HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-7-28, Page 8iliA1:160111140 POO f0
womkoway... _.. _.imie_, 8 , . ,, w, ..::w,,.. .. ,;:, eitotlarRmomsorotfiieeit�tkkr*saaC Yl
NEEDS i Standard Bank of a .ada T" E T T,
Foot Rest Powder
Foot .Elm
Citrate of .1MMagnesia
Phosphate of Soda
Tartaric acid
Talcum Powder
Florida Water
Essence of Rennet
Bath, Sponges
Fly Pads
Insect Powder
vg 'OAF
If got at Smith's you can depend upon them being good.
F. R.
800TE88N EXTENSION W. 8. & R.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Goma Soma Gom1 NORTH.
Mail 7:15 a.m 1 Mixed 9:00 are
Mrxed........12.80 a.m Mail 1.20 p,m
Express 9:28 p.m l Express 8:55 pen
nag Pius Items,
A ohiel'a among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll print ii.
Haman apples are here.
R. Gamin shipped a car of oats.
BINDING TwmE is having its innings.
BRuaasre Minion will meet next Mon•
day evening.
FALL wheat Gutting is on this week,
The orop is only medium.
A OAR of cattle and a oar of hogs was
forwarded by A. O. Dames this week.
A New roof has been planed on the
engine house of R. K. Ross' Hoar mill,
Messes, Bean & Bram shipped a oar of
Boge and a oar of cattle since our last
OWING to the busy times in the country
salt shipments have lulled. One oar was
sent oat this week.
Jona Stara has received a oar of red
brick from Henfryn fur his new reeidenoe
on Tttrnberry street.
KEEP your eyes open for the date of the
Band Garden Party to be held at John
Mooney's, 5th line, Mortis.
WEDNESDAY evening's rain storm was a
heavy one and the lightning was very
sharp. Havoc was played with Fall
wheat shooks.
Beeman cheese factory Bold the last
hall of June make to Messrs. Ballantyne,
of Stratford, at n cents. It was shipped
to Montreal Tuesday to be planed in oold
owning lots in Brussels cemetery may
have them put fa shape and kept so by
arranging with Robert Dark, the acre.
taker. Residence, South Tnrnberry
BOTH DEAD. -A short time ago Mrs. W.
E. Heist, of Kincardine, a former resi-
dent of thio plane, gave birth to twin
babies, One died shortly after it was
born and the other 90ee0mbed daring the
past week.
aoMERODY put an end t0 Jno. Hewitt's
dog "Bandy," Thnreday of last week, by
the poison route. The dog was almost
Olvre holiday was a quiet day in town,
items rola machines are being got
ready for Fall wheat threshing.
ROBERT TIIOM80N shipped a oar of
butter to the Eat un Wednesday of this
FIVE oars of ooal were reoeived this
week bring dietribnted as tollowa :-R
Henderson, 1 I R K Rose, 1; Thaell
Bros„ 1; and Wilton & Turnbull, 2.
THE ladies' gold watch advertised le
THE Pose, Thursday last was brought to
our office on Friday end reoeived by the
owner on Saturday, who was well pleased
at the prompt delivery. People read
Toe Pose,
SoaluER Rhone -Arrangements are be-
ing made by Brussels Tart Olub for a
program of horse raoee on the half mils
track here next month. The date was
decided upon but finding that it oonflioted
with Wingbam a change will have to be
made of which particulars will be given.
J. D. WAIOWIOE, V. S., was in Windsor
for a few days this week and eaw some
etf the fast horses go. "Kaplan" will be
started in some of the big awes in the
Easters States next month and is being
got iu good shape on Windsor traok,
James, the driver is well pleased with
his progress.
THE °ober Carriage Factory machinery
has been silent for a week owing to
amatory improvements being made in
the engine. The employees are pushing
the cutter business looking to next
Winter's trade. Eph. ()ober is at Winni-
peg Fair representing the firm there and
pushing beaineae.
BRn5BELs Court Canadian Order of
Foresters, No. 24, will attend service in
St. John's oharoh, on Sunday evening
Auer. 14, when Rev. Bro. Dean Hodgioe,
of Sealortb, wi±l presoh. Brethren are
asked to make note of the service and
meet at the Court room at 6 30 prepara-
tory to marching to the amerce.
