It i4 teat Otte,, aha is laid aside. Dano. MaLanohlin has been taking enforced holidays owing to a etomaoh ailment but is baok to work again. Mre F. Oliver and Mise Mabel Thom - eon are visiting 11 Shakespeare and Granton, with friende and relations. Mre. Thee. b e. $et 1Kelly lette week on a y bl vieit with relatives at Attica, New York State. We wish her an enjoyable May. R. and Mre. McAlpine left for their home in Toronto on Tuesday followed by many good wishes for a prosperous future. Mies Phemie Govenlook and Mise Clara Sclater, of Seatorth, were visitors at the Methodist Pareooage during the past week. Mre. A. Currie, John street, arrived home last Saturday from an extended visit with friende at London, Detroit and other pointe. Maeter Bobs Campbell has returned home after a nix weeks' holiday with hie sisters in London. Mies Ethel a000m• parrying him home for a holiday, Rev. and Mre. Kallington and son were welcome visitors at the home of Fred. Adams for a few Jaye. Mre. Adams and the reverend gentlemen are sister and brother. James Jones ie away on a well earned holiday to Milton, his old home, and other placee of interest. Mier Minerva accompanied him and is holideyipg with Toronto relatives and friende. Mee. W, J. Welch and daughters, Halsey and Mobil left on Monday for their home in Hams City. They will visit relatives en route in Beaforte, PRrie, Meter, Detroit and Kalamazoo, Mich. Mies L'zzie Downing left on Saturday on a holiday with relatives in Muskoka, Miss Hattie Downing arrived home from her visit at Goderioh, Clinton and Wing. ham the day previous. Miss Burdett; Geddes, who has spent the past four years in town, a goodly portion of it se aaeistant fn the poatoffioe, left this week for Detroit, where she par• poses making her home. Mies Geddes may attend a Baelnees College and take up stenography. She leaves many friende in Brueeele who will be pleaeed to hear of her 800080, Jno. Laokie and Robert Thomson left Braeeels on Tuesday for Owen Bound, where they took the 0. P. R. steamer en route to Winnipeg. After a sojmlrn in the Western metropotie they will visit Portage•la Prairie, Brandon, Mooeomin, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and tither points and will be away from 4 to 6 weeks. Mr, Leckie is well acquainted with a good share of the ground to be covered. (loanoillor Thomson Nae alio been West before and while away 08111 Beek closer bueineoe relations with the retail merohaets in placing the coming orop of Fall and Winter apples whiah he intende handling � on a large Coale in ad - Moe to his already Well eetabliehed egg, better and poultry trade. Tan Po010 wie)le9 them it profitable trip, AUG, 4, 1t3U4 METROPOLITAN B 141( CAPITA a--l'atd up $1,000,000 IESE1*PE FUND • • $1,000,000 Directors REV, 00, H, WARDEN, D. D„ 8, J, 81000010, President. Vieo.Prealdout, T 00, DRAD0HAW, P I.8, urs D0N0R Mn, w, 301980aER GLARE, 10,0, D. e, '100Me0N, a 0, HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, D. 11086 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANItING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Dieoounted, S rMMS otos .911VVERVI Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all Bums of 91 and upwards DddVESd+ AS A. E, MELLISH, Manager, Dr. Agnew, brother to Dr. Agnew, of siav 000_00x,1:• •exera.1." ecem re, W Ingham, has been eeoured by Dr. Jr. A. f MaNaughton, of Brueeele, to theist him 'Pall Wbeat 87 88 in hie practice until he ie able to resume Barley 36 87 full work. The Dr. ie improving very 55 GO nioely but will require a good deal of 29 80 building ap yet before he is back to hie eld form, There are 3 physicians and 2 dentists in the Agnew family, rather an unusual reaord. Brussels Council. The regular monthly meeting of Bens. Bele Council wee held on Monday even• ing. Reeve Wilton in the ohair and Ooonoillore Henderson, Backer, Plum and Thomson present. Minntee of last meeting read and pass. ed. Following Recounts were presented ;- Jno. Ooueley, work on etreet $ 1 25 D. Denman, " " 9 62 W. Denbow, " " 53 26 Jno. Budd, " " .