HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-8-4, Page 1Vol. 88. No, 4 e+.....�..,� ...,otimearan New Advertisements. Looel—I, 0, Richards, leer tale—Elijah Pease, For ease --•Simon Grant, Farm for sale—James Sharp. Youthful eyes—Mae, Fletcher. 'Pother wanted—John Dunbar. Interesting items—J. Ferguson & 00, Notice to oreditore—A, B. Macdonald, fixstart On, Clitr ton. Leon, Gram—Daring the last ten daye the temperance workers have been actively engaged in oanvaeeing the town in favor of lama) prohibition, and at the pennon meeting on Monday night, they preeented a strong petition signed by 286 municipal aleatoric (being e majority of thane who voted at the Iagt Osamu), ask. ing the 000noil to peen a bylaw ae provid. ed by We statute, to be submitted to the poople'ile January next, end to pot the same in taros it the element eo decide at that time, The 000noil granted the re- gneot, and the campaign i0 on. It le understood that the adjoining maniac• polities are.also discussing this matter. eelytlo. On0nan0Ttor.—Next Wednesday will be Blythe) civic holiday when the following program will be carried ont ;—Base ball snatch, Blyth vs. l3rnasele, at 10.80 am). ; Menem' trot at 1 00 p, m., ie which all the speedy horsee iu the vicinity will enter; tug•ot•war between Hal'ett, Morrie and Bast Wawanoeh ; relay rases, toot races, &o. At 4 p. m. bneollell match will take plane between Detroit and Whig/mei. Wiogham Oitizene Band will tarnish mein during the day, In the evening a grand (conaert will be given in Induetry Hall. Will. McLeod, of Seaford', the famous amnia entertainer, and other outride talent will furnish the program. VV et Ir.on. Mise Ethel Lyle McLeod is vieitiag et Lietowel. The hum of the threshing machine will soon be beard. Turning heading is on the progam at the MoDouald mill. Mies Amy Armetrnng, of Harrieton, is viefting Mies Mabel Benuett. Oar night watchman bee recovered and is able to be on hie monde ono more. Mies Maude From is spending a few )tt emonthhs in Seaford). Ole will be greatly lies Lily Fraser has returned after ding two weeks with her Meter Susie Mrs, Albert Bodgine, of Lime. The old barn on the MoDonald mill °party ie being torn down. It ie said a ew residence will be erected on the site. Gordon McDonald will be one of the anadien Foot Ball team going to St. L•taie to try oono'nsione with the beat tinkers obtainable there, Our Walton. len will give a gond account of himself. The Quarterly Oommnninn services wag held in the Metltodiet church last Sabbath morning. Rev. Mr. Baker, the new pastor, gave an intereetiug and suitnble dieoouree. Baeineee meeting was held on Monday. %V rr,xast ear. Mint Georgie Howe le on the sick list. Amon Gotten returned from Kaneko - on Saturday. R. Tbompeon, of Ernasele, spent Son. day in the villege. Miss B. Deane, of Galt, is the gaeet of Mies J. Davidson, R. Wendt, of Mildmay, spent Saladay with his brother, J. R. Wendt. Mrs. Jae, Orr, of Wingbam, is renew• ing acgnaintenoee in the villege. Mies Meickle, of Galt, was the met of the Misses Allan for several daye. Mieeeg Belle and Annie Elliott, of Chinley, are guests of Mrs, 0. Smith, The Cement walk on the East side of the Main street was oompleted tale week, Frank Sanderson, of Toronto, is spend. ing hie holidays under the parental roof, Tdre. Oliver Smith entertained a large number of pang people on Monday even- ing. S, Hamilton, of Toronto, is emending a two .week,' boliday at his Gema near here, Rev. L. Perrin and daughter, May, left on Thoredey for Detroit for it month'e vacation. Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Tree water, took charge of the 'fervent; in the Presbyterian church Sunday. Youthful Eyes for the Agecd ,When print blura and reading is ants+ possible at an Incon4 traction( distance., eros nped help. Our II -asses restore the v7slon of youth. 1i1;•swal '• Flsat+alter Srtiweestlf1C oa,ad Gerr„l:*7.t . Y9p.ixt:iafla Iti`tt este peieS Mies Carey ilea returned to Berlin actor two weake Rant with her unote, J. Brethatter. Owing to the eerioug illness of hie tether, Byron and bere, eimmooe, of London, epentlast week here, Nell el. Mies Nellie Laird le vieitiag at Jarmo. 