Toe Poor oompleted Brut/eels Voters'
�List for 19114 on Mandy of this week.
There are 416 names in all, 261 being
placed in Parc I ; 120 in Part II ; and 36
in Part TEL 121 are eligible as jurors.
The list was posted up on Wednesday,
27th inst. There are 67 names of women
ou file lint with municipal votes.
KILL THE WEEDS. -There has been an
amendment in the Statutes with regard
to the law governing noxious weeds.
The old law regarding noxious weeds,
gave municipal Ooonoile power to pare
bylaw compelling owners or ocoapants
to out weeds on their premisee, bot the
Statutes of 1904 go further and allow
Councils to compel the destruction of
noxione weeds on the highway next their
the constant companion of Mr. and Mrs. Bonar:G,-A friendly game of bowls
Hewitt'° daughter Rhoda, wbo laments was played on the Listowel green on
Thnreday afternoon of last week with
two rinks from Brussels, resulting in a
win for Listowel by 6 shote. Score :-
LIBTowrL. BRuesELo.
Jos. Ain lay J. Hewitt
skip 31 skip 14
D. 0. Rose
14 skip 25
Total 45
QoIGm ahtiou is neoe8Bary, the 000aeion
demands it, as my pbyeiotan informs nee
that I will have to undergo another oper-
ation in the hospital. This was after I
was in Toronto and atter baying and
awaiting my etock. 'Fontein get genuine
bargains for 10 days, eo move gaiok. All
sizes iD men's suite from 36 to 44 ; all
sizes in youths' suits and boys' suits.
Men's boots at r} price. 11 pairs ladies'
dongola laced boots, ante 92.75, now 75o,
size 3 1 men's fur felt hate, hard or soft,
in brown, bleak or pearl, $1.00, ono
92.50 ; boys' opts as low ase 5o,
Ohieholm Block, Wiogham.
A. F. & A. M. GRAND LoneE.-The
Moonlit Grand Lodge of OebarI) met in
Brookville lest week. In the report on
1 the condition of Masonry presented by
Bro, Aub,ey White, Toronto, it was
learned that there were 876 lodges on the
roll last year. This year 381 are found,
of which 1378 are warranted and 8 ander
dispensation. Anita 6 wets inspected
by the proper r.ftioere during the year,
There wet° 2,500 initiations last year
and 8,000 during the years 1903-4, a gain
of 600, The increase of membership
thio year over last is 300. Total mem
berehip is 88,000, only 1000 of that
number being amended for un•Masanio
000duot. Thu committee reported
thrungbont the juriediotton uniform and
accurate. 11 was strongly recommended
that at least one lodge ot inetruotion be
held in eaoh district daring the present
term. Only one lodge on the roll was
reported to be weak. The amount
granted for benevolence by Grand Lodge
was 912,500, and the aura voted by
private Iodine and Boards of Relief
aggregated $12,761, a total of 925,656,
99,000 more than during 1902-1908.Ak
Thursday's session the following Grand
Lodge ofaders were eleoted ' Grand
Motor, Benjamin Alies, of Toronto ;
Deputy Grated Master, 3.11. 13arritt, S.
C., Pembroke ; Grand Senior Warden,
Wm. H. Barrieton, Brookville ; Grand
Treasurer, E. T. Malone, K, O„Toronte;
Grand Secretary, H. Murray,lamilton ;
board of general purpose, W. D. 10.0•
Pherson, Lt,.Ool, High°,° J, S. Dewar,
F. Gneeb, E. J. Skinner. Goo. Malcolm,
of Stratford, was cleated D, 1). G. 112.
for Saetb Heron.
3STee.siox,T011I! ,ao 1$7=
TOTAL 4.8SETS DDYER1t H POND $16,010,000
A General flank1oi;: I$Mteln0FS Tvarena eted
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on whinh
is added to eoodunte every six menthe and be0omee principal,
-MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any person,
only for which no charge fa made.
YOUR BUSINESS will r000ive our caretal and 010198oue attention.
the lose of her four footed friend very
A nowLma rink consisting of Mesere.
Farrow, Rand, James and Roes are at
London Tournament this week. They
were beaten by 1 shot in the Tr.,phy
competition by an Aylmer quartette the
oarde showing 16-15 but won by a score
of 25 to 13 in the Association contest
against the London Thistles.