•6 78 London Fire Engine Go., repaire to engine 40 95 A. MoLanohlin, salary 25 00 H, Dation, on aoaount 16 00 Reg. Fletcher, telegrams 4 90 S. T. Plum, misoellaneone 5 00 R. Henderson, ooal for engine81 00 On motion of R. Thomson, eeoonded by A. Baeker the above amounts were order- ed to be paid. Moved by R. Thomson, eeoonded by A. Baeker that the Treaeorer and Reeve be empowered to borrow 5200 from tbe Bank to meet current expenditure. Carried. The woollen factory came ftp for die- °uenion and the Reeve, Clerk and Conn. oillor Henderson were appointed a Com- mittee to take charge of the neoeeeary Steps in Mooing a este and arranging neoeeeory legal mattere, on motion of Meagre. Barker and Plum. Weighmaater MaLaoohlin reported the very tidy earn of $51,45 adorning in the month of July from ebe goatee. It wee deoided to complete the grav- elling of John street and to grade and also gravel King street. The Oounailthen adjourned. Wm. H. Leven, a Toronto man, was held up in a train robbery near Chioogo. Montreal Presbytery agreed to the ace oeptanoe by Rev. Prof. Roes of the Doll to St. Andrew's ohnrob, London. Hon. John Dryden, Proviooial Minie• ter of Agrioaitare, will sail from Liver- pool for New York on Friday of this week. The Salvation Army delegates to the World's Ooagreee brought out a first in- stalment of ten girls for domeetio ser• viae Monday. THE CROP ODTLooR IN T30 'WEST .- From every portion of the great plain in the Regina dletriot come the same etorioe regarding the crops. Wheat au Sommer fallow es splendid. It is all headed out and is maturing fast. The heads are large. Cutting will commence in about three weeks. In other parte wheat ie not doing quite so well being rather stubby. In a few places it i utterly useless Ae g nt Ery the great bulk of the wheat in that neighborhood is on Summer fallow, the ferment are anticipating another pros• peroue year. Oats are backward, and poor yield is expeoted. A deepatoh from Raymond, Alberta, eaye that the pro• longed drought was broken on Thursday, when it rained ell day. The grain is ripe and outting hag oommenoed is Fume plumes. Reports from Spring Coulee and places farther West are that the yield will be fair. At Roston, Manitoba, crops in general are looking very well. Experts claim that Some wheat fields will give 45 baohele to the aore if nothing onforeeeen blights them. The weather is first olaee for ripening orope. sozxar. Betowo.-In Morrie, on Jaly 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. John A, Brown, a daughter. JAMIEsoo.--In Brussels, on Jaly 81, to Mr. and Mre, D. Jamieson, twin daughters. MILLS. -In Hallett, on July 24013, to Mr. mod Mre. John Mills'n daughter, rewrote -In Atwood, on JHIy 27, to Mr. end Mre, James Pelton, a eon, Spentem. Io Grey, on Jnly 25, to Mr. and Mre. Hartwell Speiran, 10111 Oon., a eon. STOLTZ -In East Wawanoeb, on July 20, to Mr, std Mre. J. 0. Stoltz, a eon. a a.e.RRx=b, BWANeoN-GANNETT.-In Blyth, on July 26, by Rev. Mr. MoLean, Mr. Ohae, Swanson to Mies Jennie Gannett, tenth of Wingham. Wr5LIAMeoN-LE1GHTON -At Orangeville, on Jaly 27, by Rev. Mr. Rix, Mr. Neleon E. Williamson, of Toronto, to Mies Maud V. Leighton, of Orauge. villa. DDsfloD- BiANDON.-In Morrie, on Jaly 21, James Hooey Brandon aged 60 years, HOw1•nTT.-In 1]lmire, on July 25111, Mary And, relict of the late William Howlett, aged 76 yeare, 7 months and 93 days, HALL -In Brussels, on July 81, Jane Blakely, relict of the late Thomas Hall, aged 89 years, 8 moethe and 4 days. MOALLIOTER.-In Atwood, on July 26, Jane Oumminge, rellot of the late Joseph MoAllieter, aged 70 yeare, 6 menthe end 10 days. Oe StciTH.-•Ab 5 Aberdeen avened Termite, t (formerly of lot 2, con, 10, Grey) On July 291h, Wm. Smith, in hie 71st year, Peas Oate Butter, tuba and rolls..,, 12 13 Eggs per dozen 18e 15 Hay per ton 6 00 6 00 Floor, per cwt 4 00 5 00 Potatoes per brie 60 60 Apples (per bbl,) 1 00 1 26 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hogs, Live 6 26 6 26 Wool 17 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TEACHER WANTED FOR S. B. No. S, Grey, dutiee to commence after vacation. Applicants state salary and experience. 