100A0, lf. Cameron, of Lietowel, epent Sete day with friends here. Mee. Andrew MgLtnie, who has been ill for a week, ie Improving. Gid. Zietnau, of Toronto, is visiting Ins aunt, Mre Hananld, here this week. Mies Eva Imlay spent Snnday and Monday with frieude on the 16th Grey. A few from tine locality will see the West, going by the first Harvest ex. c11 rwinrt. While splitting wood last Friday Rno. Dilworth had the miefortune to out the little toe of hie right loot. Quarterly meeting next Sunday at Ethel, service beginning at 10 80 et. m. A large atteudanoe is expeoted. Mr. Stevenson, of Stretford, and Mies Myrtle Dobson, of Mitchell, were vieltore at R. 0. Davies' for a few days this week, Mr. and Dies. Mitohall, of Millbrook, who had been visiting their eon, George, here for a few weeks, left for home on Monday. Alf., Athol and Wesley Henry, child- ren of 0. le R. Oonduotor Henry, Lon• don, are holidaying here with their pale, I. M. Henry. Bob Gibson, oar popular blacksmith, leaven 10 a few days for. the Waet, Bob will be missed on the Foot Ball team, We wish him euoceses. Prof. Mann gave an open air concert on the lawn Of G. G. Imlay last Bator. day evening nn the bng•pipee, It attract. ed quite a large crowd. Reepberriee, enn.boonets, old straw hate, cotton gloves, vaeeline, cold cream, lemon jnioe and a dash of rouge are the most popular things daring the last two weeks. Jno. McCartney, of the firm of Longe. way & MOOartaey, met with a bad aoai• dent Wednesday morning while using a scraper on the big drain. Itappeare one of the bails broke and flew striking him on the ankle breaking it, This will lay Mr. Mo0artney up for some time, Last Sabbath eveuing Rev. 0, R. Wells began a aeries of Bemoans on the "Beati• codes." Neat Sunday evening the sub jeot will be "Poor but rich" and tbe text Matt. 5:8. These dieooureee promisee to be of anuene' interest and all interested in one Lord's teeobinge ala arged•to mien none of the eeriee• The Listowel Standard of feet week says :—"The choir of Christ ohuroh drove to Ethel on Tneeday, where they epeot the day picnicking in the beautiful grove along the river bank in that vicinity. The families of the rentor and wardens and a few others went aloog, and all had a very pleasant opting, re- turning about 9 p, m." Wm. Cooper, our well known thresher, bag purobaeed a new traction engine of the J. J. Case make in Racine, Wie, It arrived her on Friday and ie a Meaty, The wheels are eighteen inches wide and does not ebeke bridges at all although being much heavier, them his old one. Wm. Buttery, who leas run the game kind of engined is Manitoba, will beanie engineer on thio one. Mt. Cooper ie fortunate in securing Mr, Battery Re he to a firet.olaee man. The 141111 road ie the oentre of attrac- tion for both old and young as our enter. prising grain merobant, W. E. Sanders, ban parobased a gramaphone and ie giv. ttig eeleotione to hie numerous friends every evening, Lot Tuesday night when we retarued from the Kmoardiue exoartion be gave a large (crowd a nam ben of oeleotione on the gramaphone whbeh was very mnoh appreciated. We undereband he is prepared to give oleo bions at concerts or garden parties fur a email charge. ree.v, Several cattle were killed by lightning last week in Grey, Many of the farmers are getting Fall wheat ground ready, A new traction engine was brought itorne last week by Wm. Cote, 7t11 con. It was bought in Seaforth. We wish Mr. Cole moon. Mee. Patriott and Haze! and Frankie Vincent, of Bothwell, aro holiday vieltore with Mrs. Jno, Ltvingebon and lamily, East of Brussels. The /MO load of iron . for the new bridge on the 121b, known as the Betz bridge, came to bond tide week, Ib wee teamed from Mitohell, James Cotnmingo, 14th con , butende t'uilding a bank barn and has the stone hauled for the touafabiou, fie has made a big improvement in the farm. The running of the 0. P. R. through the Southerly portion of Gtny Wet' baa been kept in the baokgronud owi"g to the land being low and road a000mada. tion inferior or wanting will prove a benefit. The driving mare belonging to D. K. Livingston had one of its front loge book. en in the bush a few weeks ago and although everything has been done to help the beast the propitiate of her recovery are not very cheering. Aa Thos. MoFadzeen, 10th con., was driving to .Brussels on Wednesday atter• noon he had rether an exciting experience. Hie driver stumbled on the toed and in go doing brake thebitin iia mouth. The beast frightened set off oa the run, lending the driver cot of the buggy neat Brueeele cemetery and oontinniug the mad pane until brought to a midden etop by striping the pumpat tbe Centrai Hotel in Emote. The hemmer) and buggy buffered eomewbat but the been got off without much damage. It might Wily have been worse. 800000 DnttImn,—Leet Friday Wm, Smith, it well known aid highly esteem• ed termer teeidett of the 16th Co,,ndied at hie home in Toronto. Re teaks stroke at 11 a, m. and passed away at 180 lo the attetuoon, Mr. Smith was in hie 71st year, In addition to hie wife de• coasod id ettretvod by 4 eons and -6 dattgh. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1904 W.H.KERER, Propl tele, John and Mies Lottie being reel• dente of Grey township, The aubjeot of tbie notice removed from here to Torun. to roar years ago. Re Dame to Grey in 1862 after a abort eojourn iu Totter. smith. Ilia former home was at Brion), ton. He was a member at the Moho- diet aharoh and was an upright, honer - able man, The funeral took pleoe on Monday to Humbervale cemetery. Byropothy and regrets were expressed over the Budden demise by old neighbors and friends in this !acidity. Gaudio AWAY IN Yoo,H,—On Friday July 16th death entered the home of Jae, A. Frayne, oarrying away their daogh• ter, Florence, a bright little girl of 12 years, A oomplioetiou of ailments brought about the fatal reeutt. Nada received by being ran over by a btayo'e on June 17th may have bad somotbiug to do with It. She was a patient sufferer for nearly a mouth, medical skill being powerless to ward off the grim moon. ger. The funeral took plane at 10.60 on Sunday morning, and was largely attend ed by eympatbeiiu friends, The floral telbutee were very beautiful, the League and Sunday School Rending a handsome wreath. Ono of the prettiest and yet the suet teething thing uobioed on snob an ocoaeion was the =robing np of the members of her Sunday School class, seven little giris dressed in white, each of whom dropped fiowere on the coffin and then eat down an a seat user at band. Mush sympathy ie expressed for the bereaved parents who feel their lose keenly. lbfr, Prayne was a format reeide00 of this fo0aliby, being a brother to Councillor Frayne, and Me demise of their daughter will be regretted. Niter rtw. Jno. Manning ie home from bio trip to the West, Master Harold Hall, of Toronto, ie visiting hie grandparents, James and Mao. Hall, 6th line, Mrs, Will Lowry, of London, in visiting relatives in Morris attd tooaiity. She may return to the Forest oily this week. Mrs. Robt, Bloomfield has sold her farm Lot 10, Con. 2, Morris, to I, Ferrand of the same township, the price being 08,000. Onne.—Once more, the home of James H, Brandon hes been 'needed with sorrow. Itis only a few weeks ago that a thirteen year old eon was borne to the tomb. At that time 'Mr. Brandon him, self wan in failing health and gradually grew weaker until Thursday, July 210, when death closed the earthly wane. Deneaeed was among the early settlers of .Morrie toweehip, and had seconded in making for himself a comfortable home where one stood the unbroken forest. There were five brothers two of whom have now passed the bounds of time ; three are Left—T. 5, Brandon, Treasurer of the township, J. A. Brandon, of East Wawttnoeh, and Rev. W. J Brandon, of Allentord. Deoaaeed was twine married. In the first family there were two eons and three daughters—two of theee, Mre. Lind and Mts. Allison, removed last Spring to the Northwest where the two sons also reside. The eeoond family be still at home. Deceased wee a member of the Methodist oharoh and when visit• ed by the Roe. Gundy and Bnrwasb, expressed himself as ready for the (change aweeting.him, and when the end Deme it wee peace. He will be remem- bered in the vicinity as a kind, obliging neighbor. The funeral took plaoe on Saturday, Rev. Dr. Gundy concluding the service. A quartette of the Metbo. diet choir, Minim livid and Homutb, Messrs, Morton and Greer, conducted the einging. Deceased was 60 pewee of 'age. The berate family have many eympathie- ere in the hour of their grief, Juane mato we . Mrs, L. Brown is Improving nioely we are pleated to hear. Mrs. Jno. R. Miller in away vieitiag with friends and retatioos at Toronto. Obae, Harris had a oow kilted on the Srtd line of Morris by lightning last Wednesday. We are sorry to hear thab Dire, Geo. Balmier ban been under the doctor's care but we hope she may Boon be con. valeeoent. Bare. John Wileon, of Essex Oo,, and ber danghtere, Mimeo Mary and ,leabe!, are visiting frieude in this part. They will return to their home next week, ae Mies Wileon teaches in Woodalee, Ont., SucausatuL.—The anniversary of Victoria Hall was celebrated on Wed nee. day evening and resulted an did he pre. deoeeeore in a moat eaocessful ieaue. Considerable pains bad been taken in fitting up the groaide with mottoes each ae "We'oome," "Clod gave the King," Ste end the praotioai welcome exceeded the shape of well spread tables and bannete in the attentive waltere who saw that the beet the lend meld afford wee at the disposal of the large crowd. After supper the opening of the Hall doors was eagerly awaited as it was a foregone conclusion that seating it00omniodatioti would be at a premium, The oharge of the famous Light Brigade paled before the.onslaugbt made on the door keepers, There ie a gong entitled "The gate ajar for me" bat Wednesday evening a Sermon's etreugth wae almost a enmity union yon were. willing, lilte Hnropatkln, to tenant and talk about what you intended to do. By and bye, however, all who could be seated were, those who had standing room stood and the balance took in the situation at the windows. On the North aide of the Hall a platform had been built oateide so that the lest fortunate eonld get et near as poseible to enjoy the good tillage pro. vided. The program wag an Quotient one and was attentively iietened to and very heartily appinnded, eu aro being unmerbus. 