DIED -Word has been received of the
deaeaee of Roy Pierce, son of Wm. and
Mre. Mose, of Elm Creek, Manitoba.
The sad event took place on Thursday,
July 7111, and the funeral was cm the
following Saturday, Roy was in bis
eleventh year and was a smart boy. Mr.
and Mre. Mose will be sharers in the
sympathy of many old friends in Brussels
and looality.
TEE.00tario Deputy Registrar General
hae issued 0 oiroalar to local registrars
calling their attention to the mot respect.
ing the regietration of births, marriages
and deaths, that the semiannual retinae
most be in the Provincial office not later
than the 25th of July. The attention of
the public is oalled to the necessity for
compliance with the aot.
THE Statistical Year Book of Canada
has been issued, and will prove of greet
value to the busy man wbo eeeke facts
about the Dominion. Mr. Johnston hes
added to the work many tables contain-
ing maoh information about Great Brit.
sin, the colonies and foreign countries
wbioh ere exceedingly neeful for pnrposee
of comparison, It would be hard to
comprise more faote into so small a
Barna SOorT, wbo bas been employed
at Brussels G. T. R. depot for the pest
year, has been promoted to Palmereton
where he has assumed the poet of Wittig
clerk. We wish him cameo and hope be
will olimb to the top of the ladder. His
plane at Bruseele has been filled by Albert
Hoffer, of Milverton, who arrived last
week. There is an abnndsnoe of work
at Erni/eels e1atio0 to give two men all
the exercise they regains to keep them in
good vigor.
oea0e of a former Well known Braenelit°
is reported by the Portage (Manitoba)
News 00 folllows Early on Wednesday
mor0iog at his home in Leesville, South
of Begot, George Love paned away after
a lingering illness of several weeks from
Bright's disease. The deoeaeod was 67
yeast( ° et age and aithough he has been
sick for some time his death was very
Madden and anexpeoted. The faunal was
held on Thnreday, and the remains were
interred in the Barneideoemetery, a large
number of friends being present when the
dash aad rites were performed,
ie Rev. George H. Oobblediok, M. A., of
Park street church, Chatham, an old
Exeter boy and a former pastor of Brus•
eels, bas been invited to the pastorate of
the Central Methodist aburob in Wood•
etook, at the olose of Rev. W, L.
Ratledgo'a term, 1905. Mr, Rutledge
having previously been invited to
Chatham. The latter gentleman is a
brother to Mre. J. L. Kerr, of Brussels.
Faun oars of lumber were shipped th
week by McDonald Bros , of Walton
BRne9ELe Band gob as tar as Walton on
Wedueeday en route to a Garden Patty at
Winthrop when the storm came on and
they retnrued home.
Co. Oo0N01L FRm4Y or NEXT WEEK -A.
special meeting of Moron oouuty (turmoil
bas berm oalled by Warden Bowmau by
the advice of the Road and Bridge Oom•
mines. It will be held. in Goderiob on
Friday of next week. Among matters of
importanoe to be discussed will he the
proposal to let a contract for a new iron
bridge at Zetland, three milee West of
Wingbam. Old bridge has been con-
demned and is now aimed. It measures
840 feet and wan built some 17 yeare ago
of timber ou ceder abutments. There are
6 spans in it. The new etrnoturc and
cement abutments will own about 09000
it is estimated. The olaim for lose of
stallion in the Southern part tf the
Oounty will also be considered. Horse
broke its leg by going through the fla iring
of a bridge end bad to be shot. The
contracts for various bridges now being
wil, be aged forward by the Oonnoil.
There is a possibility that another beidge
may have to be constructed before the
oluee otthe year. The day of the wooden
N. Gabel
I'LItSONAi, PA ICAO 10.41'IiS.
Mrs. Phillipe was visiting at Galt and
Mies Kate Harbottle is visiting rela
fives in Grey townehip.
Mies Beatrice Harris lies returned
from a visit to Kiuoardine.
Mies Maggie MoNaughton is home from
K1010rdin0 fur a VaOatlOn.
Mies Janet McKay is borne From an
exteuday stay i0 Kinoardiue.
Mise Aimie Taylor is holidaying at
Toronto Island with relatives.
Mies Beattie, of Seaforth, ie visiting
Mre. (Dr.) eloNaoghton, Brussels.