3000. DUNBAR, 41 Secretary, Ethel P. 0. LOST. -A YEAR OLD STEER, red in oolor, with white spot on 1e1* gide behind shoulder; horns are a little coarse. strayed from Lot29, Om. 9, Mor- ris, on Tuesday evening, July 8th, Auy In- formation leading to Its recovery will be thankfully received, THUS, H. BOLGER, Walton P. 0. THRESHING OUTFIT FOR BALE: 01 oonelete Of Paulen Separ- ator, & New Hamburg Begins and a Maple Leaf grinder. A11 :in good repair. Terme easy for a quiok sale. For further particu- lars ail to price, Ra., apply to ELIJAH PEASE, Lot 9, Oon, 0, Morris, Sunshine P.0, 4-2 Voters' List, 1904, Municipality or the O'll00,ge of Brussels. Notice is hereby given that 3 have trans, witted or delivered to the persons mention- ed in seotione 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Aot, the copies required by snob section to be so transmitted or delivered, of the 118t, made pursuant to said Act, of all parttime appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the raid Municipality to be entitled to vOta in the said Municipality at eleetions for members of the Legislative Assembly, and at Municipal Eleotione, and that the said list was first posted up in my oiaoe, at Brussels, on the 27th day of Jul 1904, and remains there for inspection. Bloaters are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. F, 9. 8005T, Clerk. Dated at B rueeele, July 28th, 1004. Luxurious Hammocks are eae You will appreciate a good Hammock these days and there are a lot of Hammock days yet to dome. We have a very nice variety of them, ranging in price from 76o. to $2,50. Drug Store 11AB11I FOR SALE.-BNING- L01 23, Pon. n, Morris, County of Hur- on. Good farm ; brick bouse with 9 rooms ' bank barn; atone stable; good orchard of arida, plum and ;berry trees; plenty of water, 2 wells at the buildings .and spring areok across the °ouster of lot ; wood for a unmoor of years ; fences cedar and wire ; 100 rode of tale drain ; good garden ' 40 acres of erase. Farm is 14 miles West of �Brusseirl. Would take a house and lot lin payment if worth 0000 or 81000. Reason for selling old age. Far ``n•ioe and terms apply to JAMES SHARP, Brussels P.0. „ 4•tf Notice to Creditors, Iu the Surrogate 00081 of the Oocnty of Hnro,', in the matter of the ee'ate of David Maxwell, late of the Village of 11001se01e, in the County of Huron, retired fernier, deoeaeed. Notice is hereby given, nnrsuaut to Revis- ed Statutes of Outeri°, 1897, Ohap. 120, Sea. 88, that all oroditorc mud others having any claims against the estate of David Maxwell, late of the Vtllaee of Brussels, in the said County, ratir0dttermer, deoeaeed, who died on 0r about the 20th day Of July, A. D. 1009, at Brussels, in said County, are hereby required to send by poet, prepaid, or • to deliver to George. Jackson or Dougall McDonald, at Br0OsolsP 0., the Executors of 'the last Will and Testament of the said David Maxwell or to A, B. MacDonald, of the Village of Brussels, their Solicitor, ou or before the 1st day of September, 8,0., 1001, their 1011 names, addressee and desorip*ious and lull particulars of their alaime and the nature of their securities (if any) held by them. And notiro febereby given that after the said lash mentioned date, the;00110 Executors w111 pr000ed to distribute the assets of the deceased 0monget the persona entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims whiahnotice shell have been gicwin as required, and the said Executor, roepouslble for the assets, or any el, so distributed, to any person claim no*toe eball not have boon at the time of ouch dtatribution. Dated at Brusoele, July 80th, 1004 A. B. MACDONALD, Solicitor for Ex J F STRICTLY ONE PRICE M THE LOWES Esuecially Ia�eres�i�� �(e�s Things that are worth looking at scattered all through the store. Countless offerings, some of them al- most too small to mention, here to -day and gone to -mor- row, and many of them representing extraordinary values. We mention just a few of them, mostly small lots, that are likely to be exhausted in short order :- 'W'IIPO'isSa We,501011die'k'bra, -2 pieces 64 inch Cravanette in Oxford, Grey and Fawn 89 worth regular $1.25, Clearing price vvv -25 pieces Best Quality English Print regular price 121c, Clearing at •11 -15 pieces Extra Heavy Print, 82 inches wide, worth reg- ular 10c and 12ic, Clearing at • -12 ends Chambry, in stripes, chocks and plain colors, worth regular 12ie and 15c, Clearing at ... -6 ends Fancy Ribbon, three and four inches wide, worth regular 15e and 20o, special price to clear ... -8 only Ladies' Rain Coats, worth $8.50, for ... 2.10 -25 only Ladies' White Lawn Shirt Waists, slightly soiled with handling, worth regular $1,50, $2.00 . and $2.50, Clearing at ... ▪ 0 • -8 pieces Panay White Vesting, real valuo 50o, Clear- ing Price .•. • .,, -•15 pieces Best Quality Dress Duck, all good patterns, real value 15c, Tearing Price Highest Price for Buitct and. Eggs. 'UPpAhPIp4UyJltlgdVi'e,4e'Itdhrtatgl . 35 5 • 2 , 1 FERGUSON & Co.