11 was as follows ;—Piano into, "The Glbeon girl," Mien Ina Bryant ; hnmaroaa song, "Sight seeing in the city," Jas, Fax, Toronto ; idale quartette, Tennyeon'e "Crowing the Bar" by Mesere. Strachan ; inetrumental trio by Nleoern, Reptile and MoVety and Mies Bremen); tong, "Mr. Pee•'tvet," Jae, Vex ; duet, "Scott who' hap," Mint Tay lot and Mr. Gibson, of Wroxeter; piano gold, "Arloquin et Columbine," Mies Mar. nary Stteoltan l solo, "Sea -tide," Miee Joaeie Stranhan ; song, Jae. Fax ; inetrtmental, Meseta. Bryane and ldnVet and Mina Bryan; eolo, "Rory 0' Mere," ' Mies Maggie Taylor ; song, James Fax f sglo, "March of the Cameron men," Mr, Gibson ; National Anthem, In print the above muoioal bill of tare doee not Dover meth space but with the (Moertn' re. opon0ee to well merited emotes the hours aped by quickly before God gave the $lug wee lustily and patriotically Bung by the large audition. The Iooab talent per- formed their parte admirably while Air. Fax was ae funny as ever and appeared as many we three timee to encores to some of the swage. Many a hearty laugh was indulged in Wednesday evening even by very Bober looking people. W. H. Kerr, of Tile POST, woe abaixman, Be- fore the oonotueion a hearty vote of thanks was proposed to all who aided in the annlvereary, by W. E. Bryant) and B. Snell. The floanofal proceeds amount. ed to abont $100 and a nest balance will be parried to the treasury when the necessary expenses are paid. If you ever want a good time go to Jamestown. J. H. Kerney, of Braasele, was in oharge of a refreshment booth that did quite a bneineee. GALICIA'S COIL KING. THE WONDERFUL CAREER OF A CANADIAN ter AUSTRIA. Ile Pounded a Town and Ilio Business Ile Developed Beeps 11 in It Flour. lahing Cendttloe—Siteieli or lite Llfe. The following sketob will he read by people of thio locality with considerable interest se Itir, MaoGarvey was a former well known resident. He had to do with the sinking of the first test salt well in Benaeele and operated a dray bueioees prior to the incoming of the railway :— One of the moat emitting fignree in Atlatrian industrial life is a Canadian. Of this same CanadianW. H. Mao. Garvey, it can also be said that he is the most successful oil man in the Galician Province) of the Austrian Empire ; be ie, in fent, often oiled the oil king of Galiois, end there is certainly no other (claimant for the honor. Physically, he ie a giant possessed ot tfreieee energy, and his reputation as a large•hearted and generous master is great, both amoeget the ()urine inhabitants of the oil field e and amongst the merohante at Vienna. The story of hie nano is quaintly num- marieed in the following illuminated ad- dress whioh has just been presented to him in Vienna on his sixtieth birthday. Sir.—Sixty years have passed since yon fireloaw the tight of this world at Hunt- ington, Canada. Blessed by the Lord with health, the gift of a strong spirit, and the virtues of a deeply Peeling heart, you need these gifts of Heaven for the welfare of your native country, Canada, until a good fate guided you norms the 000411 to our country, wbiob yon °hose for your new home, When you entered Galician lands nineteen years ago a new period began for the home oil industry. To par ex• pertenoe, your energy and your inbelleotnat powers, whioh brought the Canadian drilling methods to Galicia, and adapted them to the tectonic =editions of this country, also to your ingenloaeneee, oar induetry, owes the prosperity wbiob it bas gained. The enterprise founded end guided by you proved to be a full emcees, and kept a leading position in the oil branch, Yon have never ceased to oars for the whole oil industry. You beoame the friend and protector of the email, even the smallest, oil producers and refiners ; you were the adviser and promoter ot the good of every single workman, and you become the benefactor of one country, Galicia, Oar hearts ere thankful in remem- brance of the hour of your birth, of your expioite, of your restless energy, of your care of the welfare of our iuduatry, and thousands, whose tears you have dried, and whose welfare - in life you have se. Dared, join in the desire : May Heaven grant you henceforth and for many years to owns to remain oar W. H. MaoGarvey. A deputatiou of ten of the leading men ooneoted with the oil