Mies Minnie McDonald, of Welton, is
the guest of Mies Josie Bantam.
Will. Ament has returned to Ariel,
Muskoka, after a bo iday at home.
Mise Robb, of Seaforth, is visiting with
Mre, Jno, Hewitt, William street.
Mre. Mason and eon Willie, of London,
are visitors at W. 13, MoCrookeu's.
Mise Lydia Moore, of Trowbridge, ie
spending a week at Mrs. A. Hunter's.
Nelson Williamson and bride are
visiting at R. Witliamson'e, Braesele.
Deaconess King, of Washington, U. 2.,
was a visitor with Mre. F. J. Baiuee.
Mise Mina Birt, of Harriebon, is the
guest of Ge s. and Mre. Birt, Brussels.
Mise E.la Inman arrived home from
Ohioago on To._sdey for a holiday visit.
Misses Griffte a,,d Kent., of Wingbam,
were visitant in 10 0008,8 Iaot Tuesday.
Diok Stevens wan on the sink list with
pneumonia but is able to get about now.
Mise Norma Lowiok ie home from a
holiday visit et Tiverton and Kioaardine.
Mies Ella F000ton ie enjoying a vasae
tion with relatives in Kinoareine looatity.
Mise Oath, of Seaforth, was the guest
of her sister, Mrs. A. T. Currie last week.
Mise Nellie Dolniage, of Palmerston,
was a visitor with Mrs, J. J. Gilpin for
a few days this week.
Mieses Millie Grewar and Margaret
UfoLauohliu are visiting with Mende and
relatious at ()holey.
Mrs. B. Gerry bas been on the sick list
but we hope she writ soon enjoy her
am:Interned good health.
Mitt' Ruth Massy, of Detroit, and
Miss Leas Olaff, of Slrathroy, are
vieitore se earri0ler S nokier's.
et, a, A, 11, °K., and children and
M,a., L 109. Ru..e are holidaying with
Mra. Robert Rose at Kiuoardine.
Mrs, James Wilson was injured by a
fall but we hope she will be speedily re-
stored to her accustomed good health.
Miss Teenier Sample was in Seaforth
visiting. She brought Mies Bettie
Murray, of that town, borne with her•
Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Bloevale, was a
vi.itar at Postmaster Farrow'e, on There -
day of last week. She ie Mr. Farrow'°
T. A. Hawkins was here from Port
Albert tor Sunday but went book on Mon•
day owing to the precisions condition of
his father,
Mies Edith Soott, of Mt. Forest, who
has been visiting ut Geo. Rogere',
Frederick street, returned home on
Dr. McLellan, a one time Principal of
Brussels Public aohool, was a visitor in
this Ioaality for s few days. He ie now a
resident of Ohioago.
Wm. Kelliugton, wife and ehildren, of
Guelph, have been visiting the Jewitt
and Kelliogtou families doritg the week
and having an enjoyable time,
Mies Bardetta Geddes gave her foot a
wreooh while enjoying an evening with
some young people at John Mooney's,
Morris, wbioh bothers her yet.
E. 0., Mrs. Danford and three of the
obildreo are away on a holiday outing
with relatives and friends at Clinton,
Chatham, Detroit and other pointe.
Mies Lizzie Bielby, wbo bas been mak-
log her home in Brussels tor some time,
will go to the Northwest after a brief
visit at the parental home in Morrie.
Mrs. E. R. Grundy, of Cleveland,
is renewing old friend's/tips in Brussels.
Sbe is a daughter of Mre, Hayotoft,
Qteen street, and a eister to Mre, R. T.
Mre. A. Good and family purpoeo re.
moving from Brussels to Boiesevain,
Manitobain the near future intending to
make their home there, Their removal
will be regretted.
