HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-8-4, Page 5Avf , 4, 1904 A TRAIN UP CHILD And whenlupr t moodo flim 0r U u .44570 WEL / /9/ 'Porn( opens Apt41 IlUi, 1904 Two (looms— Commercial and shorthand. Send for 0011090 Journal. A. L. Mo1011Ylt1,, Manager, BUSINESS CARDS. NJfONEY '.CO sLOANT, AT 016010PER oonh 0'. , 8002'1110, H. MoOBAOIi.EN— • Ioouer of Marriage Licenses, Of. Doe at Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. HARMS FOR BALE—THE UN• DRRe10NED has Beveral good 111.11118 10r vale and to rent, easy terms, in 1owne14pa of Morris and Grey. 1? S. BOOTT,Brueeel C. O. F. Court Prinoees Alexandria, No.24, 0, 0. F„ Brueoole, meets in their Lodge Room, Mae - bill Block, on the dud and lest Tuesdays o1 each mouth, ate o'clock, Visiting brethren always welcome. JAS. BURGESS. 0.18. WALTER SOUTH. 1i, 9. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —TEACHER OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, aFxvssa✓x.2. err^_'•. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, IN00RANOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. J. LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRhe 1NSU10AN012, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Office over Horsley's Drug Store, Nov .8rd, 1902. 20.8m Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance CO., ReTABLIOORD 1840 Il80100ce taken on the oath and premium tug elsewhere mere call on the undersigned gned Agenr.t of the Company. GEORGE ROGERS, Brusgate. AUCTIONEERS. 7 B. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION- • sun, will Boll for better urine, to -v men in less time and lose charges y other Anotlonoer in East Huron or '(charge anything. Dates and orders aye be arranged at this office or by tion. ala lira PP OST. H. GARNJSS I BLIJIOVALE — ONT, rtioneer for Huron County. Y Tnrme ream able. Bales arranged for the office of Tn1 Posm, Brueeele, 2211 VETERINARY. -T D. WARW1OK— eJ • Honor Cr edema of the Ontario Vet- erinary 0011090, is prepared to treat all die - 00000 of domeetloatod aoIoo0is inn compet- entnlanner. Partinalar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry, Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and 1n Ormary—Four doors North of bridge, Tnrn berry et., Srnseel0. LEDAL AND CONVEYANCING. A• B. MACDONALD— Rarristor, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. b,0000001 to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bunk, Brussels, 80114(1or for Metro- politanBauk, VV• M. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, IOouveyanool', Notaryl'ublio, J,1,, Offioe-8towart's Stook 1 door North 01 00uttal 110101. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. p14OUDF00T, HAYS ,2 BLAIR— BARItISTERS1''UBLI0114(' O , NOTARIES W. Plto17n000T, K. O. R. 0. HATS 0, F. BLAIR. Offinee—Those formerly oconpied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, GODRRIOn, ONTARIO, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. 111, D., 0, Id., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical 0011090, Member Qolle a of 2liyoiolane and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col - leo of Froreiclaus and Licentiate of Mid. w Eery Edinburgh. r'Tal'Tolephoue No.14, 1loo1,1enoo—Mill street, Bru00010, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. F'E11LD. 1011N7'181' Graduate of the Royal Oollege of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and Firot•olaes Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Chloe next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRU8SEL8,. t l: 3tii i e t' 9 Fa11 Term opens lopt, 6 h p P CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. tq Te, pays to get a business odueatiou 1,1 b and It pays to got. it 111 our school, Out attendance Mile year hae beet the qp E tinged in the history of this oollege, it • We have plaood morn students In position( this Year than in ally Ivey.11�y. 10119., year, Width for magnln0004 iA catalogue, r.0 W,3, ltliiott President, di fA11, A.1101400111141,',nettlpal' Qf �nr is fTB 'ifs te• NOTICE d We, the utlderelgn0'1, agree to calor the Coo off I loxeo•sh0aln to 7'lA o • a In p l for x e and NOu. for now Bhangs, owing to Um udvouua it the price n 1 I e t loofa tel 1 r ,1,W. 