bneineee in Galioia ravened to Vienna for the pnrpose of ereonally conveying the birthday oon• ratnlationsof hie numerous friends. To bene congratulations -and they were xpreated in most fel-ketone language at he informal gathering in Vienna—they dded several tangible tokens of their rest affootian end esteem for the honor. cl veteran of the oil indnetry ; these eluded a, beau' dully designed album in cabinet with the eddreee of whioh the hove la a copy, Ineide the elbow ere aintinge of the Mariampole refinery, the ret dwellieg and Mao of the firm of eetro, Bergbeim & MaoGarvey, and Mr first flowing well in Galioia. The ft is abeoluteiy unique in oo0neotion ith the commercial side of the world's I bueinees, while an a work of art it ie 0 p i; a in a a fi t6 gi w of beyond praise. 01010 t0A0 AND IIIA T0w0• .1 In the petroleum world the writer baa only Oome sorose One town whioh owes itsexietenoe to, and le supported by, a single petroleum company, That town le Mariampole,. whioh depeude for ice exietenee oo the Gnlizieebe Kerpathen Petroleum Aetiengeeellohatt, Mr. Mao- Garvey's company. The nearest plane is Garlioe, a poor little market town, which liee two miles away (the terminus of the small railway whioh passes through Mariampols) at the foot of one of those bhiekly•wooded bide whilst' ate a tealnre ot the pioteees ne landaoape 00 Galicia. Mr. MaoGarvey gave Mariampole fie name, just as he gave it the railway dation, the poetoffioe, the refinery and the machine ahope, Not far from the refinery gates are the large and well. appointed 0flloos of the eompany—the principal building's in the town—while on the fiat egrbouitueal land half a m11e away is the company's model dairy term. It f0 9oareely credible that each an import. ant iudnetry no than width exists in Mariampote should Sonrleh in laugh a remote spot. et'hie ie duly a 0ma11 pant of Mr. frlaoGarvey's hueineee i isle numerous oil tieido, refineries and work. shops are scattered all over Austria, and be de at the preeont time engaged to ex ploration work in virgin regions wbiah should osmate a eenettinn when discover• les are -made by hie loyal Canadian managers, come of whom bays been in his aervioe for nearly a snore of years. 1100000 tooppe or 100 teems, Mr, MaoGarvey, the eon of Edward MaoGarvey, was born in Hnntlugtou, Canada, on November 27th, 1848, The MaoGarvey levelly at one time lived M the North of Ireland. In 1867 they moved to Wyoming, Ontario,' where Mr. Mao, Garvey started hie baednees career, In 1866 he removed to Petrolea where he wee elected Mayor in 1878. Iu 1870 be anted ee Warden for the county of Lomb - ton and was a oaudidate ton Legislative honors. Although be was beaten by his opponent, T. B. Pardee, the eteotion nes eplted in a considerable gain of votes for the Conservative party. A thorough Ooaeervatiye, Mr. MaoGarvey has always been ready to fight for hie convictions. Efe bas never failed to ebow bimeell a 00neeientioos and generous opponent, and throughout hie politioal career be bae never made use of any questionable means to snore an advantage even in the beat of a polftioal fight. The love of fair play displayed in politics hoe been a con• spinoons feature in his many industrial struggles in Austria ; Fairplay is part of hie butineeo oneed. mom Fon OIL IN IDa000, In 1881, appoiabed Manager of the Continental Oil Oompany, Limited, he started to drill for oil in Hanover. In the management of tbie concern he be- came aseoodated with J. S. Bergheim, hie grout friend and enbaequent partner in the Galioian eoterpriee, Unfortunately the results obtained in Hanover did not coma rip to the expeatatione, and on the suspension of the work Moen. MacGar• vey and Bergheim preceded together to Roumania and Galloia with the objeot of studying the petroleum bneineee of the two countries, Io 1888 they founded the oonaern of Dlessrs. Bergheim and Mae. Garvey in Galaoia. Although started with a small capital, the bneineee rapidly developed, and in 1887 they were in a position to proceed with the erection of the Mariampole refinery. The laminae') comprising a number ot doh oil fielde and the refinery wee afterwards acquired by the Galizieohe Karpetben 'Petroleum Aatiengeseltsohatt. The (company stead. sly extended the sphere of its influence, and ie now considered one of the beet organized and reliable petroleum baeinesees in the world ; its fame ex. tende beyond the borders of the dual monarchy. SHE DAMMAM DRILL080 000TE00. The Canadian system of drilling woe uokoown in Helices, and even in the other oil fields of Europe, until Mr. MaoGarvey introdnoed it about twenty years ago. Having a man of Mr. MaoGarvey's stamp ae its exponent, it did not fail to take firm root, end still oontinaee to be the