F. W. and Mre, Vanetoneof Wingbam,
renewed old acquaintances n Brants on
Sunday, Mr, Vaneton° and family are
always welcome among their many oid
Mende in Brunets,
bridge is gone by,
Wingbam District Epworth League Oon-
venbion will be bald .this year in Kin.
sardine, in connection with the Summer
School, on Friday, August 12th. Pro.
gram will be as follows :-Morning ees-
eton-8.30-9 00, Prayer and Praise eervioe
Rev. S. V. B. Pentland, Pine River ; 9-
0.15, Opening exeraieee and appointment
of Committees; 9 15-10, addreee, "The
Reflex Inflaence ot Miooionary eff at,"
Rev. F 0. Stephenson, el. D., Toronto
10-10.90, addreee, "The relation of the
W. M, S. to the Missionary Work of the
Ohurob", Mre. (Rev.) Ouoniogham, Kin-
cardine ; 10.30-11 30, address "The great
Commission or the merabing °rdace of
the Cherub," Rev. R. W. Woodewurtb,
Toronto ; 11,30-12, reports from Dietrint
Officers and from the Nominating iiom
mittee. Afternoon Session -1.30, Open-
ing aerobia; ; 145, President's Addnse ;
1.66, Introduction of Preeideut eleob ; 2,
"The Bible and Personal Work," Mies
Edna Ocular, Whiteoh0roh ; 2.15, Die.
emulsion ; 2 26, "How to make the Junior
League a 800oee9," Mrs. W. R. Vasco,
Bervie ; 2.40, Dither:aon 1 2 50, "The
Ohild Christian : His conversion, ober-
Interfntf0e and cattail," Mre. Harvey
Ham, Lnaknow ; 3 05, Discussion ; 0 15,
address, "Work of the Missionary Oom."
W. C. Thompson, Wiogham; 2,35, die -
amnion ; 3.45, address, "My personal ex
perienoes among the Indians of the
Rookies,' Rev. J. A. Jaokeou, TB, D. ;
4 30, Qaesbions and answers 1 4 46, Pres•
entation of Missionary Banner map end
remarks by Rev. F. 0. Stephonene, M.
D. ; 6.00 Aononneemenbo and (hoeing.
Evening eeseion-Grand Saored Concert,
solos, quartettes, reoltatio0a. reading, &o.,
by the very beet talent of the District,
also an eloquent, petriotio addreee Linn -
led "Oanada our Homeland" by R. D.
Oameron, of Laoknow. A large number
of Leaguers are expeoted to attend as
this is the annual gathering.
CAPITAL -Pahl 05
RESERVE FUND • 91,000,000
Direetere g J MOCRW,
RFV. R, B. wARAEN, Preesident4 Vloe•Preeident,
T 00, IMADBHAW, 11.2.A, Ins Ronan 0118, W. MO18TIHER 0114110, 10.0, D, H, T0OMSON, It. 0,
Drafta Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Samaras' Avec /res eaT. °aw'T
Interaet at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of $1 and upwards
Atztraa.75'/J& Cavvvo
A. E, MELLISH, Manager.
Business Locals.
A Neuman of second band organs for
sale or to rent. LE4THEnn.LE & SON,
H450Aclre for Bale, also combined hay
and etook reeks with double box. ()all
and see them. Ewan & Co., Brunette
To THE PunLIo.-If you wish to have
lawn mowers put in firet•olase order you
cam have same done at a reasonable 135008
by T. McGregor, Mill street, Brussels.
SLAUGHTER SALE. -We are positively
slaughtering many desirable waist mud
drese lengths suitable for street and
evening wear. Ask any of the ladies who
have been here from the aerrouoding
towns if they are not joet as ebove.
G, E. Knee, Wingiaam.
Mrs. A. Rozelt, of Detroit, was visiting
relatives in Brussels and Grey. She was
a000mponied by her grandson, Earl Wat.
Old Mrs. Hall had a light stroke of
paralysis this week and le much more
helpless then usual. She makes her
home with Mre. Meadows sr.
W. Govenlook, of Seafortb, and Mrs.
Wm. Govenlook and daughter, of Lon.
don, were visitors at the Methodist Par-
sonage during the past week,
Thee. Lentherdale, the well known
Hamilton photographer, wee here this
week visiting at R. Leathordale's, his
brother. Mr. Leetherdale hue been it
resident of the Mountain ally for about
20 yore and thinks Hamilton is the
place. It is certainly agreeing well with
R. E. and Mre, Ooatee and children
who have been residing et Flint, Mich.,
are holidaying iu Bruseele and locality.
Mr. Oootee may take a trip to Idaho next
Fall and take a bind in ebeep ranching
for a term. Ho has retained an Interaet
in large flocks einoe he loft there a few
years ago.