'lilt 00eluto Title tUroo on Monday. Jnua lOtll, IUJI, Signed by EWAN ,$ Co., GRO. 90 11111 1D, P. tiuoT•r, U1490111 1111 R ..1,N, S T. 1'i.11tt, 1414 Ma1,Adnr11,1N, T110e, PlLT,oOlr, (4100. 1011M16111, Joan O'olittae'e, 30118 140880011 • iitz1r1c''t tis, 19I• eh. Midi Alija Bennett, of Wiarton, ie visiting ut the home of her [drainer here. Blyth's civic holiday will be on Wed. deaday Angost 10111. There will be a good program at athletic sports in Blyth that day, J. E, and Mrs. Coombs and Master Andrew Coombe left for Alpena, Minh• igen, where they will ?pond two weeks visiting friende. Wm. Keobne met with a bad accident while driving down Maine' hill ou the binadary between Hallett and East Wawanoah on Saturday afternoon July 28rd, One of the hold•baoke broke, whioh caused the horse to kiok Mr. Keohne several times 0u the right leg below the lioee. breaking the leg, He wee oleo thrown from the buggy and lay on the ground until discovered shortly afterwardo. He woo then driven to bio home in East Wawanoah and a Dr. sent for, The fractured limb wee immediat- ely set and the old gentleman le now do• ing as well e9'San be oapeated, (3.0.1"6-(41. There is a rumor afloat that another livery will start in town, Mies Licata Welch, of Toronto, ie visiting her grandmother, Mre. Greer at present. J. R. and Miesee Williams left Tuesday of lost week for a two weeks' holiday trip to Oweu Bound, Se.uit Ste. Marie and other towns ou the North shore, Mr, Rivers, of Essex, was in town and has rented G. W. Walks 'a etore and will open out a harness huffiness in town ae thou as he eau get hie fixing up nom p'eled. A movement ie on foot among the buelaeoo men of town to form a joint stook company to erect a skating and hurling rink in town and so tar have met with good success, Mrs, Alex. Smith who has been living with her son R. B., in Wo',laeton, Mase., has returned to live the remainder of her dsye with her daughter Mre. Robs. Has tie. R. 13. a000mpanied her and vieiled here for a couple of days. John Watters, of Orange Hill locality, took twelve steers to Gorrie whioh were p0rohased sometime ago by the cattle king, Mr, Btineon. They were ae fine a bunoh of cattle se hat been shipped from Gerrie this 800s011 and Mr. Watters will realize the sum of nearly $800 for the herd. Ileneta1l, Mouday, Aog. 8t13 will be the Oivio Holiday. Ike Bnahanan, of Brueeele, was home for a visit, Bee owners report a good ee&e with ill plenty of honey in the oo boxee. Wood Bros. disposed of a fine draft horse to an Ottawa buyer for 9270. W. Darman and Mid Niabol, of Brue• eels, visited at W. Stoneman's last week. George Pringle, formerly of Hills Green, arrived in town after 18 months abeenae. He hoa been West and report. ed dead, but like the proverbial penny has turned rap onoe more. During the storm Wednesday evening William John Chambers whose home wee on the town line, Wast of Kippers, was struck by lightning and instantly killed. He was just in hie 201h year and a very bright and promising boy. The reopening eervioee in oonneotion with the Methodist ohuroh, Heneall, were held on Sunday July 81st, when Rev. Richard Hobbs, President London Con• feren00, preaobed. A Sunday School moos meeting was held at 8 p. m. The Presbyterians have been patting the manse in good ahape for their new putter, every room having been repaper vii and most of them repainted. The ladies have given the Interior a thorough cleaning and now everything ie in /fret class condition. There wan a large turn out of Carmel (thumb people on Tuesday afternoon of last week to witness the indnolion of their new pastor, Rev. E. F. Moll Smith. Rev. Mt. Carswell preached the indrlo• Hon sermon, Rev, Mr, Martin, of Exeter, addressed the people, and Rev. Colin Fletoher, the minister, and Rev. Mr, Soweto, moderator, presided. Beeidoe the officiating clergy, the following min• ietero were present Reve. Messrs, Garner, Grand Bond ; Davidson, Varna ; Dr. Meldrum, OIeveland, Ohio ; Dr. MaLeau, Blyth ; W. J. Doherty, E. A. Shaw, Dr, Medd, of totem In the even. ing retreohmente were served by the ladies, and -the pastor was introduced to the members of the o0ngregaiion. ,/.t W0041. 