ouief system employ. ed. Besides the Canadian methods of working he also introduced Canadian and American business methods, and hie euterprieee have been the traioing•grotind of many able business men engaged in the petroleum indnetry in all parte of the world, Mr. MaoGarvey often visite London • come day, I ale able to say, he hopes to arose to Canada, in whose oil fields be still takes the deepest interest. WAR IN THE BAST. A despatch from Genera! Karoki gives details of Imo distinct engagements, 00 curring eimultaneonely, during the whole day of July 81. and part of August 1, for the poseeaeton of important positions some twenty.flve miles Haat of Liaoyeng. The Japaneee eaooantered desperate resisbouoe at both pointe, but finally parried the day. They captured some of the enemy's field gone, Retold says, and on tide point, end Mee in regard to ties. naltiee, he promisee farther detaile. The poeitione captured are named by tbe Rueeiane Ikhavaen and the Yangze Pasa, Knropatkin admits the Japanese "oacap ation" of these positions, and says the Russian loges were heavy, It M said that there is now only one position capable ot defence between Knraki'e Eastern force, as it le called, and Liao. yang, for which place the Japanese Gen. eral is striking fn the hope of cutting Kuropabkin'a oommunioatione with the North. There de no news from either aide of further fighting nroand Haiobeng and Simotoobeng, the Southern end of General Kuropatkim'a line, where a fierce 019000meu0 took plain on Sunday, al• though General Kuropatkin says there are indioatioae of a turning movement against Raiding. In this, heAdds, three Japanese divietone are engaged. $n nnoeloial deepnboh from Tokio reports that after three days' fighting the Japauese have captured Shantaikow, one of the important defenooe of Pork Arthur. This ie` thought to be identioel with Sbwangtailt'ow, a position of greet natural strength ten miles North of the actnal fortreoe of Port Arthur, and on the rail- way line to Kinohow. Thie report indi- suttee that the Japanese are not 0o near to the fortress as recent stories alleged, and that General Stoma, the commandant, undeterred by hie defeat at Naneban, doee not propose to await behind the walla of the fortress the onset of the Jape, There ere no (Waite of the fighting in this quarter. The Rawles Vladivostok ngdadeon hue ramified that port in eafety after its eco• easeful and daring raid off the ooaet of Japan. The Admiral in command reports thee; the British Mead knight Command• er, and e German steamer of 1,000 lone, which - was aleo oaptared, were mink Noma) they had not eaffioienb (coal bn board to take them to Vladivostok. This report rosy satddy the Ruselan Govern. most; it le Dot likely, however, to pre. vent Britain, at least, from pressing het ()emends for oomplebe oaten. 3. S. Robertson, Seorotery Nationat Saiitaeium Assodiation, Toronto, hes neared the nam of $400 from the $aladte Tea Company towarde the Muskoka Free Hoopibal for Ooosnmptives, Lord Dundonald sailed for Liverpool on the Tunisian, after having been enter. tained at 00 informal luncheon at Que- bee. There was a senting aoofdent Tuesday morning at Shakespeare gold mine, neat Webbwood, on the Soo branch of the 0. P. R., Beet of Sault Ste. Marie, The dead are six in number as foliowe: Mine Captain MaoMillan, "Soo ;" Mine En • ; ginner Peter Reid, Little Current Miners John Walbere and John Dieby, Webbwood, Peter Grant, Marketay, and one unknown. Few parti0ulare are to hand regarding the aooidenb, but it is known to have been the remelt of the men entering the mine shaft too soon after an explosion. They went down before the tames diepereed, and were thee suffocated by gat, The Sbakeepeare is a new prop. arty, opened up last year, owned by Soo and American oapitaliets, and the richest gold propene, in New Ontario. THE PROVINCIAL FRUIT, FLOWER AND HONEY SHOW. Great arraegernenbs are being made for the Provincial Fruit, Flower and Honey elbow ib is proposed to hold in Toronto daring the eeoond week in November, It will be the biggest show of the kind ever held in Canada. The varione Association interested inalnele the Ontario Fruit Growers' Ae• O 00iatioo, the Ontario Bee Keepers' Ac. e tiolation, the Toronto Horticultural Society, the Toronto Gardeners' end Florists' Association and the Toronto Electoral District 800iety, The two big rinks on Ohor(ch street have already been secured for the parpoee of tbie exhibition. The fruit and hooey exbibibe will be shown in one rink, while the flowers will be on view in the emend. A display of machinery and implements used in the cultivation of fruit and flowers will be made in an open piece of land between the two rlske. The prizes offered for the floral