Last week THE Poor received illuetrat-
od, or eoeni0 postal cords from G. A. and
Mrs. Powell, of Toronto, former well
known Brnseelttes, who have been taking
a tour through Switzerland. Mr, Powell
is one of the buyers for the Timothy
listen Company and crossed the Atlan,fo
for his regater purchasing trip. Mrs.
Powsll'e health ie greatly improved we
ere pleased to hear.
C111'10'11 C111131104.
Next Sunday evening F. E. Powell will
preach a sermon to young women in fee
John's oborob, Brussels.
Mrs, John Earle, et Brantford, widow
of the foonder of the MaseeyHarrie Go,,
has paid off the debt of the Y. W. 0. A,
there, which amounted to $5,000.
Rae. T. W. Coons preaobed last Sab-
bath morning from "The beat d,Snition
ot Religion" Jae. 1-27 In the evening
the text was Rath 1-16 acid 17, "Rutb's
Deaconess King, formerly of Blyth,
Sabbath School roand League berre�1ilast
Sunday. Sbe gave an interesting ao.
count of Doorman work at the Leegae
eervioe, Misa1iing has been at Washing.
ton Training Home,
THO1GHTr0L-The members of the
Ladies' Guild of St. George's ohuroh,
Walton, very kindly handed Jas. Jones,
Brunetti, the sum of $25 00 to be for.
warded to Rev. Mr. Webs. The ladies
09 the Guild are to be oongratulaarl on
the stand they have taken to assist the
Next Sabbath the regular gaartarly
communion will be Observed in - the
Methodist ohurmt here. Actor the morn.
ins; sermon the 'moment will he ed.
ministered and following the di500aree of
the evening will be the testimony mole
Ing, The League service will be with-
drawn for that evening.
Perth County.
The smallpox patients in Ellioe, near
Sebrfngvflle, are reported to be almuet
The Stratford fire brigade oontemplate
sending a representation to compete in
the Sremen'e tournament at Milton on
August 4
received by John Cameron, North East -
hope, that bis eon John, living near Min
iota, Man., bad been killed on July 13,
by being amok by lightning. The de-
ceased was driving to his home from
Mineota with a load of lumber and was
etruok on the book of the head by the
bolt and instantly killed. A lady, wbo
was a epe0tator to the tragic death, °eye
the unfortunate men threw up his haods
when struck and fell to the ground dying
immediately. A widow, nee Mies Orerer,
daughter of Peter Orem, and tour
children survive. He is also survived by
bis father, four brothers -Donald, of
Moose Monetaio, Man. ; Peter and Chas.,
of Logan • Hugh, at home -and tour
sisters-Mre. Yeoard, of Manitoba ; Jen-
nie, Kate end Christie, ab home, The
deceased was raised in North Eosthope,
end went to the West about twenty yeas
ago. It ie underatood that be was in
comparatively 008y oiroamataeoee.
PRIZE Broom Roser. -The Stratford
Herald Bays : Good Canadian jaetioe was
meted out to a $50 bulldog Saturday
morning. The brute tackled a horse cud
five minutes later there was one bulldog
less. The affair was one of the moat
remarkable 100105000 of brute savagery
wbioh has ever been seen in Stratford.
George Sohade, wbo drives one of the
riga of the Local Agency of the Lion
Brewery. Berlin, left the yards on Albert
street, The do, which was the property
of Jacob Heather, was tied in a neighbor-
ing stable, but bad somehow gat loose.
The dog bad been in the habit of coos.
Diooaity riding on the brewery wagon,
and tried to jump np. Angered by Mr,
Sobade's refusal to lab it do so, and also,
perhaps, oroe9 at being tied up, it attack•
ed one of the team of horses, at the juno,
tion of Albert, Market, Downie and Wel.
liugton streets. The beast's attack was
remarkably vicious and only the prompt
80110u of the driver and of the men who
were standing near averted 0 aerials mu.
away. The dog seized the horee by the
leg just above the fetloolt and at oue
time palled it nearly down upon its
knees, hanging on and olinohing its jaws
on the nnfortuuate bores. Bystanders
secured the plunging team and Mr,
Soleade ought the dog by the neck, Molt-
ed it loose and thou took it to its ramble.