0. Ballantyne moved into hie fine new store lust week, A, F. Dickson is offering hie mill property for sale. It ie not hie intention to rebuild the mill. The Elmo Agrioultnral Society have ?rented a new ticket office NI the entrance to their show grounds, Elena Cheerio Co. 'dapped 460 boxes of July cheese on Saturday. Hodson Bros., Montreal, were the buyers, Robert Riohmond has purchased the lot just Had of Donald Gordon's proper, ty, from Mr, Gordon and will erect a One new residence thereon. Mre. Thos. Reid, a000mpanied by her daughter Annie and eon George, lett bare for the State of Washington, where they will matte their home in future. 11118. George 13nd'on, Who for many years has been a resident of our village, has left to take up her residenoej' in 1ioh(gan, where her husband boa beau working for 801110 time, Mies A. Govenlook left for Naw York, where she will spend a few wet ke' well earned holidays, Mise Elsie Smith has charge of the millinery shop during Mies Govonlook'e abeenae, The death of Mre. Joseph Mo3Ilieter on 'Tueedey morning of halt week came as a shook to our citizens. Silo had been confined to bed a little over two weeps,. suffering tr, m kidney trouble, and woe a very pick woman, but not even her im• mediate relative0'111peoted 'go sudden a 5:' kt N if Fac ff 1 81 L8 Iso4:r deinioe, 00 Monday Night she became muah old died fatly Pt. u tv0rse 1 t a teat a i morning, The denea0ed wee in her unsuited!) year, and wa0 ¢ healthy well preserved woman for her age. Site had been a resident of our village for a num- ber of yeoro, living in her eomtortable brisk hone°,jost South of the Presby- terian Aural!, She was a quiet, un- aaett111111g woman, 0, good leighbor, and a faithful member of the Presbyterian ahurab, Tho funeral took plaoo on Thuroday afternoon to the Donegal Cemetery. Rev. Dr, McLeod aonduoted the cervica. Her eorrowlug [Weeds have Elle sympathy of numerous Mende in their bereavement. Mea10rCh. J. K. Richardson, who luta been at Edmoutou 101 00100 time has returned home, Mime Dentine Scott, soprano eolniet in Brandon Methodist church, hoe returned home for her hoitdaye, Large quantities of oats are being chipped from the station to PeEorboroagb, where they are manufaotured into "Q ualter Oats." Rbbt, and Mrs, Willie left on Tuesday of last week for Oven Sound, from wbiah plane they tithe the beat for the Soo re- turning in a week or ten days, Ed. Mole, formerly employed in the eleotrio light works, has resigned hie position at the Free Press, London, aid is spending a few days in town. T. B. Umpleby ie now 0c0ipyi09 the pea ion ae manager of the Beafortb Woolen Mills, taking the place of Arthur Forbes, who hoe been in Oharge for the past five menthe. Workmen have been engaged in ea oavating the big drain on the West aide of Main street in front of the poet °Moe. The old box drain had given in, with the consequence of flooding the eellare in that vioiuity, The heavy rain on Wed. needay evening of Ian week ceased the banks to cave in aausiog a lot of extra work. I'orct Ix' ch„ Tee carpenters are at work on the naw hotel. E. and Mre, Graybie attended the funeral of hie brother, Samuel, of Yale, Mich. The flame of the grist mill is being re- paired. Two new Meatord water wheels are being put in. Howiot Fair will be held in the Agri• cultural grounds, Fo1dwioh, on Satin. day, October 1st. The following appeared in the Toronto Globe :—"The engagement of Mise Lilian May Break], of 'Toronto, to Dr. W. Reuel Cook, of E:mwood, is announced. The marriage will take place iu August." G. R. and Mre. McKee and Jae, Sanderson left on Thursday morning of last week for Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., via Owen Sound where they wi.l be the gotten of W. J. and Mre. Johnston, Mr. McKee will probably stay for two weeks and Mr. Sanderson and Mrs. McKee for about a mouth. IIDxe!Le r-. It is worthy of epeoiol mention that 20 out of 28 papule of the Exeter school peeved the recent Eutranoe examination, some of them obtaining very high marks, Stephen Powell, who recently parahae- ed an incubator, hoe already a good showing of °bloke, having now to bis credit 300, after 40 had been killed by cots. Mise Anne, Martin, who has been leaching eohool et Winaheleea, has been engaged by the Exeter School Board to fill the vaoanay (mused by Muse Mo Callum's resignation. • Mre. John Harvey, Inspector for the Ohlldren'e Aid Soo(ety for the provinoial government, was in this dietriot looking after the interests of those planed in var. ioue homes in this vioinity. Keene. 