section alone amount to over $1200. The prize list ie already in circulation. The Fruit Growers will expend over $1000 in their part of the show. Money has been reserved to provide for the collection of representative exhibits of fruit from all the Counties in the Province. The fruit wi.l be kept in oold storage. A series of big meetings will be held at the time of the show. The Fruit Gem- ent' Aseooiatior will hold ice Annual Ooovention ae will sled the Bee Keepers' Association, There will aleo be a Meet- ing of delegates from aft the Horticultural Soofebiee in the Province, as a result of whioh it is expeoted that a Provinoial Hortioulturel Association will be formed. Cheap ratan have been seonred over all the railroads. It is expeoted to make this Show rival in its way, the Provincial Winter Fair, held at Guelph. The management ot this show will be largely in the hands of H. B. Cowan, of Toronto, Provincial Super. intendant of Agrioaltnral Sooiotiee, to whom any requests for information may be sent, Summer School and E. L. Convention. Commenoing with next Monday even• ing'e eervioe the Summer Sobool, nudes the direction of the Wingbam Die/riot Epworth League, will open its sessions in the Lakeside Park in the town of Ilio. oardine and will oonbiune daring the week aonoluding with a roneing rally on Sabbath, 14th inst. An able staff of outside evokers hoe bean secured in - eluding such well known gentlemen as Rev. Dr. Henderson, Associate Mission- ary Secretary, of Toronto ; Rev. Dr. Jaokoon, ot British Columbia ; Rev. R. W. Woodworth, of the Manitoba Con- ference; and Rev, Dr, Stepheoean, the enthusiastic and praotioal exponent of the Forward Mistionary Movement. The nabjeote dealt with will be largely along Bible study and Missionary lines and by address, ilinetration, dieoueeion and song will elucidate these all-impor- tant eobjeote in the ohoroh work of to day. Ohina. Japan and the Indian fielde will be dealt with very fully. There will be forenoon and evening sessions, the atternoone being devoted to pleasure acid reoreation. Friday the Annual District League Convention will be held and the rapier bneineee of this organization gone through. The Exeootive has arranged an interest• ing program, In the evening of that day there will be a Sacred Concert iu which the beet mnainal talent prooarabte in the Diolriat will take part. APatriotio Ad- deo') will also be given by R. D. Cam. eron, of Looknow, who is en able and plenaing speaker. On Sabbath Rev. Dr. Henderson will preach morning and evening in the Meth- odist chetah and a Sabbath school mase meeting in the afternoon will be address. ed by President Beaton and Rev. 3, E. Hunter. Arrangements have beep made with the railways for eedaoed tare ae totlowo —Persons attending will purohae° a tingle dot olase one.way ticket to Kin- cardine and be mire to ask the agent at the darting point for a standard oerlili• oats. If there are 50 delegates or up• ward, attending the Sumner School who have thane oertifloates the retutn trip will be made 9 o? the Bingle fare, but it under 50, rade will be 9 the regular single tioltet, The enticing of the certificate is a prime ne0000ity. Oopiee of the program may be enured how K. 3. Beaton, Whiteohurob, or W. H. Kerr, Brunie. 38 weather ie web or too 1001 for ant. door gervioes arrangements are made for conducting them indoors. In the regular genies of Praise the Canadian Hymnal will he need and where available peewee are asked to bring thio book along with them, Every Iipworbh League ie earnestly Urged to Bend an many reprosentetives as poeaible and (08 as many deys of the school as will be OOnveaiont ae this le the rat near by opportunity of attending to gathering Of thio ohnradter and its eontiinanoe for another year will largely pthose anneiosm of til' es moat indetimendatelyon eheonneathrd with ohurnh work in the lootlity sought to be remind. ( 11t'lit'i 1 difAli:ti. Summer School next week at Kinear. dfpe,Aug,8tc1.1. R'v, Mr, littahie dt,agonreod last Sabbath moraiug in Melville gtturob oo "Temptation." Next Sabbath Rev, J. E. Hunter will Denney the pulpit of the Methodist oberoh, Bruesee. The pastor will be at Durham. Canadian Methodists will ba intereet, d to learn that et Briti.