7. F: T.0.Z1 T07 1 '.0.a.:re C.c %en.
Fall Wheat 87 88
Barley 35 37
Peas 56 60
5g 60
Batter, robe and rolls12 13
Eggs per dozeo 189 16
Hay par ton 6 00 6 00
Floor, per nwt 4 00 5 00
Potatoes per bus60 50
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hogs, Live 5 26 6 26
Wool 17 18
JULY R, 1904
rY.i 4'"w'•w..,.sr!„',y.'!.cylrs�.+;^.a'-:w5
GINE and upright boiler for sale cheap
as a gasoline engine to being substituted.
For further particulars enquire barna Poem
Publishing House,
LL bomoetead-100 sores -in the Town-
ship of Morris, Huron county. For partlo,
ulars apply to
8 91 500 Bathurst et, Toronto.
-Applloatfoue for the poeitio00 of Seeger
000 Matron for 9110 House of Refuge and
Industrial Farm in the County of Huron
will be received on or before the first day of
December next. Appliaatione to bo in
writing and addressed to w. LANE, County
Clerk, Godorlah. H, SPACEMAN,
Chairman of H. of B. Com.
Dated July 18th, 3904
Mts. (Dr.) Anderson, of Mitchell, and
her neloe, Mho Carrie Wiltoe,are renew-
ing old friendships in Batsonand
vicinity, making their headquarters with
Mre, I. 0. Richards. Other vieitore at
"Tailahakeoe" were Miss Nellie Wether.
ald, Mies Violet sun Norman Searle end
Mies Elva Stone, all of Auburn, One.
Mies Mary M,Nanghton ie returning
home this wok eater a month's visit with
the family of Kenneth McKenzie, at Afar.
den, Wellington Go, What is remark.
able about this trip ie the tact that this
hi the first opting front Brussels Mine
1MoNaughton hue taken in over 20 yore
on account of rhenmittiem and its elfeote.
With this etart.ont we don't know what
may be next on the program.
0is:et .
PERRIn,-Iu Oranbrook, on July 22, to
Mr. and Mre. William Perris, a
WILLIAM0ON: In Brussels, on July 23rd,
to Mr. and Mre. Rote rt Williameon,
a inn.
Voters' List, 1904.
Aire teepallty of We Mine or Brussels.
Notlo0 is hereby given that I have trans-
mitted or delivered Lo the persona mention-
ed in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters'
List set, the copies required by snob section
to be so transmitted or delivered, of the list,
made pursuant to said Aot, of all persons
appearing by the last revised Assessment
Boll of the said Municipality to be entitled
to vote iu the said Municipality at elections
for member% of the Legislative Assembly,
and at Mnoioipal Elections, and that the
said list was asst posted up lu my otic°, at
Brussels, on the 27111 day of Julyy, 1904, and
remains there for inspection. Electors are
oalled upon to examine the Bald list, and if
any omissions or any other errors are found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to
have the Bald er'ror's eot'rented aaaordiug to
law, V. 8, 8000T,
Dated at Brussels, July 28112,1904.
RAE -Siam .-At the residence of the
bride's parent', ou Wed. July 271,h,
by Rev. Louie Perrin, B. A., Mr.
Robert Rae, of Flemming, N. W. T.,
to Mie' Obriotena Campbell, eldeet
daughter of Me. and Mrs. 0,iver
Smith, Wroxeter.
Formas. -In MoKillop, on Joly 27, Mrs,
Jett. Forbes, in her 88th year.
Love, -M Looeville, Man., on July 18,
George Love, formerly of Brasilia,
aged 67 years.
Mosta.-At Elm Oreek, Man., ou July 7th,
.Roy Piero, son of Wm, and Jane
Moes, formerly of Brussels, aged 10
yeare, 8 months and 26 dale. �-
A.'ti-C 100 7' set -Man.
Tuesnoo, AIIG. 2, HoaeeUoId effeato,
Lot 9, con. 6, Grey, Sale nnreterved, at
2 o'olook, Miss Ann Dron, Proprietress,
F. 13. pooh, Auo,
You will appreciate a good
Hammock these days and
there are a lot of Hammock
clays yet to comp. We have
a very nice variety of them,
ranging in price from 75c.
to. $2,50.