8eorest and Smith, of Iowa, were here completing the deal for a large tract of land in the North West with Wm. Bowden, of town, and Mayor E. N. Lewis, of Goderioh, who represent the eyndioate of oapitaliete reoeutly formed of people of the 000nty, and oeveral of whom are readouts of Easter. Silas Btanlrtke, jr., of the Lake Road, met with an unfortunate accident. When tripping a forkful of hay from a load in the barn the trip rope broke, awning him to fall off the load ou to the barn 9'01. In attempting to gave him• self from falling on hie head he allowed hie whole weight to be borne by one hand, and in so doing eprained the muscles of the arm severely. The home of A1re, Margaret White was the scene of a pretty wedding on Thurs. day morning July 21et, when her daugh• ter, Mies Margaret V., became the wife of Francis J. Wickwire. The oeremony was performed in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. In ad- dition to the bridal roae0and oarnationo, the reeidenoe was beautifully deoorated with white sweet peas, elomatie and ferns, The bride w00 given away by her brother, William J. White, of Ottawa, and wag attended by her two little nieces, both prettily attired in white silk : Mies Geta wore a white chiffon hat and gored ae ringbearer, while Mie( Dorothy made a charming little flower girl. The bride wore a becoming gown of Dresden Bilk, with a large mature hat of white and Meek, The ceremony wee performed by a crusfn of the bride, toe H O, ,of Wellborn, Mies is. White, of O'tawa played Mandelar hn a wedding neral. Alter the oarmony and the wedding breakfast the newly married ample left for Toronto and Buffalo, returning on Tneedey of last week. WtltLhnaa. WIngbam recto on August 17th and 18th. New platforms bave been laid at the 0. P. 11 station. Hi Elliott is delivering the brink to be used in the building of Wingham's new goat odioe. Miss Welob, of Wingham, has been engaged in Newbridge school for the ensuing year for 9825. J. A. Cline has purchased the upho1- etering furniture factory at Stratford and will move to that oily in a few weeks. Tuesday was Wingham'e oivio holiday and the °hist ettraotion wag the Sunday school excursion to Kinoardioe had it not been for the rain. Robs. Beattie received a severe kink from one of hie horses. The result was considerable pain and Robt. was off the 'boa line for a few days bnt be le now at work again. The Epworth League of Wingham Methodial oharob purpose holding a Lawn Soohtl on the oburoh grounds, on Friday evening, August 5th. The Band will be in attendance. A marriage ceremony took place in Blyth on Tuesday of last week, in whioh two of Wngh&m's young people were participants. The bride is Mies Jennie, eeoond daughter of Wm. and Mre. Gan. nett, and the groom ie Ohae. Swanson. Rev. Mr. MoLean ivarformed the cere- mony, One of 'rhos, Field's delivery horses took fright at an awning being lowered on Wednesday of last week, and made a dash across the street, landing in the window of Miss MaoPhereon'o millinery store. The window frame and glace was badly broken and BMA MaaPbersoo will be at a loss, ae some hate on display were spoiled. The horse was out in several placate on the, front lege but not aerioualy. Gorlertotr. Wednesday Aug, 3rd, oivio holiday for Goderioh. The boiler and engine for the Doty engine works on Brook street have been plaited In position. There are 15 boat Intone along the G. T. R. breakwater, the greatest number ever built along that dook. N. D. Rougvie has discontinued Ima- nese in Goderioh, and his store is now oloeed. In a few days he will leave for Sarnia. A large exoureion blooming to Goderioh from Stratford on Monday, Augnet Soh, under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World. The