•h Consul lute been located at Ohenta, China, lettere 0o many Canadian missionaries are at work. Last Sunday evening ,Mr. Powell preached a special discourse to young • ladies in St, John'e (March. Mies Violet Cooper one the line solo "Foon to Fan, Mouthy Missionary day in the Metho• ' diet Sabbath School next Sandey after. neon. A paper will be given on Nita- moat and Rev. 11?r. Banter will addrene' the pupils, Rev. F. B. Never, one of the moat prominent of the Nonoontcrmnet preach• ere in England, is to make a three months' praaohing tour through the United States, ander the direction of the Northfield Methadone. In Edinburgh a aeries of Gospel lantern serviette has been iu programa for the past nine menthe, They have attraoted a great deal of attention from - non charah•goere, and will probably be made a permanent irratitution. Word has been received from Pomona, California, of the death of Mrs, Chown, mother of the Rev. Dr. Chown, in. bee 86th year, The interment will taste plane in Kingston. Rev. Dr. Chown was Dail- ' ed borne from hie Summer 010a110n by the announcement, The receipts for the varinae Presby. feriae mission funde to the I. nob of July allow a heavy increase in the Foreign Miseion Fund, compared with the same period last year ; but there is 4 noticeable falling cfi in the eontribatione to the Home Mienlon Feud. Thirty years ago the Central Metho- dist oberoh, of Stratford, Ontario, in- sured the lite of a memhor a0 security for a mortgage of seven thousand dollars. He just died, and it ie (nand that in that period the church paid the sans of twenty. four thousand dollars in premiums, more than three times the fete value of the policy. The total number of Japanese Christ• inns in 1902 was 129,10.4, of whom 48,000 were Proteettente, 26,000 Greek Oathotioo and 55,824 Romeo Catholics, In ad• dition to these are theeRands of ohitdren who are not fnoindeti in the reports of Protectant ohurchen, 00 that the total number will easily be 200,009 for the whole empire. Dr. F. E. Olatk, father of the Christ- ian Endeavor movement, lute returned from bis fourth arouud•tho-world tont to the interests of the 000fety. Be was absent six months, and attended oonven. tions°in Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, South Attica and in England. The British national convention held in Lon. don wee a gigaut-lo gathering and was attended by delegates from all parts of he world, There are in Britain now ,415 affiliated Societies, with a member- ip of 220,000, and it M estimated that time 12,000 attended the London meetings,inotuding the London delegates. The Globe's Ottawa correspondent aye •—"Modern methods are being dopted by Rev. G. F. Salton, pastor of he Dominion Methodist ohoroh. Mr. altos bas just returned from a trip to nrope, and has announced a aeries of unday evening sermons on "Master• ieoee in Art," beginning next Sunday ith "Christ in Art." The piotnre oon- idered will be the Trani -figuration, by apbael. Atter the servies a reproduce - ion the painting in ice original (colors ill be displayed on canvas in the Sun. ay school room." Rev. Mr. Salton wag a former pastor of Brunets Methodist huroh. The venerable veteran missionary in he New Hebrides, Rev. John 0, Paton, . D., has recently reached the allotted pan of fourscore years. Hie eightieth irtbday was observed in a editable way y the Foreign Mission Committee of e Presbyterian Church of Vtotoris netratia. In the address which Dr. atop made on this mutation he spoke of is life work in the South Sea Islands, nd alluded in an humble and grateful ay to the bleeaing of God upon the bore of himself and other missiontrieo, nd told of the woneerlai changes which ad taken plan in these islands dating o lifetimo, ,Last Sabboth manning the pastor gave very appropriate discourse in the ethodiet ohnrah from the text "God rbid that I should Riney . gave in the Das, tee." The Commttnion aervioe flowed, a large number being in anted. o n, Rev, El. B. Kellineton, M. A., elated Rev, Mr. Cuneus, In the even. g Rea. Mr. Keliingtou preaebed from Se John 1 : 12 18. It wee a well piaaned d fovea:ally sermon and bore t the record already setabliahed by the varend gentlemen s0 a good sermonizer. be quarterly fellowship meetiub was noted by the pastor at the oo0ole-ion the preaching aervioe. Alt the Offioial Board . welting of the ethodlet ohoroh, held Tuesday evening, very eabintaotory report of the page ares work was presented, The pastoris lary was placed at $825. W. 11. Kerr s eleoted representative to the District eating, Rev. J. H. Oliver, the wall own Listowel divine, was invited to each the-Hareest Boma monotone on bbath Oot. 2 and delivers hie popular tura on the following' evening. It wee entedo0aly agreed to taiga 0400 this 11 toveduoe the debt 0n tho Parsonage, Paean.; Committees were appointed tl the middle of November set as date payment, The oberoh le iu good ant and a peesperone year le, confident. expeoted, Oven 9100 in band to apply cttnnsb dobtto whioh 11 in expeotod Other $100 will be added before Jen. 1, Phi0 will put it down to $1400, t 7 E 8 p w R w el 0 D b tie A P b a w 10 a h he a 118 lo 0e fo an to in S an 00 te 00 of M ye 00 wa to kn Pe SSe leo 0n Fe pa an of lie ly am 10 a