Drug Store
premtoea of the undersigned, Lot 27
Con, 10, farey, on or about the last week of
June. Tho lot eonei0te of two ewes and 5
Lambe, dark faces. No marks, Any inform-
ation leading to their recovery will be
thankfully received. WM. BRAY,
2.4 Mo uorley P.O.
T0ndore will be received on August 0111,
1904, for drain Ot m',00 long, esiiaated at
51,000.00. All team work 00110801y. Ten-
ders opened at Council meeting at Lend -
bury at 2 o'elook in the afternoon, By-law,
profile ale plane may be seen at my rest.
donee, Win throe,
JN0. 0. MORRISON, Clerk.
Notice to Creditors.
Iu the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the eetate of
Henry Taylor, Tate of the Township
of Stanley, in the County of Buren,
farmer, deceased,
Noma 'is herebygiven, Pursuant to Revis-
ed Statutes of Onario, 1897, Ohap. 100, See.
88, that all oreditore and others having any
olefins against the estate of Henry Taylor,
lata of the Towusi,ip of Stanley, in the
County of Huron, former, deceased, who
died ou or about the 101.11 day of June, A.. D.
1004, at the nail Township of Stanley, are
hereby rcgeired to Fond by poet prepaid, or
to deliver to Proudfoot, Hays & Blair, of the
Town of Godetich, in the County oI Huron,
Solicitors for William Taylor and Joseph
Taylor, the Executorof the last Will and
Test umlaut of 13anry Taylor, deceased, on or
before the 0111 day of August, A, D„1004,
their full names, addressee and deeoriptioas
and full particulars of their chains and the
nature of their securities (if any) hold by
And notice reherehy given that after the
said last mentioned dote, tbe;esid Executers
will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased amongst the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
wbioh notice shall have been given as above
required, a,d the said Exeoutors will not be
responsible for the assets, or any part there-
of, so distributed to any person of whose
claim notion al( net have been reaeived
Ile the time o! en oh di stribution.
of the Town of Godorich, in the County of
Huron, solicitors tor rho Executors.
Dated at G odorlab, July 00111,1504, 2.8
London, Sept. 9th to 17th, 1904
imams CLOSE 8111 8117500218(0
011,1119(' 0101 .1ollOpge,I.ohnb
Improvements all along the line. Exhibits unsurpassed.
ATTRACTIONS THE BEST YET, - Kitamura's Celebrated
Jap Troupe of 10 People, The Flying Banvards, and the best Gym-
nasts, Acrobats and other specialties that looney can procure.
Five Evenings of Fireworks, concluding each evening with a
realistic representation of the
Q%iit r. 'd319RO a T 07& PONT dar4rml .t
A holiday outing none should mies. Special excursions over all linea of travel.
For all inlormatiotl, prize lists, etc , armrest'.
LT. -COL. W. 61. (ARTSHOiCL,
3-4 President.
C ..1. -
` Our Groat Sale OoutlIlu"S t
Ono Great Clearing Sale ie a grand sumoese and will be continued until
every ventage of Summer Goods ie cleaned out. Thie week we offer special
driver iia Drees Goods, Prints, Marline, Dimities, Laao Clurbains and other
geode whinh we have I.o room to mention, Below we gnats a few prioee
veiafoh are from 25 to 30 per Dent. below our regular Folling prises -Prints, all new goods, inoiuding Crum's Oelebraied Prins latest colors,
regular 1290, sale prioe 100. -New English Prints, wide width, sale pvioes 6a, 8'3o, 80 and 90, all worth25 per Dent, more.
-Dees Goods, in plain and fanny eolore, 40 inohee wide, in fu° shades,
worth Boo, Bale price 20o.
-Brown'Oasbmere, all wool, yard wide, teenier 255, salo pioe 15o.
-Serge Drees Geode, in blak and navy, 64 indite wide, vary epeoial, worth66e, sle pride 480.
eline, in different doles, worth $165, for 080.
-Gooy Cremate, 60 inches wide, tunable tor Otis onto or shirts, regular
$1 25, sale peke/ $1,00,
-Lane Curtains, 89 yards long, 60 inohee wide, fenaysot'oll °entree, bean
borders, good value at $1, for 85015,
-Heavy Ootfonader, in fancy 8901503, teenier 800, for 26o.
-Shirting°, fast colors, worth 15c, for 129u.
-Menie Shirts, fancy striper, worth 50o, sale price 890,
-White Apron Lawn, fancy border, worth 16o, for 8o,