other evening some sneak thief or thieves entered the cellar of T. Elliott's reeidenoe, Cambria Road, and stole eeveu large Jere of preserved peaches and other fruit. Rev. A. K. Birks, of Beafortb, baa rented Mre. Goebel'e hone° for the Sum- mer. Hie brother, Jae. Birks, formerly. organist of St, James Cathedral, Mont- real, will also spend the Summer here. The edpplementary estimates brought down at Ottawa oontain the following : Goderioh—harbor improvements (revole 98,400), $15,000 ; Bayfield—repairs to North pier and dredging, 93,200 ; Grand Bend—breakwater pier, 8,400. The looul Orange Lodge decided to tender an oyster topper and entertain- ment in their hall on the fifth of Novem• bar. A good entertainment program will oleo be provided. A committee was appointed to report on fife and drum hand organization. Manager F. H. MoGnigan, of the G. T. R., a000mpanied by Divisional Saperin. Cendant Jones, Trainmaater Dull, General Roadmaeter Ferguson and Mayor Hay, of Listowel, were here and, ae a result of their aleft, the long -talked. of grain aiding is to be placed shortly, The buildings of the Goderioh Cement Briok Company are now in running order, and if looation and convenient premises area factor in an industry, the new company should be a enemas. The banding° are frame, planed on the Har• bor Beach, not far from the breakwater, and about 100 yards from the end of the railroad track, whioh will no doubt be extended to the factory. 'The main build. ing, about 40x30, has Iwo floors, the upper being used for storing clement and mixing the material from which the brioke are made. The lower contains the machine and the boiler and other machinery for running it. Attached to the main building is one open at the eidee.with racks for holding the boards on whioh the bricks leave the msohine. It will hold over 10,000, bat a0 the brioks are moved out to the open as soon as they are set, there ie plenty of a000m• modation, ae they are firm enough in a few brute to fit them for handling, when they are placed on boards in the open, where they remain until they are dry. BOWLING Touno.,weNT —Programa for the eeoond anhiel tournament of the Goderioh lawn bowling olnb have been issued thio wrek. The tournament °0m• mittee aoneiete of F. Jordan (chairman), Western Fair London, Sept. 9th to 17th,- 1904 ENTRIES 01,04E Otto 811PICEiluaEIt ark'llr'lir'IIPed i x111069 q,nu A NEW $IO,000 DAIRY BUILDING Improvements antsal l aln g the line. Exhibits unsurpassed.) sol assod. 1 ATTRAOTIONS THE BEST YET, — ICitamuia's Celebrated p Troupe of 10 People, The Flying Banvardsi and the best Gym- nasts, Acrobats and other specialties that money can procure. Five Evenings of Fireworks, Concluding each evening with a realistic representation of the v `d'�lyeolva' z'ev c 0i °b r or Pager strisv2? t 0 A holiday outing none should mise. Special wanting over all Iineo;01 bevel, For all information, prize lists, deo , addreee, ft'I'r•UU1.+ VV, i11. f11AR'I'MHORIi, if, A, NaLLh:ri, 8-4 President. Sooretary, Frail Davie, ,John Galt, Dr, Hunter, i Wm •• R. e I a B. L Dole J " G, R nod D Moon, n..\ lfoGaw and J. 0, O'Chnnell, end 11.' alaark on a t I fres areJ a Wm. , ((Piot , ), au, Jam00 Mattineon, (Lon. deo). The tnataheo and prime will be es followe ; 'Trophy metol (18 ands)— FIrot prize, tour very handuome opera atwitter); eeoond prize, four out glass deoeutere, Aeaooiation match (15 ende)— First pr'z•,four heavy cut glace berry bowie ; eeoond prize, four out glass water bottles. Consolation metal (13 0030)— First prize, Iwo dozen oat glass tum• blare ; second prize, tour out glad vinegar bottles. Detainee (13 ende)— Flret prize, two solid leather euit oaten ; second prize, two sate oarvero, Singles (15 pointe)—Firer prize, one dozen out glace tumblers ; eeoond prise, one barrel five star flour, presented by the Lake Huron & Manitoba Milling Co, Play commonoee at 9,110 a. at. on Tneeday August 9,h. 3, D. 0'0oune11 in seorotary of the club, Liars Wet. Monday, woe ciao holiday. The Standard is holidaying this wtek. Will, Z(Iliaz and R. Roth are holiday• ing at Southampton. Gordon Hay las taken a pooitiou on the Imperial Bank staff in town. Dr. Colin 0. Campbell, of Hermon. villa, Miob , eon of Col. D. D. Campbell, of town, was married on the 18th out. to Mies Anna Belle Oxnard of that place. Tba Listowel bowlers have had the baud ?laud which formerly stood on Walled street removed to the rear of their green and oonverted into a club house, It hoe been enolosed and renewed almost throughout, and when painted will be an ornament to the lawn, se well as a vary aeefnl building for the purposes of a slab hoose. The standard of last week remarked : —The preeenoe of a G. T. R. 001veyor in town thie week, making a survey of a siding which it ie proposed to run from the pneent mill aiding a0ro00 Main street to the Meyers Milling Co'e mill on Inker man street, has had the effect of stirring up considerable opposition from the , property owners in the immediate vioiuity. The desirability of having a aiding orone Maia street so oloee to the business centre of the town ie very qu•ationabie, and should not be permitted If it naa possibly be avoided. As well as being an injury to the fine residential properties nearby, it will be a menaoe to pablio safety and will also disfigure no lees than five of the town streets. We anderetand that the proposed aiding is being brought to the attention of the Dominion Railway oommiesionere, who have the power to prevent it from being built it they see fit. A vigorous protest will also be made to the town council. The aiding would no doubt be of no email advantage to both the Meyere Milling Oo, and the Chair featory, but in view of the prospect of having the 0. P. R. here in the near future, it seems to us that it would be unwise to have any farther sidings put in nntii snob time and in such a way, 0 at all possible ae to give both railways the right to nee them. The foot that the G. T. R. is moving in the matter at the present time looks ea if that road woo trying to form stall ire proepeative competitor. Perth County. The large plate front in Mr. Goebel'% store, Mitohell, wart accidentally broken in pieces. At the anneal meeting of the Western Ontario Howling Aeaooiation, held in London, B. A. Hodge, of Mitohell, was elected and vice president, A report came to Mitohell that Archie McDonald, who bought apples in that neighborhood a few years ago, dropped dead on the streets of'Ooboarg. Eaoh Thursday evening for the next tour weeks the citizens Band, Mitchell, will take up a collection during their regular weekly oonoert for the purport° of purchasing nniforms W. G. McLaren, of Souris, Man., eon of Tboe. MoLaren, Mitohell, purchased a eeotion of land last Fall for wbial he paid 911,000. The other day he diepoeed of it at an advance of 94,000. H. Milton Moir, agent of the 0, P. R. and Dominion Expreeo Company at 8t. Marys, was arrested on a aharge of em• bezzlement laid by the latter company. He had been found to be 9900 short in hie ae000nte. The preliminary hearing took plane before two of St, Marys jueticee of the peace. The prisoue1 was Dent up for trial. He is now out on bail. The Mitohell Advooate of haat week ?aye —T. H. Race, one of the Canadian Oom• mie0ionere at Bt. Louie Exhibition, reached home on Thursday of last week. Hie home•ooming wag of rather a sad nature. Hie wife bad been in bad health for months, but of late her case has become more 001(080 and her husband woo summoned home with all speed. Finding her condition e0 serious he tele. graphed for a doctor to London, who met the local doctor in ooneullation on Bat• urday, but their diagneode of the trouble was not of a oheeriug kind. Mre. Race was always highly esteemed in Mitohell and numb regret is felt over her serious condition. About 146 Friday afternoon, without the slightest note of warning, the entire tow of pillars, running lengthwise down the oentreot the North half of the Ma Logan furniture factory, Stratford, conk several feet in the ground and four floor° of the building, from basement to root, relieved of their support, were broken in the centre and mottled down upon the pillars. The employees were naturally greatly alarmed and made hamte toga out of the building. Some did not wait 10 go down the stairs, but jumped from ae high am the second et0r9 windows. One lad, Jas. MoOaekell, was °lightly injured in the arm in jumping from a window. At a speo(al meeting et Stratford Pram bytery held in Stratford on Tuesday of loot week the resignation of Rev. Mr. Leitch from the pastorate of Knox Chetah, Stratford, was acne ted and a resolution expressive of the high esteem in whioh Mr, Leitoh Is held by the mem• bare of Presbytery and of Knox church 0ongregation, was ananimonely paned. Rev. Dr, Hamilton was appointed the Moderator at Session during the vacancy. A call from St. Pantie ohuroh, Truro, N. B., signed by 208 members and 62 hailer.time, in favor of Rev Dr, McLeod, of Atwood, wad placed on the tnble by the oletk. A stipend of 91000 was promieed, together with free manse and one month's holidays, Preebvtery will meet again on Tuesday, Aug, (th, to deal with this matter and to induct Rev, A, Edington into the ohuroh at North Eaethope and Hampstead, provided he (tempt0 the gall, 1 McKinnon v. , mtl'w �Fp! . iu.•�ro6r BLYTH, Our Great Sale Continues, Out Great Clearing Sale le a grand naacees and will be motioned uobil every veetage of Summer Goode is cleaned out. TLie week we 1,1201 special drives in Dress Goode, Prints, Moline, Dimities, Laoe Oartaine and other goods which we have no room to mention. Below we quote a few prices whioh are from 25 to 30 per oenb. below our regular selling prices i — Printe, all new goods, including Crum's Celebrated Prints, latent mares, regular L2}9, sale prime 10a. —New English Prune, wide width, Bale prices 50, 0o, 90 and 9u, all worth 25 Iva cent. more. —Dress Goode, in plain and fancy oolore, 40 inohee wide, in lour alludes, worth 30a, este price 20o. — Brown Cashmere, all wool, yard wide, regular 25e, sale price 15o. — Serge Drees Goode, in bleak and navy, 64 inches wide, very optimal, wntth 65o, sale pries 480. — Farley Zibeline, in different colors, worth 91 35, for 080. — Grey Oravauette, 60 inches wide, suitable for rain orate or sltirts, regular 9196, eale prise 91.00. —Lane Curtains,(} yards long, 50 inohee wide,fanoy serail 00uttea, Leavy bordere, good value at $1, for 85ote, — Heavy Uottonadee,in laooy etripee, reenter 30o, tor 25u. —811110090, fast oolore, worth 15e, for 12,jo. —Men's Shirts, fanny etripee, worth 50a, sale prion 80c, —White Apron Lawn, (army border, worth 15o, for 80, BUGGIES ! BROC BUG -G -IES ! >t IS THE BEST Beware of Imitators and Imitations. 'e,'Iduiv,etsteu 0,01.plr4r im, Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods. Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would- be competitors distanced in numbers. We have still a few of these "Old Reliables" ju up-to-date Finish and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call as we can certainly interest you. Best Goods Procurable at Close MOOS, We have a number of other makes to show you, including the "Platteville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph." Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Digs, of other makes, for sale at low prices. „•'a.'t. LAtr'LrL„b'4,'4i BJIe't,'t,'tr,t N. S. Mc auch -a, •,<.a Are You Going to do any Fencing ? IDEAL WOVEN FENCE IN COILED SPRING WIRE LEADS THEM ALL It is all No..9 Hard Steel Wire and is the Strongest Fence made. The Railways and. Electric Roads are erecting it. Call and get our Prices. tuilelialtaltiltiallosesseastee Wilton urnb „i CO WE are now ready for 1904 with a.larger stock of Buggies than ever we had and a Valk through our Show Rooms will convince intending purchasers what our stook is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if good rigs will do it. We have added to our Buggy Tops this nation a Bprtne to prevent the bolts and rivele from breakitl +. This hoe t, been a long felt want. We have 4 etyiee of Axlee—Duet and Oil Proof, Long Distance, 1000 Milee, and the Noiseless Axles, oleo a few of the old etyloo. All Steel Body Hangers e11d all trimmed with beet Loather, Along with our own Buggies we handle a mimbor of first-class Factory Ruggles.' Our Wagons are all Oak with 21 and 3 inch tires ; Trucks and Medium eke. We invite every intending pdrehaoer to oall mild Bu hoot us and save money, y WAN Sz Co., Brussels.